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oh yes yeah yeah some bird let's hope i kill him then i i've never wanted to see falco die so badly in my life this could be the falco episode whoa oh my god this falco's raw i'm at 41. what oh he needs it okay well you're a dlc character so it's balanced actually i'm just going to keep doing this and this one's going to hit the okay what's talking supposed to do about this if you think about it he's just a bird he doesn't have any weapons he has his own range his gun's useless in this game it's the water gun it's just it's just like a slingshot dude no because the there's a slingshot in this game that actually works oh you're right it's not even good enough to be a slingshot all right can you believe how far we've gotten with preferred rules off nicely extremely far there's mr lombardi i like that skin the dark one i this is going to come off as complete bias uh-huh i think all the falco skins in this game are really good i think they're pretty good there are some skins where i don't love like the fur or the feather slash jacket combination but i think like they're not bad colors it's just i don't love all of them yeah i i think i'm just it's because i'm from melee where this one's good this one's good i like that one good that one's great that one's fine that one's good yeah yeah i'd sign on to that theory i think falco has um which is huge because if you look at his melee colors it's blue blue ugly green ugly red and that's it really i like red falco and melee i i just on most crts it looks like trash i think on monitors it looks fine oh god but like whenever you're actually playing it it's just such an ugly red but that's just for me i think if you're playing like 480 yeah you ever think about how s falco can beat sora two of these three characters make me really happy and then the other wasted so many years of my life yes yes oh my god and to palomar's top platform gaming while you're doing it it's a good day dude establish his birthday by the way so thank you for not hitting him oh my gosh another sword fighter for falco little marty to deal with it does make me happy to think that falco can't kick sword's ass though as you're asking yeah yeah thank you like i will say falco is one of those characters like i played a lot of smash 4 falco yeah but dude he just jumped so high and so fast in this game it's it's hard for me yeah i love his jumps in this game dude they're so nice like this is gonna i've talked about this before but falco plays very s like not technically wise but like game plan wise he plays very similarly to melee at least for me like that's how i feel about fox like yeah foxy especially more so i think like fox wants the same things he just has to go about him differently yeah [Music] falco's definitely like a lot more drastic just because less pressure that olimar who hit me with the purple like i feel like no one ever combos with me yeah but everyone is so quick to combo against me well especially right now because you're the bird um yeah i guess that's fair yeah you're i was essentially asking you might as well be donkey kong in their eyes just should've been up tilt which yeah i don't know i feel like this has been a slow game and no one's died yeah i mean okay unironically that's because captain olmar and sora on the screen damn that's deep yeah that's how it'd be also he's at 33. we have just i don't think that was wise of him to kill me because now i think we're focusing on him no it's not yeah story does not care all of our wins again huh yeah this might be a this might be a lombardi episode the lombardi tales i love olmer players why i disagree with you but i want to hear your explanation because they just run away they don't [ __ ] mind your own goddamn business like this is just being a piece of [ __ ] and i think it's funny [Music] like it really feels like they just play pikmin like they they approach falco the exact same like with the exact same intimateness that you'd approach like a pikmin boss in why do they combo off me you're falco oh he's sora yeah that was that was no see he's just a piece of [ __ ] what he he really does not i think he's given up on uh beating olimar it's here that or he just he's just being respectful for his birthday actually i think you're doing great on the subi one though that's i i agree is it dude i'm so sad you can't control aerial drift in this game with like b moves i would love to oh my god i was always going to be hard on it yeah oh yo we got one combo side b oh omar got like always getting mad danny out of that also i just want to say this uh in smash 4 falco's backyard came out frame four yeah i remember those days the only time i ever have energy for journey i went falco actually he was uh i think a lot more different in that game i i love smash for falco yeah yeah like he was like one of those characters i played a lot um so i i think honestly jacob i'm watching this omar player yeah he's gone this far only doing this if you kill sora you can definitely that's kind of what i've i've been thinking i was just thinking about that because i have used this to download what he wants because he just jumps in every situation yeah oh this is definitely doable [Music] that's a weird spot there [Music] oh my god oliver you had one job you he literally could have killed him oh god nice [Music] god sorry the ability to use the ib after i'll be just like it's such a carried option yeah yeah that's that's the best way to put it [Music] like i oh i would expect it to have more rules no way yeah we got we got falco falco trying to counter what was he i love this guy and oliver is also on the screen what a great game right yeah there's one character that seems out of place can we get rid of him real quick like do you okay this omar player is literally just playing pikmin he does not use smash tax at all [Music] he's just throwing the dudes oh huge oh [Music] like hold on kill him dude this oliver is not at a single up smash [Applause] oh my god this sword is so sick he almost used nair into his fourth uh recovery move huge okay oh my god you wouldn't lay a finger on him it's his birthday that's what that is what joe said it's important dude there's no way i can avoid getting grabbed dude it's been his birthday for like five episodes now he's having a really long birthday yeah make sure you tell my happy birthday in the comments you know [Music] oh you wouldn't i tried his birthday she wouldn't camp somebody on their birthday there you go i was like if i somehow me taking one stock in a minute was like that's possible yeah yeah cause then then we go to sudden death yeah i think i went up he said thanks you're welcome buddy you're welcome have a good happy birthday have a good 20 20 20 years i just think it's funny that he came in with the game plan and everyone around him said that's okay yeah i mean to be fair you tried to play the game but sora just only hard targeted you yeah which i i feel like stores probably good against the captain i'll be honest i have a reflector and it comes out frame one yeah i mean i don't know i just like i feel like sore can just kind of uh hit the b button and ulrich doesn't really have the options to deal with it mm-hmm but i don't fully know who two heavies timed with meter okay okay ain't on green green so you know at least you'll be up and close i like small babies i swear we've seen stormbreaker before he has an eight in his name yeah yo how there's off green greens though let's see some apples yo apple apple that's a fruit i have back shield so i'm just back airing do you remember that whenever i had to actually let's nest that one time yes i do the smartest play smartest play i've ever had in my life joe just upbeat into someone with ness facing the my back shield didn't work it was it was some random old doubles video of us on yeah on like your mate we had we had a few of those so it's oh it's timed yeah yeah i noticed yeah like i it's a clutch situation i usually it's one of my first clutches i won i remember i'd give like a cloud and then there's another cloud and i just like an interesting gameplay i'll be behind i think it worked for beautiful play you'll get it one of these days oh my god oh you saw my life oh hey you got the extra damage in there though yeah you're right i'm a team player i'm gonna just grab whoever from over here uh bowser has his so i do it quick uh i would i wouldn't be surprised if falco sends up you know yeah i'm like that out oh yeah it does though i was right okay he does not know this confirm i'm sure oh that's gg i think it's even actually though [ __ ] no no no i think you're right i think we're up one yeah bowser will get his soon but just like you take one stock before then i this is no no no shot that dropped no okay i but i still want to say that dropped after a reflected laser yeah i saw that i was in shock okay is it after your terry oh it's a trophy huge oh my god these drops are not [ __ ] fair man it's just it's only ashley and she's dead yeah uh-oh oh my god what an insane save from bowser damn i thought he choked it yeah i thought he did too i think he won because of that yeah damn dang did they win by one though yeah bowser was dead if not first final smash right at the end dang genius of him honestly yeah dang what an unfortunate loss played just completely perfectly by them huh they just played great no i agree they won i can't believe i dropped my dragoon piece after a laser reflected after he swallowed a laser yeah like you guys might say i have good luck but in smash where when i feel like it matters my luck is questionable because i think i always get hit by i have the worst drops is what i'm trying to say hey that one is just yaggy we mean yeah yeah like i always have bad drops another two and a half minutes doubles timed joeptimus okay what do you think of painter sands i just i honestly i'm still not over the facts sayings in this game like holy [ __ ] yeah sans isn't super smash bros he made it in dude has been into some ridiculous places you got a kill out of it i but i just walk off the edge i i didn't need to die i i just uh didn't see where i was and it's a little unfortunate another team's doubles match and it's timed oh my gosh ah doctor mario do you honestly not a bad dog stage just because of phil's ci q oh i thought i had that he did not oh that's just like fear versus ball yo good kill you know plant's not my teammate right yeah i know okay i was just critiquing his play you know i'm an analyst at heart what can i say i feel like plant's always an ally actually i i disagree i'm with cash on this one i've never had a plan do anything that made me feel like i was worse as a person uh dr maher just walked off stage i think that's pretty cool it was a good play dude it's so [ __ ] up yo oh i missed no i didn't oh no that was all night shovel knight's safe though thank god i was worried that maybe he would have died beloved ip shovel knight has passed away this evening yacht club games is he trying to break that with that honesty it doesn't work like that but i get it but like you know i respect i get another one he worked so hard he got two final smashes and effectively he died for getting two final smashes i'm sure that's what he's saying right now i feel like dr mario vanes aren't the type to complain about you know i think if you made a load here you've just accepted the world we live in yeah i i feel like a lot of low tier mains are very like it's me problem actually like they would get cheated on be like you know there's a reason why she cheated on me you know no that's just how i feel about that i know you're i agree with you yeah it's not your fault gannon just sucks all right you know it's just the unique king energy oh don't quit down the last two and a half minute the last second i wouldn't be surprised if someone did because that game got mighty laggy towards the end but there's the team there they are they're the ones that will kill god sometimes that was rough uh i'm surprised we went so low after just one loss wait how far down will we go uh well that dog's at 6.8 now oh wait why do we back it out to this menu because you didn't rematch right now but it takes you back here normally no clue that's weird too because we gotta kind of win on the first game yeah yeah oh well whatever falco falco i'll never be upset about seeing more mr lombardi what are you how do how do you feel right now dash just in life in general i like falco that's awesome falco's cool i like falco he's cool i play like the kind of blue skin did you like that joke i love the reverse lasers dude especially wall jump ones i remember the way you taught me v reversing i had no interest in doing it until i did that you showed me that i could do it off of ledge so i could double laser from ledge uh-huh and i just grinded be reversing uh so many doubles not this time it's not timed battle however it is three minutes no it's stock though yeah oh yeah but it is three minutes why do falco lasers go nowhere if a move's ever been good as a projectile it never goes far take cheek needle for example oh man i missed what cheek needle did 24 dude in smash 4 it went across final destination then got uh nerfed oh no so sorry i got gimps yeah i saw that and just how do you get gift as sora against dark samus uh i think it's a scrub double jump yeah i don't know why i feel like we see a lot of mario dark samus in this like team roster very intriguing yo but sora here we go i meant to keep that [Music] that thunder was awesome oh that looks so [ __ ] up that's so sorry you just let that happen that's a good trade i guess great oh i stacked up more damage it's about to disappear oh okay that how is sore at yeah i i know boys are at once dog sure is awesome that's or go hit the [ __ ] final smash sora hit anybody all right i think get a grab for your sora that's no don't go off stage dora don't go off stage he's stressing that you can sd in this game yo nine block that was so huge [Music] i love that idea though of me you just like the way you like covered the edge there against the dark samus yeah i just just like the rise up i don't know where is sword okay bye that was good he took it he was a bastard he was taking it he was mashing abe instead of smashing up b like unironically he could have be to save himself i know all right can you get this mario stock in 40 seconds uh maybe i believe in your falco i don't want that leave me alone [Applause] oh no [Music] dang that is a giant hitbox 20 seconds get this mario oh [ __ ] yeah we have 20 seconds to get this mario real quick we're sick soros there we go okay now we're going into sudden death right oh if you heal the dark damage you win okay oh that hit [Music] oh nice i'm dead oh my gosh it's hard situation as falco and sudden death i feel yeah it's also really hard whenever you took five stocks and still lost and uh only lost dude you went down so much for that i will look back at that game and like you know in any game i always want to look back and think like i could have done better no i think with my falco of all characters i think i did the absolute best i could no i think your falco played great i think you did everything you could in swords i even almost killed dark samus at the very end i should have you had the rory and everything yeah should have f-smashed instead of i think i would have killed yeah four killed up yeah maybe i should have played a little better it was actually i i think that was like the one thing but it's like i don't know you you read you're just going for the read it doesn't really matter like in the heat of the moment i guess smash is better in like the last seconds because then it's for sure off the side and maybe not off the front or the top you can't do you can't have that happen in the last five seconds oh [ __ ] really that's really well thought out actually yeah it is that's a good mechanic what the [ __ ] yeah it's an incredibly good mechanic is it also you know how whenever you break your shield you have a invincibility yeah until you touch the ground uh not in the last five seconds oh yeah so like you can break someone's shield and just combo it into up smash if you want that's really good anti-cheese yeah i wonder how long of these things oh really that didn't feel right the game boy screen is tiny apparently that is um that's hot that was great that's hot thank gosh for angles how did you get that i don't know oh i read that jump i just keep picking up roll how did she not roll there she went for it again the [ __ ] drops man [Music] down smash nice it's coming [Music] i admit to grab it are you didn't drop though that's all that matters we're swinging that's fine oh yo go go go get him buddy get him yo oh huge oh this is oh nice you i think you can upgrade through that no way dick taco lifts that [Music] for sure nice that was way too tense yeah that was all three of us weren't commentating i just wanted to see the bird go through man i was gonna be so sad yeah 8.4 it was that early kill that was like oh my gosh are you kidding yeah i had no idea when that one happened yeah i guess we're not too far away from it probably like two or three falcon games you never really know with these characters is it going to be a 30 minute episode is it going to be an eight minute episode or is it going to be hours total was it a kazia trilogy yeah i'd call it a trilogy it's an f because there were three it's our take on lord of the rings we made it not suck ass all right not another timed battle why do we have so many doubles we do have a somebody whose name is self-describing the character gravy because so gravy yo [Music] yeah i'm really sad the kfc we got didn't put a lot of gravy on my mashed potatoes that sucks man yeah it was an l i guys wanted more brown gravy this shake was crazy write a stern review for them yeah like there was some on there they just could you know could have been plenty more there should have been just basically only gravy yo good [ __ ] yo that was that was so unfortunate that biolift got that and missed l sora okay you know what we went even but like i'm just saying a sore mane would the way you said sora that could have been in the kingdom hearts video sorrow i could have been a cutscene yeah like dub riku over it would put that over like riku young and sora like into two or something okay that was 10 out of 10. there if they're on my team they're awful and if they're not on my team they're running like do you like okay if you want to just jump around and double jump that's fine that's honestly perfectly valid strategy for a character's floaties yours just don't side b as you come down too you know wait wait do your side be oh my god dude oh no okay if you want something done right you got to do it yourself yeah i do this sora is just stressing me out watching him big catch yo nice [Music] chespin hello dude nice uh huh oh my god that was so hot oh my god could you imagine oh that i got i was ready to sauce for that one whoa whoa all right dub dub dub never mind where where i had like a combo going and then i went invisible in the middle of it i how did how did sora die it was invisible oh nice contacting attack i missed i'm [ __ ] up on that this this is becomes wait actually this doesn't matter nice i also thought they're gonna wait a little bit it's fine oh i think belmont realized uh you know at the end of the day i'm glad the store didn't take the stalker yeah that's how i feel normally i say always take the stock but if you're a sword player i think this is how i lose not not even from the the 2v1 i i feel good about 2v1s i love 2b ones are fine mustard [Music] oh [ __ ] nice i did what i could man i wonder how many kills your teammate sora got all of them oh crazy oh he got one good job buddy what's so crazy i feel like my falco's honestly playing pretty well right now yeah they were but it just doesn't matter you keep getting swords in your games and each one makes sora is ruining elite smash and not in the way you think i think kind of kind of in the way we expect you though yeah like we fully expect sore to make the game not fun i would say the falco episode is probably the funniest yet it has a reoccurring wacky neighbor of sora each dinosaur is under a different name too but makes the exact same moronic plays it is kind of a mind bender it's like he keeps coming back with like a like a one of those gag like mustaches oh yeah he's just like i am different i'm soda my name is roxas now my name is vince my name is shion sorry you look a little different don't worry about it me who's sora i look like my friends i don't i don't look like this sora i'm shion also i thank god the store is on the other team now bill had your name thc that makes so much sense uh is the honor that's so sad no you got curbs the kirby and he is just spamming upbee and you know what i think like they're playing right as a teammate that's all i need yeah no do you know exactly what they're gonna do you have to worry about your teammates then even if they're not good i just want to say this about with bunnyhood i think i love the outgoing bunnyhood trying to catch me now dude falco was not bunnyhead falco's screw attacking me like in double laser that's the thing enough nevermind that was mean dude they finally added gyroids to animal crossing yeah i finally i mean like two weeks but why did it take so long it's they've been in the game since release they're hard to add wait they've been in the game uh i think so i remember people talking about him and be like oh it's coming soon yeah i'm glad i'm glad they made us wait because all good things come to those who wait um we're finally getting brewster too and i think i think booster has also been in since the start well would they not give us to that right at the beginning who wants to wait for that just just early game put him in yo falcon jump so high with hammer what do you think's gonna he definitely tried he kind of had a mix-up idea okay maybe the sound key will make him think i'm going low but trade okay so better i don't know the more i play the game though i'm starting thinking rattles kind of he just looks scary yeah i think that's the biggest thing i still think tiki is like i think he's broken yeah genuinely wait did they shadow nerfer uh we just kind of said that i don't even know if it's true oh curves popped off yeah curves are great good job curves you know what you did right you didn't pick sora on the screen otherwise we would have lost oh my god there's a sword in that game that's what i said that's why we won no there was one that's what i said but yeah i wasn't on our team oh okay i i was just i was just on the my heart instead of like we won because there wasn't a sore in that game yeah that that might be wow red falcon dude just falcon skins look so good they're just like so pretty yeah falco's got good skins and then there's a savior bam dana d baby he's literally in the game check the player icon yo he's insane yo stack it up oh my god but you can backthrow them and it'll be funny that goes back through so again off the wall oh my god i knew he was gonna land that platform beautiful passing out of it too what a great counter you're corner camping him dude oh my god this man down here now what's he gonna do about it but actually that gets [ __ ] on this stage you have your flashing camp on oh my so sick he's gonna god low oh [ __ ] i it amazes me that knacks are still willing to scrub double jump yeah on a stage where there's no no possibility they die off the bottom there's literally just ground i mean listen we have five minutes xavier we can just sit here we need to put more ads in this video so go ahead yeah i mean if you want to sit there on campus that's fine we can talk about random things that we always do yeah you know our we'll spin the wheel we have our topics talk about a single burger chain we can talk about being bald and then back to the single burger chain and then insert something quirky josh did this and that's it and that's it and that's a wrap that's episode and end it to go on the next one and we're like best episode yet [Laughter] crazy good today oh he's today now it's tuesday but thursday will come soon and then in one piece and then 10 30 will be out i turn 30s out by the time they're hearing this so do you see this mac now ding ding he's just gonna run up and do it right [Laughter] he really wants you to that side b was supposed to be a ko punch i believe no no did you see it i beat him out of the animation for it oh that one hurt man i think that was one of the meanest little mac games i've ever played and there wasn't one edge guard that's the craziest part there's no edges to guard i think that's the top five game i've ever watched actually because you know how a lot of people say little mac's not that bad just only off stage yeah i think i just proved there's more to it than that he's good on stage as long as the stage is perfectly flat and doesn't have platforms or anything on it and you aren't actively trying to camp him yeah and then he's broken okay if you just sit there and let him hit you he's insane like i'm sure there's somebody in the youtube comments letting us know that he's actually broken right now it would have been sauce thank you you remember that one oh my god if i got that one by other game we would have the kill we would have won where i comboed the lipstick into down air oh yeah there he is i know if this was doubles that sword would be my teammate [ __ ] stooplus but instead he's just gonna go after you yeah that's how it always is huh and then josh is playing minecraft you know i think josh was like steve you know i i feel like josh would resonate with the character i agree except josh is hard committed to pac-man so i don't know if you could get him to play anything else oh my god i never realized the stone is ice yeah i just pointed that out they changed depending on the worlds there's also wool that's so cute actually there's wool for i think like yoshi stages oh that's adorable anyways stone is uh is way more durable than ice that's [ __ ] yeah they're the same in this game though yeah no that's in incorrect sakurai yeah sakurai is all about realizing minecraft did you even speedrun it i think soccer i watched a dream video that's where you guys inspiration dude just imagine if you're i'm just saying sakura couldn't believe what dream did with the speed running scandal i'd like to believe he just got lucky man someone one truly means that one could have you know sakurai was invested in the dream drama it's so funny to think about [Laughter] i really wish little eggplant doesn't imagine if my sakura was a giant dreams like fan though and we just had dream skin in a smash did you guys see sora just died of a [ __ ] fish wait actually it was it was alex okay i just assumed if anyone would he'd be sora okay that's uh that's oh no almost dead [Music] uh one of those gonna go after the fake smash ball i can feel it i thought about hitting it just yeah just debate him yeah i it's amazing how well that works i just want to shoot it if it goes through the platform oh stomp this he's in second place so i'm glad that one happened yeah wait let me grab it what oh this is a free so i'm going to hope soar forgets to mash up thee because it can't smart sir start oh he was already matching side b i can't believe this where a player is mashing oh no that was me that was yeah the most insane read i've ever seen oh i i will take that loss in stride but we still get gsps yeah we do but like insane high recovery greed from some sora truly the only plus is we see sora smile that is like the go-to falco recovery is just psy be on stage because no falco wants to deal with being ledge trapped yeah i could have gone low and probably won the game but i i'd rather see that oh yeah i think it was broken as falco personally low low so broken especially in general in this game and in melee too but i just think in this game knowing that i can do this you know yeah dude like watch i can do this it's that yeah you just have a lot of mix up you can rising down there like no one wants to contest falco offstage if he's blue oh that makes cause if you get clipped you're gonna get frisco down there yeah we've seen nasty cloud before yeah we saw nasty what a pit talk is [ __ ] with piranhas a great quote too i needy oh i thought that was sora what's the difference oh no i'm glad rainbow road is playing i'm jamming in my head i i can't hear it without thinking about it it's a road we call it a rainbow road when you die well what's the uh there's so many just weird mario songs like from that early era of youtube what was the uh the wii shop one that one too obviously yeah the show it's like the super mario world music where it's just like i'm screaming and i'm running and i'm vigorously masturbating again i'm running and wait i'm driving in i'm swerving in i'm vigorously masturbating driving and i'm swerving and i violently come i come it's like i'm so good like that's the video i did not see until way too late oh cloud on our team but like i'm glad to know that somebody my age i found that just as funny as i do now like 15 years ago yeah [Music] oh my god what a retaliation yeah don't worry your cloud is stock tanking okay well i'll shut the [ __ ] up but rainbow road is a road that you've got oh i learned that this deal is 41 when you get someone at the start okay new combo idea you're going let's go you see that spike that was insane is [Laughter] mario toad um i hope when i die i go to rainbow road man that's uh that's all i want all right good person bad person neither way i'm you know not going to heaven but i'll go to rainbow road happily yeah any time okay it's fine that you're on livestock because you have clouds stop tanking again uh honestly if you get either one of these guys offstage you can suicide dare them and just steal clouds it's not good in this game though uncle it's just because of uh you're gonna have the hitbox above them that's fair i really just like go off stage trying to pressure with nare or fair i'm just thinking like falco player yeah like i'd was saying yeah oh yeah and i mean bob stage falcon you're dead no matter what like how listening to rainbow rose just demolished the brain oh my god immediate default when we go silence it just starts singing along it's a good song dude i just realized that the uh projector screen in the back you go for the uh the thing that's like a d at the bottom of the ds screen yeah i never that never clicked me all right unless it kind of clicked back in like the brawl days maybe i don't know it was smash for whenever the stage dropped i i like it though i love side view edge guard [Music] oh my god let's do my dude i have an insane kill idea [Music] you've never seen this one coming you just canceled i think sybee might just kill two honestly is it spikes i think down till kills okay no i'm just wrong oh downtown supergills yeah your kill your kill yeah my kill i got it ggs uh i carried the cloud i always think falco just forgot to show up for a second he's too cool to show up our causes i knew that plan was a real one i mean talk is cheap that was a good opening okay we got one more for falco falcon episode was still longer than i expected hey that's fine yeah people love falco everyone wants a longer falco episode everyone wants falco he's just a cool bird [Music] yo sauce sauce yes ball jump oh my god quite would've been sick i'm still so sad that that one projectile combo projectile up and then then almost down aired that would've been so sick oh loverboy is now on my team what about jeff mann lucas chase with a dog profile i think anyone who has a first name is terrifying i really like chase with the doggy i like to believe that's his name that's his real dog too dog's name is chase oh my god disrespect who the [ __ ] is this supposed oh epic to hit and then it hit me and then it hits you uh omar's ship is coming down on you in like two seconds oh rough i wish you could like reflect the metroids [Music] oh damn what happened there uh banana gun that spikes i don't like that why does falcon uphill spike because it sends down oh that oh unfortunate so the falco this chase guy chase he's on some other [ __ ] he he just thinks captain falcon's really cool man oh that was unfortunate spring man though dude spring that goes crazy this is this is not my falco game i'll be honest no you're fine i keep confusing uh falcon and richter when i just see them like running at me so just stay alive your victory's doing fine okay like he's stock tanking and [ __ ] just try to get your meters that was buffered i got hit as i had buffered it unfortunate yeah you get a couple of trophies you're back in this and that was all genius thank you all right no way lucas gets this with one hit no shot dude no shot that just oh i forgot i could take a stalk i that was an accident dude i'm so sorry richter i did i you know the falco player thing to do here is to be just run off take the stock take it take this talk and quit i think i've seen mango do that so many times and just random like attorneys or it's like he'll steal joey's stock just to like sd yeah like the game will be going on like there'll be 30 seconds into the game which is like nah next game [Music] yeah that was a rough game that happens with the bird it do it do happen like that i don't even remember what happened and i think that's just the nature of falco i think falco is a very hard character to play in teams too yeah because he's like somewhere between like needing to be a support character and like also almost like good enough to be able to just like take fights on his own you know [Music] but i don't know he doesn't it's weirder i guess with like just online play or not just you know no team attack online play yeah i'm going to default falco will go green damn next time i appreciate it of course it's the doctor's skin that's what are you doing rainbow road has been playing in my head for the past i i've noticed you've just been like dancing left and right yeah the only thing that's been going on is it's called a road it's called a rainbow road i wish falco's recovery yeah yeah uh heal me both brother i'm gonna be baby falco but don't worry he hasn't he has a giant double jump so it's actually not do you think they actually recorded them with helium or bw or lame oh yes sir i'd like to think they filmed that with actual helium yeah yeah instead of being the lame way and just pitch shifting that's not terry brewster he i watch this reed they might have just given them helium what do they give you to like make your voice lower they drop your balls by force tell your mom get grounded i don't know the thing is like that was so recent too that was like yeah if you like said your mom did that to you when you were in third grade i'd say that's funny but like josh has been streaming for his soul josh definitely has said balls on his stream before then like i don't i don't talk about that because josh doesn't swear on stream he doesn't no because his mom watches the stream oh [Laughter] dude it amazes me that there's people that like i don't like which is even funnier because that means josh's mom has probably listening to us talk oh god hi josh's mom and make fun of josh she probably makes fun of him too though she grounds him that's hilarious like who's to say she wasn't there during the finale friday streak oh god i hope she wasn't there during those streams oh my god i hope she wasn't there she just imagine i walk into their houses like to meet josh's parents like she's like oh yeah you're the guy that kissed markiplier like just multiplier [Laughter] i'm sure i said other outlander [ __ ] there but you know for some reason it's hard to remember what all i said for some reason who knows you know old age i suppose memory loss that memory is just not what it used to be yeah it's not like whenever i was 21. oh nice oh this is one stock shoe stock nice nice chilling i like this oh my god you can't for so long no you can break the walls not with hazards off oh no because when you were hitting them one that was hazards off they wouldn't have an animation yeah okay they are see yeah if you want hazards on everyone has already i think i i i'm better with walk-offs than they are because falco just auto combos dude nice that's honestly optimal because both of them got hit that was such a good roll in the reed mewtwo [ __ ] [ __ ] me gonna go high oh i thought it was safe yeah i'm all good yeah you don't need to be the one to interact club you two do it i did nothing at the end perfect yeah you stood your ground that's all that matters if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything mewtwo that is the best line of the pokemon movie actually you guys remember herman cain no let me make sure i'm let me fact check this herman cain yeah just like a tv show is the guy yeah um uh herman cain was a politician who if i remember was running for president okay um yes and as he uh resigned he quoted mewtwo from the pokemon movie was it the like we are all the same yeah and i that that just that just really stuck with me okay but i've definitely seen storm break yeah i know we saw him earlier we played he he was uh the guy the team at the bowser i'm pretty sure yeah on on yeah this is definitely now we've definitely seen him more than once god insane you know my part this junior guy is a fan he's trying to prove you getting kazzy and elite smash not that hard this is i mean right now he's losing though because his teammate lost his talk i didn't say he was successful yeah [Music] oh and this ddd is like this game this game's easy i got it solved i wish i had the brain cell that you need to play king ddd but like i've just i've never had it ddds are cursive breed yeah and that's why i wanted to know how to play them because like i think dd d looks like a lot of fun to play i i because i know the character that didn't stop into elite smash i think i think i was like a one and done or two did we yeah i think that happened that's hard to remember dude we have so many characters in now yeah the series has been going on so much longer than it feels like yeah because this is like this it's such an we don't have to worry about plot or anything and we might actually finish this series that's like going to be near 100 parts by the end of it yeah the series that we finished is smash bros which is kind of funny i think i'm dead uh you might be able to live i'm trying i don't know [Music] things are not easy in this game here let me let's both approach the kazia who has final smash no but i can take that oh nice [Music] beautiful oh my god falco shine's actually kind of obnoxious in teams like this yeah it is i spot dodge okay it's fine you're not dying i forgot it's nasty you're kind of high up but i don't think you're dead that sense out so sick with the cage match no yeah that was unfortunate time to pick up a assist trophy yeah instant take and now dude if my teammates took my stock and immediately came off the side v i'd be upset i almost hit ddd there to the wall and the dog yeah i think he might die because we're so far up he's oh yeah he's so dead later dude should have been better doggy all right let's play the game he hasn't moved the auto locks on sora use your side b you absolute [ __ ] he is neutral b is that okay no scything plays the game for you it literally will just hit him that's like the time to use it [Music] all right [Music] good pokeball sora it's a good play don't like that there yeah dude every sword do you have on your teammate okay i i'd play safe he gets final smash in like two seconds do something sniffy oh perfect perfect he did it he got a kill flight guy i didn't trust in the sword i'll be honest no i you should not have yeah yo oh we are like two points away wait what we're not up there yet no no one i think it's like it's it has to be like nine point five five you know that close they are very picky about if this falco's actually good enough for some reason for some reason listen he's the nine million five he's better than nine million five hundred we've had like three hour long episodes in a row and i i don't know what's in the water but some something's a little different you really stage bike back like that it's been fine because like in the past like three episodes we've only gotten three characters in and they feel like some of the most eventful episodes yeah i love that the uh they they have been kind of kind of been full yeah this guy's name is luffy that's awesome i don't think we can fight them i'll just fight kazuya do they [Music] i don't know i was trying to think of something about one piece to say but i literally nothing about one piece reminds me of zero samus oh i get it bro she looks like i really like our charizard's game plan honestly just did just the uh well what's the move called uh the clove blitz yeah the flare blitz yeah yeah the clove blitz he jumps here no trainer doesn't like him yeah exactly oh that was hey charizard save me uh he sorry are you doing a really cool move yeah okay yeah so that was my yeah i i think you're still in this though oh my god kazia has a projectile yeah i forget and rage mode oh my god i forgot do you rage ones [Applause] let me not get side down bead like that that wasn't me though nice that's called the clove oh firefighter got her out of it nope she jumped right back in oh he got 18 on what's his face so that's good well that's beside me good bait simple bait okay i'm gonna combo someone into this oh i thought it was gonna just happen okay well let's split up he ran to the exact same side as you probably did at first you guys like both three to the right oh gotcha yeah all right that that downer could have hit those that would have been i mean he cause your jumps yeah in every situation it's just unfortunate that his jump goes so high yeah super high super quick yeah i think whipping those final smashes is going to be a an l for us back to the drawing board eh hi it's two stalks of two still it's fine oh is it yeah i don't know yeah no you you guys are perfectly fine just keep going the patient going [Music] he's going to hit one of those yeah that's the clove special oh it's not two stalks or two hmm well it was um i don't know what the [ __ ] happened maybe i just two stalks to one yeah i probably just judged the icons whatever your trainer's about to get his final smash which is nice nice okay i just [ __ ] died of that yeah you can win this yeah yeah we can win this okay if that happens that's good i'm glad that he knows how to use his trading wheels oh my god okay get a kill here you always say you get ready for down here probably falco come on buddy what happened to your good old days that i mean charizard big boy no shot that killed me before nice unfortunate and that's it oh and now he's gonna but watch this close gonna hit the close oh my god hit his with the cl he's just gonna flare blitz and he lived for it too it's just like i wonder what club's about to do now no shot he does it again though oh my god okay that's it nope close air dodge up you can do it close got this he's gonna attack it uh that game was very possible dwell falco episode falco episode i will say i i would have assumed the past three characters all would have fit in one episode yeah it's fine it'd just be like that sometimes some characters are just not made for elite smash first try you're right it's not my fault yeah well you're a falco player it's never your fault so your fault that zachary doesn't know how to make the character good it just robs the character of its true potential us playing against player four that's my favorite weird little happens and it's doctor troy oh you're [ __ ] dr trey up oh my god he's trying to gimmick rules at you too yeah oh yeah oh this is a very input laggy game oh really [Music] what's this with the switch dude i'm still it doesn't shock me but it makes me sad that like the uh what's it called 1064 yeah yeah yeah ocarina of time specifically like the input delay for this doesn't work appearance 200 milliseconds which is like a fifth of a second that's really bad well they just matched miyamoto's reaction time to current year no i could try to hit whoa hello oh okay i thought you were the one on the stage completely nice i love that did you see my drop rates yeah oh no he's dead he said he's forgot he's forgot there's a pitfall here oh any second now actually f smashed oh oh nice word okay bye dude he's only talking he he attacked the same spot like three times in a row why doesn't he drop that's all i'm saying it's got more inventory slots or something i don't know sora is not a very shield grabbable character and that [ __ ] me up yeah she's whoa i was in lag for that he has too many options because he can drift off you can hit the a button another time and none of those options are mapped to buttons you know it's just like his character has such good mobility you're telling me he didn't even drop a single piece he needs the more apparently i'm gonna roll you have more pieces than him technically yeah i'll get ready he drops him here wait i'm gonna i won yeah that's fine [Music] ladies are [ __ ] me i'm just gonna do neutral get up oh that's this is where athlos is nice yeah yeah he should have just edge guarded me there i'm fine give me no close honestly it's it's nicer if those assist trophies are split yeah spread out you know yeah what did what an honest game this was until just now i mean his rule set it was his rule set and okay yeah it's scary i felt a disconnect coming just struck me as one of those guys you know i just realized what falco has those armbands on him yeah you know what they remind me of no shadow the hedgehog's uh wristbands do you think you yes i think if he takes this off he turns into hyper falco yeah that's not [Laughter] clearly joe thought about this okay you know what i'm sorry what are you apologizing for for not being on the same wavelength there i was what did you not understand whenever i said what i i thought you understood perfectly i do i i i like there is no way that could be misinterpreted if in my mindset kick i think falco was shadow from another universe yes no no i think they'd be friends you think they'd be friends yeah big team up together you had to kill sonic or garfield or gogfield yeah oh my god put garfield in smash he's going to be a nick ulster brawl which i think is insane i was talking to jaden recently and we were talking about how garfield's gonna be in nick allstar brawl and she just said i wonder what the competitive come come oh my god did you see that kid yeah he [ __ ] you up there oh my god we both got [ __ ] that was insane anyways she just looked at me and said what do you think the competitive viability of garfield's gonna be and that was just like a sentence i've never been mentally prepared for that is a [ __ ] up sentence oh my god falco do you see how sad that dare is oh yeah i do dude even in here that was pal kill like if that's pal melee falco where it's like at least sends out you know it gives you a second chance this one if you get the sour spot down there that was the sweet spot that's the problem that was that was done there's no way that's the frame once like sweet strong spot it wouldn't have gone down otherwise i don't know i thought there was like a easier sound effect but yo i trust you that's just sad man bowser with the the side b and the side b oh that hits no one i i think in the world where this is offline that hits foul now [Music] oh i'm dead tough guy through a bowser you can do it bowser will take your stock as soon as he dies by the way i know but what can i do about that well die first yeah [Music] there you go if i was going to see that i'd be like wow my teammate's throwing he could have been the anchor oh bowser litter up this is huge last time i got two i could i believe you can get him again there you go nice now kill garfield great option too now they don't have two stocks oh bowser can kill garfield healer that might that might be it bowser could but does bowser want to whoa oh my god oh okay oh my god that didn't come out that was incredibly unfortunate and i learned nothing right yeah i i guess garfield can um shoot and pull up their shine that quick yeah i just that killed me and broke bowser's full shield that was lucky that bowser's pissed you guys were just lucky if my teammate had an extra sock at the end curtains if my teammate he blames me for that one also i want to say that was a very close game despite getting utterly dumpstered on both sides yeah like they rocked us on that first stock and if i didn't reflect that missile who knows if we could have won i mean that's why i miss i i [ __ ] hate falco kick shine so much yeah let me just sit in the shine and just reflect back also let down her spike yeah let me ariel drift with my lasers like you don't have to delay auto cancel all right yeah that's fine i get it people will cry about that that's fine let me just shoot my lasers from the ledge and maybe land on the stage perhaps finger me you know it'd be cool yeah i don't know it's not like lasers are that broken in this game where like they stop you that much sex mechs through sniffy yo this is the wrong type of fan i can't believe [Laughter] that's funny though but honestly us having an ally and uh free-for-alls do we know he's an ally he he's he's falco he could think it's me nah people real fans know i haven't ever played a video game yeah i just talk about them and complain i just talk about playing them and no one's ever actually had proof i just complain and someone will validate it what a read i like the kirby he's kind of in on it but he said like such a distance he yeah he's just he's hesitantly involved yeah he's like across the room he's like these guys are cool he's like oh i got invited to a party you know that one meme where it's like yeah the guy in the corner but he's not sad about he's not like man they don't even know he's like i'm here with the with the big crowd he's like he's like yeah it's just the meme is this i can't believe i'm hanging out with alfred he's like he's across the room yeah he's trying to participate in everything that's going on the people are beard chugging he's like calmly in the corner like yeah guys i will yeah he's got water in the cup you meet so many people who are like for lack of better words is pretty like clout chasey yeah yeah you can kind of tell when they like talk about you to other people like it's not like a hey i was hanging out with my friend it's like i want you to know i was hanging out with this person because that is inherently cool yeah and i think though those are the like if people are name droppy to me and they're like hey i hung out with this person i'm just like and like if we're close you know like if either of you tell me something if dee tells me something like i'm like of course i i understand yeah like that we're just talking as friends do but if it's someone i barely know and they're like i was hanging out with this twitch streamer and there's not like a point to the story outside of i was there i i avoid that person like the plague yeah well because you know that they're just gonna use you for that reason you're just gonna be like oh i was hanging out with alfred some of you yeah i never i never liked being that it's uh it feels weird yeah it's just it's bad energy honestly yeah that's all it is because it's like it's the fact that people are there to hang out with alfred and not jacob that's it that's 100 like it's the inability to disconnect you from like your actual self you know yeah and that oh that's just not cool like i mean like i get it like people it happens like people will do like without even meaning to but if you do it it's just it makes sense like why it makes it i like people like us so uncomfortable whoa he grabbed left in the middle of that oh my god see that one coming that one is such a state combo i wonder how many times this guy's queued up we're just waiting to find just waiting to find us watch this read he could have been somebody else actually that would make sense oh no so these guys recognize us and they don't give a [ __ ] it's kind of funny actually i mean i i don't want to no yeah we don't want them to throw i just think it's funny when they do it's funny when they do and this is the other alternative or um they're not really trying to beat us either i think they're trying to give us another ad break you know what i appreciate that yeah they're they're really like trying to stall this they're real ones they want more ad revenue they want more ads they want to watch about can we have an extra stock they want to watch back on this video and watch that ad dude tony rated me like yesterday whenever streaming and his viewers like just immediately asked me for an ad it is i don't know what the [ __ ] he's done to his viewer base but i love it dude literally as you're streaming just ask your chat if they want an ad for some reason they always want one because it's funny they they think it's the best [ __ ] ever they get an ad holy [ __ ] and then multiplayer ads are a whole new game uh-oh multiplayer multiplayer ads are ads where they get they get to do a poll and then for every vote that happens it gives you a bit oh right yeah and like i was watching a stream where somebody ran a multiplayer ad and i was just watching the entire chat like [ __ ] on people for like are you really team pizza hell team grilled cheese all the way weird that's sick that's honestly such a good way to have ads just like make them where they just hit people against each other yeah but on top of that you also get money for it it's like so much more money than they normally pay you because twitch ad rates suck yeah oh car bro honestly i've never seen that combo before so i gotta give the kirby credit hit this guy with our causes yes you know yeah yeah close one it's been a while this we're close yeah we're gonna look at the stats at the end we got to 9.5 i just want to point that out yeah wait i want to go look at her stats real quick stats yeah i just see like our play time with all the characters because that reveals a lot of information [Music] uh take your bets ladies and gentlemen yeah who won character who's the one we played the longest let's find out man i wonder if it's kazzy yeah online uh oh yeah that makes sense let's go was violeth really that rough oh yeah i forgot we played violets before we did kazuya okay so people that's seen it that so ignore bileth because that was our take zero of this rock yeah that took us long so imagine the kazia but for bileth and for some reason and in one sitting before leo beat played violet so we didn't know what we were doing yeah yeah so the character is mad back the quickest characters for us bowser two minutes for bowser wow that's a world record honestly mario 5 losing to 5 pikachu 5. sonic 7 that's surprising because that means this two games oh man i remember we timed the inkling no we timed a sonic out as inkling all right that's why took so long yeah they're 12 minutes on anything yikes oh wait wait go back to that screen go back to that screen oops you want to listen to a song no okay i i hate you now oh no okay go back it's just that just snakes i just you do be thinking well i just like that pose still a falco episode still the falco episode yeah you know it's it's like you never left i mean we're only one game away yeah we are we're so close or we're right there any minute now any game anything the next one maybe you know that's the magic of the series you never know which game is going to be the last you can look at the episode length and get a pretty good idea yeah but mate who knows maybe we just lose that absolutely cheating because let's be honest you're tapped out anyways yeah but also you're doing math don't work right now you're probably getting a c in that class it's cool is this the same guy who rocked me i think so the gunner oh yeah uh garf i'll win this time we definitely saw somebody named natsu earlier oh god you are brave for going off stage against this character with a bird i'm at zero it doesn't matter that i i think it matters more at zero no no because it sends you it sent you up at zero that's what i'm saying oh okay i got you it only spikes you past 60. i [ __ ] hate this team all right wow they are in sync with yeah see that's why like you can't let these teams like get their their footing [Music] oh sure could have got a hit there but it's rough spot for him roll that was i would have given up on that read honestly that was impressive this guy it just keeps holding the down b button i think you know what i i'm like starting to see the light on like falcon air because like i just keep doing it to like just it's just a move to edge guard falcon air oh it's really good auto cancels decent hitbox that was bad on my part it makes falco spin that is spinning is really fun spinning charlie that's honestly the best part about the move look at that move because the falco's having fun i'm having fun [Music] honestly i i'll i haven't i just not realized i have a teammate kind of no he's got to kill him oh god good i mean he's up yeah oh this shield shield buddy live questionable recovery but he recovered dude he's back and shield monado let's go buddy you know what he's doing what he needs to do he i just need to be alive and i think he's doing great by that mattress yeah he's aussie just camping them out he's just camping for his shield monado and i respect that oh i i love him that's okay i could have protected it but he got a good percent lead for you yeah for sure godbuster does so much damage on shield what a good move i think i don't know i don't think schultz does any damage actually if only he had a red glowy move that made him just kill if you blink you die you killed everybody on the screen you laugh you die challenge you you die if i was in that squid game you laughing they show them take talks honestly let's not because everyone's like recreating like all the games from squid game i think we should just uh do youtuber ones and it's just you laugh you lose but we actually execute them yeah everyone's being soft and not committing i don't think i've seen any single youtuber die yet from it we're gonna fix that oh many youtubers want to be in our squid game where we will kill you people will do it because they're like what a funny joke [Laughter] i love irony so much more than living dude oh no i i threw that i threw that so hard oh i reacted too that's the thing i reacted to the move and let it hit me anyways oh i just thought it was gonna hit one side and now shulk's suffering because of my actions he i i i get it yeah that's that's that's hard i i left him to die and that one was my fault don't worry we're just one game away though one game away oh he knew too oh and he was a fan we had to block him on the switch we can't run into him again we can't look him in the eyes dude we have not had a single 1v1 with your falco i just want to point that out i i think there's that one soraa game i guess yeah yeah there's a sora game this is uh because like i think i could have handled any of those players in a 1v1 scenario including the shulk and like okay i think i could have won if like the bileth was on my team yeah or the the me gunner was on my team it's just like we had to play against the two projectiles and that's no fault to the shulk it's just i think he could have won if he didn't have me on his team playing against two projectile characters and team attack off is hard you know what happened to you there because i was just watching the shoal can you just kind of off stage i was out of probably like a lowest percent like 70 60 70. and i try to like land and like grab the biola because i saw them miss their aerial their smash attack on the other side yeah and i forgot down smash hits both sides sorry just no de-eyed uh yo spyro is back oh the bi ll for bob on our team and this is the same buy list but i know how to edge guard this bile so i'm good and you don't have a nearly perfectly campy team oh you have a rob on your team too like rob is [ __ ] phenomenal to have on your team honestly if you're against like two projectile characters rob is honestly just one an incredible character and a pretty decent doubles character yeah i dude he has a projectile he has a pretty solid reflector that also kills downtilt keeps people in place you can stay off stage like you don't have to worry about your raw teammate like ever he might be getting shield pressured sometimes he might okay i'm that's fine that happens it's like it's so unfortunate what's happening to falco because it's not it's not his fault uh dude you're telling me there's just some things that falcon just has to kind of deal with danger is attracted to falco yeah like a lot of falco's neutral game plan is uh just maning up because there's not really anything else you can do there but you're a spacey so you know what are you gonna do give up beautiful nair oh dead perfect see the down air works that's how they wanted it to work yo nice let's go rob that is so scary can that be not grab you while you're holding ledge uh i don't know but i they they can't if i'm above them or if they're above me they have to be below me to grab and he was sea level sea level i know exactly what you mean i've never heard it's called sea level i yeah i always like to call it sea level and it just won't make sense to me but uh yeah you said i completely understood what you meant yeah this is a not a good game and he fell out of my move yeah just falco things just the bird man great side b though thank god yeah we need to close this out it doesn't feel like we're out of it it's just an unfortunate scenario i saved her oh no you killed her don't worry maybe the rob will disconnect you're not too far behind honestly that's what i'm saying we we need to close this out and now we're in a pretty comfy spot because uh i'll get too comfy because i need two socks of three yeah you gotta god okay i can't take any big hits i'd say try to get palo off stages somehow down there oh my god that was good timing they're throwing a little bit honestly oh my god they're throwing a lot the violence is the better player so that's like that's good yeah i know this is exactly what you need [Applause] i think the spam have smashed and toki killed him yeah we gotta get rid of this politana they play league of legends for fun wait is that it oh my god i like is pandemon is that a league of legends character then i realized which one was palutena no ah i thought rob was shooting lasers out of it could do it honestly there's like another okay oh [ __ ] dude why is the falcons going so poorly why can't i just play a 1v1 oh falco's yeah dude okay this is gonna be a two-hour long episode isn't it that's fine i we said how about one quick character in elite smash and then we get unlocked falco and i was like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a that's a quick character to get in at least smash oh oh 1v1 1v1 right is this finally yeah oh my god god heard me does he just he's gonna upbeat god no i'm fine this guy knows how to play donkey kong oh my god that's fine once you uphold him he's just yeah it's donkey kong oh i tried to footstool them this guy oh my god oh [ __ ] don't let rabbit cog in your head man oh that's down here that's the second yeah all right and it's bad character see there you have it yep i did i i did everything right i'm saying if literally no you you literally played that like i was calling the textbook plays there if any other character landed two of their spikes that they get a stalk like i don't oh but there it is i can [ __ ] do three downers in this game offstage i got a full hop uh he might be able to maybe like incredibly bad so like i think i'm losing this game guys this guy's not even at least smashed holy [ __ ] if you're a falco on fd against well some of you with any type of like juggling ability this is a you know he's got three stocks to one though so you have that going for you i like that i love sakurai combos oh nice this guy's insane the laser oh my god the [ __ ] laser killed him nice oh my god that dude his death feels really good what the [ __ ] that's based on your shield i realized dk had it like that i think he can zero it at the dk nice uh i thought he was just gonna keep down tilting honestly me too like i just figured he's gonna be donkey kong brain oh my god what the [ __ ] was that this donkey kong has been playing an entirely different video game that was insane f tilt this guy's playing [ __ ] banana freeze or tropical freeze yeah that guy was just good yeah seemed pretty solid i was getting it together near the end but it is not enough to beat dad that had oh well we did ask for a 1v1 yeah and you got the best donkey kong play in the entire united states [Laughter] fourth best donkey kong in jersey though but only in the county of neptune is that is that an actual place neptune jersey yeah why do you know that you've been to jersey wait i remember one time uh we were in like a little content creator server and uh you said you were in jersey and anthony was like real jersey so anthony just dropped his address in the content creator server holy [ __ ] they just said pull up dude someone could have been streaming and accidentally looked like discord like so many things could have happened whoa jay freezy my man dropped his full address that uh zip code and all in a giant server ah mr freezy dude i miss anthro every time he gets to come out for a video i'm always so hyped he's definitely like out of all the content creators we've met he's definitely like one of those like chillest yeah also i think like how i feel about most creators is like i i either like their content and don't like them as people or like i like them as people and don't really care for their content yeah and i think anthro is like one of those people where i like both he has like he's deranged yeah he has that yo that killed so [ __ ] early what oh i'm so happy with the screen right now yeah i'll be honest i thought we were the nest for a second i popped off and then i went wait we aren't ness oh yo snasty i love that is that pk fire out a disadvantage that's just me but you know oh yeah any pk fire yeah no i don't know i i i hope to see anthony again soon he definitely was like for the romeo and juliet thing i was so stressed out the entire month beforehand and then whenever he came out and just like started talking about the bits he knew i was like it just made me feel so much better yeah i think like even after that video went live i think like or while i was editing i was like he he was the glue for this just he did a really good job yeah his role he's very talented individual like he's funny good at editing like it's very creative like shout out to honestly definitely watch this stuff if you've not seen a [ __ ] if you like all our stuff you'll love his stuff imagine if someone like put time into our humor yeah he puts like a lot of time and effort into [ __ ] yeah very prideful the fact he like made his own like programs like for his text and [ __ ] too i i don't know that yeah he just found the term for it vlogging real text is what you're talking about yeah you see this guy oh i see this guy i see this guy all day i love ness players and he's like [ __ ] yes i'm like funky sd no way this guy's crazy [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes putting that in my combo video [Laughter] yes my bait worked i love that [Music] nice i think down throw it here yeah try release works too i just thought he was going to do something stupid i was hoping he would just sd but like that works too yeah no i mean that worked you didn't have any true follow-ups really there like drops from the [ __ ] safe platform pk fire yeah do you ipk fire invincible opponents in this game dude it's so good i don't think it's so funny the [ __ ] james on top platform this guy drops down to the bottom pk fire he get fired he'll run into it he could you know he could he might he could just teleport the soccer i could just teleport him right into that frame now like the risk reward for pk fire is actually like just so good for nest in my opinion he really wants this back throw it's like even if he gets nothing out of it like i don't know what does he lose from it it's very rare pk thunder gets punished b mcgee over here dude he's on a mission i feel like if he held left he would have he might have hit it now you know i'll throw up you i forget remember i can do this dude that's broken that was so mean oh this staircase [Music] i thought i was getting back thrown as soon as that happened i side bead and it didn't come out yep [Music] i'm sure he's supposed to do his nest yeah what was i supposed to do he wasn't are you supposed to be swabbing off i can't i had such a commanding game after the start of that and then i just walked into a fully charged casually so honestly not even i walked i i meant to sign me so i could i thought maybe you're going to walk up shines okay no i definitely had a plan i thought you're going to like shield it uh baby j please i don't think i'm living that moment down if i'm going to be honest yeah that i don't think you're going to let me live it down i don't think the fans i'll give it to you i'm like things happen you know it's just the way it happened it just it looked very interesting that's that's all i'm gonna say it did look interesting i i agree with you yo but womp yo yo wait [Music] other one is because i know there's a difference between this one and like the blue one well wolves are the ones that like topple over because that's what it's for legs yeah and swamps are the ones that just our giant faces also want to go he's timing out caesar and that's lame oh yo where's where's dying man flying man i want to see him knock knock hello dude i think the concept of flying man is really funny the concept of earthbound zero have you played it before no the game is really [ __ ] hard and like without like i don't know so flying men like they're optional teammates you can get that they're just kind of broken but like you can't heal them at all and so once they die they're just dead and you get like three of them yeah and so like that's their graves yeah i think you can only have five spawn in a stage which is interesting yeah i think there's like five it's really sad because you just slowly watch them like all die like i think they're orphans or some [ __ ] i don't fully remember it's been 10 years since i played zero i heard about the ball drop and i can't find it uh under maybe yeah there it is [Music] nice that was so huge gave you a better pokemon actually because you caught it yo andros i've never understood what the [ __ ] this thing is it's uh from i i know what it's from it's like what is it i think it's just the best they could do with the super nintendo that's well fully put actually the best they could do i think because i mean have you looked at any of the things in star fog i feel like most of the shapes there are just the best we could do with the super fx chip dude it's so funny that me that people are sad that like or back in the day they're sad that we never got star fox 2. i'm like did you see what the game looked like did you play star fox 2 like sucked like they didn't really like god do you like the yeah see that [ __ ] yeah that that is such a huge counter play wait he's on his last stop i didn't know that yeah yo this slide i thought that was a close game for a second see there we go okay i'm really sorry about that next game guys oh you know don't apologize all we have to do is get i'm sorry about the nest game we need 1.2 more million gsp yeah remember we were at 9.5 nope i don't i i do we want a pretty bad losing streak yeah you know hey we're getting 1v1s now though so that that's pretty cool yo i'm sorry but that donkey kong is [ __ ] oh yeah like i understand losing the next game that's on me but like that donkey kong was on a different plane dude he it was just another falco for a man you know what did he got if we were you know if we had to play against the aliens in a 1v1 who would we send donkey kong no that's who the alien sent that guy is not from this planet i think my favorite quote about like that question is never a slime asked mango that yeah like who would you rather have fight the aliens and melee you or armada mango's like i'd rather be me because i could lose and so everyone in the human race would just be invested yeah like armada would just camp them out you gotta be lame like camp them out and be lame and probably win but like i i would make it high people would feel like we could lose so you know i i agree with mango that's what i want oh time that's uh let's see it's about drive it's about power i'm the rock that's that was the line that was the wow [Laughter] i've never seen that happen before no i've seen that happen with pm game watch um so yeah no that's that's a rare one right there that was a togepi thing i i guess so dude it just froze you and spiked you for some reason oh that's good that's really good we've had a lot of firsts in this don't don't bro bro specifically fun oh it's timed i just noticed yeah yeah it's timed but it's also free for all and i don't think you've gotten a kill so you're mine thank you yeah okay you can still kill from um the sword person yeah there you go no all right oh that wasn't you oh i got that kill no sorry dude how i have no clue i just saw the plus one right by sora's name [Music] oh okay i'm boomerang boomerang farming [Music] okay that's good for you because somebody else hit them out anyways did i get it no you got it one kill i dropped my boomerang though so sora zero by let's one wireless two i mean violence also died yeah but then he uh killed sora okay really good gut scene you know pain that sad the that's just exploding i know that do that go to there i can take that hit 11 seconds nice uh yeah i i think this is current oh you could get second though uh maybe i think i can't [ __ ] move all right yeah yeah that makes sense time battle stressed me out man okay and i will take fourth i think we come back to this another day
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 214,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5UxXQrn5fTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 46sec (6106 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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