Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I JUST CAN'T GET RID OF THEME - November 04th, 2018

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[Music] Psalm 23 verse 6 once you found it want you to clay I have it hallelujah let's read it together with uplifted voices surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I'll dwell in the house of the Lord come on let us declare it again with a little bit more vim began vitality everybody surely Your goodness and love [Music] bless the Lord you may be seated I want to preach for a little while there's something after noon using as a subject I just can't seem to get rid of them just can't get rid of would you look at the person beside you and just so you know who I'm talking about recently while flying to London I fell into an old movie from the 60s starring Dustin Hoffman entitled the Graduate the plot is simple while disturbing Hoffman is involved with the young lady who he now wants to be engaged to however she rejects his proposal he waits outside her class and asked her again waits outside of her dorm and asked her again and every time she asks he asked her answer is the same no becoming weary she writes him a letter confessing that after considerable thought and thinking about sharing her life with him was not in her plans in so much as she's now moved on to another town and is in love with another man Dustin implements stalking techniques to try to track her down go so far as to track down the church where the ceremony is being held and interrupts the festivities beats up the bride's father as the altercation with the groom has an argument with other guests and in typical Hollywood fashion Dustin ends up getting the girl she leaves her husband who she just married two minutes ago at the wedding while abandoning the notion that no means no and gives a problem to suggest that women don't have the right to dictate who they want in their life the subliminal message was boy wants girl girl doesn't want boy boy harasses girl and then boy gets girl it is a perversion on the principle of persistence persistence I need you to hear me very carefully persistence only proves persistence persistence does not prove love I gotta give that to you again persistence proves persistence but persistence does not prove love the devil is persistent but he doesn't love you an author of one of my pivotal books on interpersonal relationships that I want to recommend all of you if you've not read it the book is entitled the five love languages well you are encouraged to go through them with your significant other so that your communication does not end up chaotic the unspoken speech impediment of this cultural conditioning brought about by a general dysfunction teaches men that if a woman says no is not known so it is only in that construct that no does not agree with the dictionary definition it is strained through a filter that we then as male species interpret know as maybe not yet give me time I'm unsure or I haven't decided can I say this no is a complete sentence it does not make you mean nasty or unchristian it makes you clear I want every person in the room can you practice it out loud every person as loud as you can you would you just shalt know that there are some things in your life and some people that are just gonna keep coming around until you flat out say no you've tried to be nice diplomatic gracious enduring tolerant but at this point it is absolutely evident that the only thing you can do is say no and something has happened in our christ-like conditioning filtered through the sociology of the church where we are groomed to not say no as if it is impolite as if it is not what it is that God has ordained but coming to the last ten weeks of this year no needs to be fluent in your vocabulary as a matter of fact I want you to be able to say no more often than you say yes no to depression no to unhappiness no to unfulfilled it no just cycles no to addiction no to one-way relationships is up to you to understand cuz I said it clear the answer is no with somebody right where it is that you want don't turn to your neighbor I'm talking to you because sometimes here's the hardest variable you have to train yourself to say no to yourself it is not known to other people you gotta say no watch this to what you have access to to what you know you should not have just because it is available doesn't make it expedient but sometimes we've got a governor under the muscle of self-discipline what can I say no to myself about so many of us treat ourselves in the toxicity we treat ourselves into an imbalance relationship we treat ourselves buster's into a bad diet please hear me there's no such thing as being big-boned you just like Doritos and coke you got a make up in your mind what do I say no to even if I gotta say no to myself stalking here this stalking is a crime of power it is a crime of control it is a crime of intimidation I'm gonna set 23 people free today and I need you to hear me very carefully stalking is a crime of power control and intimidation watch this stalking I gotta say this here may I wrestle with it all weekend I couldn't find another way to say it stalking is being raped while dressed it in a nutshell stalking violates your freedom it honors what's this the wishes of the pursuer and ignores the desire of the presumed stalking here this is the picture of misogyny personified because it takes away a woman's right to decide whether I want you in my life and you're trying to force me into a slavery of companionship when I've already made it clear I don't desire to be around you if it were not stalking you wouldn't have to always be on my page driving by my house asking me where my aunt work it ain't none of your business because by your asking you are forcing yourself into a life you are not welcome I'm stalking what's this I can only be a stalker watch this to a person who knows what they want in their life you didn't hear what I just said 500 W I'm telling you it's going free yourself the manacles you've put around your own mind and around your own subliminal wrists I need just 500 of you out loud and if you watch it online I want you to type it right on the screen every person I want you to declare it if it resonates with your condition I know what I want in my life and you don't sound forceful enough I need you to say it come on declare it out loud with me I know what I want in my life one of the things that we have to do is we have to start teaching our young men here this how to hear no y'all didn't hear what I just said we're to teach our young men how to hear no and we have to teach our daughters that you don't have to negotiate what you're not interested in we've raised them what's this how to look for mr. right for mrs. right but we've never schooled them on how to get rid of mr. wrong and mrs. wrong so most of us have had dialogues with our parents with our mentors with influential people in our lives that told us what we ought to be looking for in a mate in a companion in a life partner in a bride and a groom but nobody ever schools you on what to do on how to appropriately cut it off and so you playing it on a wing why I got to change my whole number yeah y'all ladies say you're nothing to me why why I got to keep blocking you yeah yeah you're your social media is blocked not from solicitors you blocked it because the exes I don't want them in my business they don't need to know what I got going on I'm only speaking out loud what you've said to yourself and you gotta ask yourself how much authority have I given somebody who is not ordained to be in my life then I've gotta alter my life around for the income thing hence of your rejection I hate to keep running the bus over Dustin Hoffman I did an opening scene as you all can tell I watch a lot of movies an opening scene for the movie Tootsie you remember that in opening scene of the movie Tootsie Dustin Hoffman plays an actor reading the lines for an audition he's reading the lines for an audition you gonna remember this for those of you who over 40 you remember this class is a voice offstage yelled to Dustin Hoffman watch this he yelled storm we want somebody who has a different height Dustin Hoffman replies I can be taller I'll put lifts in my shoes they said to him no we want somebody it's a different height cuz we looking for somebody shorter he says oh don't worry about it you don't even understand I got a elevator shoes on the voice in from behind stage I says I know but we're looking for somebody different Dustin Hoffman please I can be different the voice finally concedes and waves the way play you don't get it you ain't what we looking for that passer what are you saying to me there some people you tried to reject and then they tried to change for the part [Applause] god help me because they cinch that you were spiritual then they want to come to church but then as soon as y'all fall out they stop coming to church y'all ain't saying nothing because they are just if their height to what they think you wanted but it was not the real authentic legitimate person that they auditioned to be and you got to be at the place you don't get it you do what I'm looking for [Applause] no matter what the job offers you or the suitor promises you the reality is it ain't that you ain't nice it's not even that you're not attractive it's not even watch this that you're not attentive it is not because I got issues and I do have some but you just ain't in so you'll need to come tell me what God showed you cuz I served the same God and he knows how to talk to me y'all ain't saying nothin to me can I go step forward this is only for the mature people I don't even care if my family likes you if you don't line up with what it is that I want for my life then I've got the right to be able to speak and articulate this is one of the most known scriptures that fits any occasion for all converts it's an amazing scripture its peculiar is bizarre because the same scripture is read at weddings and funerals and revivals and graduations and retirements and by the bedside and on suicide watch and in support groups wherever it is that you are most believers have you ever been to one football game you don't seen the side said John 3:16 or Psalm 23 which is bizarre considering that Psalm 23 is written in an agricultural background and we live in a technological age look at Psalm 23 Psalm 23 verse number one the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and for five verses we discover why Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and then it goes on five more verses to tell me why was this the Lord is my shepherd I want to break it down to you the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want what's this that speech to relationship the Lord is my shepherd it's a relationship shell not one watch this it's speech to resources because you can't come in a relationship with me and not have no resources y'all just missed and I'm gonna come and come back Lord is my shepherd we in a relationship shall not want cuz you can't come in a relationship without resources makes me lie down watch this that's rest please hear me if in fact you can't sleep worried and thinking about who you with it ain't a healthy relationship you should be able to sleep not worrying about where they are who they wit or what they are doing he makes me lie down that's what wrath leads me beside still waters that's refreshment ladies and gentlemen please don't be in relationship with anybody that are joining you god I can't hear nobody in here you if you the one that's always got the poor it is not for you you hallelujah is it's a terrible thing when you gotta be a picture and you in love with a Dixie cup their capacity is not big enough to be able to hold what it is that you have to offer and have em I refreshed from being in your presence or do I leave you stress when I see your number on the phone do I gotta take a deep breath before I answer y'all ain't saying nothing do I gotta pray to get my spirit right cuz you come in with the foolishness and I don't know what it is that you come in with today is it refreshing just to be in your presence what says he restores my soul are y'all with me today it ought to be some level of restoration hallelujah whoever you are wit they come in with baggage with them but can they meet you at baggage claim hallelujah it is not a healthy relationship if you gotta hide your issues you want to be four come to say look I'm coming with this I'm coming with this I'm coming with this if you can't handle it I'm good cuz I got space for carry-on I can't hear nobody but if you can't handle my baggage you are not prepared for my flight I can't hear nobody I need some real mature grown folk in this room then understand I know my issues but I'm good with them and I cannot hide Who I am to make an insecure grown person feel comfortable just cuz I'm nice Meno flirtatious it just means I can handle people and you gotta answer social deviant disorder but I was nice when you met me so you gotta be able to adjust restores my soul what what do you do to my soul oh god yeah I I'm handsome I don't do something to my body I need to talk to adults right through here but can can you help with my soul please I don't know where you got this notion that cook in the wasn't the material of Whitely that's that's a life skill you always sayin nothing I can get open East I need to know tell your prey can you're fast then you pour down stronghold get your stand in the gap to know what do you have the capacity watch this to restore my ability to trust again yeah yeah y'all are you saying nothing to me because I didn't aim through a whole lot of okie Dokes and clowns and you don't even understand that I got Vietnam flashback so when I see stuff that's clown ish I start running because I can't go with the circus again I don't even like the State Fair I need to know are you mature enough to restore the areas in me that will broken by people that I'm running away from not to get a replacement can you restore my trust stole my trust I want to be confident introducing you to my kids only just side pulling on me right here how did I'm gonna be confident watch this that you can handle my mood swing hallelujah sometimes I won't be left alone they don't mean that I'm mad it just means I need some timeout time so if I need timeout time don't call me every twenty minutes checking on me because I'm trying to work on something for me so I can be better for you but if you keep damaging what it is that I am you are not restoring my soul you're weathering my soul leads me in the paths you cannot watch this which you are knowing itself which you are knowing itself in this season of your life you cannot be connected to somebody who doesn't have leadership in sex I don't want to always choose God he'll play and I need you to have enough authority and who it is that you are that your leadership got nothing to do with your check sir oh god I can't hear nobody please don't ask me to submit and you can't leave are you isn't God tight right through here and if you want me to follow oh where you taking me gotta be some playin some agenda some schedule cuz I was doing alright by myself I don't need no dead weight on what is the leadership plan leaves me in the path that's leadership yay though I walk through the valley my sis that's the referee so I understand in every relationship we gonna go through some near-death experiences but I need to know that when stuff gets dark and tight you ain't gonna run for the border I can't hear nobody I was watchin out last night uh Michelle and Chad and I'm blown away how because Michelle are we informally a Destiny's Child checked herself in to a mental health hospital cuz she's fighting with depression and they interview Chad off camera and he said I gotta figure out whether I'm gonna deal with this for the rest of my life and he said I came to the Epiphany that if I loved her even if she gotta fight through it for the rest of her life I'm gonna be right there fighting with her and I need a hundred of y'all just don't keep it real I don't need you just with me on my good days I need to know are you gonna put on boots and fight with me when I walk into the valley of the shadow cuz you walking with me I should fear no evil god help me I fear no evil why cuz that's a restraining order how do you look at the person beside you tell them you with me now how do you the other person you was with they ran at the first sign of trouble but you rollin with me now I'm a No Limit soldier I've been through hell and back I'm not like them weaklings you used to dealing with I'm not scared I'm not intimidated I get excited when there's trouble because that's when I do not guesswork I need you for the first time today would you look at your neighbors tell em I never stare I know you've got some bruises some wounds and some family issues stay right here your family he prepares a table hallelujah that's a restaurant how do you know the reason why it is that I'm shouting today is not watch this for what I have Thank You Holy Ghost that just got cleared for takeoff I'm giving God glory for what he's preparing hallelujah and I'm telling you on the 90 of y'all ought to be sitting still because I'm already looking at 2019 I'm thankful for what he's preparing for me have not seen you're supposed to be seated please surely I filled up by Jehovah God thank you the Lord is my shepherd this relationship I shall not want there's resources he makes me lie down there is beside the still waters that's refreshment he restores my soul that's restoration he leads me that's leadership yea though I walk through the family that's not referee I fear no evil because he gave him a restraining order he prepares a table that's my restaurant and then he anoints my head with oil I'm telling you with me if you really love me and I made my chicks huh all of that was just to get you to verse 6 get you to verse 6 goodness and mercy thank you they follow me and I got to tell you about goodness and mercy they don't just follow me they stalk me right well come to me real quick please yeah music minister come quickly please so let me tell you how goodness and mercy work this is thank you that you be goodness he's mercy the amazing thing about goodness and mercy is both of them are bigger than me [Applause] goodness mercy mercy and goodness [Applause] goodness mercy can understand how goodness mercy is know we're supposed to be would be it would make sense for them to be in front of me but God says no I don't want goodness and mercy in front of you Jamal I need goodness and mercy behind you and I said God why do you need them behind me he he said I need goodness and mercy behind you to clean up what you left I can't hear nobody to you don't you got the goodness of God when there's no tracks left from where you used to be what you used to do and what I found out only 50 y'all a shout about is I I can't outs in goodness and mercy it is not just for when I'm living right God tell me they just when I'm homeless it's not just when I'm in church here's yourself with goodness and mercy don't stop me get your shout the rest of you I want you probably put your hand on your shoulder how I'm having goodness and mercy follow you be seated please I gotta show you this it's gonna be with you the rest of your life and here's what you don't even understand about the favor that's on your life goodness and mercy don't listen to you [Music] and so this is how a whole lot of us act when we sin when we fall show it when we mess up just a goodness leave me alone I don't deserve it stop following me but goodness and mercy are smokers god Jamie how many 15 y'all that know his goodness follow me in the club his goodness I love me a happy hour yes yes that's the kind of relationship you got with me I have assigned two principles to follow you I'm not asking your permission I'm sending them to clean up your trail of foolishness and Wow we were yet sinners he died for us I want you to lift up that hand because you've had an over and overwhelming feeling that something's been following you and you had no idea that goodness mercy we're following you lift up that hand I want to prophesy with your life have your glory coming [Music] I'm trying not to cry I feel this to help and I want to say this to you now know who you are but I'm preaching to you antigen and nobody else I'm preaching to you I says no matter what you've done goodness is still coming no matter where you've been not mercy is still coming after you I need those of you who have that kind of faith that believe that for the last ten weeks of this year goodness and mercy are gonna be following you every day of 2018 would you lift up that hand and give him Thanksgiving give him glory hey open up your mouth you can't stop the things that are getting ready to come into your life [Music] you may be seated I'm finished I'm just not through I know how the enemy got in your head to make you feel like you don't deserve the good stuff that's coming he didn't ask whether you deserved it is coming after you anyway and those of you who have that kind of uncanny faith have release it into the atmosphere and into your spirit there for the rest of this year only good things are coming into your life if you need that come on I don't know who this is for I said for the rest of this year only good things here's your shelf and only good people are coming into your life will you give God a sound of Thanksgiving that goodness and mercy are coming how much you descend to your feet [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 28,030
Rating: 4.8359909 out of 5
Id: p3PugIitc8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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