Building Around Uncle Infestor (SNKRX)

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did i get bodied in my last attempted run of snake rx yes am i gonna get bodied this time maybe i'm gonna start though it's new game plus two we died 15 of 25 last time wave 15 of 25. we're gonna try to uh improve upon this whoops oh you can just crash into them on wave wave one and wave two don't even sweat that man like look at this okay maybe like we'll just shoot a couple of you but like the rest of you we're just gonna freaking steamroll like like so okay why am i wasting all my time trying to drive the snake just send it uh straight at the spawn point here are you what what is rogue rogue oh we're not a rogue we're looking for rangers actually you know i gotta say a vagrant it's quite tempting deals aoe damage in an area because we're we're almost at level three ranger which gives a barrage well a one in twelve chance to release a barrage on attack to allied rangers but i i gotta say i love the aoe we're not too worried about getting synergies going early i think we learned last time um and i i honestly i think we can take a lot of positivity out of that last run but i think we learned last time you know what you have in the early game is way less about like name something that can beat the run uh and much more about like make something that can survive that wave allow you to get your economy off the ground once it's off the ground maybe like start selling those merchants instead of uh doubling down on them and then take it from there i do i like an uh a vagrant though and i like an arcanist as well launches a slow-moving orb i mean i think it's just nice to have uh a lot of things that do aoe damage so if we run into trouble we're not saddled with like only having a couple of units that can land things like the arcanist shooting that blue projectile is is mighty helpful i think but i think uh right now and we're not committed yet but definitely it seems like we can hit a rogue synergy super quickly and and the the the vagrant is so cheap man so cheap doing decent damage enabling our rogue synergy but but obviously the the downside is they're only a they're a mono class unit they don't cross party lines our first upgrade projectiles that chain gave gain 25 damage with each chain i don't know why i can't speak 10 damage defense and attack speed to all allies with at least one enchanter class in them all warriors five percent so we could reroll for zero but i think chaining projectiles do more damage is kind of interesting although now that i look at it i'm like hold on wait the vagrant i was completely wrong it is not a mono class i don't know what i was thinking and also it's not a rogue at all okay so clearly this is a good start we are looking for attacks that chain though we'll get our level two vagrant we'll get to uh our first level of archer synergy we won't waste any money on rerolls yet and we'll think so we we don't necessarily just because i stupidly took uh chained attacks do more damage we don't have to commit to chaining but i do like uh i do like the chained attacks and we can get there's other items we can get after waves that give us synergies in that as well like you know i think there's there's like chaining more or something like that like attacks get plus two uh chains added to them attacks the chain chain twice as did two more times which is not twice as often as confusing as that is hey it's 9 26 on a wednesday morning cut me some slack here okay i'm trying to trying to make it work you know what maybe it's a good time to take a little caffeine break after all we are four minutes into the episode i mean i'm getting a little exhausted over okay watch out for the blue the blue is a little spicy watch well you watch out for the turret we got a turret on this one as well i would say that was not really watched out for but that's okay this is going just fine now watch if a turret spawns we got to get in there pretty quick green is the scary one because again it turns all enemies into like chargers like this or swarmers whatever you want to call them anyway we're doing just fine so far so good even got a level of interest there we can take a witch it would give us a level one sorcerer synergy i don't think that's bad just something to keep us going here early i'm going to be honest i'm i'm taking an uncle invest store here uh just because of the fact that they're a tier three unit so i look at a tier three unit and i think to myself this is something we we buy now even if we don't necessarily have huge synergies and it's doing great for us by the way um just just spawning a bunch of uh orange critters here that are doing a bunch of damage like that was that was huge crits from rogues deal 8x but normal attacks deal half plus two critter health we'll start there because it seems like i mean this is our best unit i'm not saying we're gonna build around it but this is our best unit so far i'm super not sold on the idea of a uh a forcer that knocks back enemies i think we're just gonna chill here but you know what it is it's like when you're constructing like a magic the gathering deck which i have not done in a long time but um you know there's some things you add to the deck because they synergize with other cards you got you know all stoppers get plus one plus one you're going to add that to a thought or deck and then there's things you add because they're just good you know like a black lotus for example i guess that's a good a good pick it's uh apparently that card's pretty good but that you don't need to have a lotus themed deck in order for your black lotus to be good it just does good things and i feel like even if we're not going to build around the uh the critter lord here it's already uh it's already doing good stuff for us i do i i like a pyromancer as well i gotta be honest it also makes our voiders better our other voider is a witch which i think we're gonna keep for a while let's throw this up at the front of the list here um and and we'll take the other magician for now i don't know if we're gonna keep the magicians forever but again i gotta remind myself it's literally one gold great start just uh lose half of the hp on all of your units by walking straight into the enemies okay and then your pyromancer is dead on the bright side they accomplished absolutely nothing so the the loss of the pyromancer doesn't feel so bad because i misused them to begin with i don't know what the heck i was doing with the snake over there i hate the chargers dude they hit each other they hit each other we're saved the critters are are doing incredible work please please that what what the heck are you doing man what are you doing you're just spinning right on top of them when they spawn it's all right as long as we got um uncle infestor chill in there i'm not sweating it we got we got critters doing our dirty work for us so that went really badly um i think i blame it on my own driving at the spawn in particular we could take a cryomancer nearby enemies take damage and enemy defense is lowered i don't think it's a great unit but it does kind of uh it does kind of fulfill the synergy for us i mean we have four level one synergies right now i'm not too worried about the area of effect on the cryomancer i mostly got it for this energy for the time being everything else is uh let's not call it secondary but of secondary import hard to follow i mean i i i do i i and that was just horrible driving um i must acknowledge okay that because of the fact that i the first bespoke snake rx video we did i won with aoe and and kind of just wiped the final boss i have had a tendency since then to be like let's not roll aoe because it's kind of it feels a little cheesy but maybe it's not cheesy maybe it's just good and even if it is cheesy maybe i need it um maybe i need it but i'll tell you i'm looking at this and i'm going i think we want some critter synergies we certainly have some things i would not mind getting rid of uh i don't like the oroboros techniques because it requires too much work for me um so heavy impact is interesting if you go for forcer builds but i think i'm just going to make critters stronger for now and and let me look at this okay we don't want to re-roll yet i i think i mean that wave is probably the hard wave for now so let's just not drive into enemies our economy i think is doing pretty well all things considered don't let them charge you there you go it's it's probably worth taking a little contact damage if you can stop getting charged so i will say probably the the next thing i'll look for is an opportunity to sell some of the stuff that doesn't fulfill the synergy and and again the more like duplicate triplicate class units that we can get to enable some more of our synergies i mean we didn't do anything there and yet didn't we look at that uh investors a gimme at this point what are you do the units we want magicians tier two archer witch infestors tier three barrage are in pyromancer or tier three i'm gonna go for a shop upgrade so we can get to tier three units faster and then i'm not gonna i'm not gonna roll down yet okay another part of the strategy that i might be lacking uh at the present moment is uh you know i don't know i know which waves are tough on new game plus one the wave 21 is the is the gold standard right um i lost the unit there it must have been a blue enemy i killed this shot uh knives at me yep there comes another one that's where like a healer would be useful i think but i i'm going off you know what i've been told by chat but they said the the later you get into the game the less likely it'll be that uh healers are useful for you because your units just die in like one one ill-advised hit but yeah i don't know what waves are are tough yet i definitely think you know it's cheap to keep a vagrant going here usual has been okay for what seemed okay for us on the last one it enables our void synergy it also gets a curse synergy going there just thinking we could definitely dump an arcanist in favor of a user which will make our cursors do better which makes the investor do better okay okay and then we're just figuring it out you know mage and voider i wouldn't want to lose the mage unnecessarily is are we keeping barrages or are we selling barrages i mean they are a a ranger which we've been kind of specking into i think we wanna i i don't think we're gonna go there i think we wanna sell rangers to take infestors which are swarmers definitely getting to a level two pyromancer makes me feel like that was good enough okay i don't know yeah because we want to keep mages because i think the pyromancer is gonna is gonna spend some time here we need to kill enemies so we get critters that's i gotta remember my wind condition okay when you kill enemies you get critters the critters do a lot of damage now we don't get that um i'm going to lose i may not i'm going to lose don't get hit by the blue the blue knives man get him get him okay the knives could still kill you just be careful get me out of here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god okay well we're running it back that that went wrong that's where a healer would have been helpful okay sure that's painful it's painful it's a little painful the beastmaster doesn't do anything by default but we will we will take them regardless new game plus two is no joke i'm i'm forever haunted by the specter of the fact that that dan uh my my good friend colleague and competitor has gotten the new game plus five in this game at the risk of saying something that i'll offend him the man's got two kids with a third on the way how could i possibly think i could handle my snake with the same kind of skill that he does i apologize [Laughter] um we we we need rogues as fast as possible um i think i'll just take a magician on this one and then you know just something that does damage we got the red white and blue [Music] also known as one of the most uh recognizable flags in the world the flag of the netherlands all right don't be mad this is not a a deep blue this is the baby blue of of the dutch flag don't be mad at me just because you're an amateur vexillologist area clear right now we're staying flexible we'll take yes we will take a second swarmer and be very happy um but we do need a rogue without a without a a rogue synergy that guarantees crits our beastmaster still doesn't really do anything i think but i do like the idea of a spawning strategy i mean i i think that we were doing just fine i drove badly on the last one it's hard for a young man to admit but i think my driving caused our problems there we needed to remember you you stand far away curse enemies when they when they die with the curse on them they spawn critters the critters do your work for you and then it just accelerates because you you the critters kill enemies who have been cursed they spawn more critters and that does more damage to enemies who have been cursed and so on and so forth speak now or forever hold your peace so i am trying to kind of force a build here which is maybe like not the right way to play but it's the way i do be playing though so far so good wall rider hitting walls gives you a movement speed buff for a second projectiles the chain do better cursed durations are longer i'm going to start with a re-roll i'm gonna say taking damage hurts enemies although i'm not thrilled with it um we'll take the the obvious play here and keep it going again we're not investing in frivolous re-rolls early but getting to possibly level two units that are cheap is not frivolous because they will serve us a purpose before we sell them beautiful okay keep those critters going i don't fear the the basic enemies we just we merely escape everything's going just fine right now don't don't let them charge you okay they've charged me perfect timing watch out for blue there you go i i saw it coming i was like he's gonna die we just want to stay like in between the cardinal directions we will take a magician now a usurer is not bad it is a cursor i mean every time we've taken this unit we've died but in my head i'm like they're not bad hey man they're not bad i think we're gonna chill for now let's let's get that econ up a little bit faster and again we're not trying to force things but as long as we're not struggling too much with a wave i'm i'm feeling like pretty good about things the flip side is usually we don't even struggle with waves we just um dive when a wave gets too tough it's not like we really see it coming we just we just bite the dust and i'm i'm realizing now i'm starting the field let's not say underpowered but i'm not feeling like we're dominant here so this would maybe be an okay time to add some stuff even just adding you know one of units that don't fit a potential synergy let's take a quick caffeine break we love to get a level 2 unit for the time being i'll take a cleric and we could level up our shop but but for the time being i'm going to take a cleric just to give us a little bit of extra sustain more critters please more critters and the more damage we can do to the elite before we kill the wave that surrounds them the better it's a really interesting like skill uh gain that goes on in this game right like but it it took so much for me early on just to understand like at any level what i was doing in the shop or driving now i'm like i feel somewhat more capable in the shop my driving on the other hand not so much intimidation enemies are weaker i really like it man i re i'm i'm going right there it's because it's hard to make it bad the psychino pulls enemies together for two seconds is you know it makes allied psyches better but it's a forcer and a mage which doesn't really appeal to me and this doesn't do any damage i i don't want to re-roll though throws a fan of five knives you know what we could do outlaw saboteur now we have a rogue synergy which means our beastmaster can finally uh actually spawn critters and our critters are stronger because of our our level one spawner synergy i'm finally getting the words right so i want to see more critters out there it's only a 15 percent crit chance but that's okay i do want to see an investor i think an investor is like uh that's one of the borderline like end game potential units for us here that seems like it's it is going just fine here mind you this should be an easier wave to begin with but we're getting a lot of crits man or a lot of critters i should say it's it's weird how those words are so similar oh we i think we finally just saw one it's it's the big orange one right okay okay so maybe maybe we try a a rogue we might as well fish for this uh second level cleric for now again it's very cheap but and by fish i mean not fish i.e not re-roll ever at all but um watch out he's yes that's why it's all right we we did lose the the beastmaster just as they were accomplishing something but that's okay so i guess i can understand now why the healer maybe is not so valuable as long as we still got the uh whatever the the spawner is that just spits one out every like uh every two seconds then i'm feeling okay like that that's kind of like the meat and potatoes of our run right now that did not go super well though uh sure for the time because you're cheap for the time being i'm gonna do that this is a hard wave i'm going to re-roll just a little bit i'm going to try to take a scout because again we're going for that synergy i'm not going to go too much further than this we could enable a conjurer synergy which actually for the time being i'm gonna accept that because it makes it says summon duration is longer i'm assuming that summon is critters like that's a key word that seems like it would make sense so i i i really i i overspent because i wasn't confident in our ability on this particular like the last wave had me rethinking uh this is not where we want to be the last wave had me rethinking my life i can't believe we didn't lose a unit there i can't believe we lost some there that's that's not a surprise to me it's the turrets we we want to i don't i really don't want to crash in the enemies but i would like to make sure the turrets die before they can shoot and kill almost our whole squad um that being said this is still okay for now that could change pretty quickly oh you're spawning more huh critters critters please just take a shot thank you thank you well i'm glad i bought i'm very glad i bought um let's let's be faster i still think that's good i might be wrong it wouldn't be the first time and now we're in a good spot we can roll a little level two cleric i like to see it maybe we'll stop our rolling there let's start to think of our plan you know we we want to get to tier three shop or at least i'm rolling i i knew it was coming i know it doesn't do anything for us right away but i knew it was coming we want more rogues as soon as we see them i think now is the right time more rogues and more um more swarmers so we will dump starting soon not maybe not right away but we'll dump like a cleric i think and start to pick up rogues and swarmers rogues and swarmers just remind yourself it's good to keep it in your brain rogues and swarmers are high on the list i love when the chargers just run into each other that's very helpful for me i wouldn't necessarily say we got a great thing going here because i've said that and cursed myself many times before but we've at least lived this long now we have taken a saboteur the saboteur is a rogue so we're unlikely to leave them let's keep them we're getting really close to a level three vagrant which is gonna be tough for me to dump and that's okay rogues and swarmers scout we will be keeping hunter is not a rogue we may not keep them so let's not invest rogues and swarmers dude dude dude i felt like i had to try no thank you no thank you okay okay okay okay okay okay there's a chance so you i'm telling you it's going all right okay watch out for the bluebees those are the spicy ones you got you gotta fear them just a touch you know at least we only got hit one time by that that's that's in some ways that's progress but once our synergies really start to kick off i just want to see orange uh critters just like swarming the map we're not there yet we're generating some and am i concerned about our survival not really i'd say you know i'm on like threat level three of ten right now i'm not really concerned about uh the end of this wave we should be fine let's see what we got here i don't see rogues i'm a simple man i don't see rogue swarmers i say no we don't take clerics for no reason we will keep the scout going that's level two it's nice we will keep the scout going the cleric i mean is tempting me don't get me wrong the vagrant is now level three again that's gonna be hard to dump i don't see rogue swarmers so i uh i move on it's an elite wave that's got me it's got me frightened i'm trying to set a new pb if we could at least live until uh oh no i don't want to be here oh no no no no no no no if we could at least live until wave uh there's so many blues dude how are you supposed to dodge that it can't be done if i could at least live until wave 13 that would be something for me we now have no swarmers no critters are being spawned we have a barrager that does very little we do have our our healer though or do we please just yes yes get him get him get him thank you thank you okay we're i was gonna say we're gonna live but now i'm i'm not certain we i gotta be honest um mostly because i'm kind of bad the healer is doing incredible work for us if it weren't for the healer we definitely would have lost there crits from rogues deal 8x damage we're really going hard on the rogue synergy so i am gonna i'm gonna go for it you are a rogue which i think means in my world i have to take you so what do we dump i think i hate to say it because they were pretty good for us um what give me a moment here the cleric is guilt-free although they did keep us alive last time rogue spawner rogue swarmer it's cheap enough for now i think we we go for it yes okay i don't feel bad i'm gonna i'm gonna invest one level in our shop and re-roll in the future rogues and swarmers at tier three should be a little easier to find now um i have no confidence i i go back and forth between having uh no understanding of how a loss could possibly happen to uh no understanding of how i used to have any confidence whatsoever so uh it's but i gotta tell you it seems like it's going pretty well right now but i it's more to be determined by like enemy composition than it is by my own skill all right we got so lucky there i'm just waiting anytime i see a special unit i'm just i'm scared so again and it's funny and now like anytime i'm in the wave i'm actually just talking about like what i want the shop to look like but i guess that's how these games go right uh i am looking for rogue spawners no question and i gotta be willing to dumps like maybe our our level one conjurer synergy to make it happen that's okay we a thief a thief gives us our max rogue synergy so are we okay do we have we have a barrager don't we what what the heck was shooting is that what's the green ball we're shooting out here is that the pet from the hunter so i think we're gonna dump conjurer to get thief max level rogue synergy we're really and we could take an assassin which gives us a voider synergy instead i mean we could just take an assassin and have them crit as well is the other thing because we i mean that gives us value i mean to be honest with you we could dump a spellblade take an assassin i don't know if this is good now that i think about it but it didn't screw us we love the beast master don't we we love the host keep them going we love the scout in some ways level we're on wave 14 i i really i'm stunned we have not seen more uh swarmers but i guess that's how these games go sometimes you know that's what makes it a fun uh you know endlessly replayable experience it's gonna be a little different every time now i'm i'm operating under the assumption we do have six roads okay we sold a rogue mage to make a a rogue voider i think it's less that we sold the rogue mage to take a different rogue and it's much more that we sold the rogue mage because the the assassin does more damage and those critical chances uh do 8x damage because of the items we picked up i'm telling you if we could just get a couple swarmers going here this whole thing is gonna open right up i do not see a swarmer i do not see a swarmer i do not see a swarmer i do not see a swarmer i don't see a swarmer i don't see a swarmer there is no swarmer no swarmers exist in fast storm in it we need to get it this is a this is a spend level two host getting up there on scout i think at this point we're dumping we can't dump the vagrant for just for nothing man on the other hand we have to we can't dump anything with rogue in the name so that that leaves vagrant and magician okay you know what i'm glad i looked we can dump magician to take infestor and then we'll have to dump vagrant later in order to take our fourth infester but we don't have to we don't dump it yet or our fourth swarmer i should say okay if we make it through this wave it's the best we've ever done and i i would say we're already almost there because we didn't just immediately uh lose half of our hp by driving into the spawn point so there's there is that love the infester damage which equals way more critters there we go get the infester curse comes it look at this look at this okay let's let's not call it a steamroll i have no idea what died but it's okay once you get onto the level you're just driving man it's just driving still spawning plenty of critters still got the investor spawning even more turrets are going to shoot you know what it was bound to happen look at the swarm though look at this please shoot him thank you dude look at okay this is a new world record all allies with enchanters do better enemies that hit a wall take damage that's a re-roll for me extra damage to voiders over time i think extra knockback attacks by mages nukers or voiders have a 10 20 chance to make a void rift i think we re-roll again which is spicy but bro really projectile's the chain i guess i guess we're going projectiles that chain but it burns me up a little bit and we won't reroll because i just i just spent heavy on the item rerolls we do have some chaining attacks i think i think the assassin has chain knives maybe i'm choosing not to read whether or not they do because we're already uh sunk there you know we have the sunk cost it's not really a fallacy it's more like it's the cement cost uh acceptance i'm resigned to the fact that nothing we can do can change that at this point but i'm feeling mighty confident about about our mid game here not feeling too bad about our mid game here nothing's dead we're doing a great job you know the best defense is a good offense that hurts the blue enemies are are really really tough to dodge when especially the longer your snake gets but hey this is why it's why you build a strong unit here strong snake again uh it's it's the curse right as soon as i said i was confident it's all it's all falling apart but we still got swarms coming in there don't charge me they're charging me in just a second here i'm i'm i'm scared there's the fear more more more more swarms more swarms okay final wave do the damage fast oh i'm toasted i'm toasted i'm not toasted i'm not technically toasted yet please we're going to win no we're not going to win the purples or not mine okay okay okay we're going to win oh my though there you go nice shot okay easy easy mode [Laughter] swarmers don't forget we're looking for swarmers saboteur not a swarmer but a rogue we will not sell you outlaw closing in scout closing in i'm rerolling one more time because i'm scared i'm re-rolling one more time okay and then i didn't even look for swarmers for a bit there so i apologize i'd possibly cost myself the exact synergy i'm looking for but every uh every neuron is firing at maximum potential right now the heck is going on there maybe i don't want to know okay the longer enemies the longer your uncle investor lives the easier every wave becomes i know the critters don't last forever but they they do be lasting for long enough to to make a pretty sizable difference and similarly when you start losing your spawners life becomes more complicated over time without a doubt so the law i mean it all boils down to a very simple principle have your units live as long as possible if you can accomplish that then you can accomplish anything once you make it to the final wave i usually feel pretty good it's it's the blue the the blue worms man those are the worst okay very important i'm happy with where our shop is because we have we have some tier three units assassin we're looking for more investors i think with yes absolutely we didn't get nothing faster i mean yes we're looking for investors we're looking for swarmers but we haven't gotten them yet that's okay our economy is doing all right i know in tft rerolling past 50 unless you're rolling all the way down is considered the anathema but i'm just doing my best here okay i'm just doing my best we're doing quite a lot of damage to this elite right out the gates begging for the location through text of our gold synergy swarmer very good wave we get an item wall echo divine punishment deal damage to enemies based on how many mages or sorcerers you have re-roll me knives thrown by rogues chain more no i'm gonna i'm just gonna take the flat 20 damage swarm swarm swarm swarm i went a little further than i should but that's okay here we are 19 now 21 on new game plus one is mighty dangerous okay so i i'm i'm not i wouldn't say i'm not worried about level 19 but i'm very worried about level 21 because if it's hard on new game plus one i imagine it's not going to be any easier on new game plus two but given how uh this run got a little spicy at various points up to this up to this juncture um i'm a little surprised at how relatively well it's doing right now just goes to show you you know and these games is in any roguelite i suppose it's not necessarily like a proportional scale upwards you know you you have discrete moments where you jump in power quite a lot depending on you know what what you're able to kick up in your shop for example so that was that was pretty good i'm getting stoked this is a dream shop level two and faster assassin gets closer beastmaster finally hits level two we'll probably freeze at 50 for now but maybe before 21 we might roll down i don't know like we're getting closer to the point where i think it's it's getting pretty valuable for us to you know not hold anything back obviously when you spend there is an opportunity cost on all future waves because you're giving up some degree of compound interest or or all of your compound interest but that's not great there you go uh that's terrible we got so lucky that they spawned like a micro second after we moved out of the way still lost some units but life goes on just literally steered right into them but also i steered into them with my uh with my level three vagrant so i'm not sweating that too too much as long as we still got you know swarmers doing what swarmers do we got the rogues feeling the occasional crit like i'm not feeling bad man this was totally oh we still got one more wave okay but but up to that point it was totally fine good enough good enough okay i mean we should perhaps corrupt her okay there's our synergy i think now we spend down and we're just going for units we already got and i'm i'm saying we spend down because we literally that's that's not great there we go at least we got to a level two we traded a level three unit for a level two that fulfilled the synergy and we'll freeze it there so i think that that was a good opportunity for us to spend down in order to end up in a position where uh you know we could make up for the loss in power we maybe get the synergy and the power gain out of that so this is a hard wave we've lost the unit already it was not the the the cursed swarmers so i'm unperturbed i mean as you can see when the enemies spawn in a very bad location for them there's very little to worry about for me just you try not to run in there you're halfway through you've lost two units the more units you lose the more likely you are to lose units in the future so it's not like exactly a proportional scale similarly the longer the things go on the less likely you are to lose units in the future because there's just less waves to hit [Music] so i'm feeling confident now not not for the whole game but i'm feeling confident for wave 21. it's nice you know all i have to do is is drive and not hit anything that's you know pretty much the driving style that i've tried to uh embody in my real life as well so this is uh it doesn't feel too foreign to me i really like the idea we're gonna take some serious hits here but i like the idea of the the swarmer scaling where like the more of them that you get the more of them they create and so on and so forth so daggers do even better i will take i know we it's hard to afford a reroll here we might just want to try to reestablish our economy and then maybe spend down on the final wave i mean i i think there's a chance we win now remember that over time the waves get more difficult within each level however no wave is as hard for our build as the first wave when we don't have any critters yet or we only have the ones that get created uh like ambiently so you should actually like to some extent as long as we're out scaling the enemies we should gain confidence as time goes on we're gonna lose the occasional snake component as long as it's you know not too many or not the critical ones we don't worry too too much some not not all these enemy waves are created equal some of them we wipe in like a second and some of them last a little bit longer but um i definitely feel like we're we're in the running obviously the levels are getting a little tougher though they they're not over in uh in a minute like or less than a minute like the the ones in the early game new game plus two is no joke i can't believe dan got the new game plus five man i mean on the one hand obviously like the enemies get tougher it is easier to get the synergies to max level because you have a longer snake so there there's a there's some pluses and there's some minuses you know it's it's a very dynamically balanced game so far there's still only last three units even though it looks okay four units even though it looks really dangerous here i don't think it's too bad okay now i'm very frightened i am convinced we will lose [Laughter] wave 12 okay just watch out for the charger what is purple unit oh no and when you see the extra x's you're like that's that's where you get scared but look at this we're still in here i think we're gonna do it i think we're gonna do it i think we've done it do you just buff the other enemies like i don't i don't understand what you do i i still think you don't spend down yet i think you the the dream for me is to spend down as late as possible wave one of 14. so a much longer episode than i thought was gonna happen here but that's okay i thought i was gonna sneak in isaac in today it doesn't always come to pass and hey man in the spirit of variety i'm happy to be here i can't believe that the the chargers managed to sneak in there i thought i was doing some incredible dodging we are about to lose a a rogue here just glancing at the hp but just you know you oh no oh no no no just rebuild we're rebuilding good dodge on the charger just that probably bought us a living unit so okay that that's a little spicy as long as the charger dies fast enough we don't sweat it too much two enemies or two units on our snake are dead we're about halfway that's okay it's it's not glowing i think you're spawning middle okay everywhere it's not glowing but it's okay i was just begging for the swarmer or the the charger to get killed and uh oh no okay we got two units left for five waves watch out for the chargers we literally just have a single rogue that's a bad sign on the other hand pretty easy run to pilot right now okay never mind oh my god one hit and we're dead this is over i wish it weren't i mean this is a bad sign just keep it moving good good use of the wall reflection [Music] you knew it was common i still had a great time on this run i hope you enjoyed it if you did click the like button helps out a great deal and hey a new personal best for now thanks for watching thanks for your support and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 58,580
Rating: 4.9563589 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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