Meditation in the Spiritual

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hi I'm Chris and Rheinsberg join me now for capturing glory we're gonna go into the world of god it's time for the church to come out of the closet and become visible you are the city you are sit on a hill you're the light of the moon you every so now and then we've got to be reminded of stuff that God did in days gone by so that we can be inspired to trust God again for today for me I do it I constantly go and look at some you know DVDs or phones or read some books about you know heroes of faith what they did in the 40s what they did in 1908 what they did in 1700 what they did in 1600 how Martin Luther got the you know Reformation in the 1500s I love to look at that and one look at that I said God always used a man to shake this world so if God could do it to them then maybe God can do it to me cut them maybe God will do it to me and if you're ready God will do it to you you know I just thought thought I just thought again today you know our aaand in the 46 revival there was this one day maybe I should just tell a few stories before we go into it there was this one day this woman traveled very far to bring her son to the meetings he was five six years old and he had 24 major diseases cerebral palsy I don't mustn't show you okay but you know cerebral palsy you know you know he was blind he was deaf yet clubfeet you know everything was wrong with this little leg and she brought into the meetings and audibly schambach that's now very old man we just died I think I don't know but he he was the the manager of a Alan's team we did the singing and everything like it and there's one afternoon the woman came to him and said brother schambach I've come to this meetings I took all my money that I had to be here I've been here seven days and a AlN has not yet prayed for my little boy this is what's wrong with in me has got 24 major diseases and you know every afternoon I come to the meeting expecting for brother Alan to pray for this little lame schambach said my dear sister if Ellen doesn't pray for your boy tonight I will take the boy to you myself but I believe you will be you tonight that night brother Allen stood up men I love it when sham but schambach tells the story he said but I looked at him I said brother if you don't pray for this boy tonight I'm gonna wring your neck I'm gonna take you off the pulpit I'm gonna take you to this little boy man you can see this little boy he said that night Ellen stood opposite it wasn't necessary to call he said he stood up and he got lost in the spirit he said I'm traveling said I go right to the east said I'm traveling from the east to the west he said there's a lady packing a suitcase in the back of the car I see she's loading clothes for seven days she's got a little boy with her by the age of five six years old he said I'm traveling far back I'm traveling back six years and I see this little boy being born in the hospital and I see the doctor standing there said oh my goodness this boy is got club feet this boy is cerebral palsy oh my goodness this little boy is blind oh my goodness they tested him and he was deaf and he counted 24 diseases that's on this little boy and Alan said I see this woman I see this little boy growing up one year two year three five five six and I see this woman loading this little boy in a car traveling from the east to the west I see this call going here and he explains going through this down fit then he said that call moved into this parking lot he said I see this woman is sitting in this meeting would you come to the front now lady said he picked that little boy up he said oh Jesus you're not gonna fail us tonight Jesus Jesus if you don't heal this little boy you're not Jesus anymore save me took this little boy and just put him on the stage and now come on Jesus come on Jesus do it Jesus he said an E ministers little boy started stretching out o eyes opening ears opening jumped up started running I thought my goodness if God did it then God can do it near there was this man Jacko he was wild very fat man man yeah you know he was so wild he would take people in their wheelchairs and put them on the stage and would run to the edge of the stage and by the time we get to the edge of the stage he said now Jesus do it and he would throw the guy out of the wheelchair the god Shh you know between there and there the guy got healed you know so I don't know if it was fear shock or faith but something happened with a guy got you huh Man Man Man Man Man I mean Oral Roberts that just went to be in the cloud two years ago what a man of God he was one day they brought into him from an insane asylum 14 people chained together the one to the other one 14 people and a God watching them I'm talking about people that went and Oral Roberts two things said this is the weirdest thing he's ever saw they started leaving them on the stage 14 Kaakha Kaakha Kaakha he looked at as if my god I've never seen this before what do I do he said like you always say healed just say loosed and he looked at them he said lists and the chains fell off the people track track track track track and they were all in their right mind in a split second come on people about my good my goodness going back further to the 20s and 30s a man that so many people know about Smith Wigglesworth from England you know there was this guy they brought him in dying with cancer he couldn't breathe he couldn't talk it in put him day in front of the stage and Smith widows came and said now what's wrong with a man and they said he's dying with cancer Smith Wigglesworth it where's the cancer they say in the stomach he jumped up and hit this guy in the stomach Pam out is the guy and the doctor that came with him said you killed him you killed him he said shut up it's not your business and he walked away and started praying for the rest of the people when he was about four or five people away the guy jumped up and said I'm healed I'm healed I'm here wow man in the 1920s Maria would with a toe was preaching in Los Angeles you know and she preached and halfway through a meeting and open-air meeting halfway through the meeting she froze people ran to the front thought she had a stroke or something touch that and they couldn't move her her eyes didn't close you know and she just and they tried the best they couldn't move her yeah for three days it was in the newspapers it was on the news people came from all across the world to watch this phenomena and she just stood there after three days they said thousands of people were back to back the Playstore how far you could see and she just dropped a handle gave the invitation and all those people came to Jesus huh I love my goodness why am I not telling restore what is now happening here tonight I think from time to time we just need to hear the stuff and say Oh God do it again do it again in our time I mean in in the late 1800 you know Charles Spurgeon build the Metropolitan Tabor Tabernacle in London three meetings on a Sunday with more than 10,000 people 1890 not 2090 1890 when people were not going to church a 10,000 seat Church filling up three times on a Sunday morning in London hmm DL moody look more or less the same time he said God I will not go to bed when if I've not led a soul to Christ and they said till the day he died every single day you need somebody to Jesus Christ he said God and I will not go to them you will bring them to me I thought my goodness what type of men were these huh so we can go back to the Reformation where Martin Luther shook the world by nailing 95 theses to a church door and said it's not right to pay indulgences it's not right to pray for your grandmother in hell it's not hmm getting people out of the law go right back to the Bible I mean there's the Apostle Paul preaching in a viper not a little pit snake a Viper came out of the fire when he was throwing you know little branches in the fire and bit him on the thumb you know the Bible says a wild animal like Viper and the people said watching when he's going to die he just shook off the thing in the fire and went on preaching then they thought he was a god hmm think of pizza man walking on water with Jesus go to Elijah huh you know all the water is poisonous and all the people are you know barren because of the water he says just bring me some salt throw the salt in the water thought my goodness many people must have thrown salt in the water he threw salt in water and there's the water he'll till today Elijah you know Elijah walked with him Elijah prayed on fire from him and said to the people if God is God serving me Bailey's God serve him but the one that answers by fire will be God fire hmm we can go back back back back back back back to Moses you know opening the Red Sea bringing fire you know devouring the people that stood up against him the fire swallowed them in alive you know pray down bread from heaven open rocks to bring water what a man Oh God so Deuteronomy 34 if you want it Deuteronomy 34 verse 9 and Joshua son of nun I always say it you don't have to come from any family Joshua was the son of nun okay and Joshua son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom for Moses had laid hands upon me yeah I just thought maybe somebody will get it in I don't know Moses laid hands on Joshua and I think throughout the ages every so now then God raises up somebody and you come in contact with that person and when hands are laid on you you never know what you're going to receive so when we come to meetings like this and whenever I'm here most of the time we will lay hands on people you never know what you're going to receive because you never know who touched that man that touched that man that touch that man and I believe from the days of Moses 'm every so now then somebody laid hands on somebody and got the anointing Moses laid hands on Joshua Joshua laid them on some other people and other people or other people and it just grew and grew and grew and this anointing is so great at this end of 2012 we never know what we can receive Joshua chapter 1 after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord said to Joshua son of nun Moses is Minister my Moses my servant is dead Moses is dead so is Ellen wiglesworth random Jacko Joe Spurgin DL moody hmm Martin Luther call all the names Paul Peter so are they they are all dead let's read on so now arise and take his place I want to say to you tonight Church out of Isaiah 60 arise shine your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you it's time that somebody say a God all these heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 all these books that we read all these people are dead but here am i oh god do something with me there's something through me hmm I mean I mean this is the scripture by which we started this ministry John 438 jesus said to the disciples some some other people have labored I will send you to reap a harvest that you labeled not for other people have worked and I will send you straight into their labor and you will just reap the harvest so I'm gonna reap what all the other people of so for all those prayers all those fastings all those seeking the face of the lord in this day and age I said God I'm entering into their labor I grabbed what they got wanted I grabbed what they desired I grabbed what they fasted for what they prayed for I'm gonna rise and I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna take their place verse 3 every place upon which the soul of your feet foot your tread bless you little man every place upon which the sole of your foot shall tread that have I given to you as I promised Moses think of all the promises that God gave to all the men and women of God in this Bible God says now go put your foot on that promise I've given it to you imagine the promises of peace power prosperity joy happiness health imagine all the promises in this book and God says you go put your foot there I've given it to you so I stand up tonight I said Lord I take this whole word and I receive every promise I put my foot on it and make them mine I put my stamp of approval on it I'm going to be well I'm going to be successful I'm going to be healed I'm gonna be happy I'm gonna be rich I'm going to be prosperous I'm going to be successful and if you want to join me you're welcome but I'm going verse five this is an awesome one no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so will I be with you I will not fail you or forsake you we've just called about a few names out here tonight but imagine all the books on the shelves of all this men and women of God how God was with him God saying tonight to somebody in this place somebody watching my TV I don't know if this anybody but God is saying to somebody as I was with these people as I moved with him upon them through them so am i with you so will I move through you soul I move with you so what I move upon you I will not leave you I will not forsake you as I was with them so I will be with you be strong be confident and have good courage for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them only you be strong and very courageous that you may do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you to not from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go I want this one down don't turn to the left don't turn to the right why so that you may prosper wherever you go just keep your finger there quickly go to what is it as ayah 30 verse 20 and though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction yet your teacher will not hide himself any more but your eyes will constantly behold your teacher did Jesus say something like this I will send you the Holy Spirit whom the world cannot receive because they cannot see him but you will see him because he will with you and in you because I don't seem as anybody ever saw wind no but you see the effects of the wind so we see the Holy Spirit somebody needs to wake up right now I mean people fall out in the spirit the secret healed people throw away they crutches people laughing the joy of the Lord that is seeing the Holy Ghost the teacher huh and your ears will hear word behind you saying this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left hand i love verse 23 this is a good one for the offering listen quiz then will he give you rain for the seed with which you sow the soil and bread grain from the produce of the ground and it will be rich and plentiful and in that day your cattle will feed in large postures sounds like prospering to me sounds like overflow to me sounds like abundance to me bless your ROI ok mitt read on this book verse 8 of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night let's stop for a minute book of the law is the word of God it's not the law you shall you shall not you shall you because every time God spoke to either Moses Joshua Caleb or he said write these things in the book of the law which means just write it down so now that this word is written down don't let it depart from your mouth Deuteronomy 30 as well as Romans 10 says this word is in your heart and in your mouth to speak it and if you speak it you shall live you say death and life is in the power of the tongue and the e that uses it shall eat the fruit there off you know I bring before you today death and life make a choice it's in your heart in your mouth speak at speak life speak life speak life speak life we've heard so many messages how many people are still speaking death I'm sick out of this hmm I'm gonna kill myself looking at this once more hmm how may do it love could be fractious crook why do people say stuff like it because we don't listen to the Word of God we listen to it but it just bypasses us we don't take time to renew our mind say I'm not gonna talk like that again my children still gonna see me no institution one day they driving me insane you better depart from them and not see them again because one of these days we're going to visit you in an insane asylum why do people say stuff like that because they don't listen to the Word of God they listen to their own self they're not prepared to renew their minds brand new your mind say what God says listen Joshua this word must not this word must not depart from your mouth the word say it depart from your math okay what's the next sentence a meditate on it day and night and what does he say come on somebody help me that you may observe and do according at all that isn't for them you shall make your way prosperous and then you showed you wisely and have good success have I not commanded you be strong vigorous and very courageous be not afraid neither be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go but I've got a responsibility the word must be my mouth and I must meditate on the word day and night then I shall be successful then I shall prosper so I take that I take that I think someone would say the same let's go to someone anybody taking the word bless it let's read amplified it comes over more clearly in their blessed happy fortunate prosperous and enviable is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly following their advice their plans their purposes no stand submissive in an active in the path with sinners walk no sits down to relax and rest with the scornful of the mockers gather listen to verse 2 but he's the light and desire are in the law of the Lord and on his law the precepts the instructions the teachings of God he habitually in other words he makes a habit of it habitually meditates Ponder's studies by day and by night whoo this is your always got to be the blessed man the prosperous man the happy man the fortunate man you knows the man that's going to be blessed in all these ways the one who meditates on the word day and night ah maybe we should just look at a few just turn around keep your handles on one Psalm five give you to my words O Lord consider my meditation Hawken unto the voice of my cry my king and my god for unto thee will I pray my voice will you hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will either direct my prayer unto thee and I will look up hmm Oh verse seven as for me I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy and I fear well and in thy fear will I worship toward IOD temple now Hebrews for intensest we can come boldly to that throne of grace what is that other Psalm Psalm 19 19 Psalm 19 Alleluia verse 13 keep back your servant also this is a prayer from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me then shall I be blameless and I shall be innocent and clear of great transgression let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my firm impenetrable rock and my Redeemer Psalm 63 oh god you are my god early will I seek you my soul thirsts for thee my flesh longed for thee in a dry and thirsty land when I water ease to see your power and your glory so as I've seen you in the sanctuary because your loving-kindness is better than life my lips shall praise thee thus will I bless thee while I live I will lift up my hands in thy name let's listen my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow that talks about perfect health and fatness that talks about anointing and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips when I remember thee on my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches my goodness my goodness before I read on you know I want to how many sermons have you heard of meditation why not because we leave it to the gurus with flies in their mustaches sitting some way in some Eastern country who yawn yawn yawn what are you doing I'm meditating on your have you ever went to book shop and try to buy a book on meditation and see which one talks from the Bible and yet scripture upon scripture upon scripture upon scripture upon scripture some some 119 you must see how many times David says I meditate your precepts I meditate your statutes I meditate your word over and over in a word I meditate on meditech let it take me I'm sitting I'm deep in thought on one subject on a time thinking meditating pondering on one thing till it becomes part of me hmm Oh God the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart let it be acceptable and I say God use me when I meditate so sometimes I pray Oh Lord oh Lord I'm never ever never ever sometimes I just sit down tsukuba you know I know nothing about meditation isn't that funny because we don't hear a sermon on it we think we know nothing about it but how many times do you think the wrong till it become such a part of you that he drives you with fear hmm you think oh my child is driving in Johannesburg today through the traffic food for all the robbers whoo-hoo and then you start getting a picture you paint it how they gonna hold him up at the traffic light then you see how they taking his car away then you see how they putting you in the back of another car with ropes around I mean I mean you write the script then you play the main role then you go to the show to see it for yourself then you become the own spectator and you clap hands no no no come on be honest now who has ever thought the wrong till it becomes so overwhelming that you can actually see what's going to happen hmm and so you just change it and do the right that's meditation I love the way Malcolm Smith explained it as years ago he said you went to a Bible School at the age of 15 in England when he came to the Bible school he could quote the Bible word for word he said and all the older people in the 20s and 30s listened to him as he quoted the word and he would recite said which chapter can I say to you and if we just recited he said but there was no power he said an old man came said young man you know the letter you know how it would be if you could know the word since what do you mean he says the letters got no power it's the word that's got power he says but how will I know the word he says only by meditation and he wanted to ask him about the meditation the old man appeared he never saw him again and he said he went to the book shops he could not find a book on meditation written by Christian it was all eastern cults and then somebody said he started asking questions where and somebody is saying you must go to that guy on that in such a street he will teach you about midday he came in day and it was crystal balls and all sorts of funny stuff and the guys that I'll teach you meditation no here you sydney couldn't find a christian to teach him meditation he was a young man and he said one day you know he went home for the school holidays came back after the holidays he was walking through this you know field and it was wet and it was due and it was rain and he was looking to find the little path you know and when he was singing and all of a sudden leap am smack into an old cow and he looked at the cow and you know can the cow please move because you know there's not a way long way to move because they stones and fossils and long grass and he lifted the cow and god said keep looking at the cow he said look at the cow God says yes I want to teach you meditation and he lifted the cow and he saw you know something coming up in the cow's throat no big lump on the cow's cheeks wallop and the cows Waller said ten minutes later big lump in the cow's throat cheeks wallop the cow swallowed he said he stood there so long in the cow and God said that's meditation he said what God says chewing the cud bringing it up and think again bringing it up and think again bringing it up and think again till eat you so saturated with that thing and you know other dad was cruel and God said I've been teaching you all along and you didn't hear and God reminded me you know we were down on the south coast with a tent and you know we were just married me a nun Elise and you know I didn't know how to preach you know that we didn't have teachings on preaching and you know so I was lying in the tent enough mmm tonight I'm gonna preach mmm I would love to call out people and say hmm you got the pain and you got the neck and you got the back and you know so I was lying in the tent so unleased Kim said when are you gonna when you gonna prepare I mean you got a meeting tonight I sound busy preparing and I didn't even know God was teaching me meditation so I was lying there on my bed and I saw myself in the tent walking on that stage hmm and I saw myself pointing at a woman I said the woman they were the red thing over your head God says that migraine headaches should be struggling with for years God is healing you right now I thought wow that would be great imagine I would say that in a meeting and it's true now I'm starting to shake so I look in yes another master this man in the front row you are addicted to smoking da ha you and your wife is divorced you staying at another place you can't find a job God says go take your wife back repent of your smoking da ha and you will get a job and everything will be fine so I'm taking more that'll be great that way so uh it's going on and on I'm just telling you in short so that night we came in the tent or me and our lease is doing the song service you know with the al-khattab you know oh how I love Jesus I'm in 1980 oh how are G it wasn't yet I love I love it wasn't there yet okay mmm so I'm looking and here's the woman with the red thing I thought oh my goodness she looks just like I saw this afternoon oh jesus help hmm so I stopped I said listen people God showing me there's a woman in the tent that suffers with migraine headaches as we sing the song I want you to come to the front now I'm singing close close oh I love Jesus Oh goog nothing so I stopped I said people God showing me it's a woman and you've been suffering you must come to the front right now oh I love you so I stopped and I said the woman they were the right thing around your head Wow she runs to the front sees you now I'm both ah this man in the front I see you smoking da house you know when you lived your wife yeah yeah yeah they come so everything just worked out I thought how does it work hmm so when I was preaching in welcome at a Easter's conference you know this is the best I can try and describe it you and I was in my car driving I went alone children small June and I thought God how am I gonna minister this is a big church and all the main guys are ministering there all the big names or South Africa is there and I'm just you know from a little tanky and stuff and then what am I gonna do and all of a sudden I said God gave gifts unto the church and I saw myself wrapped in a gift wrapping and I was skinny and tall and I saw this long skinny you know and I saw the pastor say whoever's come preach to us and I saw he pulled the ribbon business Jew who opens the paper out comes the prison and I'm the gift I thought yeah what gift em I thought well I'm a prophet so I'm gonna say the man sitting there right by the by the pole a your surname is the toy and you and your wife is divorced you staying in a flat and your wife is with a mother God says you know the pray that you prayed last Wednesday lying there and you said Oh Lord God as a whole just say that can happen I mean that will be wild bandar people will go buzzer yeah I'm looking at the man in the front row and I said hey sir your son has left house to Johannesburg and you very worried about you God says Tuesday morning you'll be back and his name is say John yeah so why not oh I thought my goodness that'll be great will that not be awesome mm-hmm so in the tent I sit there and I see myself as the gift so they going on with all their preliminaries and all of a sudden the preachers stood up is it just like a grimace come preach to us ah that's a sign he pulled the Reuben the gift he's jumping BAM I said the man they at the pole with a white chair your name is the toy and your oh the man in the front yeah your son is like ah haha God says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable Joshua if you would meditate you will be successful you would be prosperous meditate the word yes I'm meditating how I'm preaching I was meditating how I was speaking the word and in that the picture started coming out I wasn't meditating how I'm gonna prophesy I was meditating how I'm gonna preach and the pictures just came the pictures just came the pictures just came that's how the tower came that's how this church came I meditated then I sketched it how I meditated it then I draw the pulpit how I meditated it then I see how the pool is there how people are walking through then I see how the wheelchairs are emptied I see how people sit here on this corner sick and dying and how they walking and running sitting in wheelchairs and getting out and getting healed and here and it just happens all the time what do you meditate on what do you meditate for as a man thinketh in his heart so easy if you think long enough on a subject that's what you will be as their feet okay come on people if you think long enough on a subject that's what you will be you think negative about your children you will always see their negative you think negative about your husband you'll always see him negative but start thinking good about your spouse start thinking good about your children start saying something good about it my children always break everything mine don't you must be blind no I've got faith my husband never says anything good to me you deaf man start meditating when you were in love before you got married look at me I'm talking to you now how much time did you spend in meditation come on just be serious just about all the time hmm you're sitting in class I don't care if you grade one or grade 12 or 40 Levin years old you sit in class and she's sitting in the same row four chairs away and then all of a sudden she looks up to hmm then you think you start me then you start writing a little note just before it comes to her the teachers what's that happening they enclose and you read and she's read but you don't stop I mean on the playground you're not allowed to play together but you walk past each other and you just rub shoulders ah and then you sit under a tree are you alright are you sick today do you feel not fine what's that silly grin on your face why don't you tell them I'm meditating you already married you already got children you already you're already on the new form you already got your seven score IQ who saw the movie IQ remember when the guy got fell in love there by the car and you know came back and he was busy with the customer and the owner said did you help the customers yeah you know we got children said what the customer said guess I just saw it in the future you know I saw enough come on don't be ugly man do you meditate yes you know the power of meditation why not change it and start meditating on God's Word you see yourself prosperous see yourself successful see yourself get the promises of God meditate how God is blessing you in reaching you favoring you come on ah just turn around to Psalm 77 we should we should go back to where we were now we're on stories and you know I'm not a storyteller maybe I should tell more stories I've never been a storytelling prejudges we preach the word preach the word it seems like people love the stories - hmm and Psalm 77 this one will be good because of what we just said I verse 11 I will remember the works of the Lord surely I will remember thy wonders of old hmm how do you remember something you think of it what is thinking of something constantly meditation I will meditate oh there it comes I will meditate also of all thy work and talk of thy doings thy way O God is in the sanctuary who is so great God as al God thou art the God that doers wonders thou a declare thy strength among the people Amen somebody yes Lord yes Lord I will do it I will start doing it Christendom was just watching a DVD on this guy Peter J Daniels from Australia seven point six billion net worth no okay just look at me a preacher okay maybe it'll make sense now a preacher Peter J Daniels seven point six billion dollars net worth I try once more a preacher that stands behind the pulpit Sunday after Sunday seven point six billion billion dollars net worth they are asking this question at Kenneth Copeland ministries what would you say could be one of the main reasons why you are so successful and have got so much money he said I've read every book on financial success that I could I read 7,000 biographies of people that made it in life okay try again I read 7,000 biographies he says then I meditated upon it till I could tell the story he says I can recite the whole life story of what's the Prime Minister of England in the Second World War ah yeah the church on Ilum in Churchill okay he says they even asked him to play the role of Churchill in a play that's how much it when his wife died she made everything that was left of Churchill she made to this guy in a wall because he was the only guy that knew everything about it so he inherited everything that was left of Churchill okay how come he said I meditated on these biographies Jesus we've got a book full of biographies of Peter and Paul and James and Elijah and Elijah and most of all of Jesus how much time do you spend I mean you go to a movie and you can tell the whole movie over for the rest of your life hmm imagine Robin Hood Shrek brave heart do anything transformers whatever you saw can you tell the story of course you can why because when you came home you meditated on it in your bed you rethought the whole movie mm-hmm I mean you were the hero man hmm I mean you were on that horse I mean you dropped that handkerchief I mean you were everything why then don't we go home and meditate the message why don't we buy the CD and play it before we go to bed why don't we read the Bible and rethink what we just read they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover ah and till it becomes so part of you that when you see a sick person you can't but lay hands on them now do you think we're doing what we're doing one more song man we so far away from the message now 143 but maybe somebody will hear we are still in someone but we now someone for do you think it was just a side track on a few scriptures on meditation hmm verse 5 very good one this I remember the days of old I meditate on all your doings I ponder the work of your hands I spread forth my hands to you my soul first off to you like a thirsty land for water Hey why because he meditated when he started meditating on what while God was doing a thirst came in to be so low Lord I'm thirsty I want that Lord I want there verse 7 listen because of the meditation and because of the thirst answer me speedily O Lord for my spirit fails hide not your face from me lest I become like those who go down in the pit in the grave caused me to hear you kindness in the morning for you for on you do I lean in on in in you do I trust cause me to know the way wearing I should walk for I lift up my inner self to you deliver me O Lord from my enemies I flee to you to hide me teach me to do your war for you are my god let your good spirit lead me in a level country and into the land of uprightness save my life O Lord for your name's sake in your righteousness bring my life out of trouble and free me from the stress and in your mercy and loving-kindness cut off my nfe many enemies and destroy all those who afflict my inner self for I am your servant what what is this that he just prayed he prayed it because of what he meditated of what God did for others so if God did it for somebody else he will do it for you and he will do it for me come on man they sang a song of the old days it is no secret what God can do what he's done for others he'll do for you and the more I meditated the more I see it the more I see it the more I can pray for it the more I've got boldness to say do it again o God do it for me do it with me do it in me someone we backed up the meditation ok verse 2 says he habitually meditate on the word day and night is that where we were verse 3 and he this guy who meditate shall be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water ready to bring forth his fruit in its season it's leave also shall not fade or wither and everything he does shall prosper come on clap somebody isn't that what we just read in here in Joshua chapter one then shall you prosper then shall you be successful when when you meditate on a day and night and what will happen to you you shall be like a tree planted by the waters Jeremiah 17 thus says the Lord curse it with great evil is the strongman who trusts him and relies on frail man making weak flesh he's on and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord for he shall be like a shrub or a person naked and destitute in the desert and he shall not see any good come but shall dwell in the porch places in the wilderness in an uninhabited salt land verse 7 here it comes most blessed is the man who believes him and trust him and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confidence the Lord is come on David didn't Josh effete said Oh God in US there is no strength in these great armies that's coming against us but our eyes are upon you and then he reminded God you are the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob immediately started meditating reminded God what he did for those people for here it comes another time for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spread out its roots by the river listen to this each own not see and fear when heat comes but its leaves shall be green he shall not be anxious it shall not be full of care in the year of drought nor shall each sees yielding fruit listen it shall not be anxious listen it shall not be full of cares listen no matter when drought comes it shall not yield stop yielding fruit I must read this I can quote it but I must read I must read Philippians now come on Philippians I must read it now verse 6 you've heard what we just read II do not fret or have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition had definite requests with Thanksgiving I want to put that petition in meditation continue to make your once known to God here it comes and God's peace shall be yours I like this one in the amplified that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sword it is that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount God over your heart and mind in Christ Jesus now verse 8 ha for the rest brethren whatever is true whatever is worthy of reverence and honor honorable and see me whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely and lovable whatever is kind and winsome and gracious if there is any virtue and excellence is there is anything worthy of praise think on and weigh and take account of these things listen fix your minds on them Wow so fix your mind on the good stuff what is the good word meditate on what's good come on I'm sure I'm not speaking out of my own sir I'm so positive right here that I've heard from God I'm very positive that these people from the front row to the back row that think trash that meditate nonsense meditate negative stuff that's why it's coming out of their mouths they meditating the wrong stuff you meditate the right stuff God says your mouth will save the right stuff and your way shall be prosperous successful there shall be no anxiety no kiss peace that passes all understanding take your mind and set it and meditate God's Word hmm first Timothy 4:14 I think this will tie up nicely with Deuteronomy 34 in Joshua 1 I think it makes the whole circle completed here tonight do not neglect the gift which is in you that special inward endowment which was directly imparted to you by the holy spirit by prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands upon you verse 15 this was the scripture that God launched me into meditation many years ago practice cultivate meditate upon these duties throw yourself wholly into them so that your progress may be evident to everybody yeah see you
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 31,984
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Kobus Van Rensberg, Tom & Susie Scarrella, share the fire, spiritword channel, miracles, prophet kobus, prophet angel
Id: dGinihhCN1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu May 15 2014
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