Breath of the Wild: The Complete Run

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what is the first game that comes to mind when you think of a game that is completely transformed a genre maybe it's Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII GoldenEye Resident Evil 4 Elden ring you know one of those games that people will look back on 10 20 30 years into the future and say it was one of the greatest games of all time in 2014 Nintendo officially gave us our first look at the Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and I'll never forget that trailer of Link leaping off the horse and firing the ancient arrow with the guardian with a cut to 2015. which is actually pretty hilarious to look back on considering regardless while it hasn't been that long breath of the wild is a game that is still talked about today when franchises make their first leap into the open world format Sonic Frontiers Oh you mean Sonic of the wild Pokemon Legends you're talking about Pokemon breath of the wild you get the idea it's almost like we default to this specific game when discussing an open world sure Zelda wasn't the first game to do it but it did it in a way that solidified its Legacy for Generations it's simple but it's complex and in most cases you can play the game the way you want to play it and with the long-awaited sequel tears of the Kingdom finally around the corner I figured it's about time I rebooted my playthrough because my old one is uh wakey wakey eggs and bakey link and let's get out there and let's explore it's been a while but is breath of the wild still as good as it was well there's only one way to find out and if you're new here be sure to subscribe because every single one counts towards hitting that big million so bright link open your eyes hey come on faster than that you got a kingdom to save oh I knew I shouldn't have had that last shot last night honestly this bed always looks so peaceful I want to wake up floating in like a sensory deprivation chamber where the hell am I it's funny I remember falling asleep anyone got a towel hey anyone got a towel wow I'm feeling super nostalgic right now because I haven't played this game since it came out and grabbed the Chica slate get link You've Got Mail can I be nostalgic about something that happens like five years ago six years ago when this game come out six years ago damn it's been six years and finally tears of the kingdom is coming out all right this is a very big moment I remember doing this for the first time and it's certainly not going to have the same impact that it did in 2017. this is it right here if you had to pick like the top five moments in video game history this arguably is top five this shot right here the great Plateau hey what's that shadowy area over there oh that's Chalk's a 2017 playthrough we don't talk about that this tree branch it's all I got to defend myself all right let's grab that baked apple which is sitting by the fire I beg your pardon what's the actual an apple ends an open flame make for a succulent treat where are you rushing off to now speaking with a strange old man truly an awful use of your time Chris Hanson says yes that Temple there long ago was the site of many sacred ceremonies what kind of Ceremonies you say uh okay thank you bye I hit the tree Once and already my is broken I don't care if it's broken I'm still gonna beat someone's ass with it all right break one branches okay just take out another one I'm gonna destroy this voco real fast he's not even gonna know what hit him I mean he might know it hit him which is specifically a tree branch that's what I have another one okay okay I'm out of things see ya we'll just activate this over here they just snuck right past him place the Shiga slate in the pedestal construction's unclear you have been asleep for the past 100 years yeah and I would have slept for another hundred if you didn't wake me up see now if I was a speedrunner I would just go there but I'm not there he is he's like I'm just gonna do swirlies around the castle until someone comes to challenge me King in the castle King in the castle you must I'm gonna take my time because you woke me up make sure I climbed down without falling it's been a minute oh crap oh no no no no no I guess I could have just went this way instead of trying to scale oh my my it would seem we have quite the Enigma here this Tower and others just like it have erupted across the lands one after another it's almost as though a long dormant power has awoken quite suddenly a voice made me do it this is a load of barnacles that is Calamity Ganon 100 years ago that vile entity brought the kingdom of Hyrule to ruin yeah so we all know the story calamityganis showed up killed everyone took over the castle we've played age of Calamity of which I have a full playthrough that you can go check out if you want to watch that before this or in between this and uh the next episode of this you try to jump off well no death could be more certain oh yeah we wouldn't want that to happen give me a glider I ain't asking he's like do you see it that structure over there the one shining with a strange light you gotta go do a trial if you want the glider you're gonna prove to me you can do it all right I'm going still got no weapons here we have some dead Guardians that are totally dead and are going to stay dead no I forgot how goofy link runs his goofy ass run [Music] hang on can you turn up the brightness I wasn't able to read the QR code [Music] step on in it's trial time all right listen we'll let you know in this playthrough I'm not doing all the shrines I'm not doing the korok seeds you guys are gonna get main story and maybe some DLC but we gotta finish this in time for tears of the Kingdom so probably just main story I Now command this drop of location information to be really really hot all right we're gonna get our first ability here we got magnesis and we can do this I'm really looking forward to the new abilities in tears of the kingdom and uh being able to just like make vehicles and they know how to add cool things that are going to create so many awesome viral moments like just think of what social media is going to look like over the next uh few months I gotta get my chops back I gotta like remember how to do stuff you know what we could do this the funny way I don't have a weapon I shouldn't have made my jump button B damn right I'll take it with me don't Don't drop it on your toe that would hurt a lot hello I made it I'm here for the uh the thing some old man sent me for the the one piece just poop your nose it's been 84 years uh Serge you need some moisturizer a McDonald's Sprite would destroy this whole man's existence anyway here's a gift good job now I can die oh heartburn May the goddess smile upon you he's like all right bye now hey over here you were like 20 feet away I was coming over there but thank you for saving me the trip got the spirit orb how did you know paraglider please it's all connected to that chica slate you carry on your hip there paraglider please I've yet to finish speaking sir I don't have a lot of time new game comes out in less than a month I gotta get four more that wasn't the deal I don't have a weapon I can't even threaten his life how about you make your way to the top of that Tower again are you kidding by the way take a look at your map see those blue icons you have the power of Instant Transmission that's where I died oh God I'll go what's happening to my body oh my God hey how do you get here oh leave an old man his Secrets now then I want you to join me up here so you can use this as a vantage point to search for shrines there's one there's two there's the third one I'm gonna go to our first shrine I don't even have a weapon right now oh they're asleep so I'm just gonna go pick up their weapon just nice and slowly very quiet I'm hunting bocos take the club the clubs are fun and we'll take the bow and now to ruin their day wakey wakey eggs and bakey I got a red hot take for you guys I like the fact that weapons break and I'm glad it's back for tears of the Kingdom a lot of people complain but it's a survival game all right time to take on another Shrine the AWA Dame Shrine yeah this Shrine is way nicer than the last Shrine give me a new ability please this this right here this is the future you just wait until we can get DLC in the form of drops all right let's go ahead and stop time right Bob oh I missed I like how we're doing a simple task in crossing the bridge oh that almost killed me freeze oh that's right we need the hammer stop time and then we're gonna [Music] hey a pretty good shot link has a pretty good short game another Shrine down I will now become dust he's like hmm two more I know it's taking you so long and while I'm up here let me look for one that uh that I didn't already do that'd be helpful oh hang on there's one over there I see ya that one's probably closer also we could pick a fight over here get some supplies from these bocos they got a spear we'll go make a goblin Kebab yeah I gotta Blow Your Horn poke him right in his eye I like the spear because I like the speed they're all dead then we open the death chest all right well let's see what's in the chest what were you guys guarding oh a sword we'll keep that one for a rainy day okay so my dumbass stumbled Upon A much closer Shrine all right finally we're getting some bombs I know this is probably all kinds of like funny skips that I could do now that I have stasis like I can ride a boulder straight to Ganon if I want to uh but I'll be honest here I don't think I could successfully do any of that but at some point I'm gonna try it for the funnies because I'm sure there is nothing more interesting than a good old vanilla playthrough of breath of the wild in 2023 and after seeing what Nintendo has been doing it's probably best to keep it that way although it's probably still not safe fire in the hole literally oh that's so fun and satisfying that was a fast Shrine I forgot how quick the first few shrines are blah blah resourcefulness trial hero give me the orb all right that's two let's get one more I'll just buy a couple skillies first poking in its eye Spears damaged yep and it's broken we'll pick up the arm we'll just beat him with it all right and Guardians want to come to life okay avoid that man I remember that happening for the first time these things are terrifying they still are it's just like the piano theme that comes with them it's pure anxiety you can Target me from over there that is there's no way so let's rate a Boko Camp I'm gonna beat him with some Wiggly fingers it's all about catching the hands he's like ah I'm on fire oh thanks for the meat seared steak and it looks a little well done for me all right let's see if we can do some fast traveling what's the worst that could happen right oh damn I couldn't climb it okay well that's gone all right we're gonna hit this last Shrine it's a little cold up here who needs the Quilted tunic when you have good old fire ah damn it you got company I don't I can't right now we've been trying to reach you oh God it's broken okay it's up there I got enough food to make it listen it's called efficiency oh it's not the old man's here oh you're everywhere you did well make it this far without the proper clothing please take this oh thank you all right got cold resistance now and there's a shrine right there I see it I like how he was just up there waiting to be a dead to say something like you know you really should dress warmer it's cold out there son these guys throw Boulders at me well I'm gonna throw Boulders at you exploding boulders all right let's get this last Shrine out of the way so I can get the glider which is really the most important thing here because I need a safety net literally also this will give us the uh the last ability which is crayonis so we can create ice pillars I don't know why I'm talking you guys through the game like this is the first time you're watching someone Play Breath of the wild some of you out there likely have beaten this game 10 times already your speed Runners glitched the game up and down three heart runs if this series even does mildly good out I'll be Satisfied don't ow and my Poco Club is damaged I'm gonna damage your face all right we made it finally let's get the damn glider he better be waiting for me as soon as I come out of the shrine he's been everywhere else oh here he is with this you now have acquired all the spirit orbs from the shrines on this Plateau extraordinary that means it's finally time link it is time for me to tell you everything but first a word from our sponsor now your child can visit steamy jungles grassy Plains and the dark depths of the ocean it's funny seeing the temple a time like this because I got married in a church in Bermuda that kind of looks like the Temple of Time it's got no roof only the Temple of Time was destroyed mine was just called The Unfinished Church link it's time to pray you who have conquered the shrines and claim their Spirit orbs I can offer you great power in exchange for four spear orbs I will amplify your being so tell me what is you desire stamina vessel I can get by on three hearts I want to run fast for a long time the blessing of the Goddess has made you that much more resilient I see here I am just climb up on the roof that thing is falling apart sir what are you doing okay this is dangerous uh do you have life insurance because I don't all right he's now going to do the big reveal and let us know he is the king I was King Rome boss faramas Hyrule gesundheit by the way I'm a ghost all right you're ready now I put you through the trials all right gotta go now you've been talking to a ghost this whole time people are gonna think you're crazy I like how the objective is just destroy again time to do the big jump the leap of faith Glide no wrong button I'm doing I'm gonna try it again because I have to go meet impa I gotta go kind of far so probably gonna get myself killed or hang on one second damn it I messed up again if you're a speedrunner listen I'm sorry for anyone who might be cringing over this all right here we go hey what not quick Shrine over here might as well am I right the wind guides you where is it guiding me is this a is this a glider this is a glider one wow that was insanely difficult that was easy okay it may or may not have uh commandeered a horse don't worry about where I got it it's fine everything's okay you know I gotta cover ground a little faster get out of here electricy ouch God damn it all right we made it to kakariko Village man that made it infinitely easier having a horse let's see maybe we could cook a little something uh I don't have any recipes how about some herbs and mushrooms we could probably make something out of this right cook all this up this was honestly one of the most fun parts of this game look at a shroom skewer okay seven Hearts man did you show up to the Village you immediately start smashing their pots destroying everything hello everyone my name is link I'm here to meet impa I just I'm gonna take your crops hope you know mines you there who are you how dare you trespass upon lady impa's Abode is that a chica slate the one and only I mean you are no no it's impossible can it be I'm over here just just turn over here apply a man is that it's a shake of slate could you be the hero my grandmother told me about what's his name Lynn um oh Paya hang on I gotta look this up now because it was a peach Papaya juice that I used to drink in high school and I oh it was a Tropicana I think yes it was Tropicana Peach papaya does this still exist well it looks like it does I just unlocked the memory door live in front of you guys oh impa oh you're finally awake it has been quite a long time but you aged like milk much older now remember me don't you yeah I remember you were pretty op IE you're looking at me as though I'm a stranger to you those eyes they lack the light of familiarity is I Courageous one impa surely you must remember at least the name impa oh I see so you have lost your memory what's with the heck that doesn't seem very comfortable it seems heavy I mean you could probably throw that thing like Kung Lao anyway a hundred years ago yes 100 that I'm very old but before Princess Zelda went nobly to meet her fate she entrusted me with some words she wished to say to you I've been waiting a hundred years to deliver the princess's message and here it is free the four Divine beasts that is what she said that's it I can tell me yeah to Rook my boy taruk ravali mifa and herbosa the old Squad I remember them man good times oh wait hang on it seems your Shiga slate is not complete yet now hang on let me see uh see some of the research left in hateno Village they'll be able to update the firmware for you okay I made the mistake of talking to the dude who's like hey you want to join the Giga Clan and I'm like hell no when in the back of my mind I'm like oh yeah I do so badly but I I can't I'm on a mission so uh I gotta fight this dude you know no problem we'll just blow him up I really like I said I haven't picked this game up in such a long time I forgot how much I love it and how easy it is to just like walk around and explore and get lost just doing literally anything but the main story you know cooking and just finding different ingredients climbing exploring new places I'm really I'm excited to do that again for the first time but I really think after this part of the story I should probably get some better gear screw it climb the mountain also one of the coolest things in this game is just being able to just climb anything and challenging yourself and Link too cold even now all right that's not gonna work okay hear me out I know I should absolutely not mess with a he knocks right now but come on this will be funny here it goes he's like oh what was that all right alarm go off I don't even think you can reach me up here but I'm about to find out he's like wait till I get up there if I can get up there oh it's not a temper tantrum should we just cheese this right we choose it for free stuff I'll shoot him right in the eye too come on idiot everyone in the comments is gonna be like stop bullying the poor he knocks you say hinox or he knocks it's hinox isn't it High nox this is probably gonna take a little while you're worth it didn't the next day good throw another rock show the world how pathetic you are all right ready oh he's dead all right now I'll come down there all right what do we got toenail gross hearty durian fruit those are supposed to smell really bad right bolt fruit traveler spear a pumpkin this was not worth my time but I took one down I know that that Lionel is he's right over there we are not going to do the same thing with a Lionel we're gonna leave him alone because he's scary I could probably this is this is a bad idea there's probably an easier way to do this okay that was close almost broke my legs there I should I should probably blow all this up see what I can get from this little excavation Amber just out okay it's a little too close to the blast there glide on out sorry link I didn't mean for you to get hypothermia it's just it's easier this way maybe we'll hit this uh this Shrine real quick oh damn I was a little higher I would have been dead oh wait this is not a shrine hello oh oh are you an adventurer I used to be an adventurer like you and I took an arrow in the knee I'm honestly kind of shocked that I got this far just kind of like pedal to the middle trying to get through it don't worry we'll be prepared for the four Divine beasts when the time comes we won't go in with a long sleeve shirt all right agent Tech Lab we made it please upgrade my chica slate this is the only uh Genius Bar in all of uh Hyrule yeah hello I bet you've never seen so many books in one place incredible isn't it uh I've been to a library wait what is that thing on your waist is that a chica there's no mistaking it that's a real Shaker slate isn't it never actually seen one in person isn't there only one don't I have the only one strange it doesn't seem like you have the basic runes oh where are my manners I nearly forgot to introduce myself my name is Simon you aren't link right only one option here by the way uh I the one and only pora will restore the basic functions missing from the sheikah Slate but first I need you to run an errand for me what's that look on your face you didn't think I'd fix it for free did you I did actually you know I'm the hero that's supposed to stop Calamity Ganon right I'm not Postmates all right she wants me to bring the blue flame from the ancient furnace in town and use it to light our furnace the sweet little guidance Stone will start working once you do that allowing us to restore your missing runes oh then I'd better get to it all right let's go find that blue flame I wish I had a glider like this or I could just hop off stuff climb on my roof be like I gotta go to the store Dodge all the traffic I'm just gonna go on over here to the Blue Flame by the ancient oh so that's what this was it was the ancient furnace all right we got it I now declare the fry cook games open I like this Ah that's nice forgot what happens if you light all of them I missed one though nothing will ever blow this flame out that's what happens when you find your flame link I would say link I hope you ate a nice hearty meal full of carbs to fuel this workout but you've been living off apples there you go like that hot no ancient Tech Lab is now set as a travel gate thank God I'm not making that climb again linky thank you so much now then take a look over there oh you got one of these drippy things too I like how all of this is so I can take pictures now downloading camera firmware update so was there a camera on the thing all along or does this add the camera I like how I have bombs I can stop time I can create ice pillars I can move things with telekinesis and I have a camera I will say though that the compendium is like a nice cool fun side thing you can do in this game like finding 900 korok seeds broke taking pictures of squirrels woke you don't have to worry about this until after you see input but I want you to bring back some ancient materials I have some bring them to either me or Robbie at the akala ancient Tech Lab I gotta say replaying this game has been an absolute treat it is uh making me even more excited for tears of the kingdom and I like how a bunch of people were calling the game like a glorified DLC and then Nintendo drops this insane trailer I don't know if it was in response or if it was planned it was probably planned but it'd be hilarious to think it's irresponsible oh DLC yeah does DLC look like this what kind of apples you think they got growing in Hyrule you think they're all honey crisp we can agree that's the best apple right as someone who uh has made a formal apology to the Apple Community after talking smack about apples for so long I have seen the light huh oh sorry I was just doing my crossword puzzles now then let's see [Music] oh without a doubt that is a camera this is the camera that Princess Zelda used 100 years ago it's all blurry have you ever seen like pictures taken from like 20 years ago with like a cell phone camera come back here once you've tried going to at least one of those locations there's something I wish to give you I don't remember who's where so I guess we'll just go to the closest one which is over here actually that might be Death Mountain so we'll go free to Rook first oh there's a shrine gonna do some now because I know in the long run I'm gonna need it there's a shrine over there too so we can hit the and there's one over there and a tower so that's how we're gonna make our way we're gonna go there that Shrine that Shrine Tower Divine Beast because I also haven't unlocked any Towers Shrine time live you guys remember slime time live you are looking live what's up that was a an afternoon thing on Nickelodeon there was this one game show that they used to have on Nickelodeon I guess it wasn't a game show it was more of an interactive game and I've been trying to search for the name of it for years now I can for the life of me I cannot figure out what it is and if anybody knows feel free to to fill me in so what the game was was like this segment on Nickelodeon where they would play a Nicktoon and then come on and they would have like this uh real time does that go like that and they would have this real-time like quiz going on and then at the end of the show oh there we go at the end of the show um there would be like a score and you would have your your screen name like after the credits of the episode and was called like bubble something and like for the life me can't remember the actual name of it or it was something completely different and I just I don't know I don't know if I can yeah link can't sync any buckets I think I need the the thing right I gotta bring it with me the walk whatever it is all right link don't scratch it you don't know who it belongs to did I what the hell did I do oh I dropped it on the thing okay I remember now hang on so I activate this scoop so I put the ball here put the ball right there this thing's kind of in the way and then that should pop right in it pops like a little popcorn gotta get my muscle memory back this ain't cutting it links like a baby bird right now can't walk can't fly don't want to jinx it but uh there hasn't been any rain storms oh crap it just started raining I was gonna say I haven't been hit by lightning yet man that was such a terrifying Way to Die the first time I played this game I was glowing I was like what what's happening and then next thing you know bam what the hell oh OCTA rocks all right we good we good they couldn't hit the side of a barn ow oh damn that's damn Thorns uh I don't think I can do this actually yeah I'm just gonna head towards the tower ow let's unlock some more map okay let's not actually fall to our death again because that would be embarrassing I mean once it's embarrassing enough you know the saying fall off a tower once shame on you fall off a tower twice what is this a octopus video you made it let's get that Google Earth DLC online I mean everyone's gonna know where I am now all I have to do is be like oh the tower changed from red to blue it must be where he is it's not subtle might as well have fireworks all right that region is unlocked now I should be able to get to that next Shrine let me take this one I'm just gonna speed run a couple shrines minor test of strength okay this is a this is a fighting one uh what weapons do I have I don't really have anything spectacular so in fact I have nothing great so this will be fun I've been doing this with absolutely nothing yo chill okay I'm also running out of food I have like spicy peppers and like that's it come on he cut me in half let me clarify that I'm not saying I'm doing a three heart challenge but I've never gotten this far in a game without giving any of my orbs to Hearts I don't think I'm equipped enough to beat this dude damn it I broke the pillar if I'm the patient with the he knocks High knocks hinox please someone just tell me how to pronounce things I kind of low-key need that Guardian Sword because I need something a little more powerful oh my God one hit run away that was I'm not saying I could beat the entire game like this because I probably can't but I'm gonna get as far as I can I'm definitely gonna need some more uh Parts there we go all right Hammer's almost done so I I like I need to end this jeez oh God I have to charge him right after this I have no other option [Music] and of course I am out of stamina please I'm sorry oh just we just made it Guardian Sword Guardian Shield thank you wow that was exhilarating I actually I I have decent weapons now I just I have to get more weapons oh what's in the chest [Music] the knights but wow okay we actually uh inventory you better believe I'm throwing a bow in the garbage for the nights bro cause I actually have decent weapons now all right we finally made it to the bridge Prince sidon's just been chilling here oh nice landing I am sidon the Zora Prince oh he's got nice teeth anyway who are you link your name is link what a fantastic name no I cannot shake the feeling I've probably heard that somewhere before well in any case it is a strong name unless I'm the weakest link Zora's domain I just met you but all right let's do it wow really no one's ever said yes never drunk Bailey's from a shoe because of the rain The Cliffs are too wet to climb to reach the domain you will need to go straight along this path he's like but you can do it please stop doing that all right we'll just take the path no big deal fight this little zalfos God wait I don't wanna why do I have my torch out I was like I'm not doing any damage to this dude I just hate that like this is the best weapon I have right now we're probably gonna break soon Skip Skip to My loose Skip Skip Skip to My Lou I gotta tell you since oh God since I have a one-year-old now I mentioned that I watch Bluey a lot also it's just a lot of songs a lot of nursery rhymes and I gotta tell you after not hearing them for a long time since I was a kid some of them you know you you think you know the words but you don't all right we made it hey link uh oh down here sorry for calling you out from the river since I pressured you into coming I'm not sure you would really come through I'm a man of my word or I guess in this case I'm a man of my silence no that link says words he's a man of his yeah oh we're having him for what the I died a couple times uh not too shabby at least we're getting real close to Zora's domain second getting two shot by everything but I probably should return to uh the Temple of Time and give in some of my orbs hey my God sir how fast do you travel dude just just meet me there why is he like we'll be in there oh no okay um oh you're not as strong as I thought you were then again I do have a better bow now I'm just not gonna let him get close okay easy the big marbling Club too all right I made it Zora's domain must be a lot faster to be Azor and just be able to swim really fast through the water you have these bridges for peasants like me whoa I've been waiting for you link I'm here Chip Skylark don't worry I'm Gonna Save you guys Zora's domain is absolutely massive in this game I can't wait to see what the map looks like in tears of the kingdom and what kind of changes we're gonna have big fish this man hates me ah you must be the highly in that sidon brought here correct kingdorfin ruler of the Zora huh that object on your waist is that not a chica slate you are the Hylian Champion link it's it's obvious the Hylian Champion you can't mean the link that champion this entire game everyone's like I thought you were dead I've been sleeping I lost my I've been sleeping face to reply coming in sleeping you say yeah I ate a lot of meat and I had the meat sweats and went into a coma surely you must remember my precious daughter you know the one that you loved doesn't ring a bell you were so close yet you did not remember her please look upon the beauty of Zora's domain see that statue it's made of ice it's melting very quickly Link's like I'm remembering now it's all coming back to me link I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials still I need a favor Zora's demand is in danger of Vanishing because of divine Beast varuta we alone cannot stop this Beast will you lend us your strength I got you oh there I hear him now just cries in pain every couple hours it's really the worst during the middle of the night okay here comes elephant man just gotta climb aboard this thing and save him and you think if I just like sail past varuda he's gonna see me because I think I gotta go over there so I'm gonna climb up to the highest point over here and I'm just I'm just gonna like sail right in front of his face I think there's a pier over there I need to hit oh here's our first korok I was wondering when we were gonna finally stumble upon one year well nope sorry uh I'm not looking for you guys you find hestu oh my boy has to I miss him you think piloting the Divine Beast would be fun but like in age of Calamity they're probably my least favorite part of the game oh my God no way yeah what okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not trying to go near you I was trying to go over there I guess I maybe should have considered taking uh I don't know these two giant waterfalls that were here this whole time you know being that I have the Zora armor now that lets me do exactly this bam okay we made it I went the stupid way for a while but I'm good now all right cool polyamorous Mountain the mountain that has multiple wives and they're just laying around they named it that because the mountain got married uh a few times God I gotta sneak around and try and get get these shock arrows now you know I'm gonna have to fight the Lionel right well I mean I I might not have to if I sneak around look they're just laying around I only need 20. they didn't say I had to fight the guy I stay way out of his sight uh I think he saw me it's a good thing there's so many shock arrows just laying around I like how this is where I had to go retrieve them he's like I don't climb the mountain some kids shot him into a tree he's over there I'm gonna just try to be very very quiet for hunting shock at was he he's up there somewhere where are you I don't like that I don't know where you are oh good he's like all the way over there how many do I have anyway 15 all right half we just need five more well he said 20 but like I probably need more than that oh don't look over here oh I got it okay 19. one more Arrow where are you there it is come to linky see what does this say jump at your own risk better listen to the signs all right we made it and I got all the arrows glad to see you're ready to go link please stop doing that are you ready for this do you have your Zoro armor and enough shock arrows Define enough I have like the minimum amount he never sees to amaze link now then let us go and appease the Divine Beast as one here we go with his glowing pink orbs you'll need to shoot each oh I remember this I surf on his back and then I go up the waterfall and then I have to like jump out and I have to shoot the orbs okay we can do this I remember this part this is cool root is responding to our presence all right we got the anime speed line so we can't mess up now oh you want me to deal with the giant ice blocks okay that works I'll go for this one I guess I could use any old bow okay that's one alley-oop finally a little action I feel like I've just been running around for a while yeah that's two oh he's mad now here we go oh easy Hawkeye shock arrows ready wait can I just do it on the same no it wasn't let me shoot oh I broke my bow that's why and last one how'd that still hit me oh I almost I hit the wrong button for a second I hit the jump button okay shock arrows out and let's torch this dude wow that's astounding what a thrill now we can climb root is floating higher now he wanted to venture inside it right I'll bring you closer we're counting on you hero do good work in there is Mr Beast one of the Divine beasts that thought just popped in my head and my brain said say it because it might be funny it kind of sounds funny to me it's time to quell our first Divine Beast [Music] kind of hoping we get dungeons back in tears of the Kingdom I know I'm not the only one saying that because these are like kind of dungeons but they're not really dungeons no oh you guys are pretty weak so I have very vivid memory of this dungeon but no specifics like I know I gotta be inside outside I gotta destroy all these things I'm just gonna have to remember where uh okay that sucks I don't even have anything like remotely strong can you please drop uh Guardians thank you okay I see you spitting out skull heads there's the uh oh I want to save those hey it's appear get out of here shoot as you're probably leaving a bit more arrows now but let's see how far we can get without having to leave I do not remember what I have to do but I think I have to use magnesis here I really I want them to bring back dungeons because like I want keys and stuff instead I'm just like the antibodies in Garuda all link is is an antibiotic unable to activate main control unit unactivated terminals remain oh this is the main thing not up to that yet oh I can turn this crank you guys remember cranky anchors remember that show like you could never get away with uh something like that today is that gonna fall no okay good Tap bar she just laid here the elements remain all right so we got I I thought there were four I guess there's five I mean honestly the Divine beasts in this game they're really short it's barely any enemies like I could just activate these Terminals and you fight water blight Ganon like that's it how to use everything in the Arsenal everything they taught you in hero School oh that's the map that's not even one of the terminals here look it's a picture of an elephant okay so at least I can lift the trunk and stuff now if I stand here and this thing goes away Will It Crush me and I die I'm asking for a friend am I about to get washed by water blight Gannon probably right that's probably something that's going to happen can I activate this if it's sideways no right here you go Trunks going up but that's the wrong way out oh god oh ow this is what I needed to happen here we go all right three terminals left there's one on the trunk one in the head and one in the ass it's gonna be cool when all this is fixed and they turn varuda into like I don't know a water park yo but can we agree how sick what is yours the main water park be hey look hey look at this look look a waterfall it's like oh waterfall huh oh actually actually we destroyed him and we get the guardian spear let's go up to the trunk first look at that terminal and then uh work our way back down don't you dare spit though oh sorry maybe there spit those out at me and you turn around while it explodes all cool you know it's probably a good thing to do to check my other abilities instead of just being like not sure how to do that like cryonis can I activate this from standing here I know if I need to be flat okay so that's not gonna work so let me do that again just uh waiting alone with my thoughts and my shame there you go easy terminal I probably could have do this much faster could I use my brain okay two left then we gotta make this a little more upright oh wait hang on that's too up right yeah go back down go back down I'm gonna break the hydraulics in this thing silly me gotta get over there and then raise it fall off oh god oh man okay we're good [Music] all right and we just got one more after this how do we get to the last one all right it's in the head the hole right there I think it might be right under me I don't know if it's in there it might be oh almost got torched all right last one take care of the malice best I could do is shock arrows sorry this crank come on crank did I go the wrong way they still got Flames there oh I get it I know I know this has to open and I can spray the water got it I was like what I gotta do there's a fire out somehow if only there were some body of water it helped me do that is it the top one it's probably second one so I'm looking at like the angle here I'm like which one is gonna pour the water in there we go still though five there we go uh it feels nice getting one shot by water blight Gannon that's gonna hurt although I have some Shock arrows I feel like I might be able to do it blowing waiting for me I'm here don't worry oh damn it it's got a virus it opened the exe file oh water blight Ganon we meet again [Music] oh damn someone's happy to see me I don't remember but I feel like this one might have been the the most annoying please take care you mean against the guy with the 18-foot spear I have faith in you okay at least one of us does yeah I know [Laughter] careful that spear has a Long Reach point five seconds later okay Dodge oh sheesh what's the pattern here I mean this is kind of working I got nine left oh he's down when he's down I'm gonna clown yeah stop he's like okay what was the point of that I was like oh no this is mine I will defend this oh great this is gonna be fun okay I don't have health like that's all I got uh I'm gonna have to use cryonis here oh no okay I'm going probably something a little stronger right oh okay cool I'm out of arrows sir you know what he's gonna do that I'm gonna use a spear a little faster so I clearly hit that one dies he's like oh what happened you ran into water blight Gannon slipped on an ice cube you see a lot of you are probably wondering Chuck why don't you just leave go get supplies and then come back you see because the amount of time it would take me to do that I could easily figure out the patterns and just get it done take a swipe there we go and it's crazy like how big the window is and I just wasn't doing that all right fast phase one also kind of forgot about like cryonis being good to just like break blocks and not just uh make them I got like the little Mario Hammer that he uses to to break him in Mario Maker one two three you're gonna write for somebody who's got nothing on them that was oh crap okay okay oh he's down down for the count we're just gonna get over there come on okay you're dead oh nice just cut his head off with the boomerang oh does that hurt are you writhing in pain okay first Divine be saved in record time we're speed running by the way I mean I'm probably setting some kind of world record or something a heart piece they're like here please you desperately need this please take it all right that is much needed once you activate the main control unit you will not be able to re-enter the interior of this Divine beast that's fine I don't want to come back smells like mildew in here anyway here scan my iPad with the weird rubber bumper that parents give to children for some reason thank you there she is now Allowed by this freedom to be with you once again that's Link's love since I am now a spirit who's dead the healing power would be wasted on me I have no need of it so therefore I will pass it on to you please accept me first Grace [Music] look at this I got oh she's all right tension Han hit me with the tri-beam I got an extra heart I got me if it's Grace safe I think no I kiss on the forehead or nothing goodbye oh what's this light where am I going help I'm a star Mastodon It's morphin time and the first Divine Beast has been saved three to go can I even exist in Death Mountain right now I think I'm gonna catch on fire oh yeah hey is it hot in here or is it just me okay okay I'm just kidding it was a joke all right fine we'll go around the mountain a lot of baddies here not in that sense no no they're not sexy back off I'm doing this like mostly arrowless get in the fire look at this wacky ass we got link doing gotta go the Long Way hero should be able to just kick the door in jeez that weapon's gone didn't expect that one all right we made it to the smash stage okay turn the thing on all right now all of this just to sail to the Foothills to get some armor so I don't turn into a rotisserie chicken oh no I've glided into the Oregon Trail [Music] I went to the wrong Tower so now I'm trying to get to the actual Elden Tower it's actually kind of crazy how big this game is because after six years it doesn't seem like it is but it still is now they're gonna add islands in the sky it's a bad dog expense now the day another tower all in a day's work all right let's get up come on link come on come on don't whoa God no look at this dude climbing the Eldon Tower trying to work his way towards the second Divine Beast with a wooden shield and the Zora armor well at least I'll get the fire resistant armor so there's that all right next Tower online maybe we'll have better cell service now yeah I see it over there I thought I was gliding towards like the hut that I need this Glide to and uh I was just in a different part of the map I was like yeah this is Elden Tower right narrator what are you taking stupid pills thanks narrator I don't remember how much this stuff costs and I'm kind of broke hold on Buddy are you really headed to Goron City dressed like that yep see this is how Taurus a bad rep you'll catch on fire I guess I have no choice but to sell you these fireproof elixirs 150 for three I thought I got the armor here I think I grabbed the armor in Goron City oh no I don't got time for this I'm on limited time here so I gotta figure out where I need to go and not get shot yo oh he's right up in here hey open wide that wasn't enough damage wait I'm gonna take the guardian out we're gonna do it I definitely don't have nearly enough arrows but it's fine remember running into one of these things for the first time terrifying all right let's grab some of these parts actually kind of worth oh here we go the southern mine this is what I was looking for no don't do that okay what's not on fire a bunch of uh skeleton arms stop smacking at you get out of here I may have gotten myself into trouble here fire oh God this this is bad this this is real bad I'm gonna use the new bow you know what we're gonna equip some bomb arrows and and uh as I was saying ow there's definitely some real fire items over here it's Death Mountain no so here's what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna fight I'm just gonna kick these open oh a Knight shield okay what does this say this is gonna tell me to go Yep this way to Goron City I wish I had a horse right now but uh that horse would be toast unless it was like Ponyta Rapidash oh no oh God what is it now oh there it is that one's the scariest one just on fire torturing itself yeah I see it not ready for it yet I think out of like all the races that just roam around Hyrule I think gorons are my favorite oh my God 700 I need like 1300 rupees [Applause] oh let's see if I just buy the tunic flame guard oath right that should be enough I think I could come up with 700 rupees I just don't want to have to sell all my ancient Parts just sell a bunch of crap I'm not gonna craft I feel like a very desperate person in a pawn shop right now I got both pieces look at me styling don't you go near radanya if you do no matter how well prepared you are you'll be burned to ashes in any case getting across the bridge of Eldon is impossible right now the boss probably raised the bridge to keep her down you from coming over here well because you told me not to go you know I'm going right take this stupid fire Keys oh God who wants some well I'm resistant now oh that's why they call me three for free bridge of Eldon which is down like nope you can't oh no worries fine I'll do the shrine if it shuts you up the DACA co-shrine a stalled flight so looking at a uh looking at a okay I see I was gonna say we're looking at a paraglider Shrine this is actually pretty fun I like them okay that was easy I'm gonna go talk to the Goron boss I just I straight up walked right by this dude drat that play blasted ratania with radanya running wild recently death Mountain's eruptions have gotten real bad I lost an eye because of it can't tell you how many times we've used that Cannon chased off that fiend well the name's Bluto I'm the great Goron boss who's fearsome enough to silence a crying child permanently or to make a silenced child's cry uh either way with that blasted you knowbo where the hell is that kid I'll I'll find him nowhere I know where he is uh I gotta go sit down I don't know why but in every Zelda game I tend to like the fire themed dungeons the most what about you guys is there one particular element or themed dungeon that you like better than others like do you prefer the forest or maybe you like uh the snow or ice temples let's go what's going on today so many people out and about you should know it gets much hotter past here there's also lots of monsters it's really dangerous do you know you knowbo these gorons they they all know each other boss wants to know boss does uh well then I guess I better tell you where your nobo is see the thing is I already climbed that mountain so uh I can fast travel he went to the Vault to fetch some painkillers now that you mentioned it suppose never came back we should probably go looking for him do you need anything else no I'm good sir as you were gotta run thankful for all the hot air geez oh my God they're all over the place ow that kicked in mifa's Grace immediately I'm out of here I'm gonna hard nope out of that um someone's trapped in there I got you it's right here don't worry I'll get you out of there that didn't work I gotta use the Cannons but before I do that I want to pay a visit to these like two lesalfos over here try and steal some stuff from them you don't even know I'm here watch this imagine thinking you should probably build structures with steel and metal right in the middle of a volcano all right that skull is done Skull Island you're finished duh just gotta turn the thing then I can let you know go out that that was too much maybe I gotta catch it in the middle there we go just hanging out in his heat shield wow there's a lot of stuff in this Vault you best believe I'm looting it what am I gonna do I like how they gave him voice acting whoa It's a Hylian but you're the one who broke through that Crag to rescue me were you not strong enough sir you live amongst the Rocks all right you're free gosh the tiny traveler you know Beau told me about how you helped him brother here's a reward for you I thanks hey do me a favor look at this you see this hunk over here that's daruke he was the greatest he was our champion it's my personal favorite out of the four Divine beasts this man let those other Champions know they better eat their gravel if they want to keep up with the group just look at all those delectable rocks sprinkled on those mountains delicious a nice memory of daruke and I going for a cruise in the Divine Beast what's not to like think's like I I remember which means now I gotta go to Elden bridge and I gotta knock down the bridge I know what I have to do I got it I kind of feel like I am Link in this game because as he's remembering things I'm also remembering I'm like oh that's right I have to go save you Noble from the the moblins now and then I have to use the thing to take the bridge down like it's coming back to me freeze mister oh don't Smack me it was about to give me a left hook oh it's killed over I got you bro homies stick together I know what I gotta do I I don't even need your help I'm good I got it stand back fire in the hole where's the Kaboom he's like you have to talk to me first I have to do it just launch me here we go that doesn't seem like the most efficient way to raise and lower a bridge but hey it's not my town we did it see that Goro if we put our heads together Anything is Possible the power I got my ancestor daruke's protection is really something else isn't it oh there he is hot foot McGee he looks like a Zoid you guys remember zoids oh no he's got fleas what are you scanning for let me guess hey uh don't go in then I really really hate escort quests like a lot just a couple of bombs I don't want to do it there we go you know this isn't really uh much of a yippee moment I gotta sneak in that crevice over there oh come on don't get caught man don't get caught the real Metal Gear Solid Mission okay fast go go go go go go oh go back go back go back [Music] oh God no am I safe over here nope dude what the are you doing over there get over here you know about you stupid idiot oh my God where is he get in get in here dude what are you doing uh you're oh how he just like walked right through it and it didn't even catch him I'll destroy it just hang on they just like circling like how am I supposed to make that I don't trust this dude you know what hang on If I Could Just Kill the circling one thank you this dude is gonna get me murdered I'm gonna die [Music] that is a Dark Souls death go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay I guess it was easier than I thought it was this is stressful I feel like this shouldn't be this stressful you know what else is stressful an Ocarina of Time having to sneak into the castle never enjoyed that tonight I hate you I hate you you big stupid Hang on we're about to get real creative here wow take that Elon Musk okay off the mountain he goes it's kind of crazy how I forget how hard regular ass enemies hit because I'm so under equipped there we go easy peasy can I use the square one no round boys only he's indeed very upset with us he's like I'm going to the top you might even climb inside didn't Godzilla do something similar oh he's really mad now this is what we wanted to not happen you know spraying lava everywhere because like the smallest amount of lava no that wasn't cool hour all right here we go next Divine beast faradanya in all its Majesty hey hey daruke you're here to take control of old rodania back from Ganon eh you're gonna need a map radanya sounds like gridanya which just reminds me that I need to play Final Fantasy 14 and finally finish A Realm Reborn all right we enter the belly of the Beast it is dark in the belly of the Beast by the way some good mood lighting though do I have any I have an arrow Boom come on in the dark oh buried I could just not come across any more of the tiny Guardians that'd be cool this looks like it would be an aesthetic mod you know what I'm talking about you know I'm talking about hello please turn the lights on all right now that the lights are on much easier time exploring this place a couple chests we get some arrows that'd be great asking you shall receive probably upsetting some of you that uh are watching me use ice arrows on eyeballs and I just want to let you know that can't take this with you when you die I feel I've given people a lot of hoarding mentalities like oh this weapon's cool I can't use this I'm gonna use everything whenever I have it speaking of using things let me we got a wrong button we gotta start turning this dude tilt him this way okay roll over and let me see your tummy I do hope that in tears of the Kingdom the entire like inventory system's revamped just like make it easier to pick up stuff and drop stuff [Music] oh there are a lot of skull boys down there if you're gonna fight me fight me on flat ground I'll poke you all one at a time oh wow if his grace kicked in thank you fish ghost this is the main terminal so I'm not up to this yet don't worry little buddy I'm gonna get you out of there this is where it has to go you know let's rotate let's try anyway oh it is coming this way okay for some reason I thought I was gonna go back up and out out or up there we go I suppose that probably could have been done from up top but oh well Three Tournament remaining I remember what I gotta do I got the arrows to do it I was gonna say this giant door is just locked off by wooden leaves which means it's my job to oh it's a sorry it's a push not a pull there are two terminals remaining yep I can count oh wait wait wait I remember I remember is that not gonna open or do I have to do blue flame only bam yes walk and turn off the flames and then we're gonna rotate again roll over roll over something in the Run fell out roll over I don't know some of you out there know how it goes maybe the parents really looking forward to getting my ass handed to me by fire blight Ganon well I could probably do it I mean I water took me a couple to figure out but this time I got it I got Memphis Grace back fantastic oh cool out of arrows there just have to use a regular Arrow hey look over here why are you fooling me all right last one you guys ready to watch me struggle yes okay I got you oh no there was another monster in there who would have thought okay I don't know his patterns so it's gonna take me a little while listen not as scary I think the spear was scarier actually that ax is a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be was it like a knife okay maybe it is a sword you know what I only have two-handed weapons that's not great I might need to leave to go get a sword yeah that's it's gonna be a problem yeah I know I'm sorry I only have two Andy weapons all right I just want to let you guys know that I did a little bit of pillaging like real quick hello dude she's getting in my face I I got some weapons I cook some meals got some snacks I would just like to give you guys the heads up that one of the reasons why I am playing so poorly is because on this gamecube-esque controller that I'm playing on uh let me tell you the button layout and why I'm having such a hard time X's run why is Swing weapon B is jump a is nothing so it's not ideal ow oh you beat the mifa's grace into me there I was waiting to hit the flurry Rush I'm I'm sorry what now's my chance can you come down here like please now's my chance if only I could fly yeah I know I I didn't meet ravali yet because I like to call him ravioli break camera angle fantastic almost a phase two just one more I can't hit you and I'm trying not to fall off of our radanya oh that looks dangerous that flaming ball is dangerous literally what I just said yeah no daruke okay you want this there you go oh is that dinner oh okay it reached but I guess uh I detonated a little too early five I guess uh I guess fire Blake ends the easier one okay not ready for that come on come on Almost Dead come on not not hard actually like I said I didn't have the supplies oh you don't like the way that feels well I didn't like it when you threw flaming Embers at me oh he's that's gross ah much better and I'm gonna get another heart against my will I guess I'll get it I mean I might as well it would be rude not to accept it now I got five okay hang on let me uh let me run the anti-virus ah my guy's back to Rook the Goron Champion where my hug at it's like I was just taking a nap but rodanya's back to normal how could you guys not think that daruke is the best Champion let me know in the comments section who's your favorite of the four Champions why is it daruke and if it's not why are you wrong here it comes all right he's gonna give me some protection now did he use that earlier no big deal badass detection depths of my soul now lives inside you little did you know that the darux protection was in you all along the real darook's protection with the friends we made along the way my regards to the princess he's like all right we'll send you away now bye there he goes he's climbing up he's gonna fire his laser beam kind of looks like final hazard from Sonic Adventure 2. you know the final boss that has an entire space station up its ass if I were down you use hyper beams super effective yo they got daruk doing the all my pose does that make you nobo Deku hey it's you you knowbo told me everything you really are him aren't you oh my God he is massive Link's just like yep you know what we're gonna do rivali next all right made it across Hyrule to Rideau village Village of the bird people so we gotta go find ravioli we're gonna climb his big ass Tower what's that it's probably the giant bird that is uh circling that thing seems really heavy I feel like a couple of fans probably not gonna lift that thing off the ground I know it's a Divine beast but the Divine beasts are kind of heavy all these stairs seem kind of unnecessary considering everyone here is a bird and can fly I talked to this old ass owl oh visitor welcome to oh oh oh that object on your hip could it be it's probably like a first generation model they got those chica slate Slims now that means you must be a champion like master of Ollie one of the few able to board Divine Beast VA meadow meadow Mido you know the giant Beast circling above us oh I didn't notice that nah I didn't know I didn't see you guys had a Divine Beast problem couldn't even tell Teba and hearth tried to confront Meadow but it did not go well as a descendant of the Champions perhaps you can help us please find tebra if you work together you may be able to stop Divine Beast far middle okay gotta go find another bird I always did like Village just like the whole setup is cool in the layout it's peaceful you know it's not in the middle of a volcano imagine being the champion of like these people and all you get is like a little platform named after you there's probably a statue too but it's just funny to think that he got like this platform or maybe like a parking garage remembering it doesn't even flap its wings it's just a plane oh getting real windy here's ravali he's just Falco he's pardon me I forgot you have no way of making it up oh I'm sorry are you uh are you a lowly peasant human without the ability to fly good luck sealing the darkness I ain't helping you and now you're dead so look who got the last laugh all right I'm getting cold I'm gonna have to throw on the the snow gear for the flight range I have such peasant armor but this is how I started the game this is how we're gonna end the game resistance what's going on hey mind if I join you there we go uh you want to tell my fortune I might as well he's like ah let me get up for this ah very good now let me see see uh red Crimson deep deep and Rich it's the most beautiful color I've ever seen oh it's oh it's a yiga clean while I talk to you I was just enjoying the the fire with you oh wow okay you're straight up dead thank you for the bananas who would have thought that this long-sleeve t-shirt wouldn't be enough for the icy mountains hey old man if you want to show up with uh I don't know maybe some thermals or a down jacket that'd be fantastic here we go flight range oh God oh God hello don't mind me just dropping in he's like I've heard this joke thousands of times oh brother I don't know you and I'm actually pretty busy here you should probably go you look really busy I can tell I won't take up much of your time do you need something I can help you help me with what exactly some random Highland want hang on show them the thing show them the thing link what's your name stranger I'm link miss being able to name link whatever you want because you'll be like I'm ass face be like ass face huh there's only one way I'm going back to Reno Village once Divine Beast far Meadow falls from the sky now that'll kill everybody if I have to kill Meadow so be it as the Elder said the only way to stop Divine Beast far Meadow is to get inside we Rito Warriors use the updraft in this Ravine to hone our archery skills the uptraps are so strong that a person could just open a cloth over their head and float up easily you know I don't know if you have one of those can you destroy five Targets in three minutes five Targets in three minutes two three your bow is damaged I'm gonna break it four I'll go for one of the low ones Perfect all right come back you are a skilled Archer it was as if time stopped with every arrow you let fly then he looks at the camera I'll get you into position so you can give its Cannons all you've got all right it's show time man even I feel like I'm gonna freeze up here yeah do be cold actually I'm in the basement recording right now and it's cold down here I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt why don't I have pants on see those cannons I'll draw their fire while I'm doing that here's your bomb arrows to destroy the Cannons got it oh I don't like the I don't like the look of that I broke my bow immediately I'll be polite I'll use the bow that uh he got me that's one oh just kidding it's gonna take a few more than that go one two another one there are three four of these things one and oh oh two all right Shields are down prepare to be boarded all right where are we dropping boys actually a 100 player Zelda Battle Royale would go hard just have a hundred links drop into Hyrule you just have like a Calamity Circle I don't I'll take care of it mister I'm going to kill VA Meadow and suddenly you have to leave how convenient no but really like how awesome would that be everyone just like sail cloths in you know they have to scour for weapons and fight monsters and then they have to fight each other Nintendo would never but it would be awesome I feel like if I'm inside though it shouldn't be that cold it should be okay inside I say I might have to just like leave and go get some warmer clothes I don't wanna though I could probably you know what it might be able to do this in record time all right get the map um the map on the map um the map on the map you think Dora the Explorer would be able to take on some of these dungeons all right there's all the terminals in the wings I really am just kind of racing against the clock here and what I do is I drop the wing we're gonna go this way come on let's go oh it's not how I plan that out in my head let's try that again God damn it it's not how that was supposed to go down I think it's gonna have a horrible cold after this I already know we're gonna have to get him some Vicks Vapor Rub there are four terminals remaining I'm running out of food so I gotta be a little faster about this this over here I'm gonna break these windows right I have to open the window now not break them open them here let's open that up what we're gonna do is I know it's broken it's fine get over there you would think I'd be warm that I'm moving so much all right I'm running out of Health I gotta leave and I gotta come back all right I'm too cold I gotta buy the cold resistance clothing that I'm gonna wear now and probably never again do I buy all of it do I buy the head thing too I don't know if I could afford it oh it's a thousand for the headdress no thanks all right I look ready to take on a Divine Beast I think I only have bomb arrows left that's okay things go boom look at that it's really satisfying to catch the draft all right two more terminals drop a bomb in the in the tuba wow wow and then what we do is watch this big brain play watch this that's how it's done and we do that just walking over here no I'll get you set up get you on the right track see can you just press that thing over there let's open that door for me you're a real pal Mr Bulger you know that and that only leaves one terminal to go and then another fight I don't remember which one is the worst one so it could very well be this one like water blight was uh was pretty annoying and that's the last one and now I gotta go get my ass kicked so I don't know why we're continuing to walk up as if we don't know this is gonna happen Link's surprise he's like huh didn't see that coming for the third time what's your weapon again oh he's got the gun that's right Emperor Zerg looking ass all right I'll do my best dude Chuck tornadoes that's right where's my opening I mean I have bomb arrows oh my God he shot me I want him to take the shot again I think I can go well there we go stupid oh he just fell off the thing I don't even need the rook's protection I know there's a way to disable it but I don't I'm not quite sure how ouch ow ow I just got it in time okay bad boy bad bad Gannon now I'm gonna rub your nose in the Calamity dead tiny oh come on uh I thought I hit him and he was gonna be like oh oh hang on give me a second okay I got the hang of it he's done we got him the second phase right now what are you guys do with these guys again you're gonna do it just do it yeah this is gonna kill me how am I alive this Shield's got some durability oh I know I know it's uh it's wind based Oh wrong button he's like no please don't shoot me I only need a couple swings with the boulder breaker and he's done but he's gotta he's gotta stop being a coward that's it get him come on oh God leave his grace still up it's all right it's all right hit him in the Nance die oh now he tells me I could use the columns of Shield myself now taking my final swing on wind blight end and he's like by the way why don't you stand behind those pillars or volley all right that's three blights out of the way three Divine beasts one to go Master Sword Ganon that was the coolest death out of the three of them though and here you are a Pity heart because we saw that performance in fact take another one hearing the sheika Slate sound reminds me that for the longest time that was like my text tone I might have to bring it back for tears of the Kingdom unless there's something unless there's a new sound effect and if it isn't ghost ravali himself nice of you to drop in personally I'd prefer the air I suppose I should thank you now that my spirit is free this would take it just end it like hey great job why do I feel like this is going to be anything but a smooth Landing oh wait actually no way that thing is holding its weight all right the birdie has been perched and only one Divine Beast to go then we gotta pull that Master Sword and slay Gannon all right Mr Owl Elder the village is saved you you got it and you've survived that oh sorry about that oh yes of course I must reward you properly here's he's gonna give me like one of those little strawberry candies that old people give you telling you that's that's probably what's in the chest here watch now I know it's the Great Eagle bow I might as well do the shrine that's right here a lot of you worried you're like chalk you need 13 Hearts to pull the master sword you think I don't know that I've played this game just six years ago yeah Reno Village would have some kind of glider puzzle you need to activate all of these I think and end up breaking my spear sorry I got better weapons now anyway can I just blow in those manually oh yeah maybe kind of lightheaded okay I think if I just turn this one then I'm good there's only these two lefts Bingo open the gates see this is why Jack Black voiced Bowser and not me peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches let me try again open the gates you know just in case Jack Black you know has to call out sick the next Mario movie oh God no do you think I could take him down fairly only one way to find out come on get up Mike Wazowski I don't have to fight this I'm choosing to though just because I like the the high knocks theme okay that's broken uh he did a ground pound with his butt oh speaking of butts getting mine kicked I'm just gonna have to run under his legs and do it the funny way right up your ass pal that's actually not that tough especially like when he doesn't turn around did I glitch the fight I'll give you the drill shaft where uh where the drill don't shine here we are the desert land also known as grudo Valley oh I gotta cool down um there we go nice and cool at least until you get in the Sun and now I'm gonna burn alive okay I'm still taking damage uh which means I probably just need to eat a hydro melon is that supposed to quench my thirst [Music] oh what's this yo what's up with your feet man you got the purple Gerudo ones on this one is actually legitimately scary looking let's go knock out the oh hang on here's the entrance to uh Gerudo Town they're gonna be like hey you can't come in here you're a male and I'll be damned if we're gonna let one of those in like our society is extremely efficient We're not gonna have a man ruin that and get some orbs really orb deficient right now the whole picture what I gotta do here if I put this here oh God all right I will not make that mistake again I should have just did this from the start here's the big one here let's do it and I got two barrels I want to lighten that one up this one here seems kind of dangerous I feel like I'm building a PC on a carpet right now which I may or may not have done with thunderblade all right so the block is gonna go right there because that's gonna touch all those sides is there another Barrel I need to get like is there a third Barrel wait do I have to take the chest I don't know if I've ever done this one oh my God you do watch out just all exposed wires everywhere oh you know what put this one over here first connect whatever's going on over here there we go we did something another block we'll just go right over here and that's that oh wait just kidding if I take this one away now okay it's dark now it's nice and cool stand here and wait for the guy who's just traveling back and forth I was gonna say is this is this the man over here I'm like nope that's a cactus I mean he's got to be here somewhere this guy looks like he's about to go for a walk robsten our boss I get the feeling that he isn't coming back to Guerrero town anytime soon I hope he's okay wait this might be the person I have to speak to and the boss says he comes here to the caracara bazaar have you ever seen anyone around here strikes me as a super sneaky guy there was that pretty highly in gal at the General Store it's unusual to see a Hylian girl dress like a Gerudo you guys say Gerudo or Gerudo I feel like I've heard the argument for Gerudo but it's just it's the whole GIF Jiff thing it's gift by the way it's also GIF uh if memory serves me correct to get this Gerudo outfit I need to go I think up here oh hehehe something from me what's that you heard about a man who snuck into Gerudo town uh I don't know any anything about him I'm gonna do the suspicious squint 600 rupees deal there you go just I don't have to take yours do I oh link you're stunning look at Link's little belly button I'm so glad I was able to help you I actually now I can stop with the voice now if you're free to grab something to eat sometime keep me in mind all right no way they're gonna deny me now hey everyone it's just me one of the Gerudo women that lives in this spin's getting here oh it's read you yet another traveler you stand before lady mommy milkers she will crush my head between her thighs you there what is your name link get I can calm naboris oh you think you have what it takes huh the only one who could ever control them were the champions like lady herbosa and what a coincidence they all died in the Calamity 100 years ago if I came up to you and I was like I'm willing to try who do you got to lose you don't know me you're truly a champion perhaps you will be able to enter into bars and calm its anger perhaps if this person were to prove his worth by recovering your stolen Thunder helmet ah yes that old thing all right so I gotta Infiltrate The yiga Clan headquarters by I mean it'd be very very helpful to get one of these guys get much ah this is the only way to travel it's honestly much easier to control than being on horse I'm not even afraid of the yoga plan mess them all up get all those bananas and have more bananas than Donkey Kong's banana horde oh here we go some action so weak nope come on smack you you have horrible aim unlike me like Hawkeye just waiting for someone to pop out from one of these be like we have to fight that's the case now your fire keys I hate stealth so much in games where it's not a stealth game Metal Gear Solid fine breath of the wild or any Zelda game not so much how often do you think people are breaking into the eager Clan Hideout that this guy needs to patrol this like area of 30 square feet looking around like he's never seen it before trying to knock this down you're not even gonna go check it out maybe this one he's like oh why bananas oh my God look at all the bananas I mean it doesn't compare to Donkey Kong stash but not bad oh my God I'm gonna get caught oh I'm in trouble oh no oh oh damn it oh God they're all here what weapons do I have I got a sickle I'll use it oh my God I got one shot I wanna oh he's going okay he's going he's distracted honestly I feel the same whenever I see a banana go get him go get em easy as pie banana cream pie open this door that open it's getting stuffy in there get some nice fresh air now hey who said that there's no way it could be Master Koga could it Koga is like top tier character in the series who the heck are you and what are you doing in my napping spot wait a minute does my one eye deceive me that thing on your hip is that could it be a chica slate if it's a shake a slate then that means yeah it's you you're that link I have been looking for I'm the leader of the yiga clan master Koga now prepare yourself dude come on drop it spunk the lightning sword s damn it you're ruining my plans easy can I say it feels good having a lot of arrows he's getting really upset with me now okay this is the one I have to throw back activate and then we gotta like I gotta like just like that this fight is too easy I would have thought I'd be done in like this and by this guy of all people you think I'm just gonna let this stand do you I need to bust out my serious moves a technique taught by my father's mother's father it will destroy you [Music] Shadow clone Jutsu [Music] oh oh crap oh it's coming the other way well that backfired real Wily coyote moment oh look at this a chest could it be more bananas that's the helmet I got that helmet and ready to take out that last Divine Beast oh you needn't say a word as the chief of the Gerudo I can sense the power of the heirloom flowing she knows I have it all right blah blah blah hand it over how do I look like Reggie gigas I think he's gonna remember [Music] he's like that in here that's right I'm here you might want to change your pants after that one one of the scariest things ever is once a lightning bolt hit my house and destroyed my internet or if it didn't hit my house it hit really close but like one of the light bulbs shattered and I didn't have internet for like three days all right I gotta meet her at The Outpost south of town which is like right over there what a sight Divine Beast vodna Boris is pretty intimidating if you want to get close to that thing we'll need to use sand seals are you ready ancestors of the Gerudo answer my call Aid me in this task to calm vonaboris all right she drew the Sea Bear Circle so just gonna stay inside that how can you see with that thing oh gonna stay in that thing so I don't get shocked follow you proceeds to do a bunch of Maneuvers to try and lose me don't wander off I don't I don't want to wander off all right let's destroy these toes call me link the toe Destroyer oh crap how good you came back for me okay that's the second time that I've done that I could just get to get further away because I'm too close there we go that's one take out them tootsies you all right you know what I was barely out of the circle one it's three feet three feet of fun wasn't that the slogan for um proof by the foot I could have swore it used to be like six feet of fun and then I had a Fruit by the Foot recently and that thing was not six feet I don't know if it was three feet but Vonda Boris now you got no feet take a rest those dogs must be barking you sure do know how to keep a woman waiting yeah I've been keeping them waiting for a hundred years God we're starting with this already that as you get better weapons and stuff you know the enemies get easier even though they scale harder later in the game so I recently tuned into a stream of my friend playing this game and he's playing it on PC with like 60 FPS and like visual mods and man this game could look so good if Nintendo didn't want to hold themselves back with Hardware but I understand the stance but man I would just love to see what is all the game could really looked like to activate the map and then we'll get started I think when I played this game for the first time that vonaboris was the second Divine Beast that I did I remember the order I did them in but I do remember this one being second there are four terminals remaining I'm just gonna stand right here I'm gonna walk in a loop-de-loop kind of like when you guys remember when Tony Hawk went through like the loop ramp for the first time and it was crazy as hell man some of those wipeouts were insane I am not envious that I have to fight thunderblight Ganon last though but it is what it is oh we gotta activate hang on one second we gotta turn this thing back is that a little twist so we can ride the ride poor dude stomach is doing flips he's like oh man he's like I shouldn't have ordered tacos from that Gerudo rupee only joint get out of here causing damage to my swallow bow clear all that malice like garbage oh no I don't got time for you damn it this is not bomb Arrow radius so I okay cool well here goes all of my uh to rook's protection I'll take the battle ax so that's badass there we go let's clear this one this is definitely the most confusing of the Divine beasts I feel like every other one was straightforward you start throwing rotation at the equation it's over for my brain okay I got it this turns that one that turns the other one it's one I feel like that wouldn't work mechanically or maybe it would I don't know I'm not an engineer all right this will drop the elevator and then we can go up to the top of the head elevator up [Applause] [Music] all right that's the last one man my brain is mushy just oh wait just kidding there's another one smack in the middle you know what they say sometimes you gotta grab Life by the balls I think we need two balls it's funny two balls is that funny two balls I feel like every Nintendo game should have a mechanic where you rotate the control stick fast enough that you just get to you just get to do a fun little spin all right this is the last one and now I can get my ass speed I have a good amount of bomb arrows so like maybe it'll be okay if I know it's it's not gonna be okay nothing about this is gonna be okay I ain't afraid I'm fighting down here oh God I'm going to bomb arrows Last Resort I don't know his pattern break the shield break the damn thing here take one of these oh I almost got myself killed I am this is me unleashing my power oh that that wasn't fun Boulder breaker come on hit with the big spin there we go stay down not looking forward to phase two these weapons are pretty durable all right here comes phase two the fun part break out the Thunder rods but geez one of those and I'm done activate oh come on come on pick it up get out of the ground where are you do me a favor don't hold this hold this there we go where are you oh screw you oh god oh that was lucky we take them can I Parry it again let's see oh god oh should have been using Knight Shields hey fun yeah cool really enjoyed that can I can I deflect this please thank you no you're not just not gonna so the new strategy here which clearly worked this time oh God was I waited for jaruk's protection to come back up uh which I wasn't doing and I disabled it for the first half of I'm doing too much here you know I could have just grinded or got some better gear but I wanted to be adaptable yeah good die a painful dead sack of then I reactivated to rook's protection for the second phase then I whooped his ass but now the uh the grinding begins because in order to get that Master Sword I need 13 Hearts I would say I'm about halfway there Here Comes The Ghost of muscle mommy which is the term coins by the community and not me we oh it is Gerudo I have said Gerudo but I don't feel like I've ever heard it out loud please accept this gift which has come to be known as erbosa's Fury [Music] hit me with the P blast my fire the last laser [Music] okay I'm back yeah yeah I'm back I did it I killed him do you see that laser beam that was cool the Boris is no longer a threat to town I'm still worried about the larger threat to Hyrule but at least my people won't be troubled by naboris anymore baby steps all right oh treasure oh I can't possibly accept okay fine you absolutely insist daybreaker okay thanks for the free stuff gotta go but first we're gonna do a little bit of shrine grinding off camera the next day all right so I have done some grinding off camera and it was actually kind of nice to sit down and just play the game the first time in a while and not have to really record content just like exploring doing my thing again you know just rediscovering and finding shrines and I got enough orbs because I thought it was five orbs for a heart but apparently it's four at least I I think so I think stamina's five and oh four hang on a second was it always four why did I think it was five give me heart containers I don't know my brain defaulted to five so I was like I need five to get a heart and then I thought I needed to do like 40 shrines and I don't so let's get enough uh Hearts right now and then we're gonna go pull that Master Sword you're gonna shove it right up ganon's app I know this beautiful grassy opening anywhere there she is the master sword come on come on puts put a little muscle into it link come on oh this is why you need 13 Hearts you just die dude come on this felt way more epic and Ocarina of Time I mean this is good hey what are you gonna try her out it's like playing Stairway to Heaven guitar center all right I'm equipped Hyrule Castle here we come try not to get shot down oh God I'm on fire I I'm gonna get lit up oh wait ah all right all right ow I mean surely there has to be an easier way in right actually if I recall correctly I think going like around is probably the easier way all right we officially entered Hyrule Castle it's got a map and everything we're gonna probably make a b line for him let's see we are down here we gotta we got a way to climb I've been preparing for this moment for the last two weeks and I'm ready how many times you think I'm dying one two Max three I hear you but you know like I gotta fight him now oh watch out thank you come out of your little egg he's creepy as hell Calamity Ganon Full Metal Alchemist Camaro looking ass ugly spider actually kind of reminds me of something else the scourge of Hyrule castle that's what you are a disease it's finally come oh shut up for volley fire all the lasers daruke the boy's support of his ever Our Moment has arrived that's right come on hit him weaken him for me ah the light it burns [Applause] that's what he reminds me of Dia boromon oh I'm sorry did that hurt did it hurt your sensitive skin shut in or beat your ass uh ouch um so I have mifa's Grace up I have Drew's protection up I am doing damage I should okay I don't have any of his grace anymore I could probably get through this relatively quick okay all right easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy stop stop stop stop stop stop can you stop moving oh God I walked right into that okay to rook's protection's gone oh God I'll take the updraft I guess I'm not taking the updraft see that's what I wanted to do I wanted to take the updraft it's not letting me ow come on come on [Music] oh hold up oh he's gonna drop all the ice cubes out I'm just like trying to get in there and kill him as fast as possible you know what there we go you didn't think I was gonna do it you're like I don't think Chuck's got it well I got news for you he does try it again oh I should probably take my shield out if I'm gonna do that another phase damn he's hot he's not as hot as he's about to be in tears of the Kingdom they've made Ganondorf a smoke show let's try this again because I'm just so good at this game cut his face up oh okay why did my shield come out that would have been nice I did it too early I will say though the only thing that sucks about dying is uh having to skip all those cut scenes again hit him with the old flurry Rush whenever I hear the words flurry rush it really makes me wanna a flurry from McDonald's don't get greedy don't get greedy I don't have mifa's Grace up let's try it all right let's see if I could keep the rook's protection till the end I I think I'll be good I need to watch out for like these body slam attacks that he's doing not get hit by anything stupid just kind of like thunderblight I need to go into the Final Phase of this with everything I got and that's not the way to do it you know actually let's just eat the steak now even the yellow Hearts I also have Mika's Grace up uh so that's that's good Ah that's not the attack that I was uh expecting oh my God you didn't do this last time sir I you know I just gotta dodge dodge it all all those are very easy to dodge come on next space please next next phase next what are you waiting for that massive glowing sword is terrifying it's like when we had that uh video fed and it was just it was people heating up knives to like a thousand degrees and just seeing them cut through things I just can't wait to finish this because I probably just want to spend like the next week just relaxing get ready to do it all again that's what this week is going to be about oh I am hot right now and it's over take a nap Ganon for how many years I have no idea but take a nap bleed out for a bit feels good yeah that I set it for that's gross that is the blood of a League of Legends player and he was gone in a Flash I'm curious to see like how tears of the kingdom is gonna start like what's happening link do not breathe any of that in it's basically evil asbestos then the light shines through and it cleanses the castle [Music] set free Upon Our World the destruction will be unlike anything well we can't allow that [Music] you couldn't entrust me with the bow of light like I don't know a little earlier it's one a three-year-old when they say Mommy I need to go to the bathroom come on giddio I think it'd be funny if link said giddy up uh maybe get back on the horse listen now is not the time go takes me back to like I don't know what event it was was it like space World 2001 where we finally saw that footage of like link like on the horse fighting everybody and then they ended up revealing Wind Waker like a year later and a lot of people were disappointed I love Wind Waker but I will say that I don't know if it came to be Twilight Princess or if it was just a tech demo but that little teaser lived rent-free in my head for a while I see the eyeball come on him in the eyeball all right let's finish it all right just like in the trailer all right now you go sleepy you're free Zelda do it you must it's just a little Old Demon Pig I can now rest my controller is being put down I will watch the demise of Calamity Ganon as he rides is in pain oh but you didn't know that we got the Triforce you know that really powerful triangle Troy Gannon done I've watch over you all this time I've witnessed your struggles to return to us as well as your trials in battle I always thought no I always believed find a way to defeat Ganon and in this outfit too kinda crazy thank you link I'll see you in five days may I ask do you really remember me I just got goosebumps still a fantastic game we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 214,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choctopus, breath of the wild all memories, breath of the wild all bosses, breath of the wild all trailers, breath of the wild full gameplay, breath of the wild full story, botw all memories, botw all shrines, botw all korok seeds, botw full gameplay, botw full walkthrough, totk full playthrough, tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom full game, tears of the kingdom full playthrough, choctopus botw, choctopus zelda
Id: mGwirqg5n8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 36sec (6156 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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