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I kept hoping he'd eventually do Crash 2 and Crash 3, glad to see these episodes getting some love though

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PunctualPolarBear 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Alpharad: (makes a Crash Bandicoot supercut)

Also Alpharad: (says "fuck you" to a floating tiki head)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YuBlover69 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
growing up i played a very limited amount of games my parents kind of only gave me games they trusted aka mario smash brothers pokemon i didn't really get to experience older gaming until i was like 16 and went back and played all these old games but lucky for you everyone watching has a front row seat for my first experience of playing the dark souls of all dark souls games crash bandicoot i mean well at least i've been told it's like a dark souls game you know cause it's not like game journalists just forgot that some games are hard and it's not like they forgot that games have been dumbed down over the years and now modern games just hold our hands the whole time it's not like that at all so i feel like the people want me to make a video over each game so smash that like button let me know that you want to let's hit at least 17 likes and i'll make the next crash bandicoot video is that encouragement enough also comment and subscribe and tell me that i'm bad and subscribe for more please yo i've seen the old crash no i've seen plenty of old crash lately but this crash is looking pretty all right okay so i spin with this button jump with this button all right yeah we got this can i hit him easy game so far i've just been picking apples i'm sure the difficulty curve is about to pick up but i can't wait until that happens oh can't jump there there we go make that jump kill the turtle make the next jump make this jump first try okay platforming simple enough oh you barely made that one and okay i'm missing 12 boxes that's all right right ow ow ow okay okay okay i'm sorry i'll get all the boxes next time i'm sorry spinning tnt is deadly jump on it instead that's probably a really important hint i'm glad it showed me that okay so i'm gonna put that hint to the test oh get away oh hello little skunk am i supposed to hit you okay cool so this is where it starts to get difficult right yeah maybe i mean this looks scary but is it okay what about this one there's so many of them now no okay maybe i'm just a crash master you know did you consider that one i don't do i gotta like spin right in the middle of it like that because i'm a crash god and so we just kind of just make our way over here all right okay destroy crate destroy another crate all right hello very oh she's gone so i believe that this game is difficult but i've seen but i've seen people dying on the first level in screaming and throwing their controllers are people just trying to make a quick buck on youtube try and pretend this game's harder than it actually is because i believe it every other youtuber's fake i'm the real [ __ ] i might have missed three boxes but that's pretty good for my first time playing crash i think spinning a log platform lets you jump on it again i think this hint is probably pretty essential to beating this next level uh-oh this platforming requires depth perception this it's not my strong suit okay i probably don't want to jump nope that probably kills me i'm just gonna assume that everything kills me see spinning a log allows you to jump on it where if i heard that one before moving on excuse me monkey excuse me turtle oh i was supposed to bounce on the turtle you know what we're gonna bounce on the turtle there we go now you can die thanks bud there are things in front of me and everything around me kills me and we got another bonus level nope oh my god i just choked oh i get a do-over i got it this time all right so we jump on this one now we got it oh okay oh oh oh please oh i don't trust it yet i don't trust it okay we just gotta be quick please and we're missing eight boxes that's not a platform okay we got it this time yeah i know i meant to get the boxes they were just hiding really well i got a sneaking suspicion that i'm supposed to go up here no i have a sneaking suspicion i'm gonna run from this boulder actually oh i got platforming in the middle of this i don't like where this is going oh no oh i missed that jump well at least i know what i'm doing this shouldn't be too hard you got to jump right here and again right here oh and they don't stop coming oh no hit that fence oh that's not stopping it is it uh oh okay so i can't hit the fence that boulders goes through oh okay well that one almost got me that one almost got me oh please make it in okay and it ended bada boom you like that oh that was the level okay i'm a pro so i'm kind of be asking you guys with this whole ego thing going on this video i don't really think i'm a crash guard because i know there has to be a difficulty spike coming up any second now just know this controller might break in half by the way be sure to smash that like button right don't you guys want to see some salt see the best kind of youtubers are the ones who are self-aware you know by that i mean this video is probably going to be more than 10 minutes oh uh go quick that's how you do it though you go quick but i was too quick you know there we go and we go back on the leaf and we play the waiting game on the next leaf and now the lily pad the four leaf clover pad whatever this is see ya girl she's probably the love interest is that the whole story here girl gets kidnapped we gotta save the girl i'm sorry i skipped any intro cutscene i was just ready to play this hardcore gamer game you know how am i missing boxes i thought i hit em all okay whatever it's not bad could've missed every box now that would be impressive someone in the comments let me know how many times i die in this video because i don't think it's too many i mean so far but we'll see how the rest of the video pans out are we about to kill this guy is this a boss fight oh it's a boss fight okay it's a boss fight well i'm sure he's gonna show his hand eventually right right oh you just jump on his head wow this is so much easier than i was making it out to be it's just a mario boss i get it he's just like a little goomba and we're gonna kill him brutally that is just like that wait what's this little bonus area coco's time machine do you want her to join your adventure no no girls allowed i don't care even if you do have cooties games all yours now wouldn't it be funny if i was terrible at every single video game but somehow very good at crash bandicoot because that's what it's looking out to be like never mind oh look at that explosion now let's go actually no everything's gone okay i am too that's the level okay okay uh he assumed the position that was the worst level i've done yet this is what the original temple run i got this maybe yeah we're kind of doing all right my standard for how well i performed was literally all right so if we're doing that we're dead we're not dead now though how what determines when i die that got it so i need to stay to the right i keep going in he's got to dodge him you juke him out and he's dead jump over that one jump over the spikes oh my god that's something that's the end and we're just missing one box remember remember that one box i remember that one box fire oh we can step the fire's bouncy wouldn't have seen that one coming how do i make that jump do i just don't just jump just raw oh no okay that was just a dumb on me you'll live and learn you know okay i'm choking do you hear me over here i gotta pull it together oh okay that one was an accident but i at least figured out how to get over am i safe up here please tell me i'm safe up here i was not and when i touched the fire it does kill me today i learned i don't know why i didn't assume that from the start i mean i did now just don't choke right here and we're doing fine please don't choke right here oh no please don't choke right here and i choked right there three fire things i think it's gotta get it real tight right there yeah that's how you do it now spin some more logs baby we beat the hard part look at all those extra lives even the game knows i deserved them no game i do not give a [ __ ] how many crates i missed i'm just happy this level's over you could kill crash right now and tell me how many boxes i missed and i would still be relieved where are we how do we get here what oh there's a whole new island got it i will say knowing that that was the last level in the first world kind of makes me feel a little better but i feel like it's just uh getting me into everything else no i know i can't wait on those fishies leave me alone okay i thought i could hit him no he just eats you alive and he's gotta deal with it and okay stole my girl yet again but uh we take those as you know you know at this point we just kind of take anything anything that looks like a victory it is a victory to me oh he just kind of uh went straight up that waterfall direct attacks don't hurt him that's probably good to know oh my gosh who let this patient out of the mental ward okay so we're just hopping around big tnt do i gotta do i get to get him over here oh or i can drown that's an option too so if he just stays over there he blows up yeah we got this i'm just gonna camp in this little square and if he hops back over there that's just a fight isn't it oh i i don't feel like he's really a boss because i don't feel like he's really trying to fight me he's just kind of in my way i suppose i'm just so scared he's gonna jump over and kill me i don't i don't like the looks of this because he kind of surprised me last time oh come on john you're ah there he goes oh and three hits that's the boss oh wow he's in a straight jacket and now he's in water those those two things don't go well together well i would say there have been minimal deaths so far and we haven't even tried out uh coco as her name yeah let's see what she can do well girl i kind of need you to jump over that wall can you ah i see the platforming of this game seems like it's pretty much comprised of subverting expectations and i kind of like that but it's not like a cheesy way like never once have i felt robbed of a death i i like this game i'm kind of glad that i didn't play as a kid because i get to experience it now when i'm not a stupid kid instead i'm a stupid adult and now i can like actually assess why a game is good you know what i'm saying not this time but oh oh hello no i don't like that one at all well at least i killed him no no that wasn't it that wasn't it oh i see oh no forget about the oh okay okay do i gotta oh i'm gonna go over here i feel safer over here oh what am i doing that's the end right there oh my god that that one i i can't justify i i don't know what i was doing on that one these jumps are very easy don't do something stupid i got 18 out of 82 boxes that sounds about right i'm sorry i didn't do too well this time yeah i'm putting you back on the shelf you don't deserve another level after that one oh that's a spear there's the spear it's it's kind of dark i couldn't see it i can make this jump oh i don't know where i'm oh no that pillar moves got it jump over here jump over here wait now we jump over there risk it what kind of missed that jump now i'm gonna assume we're pretty early in the level so we can't be running out of all our lives this early i say as i die okay this is our last life we gotta treat this one like it's special that's an extra life we need those so let's just ride this one out we don't need to get too fancy with it right yeah now the level's almost over wait no now the level's over okay it's rope see it's over for real this time i don't even care how many boxes i missed the road to nowhere that sounds fun okay this level i've seen this level before isn't the strat to just do this yeah isn't that how i want to handle this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay not that's not how you do it and sometimes you can fall but you know what they say rome wasn't built in the day easy does it now easy does it you know what maybe i should just try and see how far i can make it in this level without the cheese strat and then decide when i need the cheese strap and look a checkpoint just like oh all right okay i'm learning so much about this game so see these little so these dark brown boards these fall over time these brown ones with holes in them they break but if you jump on them you just die so you kind of yeah okay checkpoint is not going to do me much when i only have one life left but we'll see how this go okay oh no i don't like this this is kind of scary okay those high altitude hogs we gotta watch out for them and try our hardest not to die oh no hawk please don't hurt me he hurt me now let's just hope i don't choke right here because i feel like i'm going to choke right here oh oh are you serious about that one can we go frame by frame do you see where i fell in between that and yeah oh okay let's retry that level don't ask god bless america okay i'm trying my hardest game i hate this part i don't like it not even a little bit oh wait are you cereal okay again okay okay okay okay okay okay little peeved this time but you know what oh no oh this game's pretty hard this game's pretty hard everyone you know i'm starting to see it now oh but we're having a lot of fun here today aren't we by the way i kind of played a lot of it off camera so uh add this number to your death counts for you keeping track at home oh that's the end just like that that's okay i've never felt more relieved in my life oh i could be missing a million boxes and i would feel just as happy as i do right now remember that difficulty spike i told you about earlier update i found it uh oh we're doing another one of these levels aren't we okay if you insist oh that one's moving stop moving please i don't like this it'd be a lot easier if you didn't move but my finger's about to slip off the analog stick it's not looking good for me i don't know why oh okay okay okay we did it how did i miss like half the crates i thought i saw them all where were they all hiding i don't trust it something bad's about to happen right right oh okay i remember these don't worry don't worry oh please stop please stop they got mine of their own okay i'm dead all right this level isn't too bad see we're holding it together and i'm gonna get these boxes so crash doesn't take a million beatings at the end of this level that's a hidden checkpoint that one's pretty mean okay i thought those are gonna move i misjudged that completely okay a little too early yet again okay it's okay it's okay you're still in this okay everything's fine once you get over that one little part okay gotta love the bats just as fun as always oh no i i don't like this one at all uh okay i had to jump right i'm just nervous it's gonna push out again then it pushes in no it doesn't god bless america i'm too scared to jump i don't want to make the jump oh there's an extra crash life is it worth it it might be we'll see it was not no not this guy okay so we only missed 30 crates that's that's all right i suppose koala kong we have another boss battle on our hands oh this guy this guy totally lifts look at him let's go fight okay so can i go over there and fight him no so let's just stay right here after he gets done showing off that this guy totally goes to the gym oh no oh oh oh yeah he totally goes to the gym oh that's a heavy boulder can he throw it yeah he he can definitely throw it right hit it oh okay we just got to run like hell four times in a row and not get hit by tnt i gotta say his aim is not the best but mine is though do you see that sick trick shot oh see we've got to get this one boulder out here oh okay that's it that's the boss good job crap oh oh no oh no it's not over is it okay yes it is are you supposed to jump on that guy well oh uh we're down here now okay uh how am i supposed to get through here okay i thought maybe i could go down answer's no oh no okay cool platforming strikes again okay we're down here now don't oh oh this takes you up oh okay this level makes a bit more sense now okay gotta go under these guys that's a that's a hard jump to make oh my oh please don't hurt me please don't and now we get the last one one two three four five steal my girl i don't care we're moving on oh hey hey little robo turtle i need i need to use you for something hey thanks you served your purpose oh we've never been in one of these bonus levels let's see what this is like as soon as i get in that is even more bonus rounds all right doing great okay so i think i figure out what i have to do here you got to jump here jump here oh you know what i don't understand what you got to do here probably not that okay okay i think i got it just don't choke this is it that's the run just like that oh no who's this guy don't kill me i got a lot of extra lives everything's going great uh i'm just getting more lives somehow okay we can live with that those are definitely going to be needed i missed one crate [Music] i have no idea where that last crate was but this is the first level and i'm about 15 minutes into recording so we're just gonna move on now cortex power oh is this a boss please don't tell me it's a boss okay not a boss but it's top down which scares me all the same uh i see london i see france i'm not here for jokes i got robbed i completely jumped over that one i promise oh okay it sends electricity back and forth so it didn't even matter that i jumped over it don't touch the toxic waste keep trying not to oh no don't touch electricity oh my god wait i'm alive okay it's all good it's all good that's like the worst spot for a checkpoint actually no it was a great spot for the checkpoint i stand corrected and i stand corrected again oh no more electricity but that's an extra life okay oh no now there's a lot of them uh oh oh why can't there be a checkpoint around here i'm trying my hardest you know oh okay i see now oh let's start all the way over here gotta love it oh that's how you do it and we missed a lot of crates that just comes with the kind of video we're making you know uh something about this place tells me i'm not welcome uh and that's tnt so that's not the warmest welcoming i'd say make that jump make this jump make another job oh keep going i missed a crate but that's all right just trying to live and die i feel like i can go down here but nope bad idea checkpoint now this is where i tried to jump down to earlier oh let me get all these extra lives they're being real generous with me probably no because i'm about to die a lot in a future level uh hello buddy what are you doing here he does not look like he wants me here i am probably supposed to want back right no got it okay i feel like that has to be the answer oh okay that was easier than i expected yeah i'm gonna say this level seems like it's probably gonna use all my lives why couldn't just be simple oh i got baited oh okay looking forward to a very long level ahead of me bouncing oh my god that one kind of scared me that one just rolls and he goes over the thing oh no okay oh just get me over here oh that's a good checkpoint i'm happy to have hit that one good thing i hit that checkpoint oh tnt very fun oh these that's all gonna blow up isn't it yeah good awareness from me oh no crash what are you doing don't spawn me there oh okay i'm supposed to do platforming here that's so oh i got all the crates i'm a master hardest left on the game my ass okay it was almost perfect his tommy gun isn't always reliable oh no this is the boss level that's a gun i'm in a very small room and i'm gonna dodge a gun this is like a hostage situation what are you doing hit him okay then hide behind the chair let's go uh this is my new safe spot i am not leaving the chair oh no go back oh okay who would have guessed crash dies to guns now we play the waiting game hit him oh go back to the back to the cherry what are you doing crash okay this is like a really fast boss battle but it's really nerve-wracking because i feel like he's just you know gonna shoot me with a real ass gun i don't know how he's missing me when i'm right in front of him but okay all right got him oh no don't hit me don't hit me that'd be a way to go good job crash we did it okay so we're back with this level huh it's not like the last level wasn't infuriating enough you know no we gotta top it somehow we gotta make another level the kids loved it the first time remember remember i know i remember i remember all the fun times we had on the first level like this oh my god okay we're making some kind of progress oh there's an extra life and this looks like it might have a checkpoint soon no oh no do i really gotta jump through this i'm jumping on these turtles or not what i just oh no oh no this is not going well at all it's really not oh no i don't really have much else to say i'm just kind of blowing the biggest load and not in the good way on this level please oh no oh no don't land on that one okay game i saw the little trick you tried to pull on me there excuse me and he didn't fall oh no get back on that turtle okay oh don't don't now what the [ __ ] all right this is newfound territory i see a checkpoint up there just don't choke right here okay that doesn't sound like fun i'll just kill him and kill myself okay we're so close oh there's the bonus level that means it's a checkpoint technically oh don't fall don't fall okay oh okay crash bandicoot you missed a box but i don't even care i'm so proud of you okay if the last level was hard what is this level going to be like oh no i'm already not liking the looks of this just kind of gotta jump and hope the platform's gonna be there what how can he kill me by swinging his hand he has to have one hell of a backhand if that just killed me out right even though i'm saying i'm suffering and even though i am in pain this is some of the most fun i've had in a video game in a long time so good on you crash bandicoot i like your hard levels i mean they put me in a great deal of stress but i appreciate them nonetheless wait wait i'm still alive okay no i'm not oh okay that was a little terrifying i thought i missed thought i missed again oh no no checkpoint are there even checkpoints in this level real not a single checkpoint huh it's okay i i didn't want a checkpoint you're okay no oh my god right now is where checkpoint would be nice let's start although okay okay let's start all the way over that's fine that is perfectly fine one two three four one okay okay this next time got it okay making progress i just don't choke oh no are just stone stairs i can live with that i like the stone stairs a lot that's a checkpoint oh my god that's a checkpoint do not choke from here to there oh no no no oh just touch the checkpoint for the love of god thank you for having a checkpoint right there at least we hit one checkpoint you know that's real relieving honestly it really is because if i mess up right here which this could be it's not the end why would it be the end that's a checkpoint as far as i'm concerned that's a checkpoint let's go i think that's it i think i figured it out let's go me got six extra lives i think those go straight to my life count right okay we beat it that's a checkpoint good i'm glad it's a checkpoint is that the end oh my god that is the end please do not hit me with those potions i do that that could not be how it ends okay please please die please die okay i only missed four crates you know what that's pretty good for a level like this just wipe your head we did it crash that wasn't too bad huh i mean yes it was but i feel better now that it's over okay so what kind of level is this it seems kind of dark and empty is that it is that the gimmick it it never ends or am i missing something here i don't there's something i'm missing the level cannot be this straightforward well messed that one up okay so it's dark unless i have okay i gotta keep them on me then i cannot deal with this level in the dark can't make that jump should have learned last time oh come on buddy crash you got it okay so this is how you make this jump you got to get over here there you go now oh where'd the light go mr platform please come here thank you uh i don't like this that's why i don't like it so uh yeah let's go as fast as we can on this one while also not dying that's also a plus of what we're going for here oh no oh no oh there's the end all right okay so if i had to guess we only have like a few more levels left right okay i remember the spears don't you worry take our time go through the fire and the flames and boom we got an extra life oh we're living i think we're not what he's okay somehow he's okay don't ask me but he's okay also this this makes it look like it's the end of the level also that means i missed 62 boxes which is not very good but i'm just excited for this level to be over with sorry i thought i missed it there i got real upset oh no crash i'm sorry you guys get to witness some bandicoot murder here well this makes it look like we're getting close to the top okay so that's the end of the level yeah they're pulling a fast one on me right yeah they are not gonna lie i'm just getting a little scared because we saw some of the earlier levels of the game that were challenging and now we're like at the end of the level so what could they possibly have in store for me okay so we got to be a little quicker with this one you know so we don't burn that's probably a good idea yeah they tried to hit me with the same trick i've learned i've adapted to your ways oh no that's that's a hard one what i do okay i don't know what to do about that one touch touch that one oh i don't know what to do about that [Music] yeah i know game over oh okay the depth is killing me i see now okay i understand what i must do but it the game didn't let me i don't know if you guys could tell but yeah that's what i mean well you know what uh let's risk it okay cool right on checkpoint oh no they got some extra lives for me oh no oh i'm a sucker for extra lives because i know i need them oh but i got them all we missed two boxes that's not bad that's a victory dr nitrous brio this is like almost the final level if you squish a blob it'll squirt across the room trust me i've heard that several times but i feel like that's probably how we beat him does he send little squirty blobs at us he looks like we should put him out of his misery oh no kill the blob oh that's a i feel like that's a failed creation you know like there are very clearly some problems there it's like why include an easily accessible self-destruct button in a rocket ship i don't know but every rocket ship and every cartoon has one oh where do you get all these purple potions from nope no i don't like it throw me some greens i want to kill some squishies did he just die nope he's the incredible hulk uh do i jump on his head cool nope not twice oh right here come come at me i'll jump on your head again i missed okay please come a little bit closer to me uh there you go okay okay we gotta do that one more time see i'm just impatient that's it that's all the boss was nitrous broken that's a gold trophy i've never gotten a gold truck okay never mind we're never gonna know what it means so now we're in the lab this has to be like oh no no i see two more levels right there we're getting close though i also have the strange feeling like this game never truly ends oh there was tnt hidden under there not a big fan of him okay can i just like go around him all right he's not that mobile neither am i oh no oh my god he came out of nowhere he's a trained u.s sniper how am i supposed to deal with that okay here comes the sniper watch out for him dodges things kill him hit that checkpoint boom oh no oh no i i don't like this i don't like this one bit we got a bridge of tnt and electricity and our death oh my okay we gotta start over everybody why did i press that button why did i blow myself up okay wait for that to turn into 36. hey wow we didn't even die that time that's like i mean i guess it counts after we game over but that's the first perfect screen we've gotten since the beginning of the game so it's a pretty good day so the actual pen ultimate is the great hall i don't i don't know how we're gonna walk that path but you know what i don't doubt crash bandicoot anymore huh okay that was the hardest level yet that was it okay you know what i really respect that that's hilarious for a game that's so infuriating so challenging the second to last level is just a hallway in one jump kudos you got me well dr nia cortez here goes nothing [Music] okay so we're on the airship he's on his little hoverboard oh he's not happy with me i'm so sorry your whole castle's on fire actually don't know how that one happened oh can we okay cool we can deflect them back at him okay we're getting the two-hit combo out there dude i feel like i'm just playing dodgeball with this guy oh third hit you're not doing too well today buddy is this all he's got for me uh oh what do you got here's the last stand man make your move very carefully oh okay phase two here we come [Music] okay that's a pretty cute trophy okay so we saved the bay but like he's coming back right right that was the final boss right they didn't just present me with one of the most challenging games i played and then make the final boss just a bullet hell uh oh you know what they did do that okay so we're gonna get some armor real quick and uh we're just gonna pray that's what we're gonna do we're already killing oh hello hey look goodbye oh okay we had the timing i just didn't believe in myself you just got to believe in the me that believes that no oh okay there we go making some progress i don't know how far i have to go to consider this a good attempt but i think we are doing better than average thus far so we just gotta jump on the birds right yeah oh whoops wait there's a checkpoint on here did not expect that scoot scoot scoot down the crash yeah you got it don't worry one two three four one two three four oh there oh oh i did not think i was gonna land on that jump on that one yeah okay so he throws on every other one okay look at me go jump oh ow okay we weren't destined for perfection you know oh oh okay whoa yeah we're gonna hit a game over any second now that's just that's just how it goes huh too early oh my god okay you know what we did really well on our first attempt so that just means we're gonna do it next time correct what throw your potion let me jump on it don't hit me okay things are looking better [Music] all according to plan i'm at least aware it's smooth sailing on this part it doesn't get difficult until a little bit later don't hit me oh my god i was too scared okay things are this is the first i've been okay do not mess it up now that's that is an order from me crash bandicoot no oh so close every jump has already been planned oh what what i'm alive uh hello uh i just cheated death oh i hit it oh that's an extra life is there a checkpoint up here please please i made some progress i'd like a checkpoint next time for sure i'm not too surprised by this but i've gotten a lot of angry comments saying hey alpha you suck i crash bandicoot i'm like it's it's my first time playing i i feel like you're supposed to die a lot you know like this game's a learning process i even had some guy come up to me in public ask for a signature asked for a picture and then looked me dead in the eyes and said alpha red you suck at crash bandicoot and then walked away that is a true story and i don't know how to feel about it i'm feeling pretty good about this i think i have the level figured out assuming that the level ends soon after my last attempt ended i think it's all kind of simple from here on out we just gotta not do that and not do that oh there are spikes up there you know i just did not see those that's uh that one's my fault i'm sorry you know what i'm probably gonna title this the hardest level in video games because that's like what people make it out to be but i don't really think it's difficult it's just a lot of trial and error you know like that's just what i think crash bandicoot is people really over hype to be you know the dark souls of what whatever it's i think the challenge in it is the trial and error not the game being inherently difficult you know never mind it's hardest level in any video game that's ever existed i just missed didn't i yep i did you know what kill me now oh please there we go alva why did you waste a life because faithful viewer i was tired of living okay now it's time for this stuff where i just try not to die up down up down up down there we go ah feels good to be down here i think no it doesn't go back no crash what are you doing get out of there no oh my god is that the line is that my last attempt [Music] this level's hard as [ __ ] if anyone ever asks i beat this on my first try blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back okay okay jump here there okay oh no get comfortable get comfortable bud no okay um there's a checkpoint right there okay now i jump okay okay that's some serious progress right there look at that oh some extra lives okay these are gonna come in handy now oh okay i see what we gotta do yeah there we go wait did i just get it on my first try uh uh how i whatever moving on when you throw stuff on there i just got lucky i had no idea what i was doing i don't know man this game just makes me not want to trust anything because i feel like everywhere i go i'm going to die somehow dead oh these are just baby hops from here on out huh okay got it oh oh no oh it's all too fast oh i think we're making progress that's all that really matters right no okay we're living i i i've fallen behind oh no oh how did i do that i have no idea oh checkpoint how many lives we got oh no oh my god oh i was so scared okay okay okay okay this has to be like near the end right i'm so scared okay okay okay okay okay deep breath deep breaths nope that's not how you do it at all i see what you do now just um i'm a little too late oh my god oh how do i only get four lives this time do they get one less uh you know what who cares we're moving on point is we got eight lives just like last time and we're not gonna choke this time i mean i mean at least that's the goal i'm i'm behind oh no yeah oh oh what what the hell just happened uh i i i don't know but i i guess we just gotta do it again okay wait are they are they they look like they're desync what what the hell uh i don't know who you are weebly beebly i only got time for you right now oh my god i don't know who you are weebly beebly i'm blaming you for all of this cool oh oh no no oh okay whatever why do i keep dying there oh it's such an easy place to avoid i feel like but oh i just never think i'm gonna hit it but yet i always do oh no excuse me game oh my god i'm so tired of this game at this point oh pj saw pj saw pj salt i'm aware but i spent so much time on this level go up cool that's going to come up cool hit the checkpoint i mean now i'm making progress maybe the real strategy is to not have any self-confidence at all jump on stupid perch i'm on the stupid hand now we gotta jump on the stupid bird again but this time we have to do platforming and it's scary i messed up i got so nervous did you see that oh my god i know oh i did it i did the hard part i just didn't i didn't believe that's what happened i did not believe oh i didn't even believe that time but it still worked okay okay we got to be getting close one of these is going to come over cool just write it out just write it out well here goes nothing nope that didn't look right um going back never mind no this time for sure you know what maybe it's this time you know what this could be the run of all runs probably not but hey here's hoping step by step we have yet to die we still holding on to all those lives okay we've yet to lose a life and we're already here this could be it how am i okay hear me choking over here this is easy this is kindergarten stuff why am i still stay cool stay calm collected everything's okay we can still do this even with seven lives i'm gonna get past this part easy now don't get hit by that one see got it i've learned oh this could be my moment this could finally be it no no no that has to be the end right that's the oh oh no what okay okay you know what i think we got it this this is it this has to be the run i can make this jump every time now because i'm not scared of it and that's the first oh i'm not even being patient with it i'm just pissed living life on the edge because you want being patient [ __ ] you remember in my first crash bandicoot video when i said i didn't really understand why people got mad at this and why they like heard controllers and things like that well it's kind of come around and i think i do understand it now this level is only slightly tilting right now i am only slightly tilted you know you know that's that's just that's just the nature of this game that's it's all going to be all right though i i hope okay so this time i'm feeling really confident and that's because i came prepared i'm really glad i grinded out all these extra lives i have not used one yet oh my god don't tell me i decided to kill it now i'm actually going to be a little upset if i decide to kill this now was that it oh my god that was it oh that was literally it that was the last thing in my way this whole oh my god and i got please don't mess this job oh my god i don't think i'd be able to live with myself if i messed that up 2.6 people have gotten that oh oh my god oh you know what we're sharing that one and there we go oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,181,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: iJxxjnDNePY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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