NO THANK YOU!! | Amnesia: Rebirth - Part 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
hence why the redness is leaking through oh oh oh no hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to amnesia rebirth i just wanted to point out on the screen here uh that picture that was a little bit odd now is causing black veins to creep up from the sand so oh and uh is that just stitching that was always there or is that i don't know something about this is looking a little veiny anyway just wanted to point that out now we're gonna scoot ahead into the game well there it is again you can't deny there's something very weird about that picture something very wrong about that picture just inherently it's it's a little odd why is a kid just eating a can of beans what's with the goop on the can all right so we last left off uh falling out of the sand hole and there's still sand poking through um but hopefully this isn't going to be a horrible alien ship that we're going to die upon which seems like an interesting possibility hey wow yep that seems pretty bad um yeah pretty bad pretty bad okay this kind of looks uh baby you lie laughing hey baby you alive but at least you're still with me yeah i'm still here i'm staying all right yeah me too i am also glad that miami is it confusing me to play in both the mom and the baby i don't know i don't think i can just pick one oh yeah these weird closets alien closets you can tell they're aliens because they're alien i mean is it really aliens or this is just some sort of offshoot of human they've got oil which is strange i don't know why they have oil but they have oil which is good because i'm going to steal it but i guess it's not stealing if it's just left here abandoned are all the aliens here dead or something either the well was very deep or she fell very slowly for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next okay what are you reading i don't know alice in wonderland something like that nomad oh little one [Laughter] i wonder why we're in a different plane of existence oh my god yeah absolutely yeah i'm glad me i'm here um here we here m2 i don't know why i'm getting a little soma vibes maybe just the blue something about the blue really makes it feel like it well that looks like a human okay am i mistaken there's dick and balls so that looks like a heart right there looks like some sort of a kidneys skeleton looks about human-esque this look okay mommy it looks pretty humonesque oh hey that's a nice suit of armor can i have it from the oasis uh yeah sure uh sure something circled here and there i don't know what any of this mean it's almost as if i can't read it ah this night oh under the sign of banu of the fourth rise at the eighth calling i atari make this record as tamako directs i have compared the most ancient of our records of the empress's malady with the newly taken samples in the earliest of samples temaku was correct the nutritive flow of both organs of generativity were intact albeit reduced and therefore they would have been functional before the spinal repair however since the influx of vitae vitae i remember something about vitae vitae where was i the organs are now entirely withered why has the substance not reconstructed them did the generative malady affect them permanently before the treatment began i have asked whether i should prepare a report for the empress but tamaku informs me that this is unnecessary it is of course merely of alchemical interest and no matter for concern probably fine for she is eternal in her name all right great and boom i can read it uh under simon banu third rise making the record i've completed the comparison of the samples of the empress and from the bones of her mother blessed it is clear now that both carried the sickness although it did not manifest in the forebears while vitae is powerful enough to rebind bone and sinew without repeated application the health again deteriorates a single dose is no cure it merely drives back the decay of time the drives the decay back for a time tamaku orders i test repeated applications quantity insertion points timing in her name as in try an insertion point in her name just shove it in there gotta cure her be boop no no beep boop maybe i'm some kind of a vessel to heal their empress is that what i'm for is that why i'm here what the hell oh weird okay why is this flowing that way what is this kind of a relay thing neat i don't know what that do i find myself again confined a day should not matter but each day feels like waste there is so much to do so much tamaku tells me that now with vitae i have forever but the people who depend on me do not there is always something invasion rivalry sickness spaniary i have my duty lexie and put on the definition of what penury means now they've found a way to stabilize the disease i should be ecstatic i should accept my fate and move on it is such a faint hope that they can find any way to heal me that they can find any way to grant my dearest wish are you the one that wanted a baby now you are eternal says now you need no air none of them understand this is not about politics or securing a future this is not for the empire this is for me just for me is the baby in my tum-tum which is where the baby's located everybody knows this this is a scientific fact is the baby in my tumtum a baby that you guys put in me so that you could have the baby it's technically your baby but it's i'm a surrogate mother is that what this is is that the situation here i line i leander septark of the unkindled fortresses dispatch messengers to the outer aisles under the guise of a trade mission despite our previous warning it is my recommendation that we relocate three fists of the second regiment to the isles immediately on the matter of the harvested stock it has been suggested that with the new chamber development the need for such stock will diminish i believe that is short-sighted this new capacity surely means that we are at the liberty to increase the number of factories with that we can vastly increase our defense capabilities as well as increase standards of living across the empire this new expertise is a gift we would be wise to make use of it instruct me great empress and i will inform the council of your decision in your name eternal oh my gosh so much to read [Music] i can't read this i can't read this it's not working it's broken this tablet is garbage okay so there must be something about this relay here kind of like this hop skip and a jump relay is it because does it not have like the right resolution or something or is that wrong oh my god oh my god i'm sorry i didn't mean to oh my god hello [Music] oh oh put them in oh i see so that they can all see it's some kind of wireless power transmitter system oh i see i see i see wow foolish me just a stupid human with definitely not an alien baby inside me right baby look at this place where is this place it isn't arabic anything i recognize first luggage hello hi it's me how are you okay so obviously i need to solve a puzzle but i don't even know what the puzzle is so how can i solve it the answer is i can't there's something missing there these seem very broken uh these are children's play things obviously i can deduce that oh it's right there okay so we got uh fancy eyeglasses that you hold up at an opera wine glass cow with a beak okay yup easy boinkus and if fluence done slam dome baby did i do it oh something needs to go in there to power it okay whatever this thing this looks important this definitely looks important i should definitely get this thing what is this thing though [Music] yep this goes in here i can already tell remember my hush i got it bam there's probably two like paintball canisters that go in there and then maybe a note telling me what to do under the sign of edu of the first rise i key to make this record the configuration of the new test gate has been delayed by the failure and the subsidiary node bihar you must complete it on the next prize to do but prepare the place of orbit and center select the focusing symbols for the saline and insert two full cells of vitae remember tamaku's lessons power master of the orbit is your focus and discipline that will open the portal and allow objects to be sent through oh wow ah like eternity oh well well well looks like i have an orb so it wasn't this thing this is a lid i put a lid on there i put a damn lid okay hey how you doing hey baby you see this thing we're cool right i'm wondering if i died in that crash that's a good thing to wonder because you're still here and it's sure as hell isn't heaven yep sure it sure as hell isn't heaven and you know maybe this baby's hell but that hasn't been proven yet oh yeah i forgot about the triangulation scoocher the thing that's gonna zap power all the way over to other places man this would have been annoying you had to do this everywhere uh all right maybe i gotta go around i'm coming whoa nelly oh shooty tooty yeah just gotta open it yeah push it oh shoot hey there's something down there is that where all the vitae stored there we go you got some vitae down there all right so uh maybe i could drag out a table put it on there maybe we could put it on the window sill here is that gonna work no okay hold on let's go explore the rest of this area uh hello uh so i can't go in there so the question is just to open this door here which won't take long because i'm big smart and uh clearly oh it's i just had to put it over there uh love your son uh you know windy is what it is yeah it's fun is this like a living breathing city oh there was a white sun at the great gate it tore the air and the land a corruption of living flesh crawls from the hole in the world and turns all to ash and rust the control stones have turned against my kindred shaping them into floating wraiths of nightmare the city falls i am to blame my companions took my formula some to use it to destroy the v tie at the gate others to infect the vitae pipelines and end the suffering the gate has indeed fallen but catastrophically unleashing energies beyond belief still the factories scream we have failed in the worst of ways it is my duty to stay at my post to see if i can find means to end it i have no choice but to use the vitae an ocean holds the great empress to life so omega portion will suffice for me if any find this record know that i was the traitor kita alchemist apprentice to tamako forgive us our folly you know i will say this it may be just an actor thing but i've very rarely seen something in sci-fi where there's a civilization that has ended catastrophically and the last will and testament of such race ending sounded horrifically like distraught oh hey are you kita sorry i uh i didn't mean it uh you just hey do you need this i'll wait until i do that uh i could probably take that one but um uh yeah maybe i shouldn't just take things willy nilly uh i might have to take things willy-nilly ooh what is that experiments with the orbs summoned an entity a creature that scarred the world with its passing and wreaked utter destruction the scar took the form of living pulsating flesh i have studied the orb and i now know why the scars appear i believe i can make use of the same perturbation to achieve our own end that's always a good chain of thoughts when something goes into your world that you transported from another dimension and it only leaves death and destruction in its wake and transforms into giant pulsating flesh the obvious course of action is to do it again but harder that's definitely it wow and there it is good stuff hmm i can't read that well look at this memory blinks it has taken me many many rises in the gaps between my work for tomoko but finally it is done i have a formula which is in sympathy with the pulse of the all i can provoke the symptoms of the red flesh and with it will come destruction channeled through the vitae network this might be the answer we seek sure sounds like it definitely sounds like it is this before or after everything fell the crap because if it's before then i wouldn't assume you would be sad at all because it really seems like this is just poor planning on your part anyway i need this boink you're out of vitae uh excuse me you're not using this are you chunk thanks i need this all right see you later keita um and oh maybe that wasn't cool for me to do up uh did i have to do the um i'm guessing i had to because there were two hmm well if if if rumors told it seems like he might have been a bit of a dick anyway so um all right anyway i'm gonna turn a corner on with like oh look vitae ah all right i got what i needed some blankets and uh dwinkus and uh put the orb in the oinkus and splang doodle the fluence and uh really crack yank the the blankets we've got something wait wait we got something over here oh it's pointing to the big glowing thing in the wall another that could be our way out yeah uh-huh that definitely is a way out i just got to figure out how to put the orb in the doodad put the orbit slam it in slam it home put it on put it in put it around put it in there let me in there let me in there i'm a baby let me in there that's where i go here there everywhere okay oh and yoink oh oh and oops can i have that back thank you you could be a little faster anywho i know what i need to do now this is gonna go over here because it's gonna shoot into the other room and open up the door from the other side and yoink blastums kaboom send it boom [Music] did i hear something else there bro nothing i need to worry about [Music] love me an orb you know alexander would be really proud of me smoke that's the town and the doctor how can that be how can that be everything's a mystery nothing makes sense oh my god oh my god oh do i need to run now whoa hey all the red pulsating flash oh yeah um uh there's nothing i need right right uh right before i panic that's the same flesh and pulsating stuff from the original amnesia yeah that's a good point but i got a funny feeling that there's something else that i need here but i just don't know what it is yeah maybe not maybe not maybe not i'm just gonna go for it screw it i'm going through yeah oh god it's dark oh that's because it's clothing and i can't see when it's loading okay am i supposed to be somewhere oh yes i am hi it's me markiplier baby maybe maybe mama baby maybe mama oh maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe baby baby i can't baby baby can't happen baby baby no baby baby maybe maybe baby baby no baby baby hello baby hello baby [Music] [Music] i just can't play alice is gone don't worry mama i'm here well that's good that's very good that's very good oh hi baby um baby i can't look at my baby right now so uh pressing the baby button but it's not baby ooh baby got bigger maybe got bigger oh baby baby's getting bigger well that's what babies do hello baby i don't know if i can birth you oh [Music] oh uh baby's bigger uh wait hang on hold on a second uh no no no you're so much bigger this can't be real wake up wake up jesse oh god oh god what am i going to do something tells me it's going to be a big baby oh boy come on yep put yourself together i was a big baby when i was born makes sense baby oh [ __ ] i'm i'm so heavy yeah it seems like six months more oh god um well um what if i get even bigger i mean if it's six months i'll try to hold on but this will be difficult little one damn these bones they're gonna be bones everywhere anyhoo well i still got my strength uh at least i have that as long as i have my my strength i'll be fine just get these rocks out of the way this isn't a dream this really isn't a dream yep uh yep yeah just yep that's all i gotta say all right any more please more than just one more than one fine oh are you okay so we got some rocks here that does not look like a way out oh wait a minute oh yeah i have my strengths [Laughter] ladder oh my god i thought i was gonna fall and die maybe it would have been a quick trip yep note down there we go oh that's dark oh that's very dark smash priceless artifacts who needs them who cares about him oh it's a crypt uh-huh okay how much oil am i working with plenty plenty of oil for now second achievement yeah well you know how it is oh i don't want to go back yet i just got here i gotta go go back uh maybe it's like some secret doodad they're like just resources in here or something no just nothing there's a whole lot of nothing in here what's the point unless it's a hidey hole might be a hidey hole i don't know i don't know sure some red flesh here oh wow's right here oh there's another one hello it's a whole lot of nothing [Music] weird all right sure wonder who gave me this thing i like it like that what laboratory the one wait the laboratory of the aliens or the laboratory of just laboratoriums oh well hang on there's another path over here maybe wasn't there oh no there's not well i guess i'm going over here then okay hey it's me again back here back at it again with another universe i wonder if there really have been like secrets that i was supposed to like pay attention to with this thing out but i just haven't looked at it's entirely possible what happened oh what's happening i don't know what happened what happened i missed it it was all red why okay hi hello hi great good stuff what is this fun stuff uh it's what they were talking about in the letter and it's what was in the other game way back when oh my god yeah it ain't pleasant i can tell you that it ain't pleasant oh oh goopy baby you all right how about you knit my bones maybe you want to knit my bones for me okay bye you're bigger you can knit bigger bow okay so the lesson is don't touch the red stuff because it hurts and that's the end of the story what's up here secrets no no secrets someone just say baby i could have sworn i just heard the word baby oh god of course of course it's right there in front of me but i can't have it oh my god is anybody down here in the midst oh i see oh is that a crank oh i thought i saw a crank frank would have been cool there's some cranks here and there hello nah so okay there there seems to be like destabilized portions which makes sense this whole thing is kind of blending together oh hello cool yeah that's good hence why the redness is leaking through oh oh no oh that's not good oh that's not good yeah run yeah run run run and running is good running is good i like running bring it out bring it out bring it out okay run run run run run run oh that's lovely okay down yep down down down is where we go oh yeah keep going down you know up in the deserts where you don't want to be is what i've discovered okay keep going i think we're gonna need more lamp oil oh this is familiar this feels like amnesia music come on come on baby come on pedal those tiny feet baby i need all the power we can get reuse me like a flintstone car let's just keep going oh there goes the legs baby fix the legs i got failure on the leg systems uh is this still after me i'm gonna guess yes oh no yep oh yeah this is clap i'm so strong baby with our powers combined ah we are unbeatable we're unbeatable baby alice ellis something's wrong with your eyes alice huge dude oh christ oh good i'm back in the other world i don't know when that happened but apparently i'm here i did it maybe i don't know what i did it's all a bunch of portals what was alexander's uh objective in the first game what was he really trying to do oh i guess i can't run as far how did we get to this how did we get to this you grew so fast probably probably i'm gonna go with probably oh that's locked in place okay well so they definitely don't line up so there's gotta be way to like extend these as opposed to turning them i'm not certain it's how about this culture really loves them some orbs you know what i mean this door is stupid okay that also does not move which is fine i think it needs to be extended into place which is cool uh oh again little one see it's another gateway i think a portal right in that laboratory big enough yeah us yes look little one i think this is a way out of here yes i know it's crazy but can we get it working of course we can of course we just need vitae we just need the glorious power of vitae boom looks like we don't have enough of a tay this isn't working yeah i gotta go get something apparently um laden jar like vessel resembling those in place in device in portal chamber but spent broken relic age unknown manufacturing quality high as if welded or cast using advanced modern industrial methods spiral symbol on laden jar bank also found on door near camp leading to maize grid chambers below devices powered by electric fluid were some means of gathering electric fluid yeah you're talking about vitae yeah you're probably talking about vitae yeah yeah yeah not many people know about its big secret in the industry i know about it though cause i'm smart big smarter i also got a big smart baby if you didn't know big smart baby very big very smart actually bigger than you so don't even bother oh big baby just slammed i've damaged myself a lot but i don't seem to have any sort of like health repercussions where does this go absolutely nowhere but it went literally nowhere jump all right there must be some vitae down here are we actually on earth hi nice balls all right see you dudes uh hello baby wow this looks nice professor i believe this is only part of a bigger construction the archives make reference to this place as a gate but it also talks of other gates if i'm reading correctly there's a symbol that reads as crops or harvest perhaps it is related to the seed sure but wasn't someone else called crop harvest something like that i was right 1839. is this when the original amnesia it is a bitter pill a myth ray mithraem and it in in it an orb and now my daughter of an assistant has shattered it i have sent it and him to brandon perhaps something may be salvaged so what is left to me now there's a gate here i have vitae but no orb i have discovered nothing of what brennenberg calls the traveler's locket yet it is clear this place is part of something greater these halls are not the final resting place of their great queen whatever the legends may say this is merely a spoke on a wheel what does the hub hold what is with all the hubbub you may ask this must be people that either worked with or knew alexander who may have been of the species of these people over there you know what i mean a supposedly a map it's a map of puzzle line them up and kaboobie booby ethereal resonance chamber tuning you got it oh hello we need to get out of here soon stop kicking stop it hey mama's here stop kicking this place is so strange you on earth built it do you think i don't know dj khaled a full and accurate copy of the symbols in your room with the pillars is most important devote yourself to it i wish it to be completed by the time i rise tomorrow in particular pay attention to the symbol i have labeled as seed i believe it to be the crystal orb that i seek a clue to its whereabouts will see you well rewarded is this the assistant you just assigned that broke the orb like an idiot big dumb stupid couldn't even put up his tent right idiot uh hello abdullah khalid will take on daniel's duties you are to commence excavation of the side tunnels immediately break down the roman walls if you must they are irrelevant anything older than roman investigate if there are any more markings such as are in the room with the cage i wish to hear about them any records carvings or signs that resemble an amulet or bracelet i wish to hear about them any round stone of crystal do not touch it on pain of death but summon me at once yeah uh-huh daniel you say the same daniel from the first game very interesting very interesting you know very interesting okay there's a light shining over here i'm gonna go here first hello this is richards he was here who's richard i don't remember oh followed harris insane i won't i won't richard come back richard rezard [Applause] they left us richard and alex i i don't remember why yeah i don't either and frankly i don't even care it was probably stupid and there's probably his blood that's what he gets that's what he deserves do i need to go get the orb i probably don't you know what i mean whoa i don't know if it's just like every single tunnel down looks like the original amnesia tunnel but this very much looks like the original amnesia tunnel funky cool oh hello baby how you doing all right well it seems peaceful down here ah dang it hey whoa wait a minute hey you can you stop eating in there and help me out i need to get uh some vitae you know how it is you know you know all right cool see you around guys baby shush to a gold mine to make it more efficient alex sterling's family were paying i was doing some drawings jonathan he was the engineer oh my juice is good i don't love this i'm gonna guess not much uh pretty much nothing um in the face of certain death and doom i'm gonna guess very little uh so what do i do found this a door to many worlds by t.a herbert i'm busy forward as i write this memoir the great endeavor is on the verge of completion that very threshold which has eluded the members of our fellowship down to the ages has lies before me and i thirst and herbert have the keys within my grasp to open it what great beauties what bountious paradises may lie beyond the gate surely it will lead to the arctic apes to the megalithic structures in brazil to anywhere within our realm yet we may go further the evidence has been used before our eyes since the days of adam i used that example advisedly for surely the story of adam is the hebrew retelling of our first arrival thrust out of that garden of eden and into this harsh world beyond the gate lies the garden the place of our making and i will be the first since adam too uh-huh yeah go on tell me more tell me more look at these dudes [Applause] yeah nice nice guys hey guys nice um uh oh oh oh oh oh oh ho ho hey hey ho ho ho i did not see that even the music decides to play because i looked in the right direction okay good for me good for me guys very good for me actually the best for me only the best for me i have to say oh i didn't know that was actually going to open for some reason i didn't think that i was actually going to open oh my heart i don't like the lines coming out of the head of the bed there it's all not very good it's all not very good got it okay what do we see here [Music] oh yeah looks fine that looks good in fact actually it looks good oh all right okay well this is fancy oh someone's dead there but why uh-huh so there was that passage before that said something about the garden of eden so that's why all the aliens look human because in this universe humans came from another place to here diagram on wall map ley lines star chart position on radio spectrum akin to wavelength up hello yes mean yes yes hello i'm here i'm here i'm i'm trapped i'm in a tomb unless we can get out of here speaking of the moon must test complete paths oh yeah sure okay yeah yeah yeah sure yeah okay that does look like a big thing and that looks like a big orb i love it oh fun oh interesting oh this oh interesting oh oh interesting ah okay so i need to match up those do i you wine and fancy glasses winky face wine there's only one wine symbol and it's right there the other ones are all darkened out [Music] maybe i don't need to match those maybe i don't know enough yet [Music] perhaps it was once a real person called tin heenan a leader of her people if so she is likely buried in the tower egg tomb far above us there are other much older stories that have been conflated with hers legends of the grey lady a goddess who walks the desert legends of a healer legends of an empress i think these are ancient memories of what truly happened in this place yeah i don't even know what the legends are so i'm not sure how you would uh expect me to know anything about that hey how you doing dude man you are so dead my god you're dead you are just dead stunningly dead hey peekaboo oh what is my character's name tati tita hello none of the doors work none of these alien weirdo doors work okay fine i'll go through the door over this way if that's what you really want if that's no okay i guess i won't then i guess i won't guess that's what i won't do guess me not do that guess i'm not gonna do that guess i'm not going to oh what i probably need to do is i probably need to find the process of elimination kind of get the whoa hello weird okay i see wow okay so we got winky face cow beak cow okay what else could we do okay so it's definitely not wine glass wine glass is not in the middle because there's no way that wine glass could be any of those uh i bet it's not repeating patterns let's go ahead and try that i guess oh this is stuck okay so that's good it has to be winky face first because that's stuck i guess so it has to be winky face first oh it could be [Music] huh winky face cow wine glass right that's what it could be hmm dang it all right winky face glasses winky that's no face that's no good okay so there's only so many other things it could be the only other one i see that starts with that is winky glasses glasses right maybe why do i always go the wrong way oh my god bingo what is it then diagram on wall this thing oh oh my god i see it i see i don't know why i didn't see it okay right i i i didn't notice the grooves in the pillars oh that's what it meant oh my god of course so it must be that okay so that's what that is that's what that must be oh we've got a path and it even outlines it okay so didn't i try that winky moomoo did i not try winky moomoo i thought i tried it but i guess i didn't winky momo gimme winky momo winky mobo ah oh wow oh wow i guess that's what i guess yeah uh-huh let's hope that's fixed yeah uh-huh let's get out of here gang uh geez scoob we really oh baby can you jesus are you gonna get a bigger baby at least i'm not that works for a boy or again okay good yeah good good i'm gonna go with good i'm gonna go with good well you know if humans came from this other world it's technically not an alien baby technically technically it's growing fast for a human baby but you know it's the empresses baby something like that something like that something like that something like that i'm a tinkerer i done did tinker i tinkered with it all right let's oh baby we're going to go home here easy that's good so easy yes uh no there's definitely something wrong here yeah what's the deal almost like i don't have vitae oh what are you doing out of a lot who knocked you out of alignment oh oh oh not that one who the hell i brought that into alignment the first thing i did that was the first thing i did when i walked in this room all right let's get out of here excuse wow oh oh oh oh [ __ ] no yeah looks pretty empty now well i'll take this one for now because i know there was a door that needed some vitae to open it down here so i guess i'll do exactly that i didn't notice these before alexander vaughn brennenberg we were right zarzura is so real i took an orb from the shrine in the salt mines but the shadow pursues and i am trapped i will attempt the crossing it is my only way out record my name tell all it was herbert who gave us new worlds to explore uh-huh that thing is after me it has been hunting me for days but i keep out of its trail so i will persevere i can see a settlement at the edge of the desert i'm getting closer i can see it but it is not me it is abdullah through his eyes i see his mind i hear confined to myself i see only death dressed in the orbs darkest shadow so the orb is uh not good from what i'm picking up on this if i'm reading the room correctly the orb is uh not good nice balls uh and probably should be avoided at all costs because it creates this shadow and red flesh you sure are taking this lightly this whole other world business skadoosh hi you got any more of that you got any more video around here somewhere i really could use another bottle no they're fixing oh my god look at it the demon kids in the back horrible why are you crying horrible anyway you got more of the vitae [Music] oh look it's a door that actually opens wow look at that it's a weird mixture of uh technologies here almost like people were looking at this uh we cannot reach the device attempts to break the metal have failed as it is the same strange composition as the laden jars a thorough analysis is impossible until we can get closer but my theory is that the laden jars are containers for some sort of energetic etheric fluid and that the device in the room below is some means of gathering such fluid to fill those jars what exactly it is drawn from is unclear surely not simply the surrounding atmosphere it would require something with a great deal more vitality i have sent the boy rasheed below with a paint pot and brush and told him to mark any route he finds clearly oh i bet he's dead but hopefully he marked some roots before he met his untimely demise that would be great keep me from getting lost uh an empty jar do i need that yep all empty no yes what is that supposed to be i don't want to know what that's supposed to be i'll break your piss pot bam hello khaled has excavated several more laden jars which are fully energized while it is clear that they are required to power the portal device without another war by unwilling to waste them on a test however i am now certain the contents of these jars this fluid-like energy is the vitae of which alexander spoke yes because he's from the other world and he was just trying to get back home oh i see ah of course of course yes of course such a lovely painted path something's skittering who said that come on with your hands up blocked on the other side of things i get it i get it okay i see i see i get it i get oh i'm so strong i am like ungodly strong i'm strong even some might call strong oh were you talking cause you're dead so that'd be weird alex sterling oh god oh god no yeah well i would assume that just everybody's dead follow her save hank i'm going after richard best of luck so the real question is how did i end up back on the ship how did i end up back on this ship that's what i want to know how did i end up whoa how did i end up back on this ship how did i end up back in the ship that's the real question that's the question how did i get all the way i mean fine whatever losing memory oh god kicking you know what i'm going to assume that something's going to come i would never be able to survive because i could never close my door fast enough i feel a bit better how did i get to the ship did i teleport there wink i knew when i first saw them sitting beneath the trees in the hotel garden richard's complaining about the coffee wow this is some kind of super chess it was in every look they shared adorable under the sign of aranga on the second rise at the second calling i karangi make this record we have identified a fault in the revised layout for the hunting ground gating system where previously the harvesters had leeway to stock the subjects for at least 100 edar the current configuration lowers that to 30 as the subjects simply panic and stampede this does not give enough time for an appropriate build-up of harvestable energy within their systems i recommend restoring the previous configuration temporarily while we re-evaluate so recorded in her name eternal ah interesting so here comes the truth vitae is distilled fear literally that seems to be what i'm reading here they need to be afraid enough for long enough to let the vitae build up in their system and that's what this is and that's probably what that represents the things that hunt and then you extract from them hopefully it's more like milking it and not like something else but they extracted hunger i've got the hunger i've never been so hungry please i need delicious food my hunger is unstoppable i've never been so hungry do you understand to my hunger oh don't tell me i have to go into the labyrinth i'm gonna have to go into the labyrinth aren't i oh my god why do i have to go into the labyrinth i don't want to go into the labyrinth i don't want to go in oh no i don't want to go oh god i'm going into the labyrinth okay good stellar good good hopefully the kid painted it oh no oh no oh no hunger it's got the hunger never been so hungry come come on uh well interesting have you got to keep it off of that uh yep that's right okay oh i see oh no do i gotta move this onto the things i don't know i don't know what i'm doing i don't know man i don't know i can't even get it on there okay it won't even work uh i don't see any pain that kid was useless okay i'm in the main oh no oh my god are you actually in here ah why why what i didn't see anything that guy's very dead not now baby so it is the distilled fear which makes sense why it's like i can't get fearful and i can't get angry gods no oh no no no no no no hey wait you don't wanna you don't wanna do anything like that you don't wanna do that listen the hunger can't control you don't let the hunger control you what are you doing what is happening what is that okay okay okay that's that can't be good okay well all right i'm dying now yes i'm tassie hello i am good question how can i live i was about to beat your ass into the ground so you're lucky you mo okay you're lucky you backed off oh well i just can't get out of here then i'll never leave really quick and jump okay listen you're not yourself when you're hungry that's great your dreams are always the best oh my god again oh wait no i needed this here dreaming of who me you shouldn't have you're so sweet made of hunger yeah i get you you're just so hungry i get it you know i get it sometimes you're just hungry [Applause] good question you know it's hard to say okay cool yeah that's real cool but i'm on the way out my dude oh maybe not i thought this was the way up yes that's me what are you doing you think you're the [Laughter] skype i have no idea where i'm going i'm so lost i i've lost every point of reference that i had uh seems like uh mr hunger uh may know this place a little bit better than i do oh yeah that's a problem no oh out i'll wait for you i can wait how much time do you have hi you're weird and smell bad your teeth are horrible you should brush after meals of eating my friends anywho um well where am i what am i doing okay all right this seems like an apt place to pause right before we do something down here and then have to go through the maze again so thank you everybody so much for watching this has been amnesia rebirth in case you forgot what you're watching if you want to see more games like this there's a link in the description to the very first amnesia of the dark descent you won't even see me i don't even have face cam then but there's baby mark from 2012. go check it out linked in the description thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,294,369
Rating: 4.969564 out of 5
Keywords: amnesia rebirth, amnesia, markiplier, amnesia rebirth part 3, scary, scary games, horror, horror games, amnesia rebirth markiplier, game, gaming, gameplay, amnesia custom story, amnesia 2
Id: z_AyeW-c3x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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