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what is up people on youtube we are live right now and uh we are gonna be playing snake rx is that what it's called snake rex snake racks basically it's roguelike uh if you guys remember me playing nova drift a while back sin for 16 months more like is mean and but friskies thanks to lucky number 13. appreciate that let's do we'd be doing so i'll try to step it through and and walk what i'm what i'm doing and how it's all working we have to basically choose uh seven segments to the snake we have money right now our gold is at three we could reroll for two i don't know what lock does and then we can upgrade the shop if we want to that costs a lot of money there's certain classes so cleric is the type class is healer swordsman is the type class warrior and you get benefits for let's say if you did healer um at two healers you have a 15 chance to create a plus one healing orb on healing orb creation um at four you get plus 30 chance if that makes any sense over there but stallion thank you so much for the two months appreciate you and aromas for nine months but baby you did it so you kind of want to try to choose things that have the same classes but if i chose a cleric and a carver cleric creates one healing orb every eight seconds and carver carves the statue that creates one healing orb every six seconds i have zero damage kind of need some damage so i'm gonna go ahead and click uh choose swordsman here and then just go to the first one it's it's it's left and right there's no uh directional like up down left right okay swordsman's making the uh area of effect damage i didn't know that i didn't read that's pretty good that's a that's a large area [Music] done all right got three gold beast master rogue and swarmer throws a knife that deals 13 damage spawns two critters if it crit hits bane curses six nearby enemies for six seconds they will create small void rifts on death toronto master plus 20 attack speed to all allies snicker wrecks easy there guys what'd you call me looks like a satisfying game to fast read to de-stress it's like what it's just not speaking my language let's try the beastmaster here but now we added a beastmaster we don't have that much money so i'm not going to go too crazy in the beginning this looks fantastic that's pretty fun it's all the rage right now [Music] the beastmaster if it crits if it crits it'll uh spawn little minion guys the green little worm dudes once you kill a green one it gives a speed boost to the rest opposite wolf six total months welcome back the white one will shoot on you stream title still says tribes s n c k r x i think it was right rogue like snake game snkrx there we go fix the title so if we look here you'll be able to see like healer you don't have any healers this would be the first one barrage ranger forcer it's a barrage of three arrows each dealing 13.2 damage and pushing enemies if we were able to upgrade the barrager to level 3 which is really tough to do then it would every throw attack the barrage shoots 15 projectiles instead of three so it's like kind of a big deal to get upgraded so i'm going to reroll this since i don't like any of these archer archer carver i don't like any of those either i want to kind of uh go warrior rogue or swarmer there's a rogue assassin but i don't have three anymore i only have two gold all right mess that one up you get interest on gold too one gold interest per five gold caps [Music] there's a merchant snake piece there we go there was a crit hit so we got these little orange swarmers oh we could maybe upgrade to do more crits that could be good for our builds wave three out of four you can see that top right i got the steel drum edm [Music] needs more marimba right trying to avoid killing that green guy so i can handle it like now what's my crit chance at the moment all right choose one every so often you get to uh choose an item enemies take d.o.t damage have minus defense damage over time we don't have anything damage over time warriors gain four eight twelve percent defense every fifteen every five seconds when it says four eight twelve that means that we can upgrade this item with money we do have a warrior [Music] gain defense when an ally dies it explodes launching enemies away kinetic bomb or chance for constructs to taunt nearby enemies on attack we don't have any constructs i'm gonna reroll this costs zero the first time magnify plus area size area size i'm assuming that means like the area of the swordsman re-arm constructs repeat their attacks once rotating around yourself to the right releases two three four projectiles per second or burrows technique or ultimatum projectiles that chain gain 10 20 30 damage with each chain we don't have any chaining i'm gonna go area size um host so we can go swarmer here periodically spawns one small critter i kind of want some more swordsmans we have a scout we have a beast master i don't want to class i don't have too many classes here going at the same time it just gets overwhelming and you can sell these back i guess on a positive note [Music] shoots automatically i don't have to shoot at all i shut the steer oh here's a chain thing let's just get him in there timer for firing his bottom left seems like we're heavy on uh maybe warrior maybe maybe area builds maybe critter builds [Music] got a blast cleric magician magician it's a small area that deals 14 aoe damage i do have plus on area i could even increase it if i wanted to spend 10 money let's just skip critical just kind of dooky i usually do well with robes i think every single build is possible that's kind of the point of a roguelike right [Music] blue ones they drop a bomb that explodes kind of like that hit there oh we're gonna get it oh oh oh oh if any of our dudes die then they uh they respawn next next uh whatever you want to call it oh i hit the space bar and i just skipped oh god i didn't buy anything kill the elite we have an elite fight now oh god okay the green elite boosts boosts dudes every now and again yeah yeah yeah [Music] another green guy in there [Music] almost dead [Music] oh we're dying got it whispers of doom curse supply you don't have any curse generate one healing orb every eight seconds chance for attacks to push enemies away with high force projectiles that chain gain damage with each chain we do have a chainer now with scout let me go with it [Music] another swordsman this little dot here tells me that we already have one more area damage so i'm confused when i buy another one of these it adds it on right but it's still only one unit so how does this make sense to me does it deal two 22 damage now you need three to make one if we go hard on this uh magnify 2 and the ultimatum [Music] change the description please what description [Music] swordsmen there we go see if i get another one it put three of them together to make one level two now it does 22 okay maybe did nothing before [Music] that's the area of effect so i'm gonna go with the magnify upgrade that [Music] and then the swordsman [Music] description of your mom how much is this game on steam um three bucks two bucks five bucks something like that i don't remember [Music] look at this split tough decisions there three bucks on steam oh good shot more damage if i can get more enemies inside the area when my knight attacks or my whatever it's called [Music] 299 on android as well engineer yeah we need to start maybe uh getting something else in there drops turrets that shoot bursts you can also try to upgrade our shop level so it says current shop level um tier 1 is going to be 50 tier 2 tier 3 tier 4. there's the next upgrade but at the top it says xp 004 plus one xp costs five so to operate shop level two to level three is actually going to take 20 money [Music] how about some gention after this probably not gonna happen it's so late already versus six i think the curse is super good but it just doesn't go with any of our stuff let's go with aoe magician just get in there we need something storm weaver infused projectiles with chain lightning that deal 20 damage to two enemies that's dope spawns a rotating turret that shoots four projectiles when calamity play through i'm gonna try to upgrade my magnify again [Music] if i wasn't gonna upgrade it i probably should just kept the money because you get it uh you get a little bit of interest now we have the big yellow area of effect and the smaller blue area of effect i gotta stop letting these blue guys shoot me oh my god that was a perfect spawn [Music] dude these spawns they need to stop i just i just lost my magician [Music] we do be getting crushed though last wave [Music] oh uh you mean the age of calamity zelda [Music] thing all right level three magnify swordsman go save your money it's a slow projectile that draws enemies in i could see that being pretty good but what game is this snake rx three dollar roguelike on steam and look at that area of effect now once again more damage i think i read there's more damage if there's more enemies affected by it in the area look at that look at that that's pretty good only have one unit of that class though that's that's the downside of this critters have plus one two three hp construction objectives thrown by rogue chains yeah we have beastmaster rogue chains plus two three four times we do have a thing that makes it so that um the more we chain the higher damage it does let's do that okay so right now we have uh there's a knife that deals 13 damage and wait no that's not the one i was thinking of this one rogue throws a knife that deals 13 damage and chains three times and if we're able to get three rogue clasps then we get a plus 15 chance to crit [Music] which would spawn two critters on the beastmaster volcanist not a rogue it's a volcano that explodes the nearby area four times we are doing an area build i you know i just think that maybe we're at five out of seven party we're adding two brand new classes into the mix which is not smart [Music] but i'm gonna maybe take the flying daggers [Music] so plus three times that it's gonna chain screw it let's go let's do it i'm gonna scout [Music] i think so what's up all right let's see what this volcano does area of the volcano should be larger first volcano bumping away that's pretty good it's very slow to shoot that seemed pretty worthwhile oh my god we just got sniped by that dude horrible timing on the volcano still crushed him so crushed him [Music] swordsman yes we have two level twos i think we need three level twos in order to make a level three scout the chaining yes now we have a level two scout that's good another rogue once again if we have one more road we get that plus 15 percent chance to uh crit that was a fan of five knives each dealing four point point it's not the best for our builds there's no area of effect and there's no chaining but let's throw it into the mix see what happens upgrade our flying daggers game's really cool how much is it three dollars and we're chaining like a beast master except for the bullets coming in pretty good volcano pretty good volcano oh dodged all those bullets do you guys even know what you're looking at right now there's so much going on oh i went right through the spawn oh no [Music] somewhat zacks on when the blue enemies die they have this little blue dot and then the blue dot spreads this uh six bullet thing [Music] merchant this is the one that gains plus one interest for every ten gold but we're already at a max party so i'd have to sell something up i want to put something else in oh you know what we did uh the things chained more but we didn't upgrade the thing that makes it so that they do more damage per chain let's do that i'm so confused suzy and rob what are you confused about talk to me okay the blue guy actually that's an elite that's a blue elite it's always i'm not sure what it's going to do we're getting shot here it's almost over already did i buy a time of crops i think it's come across good if you enjoyed that kind of game unwavering stance all warriors gain four eight twelve defense every five seconds we do have a warrior but only one's the swordsman position one generates one psycho orb every ten seconds a psycho orb i think it's just a little white orb that it's like an orbital insurance heroes have four times the chance of mercenaries bonus to drop to gold on death we don't have the mercenaries chance to drop gold i'm gonna re-roll vulcan is warrior as well vulcanus is sorcerer nuker outlaw is a warrior but i'm just not excited about the outlaw just kind of filled blunt arrow ranger arrows have 10 20 30 chance to knock back ranger no rangers [Music] fanling burst critters die immediately on contact but also deal 50 100 150 area of effect we do have an area thing and we have critters position five shoots three projectiles per second that would be the magician this area of effect i mean we can put anybody in in position five enemies take extra damage when cursed bane length burst i feel like is a gimme yeah let's try it jester we could have another rogue curse six nearby enemies for six seconds they will explode into four knives i'm looking for area of effect or chaining there's a force filter on a random unit infuses retails a chain lightning that deals plus 20 damage to two enemies i don't know if that chain lightning means that it's chain damage projectiles that chain gain plus damage i don't know knives chain it might just be the knives the scout knives but maybe it's another class though do we really want to throw another class into there what's the weirdest game that you've played zombie cowboy and upgrade this guy we need more swarmers we need more critters swordsman gotta do it well critters are gonna explode on contact but 100 damage area of effect that seems pretty good i'm not sure if the area is really plus whatever 100 that it was supposed to be but we're crushing it at the moment we are crushing it look at all my critters wow wow wow don't forget that if we crit hit with one of our dudes we spawn extra critters as well and we got plus 15 crit chance because of rogue 12.1 area of effect damage and pushes enemies away with strong force [Music] fights a bomb explodes 20 area of effect damage so this would either be our third warrior or our second nuker let's get rid of our outlaw let's sell it and buy juggernaut game is cheap simple and so fun so this 12.1 area of effect to push enemies away really by the end i feel like um enemies that get too close that's i mean that's how you take damage most of the time anyways and let's get that uh oh i just sold one of the things that was the third warrior oops i don't even realize that oh well i'm still taking juggernaut and then i'm gonna upgrade chain and your third row did i really yeah i did now i don't have that 15 chance to crit shoot that was not the guy to get rid of [Music] you know this is what happens when you don't know all the game mechanics this is a lot of stuff that i need to pay attention to that was the juggernaut range wow that was massive [Music] and they're just flinging them they're just eating them across the whole map volcano i feel like it's missing more than it's hitting [Music] pyromancer assassin that'd be a third rogue piercing knife nearby enemies take damage you go baneling burst and do 150 aoe damage on my critters i'm gonna re-roll jester curses six nearby enemies for six seconds they will explode into four knives [Music] curses five nearby enemies for six seconds prevent them by using special attacks i want a third rogue for sure but what am i going to get rid of [Music] we have everything that's either area of effect or critters aerial effect critter critter um scout we need that for the rogue that's chaining area of effect area of effect area of effect [Music] get rid of mage [Music] i could [Music] let's try it what the gesture in there picking up gold releases four homing projectiles that deal 10 damage elementor 14 area of effect damage in a large area centered on a random target psychic small area that deals 13 area of effect try this are you liking it so far yep that's pretty good it's really that chaining that's taking out most of the enemies i feel like [Music] and then there's that we still got hit though [Music] oh the spawn oh they spawned right on me i almost didn't even see it because of the volcano distracted me [Music] look at the jogger juggernaut wowzers [Music] there's uh an item that makes it so that enemies take damage when they hit the walls that would seem pretty good here with the jogger not we're almost dead most of our our units are almost dead elf on the bottom you can see that the the bars of the people kinetic strike chance for attacks to push enemies away with high force that's not the one enemies taking damage over time damage have minus movement speed first and last positions have more defense or psycho orbs ass unleash all nukers gain 1 area size and damage every second we have one nuker vulcanist it's the volcano we could make the volcano so big that it's like the entire screen more psycho orbs plus movement speed that decays over four seconds on healing or we're not making healing orbs or when an ally dies it explodes releasing ugh i don't really like any of these has he got new game unlocked nope let's try on leash i mean it's only affecting one and i feel like maybe that's a poor thing to do but i gotta know how they can get beast master that's the critters we are using them a lot swordsman area of effect healing orbs pulls enemies together [Music] that could be really good but we have to bust up our combos what we got going on to do that really get to watch your streams it's 4am love your content thank you planet plain ooze i don't want to say your name i'm sorry investor didn't we have an investor no we have a host curses eight nearby enemies for six seconds they will release two critters on death is that better than periodically spawning one small critter we'd sell swarmer for an investor purchase eight nearby enemies they will release two critters on that sounds really good put them in the middle dual gunner shoots two parallel projectiles each dealing 15 point lame thief there's a knife that deals 26 damage and chains five times the chaining now when it says five times right there is it also including the plus four times flying dagger cuz i'm almost i'm tempted to take this thief and get rid of something [Music] maybe this gesture because this will replace the rogue with a 50 chance [Music] let's get rid of this gesture [Music] we have uh two cursors though plus one max curse targets gesture is anti-pog any more thief another jug or not there we go container still says three right so it's gonna chain nine times and gain damage every single time it chains look i got overwhelmed there surprisingly we're generating a ton of little babies the critters like a ton of critters so we should upgrade that critter thing [Music] like most of them are just dying to the critters it feels like look at the volcano range plus one per second every or plus one percent size every second what i tried to say all right let's upgrade the critters [Music] i feel like volcano can go away now yeah we'd sell our unleash then if that if that's what we did unleash it poorly worded what happens is every second your aoe gets a one percent damage and size up after 1p all nukers gain 1 area size and damage every second after 10 seconds that's plus 10 damage and area size [Music] i think i understood it 17 out of 25. [Music] stop hurting my back the area of effect damage on the critters too let's not forget [Music] and we're cursing them i think it's up to like eight targets and if i'm able to kill them fast enough they spawn critters volcanoes bad honestly i feel like we could probably even just switch to a pure critter build and that could do it infester gotta have it maybe we should go heavy on critter because if we get two more swarmers we get plus four actually it's not plus four hits two critters right because they automatically die immediately critters die immediately on contact so you don't really need actually to buff up the swarmer thing besides the fact of getting more critters [Music] projectile that deals aoe damage underneath it although if i upgraded my nuker and got plus 15 or 25 area damage and size worth it for more critters no chaining is good if we come across like a really special critter thing i'll consider it i'll consider getting rid of something i just don't need to right now there's an elite coming up by the way opposite wolf i don't know if i said uh thank you for the six months keep doing what you do don't let them get to ya heart thank you thank you thank you all right it touched my back line guy and i'm already it's already almost dead that's insane don't let it touch you got it wow wow wow wow [Music] achievement unlocked i got an achievement for that looking damage also shares that across all enemies psyche orb critters have plus health that doesn't matter they die immediately when a voider dies deal it's d.o.t damage to all enemies of light or do i have any voyagers what if i did give them hp though and they didn't die immediately lasting seven position seven will stay alive for 10 seconds after dying homing barrage chance to release a homing barrage on an enemy kill just with everything with everyone dividends mercenaries deal no i don't have any mercenaries position six will take ten percent of its health is damaged every six three seconds i'm gonna go homing barrage i guess and try to stack that on my scouts and thieves so that they just chain chain chain chain and upgrade it immediately at 24 probably not probably it is a one-fourth chance just about to do that i probably should put something that has a little bit more hp in the back but i don't know so that's the homing barrage huh those yellow shots i don't know what these yellow enemies are even doing the orange ones what are they we'll never know because i killed him too fast we're just firing homing barrages left and right missing most of them because everybody's dead by that point in time this is such a saucy build vagrant [Music] professor yes police level two i don't know what upgraded whoa if i could get to level three and fester it triples the number of critters released gotta go dead scout though i haven't reached level three on anything if i if i get one more swordsman i think i get a level three swordsman and the sword's been damaged is doubled sounds nice vulcanist get in there [Applause] six critters on death yeah right look at how many critters we already have oh good one gotta say the critters have been uh probably my favorite part almost not almost dead but we're hurting if you notice the health in the bottom left we have taken actually quite a bit of heat i think most of it is honestly been from the juggernauts just eating everybody across the entire map and then they end up colliding with me [Music] [Music] internet from for a host should we make room for a host who the hell is a mercenary here the thief is [Music] i do like the chaining but maybe we should well i don't know though because the rogue we literally got that one specifically so that we could have that plus 15 percent chance of dealing the crits which is spawning critters [Music] vulcanists get rid of it juggernaut is hurting you juggernauts warrior forcer i think you're right hurts hurts me to say admit [Music] that's right beastmaster maybe sell the jug yeah 21-25 i think now we have one that's just birthing the critters it's it's an insignificant amount of critters i'll admit but [Music] juggernaut was pretty insignificant anyways [Music] now that is a significant amount of [Music] critter [Music] so [Music] look at that volcano size i didn't even see that spawn offensive stance first and last position that have plus damage we could put okay plus damage does that mean that to shoot things or if i put the infestor or the host in the first place does that mean the critters are doing more damage who knows enemies take damage per second when cursed we do have a thing that curses that's the infester and curses eight nearby enemies for six seconds and they release two critters on death healing strike eight percent chances for attacks to spawn a healing orb on kill we could do that healing would be nice do all units take damage if you bounce off the wall um if they collide with me that's how i take damage if if they hit the wall i don't know let's go healing strike and try to heal up stay alive psycho psycher last upgrade for level four shop vulcanists do we want to go with the okay fine you're in four times 26 aoe he's got level two by doctor [Music] first three nearby enemies indefinitely with debt [Music] what's going on 22-25 [Music] we're not getting very lucky with our uh choices [Music] oh my god i don't even know that spawn was there eight chance to spawn a healing orb on an enemy death we should have had an orb at least oh there is one down there in the bottom right corner i think it spreads it out to whoever needs it but we should have more orbs than that imo you know it's also uh having a hard time my speed [Music] we're not very fast like at all [Music] volcano the longer these fights the more the volcano is just gonna wreck [Music] these healing orbs okay it's pretty significant at this point in time not bad not bad for full health at the end there kill them with crippling debt scout it's cheap enough that we definitely should go for it level three swordsman swordsman damage is doubled jug double jug [Music] host i'm i'm pretty much stuck in what i'm what i've got here for a build so i say we just go until we can upgrade [Music] corrupter shoots an arrow that deals 12 damage spawns three critters if it kills [Music] maybe but it's i just think that's underwhelming i can get rid of host and put corrupter in there periodically spawning critters [Music] master xeno butts yes you get slower by having more units on your snake but there's an item that buffs your speed 12 damage seems low to kill imo i don't know though yeah i agree i agree all damage sounds a little low [Music] all right fine it might never spawn anything [Music] thief those were expensive 23-25 we're almost done so we got to make the moves now right i wonder if these healing orbs last the entire length of the match [Music] i can just pick them up when i need them or if they go away it seems like they last [Music] uh how did i how did i lose somebody i don't even see did they get shot would we lose [Music] it's sadness thank you so much for the 16 months 9-14 there's so many ways so many chances for my vulcanus to destroy lives [Music] everybody else is like full help [Music] one more volcano i want to see how big it is send it almost as big as the entire screen [Music] there be more healing orbs [Music] orange enemy flung at you i think level 24 elite [Music] level two hosts i spawns them faster [Music] yellow enemy charged and one hit him [Music] don't let him touch you they do him with so much damage oh no it might be over okay and also another charge there that just took on uh another large portion of my my units another one i guess i'm just not ready for yellow dudes [Music] i don't know what this is gonna do yeah we got [ __ ] we got super [ __ ] that was insane [Music] what does that mean is it like any unit in that area gets flung oh yeah it's flinging them all that's absolutely insane i broke the game the game broke that was not even fair that was about i think 100 times harder than anything i had ever seen in this game there's nothing you can do about it either it's not like you could like dodge or like you know there's no iframes or something it's just like i'm heading this direction they're gonna send this basically flock cannon that sucked man i thought we were gonna win for sure i mean i was so confident the boss was lit it had like what maybe is that the big one right there the big bar maybe uh one hit one hit left oh well thank you guys on youtube for watching this is uh snake rx if you want to check it out yourself three dollars on steam and let me know if you want more of this i'll see you guys in the next episode bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 17,929
Rating: 4.9809976 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, SNKRX, snake, action roguelike, roguelite, arena shooter, top-down, deckbuilding, 2D, build, best, top, upgrade, shop, class, unit, boss, elite, new game +, replay, indie, fun
Id: X9cwjjptx_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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