Wartales Just Keeps Getting Better

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welcome back to the channel and welcome back to war Tales so I haven't gave youall an update on what I've been doing for the last I don't know when it was the last time I updated I mean uploaded a war Tales video but uh it's been a it's been a it's been a journey so right now my team is 15 deep I have three bears on my team well I guess it's not 15 deep I got two criminals I kidnapped them from a random battle I just kidnapped them locked them up so I have them in my party I got a [ __ ] a boore with me so I've been collecting animals like I'm like I'm a Pokemon trainer I still got the squad with me the the eight Fierce [ __ ] competitors that I got on my squad and uh there's a random battle going on with some Bandits trying to rob a caravan that legit just happened because it wasn't happening when I when I just started recording why did okay I'm about to kill these Bandits real quick cuz why yall just just attacking Caravans right in front of me thank you I got you folks they level seven Bandits Bandits are getting kind of strong on this side ain't they go ahead initiate combat let's see what we got to deal with over here cuz I mean my team is my team is pretty strong let's see what we got to offer we got hard killer oh those not my people those are the those are the other team I mean those are uh the NPCs that were helping so they have three they have two squads one middle one back and I got Bears I want to put can I move you can I move you please oh I can't move you you come over here you go do that I need my girl oh I need you right here cuz that's going to be brilliant I need wolf I'm going need you just take a step back bro wolf take a step back put perk up perk is a Min bro uh who is this okay you stay over here uh I need you on this side Hayden where is he Hayden I need you on this side I think that's I think that's the setup I want to go with I have a bear I got the NPC C two Shields big sword oh she's not a she's not a dualist no more keep me on this side bow and arrow I can move you on the side of the horse you don't have to be that far back oh get my bore in here bro he can tank some put the boar in there I don't want wolf to die cuz bark that's my [ __ ] bro I named the dog finally cuz it was Alpha for the longest time I finally named him I need to pick a lieutenant I don't know I know why I've been Lolly gagging I'm picking a lieutenant but I really need to do that we have one attack before they attack so I'm sending her in first because she has some of the greatest abilities we've discovered in this game bro so I'm going just pop this that's going to make everybody take bleed damage and then she's going to hit them lovely she do a lot of damage they all got bleed and then can I get all three of them in this I can then she got this big [ __ ] sweep that if you hit more than one person with it you swing two more times it is some of the craziest damage you could possibly do to people that shit's rancid bro and she just casually do four attacks on one turn delete one person almost delete a second one and then the third one is just bleeding out and then she still gets to move again because she has plenty of movement and she get to start combat with somebody which you can just taunt them into combat with you everybody that attacks them after gets the attack of opportunity she's a [ __ ] Menace and he's weakened she gets a perk point and we're we're in there the battle's already started the next combat person is here he's a wrongdoer he has a lot of armor and a lot of Health that's actually a big boy but uh we about to do you dirty real quick damn who do I want to do you dirty with I need somebody that can tank some damage you definitely can't tank so I'm going probably have to send her in the tank or I'll light them on fire and let you have it because there's five of them over here all of them are armored up so it's going to be rough this side is going to be rough I might send the bar in there I don't know how much damage he's doing that's 28 damage what do he have he deflect arrows unit ex to their allies he get critical damage he gets he poisons people that hits him oh okay so he's kind of a demon I'mma have to deal with Buddy um probably should have put perk over here then if I knew he was I if I knew he was that strong I would have put perk on his ass cuz this another one no it's a Marauder I don't think they have another one I think he's the only one we have the all in this man high key cuz I mean he's attacking up next and she has repos actually no wait send buddy on him because I mean if you're going to do poison then my [ __ ] is doing fire so you're on fire now just do him dirty bro just do him dirty weaken him that's fine he's going to hit you back you're going to hit him back it's fine we're going we're going to we're going to do this bro we're going to do this right cuz it's going to be clean oh yeah I forgot the fire spreads bro it's so bad fire spreading is so bad who's up next to attack that [ __ ] uh Rogue over there how much armor you got 41 can the bear do enough damage to you can he even reach you he can all right bear go fight this man I don't know if you getting any backup but uh okay you hit pretty hard 39 damage is actually quite a bit one strike and poison who's up next oh the other Shield guy other Shield gu is up next I mean I'm about to send Hayden at him I mean Hayden I he lost his shield badge because I switched his shield out but he still he still got that dog in them so it's fine and they Auto poison people that's crazy you hit them they Auto poison you who's up next I want to get somebody else wrecked cuz he's about to die oh just send a bear at him I got the Bears just because they're tanky as hell they do quite a bit of damage and if you just initiate combat with them people just get attack of opportunity I can just kidnap another bear like is they're not going to be essential to the Playbook what is that an Archer I should send her at the Archer House key yeah send her at the Archer because she's about to delete the [ __ ] out the Archer that's for sure she's about to delete the [ __ ] out this Archer oh yeah she's definitely [ __ ] dead it's too easy kill cam that's brutal she's a murderer Archer's down we don't need to deal with that no more she could take a step forward ready for next combat sequence um who's up next to battle the other Rogue over there I mean perk go go do your thing against him cuz perk is a demon oh my God 76 damage perk is crazy and 40 she cricked two times and go go stand next to buddy just let him know like uh this [ __ ] real there another bear oh he's damaged over there can the dog reach him bar go get that n oh bar can't reach damn I hate when barart can't reach we got one more uh what you call it hold on if I just take a step over here can I reach him with the Archer almost a 58% chance to hit he might miss and hit the dude in front of him all right take the shot he got it hey good job y'all know my boy's crossey did I tell y'all that that my boy the whole time my Archer is [ __ ] crosseyed so he he has a rough time seeing so he can't he can't just be fighting out here hold on I do want to boost their movement oh wonder about to attack perk okay I want to boost their movement for one turn as the horse and then I want to pull up and kick the [ __ ] out this [ __ ] that's a that's a good bit of damage oh you took poison okay even attacks of opportunity are like that man's ran opposite wa he's really going to attack me oh he got all three of us damn that [ __ ] just [ __ ] me up holy [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up yeah about to get my get back on buddy how much health do I have I have four health I die next turn damn that's crazy I was not expecting that to happen that [ __ ] did a lot of damage holy [ __ ] oh he's their leader oh [ __ ] um I'm in a bad way where am I that guy haven't moved yet the Bears are all going they're in a they're in a tussle all right we got a jump buddy but I'm about to die H I wasn't expecting that cuz you can't heal in battle is there heels on the on the floor there's a bear trap n that's bad I'll be [ __ ] dead there's a throwing spear I don't think there's any Megs I don't know oh there is can I make it I mean I just boosted his movement so he can't make it all the way over I'm have to go all the way over the [ __ ] hill bro that's crazy he [ __ ] me up two attacks damn that's kind of wild but it's all right I got a little bit of Health on me and I'm not poison no more but damn now I can't fight I really wanted to get active but I can't okay take that pop this get my units in the battle I can't do that right now that's fine all right he's auto moving okay that's not bad that was kind of a a crazy uh thing to happen but I'm about to put this bear on him so he can't do that ever again the bear can't make it to him oh what the I mean I guess the bear can make it to him right here 32 that's not bad and you're still bleeding out and they're all going to take their walk you can use them as decoys and it's actually real easy real simple oh the big axe [ __ ] is about to do his own thing I need to stall him only 37 on his uh War though that nig's about to die so who do I have to stall cuz these two are still fighting she's out so I mean if he attacks her that's fine but if he walks over here and like beats my [ __ ] horse I'm going be annoyed she can't move around here I mean she could take at least one hit it's fine she just got to she got to work it that's good damage that's really good damage I'm going just end that he's going to attack you back damn [ __ ] [ __ ] 68 is crazy I thought we were doing good damage they're doing crazy damage damn Bor only did 11 he's about to die and he's bleeding out oh he's about to oh he attacked the NPC okay that's fine I don't care about the NPC dog really can't do much he's over here just chilling so he's about to stand 10 probably stand 10 next to these uh Merchants cuz now we got to get over there to the other side I wasn't expecting they ass to be so [ __ ] strong the next round begins okay we need to start cleaning some of this up and how do we do that we get two attacks I mean I couldn't impel mans again how much damage is that doing 24 damn he should have crit but I mean I can get the boar out of here he's going to take damage though from uh what you call it could use wraith but no just poke him he's dead get him out of here stand next to who this one oh you can't WRA them okay just stay there get one point oh he might die he here oh yeah too easy okay he's gone get him out of here you know I just got to play this smooth now that you're available why don't you go uh engage this man so he don't kill the [ __ ] NPC light him on fire too might as well oh I selected the wrong one holy [ __ ] okay that happened he still got let on fire that's fine okay Hayden you taking good damage we got two more attacks before who fights the last person over here oh there's a couple people over here um hm I might have perk deal with them uh that Rogue over there the they leader is actually op as hell I might have to get perk in there somehow or I could let the animals jump him all right per come to the side and kill this man it's not going to take her too much yeah and then you can keep moving forward the bear oh you don't got a lot of movement so you can just go jump this man only 17 that's not bad but oh no she can't swing bro she going to kill the bear she going to kill the bear if I have her swing all right had a dog pull up he really can't do much he got a lot of moving but he can't move forward I'm not understanding why hold on let's go back to this side cuz them over there actually move him out of the way make him take a step back damn criff for 68 that's kind of that's kind of mad bro why you do him like that who's attacking him okay he can do that have the bear do that the Bears do have relent damn holy [ __ ] okay you got to get your G back bear oh my God bear and dog is going to get it oh my goodness that's horrible okay you can't get your get back on him not with everybody around bro all right who's here he's about to attack and he's on fire uh put the pig on him the pig might die this battle we just kidnapped the pig too cuz he's going to get L on fire that's horrible I could have put the now I had a horse kick him horse already poisoned get them out of here their leader down then move back this way who's attacking oh yep the pig's [ __ ] dead [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew the pig was dead now everybody's burning that shit's horrible uh what does she got I'm I mean she could probably kill him oh she's going to lit on fire that's an easy kill though you got to move out of here before they light your ass on fire though cuz that [ __ ] kind of outrageous they all on fire Hayden yeah going and Strike Back 41 damage is not bad oh the bear still gets the fight who does he fight I want him to fight big axe [ __ ] cuz he taking broad swings you you going to have to fight the bear oh damnn bear one tapped him that's really good okay Mr bear he got it now move back on this side we about to jump this man in the middle ah you can't fight right now I wish you could but uh you gonna kill the [ __ ] bear trying to do that unless I move you to this side I think it's safe if I move her to this side hell no she can still hit the bear behind him holy [ __ ] how much range do she got okay step take a step back there we go that's fine and you got poisoned you literally killed yourself okay I think dog can finish right yeah 84 damage he no y' don't get to leave you killed my [ __ ] pig you made mans kill himself no you don't get to leave buddy and man's almost killed me and they all have a Dodge I don't want to put this [ __ ] over here everybody on fire n you don't need to move you took enough damage in turn let's get to the next round and y'all just walking into poison all right the next round is up you're not moving everybody over here is on fire are poisoned so Hayden do your thing go and slice him cuz he's the only one that could be fighting right now okay who do I want you're not dead yet so you can go over here you're on fire too so just hit that [ __ ] that's not bad damage step away damn he's about to die okay we need to finish this battle we probably should have just left so uh we didn't die damn he lived those are all Ts of a opportunity all right finish him damn those random Bandits are [ __ ] strong now bro that's crazy all right take this we not taking corpses oh I guess we can bury it oh my gosh bro our first funeral damn that's crazy everybody got injured that was a brutal ass battle and we lost our [ __ ] pig we got $80 for that okay we got to go bury our [ __ ] Pig somewhere wait how do you bury the pig there's some wolves over here y'all better not I'mma go on this side we got to find a place to bury our [ __ ] Pig hi key I thought we could eat that ho probably could have oh yeah I learned how to use them [ __ ] uh what are they called I have them in my inventory where are they oh there they are these little Pistons I finally learned how to use them and you can climb up and down them so like since this is a cliff I put the piston on it you can climb up and down it so you don't have to walk around too much where do I bury the pig I don't owned any land so can I just Place buddy anywhere place a tomb damn D I'm my [ __ ] right here somebody else's yard turn it piggy bro rip piggy my [ __ ] straight died look we all posted up at the funeral that's crazy I only had him for four ingame days [ __ ] that's so sad oh no four months oh that's because that's the day he died okay it's not how long I had him but yeah RP piggy I lost my first [ __ ] uh teammate he was so young too he was like level four he was so underleveled for a level seven battle that's just kind of crazy but yeah that's what I've been up to so now I'm down to 13 well I guess we still got all the all the heavy hit all the Bears are level four too we really need to level up our our assistance we got these mother oh yeah I can show yall so we got these criminals they over here locked up on these shackles and I just sell them to the police sometimes or just like keep them so I don't know what I'm going to do with these ones just yet but I mean we got the Bears with us we got some horses I need to get another horse cuz my carrying capacity is getting kind of scuffed I need more of it but everybody else is just chilling I need to make a lieutenant one of these days I definitely will I don't know who to pick though it might be perk CU she's just a she's just a demon she's been doing so well but uh there's there's so many other candidates that I have and I still want to grow the team I need some more human companions so I need to go search around find some more humans do all that so I'm going end this right here so thank you all for watching like subscribe if you're new this has been War Tales bro and the journey continues we just lost our first teammate I mean it was just a pig we just kidnapped the other day so I mean it wasn't too bad it's not like it was a human one but uh I'll see yall in the next video
Channel: CoffeeThe_
Views: 3,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee, Gaming, entertainment, Trending, Xbox, SeriesX
Id: CVFJbs7SntU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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