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hello and welcome to my water's Ranger class guide I'm host Matthew service guide managed to help you out even a tiny little bit please smash that like button it'll be greatly appreciated so in this guide we are going to be going over the best skills equipment and class to use as the ranger okay so super quick breakdown of the Ranger so they have the best mobility of the game they literally have so much movement points and on top of that they get skills that give them more Mobility as well they also have the highest sustain damage in the game as well they're literally putting out so much damage over every round it's incredible the ranger has one of the highest burst damages in the game if not the highest as well they put out so much burst damage they can drop things in two seconds flat right so moving on to the build for the ranger so I've respected a fresh Ranger to show the path I take down the skill tree I'll also be going over all the other skills and let you know why I didn't like them compared to the ones I chose and what I think of them in general okay so first up in the level two skills we have valoris audacity every time this unit ends their turn next to an enemy and is not engaged in combat you gain one valid point so the thing about valorous audacity is that is this not really safe for the ranger you don't want to be too close to the enemies unless you're killing them or have someone engage with them first so in other words you will die really quickly if you try and do this because most of the time you're going to get engaged by something if you're attacking something in The Fray of combat and there's loads loads of enemies around Something's Gonna attack you and engage with you and you don't want to be engaged as a ranger next up is valoris support every time this unit ends their turn next to an ally and is not engaged in combat you gain one valid point so valoris support is actually quite a decent Valor Point generation skill you can kind of run in there you can hit something hit and run run back again hide behind one of your allies make sure you don't get engaged it's actually really decent it's very strong you've had a point it's quite easily using this last in the level 2 skills we have valorous Victory every time this unit kills an enemy you gain one Valor point right so I love the skill the ranger the ranger puts out so much sustained damage also so much burst damage you're pretty much guaranteed to get your Valor points back every turn using this and on top of that you get multiple valid points during one turn so I've had a time where I've had about three or four Valor points back just from having this that's quite a bit more than valor's support will give you because Valor support only gives you one available turn this can go up to three to four or even as one you know and even at one it's breaking even with better support and anything over that it's just icing on the cake I would say next up we have the level three classes starting with poisoner poisoner gets poison vile one valid point applies three poisons to all units in the area nine meter radius poison loses five percent of their maximum health at the end of their turn stackable so I don't really think that much of the skill at all I feel like poisons are quite easy to play anyway like you can probably get free poison suggest from using the right kind of weapon so using this as your main kind of class skill is a bit redundant because you're kind of doing what a weapon would do anyway so I don't feel like this should be a class to finding skill in the first place on top of that it's actually fairly easy to hit your allies with this as well if they're in the Frayer combat in the melee so if I had no friendly fire on it I think yes this would be a bit better but even with the friendly fire taken off it's still not that great poison art as well as all the other classes come with light armor as I said in the previous guides light armor is the second best armor in the game it comes as a really good stat line it comes with movement speed it comes a crit comes with armor it's just really really strong that extra movement allows the ranger to get behind enemies to get their bonuses that they need next in line is strategist they get smokescreen at one valid point forces enemies engaged in the area to disengage they incur attack of opportunity from their opponent 10 meter radius vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat attack of opportunity an attack that deals 105 of the strength or dexterity of the character right so smokescreen I actually like this ability you can make quite a lot of plays with this as well say for example something's engaged that shouldn't be engaged you can use this disengaging attack opportunity on top of that you can literally put three or four people engaged in like a little group throw this down and get an extra four attacks it's actually very very strong and how it works is actually a very good ability moving on to the class Cutthroat they get frenzy two valid points deals 35 to 45 damage to the Target Ambush performs two additional attacks Ambush triggered when this unit attacks an Engaged enemy from behind right so frenzy is a big big chunk of damage literally like you put this on something it's going to dilute them out of existence as long as something's engaged with the Enemy first and you come from behind a magic behind them and hit this on them that's doing an insane amount of damage that's crazy burst damage image literally you can drop loads of things like they're nothing just with this skill alone really really strong last but never least we have the Assassin the secret subclass in war towers for the ranger they get right between the eyes one valid point and flicks 60 to 80 damage and applies bleeding if the target is already bleeding the damage is doubled six meter range vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat bleeding Target loses 20 of their Max Health at the end of their turn right between the eyes is actually the perfect kind of mix between great damage good utility good range everything it literally has everything rolled into one sometimes you can't reach the Target and you need to kind of throw this at them to finish them off or sometimes you're on another Target but you want to like you know hit a level one in the back or something moving up to level five skills and we've got poisoned weapon every time this unit attacks from behind they apply two poisons poison loses five percent of their maximum health at the end of their turn stackable right so poison weapon is pretty strong in the early game when you have barely any abilities and you can't end battles in about two rounds towards the mid and late game it loses its efficiency quite a bit because most time we want to kind of down them really quickly and not be applying poisons because they're most likely going to die anyway so the poisons won't even tick because poisons only work on the enemy's turn are not yours if it works in your alternate be a lot stronger but it doesn't unfortunately next we have ordeal every time a unit attacks a bleeding or burning poisoned unit the attack also applies one fever fever damage taken increased by 10 percent stackable so every time I've used a skill passive the most I've got out of it is about two fever Stacks which is about extra 20 damage taken on the target anything after that they're normally dead by then anyway so it's an extra 20 damage but it needs either bleeding burning or poison unit first so in other words you have to take it first something else and then kind of put this on afterwards most of the time the targets won't last long enough for you to keep stacking it up unless it's a boss or something like that if it's a bottom Elite yes it will stack up probably to about five or six depending how weak your party is but most of the time this won't get above one or two stacks so yeah it's not that great over to deadly contract at the start of each round applies fragility to the closest enemy for one round fragility damage taken increased by 30 so this skill I'm not really a big fan of at all it only activates on the second round of combat on top of that it has massive Randomness Factor put into it as well you can position yourself next to an enemy that you want to burst down on the next round but if another enemy comes up to you and gets really close as well that kind of makes this ability a bit too random in my eyes because it might go on the target you really want to hit or it might go on a Target that literally just came up to you you can't stop it it's just too random if I could Target things with it it'll make it a lot stronger but on top of that there's better skills on this anyway a last skill on the level 5 list is knife Pro after using a skill deals 25 damage to the closest Enemy Within 4 meters right so no throw is an absolute Beast of a skill passive it does quite good damage on top of that Rangers get a lot of skills to use during combat they get a throw knife in their offhand so you can activate knife throw using that you activate it off a first aid you can activate it off your melee attack you can activate it off your main kind of class ability it literally does so much out of damage over time it can also crit as well this skill is absolutely insane right so our last tier level eight retreat disengages at the end of their turn so I think this skill is absolutely rubbish I do not see the use in it at all as a ranger you're not going to go up to a Target on enemy and engage them yourselves to make this even worth it on top of that if something engages you you normally will have another two party members that can most likely taunt them off you so it can get you away or you can just take the hit I don't feel like it's worth giving up a level 8 skill slot for their this is absolutely rubbish next up is explosive gas free valid points targets a specific area doubles the poisons of all units in the area at the start of the next turn nine meter radius poison loses five percent of their maximum health at the end of the turn stackable targeting this unit is readying a skill they cannot start any other action or become engaged in combat okay I'm going to start off by saying this costs three Valor points this skill is not worth free value points at all it's barely even worth one dollar point free vital points for this is absolutely ridiculous it should not cost that much at all number one you need to set up your poisons first so you need to have a high amount of poisons on the target to begin with you need about three to five poisons on the target to make this kind of worth it so it goes up to like six or ten when it gets doubled anything low on that is kind of redundant because most time you can just use another skill that doesn't even cost valid points in the first place on top of that it takes a whole turn to go off you need to put it down Targets on them make sure the enemy doesn't move at all it also has friendly fire on it and wait till the next turn for it to go off and then also on top of that because it's a poison you have to wait till the enemy to move for it to affect them so yeah this skill is absolutely rubbish as well okay so low blow one valid point applies blackouts to all enemies in the area two meter radius blackout has a 50 chance to miss their next attack I've never seen a skill work ever either I'm super unlucky or the skill is bugged literally I put it on a massive group of enemies before and put myself right in the middle of it to test it and not a single one of them missed so unless it's like a five percent chance for them to miss an attack instead of 50 they like you know typed it in wrong or something or I'm just really unlucky I have no idea but I've never seen a Miss on the enemy ever using a skill so I think this is bugged at the current moments that means it's absolutely redundant our last skill for level 8 is code blooded damage of attacks from behind increased by 20 out of all the level 8 skills I find this one to be the lesser of the evils so to speak in other words it actually does something everything else doesn't do anything it's either bugged or just too costly or just completely useless this actually does something gives you increased damage the ranger will most the time be attacking from behind on nearly every Target to get your bonuses so the extra 20 damage is very very good on the Range as well because you have a lot of attacks and it also works on throwing knives and all those other things as well really really strong very powerful and gives you lot more damage okay so on to upgrades we have smokescreen one valid point forces enemies engaged in the area to disengage they incur an attack or opportunity from their opponent enemies that are not engaged in combat are knocked back by two meters so that's the upgrade right there the two meter thing so in other words if they're not engaged they get knocked back by two meters two meters is not a lot at all I can see a few situational plays made with this where you need to knock the enemy closer to you to be able to kill them off or on top of that you need to knock them away so there's just that range of hitting you but I just don't feel like this is a webview upgraded at all I feel like smoke screen by itself was a really really good skill but this upgrade is just really rubbish our next skill is explosive gas free Valor points targets a specific area doubles the poison of all units in the area at the start of the next turn then leaves a pool of poison so that's the upgrade there the three back pull the poison is it's only going to be adding about another one stack of poison or two stacks at most and on top of that it's going to be able to hit your allies was when you try and pass for it it's going to apply stacks of poison to you this is a really really bad skill and they've literally given it a even worse upgrade this is just terrible poisoned weapon every time this unit attacks from behind they apply two poisons the poison applied spreads to enemies next to the Target this is an insane upgrade this is actually really really good as soon as you get behind the enemy you start smack them with the poisons it starts applying to always friends there's no Friendly Fire solid upgrade I like it strong poison VAR upgrade one valid point applies three poisons to all units in the area applies vulnerability to those who are already poisoned so the thing about this one is they need to be really poisoned first to work otherwise it would be pretty strong it would actually be really really strong the problem is is that you're gonna apply a poison first poisons are quite easy to come by late game and mid game but early game this is gonna be really hard to do and actually wait until the next round then you put it on again I feel like this should have been baked into the original kind of upgrade it should just be like applies vulnerability to whoever you hit that I make this really really strong it actually worth kind of taking at this moment in time though you need to do a lot of setup just to make this work I think that's a bit crap low blow one Battle Points applies blackout to all enemies in the area four meter radius so it's going up by double from two meters to four meters the only problem is this skill doesn't work or I'm really unlucky so there's no point taking this deadly contract at the start of each round applies frag agility to the two closest enemies for one round so it's a slight upgrade from the original there's now two enemies instead of one the only problem is it's still a bit random it's still a bit random number generator as the ranger you're most likely going to be focusing on just one enemy at a time to try and burst them down as quickly as possible to actually take less damage with this you can apply to another uh enemy but your ally gonna have to finish that off and you don't know which enemy it's going to be still because sometimes you may be focusing on one enemy really far away and then the next closest enemy may be very far away it might not be the right one you want so it kind of forces you to make bad plays in a way because you might be trying to go for an enemy you didn't originally want to go for just because this has applied a debuff to it right between the eyes one ballot Point inflicts 60 to 80 damage and applies bleeding if the target is already bleeding the damage is doubled the critical damage of the attack are increased by 30 6 meter radius still so the upgrade there is the critical damage of the attack is increased by 30 percent so that's quite a big chunk of change there that's a lot of damage increase the Assassin or should I say any kind of Ranger class can get their really high as you see my now is 43 that's without wearing armor as well I put the armor on I can bring it up to about 51 that's insane so pretty much every attack or every other attack I'm quitting a big damage boost on that skill and that skill hits really hard in the first place ordeal every time a unit attacks a bleeding or burning poison unit the attack also applies to Fever now so it's got up by one more so it's doubled so in other words every time you do it you get 20 damage taken on the Target that you apply it to the only problem is with this skill once again it's competing against daggerfro dagger throws really really powerful when it's on the same tier you would not be taking this over daggerfro like dagger throws is insane so yes with this upgrade the skill becomes a lot better now because I can probably get that up to like 20 to 40 percent most rounds so it's really really strong a lot of the enemies will die in the first two rounds so it doesn't have much lasting power to it but yeah daggerfro is better in it anyway so you wouldn't be taking this retreat disengages at the end of the turn if already engaged in combat this unit gains repost repost the next time this unit is attacked by the engaged opponent they Parry with an attack or opportunity canceled if the unit moves so this skill was already rubbish and the upgrades has got even more rubbish so in other words you attack something you disengage then the upgrade means that if they attack you again or something else engages you you get to hit them back automatically I just feel like that's just not very strong at all but it's very like what's the point you need to protect your Rangers make sure they're not getting engaged on the first place if your range is getting engaged on you've most likely made a mistake during combat over to the frenzy upgrade two Valor points deals 30 to 39 damage to the Target Ambush performs two additional attacks fatal blow this skill can be reused in this round Ambush triggered when this unit attacks an Engaged enemy from behind photoblow triggered if this ability kills the target so this upgrade makes frenzy absolutely insane it makes it one of the best skills in the game up there with spear wall and a couple of others but yeah this makes it really crazy if you get stuff alone kind of line things up for your Ranger or for your Cutthroat ready to kind of like kill them all in a row you can literally just keep going constantly so say for example I get like four targets low in HP or around half I think around half before you do it I can literally just keep going with this ability over and over again so it gives me extra attacks it is very heavy on the valid point drain to keep doing this because it's two Valor products every time you use it but sometimes situations may call for you to have to literally kill multiple targets before they kill you so very strong skill especially when it's upgraded next up is no throw after using a skill deals 22 damage to the closest Enemy Within 4 meters and resets the movement the movement that is the upgrade part that's insane so on top of knife throw really doing really decent sustained damage throughout the whole combat it now resets your movements so that means you can just zip around the battlefield so say for example an arches on one side you run up to it kill it and you get an iPhone out of it you've now reset your movement you can move to someone else that's across the other side you kill them you can move to someone else that's on another side this is really insane I feel like no throw is just absolutely overpowered one of the best skills in the game as well literally very very strong I always recommend taking this over everything else insane so cold-blooded damage of attacks from behind increased by 35 so it's gone up by 15 it's almost double so you're almost doing double damage as you did before with this upgrade I feel like it's fairly solid fairly strong there's not really much to say about it you are doing more damage from behind who doesn't like that pretty cool okay so moving on to the best skills to take at the start of the game or learning them later on with books so we have first aid Hills and Ally for 10 of their Max health and removes all applications or poison bleeding and burning first aid is absolutely incredible on the ranger they can literally fly across the battlefield like an angel because they have so much Mobility they get everywhere they need to be on top of that they're ready ever engaged in combat if at all so always ready to give you first aid if you need it and on to wrath one valid point deals 80 damage to the Target if they have less than 50 to health left photo blow this unit gains Fury Fury damage of the next attack increased by 50 so Ralph is on literally every single one of my Molly builds it's crazy it literally is another damage attack why wouldn't you take it you're literally doing extra damage every time you use this and you're able to kill something before it kills you or kill it before it can hit you wrath is incredible probably one of the best skills in the game just a little added bonus Rangers make the best lieutenants in the game at all the classes full stop they get tactical order one valid point they're targeted nearby Ally executes an attack of opportunity against the engaged enemy what this means is this can reset your dagger throw allow you to travel across the battlefield even faster than before so in other words you're making your ally attack them plus you're getting a knife throw off as well so you're doing extra damage to the Target because you'll be close enough to be able to hit them and it's resetting your movement so it's giving you even more movement and battle control around the battlefield incredible on Rangers Lieutenant is a must-have okay so this is little battle showcasing the Cutthroat and the Assassin together and showing how powerful they can be the most optimal builds so we're getting to loads of humans we've got a leader over here which can't get to just yet because he's out of range completely and we've got some more humans here which will try to clean up in a bit so how should we start the fight I think we should start by Smashing some things with a Smasher let's go straight into here I'm a crush into a poisoned impact so loads of bleeds poisons and burning going out now yep and we're gonna run you back a bit over to this way and 10. okay because there's a modern way we can't actually reach each other at all here which kind of sucks uh when's your turn it's got loads of people down here that can't get touched yet which is nice you're coming up next I'm gonna grab the maybe the pipe man it'll grab the pike man we'll throw a powerful throw of spear over here so this guy can't reach anything at all we'll do this just in case as well you never know okay I think this one's got a charge but I don't think you can reach we'll double check oh it's got Blaze storm there's another one that has a charge okay so the Harpoon guy harpoona Hapuna Matata move this here let's get this off okay lots of damage going out there lots and lots of damage group them up again for the Valor point right and now you're moving next and you so I'm just going to run this in here and try oh I can't get both I just to set it one so I'll hit you and then I hit this okay now we're cooking gas now we're cooking with gas right so now The Archers turn remove that to there take shots of this so pretty much what we're doing now we're literally just setting them all up below HP because these guys can be easily killed by the Cockroach the Assassin so we're gonna get loads of other points back for this so I'm going to bring this back around to here I missed that on valid point but I want to get that shot off anyway to see if I could create or not okay so we're now the Cutthroat a smooth Cutthroat in the position is good so we get a throw knife off and reset our movement there we go throw a knife nice so now we go for the arrow okay I might have to use a yeah we have to use a Raffi let's finish it off it's a rough get other throw knife off and now because we killed two we just run all the way back behind the safety of the spare wall with the pipe win and then turn right he couldn't reach which is good can I reach though no I can't steal that's going to go off soon the arrow so I think I need to kill up the Assassin so we move here I'm gonna go for a devious whirlwind there we go okay finish off got a valid point there I'm gonna throw a bleed here as well loads of damage going out okay let's run you back as well where it's safe and turn okay rather getting closer Berserker can you do anything yet not really I mean I can't smack that I mean I might as well I can't do anything else at this moment in time oh it's a lot of damage look at that chunked him big time wow he's pretty much there and this is a fully armored foe will this be able to finish him I don't think it will not gonna say that it's not enough not enough okay your turn next and in your turn okay so what we'll do is we'll grab a Harpoon oh no he's stuck in there damn it okay I've got a better idea let's grab the Assassin let's send the Assassin over here pretty sure we can finish this off now we've got enough I can see how much damage to do it's insane crazy damage okay and then we can run over here so what I'm doing is I'm going to run over and use the lieutenant ability tactical order to use a Berserker to kill this but yeah it's just crazy how much you do with the Assassins absolutely crazy and the cop Pro obviously just do so much damage okay so they're gonna come over for here to me so what I'll do is I shall cancel that Knock You Back Again and I'll reinstate the spear wall just there because this guy's gonna charge right into it this one here bam so we're literally just keeping them in place I don't know if you can reach anything so I'm gonna grab the Smasher we'll come over here start smashing things up again oh slightly in range of that okay there we go bleeds out fire out once again and poison let's run away it's not in the way of anything else okay and then we are now the Harpoon guy we're gonna Harpoon guy over here I might try and get the bonus there we go a couple stabs um I'll move this back as well so I can use the leader ability to get some Battle Points uh position it out the way actually out the way it's better because they're about to die about to die let's go have a shot into this I got double there which is good if you're too far away to do anything so I'm gonna line this up here and do a barrage facing this way ready for me to come in yep bam vulnerability on that as well so I've got Guaranty crit and then oh he walked around it he walked around it damn he knows he knows too much okay so what we'll do is we shall anyone that can hold the charge here no walk here we have a frenzy onto this okay because we killed it we now got a reset so we can do it again so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to walk in to the back here give a stab oh I killed it by accident that's okay still okay if we walk here and throw this and try and get another kill there we go and then another frenzy I don't think the friends will be enough raffle though hmm y'all rough okay so we killed another one and we can walk here and then frenzy this would want to might as well extra damage see as you can see we literally just cleared out pretty much everything we're gonna get one like mob left like you'll see how explosive the Cutthroat can be and how strong the Assassin can be as well it's just really crazy how strong they are really powerful Rangers all right so equipment time I'm using ring leaders dagger dexterity 64 critical hit plus 10 using the sharpening oil I feel like it's the best oil to use on the ranger because it brings you a really impressive critical hit chance up to even more impressive value so at the moment my Critical Hits 48 that means I'm literally doing Critical Hits on nearly every other attack really powerful very strong moving on to the weapon skill the weapon skill is Devious Whirlwind deals 70 damage to all the units in the area if this attack hits several units creates a cloud of poison under each of them two meter radius cloud of poison applies two poisons to any unit that walks through the cloud or ends their turn within it poison loses five percent of their maximum health at the end of their turn stackable those weapon skills really really strong it applies reasons to everyone really easily on top of that it is a AOE attack area of effective damage that means I can hit multiple targets at least two to three and that's not all its little tricks it has one more trick if you don't want to engage an enemy you can walk up to their melee range or just outside of their melee range using your weapon radius to try and hit them and that way you don't engage them at all you kind of stay outside of it really powerful weapon very strong the second dagger I use is Herrick poignard dexterity plus Effect 3 critical hit plus 10 what's going to have sharpening all in there for the reasons before critical hit is very very good on Rangers allows you to do crits pretty much every other turn and the attack ability it has a Slaughter deals 15 to 6 3 damage to the targets and gains free rage rage damage increase by 5 cents stackable so what this means is every time this weapon hits something you're getting free rage on your Ranger so it's giving you 15 more damage and it's also stackable so every time you hit 15 15 15 15 by the end of combat I'm getting around 50 60 extra damage on my uh Ranger so that's really really strong powerful powerful weapon so my belt accessory is Wet Stone critical hit increased by 10 during an attack from behind so most of the time on the Rangers you're going to be attacking from behind so this 10 is bringing my critical hit up to 57 which means I'm almost if I round it up I'm almost at 60 critical hit chance it means I'm pretty much guaranteed to critical hit most attacks almost really good about accessory to have on the ranger okay and my chest pieces Outlaws available tunic movement plus two Critical Hits eight percent armor 96 dexterity plus two so these are the stats with the layer of the Falcon inserted inside I think normally it's around six percent crit and dexterity is not normally there that's from the layer so two movements and critical hit and armor nice balance of stats the main things I'm looking for in the ranger it's a critical hit in the movements having that movement allows me to make more plays having that critical hit allows me to down stop drop things even quicker than normal because every time you hit I'm doing extra damage that means I'm killing stuff fast that means I'm taking less damage all really nice stuff to have over to here we've got the reinforced layer of the Falcon so this is the best layer you can get on the range at this moment time I'm not sure they'll change it in the next patches or you know when the game was released but at this moment of time this is the best layer you can get dexterity plus two which is your main stat critical hit plus two percent which increases you're already impressive critical hit chance okay so moving on to the best professions to take as the Assassin so I feel like the thief is the best profession for the Assassin or the ranger in general gives you plus two decks which affects your main stat gives you plus three percent critical hit which allows you to critically hit more which is very nice on the ranger cooking's really useless because you don't really want to be hit because it has Constitution it just you don't really need that extra HP at all you want to stay out the combat as much as possible and kind of hit and run as much as possible tinkerer is actually really strong I feel like tinkerer and the thief is probably the the color neck and neck a bit about the thief like kind of wins this battle tiny bit because they get a bit more damage from the dexterity and less critical hit the tinkerer gets around five percent Critical Hits once it's fully maxed out because there's only so much critical hit you can get and after that you kind of get a bit of Dimension Returns on it around 60 crit chance from behind is really good and I think I don't even think more than that it's just kind of like not really needed unless you get up to 70 I think like yeah around 60 is good threshold so having that extra dexterity gives you a bit more damage on the attacks which means you're hitting Harlem into quitting harder really really strong once again Anglers is absolutely useless it gives you willpower willpower is a really weird stat in this game and yeah I just don't recommend taking it unless you want to do the Quest for it but otherwise yes avoid angler as much as possible Scholars needed for quite a few things once it gets will power though you don't really want to take that and your Range Rover assassin just because it's not really helping you in any way shape or form the real alchemist that gives you around decks plus three once fully maxed out it's not as strong as the the FIFA profession or as tinkerer but I think it would be the third best I would say out all the other kind of professions that you can pick from and also Alchemy is really useful and we've got blacksmithing it's not your main stat strength so you don't need that at all and this gives you Constitution plus strength once it's fully Max and yeah once again you don't need that at all because Constitution and you shouldn't be taking damage as the Assassin or as the ranger okay so this is my final build for the Assassin so we've got various Victory up first really really powerful if you set up for this you can get about three to four Valor points back a turn because you do so much burst damage and so much sustain damage you can drop things really quickly I feel like it's the best Valor Point generation ability that you can use as the ranger then we've got assassin right between the eyes so this is a range attack it does a lot of damage as well it applies bleeding means that you can drop bosses really quickly or anything really tanky so you literally attack something else throw this on something tanky so it just slowly kills them over the course of the battle on top of that you're not restricted by moving too much you just move in range and kind of throw disc it you'll put it back if something's low you'd have to walk all the way over there and kill it so yeah this is really powerful I feel like it gives you so much utility and so much Battlefield control using this really strong onto knife throw so knife throw is insane does so much damage over time it's like sustained damage always ticking your experience on every single skill you use and on top of that it gives you movement back so in other words you can zip around the battlefield using this you can make plays you can actually run up something hit something so you can get something else you know even though you don't want to hit that Target you can use this to bounce off them it's like a pinball machine it's amazing I love knife throw probably one of the best ability in the game insane last but not least we have cold blooded so this this adds to your really impressive damage you got great sustain you've got great burst damage and with this upgraded it's around 35 more damage on each attack from behind which means you're hitting even harder you don't even more sustained damage means you're dropping things quicker you get more valid points you're literally just insane Rangers are insane this game I feel like they are the best class apart from obviously the pipe man I think it's between the two of them those two are just incredible like those two classes and Ranger is incredible in general and just to show you my second Ranger I'm using valorous Victory once again I'm using knife throws once again and cold-blooded so you got exactly the same build apart from one change in it so instead of having right between the eyes I have Cut Throat and I have the upgraded version Cutthroat so it means every time I finish something off with this it resets that means I can use it again and again and again really powerful so I got this as kind of like a oh crap button I feel like I had to choose between them and only one of them I would always pick the Assassin because the assassinist brings me more utility more bang for buck and also they may attack only cost one battle Point instead of two so it means there's less of a resource drain on my character as well because with frenzy by the end of the battle I'm probably around three or four valid points and I have to sleep quite a lot to get it back but yeah the competition is really close between the two of them but cutthroat is very powerful as well right so that about wraps up my best build guide for the ranger if you have any suggestions on how to make this class even more powerful I look forward to hearing it I'm also covering the last two classes so stay tuned for that like subscribe but I'll catch you next one take care foreign
Channel: Methfu
Views: 42,452
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Keywords: Gameplay, Walkthrough, Guide, methfu, letsplay, Hardest Difficulty, TIPS AND TRICKS, Highlights, lets play, wartales guide, wartales first look, wartales best class, wartales tips, wartales best build, wartales hardest difficulty, wartales early access, how to play wartales, WARTALES BEST BUILD LEVEL 1 TO 8 FOR RANGER, BEST WEAPON RANGER, WARTALES BEST EQUIPMENT FOR RANGER, WARTALES BEST SKILLS RANGER, ASSASSIN BEST BUILD, WARTALES HOW TO PLAY RANGER, WARTALES RANGER OP
Id: CuOe2oUQXdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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