Super Mario Galaxy: The Complete 200% Run

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how many games can you name that have left a lasting impact on you one two ten whatever that number is you can pinpoint the exact time and place you created some of those core memories growing up as a Nintendo kid a lot of my Fondest Memories were centered around Mario I mean it makes total sense since it was the first game I ever played and As I Grew Older I still looked forward to every new Mario game that was released Mainline or not then one day in 2007 which seemed like an eternity following Super Mario Sunshine's release in 2002 Nintendo revealed Super Mario Galaxy and it was love at first trailer I didn't know it yet but this game was going to mean a hell of a lot to me not only within Nintendo's beloved franchise but among video games as a whole it was a character that I had loved my entire life on a much grander scale than ever before the gameplay the music the levels the post game it was a complete package for me so much so that I went on to 200 percent this game in under a week and then I did it again and when Nintendo revealed that they were doing a 3D Mario All-Stars collection back in 2020 I was excited not only to replay it again but to share my love for the game on this channel that you're absolutely subscribed to and if you're not I'm on a journey to hit 1 million subs and I play lots of Mario and Sonic games on this channel alongside a load of other cool stuff and on my group Channel where we played new Super Mario Brothers Wii and we're getting close to 100K so help a dude out and enjoy every hundred years a comet appears in the skies above the Mushroom Kingdom the comet I should start reading children's books Bowser invaded with his army of flying ships which still doesn't really make any sense in the laws of physics that Luma is well fed on starbit that's a thick ass Bond uh when did Bowser be able to wield a Spirit Bomb oh he's just gonna take the whole ass Castle you can have this back at the end of class I have to say you guys have no idea how excited I am to finally be playing Super Mario Galaxy on this channel this is one of my favorite games ever and I was going to play it on the Wii U and then I was like you know what I'm gonna hold it off because I know a switch port's coming and I was right give me the K Jr I have to save my chubby Luma friend if any of you get that reference then I'll be amazed I gotta say it's a little bit disorienting returning to Galaxy after so long especially after playing Odyssey and sunshine I just I gotta get my Galaxy muscle memory back because we don't have a dive in this game we have a spin jump which has helped me a lot and after playing sunshine it's gonna be a piece of cake alright first Grand star down I mean this is the tutorial so I I guess it doesn't really count shut up let me have this moment is it me or does Super Mario Galaxy have the best story out of any Mario game I guess with the exception of the Thousand Year Door or maybe Super Mario RPG one thing is for certain though that Galaxy soundtrack is undefeated I mean listen to this score [Music] nostalgic about something that happened 10 years ago that's not even that long or it has it been longer when did Galaxy come out oh hang on I like this part [Music] very helpful that all the piranha plants we destroy just kind of turn into a Vine that we can swing on and they just so happen to be pointing at the next planet that we have to go to oh gotta get all the Star Bits I was a little concerned about what the controls were gonna be like oh yeah just land and crack that egg because I didn't know if I was gonna have to move my entire switch so I can point the uh Pro Controller at the screen but we have advanced as a society so now I don't need to do that oh you poor baby dino piranha look he's so cute I like almost feel bad about having to land on his very tiny home I mean imagine living on a planet this small what does he eat all day you know chill let me hit that pine cone of a tail come back leave it to Mario to just land on some distant planet find the local wildlife and torture them all right first star official star an asterisk next to the star those are Star Bits talubas they are the tastiest most delectable treats imaginable you better feed me hand them over imagine thinking that Galaxy isn't the best Mario game though the best 3D Mario game I think you have to kind of categorize 2D in 3D separately I'm obviously grouping Galaxy and Galaxy 2 here and if you want to see me play Galaxy 2 after we're done with Galaxy one let me know down in the comment section and uh maybe we'll explore the Galaxy some more it's actually kind of a shame because I really thought Sunshine used to be better and I don't know maybe it just didn't oh maybe it just didn't hold up for me as well I feel like the first couple levels that you explore are great and then afterwards like I don't know it just it kind of feels like you're just trapped like pianta Village is the sixth layer of hell there's something so satisfying about hitting one of those launch stars like come on [Music] it's like scratching a mosquito bite till it's a bloody mess a Q-tip way too far in your ear hey you yeah you got any tasty Star Bits eat oh my oh okay okay that's enough that's enough it's me after the holidays oh I kind of feel like I'm playing Odyssey I need to remember that I can do the backflip in this game because in uh sunshine I wasn't able to do it so I kind of forgot that it's part of Mario's typical move set seriously anything you have to do if you can't make the jump when in doubt just backflip back flip spin jump Mario's got UPS truth be told you know what I don't even mind the motion controls it's been a while since I've been forced to use motion controls for a game but I actually don't mind it here and maybe that's because I'm biased and I just love this game so much I mean this is one of the few games where I actually put in the time to 100 it Galaxy and Galaxy 2 got 120 Stars unlocked you know who got 120 Stars again but you know what I'm biased for a good reason because this game actually is the best it has some of the most creative power-ups it has the best soundtrack the worlds are so expansive and running around spherical planets it's just it seems so natural and must be very hard for flat earthers to play this game flat earthers are like no no no no no Super Mario 64 is the real 3D Super Mario game get off me oh I have to shake I just jumped right in the water didn't I right after I was going to make a comment about how you can't touch the water what do I do jump immediately in it for anyone who played Galaxy for the first time on the Wii remember the sheer mess of having to set up like a sensor bar and all that garbage I'm pretty nostalgic about the Wii but I am not nostalgic about the sensor bar all right we're gonna go visit Queen B now I'm not talking about Beyonce and who might you be a physician with why is the first thing why am I what the most furious itchiness plagues our entire being please find the source they really want me to they want me to okay okay this I I forgot how creepy this was this is a children's game oh you see that was the problem you had five I don't know star fragments on your body that's weird how'd that get there so I might get in trouble for saying this but I honestly think that the uh Galaxy remastered justifies the 60 price point for 3D All-Stars even though Nintendo was super lazy about 6 64. Captain Toad yeah ah a bee what Mario hey it's you you know I still never played any of the Captain Toad games I mean there's only what like two of them and I've been telling myself I need to play that Captain Toad game and then I just go about my life your name is Mario isn't it that's what I just learned from your friends who just arrived who's here of those guys uh I would hardly call those toads my friends more like acquaintances I need to remember how important star bits are in this game because they unlock a lot of other worlds because we gotta feed all the starving Luma just they're picky and they eat one thing like a toddler and now that we have scratched the Queen's itch or whatever she wants to call it it's time to find the rest of the Stars here so I think we need eight to fight the first boss and this is pretty cool planet oh no all right we're gonna grab the rainbow whatever you know Super Mario Super Mario has some speed in this game talk about a speed run I like how we had to press a button to start the windmill when that's not how windmills work winds makes the windmills move it's kind of counter-intuitive to use electricity to move a windmill don't talk to me or my son ever you murdered my son I did and then it was your turn but nothing personal you had one of the stars and I'm Mario you see this is kind of my thing surfing 101 something tells me this is not surfing 101. this is it this is the content yeah sure I'm a surfer here it is surfing 101 just top aboard this giant sea creature and surf on this floating water but don't worry if you fall off you will be stretched endlessly through time and space in a black hole you know surfing 101. oh did we mention that we're timing you the bouncing is what makes it a little difficult because one bad bounce and you're gonna fly off to infinite death because that's what a black hole is but somehow we're going to manage to break the best time because I'm great congratulations stand on this Podium and take this gold medal even though you competed against Nobody by the way I like how they call it loop-de-loop Galaxy when there wasn't a single upside down Loop oh no this place is infested with bugs I mean it was infested with bees before that but you don't see the bees complaining if there's one thing that Mario galaxy has taught us it's that death is always looming it's everywhere it surrounds us just the fact that a black hole is under us at all times is absolutely terrifying huh see your biggest flaw is you have that little pal sign on your back so I know where to hit you ow oh he's he's pooping well I'll tell you what you fat little it kind of makes sense that it takes three Stomps to kill him because have you ever tried to kill a stink bug they don't die I mean I don't condone killing bugs if you can safely put them outside but I'm not saying that I've never stomped out a stink bug all right I think we need one more star and then first boss battle time this game was so ahead of its time because looking at mechanics like this for the first time just watching someone run around spherical planets it seems like it'd be janky as hell but they actually did it so well for the most part see look they're trying to rush me off this planet with two chain Chomps on it but I want to explore they throw you right into the launch star when all I want to do is become rainbow Mario and Slaughter a bunch of Goomba Nintendo loves putting homing Bullet Bill missions in games like you know what the gamers really love getting these janky ass anthropomorphic bullets to follow people oh wait I don't have to do that I'm dumb Mario's got some good aim oh I lied maybe King Caliente is our first boss fight but we're gonna go to our first boss Planet soon just got away from this shoot coconuts that seems a little convenient was he the king of exactly oh and he dropped his crown he's the king of nothing now I like this little back and forth mini game I could do this all day speaking of which when do we get in the next Mario sports game what do you think it's gonna be I mean I feel like we're due for golf you know how about another Mario Sluggers or Mario Strikers I feel like they would sell so well why is Nintendo holding back we have discovered an enemy base in the region yeah I could have told you that because it's shaped like Bowser's head do I do it do I push him in the answer is yes okay I knew the Bullet Bill thing was coming up eventually but was I wrong though wow Bowser Jr you've come a long way from bathing in a hot tub with your father I just love how big the boss fights are in this game like Mega leg is Mega leg he's got these long dancers legs you see that's the problem just platform your way up Mega leg I think it's just the scale in general of this game that I love so much alert alert Mario's here put up the fence that he can jump over did any of you buy the game when it came out for the Wii because I had this uh collectible coin that came with it and I gotta see if I can find it because that thing was super cool probably worth nothing but whatever okay uh these bullet bills are confirmed idiots come on follow me come with me come on drink the Kool-Aid okay that's one come on come in come in come in come in we did it and mega leg has been destroyed and we're gonna collect our first Grand star that ball of flame represents my anger and hatred we call it the beacon wait what is space junk Galaxy look like the I'm just gonna hang out here upside down see how long it takes for Mario to pass out because the blood is rushing to his head uh uh oh go go after only playing this game with a Wii remote it feels so weird playing with a Pro Controller I feel like I'm sitting on a ride at Disney or some other theme park and I'm playing some interactive game yup we destroyed the crystal there's no need for that we could have we could have flew around it I say as I intentionally destroy crystals every now and then Mario will just kind of glitch out and he'll just start running in circles I don't know if it's because of the Pro Controller or if it's just because things have changed and we no longer need to use a sensor bar I do like the pull star levels though they're fun until you accidentally pull yourself like into the Oblivion and Mario just gets stretched into spaghetti for eternity in a black hole why are there spiders in space you guys get here and again why are toads in space it must have something to do with that experimental space program that the Mushroom Kingdom set up they're like yeah all of the toad are annoying Let's Just Launch them into space I'm having a little too much fun right now okay you're annoying this is why they sent you into space they probably told them it's like yeah you guys are gonna be the first toads in space when in reality it was like look at these annoying ass creatures out of here all right let's collect all the little silver stars they're very cute this set of obstacles is just like anxiety in platforming form because like you know that the platforms are going to appear but there's that slight chance that they might not I mean there's no chance that they might not but there's that thought that they might not and it doesn't go away and what have we learned today in the currency of the Mushroom Kingdom five silver stars equals one gold star all right back to space junk Galaxy as I like to call it New Jersey I'm just curious how many times I can get away with calling New Jersey trash because it truly is and if you live in New Jersey and you're watching this chances are you didn't have the choice to live in New Jersey because if you did you probably would say no cool how the bunnies are showing me how to get across gaps like I haven't done four galaxies already and I have no idea how to do it oh wait hang on this is fun foreign [Music] about to get his ass beat or not I wanted to kill him with the shell but whatever he died it's all that counts is Galaxy one of the few games where they actually have Koopa Troopers walking on all fours I feel slightly worse about killing them upright coop is no problem I'll kill him all day long what I want to know is how is everyone existing in space right now with no kind of helmet and their eyes aren't being vacuumed out of their head okay where's the there you go out that's when it's supposed to be like kamik's mother or sister or identical girlfriend that raises some suspicions oh I can spin and grab it come here just use gravity Mario spins so hard that he creates a Vortex and it pulls everything in around him all right three's the magic number in Mario games catch it catch it oh broke let's feed the starving Luma until he go boom for only 400 bits a day you too can save a starving Luma all right let's go to sweet sweet Galaxy curses sweets my only weakness this is type 2 diabetes the level you guys remember that game perfection I'm getting big Perfection energy from this stage wait did you see that I just stepped into the hole and I pulled like a Wily coyote [Music] and I just hung there for a second by the way you want to talk about anxiety Again Play Perfection put all those damn little pieces in there slots before it it pops and when it gets close to popping you know because the fear sets in hey what are you doing here yeah I know that's why I'm here you know what toad me too mint chocolate chip is slept on all right we can do this in style it's funny how like part of the Hub is like yep just completely dark you haven't unlocked this part yet but I wonder what it could be it's probably another Fire Emblem character a new galaxy has appeared I'm excited to see which ones come up because I haven't played the game in a while a battle Rock looks like a Giant floating raisin it's nice playing this game back to back with sunshine and realizing exactly how night and day it is or space and Earth and if you haven't seen the sunshine play through and you want to see a lot of rage I recommend you go check that out I'll put it in the little eye or you can just go check my channel for it don't be lazy don't worry little buddy I'm gonna get you out of there just gotta navigate some bullet bills come with me [Music] it must feel amazing being like zero gravity I've always wanted to go to space camp I was never one of those kids who went to space camp you know like you'd win the grand prize on a Nickelodeon game show and be like you're going to space camp that was a dream of mine seems that a prankster comment has appeared somewhere now there's damn kids in their prankster comments if you want to learn more about these curious comments ask the Luma who we don't like very much he seriously he just he can't stop playing jokes I want to put it out there Rosalina's got mad money look at this place marble everything arches made of gold like this is completely unnecessary but I guess when you're rich you just buy unnecessary stuff hey let me out of here oh I gotta hold the Pro Controller upright oh this is so weird I guess it's not so bad though I mean it's a little more sturdy than using the Wii remote by the way he said if anything gets in my way just smush it come on get in get in the get in the hole isn't that really just the goal of Life all right we're going the hard way we're going for the coin just a bunch of bits die oh come on slow down slow down slow down Mario we gotta go left because we ain't no bubble blowing double baby oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what we're gonna go right this time maybe I am a buffalo and double baby oh no no I think I went this entire way without dying and then I just jumped right off the stage these damn Goombas they're all in on it they're conspiring to kill Mario in the most horrific way possible by throwing him into a black hole all right we're making it this time just a slap in the face it's like all right you got the star yep you gotta climb this flagpole first hey ho if you it's I'm your Loma I'm actually pretty hyped to get to throwback Galaxy but I also can't remember if that's in this game or if it's in Galaxy two I don't remember so I guess I'm in for a rude awakening if it's not here like I said it's been a while I don't remember every single detail and we did it enemy base spotted we're detecting massive energy spikes what is this Dragon Ball Z oh time for another boss fight dude you know how powerful Bowser has to be to have multiple planets in the shape of his head that must be the ultimate bad guy dream also speaking of Dreams Mario going from a plumber to being able to explore space that's what I guess I did the wrong thing I was supposed to step on the the green block does this stage really need multiple black holes like is Bowser that afraid of one lone plumber and as I was saying Mario going from plumber to being able to explore space that's the ultimate career glow up if you can think of a bigger career glow up let me know in the comments section isn't Galaxy also the game where if you play bad enough they're like hey here's a comet Mario to help you out or whatever it is there he is Bowser you've shrunk since our last meeting you were way bigger in that hot tub maybe the hot water shrunk him so happens in my clothes in the washing machine sometimes can we take a quick second to appreciate the flow on Bowser's hair he's got some volume L'Oreal elmet because I'm worth it Bowser really should have his own shampoo what would it be called and what would the slogan be come here jump on that all right come here I'll meet you halfway Bowser with the front Salto and he sticks The Landing oh he landed on some hot lava that's unfortunate that's gonna cost him some points all right Bowser one more hit off you go I like how you just knock them off the planet why Mario also falls with him I have no idea I wish I had hair like that all right another grand star in the books Bowser we're coming to foil your plan more importantly we're coming for Super Luigi Galaxy oh we can go to the kitchen now I'm good because I'm hungry I hope Rosalina made lots of spaghetti look at this absolute tool the worst mailman in the history of the universe Mr Mari I can't I can't I'm the male toad I have a letter for you just walking around in circles oh five one UPS I didn't need them but I'll take them so Princess Peach is just sending mail from prison let's head over to the kitchen I like how you can kind of just like jump off and Rosalina is like oh no no no we need you alive oh they got a Wood-Fired oven in here I want to make some pizza I could really go for some pizza now Pizza Just Hits different when you're in the mood for it but then again I'm never not in the mood for pizza hey dude the students are distracted by the sparklies and if you've ever had the chance to have like coal-fired or Brick Oven Pizza it's just infinitely better I'm just torturing myself now because I've been cleaning up my diet for the New Year trying to get in shape trying to eat better and here I am talking about one of my favorite things ever but everything in moderation is okay so maybe I will get some pizza tonight I don't remember if I can accidentally swim out of this and just fall into the black hole I'm gonna say likely oh no we're gonna drown where the hell is this last piece hello do you have it oh here it is being guarded by toothy over here I love this game so much that I don't even mind the underwater segments in fact I love it so much that I'm probably going to accidentally 100 it for this series oh come on provide a challenge to me hey bro are you here to take the swimming schools final swim test in this test you must collect shells in the ocean have you ever wondered why we were put on this planet all right let's Dive Right In literally gotta find the gold shell and I gotta bring it back to him I gotta find the gold shell you mean that one I mean like the easiest star in the history of stars look how proud he is of his star pupil get it stuck oh hurry Scurry Galaxy I remember this one look at this nerd reverse the polarity of the shut up nerd now each one of these is going to shrink so that's why you have to hurry and Scurry but we're not shying away from the one UPS is this the first game that introduced the music note collecting because I know this has gone on to become like a staple inside Mario games because it's in Odyssey it's in uh the 3D games foreign oh that's how you destroy black holes someone tell modern science back to the kitchen we go but first don't think I didn't see that one up don't think there's not gonna be comments be like hey Chuck you missed it yeah I know don't worry I got it I think half the fun is just remembering what these stages are like bubble Breeze Galaxy uh-oh the toad ship crashed Captain's Log day one we're out of food I've had to eat every other toad I've walked back and forth times oh how much longer oh Mario's here wait I have an idea oh it didn't work you guys want me to stop doing that toad impression I'm sure it's like nails on a chalkboard hey before you ride any bubbles let Yours Truly fill board bend your ear for a second where do I have to go I gotta go into the slip stream right seems dangerous but I'll allow it oh geez I'm going too fast I think I could just crash into anything with the exception of the spike ball like I can even touch the propellers and I'll be fine that makes no sense wait wait come back come back come back come back look at Mario just kind of floating there doing nothing oh that was close we gotta make a break for it oh no oh no I was so close I didn't see that one all right I see you this time let's watch out for that poison swamp not the best planet to be stranded on especially if you're a toad well technically a toad is a fungus which is a plant but kind of also poison that's not right is it all going too fast oh god look here for the green things you know what sucks if I enjoy this game this much and I want to go back and I want to play more Galaxy I'm gonna have to hook up my Wii U which I really don't want to do uh unless wait what happened path for experts oh I can't shy away from the path for experts I'm curious as to why my balloon just popped but whatever anyway I would love to play Galaxy 2 and it's gonna suck because I'm gonna have to do it on my Wii U God I mean I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see because who knows we could end up getting Galaxy 2 after I saw that one happening after I don't know sometime this year all right let's try going this way and Nintendo's unpredictable they might pump out Galaxy you know digital only who knows I think going for the one up was my flaw there we got this let's get all the coins what that's gonna give us I don't oh geez okay oh here it is see told you I could do the expert route because I ooze true gamer energy oh Ghostly Galaxy wait why is there just floating meat I remember flipping out after seeing this for the first time I was like they're acknowledging Luigi's Mansion this is the crossover we've been waiting for it's like not even a crazy crossover because it's like Mario and Luigi you know the Mario brothers out of my way stupid ass spider it's all these flying bones around why do I hear megalovania all right let's find that key I think one of the boo might have it maybe not you oh wait you have the key okay how do I get it come on cough it up oh silly me I just had to turn the lights on so I could incinerate the ghosts come come come follow me to your death come on stay right there knock them into the black hole no mercy [Music] some risky placement you move you jump wrong or you forget to launch out of the star and your space toast Coast to Coast I think we just have to drop and then catch ourselves oh you transformed into boo Mario press y to make Luigi wet his pants I've got no Luigi it's me it's me just turn around look at my look at my mustache I'm literally wearing Mario's hat here he is you finally came I got lost with the Toads it was terrible yeah I know they are pretty terrible let's go home that's right Luigi's in this Victory screen welcome back I can see your brother from here what is he doing you're looking for power Stars right let me help I think you might have missed one Good Egg Galaxy if I find it I'll write you a letter don't we have cell phones do you guys not have phones yeah you know what I haven't checked out that prankster comment yet so let's hit that up Dino piranha speed run so if you speed run this game and you get to this stage do you then have to speed run the speed run I'm out here asking the real questions I'm taking the shortcut you don't know about these either I took the shortcut or uh this is not the way we have to go in which case uh oops okay let's land on that eggplant let's crush him come on stop it hey buddy I'm back remember me listen I gotta kill you faster this time that's one I like how you hit him and he just goes bald I understand that pain foreign done uh awesome Games Done Quick if you're looking for a new member maybe just hit me up business email in the video description You've Got Mail oh that was fast same day delivery bro I got a star but now I can't get back I'm useless please help me what camera did he use open wide for chunky that's it I'm stuffed here we go time to die you ever eat so much that you just become an entire galaxy we're actually we're in the future timeline now this is the surf instructor 50 years in the future ever since those don't worry I got you you'll starve no more deals are low-key terrifying hey just oh there's bullet bills under here where'd you come from I feel kind of bad because they're like baby eels they're not fully grown which means Mama eel is gonna come out any second now and Avenge the death of her babies the loom is like we've discovered an enemy base in the region we just hope they're not using the power of that grand star well uh I bet they are ow I got hit in my butt with a rock ow hang on breaking case of emergency all right where are we gonna go we go to flagpole right [Music] oh no oh oh oh my God I don't know if that was supposed to happen I don't remember but uh we almost flew directly into the black hole like this is some kind of space Apocalypse movie uh I don't even have 30 Star Bits I'm broke but you know what I also don't need 30 Star Bits to buy a mushroom because I'm gonna do this without the mushroom I'm the greatest Mario Galaxy player alive you guys already knew that though it's not news you guys are watching this video and you're like yeah we're just you know watching Chuck's new Galaxy video because he's the greatest Mario Galaxy player alive everyone knows that Bowser Junior time again I feel bad hitting the Koopa troopas because they're on all fours like they seem very they don't have shoes on they just seemed so docile and delicate Oh My My Controller glitched out for a second oh did we kill him I started running in circles oh no not yet when did Mario become a bullet Hill although I would totally love to see a bullet hell Mario game one day alright another grand star down here's a letter from Princess Peach it's more one-ups that I don't need I mean I'll take them but at this point it's just it's an insult she doesn't believe in Mario that he's rescued her so many times before that she keeps just sending one-ups oh we could go to the bedroom now please subscribe pollstar path speedrun I would hardly call this a speed run this is as speed runny as it gets Mario pulls himself through the Galaxy I hate this part and I hate it more that I'm being timed but I got this professional speedrunner at work do not disturb the silver stars are cute they just kind of follow Mario around doing their little spinny Dance I'm always afraid they're just not gonna form like I'm gonna jump and it's gonna be like nope not this time best Mario Galaxy speedrunner alive alright first galaxy in the bedroom oh it's Gusty Garden time we which just means we're gonna get a remix Good Egg Galaxy theme Mario ruins the foliage and destroys the wildlife HD for the Nintendo switch you know the best part about collecting Star Bits in this game is it is actually rewarding because it unlocks additional stages it's not just a tacked on thing but then again if you think about like Odyssey collecting coins is actually useful because can I jump on the piranha plant because you can use it to unlock costumes you think you can catch me boy yoing what of course I can catch you I'm super Mario can I shoot you I'm trying to hit him with the Star Bits I don't there we go okay you got me here take this boy look at this we're just unlocking galaxies left and right Mario should be an astronomer you know that's how science should operate anytime a scientist discovers a new planet it should be considered unlocked hey old man excuse me can you catch me okay more birds to catch Mario sticks the triple axle wow you suck yo all these Landings have to be hard on Mario's knees so if he was an old man and I think Mario's in his 30s like canonically or no it's 20s I think Miyamoto said it's canogly in his 20s I mean he's gonna have uh joint problems when he gets older this is a great power up Mario uses his Godlike powers to freeze water instantaneously those swamps they've had a little too much cake there he is Baron Burr it's a pun because he's a block I don't remember what I have to oh that's it oh he's small he's small Baron Burr why is this like the smallest platform ever to fight a boss if you could even call it that I mean he's got a crown so he's a boss and we murdered him oh no get out of there he's gonna kill you with floaty fluff you can okay enough with the boy oings uh I think I extended my floaty fluff a little too early we're going down oh that's gross these poor wigglers you're just trying to enjoy life on their apple Planet they're really not bothering anybody his worm is actually kind of terrifying I mean Mario's got some balls to be running across a giant worm how's that taste I would imagine Mario would be kind of salty he just sweats like pasta sauce don't worry little rabbit I'll save you run just disturbing the natural order of things this mole is just trying to get a meal he's so chubby and cute though but he's pissed oh that's terrifying point of view you're about to get gutted by a giant mole one more in the butt and spank that mole it's not an innuendo this is the introduction of cosmic Mario who is a literal moving black hole yo Mario's gonna do the anime run did you really think you could outskate me Mario the Olympic medal figure skater you know how many Olympics I've been in look at as smooth as butter I can't be stopped oh crap oh crap oh it's okay we got it we almost died there but like I said Olympic level figure skating completely forgot that Luigi sent us a letter and we just never answered it he's just been stranded on this rooftop for days starving he's literally right there he's just right there so surely that's enough Luigi in this video to click bait him in the title right no one's gonna get mad about that right guess what would happen if we blew up that underwater weight come on guess if Mario just gave him like a very light shove he could kill this robot yeah where did these Goombas get these protective helmets and uh how did they get them for the rest of the squad that's right we're not only gonna get the regular Stars we're gonna get the green stars too we're gonna get every Star we're gonna 100 this game maybe hey you rescued a green power star these stars have a special power they're green final talk to the green Luma who's just been waiting here forever for someone to collect his green stars thank you for helping me I am the guardian of the trial galaxies my star doesn't work yet please collect more you require additional pylons still thinking about how Luigi kind of just standing on the roof is the equivalent of me as a three-year-old getting lost in the grocery store and then crying until my mom came and found me damn it you're broken oh there it is okay we got little signs with the skull and crossbones on it in case you didn't know that quicksand was dangerous how is Mario's head staying still but everything else is oh his head just it stays super still it's actually kind of creepy I got all classic classic fire flower Mario we're classic and we're classic is there really anything like more fun or satisfying than wall jumping in a Mario game is it just me okay come out of your shell knowing me I'm surprised we didn't catch the quicksand and then fall all the way back down is that's the type of thing that happens to only me another enemy base how expensive is it for Bowser to have multiple planets shaped like his head oh it's the Dark Matter plan we don't even know what dark matter is now how exactly did Bowser get his hands on not only dark matter but a plant that manufactures dark matter who do you got to know you know what they say it's not about what you know it's about who you know I honestly can't believe the gruesome deaths that Mario dies in Galaxy I want to say these might be the most gruesome deaths out of any Mario game but I I could be wrong and if I am wrong let me know what other gruesome ways has Mario been mangled and murdered I guess the only thing to really compete with how gruesome uh Mario's deaths are are in Smash trailers Nintendo loves killing their mascot off kind of like near death so maybe it's not him being killed oh he's back oh Lord he coming come on right here right here big boy Second Battle and he really hasn't thought that the glass with the the lava and it maybe it's not such a good idea where's this rank on the 3D Mario Bowser fights I mean nothing's more classic than swinging him by his tail but also the Odyssey fight is good too not bad I guess I chose the right guy to be my arch enemy at least you always put up a fight but was just pretty modest in this game for somebody that is producing dark matter what is he Elon Musk all right another grand star down this game is going by fast maybe because I love it so much it's always the ones you love when Sunshine felt like a thousand years from being truthful we're really just going back to Gusty Garden because any excuse to listen to uh the score for this stage damn it they changed the music you know what I love about this game is every Galaxy just feels like a fresh idea are there any bad galaxies in this game you know what don't answer that question half the stage is ice half the stage is lava this is like having a fever but as a stage one minute you're hot the next minute you're cold no no no no no oh okay wait we don't we don't die instantly oh it's not like it matters we hit that checkpoint though so Mario didn't Mama his last Mia see this is what impatience looks like all of my deaths are due to impatience can we reach it come on Bounce Mario for three from downtown yeah the Daredevil run oh it's major Burrows too oh that's right I go straight to the boss oh no problem Mario is doing insta deaths way before Hollow Knight was before it was cool well you know insta die but so all right let's say Celeste Mario is doing insta death way before it was cool to suck on that Celeste come on just once just hit me one time just once it's the matter major Burrows you've just been demoted Gold Leaf Galaxy is just Autumn honey Hive Galaxy it's just October honey Hive you know I was saying that every Galaxy feels fresh well uh shut up in fact Gold Leaf is the echo fighter of galaxies they were doing Echo Fighters way before smash was or actually maybe they weren't because there were clones in melee the name of the stage just star bunnies on the hunt does that look like a bunny who's hunting to you they're frantically scurrying away they know Mario's on a war path hold up hold up why did I not see this like literally right in front of my eyes all that just to catch a stupid ass funny rabbit again you know what ditch the bee costume This Means War I will spare no expense I will shoot all the bits got him uh that's not guppy that is a shark they trick you they lure you in they're like going after guppy that don't look like no guppy who do we have here I don't know why he has a British accent use some friends of those Penguins oh maybe it's more Australian let's get something clear here land Walker this is mine see okay it's Australian now swim through these eight rings I'm gonna try way to just roll over he's like the sea is mine unless you can swim through these eight very large rings all right fine the sea is yours also here take this star dude is creepy as hell Cosmic Mario race and honey Hive Galaxy to see who can wipe the queen up faster I want to know who recorded the AI for this and why are they not great at racing bring back Hoopa the quick that man's new had a race that's why they called him Koopa the quick toy time oh this is a good one I'm excited for this toy time Galaxy is great anything toy related is great why do you think the Toy Story movies is so popular this is much different from your mom's favorite Galaxy adult toy time Galaxy oh it's time for the spring Mario this is cursed you know what the messed up part about Mario being lit on fire while wearing the coils is they heat up as if fire is not painful enough ah yes my favorite toys a fork and spoon well I mean unless you count Forkey from Toy Story before he counts right he was a homemade toy I mean he was literal garbage which I guess makes him the most relatable toy because I too am garbage why is there a bat here there's all kinds of robots and a bet got a lot of questions Nintendo someone at the conference table was like we need another bad guy for the robot toy level that someone was like with a hangover I don't know a bat [Music] you have now entered the robot's stomach wait how are we gonna get out of here oh it appears there's only one exit we did it excuse me do you have a key oh it's a giant fish it's a golden shell here that's the key gold gold gold surprise mother he's like I've been guarding this I almost suffocated but I've been saving it for you you've seen honey Hive Galaxy now get ready for honey climb Galaxy now I'm no scientist but if I had to guess I have to climb see this is why all the bees are dying off they have these fire rocks rolling on their hives when they talk about saving the bees this is exactly what they meant we need David Attenborough to narrate this and here we have the little Hut worker bee climbing it appears there is a predator looking for his dinner little honeybee survives he grabs his star and he lives to see another day where are you stuck this time okay that's battle Rock Galaxy let's go help our boy I just realized that in order to save Luigi I have to do a different star so he's just gonna have to suffer a little bit longer he'll understand though he's my brother all right if we missed this we just have to suffer in the vacuum of space for eternity okay we're gonna save Luigi for real this time there he is how'd you get stuck in there instructions unclear brother got stuck in glass Dome you know another reason why galaxy is the best 3D Mario game because it has the best Victory screen Luigi Pops in King caliente's spicy return I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts there they are standing in a row if I give up any more Grand Stars my dad's gonna be mad well do I have news for you it's literally me that's me speaking of spiciness let me tell you guys about this cult I joined recently I got an air fryer and I can't stop air frying things and now I completely understand why people love them oh the crown fell off keep your head up King your Crown's falling one more heads up well just like that Bowser Jr is gonna get a spanking tonight Toad's just walking around like Mario with the Naruto run again he doesn't even chance against Shadow Mario we're going up okay I tried to hit him with the shell okay I might have lost this me I got it I was really talking smack against Cosmic Mario and then I almost lost logistically this whole Fire and Ice thing doesn't make any sense I don't know how this would even work Fire and Ice also happens to be the name of a Hibachi restaurant in Boston oh it's too cold it's too cold all right we need some health like pronto like now there we go what have we learned ladies and gentlemen that money is the answer to everything it can buy you health I think the only thing I don't like about Super Mario Galaxy the one very small thing is that some of the power-ups are timed like I want to be fire Mario forever just light up all the enemies okay I can create ice on the lava also again makes no sense whatever here I am talking about things that don't make sense when you have a plumber exploring the Galaxy to save a princess of a kingdom of toad people not literal toad people against or from a giant turtle oh I messed up I messed up big time come on come on you can still make it shortcut I messed up I'm here with Mario skating for the gold let's see he's gonna land the triple Axel and get a perfect 10. but a nine from the German judge Mario I've sensed your presence this planet is Doom I look forward to visiting the planet with the Loomis every 100 years how old are you your skin is immaculate how about this if you grab all 100 purple coins then you'll have earned my trust then get this money oh I forgot about this crap I forgot how weird these controls are hey at least they're not timing me so this is the power of a Super Saiyan God I gotta say though it's still better than the Wing Cap Wing Cap controls are awful where's the rest get me the rest of the coins get me out of this motion sickness simulator get me out of here all right how hungry are you probably too hungry for my pockets 1200. boom just land right between the pointy lasers brushed you know like when your brain stops working like for a long period of time maybe I should see a doctor I'm just trying to just trying to infiltrate the Dr come on don't isn't everyone allowed to infiltrate the Dreadnought isn't that what we're supposed to do here it is we've done it ow stop it all right Mario will die if he gets electrocuted one more time it was I was right there okay uh this life went much different than the other life I like how Mario celebrates in between the spinning electricity death devices I mean I want to smack the booty can we just appreciate the strength in this Toad's calves gotta light these torches I like shooting it from downtown I whipped it what am I the entire New York Knicks I wanted a drier level but I guess that's not happening since I have to literally go underwater to find the Ghost Ship wait a second how is this toad not drowning he's wearing a snorkel mask which makes no sense typically what you do with a snorkel mask is you use that you use it to breathe out of the water you know what the toad he's gonna find out the hard way he's just he needs to find out on his own when he goes for a nice deep breath and he gets lungs filled with salt water all right I made it to the Ghost Ship and here's the witch this is female kamik Grandma Comics you don't want the smoke she don't want the hands try it try something Watch What Happens oh now she's pissed don't talk to her or her children ever again now do I need to climb the pole to pay for college is it that she doesn't know that she's throwing a shell like every third projectile or is that how the wand works it's like all right Fireball Fireball green Koopa Trooper shell yeah up here Watch What Happens matter splatter Galaxy that's a splatter gear you know what no no I gotta remember that the little drop kills us are we gonna be boingy Mario now this is going to make things more difficult it's just this is the chaotic neutral of power-ups you don't know what's gonna happen it's beyond your control it's beyond anyone's control don't know how that works oh wait wait there was a ceiling there see the best part about playing this game again is it feels like the first time because like I said the last time I played was back in 2007 when the game launched and I 100 the game in like a couple days because I was obsessed so I don't really remember much because my Boomer brain only has so much capacity and uh a lot of it is just useless garbage a new galaxy has appeared it is it's Pikachu well this is great I sure hope that this level doesn't sink all this Steam and lava reminds me of a story so when I went to Iceland we found this bakery that bakes bread by literally throwing bagged dough in an active geyser and using the steam to cook it which I thought was the most badass thing ever do we feed the hungry Luma I mean I'm trying to save my bits oh it's only 80. okay oh I don't have 80. I like these little Fireball guys they're cute unless they get in my way in which case you will perish you know the term flying a little too close to the Sun well uh that's kind of what's happening right now so we are inches away from incinerating our entire existence wow okay uh this spire is a piece of crap Mario set foot on it and it's like I'm gonna sink out this whole Spire more sensitive than Geno fan base stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about oh no oh it's one of these parts okay hang on I gotta holds the damn thing upright I I gotta find my inner Zen so I can balance do they try to trick you with the star bits by making you tilt the controller down to grab them to kill you it's actually it's kind of demonic [Music] Okay jump jump oh first try I'm the greatest gamer alive name a better gamer go ahead oh this is the Spire run but I can only get hit once okay okay bet I'm not gonna get hit at all oh this is the run I'm actually going to do without getting hit once it wasn't the last one the last one that was me tricking you guys into watching this video longer forget how brutal some of these challenges are like don't get hit once or go back to the beginning of the level this is the run you you guys believe me right you believe me you believe this is the Run oh ah you thought you were gonna get me there get away get away from me get away we're so close it's right here I got it bone fin Galaxy all right well it's a one star water level might as well just get it out of the way where you hiding bone Finn come talk to oh he's got a lot of teeth pretty terrifying boss not gonna lie kind of reminds me of Jonathan Jones from Super Mario RPG come here boner Finn I see what I did there called him we'll just take him head on oh who's mad wait why does he have like little homing bone sharks dude how many times I gotta hit this thing okay he's dead I can finally afford to feed some of my children literally all that I have for my kids racing the spooky Speedster so you're after it too you'll have to race me why do you have a helmet you're already dead turn on turn on the the propeller this suggests that wind can affect ghosts you can blow the ghosts away so if ghosts ever haunt your home just go and they're gone I just knocked all my papers on the floor ha I've done it he's not even here to congratulate me welcome to the Galaxy this one so happens to be riddled with spiders but at least the music is peaceful so if you have Arachnophobia you won't hyperventilate as much no get away you succubus you're just in it for the money help I'm stuck in your blue start me and press a can we launch him into space goodbye all right the middle of this planet just kind of looks a little bit like a butthole oh imagination really every boss fight in this game is like super good Creepy Crawlers call me Doctor Mario pimple popper don't watch that show it's disgusting what's that sound effect I hope this letter is from Luigi it's from Luigi we have to go help him okay he's holding on to a tree yo the pure forearm strength and core strength of Luigi just being able to hold on to the tree like that don't worry bro I gotcha oh let's go home I found this by the way why are you dressed like a bee listen Luigi it's a long story let's get the hell out of here that's the Super Mario Brothers movie sequel see how it's gonna start a very spooky Sprint so are we gonna race again is a ghost look at him homie didn't learn the first time he's like see me on the streets well now I'm here oh I don't get to be a ghost this time you want to race me in my true form when I'm at my most powerful why is there meat in the middle of the Galaxy too easy go take a nap it's time do you want to go see the location of your special one at the center of the universe well funny enough she is the Center of My Universe what is this run animation the fate of the universe this is the heaviest title for any star in any Mario game ever the fate of the universe Mario literally up against jiren in the tournament of power get in the light stream just I feel ready I'm just I'm ready to take Bowser down again for the umpteenth time if I don't die myself first I like how there's a little bit of each galaxy in the final run a little Smorgasbord of planets you get a little taste it's a sampler it kind of feels like one of those tunnels you walk through where the tunnel around you is spinning but the floor is doing nothing and for some reason you still feel like you can't walk straight all right Mario here we go the final stretch he's waiting for you uh but you gotta fight his five-year-old son first you got here just in time to see the creation of my galaxy in the center of the universe watch and weep in this galaxy I'll rule a great Galactic Empire with peach he's Palpatine cute little Galaxy it's like a one bedroom apartment of galaxies come on as you've been sleeping on me you know I can do this with my eyes closed come here come here one more one more one more this is an anime we're going from planet to planet fighting can I hit him while he's not in a ball I can and the two plunged into the sun where they died and would never be heard from again uh this whole thing and we've done this already this probably is one of the easier final boss fights though I feel like Odyssey was definitely tougher hell I think even Sunshine was tougher dare I say come here jump on this thing still haven't learned after three fights and so long gay Bowser there's no way he could survive that that is lava or whatever this sun-like planet is made of maybe it's made of orange soda who loves orange soda Bowser loves orange soda Super Mario Galaxy is like one of my favorite games of all time you thought I was just not gonna 100 the damn thing it's mind-numbing as it is we're getting all the stars and the last time I got all 120 or however many stars there are in this game I think it's 120 you know before the uh other world it's been like since 2007 yeah that's a long time it's a very long time and now I'm older wiser and definitely uh a better gamer I can't say that with a straight face I don't have the reaction time that I used to just drop me off at this rock looking planet looks like a poop when you're too dehydrated you know I'm talking about you know when you go to the bathroom you're like oh hey I haven't drank enough water today I'm gonna stop talking and play the game so here's the deal we're gonna Rapid Fire get all of these Stars it's 100 Mario story and then if it is so requested if the viewers demand it without spoiling anything for anyone who just maybe doesn't have a clue what happens after you get all 120. Maybe we'll do it again you know do it again there we go final stretch and that's the first post game Star and I know the star is incredibly easy and I know the other ones are probably gonna make me rage oh crap there's one minute timer on this one and listen I know the burning question on everybody's mind hey Chuck where is Super Mario Galaxy 2 well it wouldn't be fun if I just played all the best games back to back I gotta keep you in suspense a little bit besides if you really wanted me to play Mario Galaxy 2 you would already be subscribed to this channel I have 10 seconds how the hell did I do this originally okay here we go let's try again I'm trying to remember if there's a hundred of these in here or if I just need to get a hundred I feel like this was easier with the Wii remote see why they call it the bone pin because I'm getting boned here no no not this time [Music] come on all right here we go okay for a second I was like I think there's more than a hundred in there I have to get the damn star in the time limit that was a fluke I didn't know that I didn't remember huh if you look closely there's a crack here so what you're saying is because something has a crack we should break it further understood the question is will this break it yeah it's one strong Koopa Trooper shell you know the raw strength Mario has to have to launch a Koopa Troopa shell underwater and destroy a rock wall that is thousands and thousands of years old no Millions ow hey come on man I'm just trying to check out the secret stop it yeah the secret underwater Cavern this is really underwater the one with the the mouth and the whole like open area in the bottom okay it freaks me out a little bit I don't know the name of that wamp variation editors note educate the viewers Mario smashed that Crystal like you're gonna smash the like button so we just finished the last star here and they're like how about three more all right no timer so we just get to chill and hang out on the beach collect some coins I gotta say one thing I love that Galaxy does different from other 3D Mario games is uh instead of collecting just a hundred regular coins like throughout the course of the level there's designated stars for collecting 100 purple coins I don't know it's self-contained I think that's why I like it all right this looks dangerous let's do it also doesn't make any sense palm trees holding up a portly Italian man what kind of fantasy game is this whoa this is fun it's like the Tarzan swing over at Mountain Creek we're formerly known as Action Park yo Mario's did like a full twist Dismount that was nuts if you want to see a messed up documentary about a theme park go watch class action park holy crap man when people got to shoulder height depth we call that area the death zone you guys think we're ever gonna get Galaxy 2 on the switch because like I said I really want to play it I gotta hook up my Wii U man nobody wants to hook their Wii U up but for you guys I'll do anything don't tell that to the other viewers though now Mario swing from the tangles of my heart he's like check out the sweet view Mario's like um I'm getting brain damage the hell the rest of these coins wait look at that look at this little Derpy penguin you got games on your phone oh yeah you're a sneaky little one hiding in the corner place is pretty clean for uh being a scary haunted mansion what were you doing in here shake the joy counter press wide I know you guys have missed the toad voice so I'm throwing it back in to spin bum booze when they hit something they go oh hello [Music] I don't wanna okay I guess we can you just grab them they're like I like the noise it makes and for somebody who wants us to watch out for bouldergeist we really have to go above and beyond to go see him gotta grab the bamboos everything else was just practice okay that one's got the bamboo all right grab two double the bombs double the fun just hit him in his weird uvula and that's how my man Boulder guys got his tonsils taken out oh he's got he's got hands now he showed up with the hands look at some of these boss fights mechanics and tell me what a straight face that Mario Galaxy is not the most creative and best 3D Mario game in existence I probably should have taken the power out man I'm just starting to realize we didn't even touch like any of the Daredevil Stars yet there we go all right where's he at come on we're almost done here I know I know you're tired me too imagine if I died there just like tripped on one of those stalactites a fast foe comet in orbit ain't no fast foes only fast hoes I don't quite know what that means but it sounded funny to say oh good they just throw us right back into the action oh the enemies are just okay come on I'm Mario just double time yeah watch this look how fast they're going oh wait wait that was wrong you know what else we could speed up the editing do your thing Mr editor wow that was fast too bad the foes weren't fast enough whoa whoa whoa Mario meets Mario I gotta see this there he is it's Mario can you believe it oh I see what we gotta do here just a little uh Silver Star collecting I got you I'll save the little guys don't worry do a long jump see these gamer moves can't find these anywhere yeah this one sucks the good news is they start us off right here though three minutes all right let's get this one out of the way as fast as possible I think I messed up I don't know if this is salvageable nope I screwed up and like you can't touch anything you gotta get like the long jumps down perfectly or you just gotta like save some of the platforms you know what actually we might be able to do that God why did I subject myself to this why I say this was a good idea Chuck 100 of the game oh that's great the viewers will love it oh God okay no no damn it oh crap I have nowhere to go there to the long jumps I already know what I'm titling this video so it took me seven tries to realize that there are more than 100 and uh at least a purple Comet track is a banger I mean it's basically just a remixed like Good Egg Galaxy not like I need the one up but hey I'll take some freebies what damn it man I'm hitting like a long jump and just clearing all of them that feels good man that feels good that doesn't feel good even since I realized that I don't need all the coins I'm still struggling you know this would have been infinitely harder if I had to get all of them I gotta make it back oh we have like one shot at this easy see look at that first try they want me to Bounce Down Cake lean Don't Mind If I Do honestly it's the holiday season I've been eating a lot of baked goods lately so I've been bouncing down cake Lane for quite a while oh yeah that's fun that is that's a good time so chocolate let's talk about it white chocolate is trash yes we all agree on that there's something about it have you ever had good white chocolate cake doesn't look good at all it's got like all the lemons still in it I want no cake with no lemon rinds gross I don't know who cuts cake like that some kind of masochist remember being in school and people would bake cupcakes sometimes they'd bake them into like the ice cream cones I missed those seen the ice cream cone just now just kind of reminded me of that it's like man I haven't had one of those in a while I don't even know if people still do that can you not oh you jump you hop this is oddly reminiscent of a video that uh I did pretty recently oh God okay I was a victim of uh bullying here where I was I don't know robbed out of a specific game oh hello are you here to protect the cake you can try so there's one thing I love it's cake what's the best type of cake though give me those cake tearless oh he's getting angry he mad nope it's gonna blow faster than a speeding penguin That's a Superman reference right only I get to make the references around here nope there's an argument happening over here these penguins are pissed and then there's this guy if you want to get in on one of the penguin races go talk to coach this guy looks like coach we ready to get it on [Music] uh I pressed the wrong buttons I don't know if this is like Mario Kart and I can throw it and like hit somebody but I'm not gonna chance it I'm in third I feel like we're making some pretty good ground here oh I got launched all right that works oh look at this easy oh Finish Line maybe I was just about to run up be like where's my prize 118 nice here's your gold medal champ let me just get it out of my uh my pouch this one's simple just gotta collect the little cute Stars you know this stage is way bigger than I remember and also I kind of like don't remember having to not be sliding oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that sucks gotta give more credit to bees you know they make honey we like honey you ever have hot honey basically just honey with chili flakes we're on a fried chicken sandwich holy crap man that thing's a game changer making myself hungry as I usually do and the stars did their Fusion Dance turned into a gold star then ran away from me you can run but you can't hide from B Mario uh-oh we're gonna crash oh no oh I fell off the stage I could have just did that all along but I was like no let's be cool let's do it the cool way hey you yeah um I don't think I I think I'm kind of broke a thousand sorry buddy too rich for my blood you see I like to bounce around because I get bored of the same places gotta keep the video interesting like the purple comments because nothing can be as bad as Luigi's purple coins I mean especially if they don't give you a time limit then it's just like go have fun in the sandbox so there's some Odyssey two rumors floating around and that kind of seems like the most logical next step for Mario I mean I'm surprised they haven't done it already given that Galaxy and Galaxy 2 both came out in a relatively short time of each other I've said that before in this series especially with Nintendo saying that the switch is only halfway through its lifetime unless hear me out we end up getting like a movie tie-in game for a new Mario movie that could very well happen and honestly that's slated to be one of the best movie video games ever assuming that does happen but I'll be honest I don't see it happening this toad is just ecstatic that somebody is finally here to collect these coins and to use his head as a pogo stick isn't kind of weird to have this like no enemies what's the challenge here what can kill me oh just kidding there isn't it there's a very large enemy too oh all right there's booze here no one told me please get me out of here I hate it here I hate it here I just don't want to die here or anywhere you know it's anywhere because I'm never looking at like a spot in a video game I'm like man that's how I want it all to end all right where's fiery Dino piranha oh no hang in there hang in there Mario and they really just want me to do this with like one Health all right got you is there Acorn you know I just kind of don't want to get screwed by a tail like right there I would have went for it touched it and died a little spicy baby boy put the tail out you're blowing your food before you eat it sometimes it's too hot dude look at this no damage didn't even need that coin I got it just to show you that I didn't need it you didn't see that close your eyes I got him oh boy all right he's dead feel bad we show up through these plants we make these poor piranha plants go extinct Mario's a monster red hot purple coins just the way I like them yeah I like my money heated up or given to me cashier's like here's your change I'm like hang on warm it up actually that's kind of gross getting warm coins from somebody ugh warm dollar bills too in this sweaty what do you do with the money Mario's like had enough of this man too old for this oh oops one two three four look at the last one look at these bastards come on just don't you dare thank you all right we got a thousand Star Bits we can feed one of the big boys now you're gonna sit down and eat that entire chocolate cake sand spiral galaxy you read so much you just turn into a whole last Galaxy me too choosing a favorite snack what is my favorite snack probably chocolate chip cookies and what is your favorite snack the viewer oh I see you choose your favorite snack because there's things that are gonna kill you don't shine the light on me it burns because I'm a gamer all right is where it gets a little tricky don't worry I'm a professional though I open my mouth you gotta learn how to keep it shut oh this one's easy it's gonna stand still and do nothing look at this didn't even want me to go under the damn thing like no he's too lazy let him stay on the top oh crap oh boy all right um hello hello I missed some I missed some you got 90. wow you're trash then he kills you see once you hit like different axes and it throws off your balance completely and you just start spinning around in circles like a drunkard and you start missing coins all goes to crap not gonna be talking smack now Mr Robot not not like the show like the robot top maniac and Topman tribe sounds like a 90s band to Spin Doctors cover bands hello that was like the Kirby enemy what are we doing oh okay oh I want to play too he just wants to play look at me and my new friend top man chase me top man chase me oh crap Mario's now on the Run wanted in four different galaxies what are these enemies called I think they're my favorite enemies in like Galaxy is someone on Instagram actually and I'm gonna find the image just to show you guys because it's red someone sketched like my little choctopus that I have on my merch hanging out with those guys I don't know I love fan art and there's a lot of talented people out there so if you're an artist then you know you do fan art feel free to send it all my way that stuff makes my day I didn't mean to rhyme there oh top man you're alive give me a hug oh we have a witness no Witnesses all right you know if we're just it's gonna happen it's gonna happen you know what I'm talking about I'm sorry top men they're being exemd by top men Lois ooh top men are we gonna fight the big boy top man wait so this is top man the others were just the tribe oh so you're just gonna all right fine send your minions I'll take you all on oh wow I'm gonna hate this one you know what just skip to me getting the star all right and here's just me getting the uh last couple coins because I wasn't gonna make my editor edit all that I think the 100 purple coins are cute the first couple times but now I'm just kind of like over them oh and it's so far away you want the star all right you're gonna work for it oh you already worked for it well yeah man here's some overtime throwing it on top of the castle like Rapunzel the Rapunzel of stars Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your points blasting through the Sands in a one Pokey open I don't know all I know is they're like here's a bunch of cute enemies okay now kill them coming up hello Mr Pokey I'm sorry I have to dismantle you you know how it is I think those hurt me yeah they hurt me look at the little tornadoes of googly eyes you could really put me put your eyes on anything and it's hilarious no come on yeah oh Oh I thought it was gonna be a failure for a second oh look at that there's a purple comet in the bedroom you know what they say if the purple comets are rocking don't come and knock and they want to throw the purple coins at me on the puzzle cube don't they know I'm The Puzzle Master out of my way stupid I've got money to collect you know how the Wu-Tang song goes cash rules everything around Mario I know I should be in a rush but I'm kind of vibing just the music of this game is too good you already knew that because I don't shut up about it thank you based Koji kondo or hang on I think we have uh an excess of coins here so we're okay I like when they do that because they know there's people like me playing this game and now we must take into account that we have 22 seconds to actually get the star so uh Excuse me while I try and find it oh there it is hey let me read the instructions on this thing real quick press here for instant sand castle all right where's my sand castle why is this chicken bombs must have had Taco Bell before a shift all right let's collect all these star fragments [Music] I go all the way back up the pokies in this game are massive and terrifying hi hey pal you hungry there you go [Applause] wow this is disorienting can we be right side up no fine uh uh excuse me oh great what the hell man I don't remember this star then again I haven't 100 of the game in a while so I don't remember quite a few Stars come on Mario you can do it all the blood's rushing to your head but you're okay you're Mario you can do anything you're a renaissance man including but not limited to getting this star wow look at you go uh toad no wonder you're freezing this is freeze flame Galaxy and you think you're going snorkeling you big stupid idiot isn't it crazy how there's two separate Mario games on the Wii you have this in the new Super Mario Brothers game and the Ice Flower does something completely different in both Galaxy they were like turn Mario into a literal Ice Cube they just made his exterior matches interior that's right Mario has no heart I think he's okay murdering so many of Bowser's Minions all right here we go it's about speed it's about power it's a how's that The Rock song go it's about drive it's about power we stay hungry we devour what is with these toads and like not knowing how to dress for cold weather out come on get out of the cold Mario get it get out of the cold water yeah I know I'm injured you don't gotta remind me Mario dies of hypothermia remastered all right we have froze now it's time to Flame Light Em Up Mario Mario's air Mobility after he jumps off a wall and does his spin is incredible the amount of jumps it allows you to cheese and how many times it saved me from death [Music] the mobility okay made it to the top toad where's my prize the Summit is always the pure essence of challenge that burns and Adventures I think this Toad's been up here too long this has to be the last of the coins narrator but it was not the last of the coins and we're done this poor toad he has to watch me get this nice warm star I bet the stars are warm I bet you can keep a bunch of them in a fireplace and it'll warm the room I'm so sorry there's a lot of these all right another purple coin star down but don't worry it definitely wasn't the last top Maniacs Daredevil run one hit and you're dead Mario Galaxy was doing dread mode way before Metroid speaking of which I want to do a Metroid dread dread mode video but did you know you gotta beat the game on hard mode first I mean I guess makes sense but uh low-key I kind of want to do dread mode for the funnies so now I'm gonna have to play through hard mode don't worry on my own time I wouldn't subject you to such torture or I guess myself stop ow they almost had me hey ho if you didn't know anything prankster comments I'm your Luma move it gotta deal for you for only oh that is a bargain he's like I'll do anything for food you know I get that I would do most things for food too snack a Diddly do why as a human am I just perpetually hungry like I just ate waffles a few minutes ago but I'm like yeah I could eat you see the Daredevil comments a true test of skill not for the Mario players that are faints of heart I'm trying to remember back in the day which ones I struggled with there are definitely a couple of Daredevil comments that gave me a hard time bam hey pal you lost uh you lost your face there looking like Harvey Dent after the accident boom that's satisfying oh he's like allowed me to put my back into it or in this case hands right oh sorry oh I'm dead I got too cocky no big deal this is the real run oh the price of one see here's the problem he telegraphs his punches very easy to dodge Boulder guy should be a terrible boxer bouldergeist really isn't a bad guy he's just misunderstood behind that Rocky hard exterior is just a soft gooey monster that is just waiting to be loved unfortunately you're not getting any love today not from me okay this probably has to be the easiest purple coin star ever look they Bunch him up for you running a little circle okay I remember there being more platforms here scoop these up scoop these up we got a minute left right hang on I gotta do this on the first try I can't look like a scrub oh that was close is that all of them all right now we just need to get back look how far away I am where is back okay wait this is the right way big jump over here he's good at video games they say he's great at video games others say I like how all the stars that I'm missing are basically hidden Stars that's okay we're gonna find him I think I gotta get all these could be wrong could absolutely be wrong I'm probably wrong oh there it is oh that was faster than I thought listen guys I'm really sorry that my content has devolved into purple Coinstar videos but if you want the 100 run of Mario Galaxy it's got to happen so sit back relax and enjoy the googly eye tornadoes helicopter Mario is just it's so unsettling it's so hard to look at my therapist says helicopter Mario is not real he can't hurt you oh yeah explain this come on no that's not fair that that is not fair we fell short this time your smile fades in the summer kind of sucks how you can get so much done and then you can just like touch the quicksand and it's all over it's like if Mario's pinky toe touches the quicksand you gotta do everything all over again are you kidding me well I'm Gonna Save My Sanity here yeah that's right I just Rage Quit a star I gotta remember where all the hidden stars are and by remember I mean I have to call up my old friend the internet all right to get this one I gotta turn on my Christie Yamaguchi and climb up here I feel like we did this already getting Deja Vu and maybe that's because we did burn you stupid snowman come on let's go to the summit we'll see Celeste at the top oh no no I took two hits there did I break the game oh well these bats are stupid and I hate them well these rocks are stupid and I hate them thank God for that aerial drift what do we have to do oh we got the coins last time we climbed up to the top for purple coins I was like we did this already this will be the easiest Speed Run of my life they're just asking me to be good at my job that's all look don't even need to touch the ground no all the enemies in one shot what do I do here again slammed where'd you go listen pal I got a job to do oh whoops yeah that's right I was like he's red clearly I have to do something else I know exactly what you're thinking chalk you're a professional speedrunner what are you doing uh this should be really easy for you well I think it's just more suspenseful if I mess up a couple times just it's a better story arc so I don't need all this time in fact that's what I'm showing you here I'm showing you that I don't need all of it like they're giving me arrows and stuff as if I don't know where I have to go like I haven't made this run dozens of times [Music] uh whoops see this is uh this is a rookie mistake you never want to make on this by now you're sweating your adrenaline is pumping through your veins is chalk going to make it he only has a minute and 42 seconds left surely if he doesn't he'll have to try again what if he falls in the quicksand he'll die I mean surely there's no way he could do this with only one minute left jump to a little donut I wish I could do that to a Krispy Kreme donut all the way back now like 12 seconds can he possibly do it eight seconds [Music] no wait [Laughter] think about it though the fact that I was going to make it or miss it by one second either way it's great content hey pal do me a favor move those comments again 540 bits huh I swear I can't see the number 540 without thinking about martial arts tricks and when I used to be in better shape I'm just Toad's sleeping over here hey pal wake up you're about to die to a googly-eyed tornado speaking of toads like what do you think this toad is mining for and does he realize that these blocks are man-made then you got this toad over here who is uh he's got his headlamp on in broad daylight which which makes sense because you totally don't want to save the battery on that in case you get trapped in a mine all right couple more just do me a favor just place it like right here make my life easy don't make me go searching thank you matter splatter Mansion which I feel like is just the Playboy Mansion I just want you guys can I just go around this foreign stupid Mansion design what architect built this I want you guys to know that I've gotten really good at playing video games while looking at a baby monitor just one of these skills that you inherit as a dad and I can comfortably say that the dad jokes are now justified in fact I should probably throw more of them in this video hey uh you can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish where the hell is this damn star oh I see it it's up there I see the glow it's like that one Mario Party mini game that I'm not good at and can't ever win or you just have to like leave the Mansion I don't think I've ever won that game once Galaxy complete such a satisfying little jingle wait no swim class today I mean I came all the way into this galaxy for nothing you couldn't text me that swim class was canceled my parents literally just left yeah uh hi Mom yeah it's me Mario no uh apparently they canceled class can you come pick me up have I learned to swim no I would have but they canceled class all right and now for some of the dopest platforming in this entire game see this is why Galaxy is easily the best 3D Mario game I will hear no slander but speaking of 3D Mario games what do you guys think the next 3D Mario game is gonna look like I mean do you think it's going to be Odyssey too you think it's still a thing that's gonna happen or do you think they're gonna take the path of Bowser's Fury and we're finally going to get a true open world Mario game come on dude follow me no damn it it means to kill you I'm sorry I just need you to come launch me follow me catoque I will lead you to Greatness come on no no oh stupid come on you can do it like here we go that's what I'm talking about follow me kata quack keep this poor little guy locked away who created a great prison oh wow this dude is gifted see how far he just launched me where am I oh God this this is bad oh wait hang on there's a star over here thank you speaking of stars I see you gotta figure out how I'm gonna get you now I gotta climb the Jenga Tower is that how that's supposed to be done probably not I just realized I probably can't jump on the flowers because I'm not a bee nope like do you want to do things the easy way or the fun way I'm gonna go fun way every time and another star down I got a little rain clouds in this one a little dark rain clouds someone said don't be sad how can I cheer you up see as a Bee you could touch the top of the rain cloud just don't touch any of the water that's coming out of it oh thank you for the up Arrow I had no clue where I had to go next but thankfully you came along my guy's got a water cannon which is really only effective against B Mario because regular Mario thrives when he gets wet can't catch me right on top of you ow okay it's fine don't eat it my man's got the rapid fire he's got the expensive Super Soaker you know which one I'm talking about the one with the backpack CBS 3200 two gallon backpack carries the blast man if you had that one when you were a kid in the 90s you won every single water gun to fight hey how you doing in there you okay oh oh yeah you could spin okay note to self don't do that again [Music] another Cosmic Mario race it's not much of a race if I'm gonna win well I'll tell you what you should try uh doing the long jump CM too easy who is this one of the devs look I'm even gonna stop for the one up uh watch this I'm gonna tea bag him dude's punching air right now it's always another mouth to feed a new planet was born I would hardly call that a planet it looks like bad scaffolding yeah a planet the planet is evaporating can I say though definitely helps to have B Mario here okay couple more notes come on almost done for the black hole sucks us up and we suffer for eternity [Music] oh a timer that's stressful I'm gonna say though if I'm doing a purple coin star and they give me a timer I know I'm not gonna have to run around aimlessly everything's kinda gonna be in a row just a series of platforming challenges so I guess that's the benefit because I'd rather do it this way you think Mario ever gets sick of collecting Stars he'll be like you know what this is like the 15th time I had to save Peach I've gotten about 4 000 of these stars now and they just keep coming too they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop cop who's manufacturing all these Stars I mean you gotta figure they have money right these things can't be cheap a lot of raw materials go into producing Stars oh wait no no no not yet nope don't want to go that way should not have broken it [Music] like right here man God I hate this I hate this so much I swear to God if I lose because it is one coin I hate this game you know it really is a good thing that you guys like watching me suffer or you just like mediocre gameplay just so glad there's a niche to be filled and that I could be of assistance because if not me then who I think we just gotta ring this Bell over here come on ding dong just gotta get the right momentum I think we hit the stride I think this is it look at this I'm too good at music call me Mozart all systems are why cause I say so oh so toad is a dictator hey you you know what I'm not even gonna Swindle you just hand it over and nobody gets hurt a new planet was born you call that a toy man I hope we never get one of these for Christmas a lot of pointy things here what age group is this so-called toy made for anyway is that the last please be please be it oh God don't crush me don't squish my bones don't worry everyone look no further I think I found the worst star that's all the switches right let my family go oh no oh it's the worst star all right I'm gonna try my best to just find every switch before I leave one part to go to another fast photos just fast forward through this star well actually we can thanks to the power of editing magic take it away Mr editor [Music] foreign [Music] that took no time at all blasting through the sand and Dusty Dune Galaxy Dusty Dune I'm Gonna Make You dust these nuts Bowser and this is a Luigi star so when I said I was gonna 100 the game a lot of you were like oh that means you're gonna play all of Super Luigi Galaxy 2 right um about that you see when I said I was gonna 100 the game I meant 100 Mario's story because do you really want to watch me do the same thing twice I mean you do that already because I die a lot when I play games and I'm always like no use the footage it's fine they like seeing me suffer where is Luigi hiding anyway I followed the Green Arrow which I assume will probably be a Luigi Arrow you know why because I don't remember where all the secret stars are and I didn't look it up uh so I think I missed Luigi you know how I was just talking about doing things twice and making you guys watch it yeah so I missed Luigi because I had to go this way I had to feed the little hungry boy he just wants a little snack he's like only 20 Star Bits I'm not greedy just a little something to hold me over until dinner oh they hit me with a solar flare all right so that's how the pyramids came to exist I didn't know that turns out they were just all hungry Lumas oh this is disorienting where are the stars where's my brother oh my God help brain no work good oh here's another one for you here's another one come on nope oh we got one more where are you hiding show yourself please don't crush me close I got a weird feeling this is the hidden star and not the Luigi star unless Luigi's just buried in the sand oh wait it's a green star where's my homie he better not show up just now silly me for thinking that all green stars were Luigi stars because I was like I did all the work there's no way he's just gonna show up and take credit oh and that was the last one even I don't know what's waiting for you out beyond the green launch star it's been out of commission for a while it's like the McDonald's soft serve machine wanna go to The Rolling Gizmo Galaxy sure oh no okay it's a rolly ball I wasn't holding it the right way okay let's try this again where I'm holding the Pro Controller the correct way it was much easier with the Wii remote because you're just balancing it with like one hand and here you got to use two should really be playing with joy-con just for this specific stage hello oh you want me to get some momentum I said you want me to get some momentum well that doesn't make any sense all right surely that's it right surely we're done that's enough gizmos and gadgets for me God now it's just Marble Madness Mario should really join the circus though I mean he's got a quite the balance all right nope nope nope no no no I just I don't want to get far in this stage only to fall off like at the end that would be tragic sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious yeah I get a fun little cut scene yeah take us to the end are there two of those coins what kind of sociopath would do that to themselves oh crap okay that's for coins and Hoops we gotta jump through just to see Luigi [Music] oh God I hate myself all right you see because I'm stupid I completely didn't realize that I could have just went slightly to the left but instead I'm like huh those coins to us have something to do with it they didn't want to go to the Bubble Blast Galaxy okay that one doesn't sound as fun but we probably should get out of the way now please get me off this genitalia shaped Planet oh it's one of these okay no prob okay one problem at least the music's peaceful for a level that's kind of stressful the green star planets are all decently lengthy to the point where if you screw up halfway you only hate yourself a little bit like if you think I want that question mark coin you're out of your bird I don't know man eight flamethrower seems a little excessive for uh I don't know a guy in a bubble all right that's the last one now would be a good time to die for Content all right get me out of here oh no oh there's more I'm gonna say why is there a cannon there why is this Bullet Bill chasing me please I was doing this at my own Leisure oh no oh okay I didn't want to go fast all right easy easy big fella oh no oh God now would be a good time to die oh good at least there's a checkpoint open the doors open the doors oh you know fine I'm just gonna be Reckless with it Mario's well-being is now in danger oh now we flying now he's moving can't catch me Bullet Bill wanna go to the loop this swoop Galaxy yes please [Music] and your shoes are looking cool the Galaxy's greatest wave sounds like a bad click bait YouTube title uh more forced motion controls hey you got three minutes to get back here stay calm and just enjoy the surf enjoy the surf he says don't worry you won't fall for eternity if you happen to hit a bad bump it's just be like a lack of two going up to Wrangle people that fly off lakitu in Mario Kart is actually just Triple A that's it send tweet I would say this is the chaotic neutral of the green star stages the Gizmo whatever it is definitely chaotic evil and Bubble Blast is chaotic good because they're all chaotic this must be it this is the the famous loopty swoop the one in all the brochures oh Crush like I was right there is that the end I played that awfully and I'm only 11 seconds from the world record great work try to do even better next time nope this is the garden it's a secret room now if you tell everybody about it to think all this time I've just been neglecting actual Stars main story stars are just kind of staring at me like so here's the thing about hunting so many hidden stars and then coming back to just a regular star is it is so much easier they really crank up the difficulty for the hidden ones you saw those green star galaxies they were trying to kill me now oh God I okay well maybe Mario's into it in which case is like nice nice nice nice nice I used to have this bank that kind of looked like this robot and you would put the money of the star here hang on and then you put the money like on a hand and then he would like eat it I think it was called Robbie the robot and that was my name which though I liked it so much all right don't miss a single coin because then that's going to be a pain in the ass definitely some on top [Music] I love this song how could you not the crescendo of the chorus of this done in the same spot as I was saying the crescendo the chorus of this song is just it's euphoric honestly I think this might be kojicondo's best composition I don't know if that's a hot tape oh no oh no no no we need that I need that come on all right took way too many tries on this one oh god oh don't fall off you don't don't fall off here don't not here this is not the place why do I only have 99 please please is there a coin somewhere there it is grab it all right top man tribe prepare to go extinct for the third time oh you're afraid I'm scared you're shaking I see you quaking there we go all right that's that and don't come back and that was the last Mario ever heard of the top man tribe they've never tried to contact him again now a speedy cop I can't get away from this thing this stupid rocket ship Topman they're back that's how is this even possible oh top man you son of a what's your secret how do you do it doctors hate him all right one more and then that'll be it for top man for real this time I'm just kidding last time that top man his zany Antics Bubble Blast Off sounds fun what am I doing I'm just like killing this guy real intimidating you know not being able to reach me and everything stop okay fine maybe you can oh wait I was supposed to use the Coconuts instead I used violence I regret to announce This Is the End where are we blasting off to now that looks like a good time well oh this is awkward I'm getting pelted with rocks ah there we go Ice Flower they charged me by the minute to use this thing get free nights and weekends though you think Sony when they're making the PlayStation they they were playing Super Mario World and they saw magic Koopa throw out the symbols they were like that's it our logo just Super Mario Galaxy once again proving that it is the greatest Mario game by using creative physics two that's a big watermelon all right we got like 10 Stars left before we complete Mario's side of this and you get into like some real bottom of the barrel Stars if I like magic Coop as grandma again and oh I missed sorry sorry about that we're going where you going where you going where you going right in the face Actually I don't even need to clear him just take care of Mama oh okay trying to keep you out of it but sometimes there gotta be casualties I raised the pitch of my voice because I really thought that was the last hit oh they're back fine no prisoners give me that star the sinking lava spire they say climate change isn't real but you know it is real inflation in the Mushroom Kingdom this hungry Loom is gonna charge me 80 Star Bits to get this hidden star where does it end hey you yeah you you got any of those tasty Star Bits you know the deal get in my belly all right time for a new planet it would suck just being a hungry Luma getting your bits and then turning into like a really crappy Planet like this all right I gotta get five silver stars easy for a gamer like me I was just uh charting my optimal path and with their powers combined they form a power star what you again you gotta be kidding me might you want to run me out of the lake you gotta get through all eight red that's it hey swim through these giant rings and I tell you what I'll leave in fact I'm gonna swim real slow I said use the Boost to get through oh crap three two there we go we did it just don't place it too close to the death tornadoes it looks real disappointed himself so what you want to do here is you want to grab this shell and you want to destroy all these explosives whatever history this boat has it's gone vanished Into Thin Air what's out of here into this magic oh the booze got it okay it's fine how do I kill him oh there we go and I think yes light a gamer's worst nightmare come on you can do it step into the light and then he evaporated all right so we got a hidden star here gotta go down to the flip side and oh God I remember this one this one is awful you know how hard it is keeping a Dreadnought clean and then someone comes and drops a load of trash in the ammo depot hey we got plenty of bombs maybe you could help me blow up the trash I remember this being extremely frustrating you get 30 seconds but it's just it's not enough you need to find a way to like throw these precisely to hit multiple piles of trash yeah like this ain't gonna work actually wait it might work no why did it blow up no you gotta do it fast I was that was as fast like give me another try put this one here throw this one oh I messed up because there's this one solo actually I might get lucky here wait I think we got this okay one [Music] you suck you know what I think the indicator is just aiming for like the coin things that might be the best way to go here I mean I think we got it come on please one blow up let's see there we go well I'm never going to take out the trash again now that I know you can just blow it up here take this by the way this is not trash so please don't throw it out I only have one I really remember that specific star taking me like an hour when I first played the game okay so the bedroom's not complete neither is the fountain which means we only have five stars left to go ah nothing like a nice peaceful Galaxy to explore nice peaceful music definitely no space spiders here nope if you ignore them they can't hurt you yeah there's always another mouth to feed 50 Star Bits it looks like a maid of Star Bits listen pal I gotta murder Goomba for Star Bits just like everybody else you transform into oh head this was a tease knowing we weren't getting Yoshi until uh Mario Galaxy 2. I mean fun fact they wanted to put Yoshi in Mario Galaxy one but they felt like it was too many new ideas I get it this one is infested though would this mean Yoshi has like lice or fleas all right that should be the last one ooh look in his nose finally Yoshi was good for something it really always do me the hungry Luma I just walked away from a Luma in a cage to come feed this one he's just chilling I mean yeah he's hungry but he's not like starving he's like the friend who's always like yeah I could eat if you ask them if you want to go get food I just ate but I could eat again that's me by the way oh no oh there's two of these I I completely forgot that's okay though because I've got this down to a science with all the little coin dots first try that was impressive see this one's a piece of cake you just gotta wait for this little stump to be visible and then you just play some tunes this way this way this way this way this way right here right here right here fun fact Bullet Bill's full name is actually bulletproof William but you likely didn't know that now you do all right so that's 118 stars and uh I genuinely don't remember what I'm missing so I don't think we fed these two Loomis because they're still chilling there damn freeloader I thought I fed you already but I guess not 400 better be a good one oh it is okay I like the sling pods they're fun plus it's really satisfying to go fast oh no wait wait wait oh god oh I I grabbed that I almost dropped like right into the black hole oh good there's a lot of bits here because I'm gonna need those you know for the other hungry Luma all right the final sling let it be the sling that brings us home right so there's one more hungry Luma and apparently it's the one all the way at the top which I think might be the most expensive one I'm famished I need 1600 Star Bits to curb the hunger pangs better not spill a drop took me a while to get these they don't call it a Sonic Boom for nothing Sonic is reborn for the next generation and this time speed won't be enough it'll take an all-out force in nature [Music] foreign here we go the final star and off we go to the snow cap Galaxy and wants to chase a bunch of bunnies fine at least it's a nice quick one let's play Chase yeah let's can you catch us all before the time Runs Out Boy 150 seconds easy come on you know what get you out oh got you trapped you caught me oh we got him that's two where's the last one where are you hiding he's like in one of these stumps is he not oh damn if I could find all three of them then I can catch all three of them ah there you are you're hiding in the hole which is where I need to lure them it's easy mode that's two get the last one this is the last star come on I want to be done been at this for so long I give up here take this you've earned it and with that being said that's the final star ladies and gentlemen I've done it Rosalina we now have enough star power to go to another world before we do that we must help your special one Moon Prism Power oh we're just mowing down the airships Rosalina is a Savage there's a warp field inside the castle to go they are inside hurry I gotta fight the final boss again right I did this already all right we'll do it again for the fate of the universe all right Bowser last time the final showdown finally you've got here just in time to see the creation of my Galaxy did this already let's find you let him do his thing he needs to hear himself talk sometimes all right here we go again let's just turned into a rock like that okay that's one all right that is two oh thank you for standing right next to it that makes it much easier that's three oh oh he bubbled like a new Super Mario Brothers you coward see it's not three hits in this game but three separate planets it's gonna do a jump here burn your bum don't worry I'll cool it off for you Deja Vu right Bowser back into the lava you go oh great a clear Grand star I guess I'll get it all right we beat this entire game which means we gotta Beat It Again wake up Luigi you're not dreaming you're playable in the 3D Mario game he's like have I died and gone to heaven nope you're stranded on this rock but listen we're not going to give you your own storyline that's ludicrous you'll get your own jump animations though he's like oh thank God they love me you remember the Year of Luigi also known as one of Nintendo's worst fiscal years you catch the damn rabbits again Luigi's not here to play though uh Luigi what do you do with your hands Bad Touch Luigi's like Hello this really isn't my thing my brother is out sick my name is Rosalina I watch over yeah you guys know the story skip oh god oh I almost died on the tutorial level oh God I also forgot Luigi slides he's a slippery boy quick into this dark alley yeah that's not sketchy at all you know what the best thing about this is when you start doing Luigi Stars you get double Luigi's in fact I think Luigi can actually kind of cheese this and he can just like yep maybe you could do that Mario too who knows uh oh I could reach that I don't need your help I'm Luigi watch this I do love how not only they included Luigi in this game but he has like his own physics I'm out of here Mr Peanut remember Mr Peanut died in like a car accident [Music] yeah that's a thing did I just die in Good Egg Galaxy these dudes really killed me I was just trying to make a funny pop culture reference why you gotta do me dirty like that Nintendo oh God Luigi is so slippery why why is he slippery who buttered Luigi up you're gonna do a superhero Landing wait for it yeah that's really hard on your knees time to make an omelette I made a really stupid comment when I fought Dino piranha with Mario I was like what does he eat on this planet all day because I was trying to be funny that I actually hatched him so he didn't need to eat being that I hatched him now he requires sustenance kind of messed up whoa you saved me thanks Luigi I gotta know are there some kind of crazy speed running skips that you can do with Luigi I say it's speed running but by then like I don't know you already beat the game but I guess like a 200 run people speed run those and I gotta know what's the record for like a 200 run I mean we're probably really close to it I would imagine ah there he is hot to puss we had our main course here's the dessert nice fruit salad Luigi's got like big substitute teacher Vibes like Mario's out today so Luigi's rolling in the television because we're watching a movie the class is going wild no okay almost slipped into the black hole and Luigi would have died it wouldn't be the first time we saw that smash trailer where they revealed Simon Richter all right you know what I'm taking the shortcut oh God no okay just a slightly longer cut one would say a super cut and if you're watching the Supercut version of this series just know if you gotten to this point you are truly a champion oh he's back I wonder if he's gonna be happy to see me he's gonna be like wait a second you're not the regular guy it's like going to get a haircut your Barber is out that's a real nerve-wracking feeling thinking of luscious locks I switched Barbers recently and fellas you know how stressful that can be I had the same Barber for like 12 years and I was like I gotta try something new he's really he's not doing my head Justice for what I have left and I went to this new Barber and Incredibly stressed out because like you don't know is he gonna just botch my head completely and no he uh is what they classify as a master Barber and I don't think I've ever had a better haircut in my life [Music] capable he knows the assignment foolish Luigi my plan is too far along now do you really think you can stop me yes Luigi's just been taking notes on the sidelines for decades now it's his time to shine all right I brought it back Rosalina turn the lights on look how proud Luigi is standing there he's like I did it all by myself and Rosalina is like yeah you did get to work it looks like somebody has a letter for us dear ma wait a second Luigi it's a felony to open someone else's mail believe it or not in jail right away ghost wait isn't Luigi hanging out in ghostly somewhere so we can see some double Luigi's oh there he is or there I am there we are I remember doing this for the first time just remembering how hilarious it was you know I'm just I'm Luigi I'm just gonna jump over it it's fine gotta be super careful because like I said earlier Luigi is a slippery boy and uh it is definitely posed some problems for me off screen uh especially when I'm playing in handheld mode oh man some of the uh gyroscope levels I had to do oh you guys weren't around to see those it was pretty brutal all right I I get to become Luigi Luigi yeah a real missed opportunity not calling it Luigi that's right Luigi avoid the light just like valorent players help don't worry I'm you oh my are you me well I guess there's enough people in the universe one person to look like me anyway I found a power star let's take it back easily one of the greatest star screens in the history of Mario games double Luigi double the fun all right now let's see if Cosmic Luigi knows he's actually op oh yo he kind of does though oh God he knows he came to race oh crap I'm losing oh no hang on hang on that's right there I take my bits it's fine I don't need those I'll take the star dumb idiot you have a letter from Luigi wait a second you're Luigi you see you know Super Mario Galaxy is an amazing game when you can play it get every Star at Mario and then do the exact same thing again real Masterpiece you guys are gonna make me do this when uh we play food Galaxy too aren't you I just uh also remember this is a great place to get Star Bits better stock up oh no gotta get me a coin you know what I don't need a coin I'm a gamer who needs coins cowards and you know who's not a cat well I guess Luigi is a coward but I'm not a coward who came to save me again I knew I could rely on me whoa the Power Star yeah I got it right here I got your power Star right here I uh once knew a kid in high school got thrown out of class for saying something like that excuse me sir can you move the Comets no excuse me sir can you move the comments right now for only 20 Star Bits what a bargain there's the light snack uh we moved nothing but I'm gonna go over there all right Luigi get in bed wait just hang on can we take a second to appreciate B Luigi Luigi B I'm actually kind of sad to think that getting Mario Galaxy 3 is probably forever dead in the water not that like they ever had plans to do it but now it like Sparks of Hope out oh no oh no no no no no no no cause I'm hope is Mario Galaxy 3 with guns there's only one star here I think are these always here yeah right ah you know they say to be like a fly on the wall but um I think it's a little dangerous you asked me power through here you guys are a little easier to dodge than flaming rocks just grab on there it is I I see it I see it I got it and I'm out of here all right Luigi time to save the Galaxy Bowser's Dark Matter plant it's about to not matter anymore uh uh Bowser's probably some kind of Genius right I mean he set up a plant for producing Dark Matter okay I missed that get that thank you I might have already said it but I'm so happy that they added the whole Super Luigi Galaxy to the game like it's not a huge undertaking but it's cool that he got some love I don't know I'm just gushing right now for my favorite green boy a lot of one-ups in this stage what are you guys trying to say I mean I do have 30 because every now and then toad is like hey uh Princess Peach sent these you're gonna need them we don't know I guess she has like a one-up farm that was a tricky one Mr Bowser I'll admit it especially with Luigi being so slippery use the stairs oh thank you I don't know what I would have done without you and your Sage wisdom let me guess use the stairs oh thank you now this guy's like thanks a lot listen I know you're not an idiot just that other guy's knew he's just being polite it's you that's it Luigi I'm gonna stomp you into space bits Bowser's been using some products yes I've done steroids he's like my hiney my hiney there we go tail end uh I just the puns right themselves all right get off my Planet you've landed right on his head too you've earned it Luigi good job okay just put that in there for storage and we've unlocked the top level only four power Stars that's it I mean we need more than that we're doing all of them but how many subscribers do we need to get to a million hey editor insert the remaining number on screen wow that's a lot you know how you could help we got enough we could just like go straight to the next boss fight if I want to oh that's Bowser Jr he can wait it's not worth it instead let's go to toy time play with some toys oh heavy metal Mecha Bowser so I saw an article recently I think it was on IGN and it was just about the toy industry and how adults make up a large portion of toy sales every year like in the billions and I get it and when I say adults are like they're buying toys for themselves whether it be like figures collectibles is you know whatever it makes sense I'm guilty of it just Nostalgia is just a huge selling Factor hell what do you think this entire channel is built on oh crap whoops I feel like it's a cop-out level theme but I'll never get sick of toy designed levels in games I just I like them they're fun ah yes the most chaotic power up in the game the true chaotic evil on the alignment chart oh come on come on come on get me out of this thing all right here we go heavy metal Bowser we just gotta break it or actually we're fixing it if the screws are loose they don't make them like they used to now we're taking screws out make up your mind I guess it's expected in a QA that there's a couple bugs oh God I'm not on the right part I'm not on the right part I'm not on the right part man this toy is faulty what a piece of crap all right big bounce over here we did it it's broken I think it was being powered by a star that seems dangerous whatever happened to good old double a batteries the common Observatory has full power now can fly to the cosmos again you did it Luigi it's times you want to go to the location of your special one at the center of the universe no let's get at least one more Star as a buffer before we go save the galaxy universe whatever how about a nice relaxing Silver Star hunt before we have to go fight Bowser for the umpteenth time it's funny how two of my most Wanted games ever are both three games Mario Galaxy 3 and Sonic Adventure 3 of which I think we may one day get them but I think the chances are pretty slim however I feel like Sonic Adventure 3 has kind of been superseded by now what I hope to be Sonic Frontiers too just to give you a timeline of like recording this video you think after doing this several times I would know where the silver stars are one winner later take that throw it in the pile it's like pissing in the ocean at this point ooh spiders watch out I'm gonna be I ain't falling for that where is it all the way up here done we saved the Power Star B movie 2022 recolorized I also love that they recorded go Luigi and not Mario here he goes look at that boy run he's doing like the Fall Guy run all right the fate of the universe rests on your hands Mr L oh crap oh oh God that was that was a close one and that uh that one up is mighty tempting but no thanks see funny enough Luigi is actually an ice oh God I am built different Luigi's an ice skating professionally all those Olympic Games this would be a bad place to touch fire it's like touching grass but makes you feel more alive oh God fire bars everywhere I like in the the Mario movie in the trailer that they had Mario training and the fire Bars were like plastic balls you know what the fire will help me Burns so good hang on oh built different built different part of the plan part of the strats no Luigi can someone who has speed ran this game or is familiar with speed running uh Galaxy answer my question is there any instance where fire is good as far as like taking level skips or oh God no go go go come on don't like this don't like this part get the thing get the thing go go Luigi Go it's time looking for Princess Peach too bad Luigi's looking pretty badass here Bowser's Like Son take a seat and watch daddy work Bowser's pretty Nimble for a big guy you added that oh I guess not I guess it didn't work what kind of powers do you have to have to just materialize rocks around your body don't worry this isn't it we gotta fight him on different planets and this is Uranus a Bowser's taking the fattest L Luigi's just beating his ass around the Universe imagine getting your punched in around the solar system all right do a jump over here please you what was he cooking hmm somebody cooked here oh Luigi with the spin punch the Haymaker lava bath for you or plasma or it's the sun I guess we just like what's going on I've never been the protagonist before final Grand star get it Luigi this is your big finish four extra lines of dialogue for this but totally worth it I was just like curses man those are some strong Mai ties last night it's all right you're gonna be fine take a couple Advil and lay down and he survives this we straight up just created another big bang Rosalina's like to hear that the baby Stars someone's gotta feed all of them Luigi's like they're not mine I swear so you'll see after you get the rest of the Stars matter splatter this is a nice one-off I don't know why I loved this one so much this is just a good Galaxy it's fun oh god oh okay hang on hang on follow the splattering matter another word for that would be a crime scene ah great just what I wanted the spring hello please jump please jump please jump holding the button down and he's like oh no I think I'll wait a little bit I don't really feel like it I want to know who's like you know Luigi needs ice physics make him slippery I can just I could see the meeting now we've done it Super Mario Galaxy's finished the only thing we need to do is add Luigi as a post game extra some dude came into the office that day angry just like make him slippery I see the star shining in the darkness it's a metaphor for some of these levels and finishing the series all right only like 41 Stars left speaking of signs oh and don't worry I did Luigi's purple coins off camera as well as a bunch of them because that's the beauty of this you guys don't have to watch me do every single star again but this time it only took me two tries because I remembered that there's 150 coins and not a hundred which made it easier because I didn't feel like I had to pick up every single one and have a perfect path I call it melty molten Galaxy it's pretty melty and it's pretty molten it could be meltier I think we could have a little more melt also this track hits don't burn that bum Luigi not quite caked up as Mario but be proud of it all right the sinking Spire have you guys ever played slay the Spire it's one of those games that I hear about all the time and I'm like yeah I'll play that it's on Game Pass yeah I'll play it eventually and uh I I haven't done it yet so I'm coming up on my Christmas break aka the week between Christmas and New Year's and um I just I like to take the entire week off just to chill and kind of reset myself for the coming year so maybe it'll be part of the games that I play because I plan on consuming and shared amount of video games and Anime in that time I gotta get chainsaw man in there I want to watch Mob psycho plan on just doing nothing hey only 40 to go hey watch this you want to see some editing magic see look at that 100 stars and you didn't even have to watch any of the purple coin challenges and also we saved all of the green stars we're being held captive so now we have uh access to these three galaxies over here things looking very green for us move over Kermit want to go to The Rolling Gizmo let's get it out of the way and now solely for your amusement I have to deal with one of these stages just kidding I'm gonna do this on the first try nope nope nope nope I hate these I like them but I hate them there's the weird love-hate relationship with the rolling ball levels last time I was like oh how do I get around this easy we go on the dice so he told you first try right Mr editor oh bubble blast I hate this one here we go the electric Labyrinth excuse me all the pieces so you can make the Bionicle star oh oh oh tight squeeze just don't touch anything three pieces two to go that's how math Works five minus three is in fact two all systems full power there it is the giant death hole maybe I was thinking of a different one this one actually isn't so bad I think I was thinking of the other Bubble Galaxy the one that is like infinity times longer just first trying all these green galaxies there's no more right that's it maybe I was thinking of this one the part that's messed up is I don't think there's any checkpoints and here come the bullet bills here we go please please no please no please no please no please don't oh wait good wait there's a checkpoint I'm taking it too easy I'm just gonna go fast I want to see someone who's really good at this just like hold the button down the entire time just zoom through AKA someone that's not me crap come on get it get it whoo all right only 18 left to go can't believe we're doing the 200 run in Galaxy you peer pressured me into doing it are you happy now I'm gonna Loop just swoop but this one's good I like Lupine and I like d swooping so a quick pull for the viewers do you prefer looping or D swooping let me know in the comments section the real challenge here is just don't fall off the floating water stream we're getting real narrow here what's best time one minute 30. that's uh the rookie numbers all right let's do a loop you guys remember when Tony Hawk was trying to do the loop pretty sure you got hurt multiple times look at this with time to spare cough it up all right green galaxies are cleared we're almost there I have one more Luma to feed one more star to get then we're going for the 200 completion eat up fella all right time to catch some bunnies of course they had to give us like an annoying star for the last one you guys go oh they're hiding that's right hang on we gotta find them we gotta catch them that's one Luigi's Aura should just melt all the snow that's two where's that last one don't do this to me there you are come on come on oh you're trapped I did it I got all 120 Stars twice which means we have to go to the final Galaxy now again and man that's right again I haven't done this in 15 years I don't remember what the final Galaxy is like it's been so long I sometimes can't even believe that this game came out that long this aged so well okay last one get out of here oh yeah we know the whole song and dance we don't need to see this again all right it's time oh that's right it's just a it's a purple coin stage hello everyone remember me I like the Toads that have Spears and shields just you know they'll stab a dude when do we start the series uh it's been like well over a year in the making look everyone's here you got giant penguin you got robot guy Oh Captain Toad's here Mr Luigi you gotta hear this we did such a good job they're promoting us to Royal Guards foreign gets the Victory lap because he's had to wait longer oh hang on we got a letter a very special letter has arrived for you I'll read it aloud okay all right everyone listen up we'd like to send you a Galaxy size thanks for saving all the power stars and playing to the very end until next time the Super Mario galaxies hey wait a second I wait it took a picture for me I didn't even take that all right here we go the final star just like that the 200 run is complete oh just kidding uh Luigi doesn't get the last word we gotta do it with Mario too yeah sorry about that Luigi it's actually uh 242 stars and not 241. man this is gonna be one long ass super cut so if that's what you're watching right now and you've gotten to this point thank you very much because I've said it plenty of times Mario Galaxy is easily a top five game for me so it just it feels nice 15 years later to go back and finally beat the game in and out all over again because I remember it the first time I did it all right maybe I'll do it in 15 more years well I'm an old ass man all right I will take the picture he's like smile and just like that the 200 run is over and look now Yoshi's all sparkly Sparkle Sparkle we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 210,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choctopus, choctopus mario galaxy, super mario galaxy full game, super mario galaxy all bosses, super mario galaxy all stars, super mario galaxy all power ups, super mario galaxy speedrun, super mario galaxy choctopus, super mario galaxy 242 stars speedrun, super mario galaxy 242 stars, super mario galaxy 100 percent, super mario galaxy 100 speedrun, mario galaxy 242 stars, mario galaxy 242 speedrun, mario galaxy, mario galaxy 200 percent, super mario galaxy supercut
Id: xaFgMy30Ulo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 31sec (7711 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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