Playing Sonic Forces against my will

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sonic forces sonic's most recent main line adventure where you get to do what you've always wanted to do in a sonic game commission a deviantart oc and if you're a channel veteran you've already seen me play through sonic colors sonico 6 and we're gonna continue to work our way through sonic's catalog of games both good and bad so do me a quick favor and make sure you're subscribed because it helps me out a lot as far as the game goes let me know if you enjoy sonic forces or not because i've seen some mixed things but uh you'll get to hear my opinions throughout the entirety of the game so enjoy all right so uh sonic forces the joke's on me because i could have swore that i claimed this on playstation plus and i would have been able to play it for free but uh no how to buy the game with this invention i can expand the eggman empire across the globe oh this this is finally the invention that's going to help dr eggman do that all right green hill lost valley playing this on a hard mode by the way which as long as you okay yeah if i'm playing on hard mode i feel like i shouldn't need certain tips like i don't know how rings work oh there's wisps in this i'm just playing sonic colors again okay cool i should just boost that's not a boost an x boost oh that's x i caught a lot of for uh not just boosting through enemies in colors everyone's like why is he jumping so much man look at the size of that thing that's what she said i am playing very horribly because i can't see what's an enemy and what's a capsule the controls feel a little tighter so far but listen i've heard really really bad things about forces but uh when do i get to make my oc like isn't that the whole draw of this game you get to have like a sonic oc you unlock deviantart mode there's sand everywhere me after going to the beach sand hill right now green hill more like 10 hill zone i don't know boost too easy sonic he looks very smooth in this game and his shoes are shiny come on tails you have a gun we've seen it here's sonic to save the day i was gonna say why didn't sonic just roll up and just attack eggman oh shadow's back but that's not shadow oh this is the guy from lost world oh it's metal sonic see this is like what got me hyped for sonic forces i actually cancelled my pre-order so i was like yeah no i'm not gonna get burned again i do like the boss design a lot see like chaos coming back is so awesome but i feel like it's wasting potential tails i need to know what's going on with this guy i'm trying sonic but these readings are all messed up he's like hang on my nintendo switch light is dead if sonic's getting bodied dr eggman's like fight back homie with sonic defeated eggman's army quickly took over within months all but a few isolated ares i wasn't done reading zombies yo it's the boy the people are losing hope and giving into despair despair is a luxury we don't have silver could like control time you're gonna tell me he couldn't stop dr eggman on his own i'm an optimist but i'm also a realist sbo is a literal ninja vector is uh yeah yes a survivor just this random civilian this is an opportunity for us to make a funny oc not a hedgehog that'd be boring you know what we're gonna go with a cat mainly because i like cats and uh sonic is loosely based on a cat at least his design was you know what i'm just gonna make stanley i'm literally just gonna make my cat stanley if we get to pick a victory pose we could hit him with a you're too slow that seems like the most anime so this is just the avengers end game of the sonic universe by the way let me introduce stanley the cat we're depending on you hey welcome to the crew kid here take this gun whoa all right but 0.01 so you're saying there's a chance sonic is alive what oh my god sonic's alive do we really need sonic because i'm kind of fast and i have like a grappling hook oh i i have a flamethrower wait a second maybe this game ain't so bad i'm jamming over here too songs uh kind of a bop dr eggman are your robots i don't know fireproof yo i can like what what is this movement all right stanley the cat come on don't die in your first mission you're gonna look like a real fool if knuckles in the team have been hyping you up you just die on the first mission is there a way to like zip through these rings like i don't have like a light speed do i maybe i need to come back and do something like that step on it i'm stepping on as fast as i can not exactly the fastest thing alive but maybe like the 14th fastest thing alive s rank on my first mission hey knuckles can i have a raise oh tails is fixing omega oh watch out it's chaos sorry it's chaos zero they'll be all right oh it's classic sonic i mean if they're opening the sonic multiverse he's not gonna say anything this one don't talk i love classic sonic look how little he is all right we got some classic sonic action in this game which is pretty cool and a lot of you have been asking me to go back and play generations and i'm totally going to and i should mention that i have played generations and i like generations good old spin dash it's never let me down except for when you know we spin dash like off the stage my only gripe with doing classic sonic in a modern sonic game is the physics feel very often like the controls just don't feel as tight and while i like generations i think that was my biggest complaint about it because it was like oh classic sonic's coming back there's all these levels you know and love it just it didn't feel right i think it started with sonic 4 though like sonic 4 i got really excited because i was like oh my god sonic 4 we're go we're going back to the mainline series and uh they did it episodic which sucked the game was so bad that they ended up just giving away episode 2 codes and like starbucks or something but still i love me some classic sonic a couple of months ago in the city i like this timeline where regular ass citizens just have guns and they're fighting eggman and getting massacred i can taste your turn this is this is kind of dark i know sonic games have gotten dark in the past but this seems really dark knuckles can you hear me why are you talking all sexy oh so this is the empire strikes back of the sonic games rebuilt the death egg it's the darkest game none of this is good vector that's why it's called war war never changes wait we're going to death egg right now this is early in the game well this calls for a change of clothes oh we could go bare-handed that's so cursed we could go bare feet why why sega why like i'm pretty fast was that part of the job description like in the indeed ed did they look for someone fast how long did it take dr eggman to rebuild this because uh it seems like he did it pretty quick i mean he attacks earth what like every six months or something so either he had a really good project manager for this one where they were working overtime listen i know everyone really wants another sonic character in smash but honestly put my uh furry oc stanley the cat based on my real life cat in the game because he's canon now so these levels are really really short there he is he's alive he's got a pretty big cell though oh looks like the cuffs are off the only thing inevitable here is my foot kicking your butt oh you tell him so zavic is from sonic lost world and uh i think the only thing that intrigues me about that game is that it's like sonic mario galaxy but i know it's like probably much worse so what do i do here homing attack nope okay don't do that he's got like the incineroar you tried this is an expensive boss fight they just keep kamikaze robots i was gonna newman circle they're not even like good hey tonic and strafe what is the point of that this is it this is the strategy dr eggman didn't see this coming how do i attack you oh i just have to stand there and let you hit the ground i don't jump this might actually be like the easiest boss fight in any sonic game i i think i'm doing it he looks like he's in pain um this is hard mode by the way i like to just say this is hard mode oh sonic throwing hands how could i lose to the likes of you again that was a blast bring some chili dogs next time ah cause he likes chili dogs his favorite food wait a second it was just an illusion whoa it's not time for thinking it's time for running we're gonna run you're in space so i hope you have like a plan for an escape pod or something how does he breathe in space then again i guess it's not so far-fetched considering the hedgehog that can break the sound barrier i'm seeing these red emblems and i'm getting flashbacks to playing sonic colors and i think people got the wrong idea about me playing sonic colors i just i feel like the community pulled the old switcheroo on me let me explain i feel like when sonic colors came out it was highly praised as being like one of the better recent sonic games and now apparently the community hates it and don't lie because that's exactly what happened and the death egg is uh pretty big so what you got to do is oh there's quick time events i got to pay attention see sonic what you have to do is you got to find the little trench and that's how you blow up the death egg then you learned 30 years later that the trench was actually just sabotaged by the original architects oh they got me cornered take out the flamethrower i'm going to beat my idol are you here to rescue me how do you know that this random civilian is i mean i guess i look enough like a sonic character he's like oh yeah you're friendly sonic finding you alive is the best news we've had in months where were the other things knuckles is like i had shake shack today damn they really commercialize green hill zone you hate to see it oh we're together okay we have to switch off we do okay this is how i always imagined it would be like if i met sonic my hero i gotta say that this game is not exactly bad as much as it is boring like aside from a bland story short levels and bad controls i don't know it's it's okay so far this level is so bland your soiling greenhills good name with boring level design just me posing my new best friend sonic that would be the instagram caption oh hang on i got a different wispon now wispon wispin lightning it's crazy how like one simple hat change could make me look like a drug dealer you like popsicles oh this this is horrible horrible controls why is turning so hard i feel like turning in a realistic driving sim is way easier see everyone i read the comments i'm boosting through the enemies i just feel like this game could also be beaten by holding forward it's one of those a giant snake oh daddy that's not gonna be fun to digest hedgehogs have quills oh i should have waited okay where i got more points my impatient ass is just hammering the a button still getting good grades though no way they give us a gamer hat this is peak fiction this ought to be a good fight a little dragon ball z-esque was that jet you just beat the gem out of them time to tag out silver i got it from here the little blue it shows face i didn't really got a face you may call me infinite this game is feeling more and more like a persona game all right i recognize the gym i recognize it specifically because i've been oh hang on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh this is what is happening i recognize it specifically because i listen to so much of the uh all right note to self don't touch the red squares can i finish a thought i recognize the song solely because of the sonic dj album that i like to listen to on spotify big recommend i've said it before but i'll say it again i listen to it a lot i get it so infinite's power is he makes everything look like a virtual boy game kind of messed up really messing with my eyes honestly i'm not even trying to dodge the uh space-time distortion blocks because they're killing me it's more so so i don't have a seizure impossible your abilities exceed your previous data yeah you didn't download the latest patch they made my jump three frames shorter every second hey paypal you're good it's like i have a massive headache please stop talking i like infinite's design a lot i think he's cool but god this is hard to look at sega why this is like the eighth time that i've been to green hill zone in this game it's gonna do what i do best just blind spin dashes a lot of you have also been asking for me to play sonic unleashed and i want you to know that i bought the game i grabbed it on sale on the xbox store for like i don't know four dollars and i'm excited slightly for that one mainly because it has the xbox boost so it's optimized to play better the flat colors in this game or specifically this sonic kind of look like the sonic that they're putting in sonic prime you guys see that teaser it was like three seconds long but i hope it's good i mean let's be realistic here sonic is killing it in the cinematic universe she needs to get the games up to speed now and with that the disposal of the phantom phantom ruby prototypes it was a defective model it could only record the dna of the one that triggered it okay so it records dna which is probably how infinite came to be let the hedgehog live that is a great source of concern for you perhaps he is beating you for decades yet i defeated him in our first damn chill you didn't need to roast eggman that hard and the resistance he put the leds in he's got the gamer lights i wonder if he's liquid cooled bam i don't have time for this no it's this it's this fight he's got like a buzz saw now the egg dragoon okay that wasn't the sonic one i don't remember that he's got a gatling gun what do we do oh hit the rocks back okay here hold that he should probably aim at me if he's trying to i don't know kill me all right he did that's the 11th stage so we're basically a third done with the game in just three short days my plan will eliminate the bothersome lot of you wait three days i just like majora's mask you know what l should take three days the amount of time it takes to play this game who is this guy imagine working with like a space-time distortion monster and you get bodied by a dude wearing a gamer hat and crocs a lot of vocal tracks in the stages of this game but if it ain't crush 40 i don't want it i really hope they bring back crush 40 for sonic frontiers the game it has potential i'm nervous about it but if it's done right if sega nails it sonic fans gonna be if they do it wrong absolutely nobody will be surprised he's got the range i like the little glide that he does i think i've gotten an a rank or higher on 90 of these stages so far i knew you could do it if you believed in yourself look how happy i am to get a compliment from sonic if you hog all the glory how am i gonna look good and then there's vector just being vector oh wait we got some more weapons cube turn enemies into a cube that drops rings or asteroid go with the asteroid all right we're gonna dress like verizon tech support casino jungle i feel like they just put like the first three sonic game stages in a hat they're like all right we're naming this one whose idea was it to build a casino in the middle of a jungle anyway probably trying to get tourism up but there's nothing else here the resort's gonna need a little more call me back when casino jungle resorts is a thing that's a lot of rings oh that felt good also there's some cut scenes in this game but i feel like they're just getting away with a lot of dialogue by just doing the transmission thing that's why i'm hoping frontiers is just like a bigger budget game what is what are those is this the asteroid thing pov your internet isn't working and verizon's sending their best tech support employees how does this work i can just shoot like block versions of myself no i'm not stop being cute knuckles i'm risking my life out here it was worse than action park in the 80s people thought that drowning at the action park wave pool was part of the ride that's the whole level it's been generations since i've seen you i'll get it generations they knew what they were doing with the writing eggman said he had some plan that will destroy us all in three days three days huh well a lot can happen in that three days well it could actually be more if you use the inverted song of time oh update sonic is winning 14 of the votes all right so shadow's causing trouble and isn't there like a whole shadow episode or shadow dlc or something i don't know this is gonna be one video so we'll just do the entire thing one shot you want shadow content we'll give you shadow content no no no not that shadow content okay maybe eventually that shadow content okay so these stages are like 45 seconds long so if this game is only three hours what does a speed run look like 20 minutes what's the deal you ain't shadow oh there's the real shadow another shadow i found you faker come on say the thing that was a fake oh oh hey there uh this is awkward to know you were going to be here um where oh we're upside down fantastic nothing says great content like upside down platforming what would you like me to do okay we're right set up again man i'm hungry i gotta eat something after this stage so let's see we are two minutes and 40 seconds in i looked at the time and it got me killed i'm gonna go this way let's change it up a little bit i'm just taking my planet gun with me oh three and a half minutes this is a long level figures when i'm hungry they throw the long one at me that's right you wash me past the finish line i'm gonna fight infinite again watch this the dude in crocs in a short sleeve button down shirt we'll give you a real challenge oh come on with this stop stop i'm actually slowly realizing how much they took from this game to make that sonic dj set playlist and it's making me realize maybe i like the sonic forces ost oh is that it that i beat him this game is so easy he's throwing like virtual reality bombs at me i'm wearing like a turtle beach headset this is not even falling off oh yeah i'm gonna die now should i just phase through reality is stanley the cat inevitable you know what the most fun thing about this game is the fashion all right this is a familiar stage truthfully chemical plant is like a top 10 sonic track and it ain't 10. chemical plant is like that stage for me in sonic 2. like you have a great time in emerald hill then you get a chemical plant you got like the underwater segments you learn that sonic can drown like the drowning theme to really spike your anxiety that actually might be the first time that i've experienced anxiety in my life like for real though i'm not joking because i was i don't know like four when sonic 2 came out stop it stop it i hear it in my nightmares all right come on sonic let's do this buddy oh that's the wrong way all right sonic let's do this buddy watch out metal sonic was spotted near there you don't see him anywhere sonic that was a close one it's so easy the quick time events give you like 30 seconds to react which is good because i'm getting old for you lights out and knocked his eye out cool there can only be one sonic here we go i like how my oc can keep up oh wow that's badass my oc is the perfect example of when you're under qualified and you get the job anyway come on hit him hit him hit him this is one long bridge we think the toll is on this thing double boost okay x let's do it [Music] what was that like little run they did before that was great i clearly can't handle this kind of cool that uh it's green hill zone with like a giant boss how do i know how to do all these things how do i know how to roll through tubes i'm not sonic like i shouldn't be able to roll yo that's okay that's pretty sick oh my god i hate the platforming segments in boost games they are awful oh come on oh my god i hate this game oh giant enemy crab every game needs one oh you're walking like that is that how crabs walk you got any rings you got any rings over there ow that was pretty sick ah we're gonna haul them help i've fallen and i can't get up oh almost a 50 approval rating all right sonic stage i can really fly now yeah i don't think i like the avatar stages like it's cool to have some abilities but they're kind of boring i don't know maybe i'm just salty because i died 12 times on the same jump i'm blaming the physics don't you dare put that was quite a long fall is chemical plant on oil ocean zone kind of looks like it yeah i'm blaming the physics don't use the regi clip don't you know john's trying to go faster oh god that's really fast oh god that's too fast chemical plant is kind of big probably got a ton of employees gonna cause a lot of health problems in green hill zone all the birds are gonna have extra limbs just gotta wait for the the pink sludge to finish falling oh oh i thought i was gonna make that one what is that anyway it's gotta be grape kool-aid man i don't remember the last time i had kool-aid but i i kind of could really go for some kool-aid honestly i probably could live on a kool-aid in arizona iced tea if there wasn't so much sugar i probably would oh going back to the death egg hang on i gotta change up my drip if we're gonna go back to the death egg here we go that's it that's the fit oh i changed my outfit only to not have to play as me ow don't shoot me with that that hurt i don't i don't like being upside down it make my brain go ouchy all right i'm invincible time to break stuff all right we did it we blew it up there's no way we got off that quickly oh boy we have turned the tides the death egg is democratic now communism is a lie look at my the task ahead portrait matter what got it just boost through everything i hear you knuckles oh crap another banger track i you know what i think i like the forces soundtrack i can't believe sega will bring back wisps from multiple games but we can't get a chow garden why do you hate us all right i'm just like playing extra careless now tired chalk is a skillless one you could say it's a skill issue in fact use the comment section voice your opinion oh i don't like this i don't like this i think my daughter's waking up and that's totally fine i'm recording this late at night and it would just give me an excuse to go to bed always waiting for me at the finish line that's not good sos more like sol i ain't coming there infinite do it do what what is that oh that's a black hole everyone's going to die but we destroyed the phantom ruby's power tails like but you just came back and sonic's like what do you usually do when i'm gone tails is like wait for you to come back oh this is trippy all right double boosting this is the whole stage we just go straight uh we broke out you know what this song sounds like you guys ever hear that uh ice can't defeat airman track i don't know who wrote it but it's like about mega man and just not being able to beat airman as long as my jam back in the day all right here we go careful with the boost sorry fellas kind of in a rush how do you get up what he's waiting here too excuse it can't me it's impossible to get under the phantom ruby's downspace he can't be the best of you shut the hell up this changes nothing dr eggman will still have the last laugh he's a big baby in this one oh download almost complete we're getting a full cut scene with knuckles oh this is just like the end of end game why is everyone so stiff why is everyone so stiff oh my god okay the budget didn't make it this far into the game i've been looking forward to finishing your annoying friends your annoying friends basically sums up sonic games after adventure yo omega's here [Music] location confirmed sending supplies if you use this it can make that sun disappear it was that moment felix the cat knew exactly what he must do oh another banger track press y to create why am i still getting tutorials okay that's kind of cool i guess how high can we go i got a bad feeling the wisps are gonna make a return in frontiers i don't know how everyone feels about the wisps uh but i could leave them but i kind of blend in with the background here so it's a little tough to see myself probably should have picked a different color character okay no one told me about that i didn't know they were gonna be giant laser beams chasing me i'm mashing on matching a mash imagine i got vaporized sonic team create a game with good controls challenge impossible all right launch me into the tower oh here it comes oh that okay that's not supposed to happen like that just straight up launch me the other way yeah the rookies jumping in all right i got that prototype ruby i'm good does dr eggman know that the sun would probably swallow him too oh where'd it go the entire sun this cutscene is really making me wish that i dressed my create a character funnier i should have went back to the crocs all right leave it to me sonic the hedgehog hope that okay oh it was boosted off the stage look at this he's good at the game ladies and gentlemen i think sonic's ever thrown up from going too fast i mean he was born fast but he'll learn what is even happening where am i i was gonna say if i didn't get an s rank for that beautiful gameplay then i don't know what will bro how many items are in this game that you can unlock wait a second even with the phantom ruby weakened i still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly blue jelly huh [Music] shut up in this house sonic oh he just like rubix cubed himself can i catch up to him come on come on sonic boost here he is all right let's hit all these oh you got nothing now broke all your toys is he supposed to be like attacking me where's the attacks like is this the best that he can do just put a couple slowly spinning red crosses on the stage this might actually be the easiest boss fight in existence the phantom rupees uh-oh it's recharged along with your useless friends at least i got friends homie you the creator character he's gonna do stuff now i know it i shouldn't be boosting it's not fair to the oc he's like wait wait i can't keep up oh there we go he he hit me try again is there like a time limit on this can't hide how sad and lonely you are that phantom ruby virtual reality of yours is the real illusion damn sonic chill he's like you're lonely and depressed just mash the a button it's really just that simple all right now we got him how do i die the first time here goes partner when we join forces the sky's the forces he said it he said the word that's the name of the game [Laughter] [Music] who knew all his weakness was just getting homie attacked like four or five times no wait i can still fight no you can't you're literally fading out of existence all right we're nearing the end of the game we got a couple more stages left and then uh there's like a whole shadow episode i don't know how long that is but you know we're gonna do it in this video oh okay okay all right keep going keep going come on we're almost done with the game that's not the right way i'm wondering how shadow actually plays in this game or is he just gonna be like a copy of sonic he's got to have some cool abilities though wait a speed shoe for the first time on the 28th stage jesus amy drink a glass of water stage 29 final got me thanks homie all right too good at this game clearly they made it they actually made it knuckles with the boat of confidence thank you break it break it break it break it come on break break break this looks like a fantasy star on line level any pso fans out there double boost time hammer that button oh this is a big one the music kicked in i'm not used to this kind of speed i think i'm going to pass out all right if we're going to go into the final battle we need some new drip i'm going to wear the gurren logan shades never actually watched garden logan i just know the logo also kind of reminds me of the squirtle squad tell me that doesn't scream i play call of duty for a living all right we made it hey how'd you have time to change your clothes so fast what the hell is that thing all right final boss time are we gonna like play all different characters to fight him probably you'll always be our shining hope okay maybe like tell me what i gotta do though oh okay i get it we're just gonna play a little volleyball listen i've been playing switch sports one two how many we got hit this is kind of fun oh we broke it alright whose turn is it now all right create a character okay what oh okay hit him zip to him i'm just hammering the a button i don't know if i necessarily did anything high five high five high five oh jesus oh where'd that come from don't you know how many games of hexagon i've won and fall guys don't you know you're gonna have to do better than that ah i short hopped do you think drop the hands let me get a good shot at the chest watch what happens he's like oh damn you beat me fair and square is it not gonna blow up here comes a little pod just like an alien it's gonna burst out of his chest just like an alien oh it kind of is just like alien what is this death egg robot again it was a death egg robot inside a death egg robot come on get him kick his ass all right that's two oh everyone gets turned i'm jumping too early i'm kind of expecting the lasers to go faster and then they don't all right what are we doing now this game's not glitched all right he's almost done a few more hits go on keep bouncing you get a turn you get a turn you get a turn who gets the final hit it's got to be like some kind of sonic hero right a triple boost in this economy um i'm trying to triple boost okay is something supposed to happen oh there it is we just had to find a wisp thing oh here we go i'm mashing baby i'm mashing take a nap uh i think only the two sonics were qualified to kind of boost through solid metal i feel like my character probably wouldn't have survived that oh we finally got sonic shoes we just had to beat the game are we partying or fighting is this confetti but oh they're disappearing one by one i guess this is goodbye get home we'll see you the next time we need to sell a game based on nostalgia we need to fix the real world we all live in is this a sonic says are we getting a sonic says right now let's go [Music] that's the end of the game we beat eggman and sonic's like we need to fix the world everybody the real world and real problems wait what all right let's see what shadow story is all about it was one month before the doctor took over the world shadow oh this is a prequel all right i kind of heard that shadow is like the saving grace of this game i mean there's no saving grace who are we kidding this game is just so bland it is plain oatmeal with nothing in it let's be real here let's all agree because that's what we do on the internet shadow is probably the most important thing to happen to the sonic universe in a very very long time which is why sonic adventure 2 is goaded because it brought our boy in this is what like 10 stages that we can play i don't know if they're all unique shadow stages but you can play a shadow in ten of them i think talk to me omega give me the deets god damn it blue screen of death all right easy blue shadow he's so badass the world's most powerful robot is no more a challenge than crap meat crab meat so is omega at least like real crab meat or is the imitation how do you get this number by the way a couple of months ago we're just like jumping around the timeline here shadow's skate run is iconic all right don't fly off don't fly off real mario 64 slider energy here so sonic is kind of like goku he's he's always been and that's just not counting that super sonic is based on super saiyans they just needed to introduce sonic's vegeta to the game and that's shadow these stages just kind of feel like more of the same i don't know if they necessarily are but okay okay easy oh i flew off don't mind don't mind all right i'm not gonna fall off this okay this is dangerous i have this slide past inspections oh my god this stage was so short if i didn't die that would have been under a minute all right hi shadow they're coming wait is this infinite before he was infinite oh he's a jackal i was gonna say is he like a skunk or a fox he was the leader of squad jackal so he's a jackal holy crap shadow just bodied him yo he just laid him out don't show your pathetic oh my god this is the villain origin story sonic forces is shadow's fault pathetic me he's calling me weak yeah that's what he said i think he said you're ugly too better put on a mask oh he is going to put on the mask nobody cared about who he was before he put it on i feel like you should have given it i don't know two eye holes though not an expert here i feel like you'd be able to see just a little bit better back to one month we're really just like jumping around so the sonic forces take place over quite a large amount of time because sonic is like captured for a while before they actually come save him is this the longest time period that a sonic game has taken place over not including ones that have time travel of course it's really satisfying to stomp through a bunch of boxes we got a loop-de-loop man green hill zone looks like it needs a drink ow oh okay we beat it what where on a certain day in green hill eggman's army launches a savage attack oh they're the eggbots all right so now we're starting to meet up with sonic's timeline man they really underutilized the other villains that came back in this game i feel like metal sonic and chaos could have done so much more instead we had more emphasis on zavik and there he is thanks a lot shadow no not you the real shadow wait that's it there's only three new levels what a rip-off [Music] you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 964,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic forces, sonic forces full gameplay, sonic forces full game, sonic forces choctopus, choctopus sonic forces, choctopus against my will, choctopus supercut, sonic the hedgehog, sonic forces all cutscenes, sonic forces all bosses, sonic forces all characters, all sonic forces characters, all sonic forces cutscenes, all sonic forces bosses, sonic frontiers, sonic origins, sonic forces shadow, sonic forces shadow episode, sonic forces full playthrough
Id: zl4ZlvQAYPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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