STRONG Message of GOD to the World ✝️ THE SEASON IS SHITFTING ✝️ with Keion Henderson (SEP 18, 2021)

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[Music] daniel chapter two daniel chapter number two we're going to go to verse number 19. daniel chapter number two verse number 19. the bible says then in a night vision everybody say a night vision and i keep telling you if you read the scripture you notice every time god comes to me and he comes to them that night in sleep then in the night vision the mystery was revealed to daniel so daniel praised the god of heaven saying let the name of god be praised forever and ever for wisdom and power belongs to him he changes times and seasons deposing some kings and establishing others in other words i want you to think of it this way in the year of elevation demoting some kings and elevating others he gives wisdom to the wise he imparts knowledge to those with understanding he reveals deep and hidden things he knows what is in the darkness and light resides in him oh god of my fathers i acknowledge and glorify you for you have bestowed wisdom and power on me now you have established me somebody say god establish me he says you have established and enabled me to understand what i have requested of you for you have enabled me to understand the king's dilemma i'm telling you about being an answer i'm telling you about being an answer that he is not elevated because he has money he is not elevated because he has status he is elevated simply because he understands the king's dilemma and as you begin to fast and pray in this new season of your life i don't want you asking god for money i don't want you asking him for houses i don't want you asking him for cars ask him to be an answer if you seek ye first the kingdom of god then all these things will be added unto you i want you to go back and look at uh what i was reading here in verse 22 where he says he reveals the deep and the hidden things somebody said god revealed the hidden things verse 21 says he changes the times and the seasons how many of y'all need a season to shift in your life i came to preach to you today on this subject the season is shifting i want you to high five everybody on your way down to your seat and say i don't know what you've been dealing with but the word of the lord is today the season is shifting oh somebody ought to give god glory in this place today may be seated the season is shifting as as we continue this text um as as a an extension if you will or episode two of of the sermon that we preached on new year's this is about a guy who we are known who's known for being in the lion's den and we understand all of that about daniel but you got to understand that there was more to daniel than what he went through we all know his problems but we all don't know his promotion and we know he was in the lion's den and we know that he was akin to shadrach meshach and abed bendigo but this guy daniel uh if you're looking for how god can take you from nowhere to somewhere this is a story you want to read because as you read this text about daniel you must understand that he was first a captive of of nebuchadnezzar's invasion of judah and now here he is an interpreter of the king's dilemma uh he has gone from nobody to somebody in the new york minute he has he has gone from the bottom to the top and in our text if you look at verse 19 the bible says then was the secret revealed unto daniel when in a night vision the secret was revealed to daniel not in the day but in the night vision the bible says then everybody say then come on say it like you mean it say then the word then actually if you want to understand what then means you have to go back and read the first 18 verses and you would recognize that daniel has just finished praying daniel has prayed all the way up until the 18th verse and in verse 19 it says then then he doesn't get to then until he finishes praying he he prays and then he gets the vision are you with me so far but the vision doesn't come in the night the vision comes excuse me in the day the vision comes in the night the bible says that he has a everybody say night vision so he prays all day long then god gives him a vision but he doesn't give him the vision in the day he gives him the vision in the night and i thought about how god shifts seasons in your life and what it is that you need in order to acquire a shifting season in your life and i saw the two things that daniel did for god to shift the season in his life and i thought that if it is no secret what god can do what he did for daniel he can do for you then i figured that if you did what daniel did then god could shift the season in your life and the first two things that i see daniel doing before the season shifts is i see him first praying and then i see him secondly being patient because the bible says he prays and then god sends a night vision which means he has to wait all day to get the vision do i have any help in here today he doesn't get the vision when he wakes up in the morning he doesn't get the vision at lunch time he doesn't get it in the in the in the evening he doesn't get the vision until later at night somebody say prayer and patience the two things that are going to be required for the season to shift in your life is you're going to have to be extremely prayerful you're going to have to be extremely patient you're going to have to pray more in this season than you've ever prayed before and i'm not talking about the kind of prayer that comes after trouble comes and then you drop down on your knees because you're one second away from dying i'm talking about having a prayer life i'm talking about waking up in the morning and saying god thank you that you woke me up this morning i'm talking about driving in in your car on the way to work and just thanking god that you didn't get in an accident i'm talking about opening a refrigerator and just thanking god that there is something in there for you to cook i'm talking about just thanking god that you can walk thanking god that you can lift your hands thanking god that you have a reasonable portion of health and strength the bible says that man should always pray and what and never cease touch your neighbor say you're going to have to have a prayer life not only do you need a prayer life but you need a patient life most of us don't if god doesn't do it when we want it done then we're on to the next one if god doesn't do it the day we need it done then we think that god is not good anymore but sometimes you don't get the vision in the day of your life sometimes the vision doesn't come until the night time sometimes the vision doesn't come until you're ready to give up sometime the vision doesn't come until you're ready to give in sometimes the vision doesn't come until you take the the the composition book with all the vision and you throw it in the garbage can or you stop calling people and you stop looking for mentorship and then just when you're ready to give up god will come in because god always speaks to patient people do i have any witnesses in here today the bible says in the book of hebrews you have need of patience that after you have done the will of god that you might receive the promise sometimes you have to be patient in order to receive the promise because god doesn't give promises to impatient people are y'all going are y'all gonna act cold i can go outside and preach if you're gonna do that you gotta have prayer and patience touch your neighbor say prayer and patience the bible says in james chapter one and two counted all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience let patience have its perfect work that you might be entire wanting nothing when i see people still wanting is because they have no patience because when you have patience you don't want anything because you're always waiting on god to do something oh y'all ain't gonna say any man in here today i just it's the difference between not having money and waiting on god to send a blessing some of you all are broke and others of you are just waiting on god to make you rich some of y'all are sick and then there's some other y'all just waiting on to be healed some of y'all are single but then there's another one just waiting on god to send their husband or their wife see the difference between the person who has and the person who has not is patience because those of us who are patient we are waiting that we might let patients have his perfect work that we might be entire wanting nothing isaiah says they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength just touch three people and say wait on it wait on it wait on it wait on it wait on it you got to wait on it jacob had to serve his uncle laban for two seven year terms to get the woman he was working for because he did not get her when he met her he didn't get her the day he met her at the well he didn't get her in two years he didn't get her in five years it took 14 years to get the woman of his dreams because you have to wait somebody say wait i'm gonna keep saying stuff i got bible in my head i'm gonna keep saying it to y'all stop acting cold the bible says that that that that saul uh or samuel rather poured the oil on david and god had anointed david to be king even here it is david is king but god sent him back to the field to wait you see because he's the king but he doesn't have the castle he's the king but he doesn't have the authority he's the king but he has no subjects he's the king but he's not rich yet he's the king and still attending the sheep because sometimes you must understand that kings don't always have castles i speak to somebody in here right right now unemployed you're still a king i speak to somebody in here right now your bank account is in the negative you're still a king because sometimes god will anoint you and then send you back out to the field to see if you'll act kingly in an unkingly like environment god wants to see if you'll still be a king without a chalice without a crown without a staff touch your name and say i'm still a king or a queen i don't know who i'm talking to in here but sometimes god will give you the blessing and then send you back to your previous provision and then tell you to wait on what he promised you oh god help me in this church today god will bless you let you see the blessing he will pour the oil on your head and then send you back to an environment where there is no oil to see if you'll trust that your oil will flow when nobody can see it oh you can act like a king sitting on the throne but can you act like a king when you have nobody around you nobody encouraging you no money in your pocket nobody's saying how great you are do i have any kings in this place today romans 8 24 says for this hope we serve but hope that is seen is no hope at all because sometimes faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seeing i speak to 33 of you in this place today that god has some unseen hope for you god has some unseen blessings for you god has some unseen things for you but god wants to see if you'll praise him like you see it some of y'all just sitting here right now looking at me like i ain't talking about nothing because you waiting on me to say something that'll get you excited there's somebody here saying you ain't got to say nothing reverend i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i didn't drive all the way across town in 30 degrees weather and put on a hat on my head and wrap a scarf around my neck to get in here and wait on god to do something i'm glad that i had a car that had enough heat in it for me to get here i'm grateful that i had enough gas in the tank to get here slap somebody say i'm grateful but i'm waiting do i have any grateful waiting people waiting on god to do something you needed him to do it last week but you're still waiting on them do i have anybody touch your name say i needed the blessing a month ago matter of fact i needed the blessing a year ago but i got enough sense to wait on them i got enough sense to wait on them i got enough sense to wait on them such a neighbor say wait on it wait on it elizabeth didn't get that boy when she was young she had to wait till she was 80. because sometimes god doesn't put the blessing in the toaster sometime he puts it in the crock-pot sometimes it doesn't happen and sometimes it doesn't happen as fast as you want it to happen and the reason why the blessing that god has for you hasn't happened yet is because he's slow cooking that thing and let me tell you something when it's good it takes some it takes some time to prepare it when it's good you can't get it done right away when it's good it takes some time to prepare or do i have anybody that knows the benefit of waiting [Applause] the bible says in hebeka chapter 2 verse 3 the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end of it it will speak watch this and it will not lie though it's harry somebody say wait on it though it terrorists wait for it because it shall surely come to those who tear it the vision doesn't come to people in the hurry the vision comes to those who will tarry that's why in the old church whenever we were received the holy ghost there was a difference because in the old days they would they would just tarry what that meant was that they didn't believe that as soon as somebody confessed with their mouth they were they knew that you received jesus christ when you when you confess with your mouth but in order to receive the gift of the holy ghost you had to tarry see that's the problem with the church today we want to be done in 60 minutes we don't want to tarry we want the preacher to be 20 minutes we want the song to be five minutes and we want the blessing to be forever but god told me to tell you that you're not going to get an eternal blessing for a quick praise and you're not going to get a big blessing because you came in here for 15 minutes touch your neighbor say i've been tearing a long time i've been waiting on god to bless me for years i've been waiting on the blessing for months and i came to tell somebody that the season is shifting that all of that waiting that day that wait on the lord shall renew their strength touch your neighbors i'm about to get blessed for my tearing i'm about to get blessed for my waiting i'm about to get blessed because i was patient i'm about to get blessed because i didn't quit when i was tired i'm about to get blessed because i didn't walk off the job when i had an attitude i'm about to get blessed because i didn't quit on the marriage because it got tough do i have anybody in here that knows that god will bless a waiter [Applause] sometimes you have to wait to get a tip oh lord they don't want to sometimes you have to wait to get a tip whenever you go to a restaurant the waiter who gives you good service always gets a good tip from the right person god told me to tell you for every person who's been waiting he's about to give you a tip and it's going to come in the night vision god help me in this church it's going to come in a night vision he's going to give you tips on how to overcome your obstacles he's going to give you tips on how to overcome your pain he's going to give you tips on how to out with the devil [Applause] daniel daniel the bible says that daniel prayed and god gave him a vision and then the bible says and daniel bless the lord when i read that i thought that i needed to explain to you because most people if you if you are really serious about this you've got to ask yourself how can i bless god how can i bless god it's one of those religious statements that people always say bless the lord bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless the lord how do you bless the lord because most people think that they can bless god like he blesses them when god blesses man he is therefore enfranchised and benefited from the blessings of god so when god blesses man he gives us rewards he gives us resources he gives us money he gives us cars houses lands spouses he when god blesses us there is a tangible thing that we can take touch when he blesses us with sight and blesses us with hearing he blesses us with speech but when we bless god we cannot bless god the way he blesses us you can't give god money the count on a thousand hills belongs to him and the silver and gold is his that's why when i tell you when you tithe it's not about money it's about heart you you got to understand the difference when you bless god you're not giving him something the only way that a human can bless god is to give him praise that word that word blessed this is what david says in the 34th number of the psalm i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continuously be in my mouth that word bless is the hebrew word barack which means to kneel in other words he's saying every time i come into the presence of god i will kneel not sit oh god this is going to be hard right here so i'm looking at some of y'all right now talking about i'm praising them how are you doing is sitting you can't praise god sitting down david says when i bless him i kneel in other words in order to kneel you have to first be standing so how can you be praising god when you're not even in the position that will get you to the blessing for the rest of y'all go ahead and stay seated but i just want to look at all of y'all who looking at me listen just touch your name and say i'm going to kneel before the lord and that does nothing necessarily mean i'm going to kneel physically it also means that i'm going to kneel in my spirit in other words he says i won't come into the presence of god with an attitude i won't come into the presence of god arrogant i won't bring my mess from work into the house of the lord i'ma check my baggage at the door and walk into the house of the lord and give him thanksgiving and bless his holy name i wish i had about 15 of y'all to spend the next 15 seconds blessing the lord [Applause] if you read if you read daniel chapter 2 one writer calls it a doxology in other words is the compilation of worship and praise nestled together in a format in which it expresses praise and worship to god so what happens is is daniel says lord i might receive something and then follows it up by blessing god notice if you read the text when you get home his request is short his thankfulness is long he asks for something in a couple of verses and spends the whole chapter thanking god because daniel is more excited about being thankful than he is being a receiver and the reason why most people cannot get the season to shift in their life is they'll spend 50 years asking for something and 50 seconds thanking them for it oh god help me in this church today some of y'all have been praying for years for a raise on the job and when god gives you the raise on the job you thank him one time and it's over but god says i won't double the praise for the miracle than the prayer that you ask for the miracle so if you've been praying and asking god for something for a long time then you need to make sure that praise continuously comes out of your mouth i'm gonna give you about 45 seconds to let this catch up with y'all because this is the slow class today what i'm basically saying is if you've ever been asking god for something for a long time i'm gonna give you about 30 seconds to thank god for that thing that you've been asking for forever can you give god more praise than you did request [Applause] listen what he says he says he says daniel daniel has a proper understanding of who control he says this is the god that changes the seasons and the times he says this is that seasons don't change according to the calendar that god changes the seasons i i know that to be true because this time last year wasn't this cold okay so so so god changes the season that's why sometimes you walk outside on christmas and it's 80 degrees and you walk out another day and it's 40 degrees it didn't the temperature didn't change because it was december 25th the season changes when god changes it oh y'all not here with me today and i believe with my whole heart that the reason why it is colder now than it was last year is because last year we didn't have a storm like we did and anybody who knows the one thing that coal does is it kills germs and so since there were so many germs in the atmosphere god gave us a winner when we need see only god knows when to shift the seasons and i came to tell you the reason why god changed the temperature in your life is he was trying to kill something that the storm brought give your neighbor a high five and say god shifted the season god changes the season i'm telling you right now that's why you don't have the friends you used to have because god was changing the season that's why god had to get rid of some folk because they were viruses in your life and so god had to change the season so they could not survive in your atmosphere sometimes god shifts the season to help you and to kill it god will turn the heat down so that the devil cannot stand the temperature of your atmosphere the devil needs it to be hot so god will turn it down to make sure that certain devils can't operate around you oh god touch on them say i brought my own fire today i brought my own fight i brought my own fire i brought my own praise i brought my own heat i didn't if they if they didn't have the heat on in this building i'd still be worshiping god i brought my own fire jeremiah said it's like fire shut up [Applause] daniel daniel daniel has an understanding of who controls the times and the seasons look what he says and he removes kings and sets other kings up somebody thinks that they got the job because they had a degree nope somebody thinks they're going to get the job over you because they have a a diploma and you don't are they graduated from college and and you got you you graduated from high school or or they have a master's and you just have a bachelor's or or they have a doctorate or you just have a master's and so they're looking at you right now uh thinking that that is gonna happen for them because they prepared better and because they have an ivy league education or perhaps they came from the right side of the tracks and they came from a good family or perhaps their father has connections downtown and they think they're gonna get the job over you but the devil is alive because god controls the seasons and the time and he promotes who he wants and demotes who he wants he elevates who he wants to slap your neighbor say i don't deserve it but he's still going to elevate me i don't have the degree for the job i'm going for but i'm still going to get it they are asking for a master's and i'm going to get it with a high school diploma they're asking for experience and i don't have experience but i'm still going to get the job do i have anybody here that'll thank god that he elevates who he wants to elevate brings down who he wants to bring down makes a king out of whoever he wants to make a king out of touch your name is alba king because god made me this way [Applause] [Music] he says he he he makes he makes a king out of whomever he wants to make a king out of the most who he wants to demote promotes who he wants to promote i'm telling you right now this is the year oh lord help me somebody to get it right now the windows of heaven are open and the doors to failure are closed touch your name and say this is the year of elevation this is the year of elevation psalm 75 or 6 says promotion comes neither from the east nor the west nor the south but god is the judge and he puts down one and sets up another god just god just sovereignly picks who he wants to pick see that ought to make you shout man that he just looked at you and said i'll take you no qualifications just sovereignly divinely chose you now unless you really think about it and recognize you really wasn't no good choice [Applause] i'm on church i'm talking about me too how many of y'all know that god didn't get nothing when he picked you [Applause] see that's the problem with some of we think that we are god's gift to the world let me tell you something baby you at your best you are filthy [Applause] filthy rag that's what the bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the fact that he picked you out to make you shout and run all over this building that he just looked at you and looked beyond your faults [Applause] [Music] and just said i'll i'll take you i'll take you but god i i i stutter i'll take you [Applause] god my my womb has been bearing for 85 years i'll i'll pick you but god i'm a virgin i've never known a man i'll take you he just picks who he wants to pick i'm glad he picked me i'm glad he picked me i want all the glad people to spend 20 seconds i'm glad that he picked me i'm glad that he picked me i'm glad that he picked me i could have been in a wheelchair but i'm glad he gave me legs i could have been blind but i'm glad he gave me sight i could have been deaf but i'm glad he gave me the gift of hearing anybody just want to thank god david daniel says daniel says listen i'm gonna bless this guy i'm a blessing i'm gonna bless the lord i'm i'm gonna praise him and listen to how personal his praise was he says i thank thee and i praise the o god of my fathers who has given me might and wisdom and has made known unto me now that we he changed him that we desired of thee for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matters your praise has to be personal i see so many people in church when it be time to praise if ain't nobody section praise and they just sit there they'll be looking to see and then somebody stand up on their road then they get on up and stand up just pay attention there's some folk if you know if you're looking around here right now y'all standing up in pockets it's a sitting pocket over here it's a stand-in pocket over there because some people's praise you know is really depending on who's around them david said i thank you i bless you thank you for blessing me ask for me and my house we're going to praise the lord look at your name say i don't care what you do i know what i'm going to do i have come to give god praise you can sit i'ma stand you can stand still i'ma run you can smile i might cry because i want to give him a personal praise anybody in here that will give god a personal praise he says after this personal praise i'ma give you a post script watch how he finishes it up he says he says watch this when daniel seemed to have covered all the grounds he says i want to add a couple things to this thing he says lord after i finish praising you i want to thank you for three things i want to thank you for my faith i want to thank you for my facts and then i want to thank you for my friends and in this next season of your life there are three things you're going to need faith facts and friends you're going to need faith you're going to need some facts and you're going to need some friends and if you don't have those three things you're going to be in trouble somebody say faith facts and friends the faith is yours the facts is what you come up with and the friends of who you choose and how do i know the first thing he talks about faith he says i want to thank god my father now when he said god the father it was not a religious statement that he was making but if you study it he was actually saying thank the god of abraham isaac and of jacob he was going back into a statement talking about thanking god for abraham isaac and jacob he was he was mentioning the god of of jehovah because at that time there was a king named nebuchadnezzar who had already told them to bow to the golden image trying to signify that god jehovah was not god and so then he comes up and he says now king i'm here to interpret your dream but i still got the same thing to tell you in chapter two of my life that i'm gonna tell you in chapter three of my life i am not bowing to your god and i am telling you right now in 2018 you better make up in your mind that you ain't gonna bow to nobody that you're not gonna bow to any idol god i don't care what the devil promises you it is not time to bow and standing up time give your neighbor high five and say this is not the time to bow this is the time for you to stand your ground this is the time for you to stand on the faith of your father and hear what the spirit of the lord has said to the church and i'm here to tell you right now that god has made a covenant with somebody in your family and i'm here to tell you right now it may have been your grandmother it may have been your mother it may have been your grandfather but god has made somebody a promise in your family that everything is going to be all right and i'm going to tell some of y'all in here right now that you are not in here today because of any goodness of your own you were in here today because somebody before you got down on their knees and said god if you do anything from just bless them god bless my grandson bless my granddaughter anybody in here want to thank god for grandmama or granddaddy oh mama somebody was praying for you all night and all day the angels have been watching over me give your neighbor high five and say i thank god that somebody prayed over me he says i want to i want to thank god i want to thank god for my faith the second thing he says i want to thank god for my facts he says god has made known unto me now what i desire i came to tell somebody in here right now that god is getting ready to make your desires made known to your heart god will make your desires known he will give you the desires of your heart the reason why you don't have it is because you ain't made it known touch your name and say you have not because you asked not some of y'all in here waiting on god to do something that you don't have the courage to ask for but in 2018 i want you to get the craziest thing in your mind and just start desiring it i want you to start believing god for stuff that nobody in your family has ever had i want you to believe god for millions of dollars in mansions and houses that you did not build i want you to believe god for vineyards you did not plan i want you to believe god for miracles signs and wonders touch your neighbor and say i believe god he said not only am i gonna thank him for my faith not only i'm gonna thank him for my facts but third i want to thank him for my friends and look at how good daniel is god blesses daniel and then he changes the prayer from i i me me my he gets to the end and says us because guess what when he was praying in chapter 2 he starts to recognize that he wasn't praying by himself shadrach meshach and abednego have been praying with him and when he got the blessing he said god don't forget about my homeboys i don't want to hook up with nobody who's going to be with me when we're down and then all of a sudden when they get lifted they're gonna forget about me touch your neighbor and say if we hook up down i'll make sure i hook you up when we get up matter of fact if you're sitting on the road with somebody who ain't been praising with you all day i'm telling you right now they're gonna be selfish when the manna comes so you better find somebody who's standing up cause those sitting folks ain't gonna bless you when god raises them up find you somebody who's clapping find you somebody who's shouting find you somebody who got a glory on their mouth and hold hands with him and say when i blow up we blow up find somebody with us praise come on find you somebody with us praise find you somebody who don't get an attitude when i tell them to give you a high five find you somebody who don't look at you crazy when i tell them to talk to their neighbor because that's the person god's gonna send a blessing through some of y'all sitting next to folk who ain't gave you a high five all year some of y'all sitting next to folk that when i say say something to their neighbor they look at you like i don't know you i'm not talking to you don't even sit by and find somewhere else to go i like daniel then you had a little thug in him and he ain't letting nobody he said now god now i don't mean to be i don't mean to be rude but if you're going to bless me you got to bless my homeboys touch your neighbor say god i don't mean to be rude but i'm asking if you bless me would you bless this person i just touched god i'm not trying to be stingy but if you're going to bless me bless everything on my row god if you're gonna bless me bless the person behind me god if you're gonna bless me i want you to even bless my haters [Music] do i have anybody who will pray for you hate us say god bless my haters too [Music] give your neighbor high five and shout neighbor i've got a word for you god's got a blessing with your name on it if you can see it and have the faith to believe it god will do it ask your neighbor you want to be my friend now don't you want to be my friend now you want to be my friend now i'm telling you right now there's an anointing coming on your life that you're going to be so blessed that everybody who dares to be your friend is going to be blessed that's why you're going to have to be careful who you make friends with because you don't ever want to bless somebody god wants to curse [Applause] friends [Applause] how many of us [Applause] be careful with folks who don't include you in their prayers i could quit right there be careful with people who find good ideas and good investments and won't tell you about it [Applause] you can't be my friend and know something that sets you free and now share with me because [Music] [Applause] y'all ain't here with me today that's how you know who your friends are when they find something good they tell you about it he said god we us we us can't be my friend i don't want to see me do good with you people say they want to be a friend and they're doing good they like the position of being above you because as long as they're above you you'll need them and as long as you need them then they can use you to get you to do what they don't have the courage to do but i speak that god's about to give you new friends touch your neighbor say god's given me new friends some of y'all been scared because you thought lord if i get rid of these folks in my life what am i going to do because some of you all fear being lonely more than you do being free but i'ma tell you right now you got to get rid of some of the friends because the friends god had for you ain't going to hang out with the people you hanging the people that god had for you if they see who you hanging around they're going to walk away from you because they will not hang with who you hang with [Applause] get ready to receive that's point number one touch your neighbors to get ready to receive point number two get ready to report says uh after the answer of prayer came to daniel and he invited his three friends to the party and said you know this this guy he's capable of interpreting the dream and and so so daniel goes uh to a guy um uh and and he goes to the guy who's over the king's attics and the king has given him the the the the rule and he's given him the decision he says listen i need you uh uh to to judge the the the the magistrates and the magi and i need you to to judge the soothsayers because because i had a dream and and they couldn't interpret it and i'll pay them for it and they couldn't do the job so he says what i need you to do is i need you to judge them but the bible says that he delays the judgment that he does not obey the king and so now the king is getting ready to kill him because you know if you if you if you disobey the king it was off with your head so he's getting ready to be killed and all of a sudden he he he realizes how to redeem himself he realizes that he knows a man who was captive who had already interpreted the king's dream so he goes and does something that's getting ready to happen in your life he goes and gets a captive and brings him right to the captain he does not have to go to class in order to go to the king he does not have to go to refinery school he does not have to go and get his life in order he doesn't have to go to the altar and repent he simply operates in his gift and his gift takes him from the captive to the face of the captain whenever you start operating in your gift and stop trying to be somebody else god will skip you through the process and get you right into the face of a decision maker [Applause] he goes the guy's getting ready to get killed daniel before he even acts to be in the presence of the king the bible says he begins to praise god he blesses the lord he begins to praise god and then he's granted an audience with the king now watch this when the guy brings him to the king the king who is getting ready to kill him is now sidetracked he's no longer focused on killing the guy he's now excited about who the guy brought him daniel begins to praise god now he goes and he's the king's answer and now the guy who discovers daniel his life is spared oh did you know that your prayers could save somebody if you don't believe me ask paul and silas if it wasn't for paul and silas those joe's jokers would have died in jail but because paul and silas began to praise god the bars flew open and everybody's sentence was erased oh that's why you don't ever want to sit next to a non-praising church that's why you always want to look for somebody who knows how to clap their hands and somebody who knows how to wave their hands or somebody who knows how to stand because sometimes you might come in church and you might not have a praise but but if you sit next to somebody who does oh no if you're beyond it sometimes life will drag you all the way down sometimes life will beat you and you don't have your own praise but i got i got a word for you that god will shift the season because sometimes all you have to do is come in church and find a praiser and just sit next to them and let them shout until the bar is open in your life touch your neighbor say that's why i sat next to you i've been watching you all year and i knew that you had a worship inside of you as a matter of fact whatever section you sit in in this church i'ma follow you and sit next to you it ain't cause i have a crush on you is because i know your praise crushes the enemy give your neighbor high five and say i want to be your praise partner i dare you over the next 17 seconds to shout until god sets everybody on your road free i dare you to shout until everybody on your row is rich i dare you to shout [Music] [Applause] touch your name and say this shout ain't just for me this shout is for you this shot ain't just for my children this shout is for your daughter this shot ain't just for my money this shot is for your money this shot ain't just for my mama this shot is for your mama this shot ain't just for my daddy this shot is for your daddy this shot ain't just for my mind this shot is for your mind on the count of three i want you to shout for your neighbor three [Music] aryak took daniel to the king then you start shouting the king got distracted and got glad that daniel had brought him an answer when you bring the king an answer he forgets about your discrepancies see when you praise god he covers you when you accept jesus christ as your lord and savior he covers love covers a mouth he he brings them to the king and king forgets about him and notice daniel daniel doesn't run to aryak and demand that he see the king first he first praises god and then gets to the king because praise gives you priority i'm telling you right now when praises go up blessings come down that's why every sunday i'll tell you to praise god and i do it every week because god is looking over the balcony of heaven just seeing who's praising them and when the praises go up the blessings come down and people start hating on you trying to say that you did all kind of stuff to get what god gave you no i didn't i didn't sleep with nobody to get this i praise god for it y'all in here with me today oh they just to suck up if they wasn't sucking up they wouldn't got it no i did suck up but i sucked up to the king y'all not here with me yeah i i didn't get this because i was i was better than you i got this because i praised when i didn't feel like it i i got this because i worshipped when my head was hurting you were complaining about a headache and i worshiped him my headache went away you were talking about how hungry you are and i was eating the bread of life if you'll praise god he'll make you a priority [Applause] let me hurry up and get y'all out of here daniel is brought to the king a captive is brought directly to the captain the third thing that happens to him after he gets ready somebody repeat after me and i want to tell you how to get your season shifted get ready to receive get ready to report thirdly get ready to be ridiculed [Music] daniel prays his way into the presence of the king first thing the king says to him can you really interpret dreams can you really do it you know like like i got all the way here because i wasn't smart have you one of the things that aggravates me is when when you're talking to a person who needs you and they explaining to you have you ever have you ever been in the presence of somebody who needed your advice but you had to spend the first 15 minutes with them trying to prove to you how smart they were here he is he needs daniel to interpret his dream and he has the right to be arrogant enough to ask him can you really interpret dreams i would have said can you because obviously you can't otherwise i wouldn't be here look at how people forget what they can't do [Applause] ridiculing the man for not having the same skill set he doesn't have can you really interpret dreams are you capable of interpreting my dream it's what i call subtle sarcasm have you ever been around people that just that and then and you you don't want to hit them but you thinking in your head oh you better be lucky i'm saved and i'm i don't told the lord i ain't going to fight no more because i am going to knock you out he he's in there can you can you can you really interpret dreams oh he forgot though that in daniel chapter one that when they found daniel and the three hebrew boys they discovered that daniel was ten times better than all of the of the interpreters they already had loyal to ignorance employed the people who were 10 times less qualified than him i want to warn you in 2018 about being loyal to ignorance he kept them in the job because they were already there find somebody who's 10 times better but then gets mad when the people who don't have the skill set can't produce what he's asking for loyal to somebody who cannot do it won't give the job to somebody who can because he's new [Music] i'm telling you right now you trust what i'm telling you in 2018 your new friends are going to outperform your that's what i tell you you have got to be willing to give new people a chance your old relationships are not going to get you where you have not already been for some of you your old friends have bought you as far as you're going i'm telling you right now and it doesn't mean that they don't have to be your friends they just don't need to be interpreting your dreams are y'all hearing what i'm saying i'm not saying get rid of them i'm not saying don't say pastor said get rid of all your friends no just stop going to them with your business plans because they don't know business [Applause] you better ask dan you'll touch your name so you better ask daniel say do you do you know do you know how to interpret dreams daniel looks at him i love his answer daniel said listen bro the secrets with the king have demanded can not the wise men the astrologers the magicians and the soothsayers that you hired do so [Music] now one of the things you have to understand is that the bible was originally written in hebrew and greek and aramaic so when you read it according to this translation it has a question mark on the end but if you go back and read it in the original text it ends in a period which means that daniel did not ask him a question he made a statement in other words daniel walked in and said bro don't question me the folks you already got can't do nothing so do you want to holler or not dawg [Applause] [Music] touch five people say don't question me god sent me here to say this don't question me god sent me here to do this don't question me god gave me the authority now we gonna do business or not i told you on new year's you better stop explaining yourself [Applause] then when they said look dawg i i know you're a king and all that but look man you called me i ain't calling you so check this out can the people you god do it or not as i ain't got all day daniel said the king says okay what do you have to say which gets me to the last point get ready for revelation [Music] daniel says there is a god in heaven that reveals secrets to me i'm going to tell you that in 2018 get ready for god to reveal secrets god is going to show you things you better hear are you listening to me i want you to open up your mind because things that have customarily been confusing to you all of a sudden god is going to start to make it make sense how many of y'all have been banging your head up against the wall trying to figure something out it's the season of revelation because with elevation has to come revelation [Music] how do i know because when you're in an elevator you always have to see a different perspective when you're in an elevator when you're being elevated you always see more than you see when you're on the ground being on the ground allows you to see in front of you being in the air allows you to see ahead of you it's what i call the theology of the knothole let me explain it to you and i'm done if you ever go to a wooden fence and it has a knot hole in it i want you to take your eye and put it up to the knot hole when you're looking through the knot hole the only thing you can see is what passes by the knothole go to that same fence take your ladder and look over the fence you can see what's getting ready to come to the not hole and you don't have to wait on the whole to give you the revelation you could actually speak to the whole and reveal to it what's about to pass in what i'm saying right now that god is getting ready to elevate you above your knot hole god is getting ready to give you a wider perspective god is getting ready to elevate you so not only can you see what happened but you can also see what's about [Applause] get ready for revelation stand on your feet i want to i want to minister to you stand on your feet do me a favor touch your neighbor say neighbor i prophesy to you spoils blessings glory and favor now watch this when daniel prophesied to the king he finishes off by saying i don't need any credit all glory belongs to god i want you to get in the habit in 2018 of doing good for people and expecting nothing in return [Applause] such a neighbor say i prophesy to you richest houses and land and you don't have to call me and say oh it happens just like you said just give god the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not too long ago one of my friends and i uh mr bugs he goes here you all see him sometimes we went to a restaurant uh what's the one on the peep we were sitting there for breakfast we do this every christmas we go into a restaurant full of people we sit down and we eat we go to the manager and we say to the manager we want to pay for the food of everybody in the restaurant and we walk out and we leave so that nobody can thank us and let me tell you my wife would tell you sometimes our bill has been four or five thousand dollars it was a random act of kindness but some people would just sit there and wait so that everybody can come and say oh thank you so much for what you did now you did it for the glory [Music] most people are not okay with being an anonymous donor everybody has to know what you did which means that you did it for the wrong reason then he says i'm interpret his dream you're going to get blessed and i'm going to leave and you don't give me the glory you give it to god because as long as you give god glory i'm always an answer [Applause] dan you said man this is what's gonna happen god's gonna do this he's gonna do that you do what you want with it i'm going and give god glory he knew to tell him that because you know he wasn't they weren't worshiping the same god god is trying to use your life to get somebody to give him theirs your life has to be a witness so that in you people would see jesus i'm not saying you gotta be perfect but you gotta have some sense i wanna talk to you as christians and brothers and sisters and i'm just saying this to be real and if you're watching online we gotta do better we can't just be off the hook everywhere and cussing and acting a fool in restaurants acting crazy and cussing folk out and then people know you go to the lighthouse [Music] you in the bank cussing people out and you're in restaurants custom folk out and you in the mall in the galleria acting a fool and and you call yourself a christian i'm not saying because i know how people can push you you want to but what i'm saying but your life has to be a witness you got to be aware and listen i count not myself to have been one that apprehended it but i i still sometimes have to say to myself you're a preacher i'm just i'm telling you right now the reason why i'm preaching is because i'm guilty of it i'm guilty of it not too long ago i was that i was at the airport man and well that's another story it wasn't my fault but it really wasn't man i was i'm minding my own business and and i just i had a uh orange juice container and i threw it in the garbage can and the man at the the kiosk
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Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: keion henderson 2021, pastor keion henderson, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson new sermon, td jakes, pastor keion henderson 2021, The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, keion henderson sunday, keion henderson church, keion henderson message lighthouse sermon, the lighthouse church of houston, spirit of god lighthouse church, lighthouse church, evil spirit, keion henderson today, sermon, power of pray
Id: tuEsG4rdiuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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