Paradox Turbo Run - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon Farewell to Arms

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all right I think we start with a paradox run since we haven't done one of these like since we unlocked it fat bullets prime sob what's up that bullets welcome perfect timing we got predator okay Knights gun alrighty it's a show back my single card chest please but since I need to spice everything up way too far we're doing a turbo cuz I can never find a true challenge ever everything's way too easy I've never died Winchester rifle and what and don't believe his lies gel extra damage for a short time after getting hit so I I like the idea of these runs but they not being kind of lame sometimes [Music] I would do more chat picks you guys but the mods for Gunjan are broken at the moment the mods for beat saber are also broken which saddens me greatly breaks my heart books ok books actually could stop a bullet let's be honest but like multiple books key drops are nice thank you thank you you guys see the music still [Music] don't go breaking my heart bounce bounce bounce I couldn't if I tried they fix the mantra beat saber they did you sure recently like in the past day because there was a message that was like my life falling apart and I can't keep up with the mods and AH Jesus because it was run by like one dude real what's up I'm doing well real I gots no name you like to go for the desert on a horse with no name - hello you're in that I pretty much have the starting weapons for Hunter Huntress pretty much what does more damage you guys crossbow or Winchester rifle am I missing a reference gas masks isn't bad but peope crossbell Winchester Winchester Winchester you guys is guessing or did you look it up I supposed to be I said look it up I want number one gestures one more damage price was more dangerous though I also like to live dangerously this is my wife Oprah you are 17 total 17 amazing months yes welcome back I'm gonna still awake you never know what the other chest is gonna be crossbows 26 damaged Winchester has like 15 step let me chat dozen looks up up it's like Lu me knowledge we just spout off and pretend it's backs crossbow of your time when Lowell Rep Winchester 15 crossbow 22 but the faster fire rate okay well I'm more interested in one shotting people anyways or just going right for the explosive barrels obviously a priority auto aim alright let makes it easy this looks like it's gonna be the seat the seeker um no doesn't it jerking me around Zor gun yeah is this organ from men in black I'll push the red button kid grass ball is stronger DPS with element what's the red button in fifth element I'm thinking of the scene where he's in the car and he's about to push the button in the car and he's like never push the red button all right you know what now you say that I do remember the sorghum I think that weird guy with the thing has like he that he carries it is that right [Music] my god what the hell is this like a homing shot what the hell is this what is this Schatz doing over power dis fact dude oh Jesus [Music] shadow bullets synergy a hell yes with what mr. shadow sounds a hot excuse me ah Gunjan Zorgon excuse me [Music] zorgons shadow bullets become random explosives that already is the case isn't it farts humming bullets the last shot of each magazine fires an RPG rocket grenade rock grenade launcher grenade or bullet bore bore holding down the fire button will not automatically fire the last rounds I'm done yeah I'm not following here it's not every shots a random grenade whatever bores in and does damage stuns normal enemies Junkin secret um haven't found it yet Zargon has good VPS I'm not saying it's not a good gun [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm kind of feeling just shop at this point I'm all the shots that are proct shadow shots explode yeah the shadow bullets that come out are random explosives that's okay okay all right all right all right all right that's pretty good so we get something here and a for the straight guy [Music] just gonna look at like the obvious pics here yeah I am so smart SMRT a 38 special secret floor get the weird egg yeah but that's just the dragon thing we can get that later right [Music] well I get to get it now this clock why I say my money what's better poaching a gun friendship or double vision um depends on the gun I would say because I want to see it you literally drop it in fire and that little dragon pops out it's not that big of a deal that's just not like a big deal out of it you know thirty-eight fires faster after a dodge roll yet the weird eggs is love e-50 idea what you talking about the dragon pops out it doesn't like super cool thing oh god damn that spicy right there wow wow wow wow wow hey hey Wow [Music] I got tapped shoot the damn thing anyways so like what's the point of like doing the Dodge Rowley thing it seems like it shoots just fine without Dodge rollin that's that's max that's my max tapping anyways guys let's got more DPS you guys 38 special or crossbow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa well well whoa [Music] you act like a watch what's going on usually ouch that hurts me and my soul region in my heart cage [Music] shame the man to 69 I too was going through your pain with the beat saber mods but this is what you had to do uninstall beat saber installed a mod install are found in discord reinstall beat saber and run it once without mods run the mods install or have fun I had the mod still working chain the man but yeah I was this I was moreso complaining about the other the gungeon mods being broken out saying beat saber mods were also busted at one point I did I did find a fix but it doesn't seem like our people still making songs for it hard to tell [Music] the the mod install that I had for like a long long time that's what I'd revert back to but there was a new one that came out that was really good and then that one went away crossbows more DPS has more Knights dippity Knights which is a tick nipply girl oh yeah hi paint the champion man champion shotgun shells less super annoying that guy right there and then the champion bullets also pretty annoying I mean decimate with this crossbow right now we're gonna go we're gonna miss what's the hitbox in these things well got a blast empty oh my wind out use your face when in doubt panic and miss and then die I'm gonna need some keys though game I needed some keys though right for gold junk and even one shot one shot one shot a grenade it's really important to know who you can sidestep and who you can't scent amenities have like predictive shot and these guys don't though as long as you keep strafing can you double back on yourself bill that's gonna get in trouble killer have a good day mister joining us a locked crushed room that's nice to see wonderful love it empty bra black Firehawk prime sub can't believe it's locked and I'm not only gonna have one key - so black chest or crests there's no guarantee I'm even gonna get the crest to the altar now I mean we continue to play gunjan if it's not being updated probably every now and then mods need to step back up [Applause] I'm seeing multiple grenades here multiple explosives ah I got hit it's the only boss slots one of two bosses that you can hit get hit on it doesn't matter three I suppose two crew fountain rats four if you count on the lid shut up key drop and what the hell are you tranq gun non non lethal I think it seems garbage what is it squat thirty four months in a row hey what's its me pop a squat literally baby was born in Friday morning had to get a c-section after wedding in labor for 18 hours ouch cat here in and bail are both healthy want to say thank you again for indirectly being the reason we met hell yeah baby healthy everything okay with that Bell a baby cat cat heron and Bell are both healthy bruh cat hearin Katherine oh it's split it up I thought you talked about your cat I'm like you named your cat Erin first of all didn't know that if I say it's you know what squat it's cut up on my screen I'm like Katherine and Bell makes way more sense cat Harun it's like great but how's the baby I forgive you wow this is lovey you know what lovey don't judge me before you walk a mile in my pajama pants all right cat heroin I'm in riddle of lead also really in I'm defended geyser Nutter butters you guys are chocolate with a little bit of peanut butter and wafer in the middle I've already checked this room for seeker I didn't find it could be like right here maybe check the obvious locations remember I tricked the game last time by saying that so does anyone even know what that thing is that gun is that I just got okay look at that TDK n potent to oneself what's up good night nice you mean your Minecraft PJs or your different ones the ones I'm doing squats in right now thank guarantee they're gonna be clean that would haunt me walking them stunts a lot like laundry that much you know it's actual garbage what was it even called tranq gun see semi-automatic if I get the ancient heroes bandana the box of cigarettes the rash and the wolf tranq gun changes appearances rate of fires decrease damage and reload time are increased and it's bullets one inflicts no slow and stun was originally called the m9 oh okay right all right got the crest so we're good to go Roger Roger right no sir drunken ass forsook brutal of LED is like damage upgrade speed upgrade health upgrade or something like that right maybe and all stats are set of sorts [Music] let's talk about clock and Jacob since they left to play risk of rain to who out of their not happy about my starting weapon here it Prem's get back no where's my ammo drops though supposed to get those I would have been dumb to walk into pretty go there is no you balls I love your balls no baller you have cause I like balls you just kill Marge Simpson was the Riddler wide Plus dodge roll speed Frank gun actually seems significantly better than my starting weapon [Music] finally some ammo goodness [Music] since I gonna has lots of knock-back is that normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] got zero keys uh yeah that was my bad turbo spider come on am I supposed to be good at that [Music] w Laden what's up I'm well I feel like the shopkeeper should give you coupons or deals every two under that you spend you get like fifty off the next item or some would that be swell [Music] or you sell the price tag in that that's what the cool kids do let's not I can sell it when it's collectible and saying never wore it [Music] mmm reloading the tranq gun never thought I'd see the day that too blue no there's a green never mind I'll be open the green one then that's logic for you God Lord the parking screen shake man little heavy-handed did you stop doing that though goodness she melted no key [Music] dueling Lisa this is one I had to charge up like an active item Spacey 24 oh no looks like I forgot about Auto sub renewal for a whole two years capital W butts plus Pacey did you actually to find the sacrum no need to look for it go to the green chest to open it up orange butts want to eat it kind of want to eat it increases coolness by two fully heals the player and grants a heart container my coolness would go up I suppose we could wait till we find another active item [Music] okay follow her hi pal yeah you guys we frickin did it dum diddly did it [Music] react flinty Prime subs up that's here we got everything we can go to the crests oh let's do this any orange oranges are probably some of like the least my least favorite to eat worth it tell the judge it was just that's a hand of the gun okay Wow hi nuts I would say wait till you are on red health but you never take damage so see it gets it yeah hi oh yeah Wow Wow easy mode but this games aren't even trying further proof that I've never been hit before Exhibit A [Music] [Music] quite a nickel for every time I've missed point-blank with a single fire weapon [Music] I'd be able to like go out for lunch what else needs the ammo Zorgon really like needs needs the ammo to be an honest [Music] what does gunpowder made of magic beans sweet Thank You magic beans praise bean ooh what do we get for the junk like one shield for junk givin ya armor for junk [Music] Polaris is gonna be pretty d so sad Oh bullets and one so I got a bonus if I got M 1 and M 9 nope why not though turn all my bullets into m/s turns me into em from double-oh-seven bro I got ideas [Music] [Music] Adam SB m16 or m1911 whatever em gun you should get did you get a it should add all the numbers the ends up and add that much under your damage so I am won an m9 the m10 damaged or combine the two into an m10 [Music] and 1911 with a big damage then say the system was perfect almost got level three and then lost and immediately stupid bouncy bullets man unfinished gun is like the worst piece of trash ever complete aims to disappoint look at this your garbage literally no one likes you I think Zorgon probably is still gonna do better in the boss cause the explosion damage and stuff this on turbo mode is like holy dude reload faster dude Polaris is not gonna be level 3 by the end of this oh ouch oh wow good one that was good one of his part the green thing you're a mean one mr. green sprung oh boy no one cares well where's our key for sale thank the Lord all this Boston normal is pretty crazy and that would have been a mimic I would have been yes yeah an engine also hot trash but synergy ancient aliens I'm looking it up now Zor gun modify the zuhr gun please three special shots at the end of each magazine instead of one yes Oh beef me up buttercup don't you let me down all right above Berta but worst of all you never call baby when you say you will breaking two green chests kind of hurts me sprung once where it activated every time I got hurt super OPI dad yeah that does sound nice I got one that activated when I was down to half a red heart and I only knew that because I'd cloned and I'd killed myself we do have a gun muncher and we should probably use it with what though crossbow 38 special I mean if you feed it garbage is gonna give you garbage back you know what I mean maybe there's a good synergy with some of these guns that I'm gonna throw away you know tranq gun I actually liked it a lot better than 38 Walzer five months thank you for Gunjan what's up Walzer and I say Josh two months in a row I miss it I'm sorry [Music] just watch on YouTube huts hmm what I want to do probably crossbow honestly crossbow winchestertonfieldville rifle unfinished gun is pretty garbage the fact that you can't bring the unfinished gun to the Forge and have them finish it is just absolutely mind-numbing like are you serious it's a garbage gun you get it everywhere the lady's working on it in the Forge I think you can now assist a cow don't even just shut up you're lying it does become finished if you fill the ammo nomicon like literally you put in you get on ah fill the ammo nomicon what have I not filled though you tell me I haven't filled everything out oh I guess every single gun ever we still have unlocked some recently we haven't gotten teapot question mark how have I not gotten a teapot [Music] the glass cannon haven't gotten that where do I get it the crueler glaive special loot Evolver [Music] but also have I not seen a shadow clone where how do I get these there's no excuse for things to not have been gotten did unknown time to fly so we trade our junk yeah we should all think there's any reason not to all right roasted fighting chicken t1 sub what's up do we find the Seagram both of them we did totally and we're good to go I think my first runs had glass cannon shadow clone when I got the game like last week shadow clone is D rank I don't even care at this point oh how the did you get me though rat room already by the way gotta use at least one key here [Music] you know what hurts when you spend all your keys and then you run into that key guy the key shop that burns when I pee now that may actually be something else entirely but we're gonna blame it anyways [Music] oh hey get away I don't like you remember we walked into the room he was holding a gun I was new I just want to fight the rad so I can get the cheese and the cheese boots yes yes once again though I'm gonna save the key just in case I hey hey hey knock it off say the key in case I run into the key shop guy this little green orb though the sprung guy makes me think it's a bullet I'm gonna try to dodge it it's trying to throw me off and it's working [Music] drink water huts I saw a video recently it was like 120 Plus Spice versus the Lich I was fun to watch okay I'm actually gonna die if I try to jump across the spikes in the middle stupid trap rooms bubble blaster Winchester key might buy the key thank you Wow okay a little close there buddy he's stuck what a get rekt I shot and I miss the bubble guy a panicked hate waiting on these stupid things free chests rocks minds let's do it if I get the ak-47 now I quit cuz orange mode is life it's called like island mode or some probably flipping a table or setting something on fire are setting yourself on fire for this front doesn't it change though as soon as you find the trigger for it possibly excuse me a possibly possible well your grace now let's stay the same I got something they found the trigger once maybe chat was lying to me again cat does that well it's not the table thing flipping a table could you imagine could you imagine what did I say chat go wait can I use the ak-47 to open up the door to the rat cage I don't think I can i legit don't think I can do that well that's kosher I think I can do it if I got the Shelton key that's the whole floor dude that's it if you hold the a q47 it operates as a key does it though some want to confirm rat door a key 47 we have to hope and pray for a key for from here try it yeah but I'd rather not fail use the last blank poisoned electrocuted falls into a pit damage starts it doesn't work on the on the rad door confirmed on wiki okay so unless we get two keys we ain't doing it which is a bummer because a key 47 makes the world go round the turbo mode something else let me tell you know you buddy are you serious both of my balls went directly up inside my body oh geez where is he oh hey buddy oh goodness oh no key reload this shell gun with no synergy sadface didn't you do the ak-47 in the rattle already then that was the Sheldon Kia think we just have to like touch it I don't know if the wiki says that the wiki says it all right that means we can do gold chests and rat door op newb cannon with no synergies as well come on man did we get the secret I think we did why is a piano cuz it's fun was a shop not selling a key I already bought the shop key I do believe so [Music] you were secret I'm where would you be right here no here no here no here no here nope what I really meant was right here yep I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it totally knew it that it would be right here off the shop known about that Oh almost got me at that I guess we could have tested the the trigger on the pit falling still could at this moment I'm [Music] I'll check that wall a lot of times it's right across from the special shop guys find it there quite frequently not seeing the other good spot for it I gotta say both my blanks anyways a minute could oh there's not even another one for sale so let's save it for the rat then save ourselves from using the shields stupid dumb yeah on the ak-47 page it says differently so you're saying that it says in the ak-47 page that you can use it it's referring to the nod key hatch not the normal hatch so you can use it on the nod key hatch or are you saying you can use it to get through the hatch up top but not through the nod key hatch so we're talking about here I didn't get a third key anyways you guys it doesn't really matter but for the future be nice to know all right write that down or edit the wiki make it more understandable this is still level three hell yeah get smooshed on let's go now simple stuff guys he's a game ez life all I said holy try setting yourself on fire yeah I'll definitely do that in a second hang on a second wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why don't I take fire damage I want to test evallo me dumb one needs a full reload here nothing Winchester rifle you're lucky I like you I dodged that though [Music] I dodged that too was literally in the middle of my dodge roll animation remember that now and I didn't I got any good there I'm floating space flute [Music] this on turbo mode oh how no you dude looks like I'm nailing this perfectly in the games like yeah you suck oh my Jesus you're doing what to Jesus [Music] well does he like it I'll you ah Jesus well taking red help doesn't trigger my sprung burn like the donates burn we got it got it got and I could have gotten all six keys the hell was that got a glass pipe stupid cheese eater devolver bullets huh okay all right I'm that one right but it didn't good story right [Music] pump up the beats [Music] needs more music can't do nothing but block an Allen for God [Music] baba planning and now for planning babies Sheldon let's go [Music] come Hitler I mean Hitler you say to me the hell you say to me boy oh the dragoon Dragon Fire Blast pipe glass cannon hey that's what we wanted I like the this thing and I like of that thing and I like a little bit of that thing also really cool wait a second I got a synergy Glasgow on stone synergy with the glass pipe Max Payne oh that's why it's okay I get it glass cannon it's a big laser okay sweetness I'm in I'm so in awe awe Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom plant back Wow [Applause] [Music] let's go fight me that's it oh that was weak that was a hello weak cheese me now pum pum pum pum pum when a pound you think it the laser gets better and better for each single blast one stone I have because then I don't want to give it up for the super dragon you can feed the baby using only one key yes I need you I know this for sure glass cannon breaks the boss damage limit cuts the drill did I leave the drill back I realize I dropped it won't be on a pom pom pom Piana pom pom bow plan app anybody know I'll look it up myself then glass it fit the Glasgow on stone will be destroyed losing the synergy but the gun will be kept doesn't say anything about multiple Glasgow on stones so I'll drop one of them what if I drop spurned drop this it's not that good honestly okay I can't throw him a gun I can't throw him a gun the hell am I gonna get to him all my stuff's good devolve are bullets I guess hots is blocking the GL and the glass so it says ass cannon ha [Music] use your last blank first sweet dude I get it's the same thing that I got last time they're really bad one you know what I don't know I'm not gonna skip to the next floor anyways we're gonna do floor for I'm just gonna do this hell dude come on eat it dammit [Music] for the song eat it damn it eat it damn it eat it damn it yo brickbreaker sorry bud sacrifices must be made but if I just let the rat alive I could have fed him the rats yeah you're right oh gosh yes I was totally amazed at brickbreaker shoots not the tranq actually had a lot of synergies look like but well I had one synergy with a lot of different weapons potentially what are we gonna use here let's get polaris back up what sucks is that you can lose the Polaris stuff by taking damage with a different weapon but you can't charge the Polaris with a different weapon like what is this nonsense baby Sheldon's is just in there just loving life lasering everyone flopping around his little floppy bone arms that I just devolved the the Reaper into a Arrowhead I asked but I did [Music] mini-boss time I hate this guy dude dueling laser time triple kill yes I got three keys I'll save him anyways shops right beneath me see gorillas popping another another boss thought that was another mini-boss was like what a lot of months you should do a gunslinger random gun run wrinkled says the 13 wrinkled D would you expect anyone tell you congrats for hitting on our cave which follower saying on OK subs and Hut's to absolutely killing it right now man hut slob thanks dude appreciate the hype an RA 91 what's the most important to you in your life what is the most what is the most important to you in your life most important thing um what is the most important thing to me in my life can I say my job drill it oh my god you guys are so right this is why I pay you with smiles jar of bees deal who wants a jar of bees to the face you do I just threw him off the cliff poor bees that's so sad Nic Cage I'm not sure he wanted its regular shot II could add some synergies poor bees save the bees we should be saving them not killing them why didn't I use my partially eaten cheese in the fusilli er I don't know are you asking so many questions well at least I saved it for this mmm gulp sniper rifle where's my sniper rifle synergy with my AWP what you can't do me dirty like that worth [Music] a mo for what what have I been using [Music] larious [Music] call it the trickshot [Music] in which direction do I want to have their green chest probably can't do special runs anymore on guns and you guys mods are broke I got no console can't even give myself the problem with the devolver is that it spawns a fully healthful devolved enemy you have to kill them twice so them just dying you can it's update this is economy Rick are you sure your talk about beat saber mods being updated unless I misunderstood all right buddy kill your father kill your father kill him do it now [Music] he's like I'd rather just rest okay I got some lasers in me whoops they hit the wall flop flop flop flop dude I'm gonna wait ah okay well I kind of cheated for you I shouldn't really count the health upgrade plus ice shooting out let me take damage plus the synergy with the dread dragon ice looking it up dragon ice shoot blue fire that is a chance to burn and/or freeze an enemy ok well that's like kind of cool I guess r2d2 what's up I mean goodbye I mean the other one he drop drill that you know you're not wrong I keep forgetting about the drill probably pretty unnecessary at this point but it's still kind of cool alright try number 2 kill him finish him do now yeah buddy hell yeah just like Kyle oh rip spoilers I got cheese boots right [Music] easier just to not go across that thing I get to my drill [Music] baby shelling best Shelton [Music] ie scrambler there any Goods scrambler synergies [Music] that's the problem with getting like one overpowered gun you don't use all the rest of them I'm not gonna wait for you to do that I believe in you and your powers baby Sheldon you've proven yourself no more time to waste though see here probably use the zuhr gun on the boss it's tried and true first world dungeon problems I've got a lot of guns and I'm not using them sad face look at how far I dodged Rahl it's almost too far I'm a complainer breath good shot good shot dragon fire is surprised solid choice as well [Music] magnifiers real good son [Music] super crossbow oh man instead of a synergy with the regular crossbow because rip OH because rip [Music] as soon as I buy something from a shop I lose the ability to have this ring have the extra help I can buy two keys and wonnum and this in the goo on stones oh and the elder blinks I don't really need it though you know if we're being honest with ourselves oh excuse me you can shoot the final phase wise in the air by shooting up secret floor read the sewer by the pigeon look at all those chickens alright buddy what do you want what am I gonna give you one of these [Music] and then probably shotbow I didn't see any synergies with that sounds kind of lame maybe what about getting the jar bees think that by doing this right I don't need a jar bees take care of those bees all right we're ready to go I think so give them the dragon but if I kill them right here is that a reference to something a weird thing in the closet closeted weird things too nervous to be weird and out in the open hashtag relatable [Music] your rainbow for a second now is over a gap that's my cheese boots could be the boots of cheese [Music] [Music] speedrun [Music] with the secret room do you have to go to the other secret rooms I don't think so you have to have a master whatever they're called you know the thing a master round and then like to other things nurms cheese is so overpowered dude it's unbelievable mimes if I fall off the cliff before he's dead oh my in a little closer your balls buddy [Music] dude you're done oh thank god yeah a lot I just bought some voice lines when the others don't kind of bothers me a little bit but is what it is reload what dragon fire sure [Music] I can't drill why why can't I drill this boo it's like ah I don't think of another health yeah I'm kind of just pointed about at least three times as much second row were bust I love the cheese boots so much Wow whoa hey Wow Oh buddy simple [Music] I just wish there was like a super turbo mode you know this is kind of boring [Music] child's play that bullet almost whizzed in there and got me all these back in stein dude but he got but if I try to drill a mimic would they like it [Music] let me see that guy [Music] another crossbow why get away [Music] hmm remember I got the Polaris in the mimic one time [Music] oh hi buddy this is my corner ah hmm off my corner dude I'm level one again sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] gotta love me some level 1 and 50 freakin ammo left [Music] what else we gonna use find a little wines let's go [Music] what happens if I devolve a chicken is it turn into an egg [Music] [Music] oh good one little bullet went right around the corner [Music] let's focus fire on the demon on the Reaper chicken Reaper that's how they make spicy chicken fingers [Music] turns into a dinosaur [Music] does the devolver just turn everything into the the arrow heads now they used to devolve them like literally through a chain of certain enemies oh my dude kamikaze she had the drill out now they turn into the arrow guy Oh where'd that come from [Music] item number two of the payday when we just finished his homework sounds like you were busy doing other stuff earlier today lost more health this time though rip how do I not say how do I say no to bullet upgrades you don't I was dodge rolling through that though pretty perfectly sometimes the game just like decides not to recognize your dodge roll it pisses me off yeah pretty sure I did that perfectly but okey here again guy it's gonna take a while hats off to the stun dude very handy go get him go stun him number one Stunna look at this [Applause] keep doing it though don't stop buddy did you want to come up and say hi while I'm doing the Dragon now I'm gonna stay on the floor okay Oh dragon fight Zor gun chubs Alice plus my gunjan run with your epicness scrub your face in the screen works every time hey Lenny [Music] all right let's do this what if I use dragon fire against the dragon only another dragon can kill the dragon [Applause] would you buy it label any man little any man oh you cheater little dragon hack so crazy to play the game like this by the way five eye shields been fun yeah right dude he's biting my ears they don't up dad don't up yeah right dude you too I'm saving the blanks until I really need them now would be a good time probably the hell is your big deal it's all the sudden had to get the hell off me baby Sheldon it just has no chill just still firing his laser fires he miss out excuse me all right good stuff we've get everything that we needed to get there any health waiting for me there is health waiting for me where's the machine how do I get it [Music] now what spend our last little bits of money goodbye goodbye look how fast a dodge roll though what if I went over here [Music] what hail me well now we're lost somebody help me run run buddy you're the only one here go get help tell them Timmy's stuck in a well they'll know what you mean [Music] so we did I blend it in - it's like camo I think I can even get this same to level three it's gonna be tough to get it there in hell [Music] holy balls acts on my nose I was looking for that guy it's an interesting place our boss tags to be because I haven't spent much time thinking about ball sacks but apparently you have got um damage anyway come on reset my Polaris when it's already reset I head out tanki this thing is yeah right no way [Music] nothing up here why did I go up here table tried to screw me over super easy time with this Polaris level one the games like here's level two shut up stop complaining quit your bellyachin oh hi little piece of I can't even see these little guys they run so fast you're in my elbow pit [Applause] [Music] empty wolf man give me a second to like switch guns brah what should we use you an engine or bust oh hey oh oh wait oh my god why look at how powerful this thing is unreal yeah right magic carpet in four minutes ago asked question cowboy rides into town on Friday stays for three days and leaves on Friday how did he do it some weird stupid joke twenty nine months wrong trouser this is the only game that's gotten me to yell at the screen as loud as I did with Dark Souls and I love it I also love helping my blood pressure breaking controllers it's just a good feeling you know it's very nice just kind of live these moments of hating everything it's just too much to love in the world you know kind of balance it out a little bit his horse was named Friday dad whoa hundred and one best jokes to with something a joke from one of those books and they're all just like hot trash like 101 best jokes according to WHO a potato [Music] let's not forget I got homing bullets it's not auto-aim I'm not a hack how much love in the world there's always a shotgun full I hate cheese boots you're supposed to last longer than that I think I take I underestimate the power of turbo mode cheese boots overestimate whatever I'm not using Polaris anymore because it's not fun you stun em all alien engine um deal works like a charm little bullets they just like know how to find you and it hurt you [Music] eight Navi [Music] [Music] alien engine is also shooting outdoor gun bullets to be noticed that [Music] alien engine oh yeah that hurt that all sort but fly away I can show you the world I'm fighting you can't get me ah what if you grab the other guys instead on accident [Music] walk into that one [Music] oh my Jesus no warning on that one yeah great nice tell dick I'm sinning against the wall and he sends bullets at me from the wall son takes too long to reload that's gonna hurt scrambler happy L - your L done oh hi VIN Oh easy clap simple stop you guys doesn't get easier than that Fraenkel gunslinger random gun run elde which asks a question do you remember when you made fun of me on stream for liking kc i think it's funny how you pulled the complete 180 when you learn how to use it well mal nope still hate it it's all just part of the long con joke still think you're a loser
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 50,227
Rating: 4.9104476 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: HxXSkbJe2UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 29sec (6149 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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