Sorcerer Build - Hutts Streams SNKRX

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what's up everyone on youtube we are here on stream live playing some snake rx new game plus three two is what i meant didn't work didn't we just do two i mean we lost we did two but we lost right now then our artifact responds in automation that shoots projectile that deals 13 damage go we're screwed i don't i don't think i've ever used this one so we'll see what happens i've never done the ones that uh spawn stuff yeah this is real bad [Music] need my snake prescription snake rx these things don't last forever looks like you can have three out either there's a time limit that perfectly times out once the third one is spawned or you can only have three and the one dies when you spawn a third we want we have a sorcerer and a builder these are classes i've never done before construct damage and duration for builder and sorceress uh repeat their attacks once every four three two attacks this guy level three automation shoot and move 50 faster release 12 projectiles on death healing healing was so good a dual gunner here it's for some constant dps if we're not strong enough by the time we get to the yellow or orange champion whichever one it was it doesn't matter it's all over the one that just chucks all the enemies at you immediately killed me off so quickly really was not to be believed you know i'm liking the automations now that i've got backup the dual gunner they could be stronger though we we are ranger rogue sorcerer builder archer is a ranger i don't think we have we ever done ranger mercenary or merchant let's go merchant screw it the screen tilt is so trippy [Music] merchant it doesn't do any attacks all it does is give me extra gold i figured we start with that early [Music] wow [Music] good night where do we go we've been playing some fun games lately what do you guys think what do you think of all the different stuff that we're trying out seems like audience retention has been pretty good you guys are sticking around to check it out i'm really happy to see that it's fun for me to be able to share fun things with you i love it i like it because i don't like it i love it love it love it great super awesome hello ronnie on the different games quite a few yeah how many uh new games have you guys picked up in the past however long warriors don't have a warrior damage to all allies whenever an enchanter is hit have an enchanter first and last positions have plus defense hive critters have plus hp i'm gonna re-roll that i put a bunch on my wish list that's a good way to do it as well you know with uh holidays around the corner sorry to say it summer's gone psyche or movement speed chance for attacks to silence for two seconds healing plus healing effectiveness now he dies explodes releasing piercing and ricocheting projectiles let's go maybe silence strike i don't have enough money to reload re-roll archer if i could silence the boss that's the way that we beat that boss you have one rogue i'm just not we already did rogue one time it was awesome but i want to try new things psycher we haven't really gone psycher but we don't have much room left another sorcerer launches a slow-moving orb that launches projectiles what do we have artificer arcanist all right so sorcerers repeat their attacks once every four attacks we'll see if we can't spawn another dude do we have four going at once put a three on the on the first guy that we've got [Music] silencing them makes them turn gray blue guy explodes in that circle of stuff yeah i think we have more dudes coming out now that we're doubling attacks good to see all right all right all right arcanist we've got to try to stack up some money so that our mercenary can do stuff chance for enemies to drop gold on death would be free saucy game looks good dead since it's pretty fun if you've never seen it before and if you like roguelikes nice get the green guy last shooting the green one causes all the other ones to gain a temporary speed boost the green enemy that is not the green one on me you guys ever see a game like this and you're like god dang it i wish i was like a video game maker like it's such a simple idea that's so good [Music] level 2 i don't know if 26 is more than what it was mage nuker voider we don't have those save money hive build the elite green elite is gonna temporarily give him speed boosts without having to kill anybody we want to kind of distance ourselves for a little bit here you touch the elite it's bad news you do not want to touch the elite number one thing you do not want to do you can survive hits from the other dudes it's silencing shots we're silencing these green dudes aoe size increase we have nobody that does that attack speed do a random unit if you have two or more enchanters we do have enchant no we don't we have source or shoot enemies spawn with minus max health psycho or movement intimidation cursor warrior explorer psycher rogue hate it or psycho sorcerer voider oh we do have a sorcerer no what was i saying before enchanter we don't have any chancer we do have sorcerer going on it's an attack that ricochets in deals 16.9 we'll say we'll go yeah we'll try it out we'll try sorcerer build see what happens level two for this so twenty percent less hp than enemy spawn with voider could be fun probably shouldn't put him in the background it's pretty weak hopefully i can get some sort of like enchanters do x amount more or construct steal more damage that would be a nice thing for me right now get another builder on the team pretty low damage on these uh ricocheting purple orb or the the circles but like there's a lot of them they stay on for a while so over the course of its life i think it's probably pretty significant seems pretty okay i thought that said breast master that's our third ranger chance to release a barrage on attack to allied ranger get your mind out of the gutter yes the breast master my nickname in college purple guy is very low health kill the orange dudes before they launch themselves at you that's gonna be pretty important oh get out of here get out of here we have 12 damage that pierces on archer now we have 24 damage on level 2. let's not forget that we have a chance to release a barrage on attack construct damage and duration plus 25 if i get a bomber that's another builder it's a weird this is a weird one i guess we're going builder sorcerer very very spread between aoe and bullets we have zero chaining we have zero curses [Music] if zero little dudes critters i tried dragging through my bomb kablammo oh gotta go he's pretty much just killed my bomber it's from the spawn the spawn got me powerful then for his build he now is someone that could silence enemies constantly enemies take damage per second for three seconds when cursed global damage defense and attack speed if you have one or more enchanters negative when avoider dies we don't have any do we have avoider yeah we do a witch deals damage over time to all enemies for three seconds eight percent chance for attacks to spawn a healing orb on kill hitting strike and i wanted to get some more mercenaries in here not gonna lie i kind of wanted a merc build but seems out of the question now cursor voider nuke forester what do we need a second voider would do damage over time to all allied voiders we don't really that doesn't sound that good two more builders one more mercenary three more rogues one more sorcerer would be good let's go for one more sorcerer stormweaver sounds cool we just don't that's like none of the stuff that we're going for let's double our chance to silence people that's probably going to be good that's what's going to get us late game is the orange ones balancing them is going gonna be huge silencing the elites mega huge [Music] these green guys are healing wizard two level two archers at level three archer says the error ricochets off walls three times can be good balancer full maxed right on the one where the orange dudes are shoot it ah literally one shots here it's like you just gotta dive bomb orange guys take them out or die that's your option sudoku or bust [Music] what's up judy mage nuker voider [Music] that would put us into the voider level two or the first level thing here for plus 20 damage over time to all voiders and plus area damage to nukers but i'm really looking forward to another sorcerer i gotta stick to my guns [Music] it's a small area that deals aoe try it i love scooby snacks thanks for the four months welcome back all cyclers have a psycho orb silence that elite yeah got him repeating the crap out of our attacks all the void damage over time damage we don't really have damage over time i guess the damage per second is damaged over time maybe it's like her orb movement heroes have four times the chance of mercenary bonus to drop two gold on death killing enemy fires a homing dagger oh that's the midwesterner which 16.9 damage level two is gonna be 33. silencer curses five nearby enemies for six seconds preventing them from using special attacks who would we get rid of to do that dual gunner ranger rogue we're not going ranger rogue [Music] i guess the archer we do have you know eight percent chance to do the homing barrage i just don't see a whole lot of homing barrages which is insane but the archer in the back maybe merchant do we need a merchant not really no maybe our third nuker [Music] every time we kill somebody we fire a homing dagger it seems pretty good those are the ones that are zipping around see them a red uh oh hey when they spawn on you i failed so long too that i can't really get out of the way fast enough i get the merchant level three your first item reroll is always free that's kinda lame still goes for it carver could be our third builder or it's healing orbs merchant level or archer level three we going hard on this is this a build even i don't know i feel like i might get rid of my archer even though it's level three like the first thing maybe the canon ear we don't really need nuker we don't have nuker so canon ear is a ranger nuker we don't have ranger or nuker so probably canon ear would go and bomber the the the builder remember we were gonna go build her that didn't really that didn't pan out and i'm paying out we should probably get rid of cannon here and bomber soon and go something else maybe another sorcerer but i do like the fact that i create so let's see our sorcerer duplicates my attacks so we're creating more automations to shoot projectiles those the projectiles from the animations are dealing plus 25 percent damage just because i've got a can or the bomber here so think about silencing has been real good real good [Music] once again when i say an orange guy an enemy i'm probably just gonna dive bomb them a total leroy jemkins merchant level three mage enchanter plus 20 attack speed to all allies get rid of the cannon ear and get the chronomancer for now merchant we can't have any more merchants [Music] dries peeled for orange peel your eyes for orange [Music] what do you think is the best thing going on right now is it these blue guys that were spawning is it the purple aoe things [Music] is it the homing orbs [Music] the archer probably not the archer the daggers the homing daggers calming ballage chance to release a homing barrage on enemy kill position three is plus damage chance for attacks to apply poison dealing 20 dps for three seconds when enemies hit walls they explode into projectiles fracture would be really good on those ones that like the did the blast and hit them against the walls i'm gonna go homing barrage here good luck with homing barrage elementor vagrant your second psycher which means psycho or plus one flame [Music] do that get more daggers homing barrage you see that look at that look at that look at that oh man we're still gonna get crushed by the orange boss [Music] i'm thinking about getting rid of this bomber once again if i could find another sorcerer i think i would just shove him in there blade ranger builder sponsor tiny turret put that in there and we could keep our builder status more wizards do you even have a wizards mage the hell are you talking about rhino master more which level three which does it's like off the screen something area periodically releases projectiles each dealing 67.6 damage and chaining on hit probably wow i'm gonna get rid of bomber i'm not gonna get more of them turrets are nice not looking for nice which goes sicko mode that sounds really good these purple things would start shooting stuff dealing even more damage okay because they're getting a little too close a little too close for comfort there bud yep okay great talk great chat sport blue guys shooting stuff heads up not when they're silenced though but nothing even spawn there or there we're silencing them really well i'm excited to get to that orange boss bomber no arcanist yes [Music] sentry oh this is the statue that creates one healing orb we get rid of our nuker no i wouldn't we wouldn't get rid of our builder even if i got carver instead of the bomber let's do that sneak them in there for now sorcerer is that what we're looking for yes it is vulcanist you know not the sorcerer i'm looking for but uh i guess it'll do air guy there don't you know your guy get rid of archer probably you know it's level three i just don't i don't see it doing that much and just not that impressed there kid sorry all right my sorcerer should all be just pumping out all this stuff you'll eat let them get next to you this is the one that spawns children so the uh volcano vulcanist whatever spawns the triangles that keep exploding like five times four times it's a sorcerer so it should be duplicating its attack every two attacks what's the green thing that's the healing thing right that's the carver that's the carver statue that creates one healing orb every six seconds ballista projectile damage noxious strike poison attacks instantly kill elites below 30 health or deal damage to all enemies based on how many mages you have i don't think i have that many mages one one mage projectile plus 50 projectile damage especially when we're doing those like the the strikes the daggers yeah we're gonna have to go all in on daggers right now not the build i thought we would be doing but here we are one more arcanist and we have a level three arcanist which means plus 50 attack speed for the orb and two projectiles are released per cast this is the one that releases slow moving orbs at launch projectiles so they'll move faster and they'll fire twice as many things warden also a sorcerer creates a force field around a random unit that prevents enemies from entering could that be good better than the carver [Music] that might just totally shoot down the uh the dude the guy that uh charges at you what's up wazza i can get rid of the psychic that's true because we're replacing it with another sorcerer good thinking i forgot i had the psychic to be honest mercenary curses three nearby enemies indefinitely with debt dealing 13 damage per second if i can get the level 2 mercenary we have a 8 chance for enemies to drop gold on death could be dope but i think we're making enough money we should focus on getting our witch all the way upgraded that's gonna be important so if we have to downgrade our shop to do such a thing we should probably think about it okay so i should be able to ram into them when i've got this force field yeah that seems pretty cool when it's on my front runner look at that it knocks them away [Music] boss our front runner though dragon thanks for the two months subbie hut's been so boring i just finished a week of college and your first week of college you're allowing me to not die of boredom i also started playing isaac again awesome stuff thanks for uh the two months dragon oh goodness which is level as a tier two and right now our shop is giving us a 45 chance of tier two so how many witches do we need we should get arcanist up too and that's tier one we need four more witches three more witches so we're gonna lose somebody here in jesus slow start we can do better than carver i think what would go really really well with our build though how long have you been playing this game today or like total not killing as fast as we were in the beginning this just in game gets harder twist we're standing okay we just lost two people there because of that spawn [Music] dang what's up with the health all of a sudden you have like four non-damage units okay [Music] playing d d in watching says bones bouncer is a non-attacking unit minor mercenary picking up gold releases four homing projectiles that each deal 10 damage screw it doing it there's an eight percent chance that everybody drops gold on death and then that'll shoot the homing projectiles if we pick it up fairy fairy does seem pretty dope too what could we get rid of the merchant on a happy sorcerer we have this automations that shoot projectiles tons of them so moving orb that launches projectiles a bunch of those plus 20 attack speed all allied units creates a force field around a random unit that prevents enemies from entering the warden probably could be better vulcanist also kind of sucks right now the witch which has been pretty dope silencer curses enemies prevented them from using special attacks i might get rid of the merce the the merchant here put a fairy in there's one healing orb and grass one unit plus 100 attack speed for six seconds you need merchants so miner can work oh yeah i'm an idiot i didn't think about that i'm so caught up in all the other stuff that i was reading you're right that blows the build let's get rid of miner then too i'm glad i didn't spend a lot of money then already lost the miner anyways he's dead you leave the orange pegs orange enemies alive you're just dead silencer is everything right now [Music] oh pinch getting pinched [Music] that's fun bad spawn he's looking pretty dire here's the four times the chance of mercenaries bonus to drop two gold on death that would have been pretty okay with miner position five shoots three projectiles per second aoe honestly wouldn't be a bad thing with all the aoe stuff that we have like which balconist i'm considering doing insurance and then just going back and getting another freaking dude maybe shoot five position five who would i put there that shoots so much faster who shoots projectiles even nobody i don't think anybody shoots projectiles i'm just gonna say that i i doubt it spawns automations five or three uh projectiles per second the witch shoots aoes you know that's a projectile if i could have the witch pumping out projectile the the whatever things that'd be dope but you need an amplifier for which tier three aoe yeah maybe all right so we can get rid of my miner here and throw in a what drops turrets that shoot bursts to projectiles engineer builder maybe another healer which doesn't do aoe which creates an area that ricochets so i i would say that's aoe it doesn't say aoe on there but we had carver when we got rid of carver but it does fulfill builder and healer son of a gambler would have been okay with the mercenary god damn it me around increased three healing orbs every 12 seconds instead of carver which says the area of damage over time you think it counts for d.o.t and not aoe it's got to be aoe these are are they bigger i mean i just amplified it i'll answer our question right there do they look they might not look bigger to be honest i can't tell that's more damage is that what amplify does sorry for some more damage not much 100 more size magnify is the size got it amplifies damage a lot of healing orbs though the healers are doing it yep you think i've got healing orbs everyone's staying alive so many healing orbs we just we just magically dipped into a healing build look at that [Music] okay can we get an arcanist up in here it's a tier one though tier one we should be maybe lowering our shop level level three arcanist 50 attack speed for the orb and two projectiles are released for casts see what happens let's see how that goes aoe damage is amplified that's correct we have rough starts it takes us a moment to get off the ground it's really confusing because the vulcan is creating those things it makes me think that like it's an enemy i can't walk in there it's not true [Music] mistaking them for enemy spawns [Music] [Music] [Music] we're rocking it now example rocket man i thought we were done for there for a little bit there we pulled it back [Music] so what level is this like 22 doesn't it end at 25 [Music] from zero to hero 24 elite this is the orange guy i think then it's the super boss what are we looking for which [Music] one more witch one more witch area releases projectiles dealing 67.6 damage and chaining once death pool called that was lucky not gonna lie you're not gonna get these tier fours chronomancer we could totally get some more chronomancers cryomancer here comes hell i think we'll be we'll be able to silence it so quickly oh my god just just immediately bolts into me there's no dodging there it's already dead though it's dead we got it we got it what are you supposed to do and it just walks into you immediately all aoe deal plus three five seven percent damage per unit hit the small little which ones are not that big so i don't know gold coins and healing orbs are attracted from a longer range warriors gain this could help the volcanist here's i don't know though because if every single purple one individually had to get hit more per to get the damage boost right so there's three in there then it does 21 extra damage maybe it counts every single one of the purples so there's like 12 units in all purple circles that's 12 times 7 extra i don't know i don't know how it works predictions i don't think chat knows i don't think the witch really does aoe damage well it gives you an area so if it doesn't it says the area when this for the dagger gods let's re-roll them gravity field creates an area that pulls enemies in for one second on sorcerer's spell repeat real damage to all enemies based on how many mages you have crits from rogues and chance to attack attacks to critically strike dealing 2x damage i go gravity field i'm going to try it out [Music] because we re repeat our sorcerer attacks every two attacks that they they do and we have six of them so we should just be pumping out these little gravity fields and hopefully we can suck away the elite so it doesn't run into me i think that's kind of the biggest thing that's gonna kill me right now silencer level three curse also deals damage this is the let's just put them in the middle that's going to be important to have which you are also important vulcanus you're less important warden maybe even less so all right there we go [Music] speed demon speed the other gravity well yeah suck them right off of me you know what achievement unlocked sorcerer build there it is new game plus three sucked him right off gg let's loop a little bit i can go plus uh in the game plus but i think that looping is always fun for a longer video and then i'm going to be done uh if i had to get rid of one thing what would i get rid of chronomancer mage enchanter [Music] what i replaced it with i don't know another cursor maybe i don't know oh you have plus one size you're right party size of 10 i forget that every time what would i add stormweaver infuses projectiles to chain lightning do it do it i can get one more enchanter i get plus damage to all allies sir cursor voider we'd hit the cursor and voider like was i thinking about one more enchanter squire is an enchanter plus damage and defense to all allies what was i gonna get rid of chronomancer plus attack speed change it for a squire i wanted i wanted the enchanter though there any chronomazer doesn't make sense if i'm going for the enchanter thing i kind of need uh an enchanter sorcerer one of those exists get rid of one of my healers i guess but i have this plus one healing or on creation all right see what happens i say not worth it to get rid of attack speed less repeat cast all right barry's an enchanter advice below my enchanter status sorcerer oh you're right we were trying to get an uh i was thinking of sorcerer and on and chanter mage enchanter sorcerer my brain literally can't like cryomancer and chronomancer no i i can't brain doesn't do that sorry let's get rid of intimidation open ourselves up for something new so what do we want maybe another enchanter and get rid of what though priest probably could get rid of the priests i think they'd be fine no healing get the ferry back oh jesus this is awkward this is awkward what's the ferry right now that's tier four and we're sitting here at fifteen five percent tier four creation let's maybe pump this up a bit three enemies take damage over time fifty percent faster we do have damage over time on the witch it's like a good combo berry for priests fairies like you came crawling back didn't you you bastard this is pretty good look who it is fracture when enemies hit walls no position three has plus attack speed attack speed should work whether they're shooting projectiles or not what if we put the witch on three and we just have it just blasting super witch very level two squire level three squires 30 damage attack speed movement speed and defense to all allies that's really good all right which impress me does it seem like it's going faster hard to tell okay well we won yes does [Music] we're crushing it hard enough that the waves are doing that glitch thing but they're just not even spawning waves there's like yeah we give up ah we're done kill the elite i'll certainly try cool [Music] bigger aoe item would be great i'm gonna do no healing strike anymore just see what happens once again we've already won right we can drive this right into the ground if we really wanted to artificially level three automation shoot and move 50 faster at least 12 rejections on death level 33 there's only five waves yeah it starts over when you lose i don't know if it gets harder or not probably not because that's probably what uh new gamepl we need three more wardens to get force field around two units warden cannot honestly go i wouldn't mind getting rid of warden but we need to replace it with another sorcerer which is the stick symbol it so many projectiles get another witch can't have more than one type max curse target so we do have something with the cursor uh the silencer do plus targets on silencer enemies are slower healing orbs are attracted slower could be really good but position five shoots three projectiles per second chance to stun chance to tax for critically strike let's do that there's so many projectiles let's see what happens send it i'm just gonna send it bigger aoe that wouldn't be a bad one either that's fun that's fun another bad spawn ah oh get out of here no more storm what did i say i would get rid of the warden we have an arcanist yeah we do are we gambler is a sorcerer do 2x damage to a single random enemy where x is how much gold you have every every how long not doing it cop upgrade and we'll see who we need to level up first look at how many bullets we have holy shnikes [Music] we need to level up a tier three a tier four a tier two a tier four and a tier four looking for that squire we'll never get that squire which is good 30 damage attack speed movement speed defense if we don't move on that now acquire me that's probably better than the warden psychic is also a sorcerer but now we have aoe damage wire me game seems so fun [Music] done a lot of projectiles [Music] i don't know why i had an aversion to watching you play this but i watched the video on youtube but it was pretty pretty cool so here i am there's a lot of these like new small games that you could easily be turned off by looking at and i always bring up the idea of say the spire i never wanted to get in a sighted spire and i had some friends that were like it just looks so shitty that i can't even hear that you say it's a good game i just my brain says no and i refuse to try it and i was the same way back in the day until i tried it and outside the spire is like so good it's so simple it's so easy easy i mean the the concept is easy that that's what i meant and uh yeah now i just i love it so it's you know you do have to give these games a chance you have to realize that uh you don't have to be playing triple a games all the time in order to like it doesn't have the coolest cut scenes in order to make you happy you can play some stupid little snake game and have the time of your freaking life like muck like muck lanterns here thank you so much for the three months thanks for valuable content thanks for watching [Music] that was the case with lupero yeah i mean i switched to loop hero like uh over a week ago and had some people actively just yelling in the chat because they were mad because the graphics weren't up to par for what they wanted to watch favorite game of all time tower of guns guns was super super fun i like that a lot i'm kind of bummed about um mother gunship i really don't feel like it had the same charm the tower of guns had lot of cause of you do 15 to get that squire but pretty high chance of getting the berry storm weaver vulcanist psychic is level two though too maybe we should go to the shop we go welcome to level three the number and speed of explosions just doubled brah all right let's play this fire there's a mobile game stream is similar called rogue adventure there are at this point in time i would guess somewhere between 300 to 4 000 games like slate aspire and 90 of them are just cheap ripoffs and they suck they are blatant they're dumb they're pay to win they trash but rogue adventure items maybe there are some that are really good pirates outlaws if you guys have never heard of pirates outlaws look into that one that's a fun one bug adventure is really fun to me maybe i even have it on my phone [Music] no i've got rogue jack though blackjack rogue roguelike level three stormweaver chain lightning's trigger area of effect and number of units hit is doubled i see dungeons dodgy dungeons is very fun and you play soul mite basically gungeon but with more i gotta be honest i think soul knight's just not good i just don't i i just i actually really don't like playing it i find it uh just not rewarding in any way and then i of course i bought it on switch and it just doesn't they just don't update it for switch god dang it hate that i tried it i really really tried to get into it and i ended up not enjoying myself and then everyone got mad at me because like why are you bitching at the game like i just don't like it heard about steam deck what are your thoughts i think steam deck so steam deck being the uh competition to the nintendo switch steam is making like a small handheld computer um that is exact same dimensions i think as a switch or same idea maybe it's a little bit bigger um but it's uh like what is it 400 to 600 for the models like model one two and three i i have four pcs that function great uh one of them being now a laptop i i don't need a steam deck uh it's a cool idea for anybody that a doesn't have a pc or b probably and and b never bought a switch so sure i think there's definitely a market for it i'm i'm not in that market unless there's some really cool way that i could use it when i'm on the road to record or stream i would think about it then definitely i just want to get to the final boss again and then i think i'm going to call it [Music] maybe maybe maybe i could do one run of tower of guns i could be convinced beyond what's up it's like steam caters to people who want to play games on nice pc hardware and would only settle for bad hardware for exclusives [Music] steam caters to people who want playing that games and nice pc hardware and there's a ton of like free-to-play and small little indie games as much as like itch io probably but smoke break four months thank you for that welcome back what are we looking for right now here for fairy you're too psychic you're too squire we should probably decrease the shot these one run of tower guns please i offer you one one head par i'm feeling pretty good i'm feeling more awake now than i was three hours ago which is interesting you can decrease the shop level by right-clicking the shop it costs money to do so though it seems kind of silly but when you're going for a build it does make sense i mean we did it and it worked very well sometimes all you need is that one clincher that might be a tier one that might be a tier two [Music] wire level three is insane yeah it seems pretty good you know i'll immediately get a psycher or psychic [Music] which is a psycher barry's i'm not going to get it this low of a shot but we weren't getting in any way so we were a high shot so [Music] should get rid of an item so you can get a bigger aoe thing we're also just like crushing the game's soul in half not concerned about it but it's no break which one of our items could we part with the pulls enemy in on spell repeat position 3 is 50 attack speed let's get rid of that one we can do without watch me do a heck and do without [Music] this is called snake rx snk rx i think it's three bucks on steam or if i don't get that area of effect i don't get magnify someone's gonna be banned in chat [Music] no that was important i think the witch is doing just fine you guys look at how many purple things there are i'm not even sure that that thing really affected the witch to be honest i noticed the same exact amount of purple things on screen you have plans of playing more tribes of midgard um it honestly depends if convince synvictor to play it more with me i wouldn't want to play it alone i don't think it's really a good game to play alone in my humble opinion of playing it alone looking for the squire please in breeding 64. thanks for two months welcome back [Music] look at the chain lightning do you see the chain lightning on this are you looking at that chain lightning centipede plus movement speed flying daggers all projectiles thrown by no attack speed to a random unit if you have two or more enchanters oh we are we do freezing field creates an area that slows enemies on sorcerer's spell repeat that's kind of my build when enemies at walls they create an area based on the knockback forest all warriors d.o.t i've never tried it i'm going to try it and get rid of something else critical strike i like everything that we have get rid of silencing strike we already have a curse thing that silences them we already do that you know you know what it's a fifty percent tier one on on shop two and we're looking for tier two i went a little too hard there that's our problem there's my squire spiker's done attacks can happen from any distance and repeat once small area that affects 52 aoe i don't know what attacks can happen from any distance means [Music] because you had to be close enough before yep really rolling in the squires now wow level 50 this is the last level [Music] the thing that sucks them in it's it's good it literally stops the elites from touching me every time and that kills off like one to two or more of your units within the first five seconds another achievement unlocked for enchanters are we full enchanter set and chanter one she entered two and change her three enchanter four just knocking out achievements just left and right um i'm gonna call it on this game thank you guys on youtube for watching let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,701
Rating: 4.9026766 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, SNKRX, snake, action roguelike, roguelite, arena shooter, top-down, deckbuilding, 2D, build, best, top, upgrade, shop, class, unit, boss, elite, new game +, replay, indie, fun, critter
Id: SvQQ_qCSq2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 51sec (4851 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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