Gamer Girl Adventure 2 Battle

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"We don't really think anyway it's kind of part of our charm, I think"


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shadow0wolf0 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Am I the only one bothered by the nail polish in the thumbnail being chipped? No? Just me? :-(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
I'm just gonna hop in there we're just gonna hop in this [ __ ] so we're here yeah in Oklahoma yeah I mean I've been here I know you're not okay my name is Keeley I'm Ellie and we're playing Sonic today if you didn't know yeah if you didn't tell on the way turning the long-awaited interest yeah I feel like people thought we were gonna interact and like in a way that was like like you know that what JoJo's Bizarre Adventure me much for they're walking at each other really threatening Lee isn't really threatening auras no but I can understand okay yeah I feel people thought we are gonna like have beef or something I why do you think that I don't know really were your friends on Twitter instantly and silly I don't know maybe yeah but did people think that we're gonna be mean I don't know I think some people kind of thought me would cause like I don't know because you're better than me no cuz you're better than me but I made about who's best girl and stuff like that and I think that's kind of where I got the idea from it's like I think we're gonna be competitive cause like honestly I don't have the energy know who has this I this is the best part no this part makes me so busy so what what I'm mad about is that I'm trying to like no we need to like get back the new screen you see but I don't know how to use their steam wait why do we need to go back because I want a place did he escape but this file started somewhere in the middle cuz I'm stupid really yeah so we can go all the way back I start again I don't know okay Ellie who says that we don't know anything about anything nobody says nope do you want a blank key though I'm good so right now me and Rio is not working no mister heat came today mister he came today and then he said oh really the other mister heat yeah he came as though to do it yourself by give a tissue no do you please don't blow your nose with my dress okay so we're going a new file this time to my thigh chose last time are we taking shots so right now we have a whole bottle of tequila oh [ __ ] I swear on this channel yeah cool so we have a whole bottle of vodka [ __ ] yeah and Ellie is already being really chaotic whether she's staring at it kinda longingly it's kind of making me a little nervous I just sniffed them like these no well I tried to sniff this but my face was over on the other side she hit my sister you blow my nose okay sniffing the vodka so we're still at it Jos sniffy the vodka bottle anyone else at home sniffing vodka along with us friend you grab a tissue I'm gonna watch sonic say [ __ ] the police I just I love this game and I'm gonna keep talking Mia because you left the room yeah we're taking a shot with these little water cups yeah absolutely Red Solo cups I just got hit twice so ble on the mic now Elliot's hacking in the mic anyway well Ellie's got I'm gonna tell you guys this is the best opening for any game ever cuz you know what this whole time he thought science is great hero everyone loves Tim everyone respects him and this game was like he got arrested by the [ __ ] police he's in an airplane and he's like nah I'm out and then honestly do want my city escape go Ellie go so Ellie is your is lurking around it free turn shut up control okay so to use the six of them as our tricks yeah important if you press a I think I'll call you mr. piller yeah is every car yeah I mean you could it's not recommended if you want to have a nice 400 alright now you're slowing yourself down Allah I thought we're gonna do a speed run today but it looks like that's not gonna happen or any dude you will not he'd run you're hitting every car on purpose here press a when you go off this orange thing no Ellie you got it no you can't have it only if you press a when you find on the orange thing when the orange thing hits just right oh my god I think you're doing really good I think you should do it what is happening make a u-turn I can't I'm sure it won't go okay this is just like you're driving hyejeong fine make me nervous no I do not I was yelling - hi we were singing we gave you the card immediately Elliot was pathan [ __ ] banana phone and it was like screams her head I wasn't immediately okay okay two minutes he'll be a different song first what song was on first was the first song you played for me sorry I was watching anime don't know I don't know either um you've already had some like margaritas stuff to drink tonight we had we have angry orchard ciders but we had to open them up with fire pliers and I did it really well Hallie you go to them you gotta press P to roll there's no B on others there is it no no no just press P once or is it X on this controller sorry I used the Gamecube controls who knows it why me the controls mapped correctly can he ah'd roll i'll he press all the buttons Ellie's got Ellie oh okay I'm tryna though I don't know it's okay dude I have no idea I do just keep going it says the red buttons Crouch yeah but is it no okay do you know it he's your homing attack this one yep yeah okay oh my this is the worst fear for this song oh sure this was it the first song you played to me in the car today with the city escape yeah yeah we scream along at the top of our lives no he knows all the words that's it tell me they'll set you free follow me set me free trust me sing karaoke hours now I cancel the sonic playthrough we're just doing karaoke that's only City escape for three hours Tyler mr. editor I hope you're ready for this he's not even real he's real oh I'm not talking to Mike shoot oh hey if you guys had not be able to hear Ellie this whole time she's just been talking major [ __ ] she said I'm Ellie said that panic at the disco wasn't that good of a band at least dad that Cash's not that cool and she was talking I didn't say none of that uh-huh okay now you two hold down your role 'button I don't know what the robot knows oh yes you do you know I don't I just okay you know just keep moving it's fine shoot I gotta get my coin maybe their money to raise our children so there may is just like get through the levels and can raise some Chow together to feel like every other Sonic mentor to places like ah we're gonna focus on this story we're gonna focus on the mobile design are we gonna do that no [ __ ] no this is for funsies this is raising baby time yeah we're actually just parents everyone say congratulations whoo broken grudges was it me one half came out of you and the other half came to me and we put them together there's that the butter the head here we go played a game now okay so so how did you do it so many times eirick solo think you did Chris Nicks I think you're only lying and fibbing than you right now I say fibbing for our British viewers out there I know you guys don't you guys want know you talked said arse arse let me out of your eyes you got that before no it's this shot on Twitter today send me your art it's like it was like British em f's to really be saying show me your arse they really do Oh God I just talk about British people I ran into a wall okay there's this one band listen tonight think they're British but they say the words something like something I'm sick you guys like is there something that I may say only a really deep song yeah looking really beautiful but he just every time he says something I liked it leave song oh I just ran over that checkpoint we are not coming back things don't have a vet your point to that all the way back over there yes awesome high IQ plays honestly we got a fuse better for the run better run goodies you running ah you get to run more if you hit Leicester whoa here angles I thought that was kind of cool I think they were - I don't do with that do I have any sense of rhythm no do it again oh [ __ ] no if I can actually I think I didn't get to quit the play fair now it's a one-time thing I'm just gonna go dude I got to decided Ellie go Ellie go hey my truck yeah okay chug your cider and then you're gonna go off hold really good anymore we're gonna get this next checkpoint okay yeah I always thought we didn't need it but apparently we really do oh [ __ ] we need this mmm platforming is hard yeah that's look yeah gotta go yeah nice it's in the bottom right corner we did get one thank you boy yeah the amount of stinky boys you have will appear in the corner are you really ready okay that was really smooth yeah yeah I need your do we get down here I need you to touch we run through the checkpoint I need you to make physical contact let's check them a try I want you to raise kids with the checkpoint when you get really close [Music] don't whispers it'll wait oh why can't I whisper that I was not allowed and even we'll get too excited yeah I know what you guys have penny tingles on your neck boy whatever it's not people who like ASMR is that what they get I think they get like tingly is it like I have no it's like oh okay epic plays by Ellie I missed it though I got no you did great keep going no it's gotta go up I just really wanted oh it won't Robbie I think maybe God said no God said we can't hit this checkpoint you guys need to keep run I said yes we can oh let's go okay okay okay okay okay there he goes I like Oh sonic kind of Naruto runs also oh you ever think about that no but I do now all the time yeah thank you baby oh good camera angles so here we go okay you know is my in the air so look at them you just say go for we shoot one day for sex remember we're on a roll just just walk into it yes no dude I'm Larry right there yeah now we go to the chow garden no you gotta get the key le the angles dude it's the angles fault the angles fault not it's never the angles fault always the player now I have to do is just pattern hill up there okay the grain great slime the grime he just saved yeah that's me le I'm Mike that's true I'll a be speaking I'm also on the mic today you are on the mic Keely on the mic who let that happen I'm gonna ride this rail dude okay so no le is being on the mic and people know me as being a sonic fan online so really nothing could ever go wrong to it sonic online speaking of life Ely online I follow the funk the headshot Twitter and they posted this really cute video it was like your animation for something okay so you ever roll again yeah you got the run towards it okay oh no no holy [ __ ] you just scared that truck away that Trevor wanted to [ __ ] with you and you know my god okay okay okay let me show you how it's done hopefully all you guys you gotta hold in this direction and you just keep running I did and I need to talk to you Thomas the ear I'm gonna sip my cider and we're good oh god oh god oh [ __ ] okay I go so this is the thing that's introduced in Sonic Adventure 1 where they're like we should have sonic running from something in but you're 1 it was like us having run from a whale because we really like water the game is all about water the enemy was water Sonic's afraid of water there's big the cat over there from Sonic but you're 1 speaking of which yeah but yeah it was really sick the worst games like water this game is like I don't really know who wants to be here I think the main whatever to get as the main plot hole here is yeah yeah that's not a plot hole it's a squat device plot the motif if you will I don't know rings 10 420 achievement in locks hello world that's right we be one one level are we freaking computer sciences now computer to say hello world what we're doing shots yeah okay now you get you pour the shot I'm gonna get some chow we eat you to name one alright you don't me this for yours I'm gonna shake it gently are you afford against the wall I knew that you're that kind of chaotic person okay ready I thought everyone should be born just throw throw like just launch yourself against the wall I want to see his face it's not it's not mine ah yeah yeah I think it's the wall for you thank you um can I name him I I don't need a lot of name right now but jiggle okay you guys legs got those feet though I'm trying to show the camera the game was running away oh look at him look my little boy my son are you proud of what you've created you didn't God ever looks down in it what he's sad Sonic a nice baby I mean if you want it to be here is anger can I had a kid and his name is what's his name I don't know what what are your names if you and Sonic had a kid I'm gonna name um mistake my gently gonna name him Shh my baby see boy okay he's like make it out of it was it's called love I'm sorry I understand some babies are born for your thunder probably the age of 20 yeah well this guns like what the [ __ ] is going on here no no show me my son I want to see my little boy mine has more why do I need Ellie I don't know I going back to your house am I probably not go back to Jacobs collage aquila vodka vodka vodka we could've been tequila into Kelly but instead vodka I don't know I'm scared I'm really scared got this belly poured like doesn't make any better Ellie for me a crap ton of vodka right now yeah three ah I got scared Elias chugged it you didn't even flinch Ellie's like Ellie was staring God in the face looking straight up not giving a single [ __ ] uh okay now you give a [ __ ] I your dope I just grab hold my nose yeah I don't know what to do with myself okay you can raise the children I'm gonna sit here and think about drinking this vodka you're gonna do it I'm gonna do it he's got the breathe heavily first this is yours or mine that's mine you can tell he does have a creepy smile what here's got the creepy smile as you throw him into a wall right he's born angry where'd she get where'd he go oh no I look for him he's your son aren't you keeping track of him I'm a bad parent yeah oh is this mine yeah please don't attack here I go look at him can I pick him up press X oh my gosh we press Y to change that the command when they sleep you can press excellent yeah there we go I love the creepy smile okay well I'm glad someone like them don't I like him I like mine more let me go as any good parent would so usually take your child is how kindergartens in English but since we're doing the story mode right now please just do the story mode right now suffice to delay the garden and bring a snake oh I'm sorry we pet you behind this plant that's what's going on back here true story mode right now if you leave the garden it'll like bring you to the next level look at my son my son isn't he neat wouldn't you think my collections complete I borne him through hey give us some power give me somehow those ghost things so slow ting thingies you walk no you walk towards him and he'll go speak it now he's getting better at flying before long yellow or green I want mine to have the yellow ones okay give baby the snack I always want to eat those when I was a kid what are you glowsticks you explains a lot absolutely yeah and then like they would burn on my tongue my mom's like stop and he's kept going we was fourth of July at a party somehow with six so he said I used to eat them I feel it's happened multiple times yeah twice okay so fourth of July and fourth of July again yeah you've got a whole year old but a whole year older wiser you learned that think I was like six is seven so yeah I guess so for this guy what you don't want to do is just run straight at him he's gonna shoot you he's gonna shoot you with a gun Ellie you can't see me I'm hiding stealth game look I'm hiding all right shoot him well easy jump up there I'm getting but you can't read you can't do it right now you need to step on top of a pond or we can wait for no landing I didn't hit him right in the cockpit I see that he hit me nope okay let me show you how it's done I don't know what's happening yeah it's okay you take your shot I still would take in mind it's sitting here in my lap and I'm staring at it like do it kind of nervously and I just don't know if I'm strong enough for this like on a personal level you aim for the cockpit that's just a weak spot here you go cockpit hey [ __ ] you what I get hit first of all is your cockpit that got hit it's not much I please have a race hurting planet of the what is that huh she's playing it of the what in the background I don't know oh really the sir I'm your fancy star online and there's one for planet of the Chou's sorry chaos ciao chaos I don't know which one it's supposed to keep oh I don't I'm gonna keep hitting it like this I can't read because I don't move my glasses and I also can't really cuz I'm stupid I guess there's a lot going against you right now so don't worry I'll definitely world is against me I'm just a kid and half life is a nightmare whoa what is that I think it's unfair did you ever watch Malcolm in the Middle um I don't know I feel like I somehow missed out on that like I miss that a lot of those TV shows I should have liked and it should have been good it's a funny show it's a good it's a good it's a good I'll consider watching them out okay that's good all right so you ready for a good Hayley cool cut you get a hims face I think he looks a lot he looks a lot better in this game they needed an adventure once shadow know what Sonic say that to me right now Ellie and not yes it's like one of those dubs really like just kind of like improvise the entire game no it's just like that one little clip where he's like uh takes a kiss I run they lifts it up he's like you know what I loved her oh [ __ ] oh he's rotting working the Chaos Emeralds aren't just returning yourself yellow the world's ultimate life-form yeah he's the ultimate life aren't you told us he's really edgy and also he's fast do you know I used to have a hedgehog name her name her name was freckles Oh what happened to her she died oh I mean like was she old yeah what's her name Baton Rouge miss Rouge oh yeah rash this is ridges first canonical if you wanted to make her their knuckles knuckles look at him he's angry well yeah she came to his house it was like I'm taking this giant ass emerald she didn't bring no macaroni and cheese chick neck she's he's Angela where's my mecha chase where's my extra noodles ooh but all this during all the chaos egg man's like I'm just gonna swoop in oh that's me [ __ ] did you see I was dr. Eggman for how for my friends Halloween in April party have you seen wait that's a big sentence Halloween in April party oh we have a Halloween party in April kind of cute every year we have so we have two Halloweens oh yes we dressed I would never call unconscious I was dr. Eggman you have a good mustache and everything oh dude it's on my Twitter bro I never saw this at all look at her I usually yeah yeah she's like you stupid enchilada enchilada you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] I was gonna steal his Dimond and look put it in my house but not egg Mia's gonna put it in his house he said and he's mocking them as he drives by they just don't even care they're just like see you later well like she can fly and go get it look what's stopping her yeah what is she doing just heels on yeah cuz she's a bad [ __ ] sure she's got bigger boobs than I do they're bigger than both of our faces combined I think I have a big face I don't think I have a big face my feel he doesn't sing you either that I do no you don't have a big face but I how many faces is it take to make one Rouge boob can someone crunch the numbers I'm just cure a oh my buy one of the one of the dimensions of a Rouge boob I'm sure someone out there has done what why I forget to be freaking flies don't fly my tummy okay so it's not here where the [ __ ] is it is it up here and they already checked up here I'm already going oh you did okay so it's right there dead-ass it's right there oh god is every time I say dead ass it's like followed by an Gaea reasons like exactly explain it they're connected in my mind Oh on God and dead ass or like same thing here I get this key so knuckle and go eh oh this one knuckle you can go see our Chou friends as well we can bring them some snacks yeah smacking you mix smack your tunes and some animals to eat you're not eating ham how do you know what is this a vegan household now we said tacos like 10 minutes ago yeah I did some make chicken in my taco I'm gonna make about it but everything's Mick if you try hard enough like oh I'll try make freaking watching you play this Mick freaking game I'm Nick frickin out of my eyes oh my you just fast nobody go grab that whole roll of toilet paper okay for my nose I wasn't a question of a yeah yeah some endless love and support thank you whoa and that was an easy deal so I'm really bad at treasure hunting levels I was gonna have Ellie do all of these but since I'm such a really nice friend I figured I'd at least do the first one but I get the dragon yeah I'm talking about Ellie just came back in it's had the biggest booger in the world it's a huge buggy wait I can't spot you from this side cuz I like me I like to have good posture if the game wants me to do something about how long really it's like not okay there we go now it's let it hold an action button to use I need all the blame geez it's not even that it's pretty Oklahoma Manor and yes this shit's cold she killed the help so you could never survive in Colorado then we can never be Colorado friends know why because I'm cold and cold lady and you were born in not Obama Wyoming Illinois I know I heard why oh man no you definitely said Illinois Mike I was just like that places so this is Wyoming I mean I lived there for six years then I moved here when I was six but I started litter too long it's anyway I feel like people does like move to Oklahoma like this is such a weird like career choice you know what a weird place people actually live Florida mm-hmm like Maryland wait no what's that state I don't I don't know are you know a tittles the state's Peter Cook I used to go google lists of state snaps elimination okay United States map state map United not say map Maps thank you I think it's weird that people live anywhere that's like a swamp where New Orleans Oh guys okay it's right here I do not know anybody from North or South Carolina I have a lot of old buddy oh there it is their dessert dessert is oh my god please knuckles there we go look Elian smart and you're very smart he's so proud of me no I do not know anybody from there you're not talking to the microphone I don't know anybody from there or okay even lives in Montana raise your hand if you swim in on Montana yeah if you're into Montana call me right now and say I'm alive I live in Montana and I'm alive because I don't believe you exist I don't um do you know anyone from Alaska no but I know my friend that visits there like every year dude we got a bunch of little kids I get the dragon for mine I want the little RAM I want the rail okay wait wait Sun mine hands up yes yeah wait he treats me to give me the dragon by not his mouth Oh mad at you look ego Oh take it off no you get poison my child that's ugly bird okay put the RAM Oh mother kitty okay look at I think they're really missing out I'm like you know they gotta get mobile game out of this so easily and I would eat that [ __ ] up oh he's my child is perfect where is my baby boy he's fine this is fine I'm a good parent I was a to my as often for two seconds it's okay so he gets a kitty what does that do to him get some running power and then he's also gonna get some vulture [ __ ] oh just eat him no he copies them look at him it's just nothing less me I love that they just slide like that that is the cutest I could eventually they get older and learn how to walk no never get older I'll never grow up never grow up here's to never growing old what nothing Plus oh yeah eat that papaya snack big snack for my snack okay here he goes oh you didn't change it all but he's about freshest hell but he has no running skills he lost his running skills your child would lose in a fight to my chow my chair would beat you in a fight my showers until your child is lunch money and I don't want to hear anything else about it my Chow would literally step on your chest I'm gonna fight you at the bake sale and snatch the brownies you brought like if it was Black Friday uh-huh my chow would beat the heck out of your Chow is this a parent-teacher conferences my child would [ __ ] you tattle in front of your child's parents which is you and I'd say tape it up too and I'd say yeah my child's awesome and is the class clown okay I think okay if you had to be like a soccer mom mode your soccer mom like identity me because I think I would I'd be either Karen or Susan personally I don't have the really short haircut I'd ever read Honda Odyssey minivan I thought about this a lot what about doesn't make 2008 my name would be Carol that's a really Carol is kind of a [ __ ] name your mom's name is Carol yeah and I wore I don't know wear the sunglasses even indoors okay they're really thick ones yeah a dye one no like this thickens and then like my hair is blonde and brown and red oh and it's short and spiky Oh in my throat taco oh we're gonna blow my nose again you got vomit in your nose no but I dr. Eggman yeah you ready for this [ __ ] [ __ ] dead aim is as good as dad already [ __ ] this guy he's know how to fight neither you see in this week I want to like get in a fight I think Carol could be a man in a fight dude Carol's the I can't swear but she's the Bob you can't swear I don't I can only things like low-poly birds dude take your shot okay you played a game that okay you pick some responsibility for your choices your choices are giving me the shot I spilled a shot of myself I just spilled the shot on my cellphone Zera yeah baby well tails you did it is it cheese in this game are like cheese is is a sonic character yeah Jesus a chow he belongs to the cream who originally appeared in Sonic Advance 2 wait cheese is a chow yes he's creams chow they're cream oh my god creamy cheese get it I forgot cream wasn't it wasn't she didn't appear in 3d games until Sonic hero it's a boy oh she's a girl this was her watching you hear what you said he didn't appear she okay well I mean technically she actually appeared like in Sonic Adventure 1 but she was like I was like a beta character at the time so she even had him up here in the background I'm gonna keep telling you some sonic facts okay to to kill them press X well well play you got facedown target if you hold it down in retarget multiple than when you let it go and let's be whoa yeah cream came out she wasn't sonic heroes who and her whole thing was like her child cheese was there and looking for her other child shkolu they go go save him say think sonic kid guess what he didn't know he didn't he's uh can you know what I don't have another life okay I'm gonna let you just have this I I mean just contemplate my shot at my existence as a whole do it now you poured so much into this Cup I know are you trying to kill me so you can be Beth's girl earlier both best girl and holding happy and sharing that title with you but like but your best girl no your best bro you gotta do it everyone hates me hey Ellie what's that guy on Twitter yeah we posted a picture of to us being together in solidarity for Sonic on Twitter and someone was like what was it for the comedy he said he said not to be mean but Keeley's a little bit cuter than you it's like excuse me or what Ellie's post look who's this that it made me sad we honor it made me really angry cuz like first of all nobody asks you second of all why is that even like so that you would say I know would you walk it to somebody in the grocery store and be like hey no offense but your friends cute it's like what not to be mean but are you gonna be mean I took the same things people like not to be racist but I know they to say something like blatantly horrible and you're like um you're like um okay I guess like yeah like what what is that helping like what what is the purpose people get are like that a lot on Twitter that really feel like overly comfortable like insulting you for no reason like someone has to put in my post because I had a creepy smile and it's like okay that's thanks oh good again it's dead Oh God my face and if we still want to come in there and be like hey great that's that's horrible it's like a little okay sorry what do you want me to do about it like if she's cuter than me okay what do you want me to do about it sure Jacob about the other day - and they're like he looks constipated and it's like what who are you - just like Randall these days and [ __ ] like it's like it's so uncomfortable the purpose we don't know you it's I mean I get it gets fun to comment on things and but it can be good but like yeah I can pause there a sense not to be just like and I just just really I'm really annoying I guess if that makes sense it's like we're all still people either for making stupid videos online right time yeah little feelings and I'm very fragile on my feelings yeah and your feelings your feelings I'm in my feels bro okay drape way I want to kill this guy oh you're gonna hit the child key I got you guys how you know baby now you can go there with tails tails is the best character to child guardian you'd fly around and tails that was one of many main bits of beef with this game was that Hills is like almost always in his math and like you've seen him he can alright this is it a nothing like people want to tails would be like have fun he was and watch your lips huh you watch sometimes you yeah what's your favorite anime please don't say Naruto Naruto I'm kidding I haven't even seen art I mean I've seen like a few episodes don't lie to me now I know you've seen Naruto I like I like desert finger grandpa what is that what is that so I think it's I think it's actually pronounced dank dengan danganronpa danganronpa egg and rock but it's a murder mystery game or something like that stupid very what'd you call it big meat grandpa yeah because like what kind of game is danganronpa right cuz there everyone's like Oh dangit Ron Paul Paul I did a lot too but just totally valid oh god the cider is there an anime awhile back and every was like I think jingle grandpa keepsake dang it grandpa it hit so funny I saw them tweet about it Jacob yeah he tweeted about if you're watching like beard hanging out one morning and he clicked on a two hundred best anime openings video two hundred yeah I was like the video was at almost an hour long and we got like really invested in it for some reason no no you I thought you were just strain yourself he turns out he could jump higher than I thought okay yeah hey god that's hot um but no I stopped I said dangit grandpa when I saw it and add a couple got like overly pissed pretty much or he was just like what why'd you call it that what and then he sucks tweeted that you'd even say Kili just said he said someone said another thing you started a meme no that's like an old I don't know what I mean started to be parrot Bigley means like I was shooting everywhere I think it looks really good at that you're clipping everywhere I like that TIPA where you are I'm gotcha for you but I got to take a bite did you do a shot no I was gonna say so big in my shop I'm not gonna move until you take it Ellie this is I'm not gonna move it's extortion I'm gonna just do half okay you got it chase it with your cider like don't even breathe where were you in college where were you when I needed you hell no dude I can just was like can you plug your nose like with your nose like can you go tonight like yeah can you just like stop the nose from reeling and wreathing I plug my nose with the O's you just go I don't think I don't think on my face the way that you do yeah because my face is for that oh my god so yourself at one time I'm actually gonna jump across couch and beat the cool I like almost not gonna make a photo burn rage okay I'm gonna do it all right she got it all right all right all right all right all right okay you know everybody carry down yeah okay three two one go yeah she did it she is so funny hey there's another meta me there is it an enemy I'm shooting everywhere another give this child no oh my child he's your friends but he's not really so I want you to turn the turn around and go to the very edge of this platform no no you guys stay on the path we take a couple small steps and turn around like so look at us and then it tries to be a bunch I mean X whatever the pressure you can see it from there right before anything the other platform here so go to the other one and you should be able to need me to see it from there there it is bouncing the corner see it got turned towards it there you go in there you go so I was thinking the wrong platform my flame on the shot that I just took yeah that was cute gooo we're gonna get all these stuffs I can like feel it like yeah burning yeah I also kind of laughed after I did it and so now it's like laughing gas dead-ass in my nose no wait are you say it I got I was prompting like please Ellie oh I thought here Oh again yeah that's so gross oh it's like knifes knock the mic over I'm sorry to our editor who has to listen to her when it yeah you to finish my shot at Fisher I drink half of it oh do there's so much less light no could you bored me like four shots those maybe like two actually Ellie if you lie to me I mean this is just a music episode is this just me this is a musical such as Keeley and Ellie the musical I thought I was leave I'm Ellie adventure to the way home the musical contextualize at night night take it out the trash look at making your guy strong you're making my yam I'll get buff eventually Haley I see Haley out there she's one of our merch people she's hot I love her I belong here I don't say hi to Haley you got you feed your own baby wait I'm not responsible enough you know the job wait I don't have enough hands um and they're making out in the hallway not really wait this is my I'm in here alone this is mine hey guys ask me some questions [Music] wait where's Keeley's is this one hers I'm gonna throw it against the wall watch it's drowning - cutely Indrani gayly can you hear them talking okay I'll save him now cuz he there we go hey Kili I took really good care of your child yeah yeah really good care of him look I'm making him love me look it's big heart growing what good oh so let's see how he's like getting more and more like pale and getting the I start turning blue instead of yellow yeah I'm jumping into the hero child which eventually after like enough hours of gameplay they kind of like evolve it's like stronger ciao so they can fly you can still fly when they're like this - they said they'd get a high enough flight dude that's blue I know looking at so the more you pat him with a hero character like sonic yes the tails is good you know who's not good white man so hey I'm an egg man instead he'll start turning darker and how like a red heart or like an orange II heart oh and become a good dark child oh yeah - you've all lemons lucky they're here or ductile you unlock two more Chao Gardens for all your friends you have so many friends actually if we save up like enough money you can buy some more eggs and increase our collection how do I pick another game get over here you don't want to be hectic Hey picked up but what I say spoonerism I say when I walked in here I don't know what what did you remember I said I took such good care of your child oh brain breezes OSF rain breezes yeah so we're talking about how you're having to give them frozen margaritas and we just drank them really fast it was we were drinking like four sips and then while you're petting both of them this is like new tech this is like natural my layers are quaking right now people wish they could people wish they were like you they can never you could never bury oh so what's your child's name he finished the shot yet no shot shot shot so if you had to give your tower name what would it be if you look at him right now and he was this unfortunate looking I do like him I just giving you [ __ ] they're like mine better he's got kitty ears and a vulture let's go that's what I am - I eat trash and I'm a cat that's just a raccoon I'm thinking about a raccoon I trash I like trash you know hope I'm thinking he kind of looks like whole green [Music] you got talking to the by Kelly what my gosh they're gonna be levels like this look and I see details do you have so much fun are we naming types of bread I don't know mine's biscuit that's cute I'm his fan I would die for biscuit not to be dramatic - ow and Ellie the mommy Cole green color Ellie wheat whole wheat whole grain but you know your Carroll girls no I don't care oh you're [ __ ] care I don't want to be you I mean I might Mike wait am i Karen or Susan like if you had to give me a name if you saw me at the grocery store in 20 years and I had a shitty haircut what do you think my name would be Stephanie oh we know Stephanie your voice down fun fact I used to voice act I used to voice act on Newgrounds for like various sonic animations as Amy new comer new grounds of like the flash website people animations and games but when I was like 10 my voice is like as annoying as it is now even more high-pitched so I was like voice act for they're like animations of things and be super irritating I was also like I don't know isn't my thing like way back in the day I feel like you're killing my brain cells just like me I like held the brain cells and she's broke the fight no no you mean our brain cells oh you let you borrow the brain cells for today mom said it's my turn to borrow the brain so do I had the brain cell currently yeah cos you have the controller okay so this is the sickest level in the game but how that works though done the cut the custody of the controller cuz the break so it's kind of a talking stick I kind of have to pee already oh my god okay but like yeah you know is how in therapy stuff you have to have like a talking stick and it's like I have the floor yeah and you don't have to stick that you can't talk yeah yeah we should do that okay I can't speak just kidding it's words like you can't think which we don't really think anyway is kind of part of our charm I think it's true so I just kind of let it out no go you like you just kind of let it all out yep yep you always are just saying [ __ ] like I just don't even think whoa yeah I can just do that out that's give me the whole line of rings he's like imma glide along you never try to blow you up what are like why are they worth at what is the purpose of the airplanes the airplane wait no is a peacock honestly journeyers lurking around every no this is the wrong level for that don't care what you say I'm gonna sing it anyway we should play Sonic Adventure I don't know what rhymes with advance I want you to recap the plot of this game for me so far I want you to tell me why is sonic on the run from the police so Sonic is on the run from the police because they say because he discovered a gym it's funny that stuck okay yeah and he collects babies and so they said do not collect babies we will take you to the police station and cuff you and so he's been running away because him be collecting all these babies he's like a little animal babies - yeah and he keeps him in his garden and then his children eat them they eat the babies they eat them he eats the they eat the babies [ __ ] this is slander and I can't quite tell you like how its libel the babies Sonic's children the Chou's yeah eat the babies animals yeah nothing legal and it's illegal well he's just us oh my god he's just a skater bro I tried to let his babies he's just kind of his family he's just trying to feed if we're good did you get it yeah nice he does the sick pose but but that's what a fire that's what real father looks like yeah if your dad doesn't look like this he'll let you down he's not a real thing congratulations if you didn't have daddy issues before this video you do now congratulations Ellie yeah they see a personal question sure will you be my dad no but I'll be your daddy can I call her daddy is my favorite cut see to the whole game shoes so first you're Sonic I'm shadow okay you read the line tongue again of all places I found you faker faker I think you're the big hedgehog around here you're comparing yourself to me ha way ahead you're not even good enough to be my fake Oh make you eat those words just like my children eat everything yeah my children get it from me also I'm a shadow and I have rollerblades this game is fun because you just stand up there yeah what LeBron just I'm just so pretty much I just spam the a button till he dies but sometimes he'll just like throw himself off the edge we don't have to do anything thanks God my god I need to go home now my mom's calling is she really no look at this this is ice I'm chef no and you Sonic are you snapchatting alright take a picture okay what are you doing for this what do you do with that leg but did not want to take that picture no anyway look at check this out shadows gonna blow up the island uh-huh and Sonic's gonna be there I was gonna tweet this my face is covered oh yeah the pewter hiding behind the microphone oh my god Mike Ellie behind him Mike bellusci do behind the mike what will she do nothing wait okay so try to take it again but this time don't hide behind your microphone well I can't take it yes you can I didn't you to take it why do i why I might even good at photos oh let me see my face well he's my phone instead yeah actually let me give me a good controller okay you want to use a controller oh [ __ ] oh god Ellie I'm the Mike you know it's Ellie under Mike yeah I'm also playing the game now okay Ellie under controller what will she do oh yeah I did it okay I'm also gonna hide behind the mic so we're in solidarity all right oh [ __ ] he's like spilled margarita all over myself actually let me alive and dangerous being alive with a mistake so I think it's also important if Jo and mr. rat himself or soccer moms like what do you think their names would be and like both their brands be Joe who think Joe would show up 20 minutes late to places with Starbucks and the owner tops yeah 30 minutes and he only shops at either Target or like Macy's Macy and he was like I think you're just like my tweet you yeah because of you oh no why would he do that who is Jacob whom I don't know him dude I just killed myself okay I think Joe would be like a Christy Oh Ellie wait go back I start I start and then go one player play no way do we start no no no you got a story and then you go to hero and then I'll briefly recap we're like I'm Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog Ellie I Skippy we're trying to learn the lore you know that's what we do enough around Plus apparently apparently Ellie on to Mike Wow can you see yourself the melon well I mean you're like hiding it's really funny I mean I look like I'm eating what's up my mum - oh I don't know how to take a photo with you you're like you hide behind that you throw in one of those throwing up a piece but you're playing the game right now just so you know I put it on God I think I think being around you is kind of like bumping you on crack is probably like I think I've never done crack you need there but I'm on crack fungi for it wait what do you say what yeah look at you with the tech um look at my and the whole melee community right now with quaking yes they had way you may know that I beat Jones they're like alright I beat you too and nobody believes you they believe it you did but I don't believe that I should but his mind's on video that's fair right here in this very office I beat him Oh after I think was after a sonic forces played through which by the way I was like I was on like two hours of sleep and Jacob refused to let me have coffee before him as you think he thought it'd be too much but joke's on ham today had three cups of coffee oh my gosh I'm gonna had a nap and absolutely bad I watched like 30 episode why I watch like 30 episodes of gravity falls and ah oh my god I'm too good at this game hi Don shout-out to you for listening you're a cool friend and I like oh well I'm here come on - shout - Ellie yeah my friend we went rock climbing earlier today and I hit my knee really hard on a wall that's okay and he broke the rules you should try to belay each other if I got trouble twice yeah and he was accuser - I think he was like the cool employees I'm not gonna bust you for this yeah he's like what is he gonna do kick us out yeah you literally paid money to be but oh my god wait dude jobox your jeans you just died okay nope I'm living yours really sorry Ellie we're living money take this wait no no no hand this thing I'm very serious I'm sweating nervously right now for you now we did some rock climbing a lot of yelling we had some bouldering we screamed we screamed we should and it was a great time yeah and we enjoyed our songs and my brother Josh was there yeah and Josh josh is just LA but he has Pidgeotto hair that's true I missed a box Thank You Ellie under box not on the box where will she go you almost had a clutch moment Oh an epic gaming moments oh man wrong I'm so mad think you can do it this time not you know a box there maybe you won't miss it German beer we just talked about how pretty this level is it's it makes you want to go hang on a rainbow - let her tell oh yes you are alive you're right you're right so like dude I'm so sorry for screaming I literally cannot help but I cannot I cannot even even help it ring ring ring ring ring ring ring that phone it's Noble Oh phony it ain't no phony my cellular man annular phone I will call you daddy nice nice don't need quarters don't need I Ellie knows every word - banana phone don't need computers or teeth we can call a friend of mine alcohol's your beat sucks I'll call my cat call the White House have a chat I'll place a call around the world operator give me Beijing I'm just watching in amazement yeah yeah who is it I don't know actually we're still here about as it's an hour in calling the recording me honestly how long is this video gonna be dude are we gonna are you to play the whole game today are we gonna believe this just not a real story I need you to do that though okay alright really need you to do okay well see ya oh look there's a timer in the corner okay the islands gonna blow up if we don't we really yeah oh so why did you let me take a selfie of us are we doing we're gonna unlock my phone so you can for it sure yeah well you already took the subway took the selfie what you want to do with that I was gonna tweet it okay yeah hassle word I think I'm telling everyone it's three to eight - I have no shame what do you guys know do half of my phone I'd love to see you try I'm also going to need a password after this video though so yeah change it like every week we look how much fun I'm having on my windows I feel great now here you want to post it from like the Alpha icon Weston just text it to yourself we'll do that push it in Alpharetta Twitter the Alpha rad platform for so you guys actually call people plessis or do they call themselves that and is it a coincidence that kind of sounds like [ __ ] no it's not a coincidence I mean wait yes it is well so weird who started it I'm said plessis first you didn't blame Joe it's fine I don't know it was literally Oh sick I missed it because I'm trying to do your phone are you trying to do my phone he's not hard it's hard we almost have 300 rings I didn't even buy a cow egg with that we can increase our family and also the work emblems you get like these the better now you can get it and the better snacks you can buy for them snacks that's they called me back in high school looking like a [ __ ] snitch and well yeah I feel like I kind of start talking like jenna Marbles everyone's new oh really yeah every once in a while is having a moment where I'm like I should say something like Jenna and then it just kind of happened oh wow I just hit my baby I'm so sorry okay he's fine he's fine see nobody cause a scene everything's okay so I picked this guy up and he's gonna get a bunny I feel it at my feet again what do you feel on your feet um you're scared alcohol my blood look at him obviously I even cuter in your whole life yeah my kid no I think not but mine gets the power-ups as soon as you get the power-ups last time do you want the seal for yours what does that mean a seal see you like oh I want you look at him I want you look into his eyes okay I'm gonna try to like him fly away I'm gliding bro I'm just well I'm just I'm just I'm just gliding I'm trying to look how cute yeah they're trying to show you but the games like what if you want to show your friend I'll keep the seal wasn't what I say I just wanted to but God said would you ever not yeah he'd be mine [Applause] because I hate get the RAM back get the RAM back go find snow ramp once you use an animal ones they forget hey this Chow said no trans rights and I love that get me Ram I want Ram ears well if you can go find yourself a ram you can do it but I don't have anymore Rams for you lamb stellar or higher your strongest lamb can eat eat know what also hey Tyler how you doing hey Tyler hope you're having fun watching this buddy you're the only one who's going to the only one that's gonna watch this video yeah we also know not no one else is I think people are even behind watching the video let me listen listen to this like while they do their homework or it's like a podcast yeah because it's kind of half the appeal of the Plessy game I mean this is just like we're not good at games no one on this channel I'm good Ellie I want you to be honest look me in the eye I didn't blow that up you did wait no I'm shadow your Sonic I forgot no I'm Sonic yeah oh shoot I'm not k'nuckles but how is you there's no time he's ready to find the master in my emerald the master and the Master Emerald I can fly why do you sound like Snape rain I don't shovel claw okay I don't know so okay so we decided what was Jo soccer mom named Christie Christie yet yeah and Jacob is I think he actually might just be harfa Martha that's someone's grandma if someone's rich grandma we're like 20 dollar words for Helen Helen threw down at the bake sale hell of a [ __ ] went to the bake sale and freaked the [ __ ] out on the other one big scissors sick my mom avoided them she felt like everyone was gonna be mean to her there because she's bad at baking well I mean that's funny I don't know I never actually went to those but I don't know we had a lot of really annoying parents our elementary school so I really don't remember such every punch up oh you can dig for a minute my coins so Ellie right now you're at pumpkin Hill dude it's pumpkin hill this pumpkin hits the hole meme it's a meme with a guy dancing but pumpkin hell what do you mean what I want you to explain I mean what do I mean you see I out that had the pumpkin for a head how am i drilling is it X you say you when you jump up in the air and you press X he'll dig into the ground like that good level you'll just punch o on the wall and if I said doing that still it really hurts my head Oh skeleton dog okay I'm feeding that to your child okay I think it just takes away some of their features I can think he like neutralizes a higher than my warlock feed that to your child thank you so much he needs his rabbit ears to survive these Rockets all the pig between different mountains and right now you're looking for three pieces of the master emeralds Master Emerald why do you why are you going there ya know Jake I agree poor Helen okay then what I don't know I feel like much hey also like is honest phone the whole time as kid is like playing baseball right right like I mean soccer I mean like even what kind of sport would Jacobs soccer bomb kids if it wouldn't play soccer I think I'd play this game and let us make me so dizzy are you drunk I'm serious you got are you gone I'm gone look well I'm were you going where you gone oh you got one when you fall asleep where do we go okay Billy eyelash eye color that what everyone see and I braised I got the eyelash via a mesh so you're Snape sent me your Slytherin it means I'm the best ever what are you talking about and note that I'm like the best person cool for near person ever everyone agree in the comments or else he'll perish well if I'm the best person ever you're up there oh I'm kidding you're the best person ever Wow that's it I'm not gonna side with me for sure you have like what what do I just die no you have a my future job already oh yeah so Ellie's begin to nursing school hopefully Ellie's gonna Ali will be in nursing school hopefully it's gonna be sick meal it is [ __ ] nurse Ellie that's very nurse early on the mike where's Ellie on to Mike you think he'll still wanted to youtube stuff like my girl I don't know I mean yeah cuz like hasn't nurse like you typically work like three days a week right like for the most part and so like I don't know I thought I don't do [ __ ] like most of my week and everyone so I'll go and like save like a life or two maybe oh you got to be like you know not humble or anything but yeah you see it anywhere the games like it's right here is it buried using Ellie okay just do okay I'm about to read some of these comments what a comment say well you should do an AMA thing on Twitter right now tell him to ask us something um his feeling asked me and Keely stuff question will answer these people's stuff your questions it's like the my brother my brother me podcast but we're not quite as funny okay so it says under a chimney but the dig right here oh I mean yeah continue to be stuff as long as they'll let me be on this channel but I also like I want to build my piece see you soon oh yeah how you start streaming and stuff - yeah I wanted to start streaming well I would totally watch irradiance like I make videos maybe occasionally but just like not super serious but like so I want to do that and so like if you you know like I'll do that on the side or whatever I'm not for funny yeah do you feel like the Mena's lug of ever see Ellie gave me in the holes five hours I've known her no way no way no way and get alive it outta here Rio is in here let's see there's already 35 replies a Twitter this 1090 people want to know how's life in Spain look 2020 where five minutes pumpkin Hill and get all the rings but that's okay nobody has good questions in here what are you asking I'm funny good one hot ass sonic character rogue right ruch are you talking about room to shoot Tom Bell Rouge that I said rogue yeah like rogue one Coke or Pepsi Pepsi coke I'm big Pepsi girl he's thick like he's like slim thick yeah people said I want a slim thick girl she's repeatedly in the cutscenes for this game she really she's always just sitting here like uh what's the best cheese mozzarella mod habanero Jack pepper jack cheese okay okay favorite person on the channel me me do V's though yeah who's asking who wants to know yeah can we see your feet no yeah [Music] what are you going to name your next pet well I named mine wait I named my biscuit yeah and mine was a whole week it is such a did you ever read those books biscuit dog you know cute was he yellow I think he was thought he's yellow no spot was head spots he only had one spots he's called spot not spots what else you got it's le actually a bit that Kili is doing I think okay that's something else too wanted to address what is that people frequently think that I'm you people think that you're me I think sometimes like a lot of comments now on ago sonic 3 light it is like is this Ellie or like I get five I'll post something and whoever your pile be like bananas soul but no that's the other one my god that's the other one yeah like I know it's kind of confusing to have two girl on channel of them two of them it's a picture of the Frog and there's two frogs on one leaf yeah and someone said who's the better gamer I don't know you want to play smash bros after this and see what's doing there gotta set up smash bros you'd barely know how to run you said I'm a nursing student any advice Kili oh alright I'm a nursing student exactly well so my advice is for the first two years of college before we get in a nursery school try to get as high of GPA from as you can some nursing programs are like actually often super competitive to get into and like my program required a high GPA a high score my entrance and loser of juvie I think I actually had like a 4.0 GPA World War II in nursing school Russ ensue and then I was I barely did anything honestly food but I don't make sure that you're setting up beside of coping our time every single day to study enjoy your stuff and the main thing for college is literally just show up yeah that's huge for all you younger people out there those you're going to college next semester don't skip don't fall asleep like it's super easy to be like I don't want to go to my 8 a.m. class today my mom can't make me super easy don't do 8:00 a.m. don't you hate a.m. classes ever alive for like the hundred level classes for like your freshmen and sophomore year like you do not need know to be signing up for classes i cyber classes that you'll wake up for but I think a lot of the time too if you fall in the trap of like oh well it's already noon and I don't want to ruin the [ __ ] you might I want to ruin the rest of my day so I'm just not gonna go to class or I'm tired nothing the classes like just show up so your parents aren't there to yell at you doesn't mean you can't like not go to class you know yeah like I was always shocked how many kids just like don't show up and if you're paying a lot of money to be here you may as well at least try to absorb your stuff but anyway ask for nursing school goes I mean I don't know just go into it with a good attitude it's not always - aha it's not always gonna be fun sometimes people are gonna vomit on you and that's just something you're not see with like I had classmates in nursing school who are like super squeamish and it's like what you're gonna be doing this for the rest of your life anyway she started an IV and she almost passed out there's blood I'm like whoa what do you think was in the vein right what do you think was gonna be in there I'm asking for a friend like I don't know I guess she's going there with a good attitude you can do it don't be squeamish be positive about everything you can say everything you can't fly but themselves I was like a learning experience I guess so even if someone throws up on you'd be like okay well next time I'm gonna simply step away I hear someone oh here's a good question now I come to have this rambling but pretty much just do it just hang in there there's a question this is do you like sonic no yeah actually but he lead described Elly in one word my wife that's to [ __ ] [ __ ] why Elly described Cillian one word challenge Oh No why picture rate stream yes where's wait when did you stream a long time ago I just like totally does like touched the mic with my nose I didn't like that okay where do you eat Togepi I don't know like industry that's not always been I am I supposed to do here it wasn't concerned about the pokemons the universe is that like they're always seen like eating birth what the [ __ ] is happening there always be feel like eating burgers and stuff and you gotta wonder like who's pet do they kill for that whoa would you consider beekeeping yeah for sure to be sick right talking about bees but doesn't let me flush you got about what used today wait really I don't know we talked about bees earlier right like we need to be yeah okay no I don't know mean for you I be it I need to be keeper for sure and maybe cool my yeah if you plant ever releasing your nudes no no probably not I don't even have any go but also just I don't be weird perhaps why are you out to be like that why God be like that you can't always be perpetually like ask me every girl you meet can I see you naked it's like I don't know yeah that's why you're single yeah let's go all the way back le it's okay I'm not doing well oh hi MA haha mark I did not hit her I did not hit uh ha ha ha I swear I did not hit uh still going to shoot there's a lot more questions he got people comin rapid-fire what are what are your code names plate I don't I don't know that means if I was a secret agent yeah I think I would want mine to be something about clothes cuz that's my tag right what is that where did that come from um honestly like when I first started playing smash like many many forevers ago same I like new the cool tag because like everyone else is like a sick tag I didn't want just like enter as like just Kili and so my hair at the time was it's good color with the clothes spice and so I was like oh this be close and my twitter is like Healey clothes that Connors for smash bros just kidding it barely even plays smash bros these days maybe ah le can I can I come back from this you got it for sure I think it's no gosh I'm god I don't know so that's where that came from he's still going le I'm not dead yet how are you not dead who's been girlfriends a clip back in somewhere please let me in he said are you hungry no not really we actually say Torchy's tacos and I got us at the fried avocado taco is like one of my favorite things I've ever put in my mouth hole yeah yeah sure what about you is it baby Yoda the new Jesus I think baby out is the new minion but oh my gosh that's so true I keep I'm gonna die like four times here like you know how like you know forever girl if minions are kind of funny at first but now it's just like everyone's mom is posting pictures yeah the memes are so funny we see a tornado I have never seen Freya here I saw flood I came here a couple years ago uh-huh meet up with everyone for the first time I rose and like it flooded but you're driving through like sea of water that's crude any when I'm laid in the water for except for flood and like all the neighbors were outside with like floaties they're chillin but they were athletes like a purposely normal thing I have also the most houses in Oklahoma like don't have basements no we don't have basements here because you guys are afraid of floods are they super common Oh what's it you've seen in your day I don't know but we had a basement in Illinois when I was a little boy so Illinois not super afraid of sludge how many tornadoes have you seen including here many I mean I got a TV in person or what like in person what do you mean I don't know I feel like guys are in a flat place yeah you're more prone to tornadoes I haven't seen a single tornado in Colorado personally but I don't know look you should have seen one maybe like you shook its hand or something may have been like hey I'm also from Oklahoma no hey were you born here hey girl come here often you when did you start to thinking of starting YouTube channel and did you have a few Research Center channels I don't really have it going you oh hi doc something you knocked over the vodka is half of the lid on it the Liz there okay we're safe so I don't yeah what I guess when did you start appearing in these videos and my question oh what a nicer yeah back in September I think like who dragged you in who's punishing you uh-huh everyone was it Jacob was it Joe like it was both of them they both decided they said hey I mean did you know how I got on the shooter no I want the organ so I want the deeply yes so they basically they messaged me on Facebook and all I said was let's play they both said let's play they changed their names let's play that she's the group name to let's play and I guess like my it was a test you're like if I respond let's play that I'm on the channel but if I don't I'm not so I so I changed my name to let's play and I said let's play and I like all right you're hired and I'm like what and there's like high school friends right no no I know them from smashed her knees Oh kind of Joe from smashed her knees like five or six years ago okay well and then I know Jacob just through you know like the community and stuff yeah you just kind of there right bro he's just he's just sitting there yeah I'm just bro I'm just why that's so funny I'm just sitting like I hate that I think it's like a funniest thing in the world like it actually is stop taking the alcohol you're gonna influence me to drink I'm an impressionable child so if I see someone drinking I'm going to sneak into Milo's basement and steals alcohol and share with my friend each other till he died it'll be your fault really bro okay oh [ __ ] I'm gonna die here I died here with the mine level okay I want action buridan's I'll be the one calling the shots bro I need to pay also blow my nose you know you're just like liquid everywhere I'm liquids everywhere Haley this one says do you want to collab probably not plan to make alpha redd+ and a little let's play channel with my shitposting on video I think that as long as we're allowed to be on the mics on the mic on the mic I think that it's just let me shift posting like I mean we don't try hard we just think Jacob spends so much time editing for like his own channel and like like he'd come to dinner us because he was like I gotta edit right like with Jake torchy taco but you know and I feel like it's nice to have a channel where you can just like say some stupid [ __ ] and then just like just throw it on there holy ground yeah knuckles into mine if you guys drive oh no I locked your phone nevermind there's no lawyers no passcode on it okay do your shoes taste good I don't know that's weird it's Keeley Tyler yeah thank you yeah it's good marry anyone in the world who would it be um probably actually don't answer that question wow it's kinda spicy because I think for me it would be Emma Watson Emma Watson yeah a girl ain't gorilla I'm gonna marry a girl yeah I marry a girl well if you're gonna marry a girl and you just marry because you're so embarrassed cuz I'm like oh my god I'm Mara yeah earlier today we got the climbing joke and we brushed hands and you both make it's like a really a weird face that each other did fiery this way what I'm bro I'm just bro I am just I was always like super excited to meet you because I feel get the same amount of just like stupid chaotic and we're always just saying [ __ ] I'm just brought this God let us speak reason and like I have to take that away just yet just yeah yeah boy I'm gonna be shut up permanently and what are you gonna go mute I think maybe someone's gonna take my tongue out long dude I cannot play this game forever I think you're doing great so what you should do is go get those handles up there I think I'm trying bro I'm just I'm just I'm where I'm just trying someone says how many feet why does everyone like feet so much can you guys relax the Tyler exists how I lived under the basement let him out he is hungry me too but that doesn't stop me from releasing him this one here's really introspective are you ready okay why are you okay yes yes why are you so stinky Excel Excel because I don't shower yeah next [ __ ] question isn't that obvious how was your day it's pretty good of you scared me their first meeting we were all meeting again at the climbing gym was where rock climbers and athletic so write that one down but Joe is picking you up and you're driving over and Elly was in the car with your brother they were sitting in the parking lot and we're waiting for them yeah but Joe pulled his car up like just far enough away where Ali wouldn't seat like my back behind his car and he said get out and go scare her and at first I thought he was pranking me he's he's the corner this late car and he's like just go tap on that window and I was like so scared that wasn't the guard and he was just sending me towards like a random car to like assault a stranger oh my god I'm broke just died Oh keep going you're that funny I'm gonna blow at us okay and so I ran up to this car anyway despite my fear and concerns and I yeah pressed my face against the glass dude she slammed her hands back on the door I was looking down at my phone like changing the music or whatever is shitposting and then I go yeah pretty much I was just like sitting outside giving Joe with on the oh this is she's like dying laughing like a girl and she's already pranking me yeah I thought it was pretty epic personally I think yeah I don't really pull a lot of pranks but when I do it's an epic gamer moment mm-hmm I think you can find at least one piece dude I cannot if you're doing good come on bad at this game and everyone hates me no here okay found coins okay knee rings that dude I'm throwing just ha there's that sorry I'm trying to like read more questions best and worst sonic game OST I feel this is definitely geared towards me I think the worst Sonic game OST is this isn't be a really hot take huh sonic rush for the BS I did not like that music I know it was unique and kind of creative I just didn't like it right Ally right right we're on the same page here we stand as one one girl we're basically one gourdel wangle oh I am vanzara hill on garel and my name is Kelly we really are just Kelly huh I could call Kelly a lot anyways I feel like a couple name is just Kelly I can be lunch not hip name I keep hitting my face I'm just like this yellow mean I'm closer yeah and red means your closes I thought you just had read like a second okay really yeah so go are you sure yes look look I know where it is maybe like I don't want to help you have me okay have you gotta go as tea I think Sonic Heroes actually that's my favorite no Sonic Heroes but I know it's Sonic Heroes so you got some soft very like indie girl very fast you Mellie whats your favorite pokemon i really like phantom um you just a treat he's a ghost tree that's my favorite type of Pokemon Oh ghost Pokemon Pokemon and they also because you're spooky as hell very pleased I'm so by living okay okay okay please new year bones right here I'm taking your phone okay so we're going to go all the way down here and I feel like he's like go underground oh I can't see what's happening I broke it teemo's do you like jojo's bizarre adventure no I never grace I've never seen it I watched it with some friends and it was like okay it's it's fun I like I like to understand the memes that came out of it but just like I don't know I think there's better shows you could watch mm-hmm I just want to ever we weren't even looking for who's clean is this well the camera is really [ __ ] up more towards le but what it's like being sure I can't read but what it's like getting behind the mic or should I say on the mic I don't know bro I just I'm just on I'm just I'm Jessica right there did you get it the powerup was right there I needs to breathe underwater dude you do it no I did it I just died what are you guys some peanut on made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches bro those um them's them smack when you make them yourself they only taste good when you make them yourself I really like if my mom makes me punch you know like no absolutely not but if I make myself pan barn jelly I get some and I get some jalapeno Papio potato chips you're trying very hard to make a sentence right now they're really so good I really appreciate the effort that you're making we're trying very close some said rat sisters yeah that's it are they right I'm liking it too rat sisters three mics yeah can I make it to the powerup this time our air is gonna die again what look you running through here you need to give me the dying music and all you can do is to try to go is that your third what I mean is that your second that's my first second was on the floor oh you look I got it now I can breathe underwater you're the worry about drowning just great for this level but also just really important for the final Oh dragon baby I was gonna ever drown you just simply wouldn't so that's what you had for breakfast I had jalapeno Cheetos I didn't eat breakfast I was sleep on the couch until like a few hours ago that's true we're just dumb [ __ ] yeah why you so stinky xoxo wait did you already read that one yeah I'm gonna hit it differently like how do they know what we're sinking oh they know we've been at it today because you about it it was on your Twitter I wouldn't tweet if George like a fought who would win Oh Joanne I think Joe would win I thought Jacobs definitely more aggressive but Jonas has worst year like willpower I feel like he can really like just eat someone up like not actually but like you want to meet Jacob he could be Jacob up they hang out enough saying like you haven't enough of each other's [ __ ] and I think it'd be really funny I think I'd pay to watch it like Logan remember Logan Paul had at the paid fight Oh Mike no but it was live with a chick or I can take it then confuse they're both just there on just um they're just all blondes look the same I'm gonna say it I mean there there's gross looking also yeah luckily be showing up more in Alfred Plus or only if it's Sonic related I I don't know I live on Colorado dudes like here it's not a whole lot I can do here right there's like whatever about in Oklahoma I'll try to appear in videos and stuff like that at the same time it's just like I don't know you're just chilling I'm just I'm just sitting here bro I'm great why is that so funny why is the oligo we can make today but mesothelin joke we got we got um got oh that's so bad I hate that so much you don't i'm do what you do I'm do ghost path that doesn't help me at all I am horrible a treasure hunting guys like I don't know where things are it's under here no bro I'm just swimming Ellie you got it where'd you hide the Emerald my armpit should I have it only if you ask nicely I'm gonna ask me to touch your armpit hose I don't want to get I don't want to touch your armpit Ellie for the last time I didn't say touch even over this le8 will not cut it your armpit we use smell it yeah it's man this is fresh no one touch it we will siz here I don't know I thought the office building like I thought we just like another business it's like right next door that's definitely ours like it connects you know so wait this is the other like people on the other side are probably some of you also works for the Alpha yeah best chances right I people's I wasn't sure if it was like a separate office cuz I can hear them banging around in the hallways and stuff right okay are you seeing this you go from like me we kind of know where it is it's a game being like no [ __ ] this wait did you find the last word no I didn't that's why I'm still running around yeah do you have to he's gonna find this one last one but I literally don't know how to clues I can just wait till it's yellow yeah and then read like it's a go-to rhyme like one the hints okay watch your breath start get the clues this one says ghost path small place i smart goes for that your armpits a ghost pad yeah because of my ghost-type pokémon oh [ __ ] you hydro your ghost Pokemon like in your armpit why is there no skeleton Pokemon like I know they're wrong but I don't know which one is a skeleton look if I feel you're wrong oh yeah let me look up skeleton Pokemon I was like don't no wonder I'm calm oh it's right here it's right here I found it dude I was right there like I swear I was just there I am just bro right height is sped up his skeleton skelling Pokemon I have to try I love ton I definitely don't spell it right skills tyrunt no just the video too edgy fan art of some of the scholars literally me when I'm Luke hearts literally what the that's what it is you kidding me no I'm not even kidding Lucario is yes there's no real skills in Pokemon I'm in his dust ball yeah I guess but like bone Pokemon we really sick hey guys if you're listening please make a poem copula right I'm sorry Pokemon how am I not even thought about that like actual like bones it's like it's not hard it's like right there it's right bro I am just bones it's kind of deep so I got hoes your lyric I saw hozier I actually got to hold his hand oh that's so intimate are you kidding me yeah at the concert looking for the master oh is that you guys no whack drive drunk driving yeah okay wait what if I I held the a button when you turn you see I don't mean either okay okay so you turn and I will accelerate for you so you can both have our drinks in one hand and trying my best Ellie I don't even know hold on II I can't always do it for you we've heard a rumor after this couch but I can't I can't fix the mic so definitely not just there I hope you guys can hear me okay I just wanted to like not sit up straight I was trying to have a good posture for a while it'd be a nice scoliosis patient but now my back so [ __ ] up this is horrible is it really yeah was that curse when God said you genetics suck I felt that you can't have eyebrows look at our first conversations like Ellie I don't have eyebrows I don't know I have to draw them on like every single day if I want people to know expression I'm having otherwise they're like they grow in light blonde I just fill them in like can you tell that I fell no that's perfectly natural look my stem in limping but like I'm trying to look at your eyebrows and play they gave me the suit yeah please don't drive a look at my eyebrows it's more dangerous than driving don't [ __ ] eyebrow and drive don't don't keep them drive don't think it drive use your boost not right now though I think it's the X button probably cool or is it go you ever been that Y press oh [ __ ] why there she goes so all you have to do your mom go so Ellie do you don't hear chasing down in your car Eggman no taxi man it's even more important taxi man I said more important what was more important taxi man the president what you're tasting your tails you're chasing down the president of I think the world there's no person in the world how do you know do you know I think about history no see exactly so at the present are worthless and you're chasing him down as tails okay that you can intercept his communication with dr. Eggman and pinpoint Eggman's location based on where he's alone talking to the president from but a man's like I'm gonna I'm just I'm gonna bro I'm just gonna blow up the moon and the president's like hey I think the president negotiate would tear it what is this despicable me he's gonna steal the moon he's not gonna steal the moon he wants to blow it up it's different Elliott how about you played this game before a long time ago not even I don't like a hole not even a lot you sound really drunk right now and I think that's great advice [ __ ] I'm just stuffed up you know I don't know I don't know no stuffed up in my nose like trying to breathe and like focus and I cannot I think you're doing good I despite the fact that you can't see the road because of your glasses I think you're pretty good where are your glasses at home we're going this way Oh see you drove here for nothing classes yeah Ellie I have some concerns boost boots all right we have a long straight shot oh my god he was catch the president in 28 seconds I'm dizzy now there he is there he is mr. president gets down get down mr. president no get up sorry mr. president see your tails I know I just think this I love this game cuz of how over the top it is Mike whose idea was it to chase down the president your shitty car mine it was my idea if you are facing the president what you didn't even know you're chasing the president until about a minute ago who's my idea bro I'm just chasing oh look now I can we can Carter Carter yeah my heart wishes behind this game has Mario Kart why didn't move away from Mike let's turn to kiss you that's nasty yeah but I'm also nasty so make sense she was sexy secretary typing on her aether Republic of gamers laptop Asus Acer right ASA is Asus both are taking my shoes off now don't say that I'm taking dosa I shoes off my shoes are off you're gonna freak out hey guys I'm not wearing shoes hey Ellie is not wearing shoes either yes I am wearing shoes you drove it le post be pics oh wait you won't your cow look eggy man's like mr. president mr. boy the whole world and the president's like huh I'm an old white man Toby sometimes are you snap chatting oh boy I sent it to Don I sent a picture behind the mic I want some dog [ __ ] behind him Mike look at this tell me this isn't the coolest cotton University in your life Sally doesn't a sick cutscene Ellie look at him tails is their tails is like I found you but he's transmitting from based on this disk that I'm holding and sounds like cool we're going to space and the president is just like sitting here wrinkled up like what the [ __ ] is going on we're receiving an incoming signal Oh his agent you know who the president's agent is whom is it rose I bet your girl robic whoa hell he's just like dying right now I'm kind of him we didn't eat a lot of food and then we consume a lot alcohol give us a copy here at the office any doubt it really I don't know have Don come and bring us some coffee I'll pay him back text him he can come join our place here if he wants to okay um cool um healy said let's bring Elly cough because leb dying no I'm not going lookey you just said you're dying you're faint oh I did it yeah you said it with your butt with your body [Music] LCE I was trying to serenade you and I died in the sand this is my least favorite level in the whole game look it just if it's just so ugly it's aesthetically not good it plays like [ __ ] I'm always falling into quicksand I think this game is part of the reason why I thought quicksand being a bigger problem like in my daily life than it is this is Indiana Jones like I feel like Indiana Jones is always like what if I fall on the quicksand like oh isn't he free of snakes he's afraid of snakes but also quick Sam I swear are you afraid of quicksand hey you ever seen quicksand does it exist like in the real world you just fall in the sand and die I mean probably have you ever seen someone fall in the sand to die before I have please you never go outside I think that's fair I think everyone should go outside more and tell me about your consent experiences if you die in quicksand don't at me if you survive I don't or externally what does she mean by this how much this game is left do you hate it no I'm just like wondering like what you asked about the coffee yeah I did let me see we detect everyone and see if they'll bring us coffee we have friends here we had dinner with friends we have all kinds of friends and someone can breathe life back into OE it's not gonna be me that's good but you see that le he died and quick thing I'm looking at coffee Oh also it like breaks your heart is when tails dies he doesn't say no or [ __ ] Kailas just says sonic she wants see his older brother figure one more time and you know what that hurts that [ __ ] hurt it you're fading so fast I'm trying to have enough energy for both of us and it's not working open it and never play yeah well he does that he'll open the message and he'd forget what he said it'll reply what four hours later and then you'll say what is you don't know what the [ __ ] he's talking about here prior to me I'm one of my snaps like three days later and he says haha and then required to it and I'm like what I don't even remember right keep those chip chars wait you blue mob yeah cuz they're actually they're not [ __ ] chars oh really you're scum pretending you know that right like all of egg bands like robots are just animals the animals are being used to power is robot and so whenever you kill a robot yeah it looks a miniature one is this too right I remember playing one that one is good that one had the coolest intro scene of any game ever for me it starts with cool guitar and just like I don't know that's a game again where they're just like really [ __ ] stoked about water and yeah and the evil way to do this you had an evil lady you know chaos and evil lady mm-hmm did you want him to bring you coffee what's bring you coffee I'm fine but you need coffee they set up a video thanks Ellie's actively died Ellie is dying actively and and I can't carry his plate barrow on my own back I have polio six Ellie help get through this together I can't do it alone I mean I can't I don't want to help oh I just regret about a whole thing oh good I had a moment I think I really said some Paxil things I think isn't my final message these are my message changed the world have you seen that picture of that rat you got like a blunt use like my final message to you that is my tweet that is my that is my picture what's your finish my final message goodbye yeah it's changed a world is gonna blunt yeah I know so why is that so funny so for the things I can't explain this world but are just good and that's one of them if I phone the quick somewhere time I will take a shots really we take a shot with me no because it cuz you throw up in your mouth early what helps me to drive home huh we're not leaving anytime soon the game was a page up soon most to being over what game you're crazy man yeah you don't want to who I don't know Thanks yeah we're oh I'm just yeah I have to work tomorrow but I don't have to work at 6:00 a.m. like I usually do that's good I thought I take a shot and I will I just have to work at 9:00 a.m. I am inside of this couch I am bro I ever just bro I am in just inside of this couch like here give me this okay Ellie I want you to know that there are no lives left and if you die right now we have to start from the very beginning of this cursed level like Ellie's oh my god bro I'm yeah
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 266,546
Rating: 4.9276404 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, sonic adventure 2 battle, alpharad, josniffy, keelyclove, elliedrumm
Id: ntLpr_UTqsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 53sec (6293 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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