Pyra / Mythra: Day 1

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whoa wow howdy duty everyone they're finally here i'm really happy if you don't know this is one of my most wanted characters and i don't think i'm in the wait i got it sophia stickers played persona 5's not now what no come on we no okay okay you know what fine you got me have you played welcome to oh welcome to patch day everyone yes arthur that person yeah i know everyone's been wanting arthur's me costume specifically me costume we don't want him in the game come on uh let's turn music on so we got some some tunes oh yeah there are the new tunes so new characters just came out pyromythra very excited about that joe just thinks they're a girl with sword that isn't wrong yeah i think that's pretty right i'd love to see this stage without the frame drops and we're going to have battle tournament playing i mean without the frame drops there's not going to be frame drops oh this is all yeah the percussion in ace plus they they they go dummy crazy will you throw me on them as well yeah i just i'm just surprised that they're i just assumed the character select would say pyrrha yeah the fact that they were both there she's so small yeah it looks kind of weird it feels like it does it looks like they're kind of crammed in there uh yeah i think that's the most like non the least amount of negative space on any of the characters yeah i feel like terry and like men men take up a lot of space but then now yeah where's duck hunt because that has two characters uh oh nope it's just dog yeah you know we don't care about the duck we just hear about the hunt then they get mike wazowski what account am i on you're on mario oh class mistake hold up whoa you get double the reaction now oh they're finally back oh my god i missed them so much and now more of this yeah we'll receive them this time i i suppose so okay back to training uh we still do this song we still do tournament battle do we just have like a brand new rope for stages now no no no i'm just saying that i think min-min was the the new one or the new row or something i don't know um okay yeah this roster actually has all the characters someone was probably saying something about it yeah i noticed that you were missing some characters on that one but i i assumed that you didn't have robbers i played these skins yeah yeah that's yeah that's a fun one i i do oh you do oh you can just pick which one you start off with yeah i wonder which character or skin i'm gonna play i think like uh for those people who haven't been outside in a while i think this is gin laura i think this is spoilers i think this is probably one of the best skins because like it bothers me how their sword colors don't change and then on the cooler skins like this one i wish their hair i don't know i might look past and play this one i really like the blues i just don't like how red their hair is blonde yes i like that one i like this one i think it's clean i think it's surprising that everyone keeps pinging me saying it looks like ryuko from kill a kill because i just simply do not see it yeah it has black and red uh i i guess that's ryuku ryuko yeah i like silver hair like this is probably my favorite mithra i just hate copper pyra yeah i just don't play pyro on that one that's my idea i'll play i'll play this we can play invert and just annoy people for now what we do best yeah i annoying people was a natural talent i think and now we got smash characters to deal with um cpu behavior would you like to play i would love to play the game okay oh a sword fighter with the frame two jabs wait that's super slow honestly that's pretty fast for a change but maybe i'm just like jaded from zelda wait which one right now okay yeah uh if i can like i'm the fast one now okay i mean you can double like instant double jump and still like lane with an aerial yeah i mean you can pull up oh you can like full hop aerial i think oh hold up you can double jump out of that that's so sick actually okay now let's look at the moves i want to see up tilt okay this is my leg trapping move yeah oh my god that hits from so far i move forward a little bit that's the only weakness yeah that does suck oh i'm not saying what is you that's why yeah god i'm controlling myself dude like this reminds me of like the brawl ice climber skin you know yeah what's this if that doesn't combo see wait this is a funny move right oh i got oh you got within you i forgot i could do that that's that's a skill move right there yeah frame one air dodge baby horse id i love i love that it's gonna be so funny that's that's gonna be a good move oh my god wow oh that special fall on it that move is as skilled as i thought it would be yeah it's okay put you in a special follower visually incomprehensible yeah my favorite part is i don't know if i'm actually going to recover with it but i'm willing to accept that gamble each time oh my god that that hurts my head and this just looks like ultimate wi-fi so i think it's going to be even more confusing well i i cannot wait to use that move online that that's going to be a good online move yeah absolutely so what are the other moves oh yeah sore throw yeah wait i did 39 that's uh i earned it yeah you can you test something for me well you hold the ledge yeah i'm so morbidly curious about this good she needs it she needs it well what else is she supposed to do against rob you know that they kept all these balance decisions in mind intelligence so you're kind of vulnerable if you miss it it looks like oh then simply don't miss it oh yep i'll play oh that's ass that uh that was very fast for you yeah so honestly if you're ever off stage's pyro it feels like worth it to just switch just a snap right yeah there's like no consequence in doing that yeah why why even recover us pyrrha if you can't snap yeah i'll be here i thought being able to look at the swords would be like make it easier to tell like which one is which yeah but honestly you can't really see the sword at all i like this uh this this mix up of going high with shooting that projectile i think like a lot of her aerials are hard to tell from each other but i think could just be the character new only does 14 that's not a not a lot but it could [ __ ] you see this is the nair right i love that there to play the game for you nair oh i've seen that before insane this is utterly i love this character actually that's uh what are the rewarding moveset oh i should have done that all right good recovery by me all right oh dash that crosses up carried character that's that's for oh it moves the head oh wait i got it oh it does yeah oh 17. all right i have a crazy idea oh that's a generous spy too holy [ __ ] that's melee marth dare yeah that's honestly that that fellow oh no okay i mean [Music] that's you can stay on stage with that but it's still hit off stage like pretty far yeah that's uh wait that goes so far off stage god look how big that [ __ ] hitbox is for the uppy wow so that just gobbles into stuff it's not great but let's show everyone a funny thing hey joe touch my shield with anything nope that move kills at like 100 though is the thing yeah i don't have to be at 999 jesus dude i was so much slower than i i would have guessed um she's so fast whichever one the fast ones very fast oh that's huge okay oh and you can't recover yeah yeah i could have air dodged it up i just tried to be after but yeah you can backthrow into upbeat or back throw air dodge up on that it's not fantastic but you know gimmicks are gimmicks that's that's a b b for 28 wait what was it doubt i just did down to upbeat that's fun uh stage moves good stage this is a masher character pirate like they're both masters in their own way you know yeah this is like i'm going to overwhelm you a neutral kind of masher and this is a i'm going to kill you at 60 kind of masher so there's no way you can side be off and grab ledge that's unfortunate yeah i mean this covers under the stage might as well do it on stage wait maybe if you do tourney winner oh you can't just run off and do it oh yeah you can turn your winner and just grab lunch with it it's not like there's application to that that'll catch a bad double jump oh that you just get back on the stage off of that oh yeah yeah that's i don't know why you'd want to do that is there any hitbox numbers coming back no damn i thought it would be like boomerang yeah that was that's a good application yeah that's a good idea dude people just can't come off stage for a second because of that actually invincibility flow oh i keep forgetting there's the change uh go pyra oh oh the time actually changes based on which one you are yeah for different characters joe i i don't expect that from people i would have figured that taunts is something they just kind of shaft this is a fun combo yeah funds the word i'm thinking of right now the uh this is the one i was talking about oh nice frame five down so thank you wait wait is it actually frame five oh we can check now yeah we we don't rely on twitter's frame data um one two three four five wait oh i think it's a down smash yeah okay let me go and get that out one two three four five oh yeah that's 35. yeah sure is that's good yeah she needs it she has to be able to keep up with falco man so my my game plan you know it's just yeah that's it yeah no i i don't think our my game plan is anything different between like that oh that's a fun mix up am i camping for downtown do i just say [ __ ] it and press side b yeah no this is the really i don't i don't want to think too much in neutral move yeah i i thought enough for today i i really wish it you know was a multi hit and just comboed there's wait like i have a lot of like special fall does that launch me backwards a little bit i think like i'm more likely to recover if i do that the wrong way oh i wonder i feel like i have a move that i just haven't used yet oh maybe it's that one that's a fun combo wait can i not move back with it with her no you and that only hits one way okay so that has to be pyro then uh downbeats the swap yep that makes sense don't know why i kind of think about that one under the kill power of all power oh my god that did twenty percent it was as up smash on the shield pirates out of shield options might not be the best like frame data wise but they all kill so early okay so 108 that's kind of that's not there's not as little ending log as i was expecting on these yeah i was really thinking i was gonna say yeah you can spam it does it this should have been there yeah that also does 20 which is crazy yeah if you hit it and it didn't kill try again and now it will that's pretty damn sure i will say pirate is like so much slower than i would have thought [Laughter] that's awesome that goes low that [Music] um necessary down there right here i feel like just told l and then uh just stop it whenever you have it right it's hard [Music] yeah that's not i don't even think that's me like no that's as low as i can be no that can go lower that can go a lot lower well i say that it probably can anyways it doesn't matter if it can that's still like oh wait oh a little ledge oh so close that's fine i can think of a lot of characters that are very happy about her right now you know yeah i can see so many characters being invalidated by just who cares moves okay so there is a sour spot thank god the sour spots that just put me on stage yeah that's a terrible sour spot honestly and i guess there's if you're going for the reverse sour spot that's maybe you can copy out of that but like i like that as a ledge option what was that i'll be yeah up here past the ledge and shoot a little projectile oh yeah god that's such a big move that killed across the stage not a hundred i feel like we know everything we need to about this character yeah yeah we can play now this is this is fun yeah this is a a character that people are gonna get mad about all all over again i think i'm excited for that this is one of those characters where i'm gonna figure out what i like to do with her which is hold forward and press buttons and i'm gonna probably mix uh miss out on like essential moves you know like there are just some good characters i just don't use their moves right yeah i think that i don't know if you can just hold forward with them who cares you know i i i think i am going to play this again yeah that that's this is the fast one right correct okay i don't know them well enough to know based off of here alone just think fire is strong well like i still don't know their names at all yeah like i know absolute jack [ __ ] about these characters besides what you've told me oh that's oh my god i'm dead how are you but that was nasty though it was i could have downbeat off stage is what i realized soon got down tilted okay nice 27 from like a sheet type character yeah i'm just spamming this move [Music] nice yeah you solved the game i earned it oh that hit that's it's really intimidating going up against dyke sometimes man okay so you have no drift on that move whatsoever yeah it looks like you just clown yeah i don't know how you got such so fundamental at this game you know i've watched my bots wait which one am i okay that's that's that's the one i thought was dead [Music] oh i i can't believe you should about oh my god oh my god it's a good move man oh my god you're close you're so close though i'm so sad back there side b that you are going to gimmick someone with it yeah i think i'm doing i need to swap to the other one i you almost died there all right that's not the move i thought it was but that's so sick though that's so cool dude people were gonna [ __ ] die to that oh that's i feel very validated by that move yeah that was sick holy [ __ ] i got it wrongly that's kind of cool dude that keeps you in place for so long it does and like the sword comes back soon just at the right time yeah that's oh that was so close to the blast zone that was so close to the blast zone you're like 70. i don't care oh let me figure out i'm just going to make that so we can play this character select game less yeah i'm cool with that i thought you were putting on like i i don't know yo also the characters are loading faster because you know i don't know if that's just because like we were loaded in a second ago but that it could be that i know because we i feel like we would have sat there for like a full 15 seconds before yeah earlier and we just we didn't all right cool so we're about the wrong one i it's like starting off with that move because it feels like a free 19 oh you almost died [Music] that's that's you should get a guaranteed forward error like every time so do they have different side views yeah they're different everything or specials that explains so much oh my god i'm almost dead that move is insane it took my damn just to get around it oh you have an idea damn oh don't hit me top player character honestly this character is so [ __ ] fast i thought i feel like even pyra is pretty fast like all things considered yeah sorry pyro is honestly still pretty fast yeah like tiger on her own i feel like she's fine yeah i feel like both these characters on their own is fine jab kills jab kills right what if it did though i i'm so shocked i didn't it's you while you're on stage i don't know why oh i have an upsmash too high yes this character does have an up smash i haven't even gone past the d moves man [Music] good sour spot i don't know which one this is this fast one okay yeah i guess that's the hard part with that skin is because now you just don't know oh platform cuts me there yeah any of the ones where it's the exact same you just got to remember and it doesn't matter i'm just holding forward with both of them anyways [Music] they're not fantastic off stage or yeah but or like specifically just below ledge yeah their vertical recovery is not great i can't even grab you with that i was curious i yep jumping into that was a great idea but yeah i agree holy [ __ ] it happens to the best of us i thought i was gonna be doing anime to the ledge not not throwing my sword you gotta time that that's that covers the whole platform sure does oh that's that's good that's for top players this is so fun to use honestly yeah so you gotta like make sure that that that can get on it down there man i lived i don't deserve to be alive right now [ __ ] i see the better player one in that game yeah no he whoever thinks the most intelligently wins with this character yeah whoever upbeat second is the smarter player yeah i was playing reactionary you know but all right short hair is not the one i want i think yep i do not want short hair i just need to figure out what her grabs do i think oh yeah something i've not gotten that far oh yeah she does have an air just what are you going to do try to come off stage and edge guard me i i like how you shielded my down till so what did i do i down tilted yeah oh i did my down tilt the wrong way um all right so since you're hitting my shield i can just go this one now and just yeah i should hope you hit my shield again now oh you should have done that should have done that that's my bad oh my god well it's so terrifying it's awfully terrifying [Music] [Music] i'm so happy this character's in the game though plus like it's such an easy character to understand unlike every meter character they've added recently yeah the meter characters are not for me at all same i think joker's probably the only meter character i can understand because like joker's the stance king stance change character 2 technically more like a form change but yeah i don't know there's actually a difference but there is in my head it's a form changing to a stance change or a uh what or not sorry it's a meter it's a meter into like a form change right yeah sorry it's i i first i have to think so hard whenever i'm playing this character so you know it's to say dumb things but i don't know it doesn't click in me in my head oh i was waiting for the boomerang to happen it feels like it will each time you're like pretty big sitting duck honestly though yeah not being able to attack in a fighting game is pretty big i feel like you only want to do that if you're in like clear advantage yeah and rolling into it doesn't look too bad though like yeah if you need to like take space i kind of mean like just when you're off stage oh yeah oh you i crossed you up you you hit my shield and everything i just we uh i was hoping i could just get to center stage for free like that unlucky ow yeah you know yeah that does like you have no chance of living that like marth f smash i feel like you can live at like 150 maybe just depending yeah like depending on how how your phone is feeling i i don't think no matter what you're moving around with mithra i think this is okay that kind of sucks in my perspective i guess [Music] okay that did from there that's good to know yeah just get off stage please what do you mean yeah what do you mean you knew what i wanted [Music] i i was just assuming neutral we had armor on it that's honestly super fair uh why uh [ __ ] in lovely you got away with hitting my heel i can't believe you hit my shield and i just grabbed it yeah that's gonna be hard to break that habit oh my god get over it it's funny dude i love that hawk good she needs it yeah what else she needs to need yeah she has to compete against ganondorf who they popped his up smash this they did they did buff gandrov's up smash so of course they put pirate in the ganondorf killer yeah oh which one is this okay yeah i did not want to do that move but you know i'll take it mithra definitely deals like sheik damage but like this is okay i mean cheek damage is perfectly fine if you can swap to zelda and kill sheik damage that sounds like a zelda that can actually play the game like i i'm happy that i can't tell which one's better yet because like i was scared there's gonna be like a clear difference you know yeah like she can zelda yeah i mean no one counts their uh role version right because uh it was just bad yeah but both characters were just [ __ ] mm-hmm yeah level has always been worse though well i was gonna say i guess neither one of us gets to play the game for a minute austin what do we do whenever we both throw out our swords all right through [Music] that i'm very dead i earned that one that's what i was thinking i just wanted to so bad that that was what's in there dale's narrow up air but i guess i just missed the up oh so you can jump out of that i love that like if i'm bringing pressure off stage i can just hit you with my infinite air dodges oh i cross myself up i'm dead that's a huge air dodge reed yeah that's a that's a you're dead at 40 for air dodging kind of read like it obviously has a lot of startup but not like that much yeah you know like you're going to read air dodge with that move and just feel so smart uh too much to start up on that oh i got crossed off by that move i keep forgetting this is like not cross-ups in this game sometimes it depends on how carried your character is yeah the this character's not a carry character though no it's honest yeah do you have a wall jump now dude imagine sure imagine they finally gave a sword fighter off the ball jump it'd be brave do that hey knock over oh one game i'm game wow that's just combos too that that's so good though [Music] [ __ ] it could have worked that they'll hit me i know because i'm going to do it again i mean it's just like i have to just avoid it nope goddammit baited him wait ah oh you know what i just realized application of this move yeah teabag while you throw it out oh games what bring two jabs [Music] okay don't grab that ledge i guess you don't have to grab that ledge with the pyro only mithra likes to grab the ledge okay i think if you're off stage with mithra there is zero or offstage with pirate zero reason to stay pyra okay i can't play the skin then if i i have to actually know which ones which yeah that's very unfortunate because i like those colors uh i really like the the so for if anyone wants to know what i think of these characters this is just the default one right this is numa this is inverted this is fox pyra and nia mithra this is persona colors uh i think this is from rex's in game and i think this is gin laura yeah and then this is just more contrast right didn't you just say that he just boosted the sliders on on saturation yeah you know that's that hard day hard day to work on that one first i still haven't decided which skin i want to play i i just like this one this one will do okay wait so red is slow [Music] uh-huh okay that was a fun forty percent winning neutral nice hot play there that didn't hit damn i thought that was going to hit aubrey doesn't do a lot of damage oh my god i stopped you down too good foresight she needs it i'm glad they bust bail finally dude i'm going crazy no i i hear you yeah yeah look at me i'm i don't know how you got through that wall i genuinely thought i was gonna beat me out let's based on my shield [Music] oh my god that moves gonna be so hard to deal with on wi-fi no that's gonna be my favorite move on wi-fi honestly yeah i was trying to see if that works too that almost works if i miss that tech it works yeah that that was a gallery i thought you're gonna roll down here one and down yeah i really want it down there there on honestly in teams that's gonna be a really good move because side b oh that's huge i dashes the wrong way i barely make that back uh this one yep [Music] yeah i don't really know where to like beat that move out you know i'm so sad that does not hit you there all right yeah all right okay okay yeah i wish it just broke shield [Music] that platform did not help me there it helped me though like i think i i see pirates throw the sword out and i'm still scared of her character model even though she's just literally sitting there being worthless [Music] that peeps that out okay it just looks like anything be set out [Music] i'm just i'm not expecting the side view to meet anything to beat things out yeah um that's yeah geeky as they say i just wanted to give her you man i'm so glad she can get her look i was playing the down arrow on that top platform for like 50 more seconds you just have to get hit by the first one uh well you know i do not plan on playing approaching game dead down there that spiked up and hit the comment of the uphill right uh down tilt yeah wait why am i this one okay i should have been the other one i keep forgetting which ones which if you're okay i can run off and do nair which is good because i feel like that's probably the best edge guarding move this character has ah yes nice nice foresight i'm so confused let me find what taunt i like oh well well eat [ __ ] i'll learn another day yeah i don't know why you wouldn't just recover smith or that [ __ ] like [Music] um i don't know yeah cuz like it did not cost me anything to like switch right there i thought you could pull that back even more [Music] i can't believe that's the knock i don't know i like it it's starting to make sense to me i expect a spot dodge my ultimate player would have spot dodge there that smash okay i really wish all of my smash attacks were safe on shield yeah i wish the game just wish they actually balanced the character for me i wish that the game started and it just cut straight to the victory screen of me winning [Music] [Applause] i i think that that put me you out of my uh ring what the [ __ ] yeah it does not look like they have good grab ranges yeah bro it's just like her spamming backer is not good yeah uh oh okay cool thing your scent was i feel like i was you're high you're like 150 ish i think uh i need to move to spam i guess i i need a i wonder if they have different weights i feel like they don't need to i feel like the the speed difference is enough to justify their power different yeah i get what you mean oh that yeah their their their dash dance grab is so slow or not simply don't grab them i like grabbing though man i'm a melee player it [ __ ] me up that you don't crap in this game as much they're back here it's like weird to me because mithras like pops you up yep that air dodge [Music] [Music] [Applause] no you see that like the frame drop at the end because we both got peed oh the game didn't like it yeah in the way oh yeah from that very intense victory i'm happy i'm happy with this character this is the kind of character i would want to play which is nice i'm happy to see a character and actually play them and not just say that in the direct yeah i wish that there was more invincibility on that move i feel like it would be necessary but only when you use it you're excited all night what the [ __ ] you better uh i don't know maybe is this a chic type problem where i'm just not holding for what what do you mean i i'm wow now 25 that didn't hit oh i'm just dead what i'm dead i didn't have my jump though to be fair oh please live go off stage and live dude this is like the only ultimate character who can't do that i don't get it i don't get it it doesn't click why is rex here it'd be so great if he wasn't i really wish they just removed him if they kept his voice lines yeah oh my god these characters just no not sephiroth okay so they just loaded in mithra i know all these other characters are going kind of fast oh default skins load automatically it's it's the alt skins yes like i look at sephiroth and it wasn't loaded i think they specifically made pyro load faster in this game because everyone's gonna go to her makes sense yeah that unless they just they might have just shadow buffed it but they it was only pyra other characters did not do that i think i chose the wrong one is this yeah you're inverted god damn it i if i knew which one i was i could have about beat invert is such a evil skin to play it oh i'm dead we can reset if you was once no no we're fine my skins are fine it is confusing to look at sue that might jump go what [Music] prepare yourself let's see say that [Music] okay sorry figure out next time i don't know i thought i had the other one oh no you're fine i i genuinely just keep thinking of the other one wait okay i don't want i don't want white i played against it i know what to do did he have this move sad that doesn't kill that hit really low you're gonna do that very understandable it okay oh okay 95 off the other side of the stage the move deals 40 so you probably words that 50. i like that music spike it up that high that moves the skyscraper yeah and right more [Music] bro yeah nice outplay there the hitbox in this movie is insane dude i've said that i didn't know which one you were i'll be honest neither did i he's got stomp need god why do they keep putting that in the game if you're gonna keep putting stop knee in the game that's fine just remove captain falcon before you do it yeah no i know you're spinning facts ah this character these fun i like them which one am i okay the fire one i really wish they had one that was just fire like they like i get red i don't i don't know i wish mithra was blue so i remember fast yeah this is blue fast here is that or is that just sonic that's sonic gotcha nah was that 20. you know what's crazy that's not even warioware warioware has a it's like a decently tall uh top blast zone [Music] oh very dead horizontal blast zone yeah those ones are um not not like that done that yeah [ __ ] shouldn't have engaged with her just flows really well i'd love to see it yeah we've got stage don't die for the love of god you're at like 10 percent dude well you hate to see it oh god dad i'm dead okay so warioware specifically i can recover okay so you can get him during that i was not sure this entire time i thought you were red i thought you were just you know it's the schmicks nair is definitely an autopilot i'm gonna lane with that move a lot and get punished for it you know [Music] which one am i okay cool ah wait please don't attack me for a second yeah ah thankful yep sorry i i tried to get on the other side of you but i forgot that kill move that kills that 50 hits on both sides yeah you know why why wouldn't it yeah that was my bad like they have to be able to deal with the mario cross-ups so they they need that they need it [Music] i think i just start with pyro every game just so i can do that give my free 15 okay it still takes me like a full second to visually recognize which one i am yeah i think that's probably the worst skin you could play to learn these characters yeah i did not mean to pick it i just thought it was their genuine outfits that's understandable like i know that a little about these characters that trade that's right on my part yeah she has to be able to kill pichu there because otherwise it's just too broken so i like your mindset of like [ __ ] facing if it hits it hits yeah well oh my god that's so free i i just want to play a character i can hold forward with i'm not trying to space i think she's good with that though [Music] that oh wait can i see one thing after you drop this yeah i haven't dropped it yet though i the other one got damaged i dropped it i dropped the combo you can do what you want now so okay that does come off i just wasn't sure if you could like run off up there it just seems like it's just i'm gonna say short hop down your auto cancels i i haven't honestly been saving aerials that much i don't think it's like not the on that sense that's fun i just didn't even know i could do that i feel like why is there not armor on that i mean i'm glad it doesn't but like it feels very smash for sports too yeah please four throw kill throw sword fighters with kill throws man you know rory that's true i should have rolled the other way i tried to grab that i knew you're tomahawking well were you prepared for that yes um not entirely not as much as i thought i wanted to jump before i did that i see we're playing the gentleman's game [Laughter] um i don't know i did one of those things or i just hit an aerial to get out of hits done you know yeah and it just so happened to kill even the game didn't expect it to kill oh the game was equally caught off guard advantage that nice 12 percent dude you shouldn't be a lot of shield whenever that's out and imo all right i forget i can it's stronger if i like smash through it oh i forgot about that okay that does not go as far as i thought it would i keep thinking this messes up my character law which i think is the point of the skin yeah i'm glad that sakurai is like yeah we can [ __ ] with people yeah i mean they do that with ice climbers so i'm dead oh i forget which one i was oh it's matt ultimate player would have spot dogs there uh yeah your dash describes just like slightly slower than you expected to be oh god look i had to react to that i was like what the [ __ ] why do you slow down i yeah the foresight's uh a little not not weird oh this character's gonna condition everyone to jump from ledge huh [Music] yeah that was definitely worth it for you yeah i kind of realized i mean i guess like that's the thing you you just if you push them all far enough i feel like the recovery is not yeah honestly phenomenal if you're an which i think is fine yeah no if you're just willing like not every character can really do that like i had to sack the stock for that but yeah but like you're in the ditto who's a character we just said can't go off stage very well yeah but i feel like if you're like a joker a mario a a puff i think yeah i did not expect that final hit all right don't come in there ah okay you can come in there like that actually that's fine [Music] you caught me in my jump i thought you were going to jump out of it that was my plan yeah you know i we we we both should have been ready for that had other plans yeah god wants pyromithra to be good so that's that's the new testament okay why are we listening to flat cell because the song slaps what do you what it means dude this song is crazy are you [ __ ] serious no the song goes hard dude i've never seen someone appreciate the song enough i guess [ __ ] bars they just don't make them like they're used to now i'd see you throw that sword i'm like [ __ ] beeline straight towards her i drifted too much i've not had that problem with the character yet uh we oh i think i'm dead yeah damn let's go i just feel so good to get hit with oh yeah you're pirate yeah you got to be paying more attention you know that's that scoops guess so don't which one is this okay that side b damn i thought i thought i'd get you before the gym i think that's a worth stock trade though i don't in that situation i agree yeah oh oh like i'm very down with going to the stock trades at like pretty much any point in any game time to round it oh yeah that auto cancel is kind of cool yeah okay you baited me and just starting to do the auto cancel oh i checked the platform that's oh you're so dead i love you punish this is what top this is what evo is going to look like i like this character i have actual incentive to switch between them which i think is what melee sheik and zelda went wrong yeah we were talking about it in the car earlier and i think that this remains true of uh like with pokemon trainer who's the only similar character to pyromiter in this game you play like you switch pokemon one based on the match up sometimes yeah but typically based on your percent because you go squirtle but you're like oh i can die at 60. so you switch like charizard or ivysaur yeah like no matter what the matchup is at a certain point you're going to swap off squirtle once you're like nine eight which are like 60 with squirrel you're like oh i am just gonna die to anything so yeah why not go the heavy i guess yeah it doesn't look like they have that incentive of oh this one's not gonna die as soon yeah it feels like you swap based on your opponent's percent which i think is cool it's just like they're this they're both stance change characters which is like a little different interesting it's high level oh i keep forgetting that uh oh writing shield's not frame one in this game that [ __ ] me up yeah oh my god you weren't ready for that i was not i'm so sad that you got i got sour spot i haven't such a sick whatever that'd be right i thought that was this oh you're always lucky you got on that side i'm this one god damn it you should mix yourself up because you went back to neutral yeah i'm pissed that i should have i earned that though uh okay i was like will you please hit my shield [Music] such a big move i i knew it i knew it was coming i tried to spike you as on the on the ascent of it that's a that's a fun get off ledge please move yeah let's interact that's [Music] the other one i would have hit the attack gotta remember that what just approaching with the fast one instead i keep not wanting to swap between them because i'm so used to swapping being a being an entire college course pretty much yeah so long with literally every other swap character okay i zach right i don't know that that's a funny joke man that's a funny joke mithra is so fast holy [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] yep yep cool cool i uh should have hacked it you know that's what i was thinking i would have checked it probably yeah and now i've thought about it i've agreed i would check it are you [ __ ] serious i'm sorry there's something wrong i i i'm appreciating zachary's game design right now good game i'm really glad that that is like 20 luigi bees all at once that's just it i thought i was oh i thought i could just throw the sword back there i thought you just [ __ ] had it yeah that game yeah i mean as soon as i did i was like yeah whatever this is a fine fate i suppose you weren't upset that it happened you're smiling because it happened all right which side is this one okay this one i i just need a down b side each time bro also telling which one you are is hella difficult yeah god that's so weird yeah someone's gonna lose a very important set because of bat within i don't understand dude turn around around oh wow wow yeah i did not think that would actually be able to lift that so you can't fastball that that's for damn sure [Music] turn around yeah now oh that's that's you can't yeah you just gotta float down there i i didn't fast oh i was trying to do it oh i'm sorry okay so oh you faced the wrong way so that's enough you have to be facing the right place to the ledge for most most like ike from cloud all have that property okay i guess i just don't play sorties in this game then yeah that makes sense in my head it's you know smash ultimate just grab ledge always i see that interaction in my head and it like makes sense to me though yeah it's just the conditional of it i'm just not used to i guess i i expect it to always be the same for every character which does make sense when you put it that way yeah hey it's like persona or or ryuko from kill a kill it's like my favorite anime yeah what i like when people kept saying that to me they're like how he's a fan of kill a kill how did he not notice it looks like ryuko i was like because it's just black it's like persona fans when they hear jazz man yeah i i don't i i didn't understand honestly i i don't know it's black and red but do you really think sakurai is going to be like yup kill a kill skin for this character now do you think that's like the one thing sakurai thought this game was missing it's a killer kill reference yeah i respectable uh like i don't go for that read often so it's like yeah every once in a while yeah it's a different once in a while kind of read also i just realized uh you're tech chasing on a platform yeah and and you just throw it side b as pyro oh yeah the pirate's white hair girl right uh pyra is the redhead okay oh throw sword girl [Music] i genuinely don't know how to punish in this game so long yeah [ __ ] it you're right it's so crazy i have to like di out for that move bro you did it uh huh remember when you upbeat me and you took a stalk yeah that's what happened right that's whenever i shield cracked you while you're invincible i don't yeah no i remember what happened [Music] yep yep [Music] okay okay bye bye you're right who cares percent that good good fundamental gameplay yep god uh-huh this character is very honest um i like her i hope i hope a top player plays there i i you know i i feel like some will leo said he was interested yeah i was gonna say i i can think of one top player that really likes anime sword fighters yeah the best the best uh player in the game might pick up this character and that excites me to no end because he also picked up joker god it's not enough that you get the characters the top players also get to play them too meanwhile all the steve mains out there uh have no representation oh they're they're starting to pop up they realize they don't have to approach lately so so what have you been doing approaching why you're playing steve well they found out how to how to how to camp how to mine in the air so oh that's kind of i'm dead it's kind of cool honestly oh it's not it sounds funny i don't know [Music] that almost hit you holy [ __ ] yeah that that's not the way i thought you were going to go i was not sure if that was hit or not yeah your guess was just mine that's a low shield yep that's not one [ __ ] assist trophies thing yeah i'm just an assist trophy [Music] i tried to just keep dodging i almost overthought it i'll be real oh swapping off stages busted in between stocks actually uh sour there's a sour spot on that i don't didn't think there would be one [Music] okay 19 earned it earned it all right no uh oh i can move again please stop no that's not good and now i run for a full second god that recovers so much further i was hoping that was the right direction [Music] damn it i was impressed with the moves [Music] you're insane you're insane i meant to do that one not don't be there no that's me being nutty no no you're so crazy so crazy cracked am i right oh leave a like if that was the most cracked violet combo yep fire a combo well there's so many sword fighters now it's hard to keep up i saw that t-bag you thought about it i'll take that eight percent oh that was weird yeah i know that's just like normal in this game what i like hitting someone while you're getting grabbed the grab break oh yeah like i don't mind it it just always throws me off whenever i see it that's fair i'm sorry [Music] oh good good goodness i got stuck on the platform what i love crossing up with this giant ass down air surprise you like dance around that move yeah what [Music] i'm tilted at that i think right there if i just did down air like a down air swap nope that does not work [Music] well now we know are you gonna yeah i avoid homie stock but you know yeah games on the line i understand someone out there has told me stocks on the last stock before that that's and they were also going out o2 no i definitely homies talking last talk i think it's funny in bracket yeah funny last game last talk no you're you're moving the goalpost friend no i i i've just never seen that i guess please grab ledge okay or not oh yeah this one that this one i agree oh that i thought i'd be able to grab ledge still i need to see someone hit the side b into like down air i think that would be cool i wonder where you have to be for that probably jump on a platform side b jump on a platform yeah i feel like you need to get like this very specific like percentage range on it to you yeah also a reminder that down here just auto or auto cancels [Music] one move to just throw out only on short hop though hey oh i'll get so the whole obviously right i'm true but like most characters i don't know i feel like that's weird her pull-ups like slightly like not high enough for that [Music] i jumped yeah i read it yeah okay i had the hard read that that move would hit so that's why i did it i never thought moves if they if i think they're gonna miss yeah if i do it's conditioning though [Music] see i never thought moves that miss see i'm so smart i get it yep okay but like there's some sauce in that yeah there there's potential there uh please let me back on stage i would like to land please [Music] [ __ ] it i think that's a good mentality to have nice perry moldy hit oh that hit [Music] i'm so mad she's so fast that's the character that's not supposed to kill by the way yeah that i feel pretty quick i like that outfit a lot yeah i think that's a really good skin i just know it's gonna be the edgy skin yeah but i don't know yeah their characters need their edgy skins while we're here we're just trying to knock out like what's the checklist on stuff we normally do for day one you want to see a classic mode yeah i've not played a lot of classes on this i'm sure it's just gonna be reference reference reference yeah what classic mode is in this game i hope that it's just straight up the plot of the game he just spoils everything uh not be the first time wait no wrong dlc character you're you're getting there uh oh yeah min-min's in the game too sure you can play midman if you want no you know i i really feel like don't i i don't want to sweat you know yeah you're your main min oh no no that's the worst no that state is something yeah i i want a formal apology on that one actually oh i get it because they switch oh all right joe yeah i know yeah we're going online doubles yeah i know yeah i just saw it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i can be bowser and just have smashed in that organic just be my original yeah be the red one like i i really feel like yeah just do this online yeah but honestly just this that i hold them in place okay watch the game starts off you full hop side b i i do that yeah oh this character's gonna be fun i'm excited for this character yeah our doubles online is gonna be fun i'll probably come tomorrow so subscribe and come back you've probably watched like what 50 minutes of this video yeah i as well i feel like if you're at this point you might as well see the see the funny wait that doesn't do like insane damage but what there's no there's no team attack right correct good game i feel like yeah we can just all right why why is samus here can you can you spoil the game for me uh i think this is just like look it's dark stamps and samus do you get it it's like two of them it's like the same thing but two of them okay so we're gonna get like nest lucas next or like pit dark pit uh pit dark pit i feel i don't think ness lucas falls into that category uh yeah crazy pit dark pit shared destinies i see it i hope that in this dramatic timeline we also get mario and luigi oh better yet mario and dr mario or marth and lucina uh yeah probably a good kill thank you yeah our our nera is like dark pit but like incredibly better like not even like a little better i've just been f-smashing for plastic mode it's been working pretty well yeah i'm just side being it's not working very well but you know i haven't died for it he's dead right i he could have been like that jesus that kills oh you're the you're a red one you're a red one yeah she's just so strong yeah that i feel like that kills their seventy crazy cannon and ryu i'm just surprised like i'm just surprised at how strong she is i guess yeah it doesn't feel like she should be that's honestly one thing that if this was a base character that's what they would nerf i think yeah they would not make her strong because like mithra being fast that's cool whatever like you you just [ __ ] die by being in the wrong place at the wrong time with pyrrha yeah i think i'm this one okay yeah we're doing great oh this is a stamina battle yeah wait wait don't hit him don't hit him i wanna do the funny thing i almost killed with grab break that that would have been funny okay i wasn't sure what funny thing you were wanting i just think it's funny to kill people stamina with pummels doesn't uh doesn't getting gravely damaged you that's donkey kong nevermind this that's if you're grabbed by donkey kong uh i expected this i yeah it's a blue curvy oh wait is that actually what midnight is yeah oh i i've never known i just say that with 40 confidence a lot yeah i had to put pompton's variables in my takes with the kirby fan base uh oh are you afraid of them yes yeah that's fair [Music] wait that's gonna be toxic online yeah a little bit especially we stagger them [Music] oh my god yeah this character has a lot of ways to be toxic and i'm so happy i think my favorite doubles i think the one that will net the most kills is you just throw out side b i just run up in f smash yeah because of that they get stuck in more flame nova i do flamenova out of that okay this is just the same character the reskin exactly they could have been doing this with so many other characters dark link is a character in zelda you know i i i i suppose but yeah you know ocarina of time i guess 10 years ago yeah hot game i mean it's coming out again next year all right that's probably right i zelda 3d all-stars it's coming you know it is run from it i i i kind of hope it is but at the same time i i don't know if they're gonna anything good to it oh switch to switch the mithra for this get all the orbs wait what are the words do you uh you just gotta collect them all uh okay that could have screwed you up let's just race to the finish but like get all the stuff yeah i'll go up top yeah there we go okay yeah yeah great grabbed the wrong way all right now we got to go fast [Music] any ones that you missed i can there we go teamwork makes you work i i was holding it up for you you ro you stay up there in case i [ __ ] this up okay oh my god we just that much so much faster speedy gal all right now we're good i'm waiting for you perfect i is that all that is yeah oh you just get some some bonus points that feels like it's just ripped out of subspace honestly like i i know i don't know not ripped out of sub space yo master hand and crazy hand alright so between mithra and pyro which one are you gonna choose for the stamina battle just okay you stay there this wrong one i'm just gonna sit here and up smash yeah i'm just gonna keep throwing this move out [Music] wait hear me out yeah just spam this one all right there we go there we you you [ __ ] with the other one i'm just gonna f smash this one it's almost dead this one's almost be down now yeah this one is that not the one that just went down yeah just oh my god this poor poor hand how does that oh that move does like 49 i think it's like 47 actually yeah please stop that sir yeah this is a this is master hand and crazy i keep forgetting they're still in the games oh i might be dead now you're fine oh yeah we got this oh we got them both down oh that's curtains oh let's do some fundamental games yeah i'm fine finding them right right now it you look very fundamental [Music] all right uh i got your brother [Music] oh oh okay we're fine we did it together now my people need me okay i wasn't sure but that's how that worked yeah the blast zones just turn off whenever you defeat a boss okay that's good to know that's a good good foresight there yeah [Applause] how was that not 9.9 i feel like we [ __ ] [ __ ] up i is it because i died at the very end i think it's because you died at the very end actually yeah when you died during the final movie he got it was a trade he tied her okay and now we do this button oh then what the gun looks kind of funny [Music] they're strapped dude oh this is a reference oh what two xenoblade two oh guys on the game though [ __ ] yeah he's not [ __ ] that one person that still wants this guy i mean hey i mean we we do have rex yeah be grateful he's a me costume okay you could he could not be in the game at all we do have rex joe [Music] wait can you not do the can you not do classic mode as me's i guess not i see you can't do classic mode as rex no but we can have i just want to give someone what they want i'll give them what they want [Music] there we go the faded battle everyone knew this is how the rex and pyro video would end right yeah what else would it end with this is what xenoblade 2 is all about do you guys not remember the final chapter where major duncan comes in and kills god i just like this it's just there's like petrol coming over to stab him in the back i'm so happy we have this major me still look it's this it's a sword it's that's pyra see it's a xenoblade reference and look i have god's blade that's what they call it it's the monado god oh what powers does rex have oh that's like your uppy yeah oh that's that's it's crazy rex is not as broken as them i don't know why i had to pay money for him please die from that okay good job major your major has always been i really do think this is like your true main you know i i i i would say that major is like one of my mains in this game i feel like like never will practice my major but your major yeah it just comes naturally i i just phone a friend like in in spirit that friend being major duncan [Music] um oh okay that's like fox upbeat but instant sharing on things i try to slide off i try to get the slide got in there major duncan yeah he he's a slide god yeah yeah self claim [Music] see my rex is insane no your rex isn't actually the craziest wrecks i've ever seen i i know that there are some pyromithra fans who are down abhorrent whenever rex got announced and was like [ __ ] i guess i'll i'll main wrecks me swordfighter so yeah someone out there has been suffering but they might be stockholm syndrome into like again yeah they might be like well i like pirate mithra now that like i have it but they just don't play the same as me sword fighter that's true no no characters play like the me sword fighters wait yeah we're playing the best of five oh okay cool whoops that's fine you know what else we're gonna do with the major rex matchup but hold forward i wonder if people clicked off no no i think people click people probably were skipping to this part like they saw in the comments omg 55 minutes in best match comments just say timestamp oh my god timestamp major oh my god oh my god major duncan is in this video yeah just someone whenever the match starts to put timestamp finally i've been waiting for this you can make that back i not expect you yeah [Music] okay what mario kate [Music] yes i i don't understand that he's what the you only understand major yeah i i honestly thought major had the only move set but i'm guessing major made this move that didn't he yes yes major hand picked it it's now a more personal move set the [ __ ] over that beat out my major you gotta hit those i'll get ready majors wait it's the gentleman's game oh major don't get too owed or whatever this is [Music] uh i'm still waiting for the day that somebody put major in a rivals workshop [Music] we both died i think i got port priorities there right no they would have gone to settings yeah i i think it was like a two frame difference maybe which is pretty funny that is i i feel like that that would happen to major oh i thought that put me in special fall i think i moved in your special fall in smash 4 oh you framer gotcha what do you mean i double jump back to stage i got punished what crazy that's not very xenoblade two of them oh good good gamer major all right wait i know you need the dunkin double that's yeah i don't [ __ ] double dude i was just petrified when that happened that that means embarrassed i was terrified you can't win them all all right major get classic major toxicity oh major yo at least i didn't get three stock though major with the gv3 though oh thank god game four might be my game four major you never want to see game four major dude so i have now learned how to not sd which is huge [Music] now this turned out me sword fighter video think about it it makes sense i understand how we got here i i just don't get that we got here sooner oh double gum it's like that one meme song it's it okay kk bubble gum on not alfred is my most viewed video of 2020 and it's at like 8 million views and i don't [ __ ] get it adriana loves it which is great because you know jules has the doorbell meme this is her doorbell and she's ex it's so in character yeah it's a really good video it's a good video it's not what i expected to be in my most viewed video like i say it's a good view i'm like oh there's a funny video my friend adriana yeah but it's like oh this is a 8 million view video of my friend adriana [Music] i don't i wonder if that can be framed actually i don't know please die i forgot i had that upbeat what landing box landing box major needs landing boxes so makes sense [Applause] i hope major's doing well yeah he's doing all right yeah i play cs with him every once in a while yeah yeah i feel like i talked to him like once every few just once every while i've realized haven't talked to him in a while yeah let's see next time i'm in call with him i'll let you know you can come yell at him cool i'd love to do that the last few times that i've been in call like playing ballerina or something and then major comes in he always comes in right before i leave though like the last three or four times and he gives me [ __ ] for it each time he's like oh i forget you hate me now i'm like no double true oh you caught the double i was just sitting here spamming so that's why you're completely brain off otherwise yeah if you were thinking that would have worked that's i agree with that wholeheartedly major get him sure major duncan why yes yes i can't believe major died everyone i hope you enjoyed our pyramid video leave a like and subscribe if you want more pyrometric
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 642,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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