Solving The LEGENDARY Japanese Wolf Puzzle!!

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- Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a story. (dramatic orchestral music) Once upon a time, there was a mother goat with seven children, and she went out to the woods, but before she did, she asked her children to be careful because the wolf would come knocking at the door, and not to let him in. You'll recognize the wolf by his rough voice. Shortly after the mother left, a knock at the door. (knocks on table) "It is I, your mother, children. "Let me in. "I brought something for you." "We will not let you in. "You are not our mother. "You are the wolf. "We can tell by your rough voice." The wolf then went down to the shopkeeper to buy some chalk so he could eat it and make his voice softer. He then came back to the house and said, "Children, open the door, your mother's here." The children recognized their mother's voice, and opened the door, and to their shock, it was indeed the wolf. The wolf then swallowed them all whole, all except one. He went outside with his full belly and passed out under a tree. The mother then came home, noticed all the kids were gone. She then got a pair of scissors and a sewing kit, and cut open the wolf's belly. One by one, her children, still alive, climbed out of the belly, unhurt, unscathed, for the wolf, in his greed, had swallowed them whole. The mother then asked the children to grab all the stones and fill up the wolf's belly, and sewed it shut. When the wolf woke up, he was feeling very thirsty, and went to the well, but the weight of the stones thrust the wolf down into the well where he drowned. The mother and children danced around the well and lived happily ever after. The end. (wolf growls) What's up, guys? And welcome back. Hope you enjoyed that little fairy tale as, today, we're looking at a really interesting puzzle. This is a puzzle by Osamu Kasho, a Japanese puzzle-maker that works for the Karakuri Creation Group. He's made a lot of really interesting puzzles that have stories behind them, which I think is really cool, and these have become some of my favorite puzzles just because of the lore that comes with the puzzle, and not exactly the most difficult puzzle in the world, but very interesting and beautifully crafted. Before we get into the puzzle, I just want to take a second to give a quick shoutout. I got some fan mail recently, and someone made this. It says, "Dear Chris, I've been a fan of yours "for almost a year now. "My name is Ty, and I'm 14." 14. I was doodling phallic things at 14. Nothing looked as good as this. "One summer, I broke my arm, "and decided to learn magic "because I couldn't play video games. "You've been a big inspiration to me, "and I love your videos. "Over my spring break, I saw your office tour video "and realized that the wall looked a little bare, "so I made this artwork, taking me a total "of about nine hours. "Really hope you like it as much as I do. "P.S., you can read this on camera if you want." I think this is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've ever seen. Thank you so much. There's so many little intricate things, like my logo, and the lock puzzle, my playing cards, you got a chess piece here. Like, so much work that went into this, dude. Thank you so much. You got a lot of talent, man. Shout out to Ty. All right, guys, without any further ado, let's get into solving the sleeping wolf puzzle. (whistles) (imitates explosion) Here it is. This is the box it comes in. (grunts) And that is a little beauty. How beautiful is that? This guy, like I said in the intro, probably became my favorite puzzle creator because his puzzles are so whimsical, well done, beautifully crafted. The colors are insane, and they've all got this little cartoon feel. He's also the creator of this puzzle. As you can see, the detail on there is crazy. Remember this one? Where you gotta open the toenail, push the pinkie. (laughs) I'm not expecting this puzzle to be super difficult, but that's not why I bought it. I just bought it because it was an interesting piece, and probably something you're not gonna see every day, and that's usually what I like to see in puzzles, is not necessarily the difficulty level. I know a lot of people want the really difficult ones, but these ones are my favorite. These are the ones that tell a story, and kind of, you know, have an integrated sort of Japanese culture attached to it, as you can see by the craftsmanship and the story, which, for me, makes it worthwhile, so let's go. You can hear a little rattling inside, so I guess there's something inside of his tummy. (laughs) But we're gonna find out what that is. I'm gonna be really delicate here. I see that, okay, there's a line here where the nose is. However, that seam is closed, so it doesn't look like you can move his nose that direction, so I'm not gonna do that. Also, it looks fragile, so I don't want to break that. There's also a seam around his head. There is a seam around this part as well, so we're gonna play around with his limbs. They don't want to move. His tail also doesn't want to move, and his head also doesn't want to move. Well now. (laughs) This is the thing. Like, I mean, it's such a fragile little piece, and so beautiful, I really don't want to push the wrong way, or force anything, and break this puzzle forever. This is not a puzzle you can easily repair, I assume. (laughs) He's got such a fat belly. Open up. (laughs) I'm gonna spin him. I don't think that will do anything. Hmm. Again, these puzzles aren't meant to be difficult, but obviously, the solution is not gonna be obvious, so probably, once I know how it's done, you're gonna be able to do it really easily, but until then, it's not gonna be that easy. I'm looking to see... These just look like they're glued on. They don't look like they can move at all, so I'm gonna stop tampering with that. The tail as well. This, as well, is attached, I'm guessing. I don't know, maybe not. Wow, there is nothing to go on. Okay, this moves a slight bit. Oh. Oh, there we go. You can see, that's just slid across, which is cool. Looks like it's ready to have another piece slide. Maybe this one. Okay, it looks like it wants to go up. Yep. That's gonna go up there. Is that all the way out? I don't know, let me see. Seems like it. I feel like this wants to come out. So far, so good. Oh. And there you have it, all done. So, pretty simple, pretty quick, and this is what was in his belly. Oh, it says chalk. Now, for those of you thinking I'm disappointed with this solution, I am totally not disappointed. I love these puzzles to no end. So, the chalk. So, as the fairy tale says, the wolf ate the chalk to make his voice softer, I guess, so that he could attract these little children before he ate them. A Brothers Grimm story. Very grim indeed, as most of the stories are. Very cool. You know, this puzzle reminds me so much of this here. Remember this little guy? This bear, where you'd find his glasses. What was the next step here? The next step was this, and then that was pushed in. Why isn't this opening? Oh yeah, this slides open, and that's the compartment, so for the bear to go to work, you'd have to find his clock, his train ticket, and his glasses that he misplaced that he put, actually, under his hat. So I love these little puzzles that have a story that are super intricate, hand made, one of a kind. Well, not one of a kind, but they are pretty unique. So there you go, that is the chalk in the wolf's belly. So there you go, put the chalk back. That's really cool, that it has such a cool story attached to it, and, you know, as cool as it is for children, I think it's great for adults. I mean, with the price of these, I am not gonna leave a link below because I don't think you'll be able to find one. I had a hard time finding just this one. You know, puzzles like these, like this one, and the foot one by Osamu Kasho, are roughly from three to, like, $700 because they're so well crafted. So here. Again, let's try the solution. Push the belly, push that, pull out the body. Usually, there's a little signature of the creator. I haven't found it. It's stamped on the inside a lot of times, but I guess he didn't put it in this one. And you can see, on the inside, there's a magnet here that's attracted to that magnet so it doesn't just slide out accidentally. You kind of have to push it out, and the rest is just little hand-made grooves and slides. Super cool. So there you go, the wolf's body has been autopsied here, (laughs) and that's it for the wolf puzzle. Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. That was the sleeping wolf puzzle. I wasn't aware of the fairy tale before I purchased this puzzle. I just found out about it when I received it. I looked into it a little bit. It's beautiful, amazing story by the brothers Grimm, which is really creepy and cool, which is right up my alley. Plus, it's a really nice collectible piece. Enjoyed that puzzle thoroughly. I know a lot of you are gonna be saying in the comments that the solution was easy, unsatisfying solution, but like I said, these puzzles, I like to feature them because they're beautiful, they're hard to get, and they're hand-crafted, and I just wanted to appreciate them. Hope you appreciated them as much as I do. So anyways, thanks for watching. Quick update on my heart. Things are looking okay right now. I haven't really had any palpitations in the last day, so I'm kind happy about that, but I will keep you posted if anything's up. Thanks for watching these videos, guys. Like, subscribe, and I'll see you on the next video. Peace. Go, go, go, go, ah. (woman speaks in foreign language) (soft electronic music) (woman speaks in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 3,032,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, japanese puzzle, karakuri, solution, puzzle solution, solved, how to solve, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, solving, puzzle solver, puzzle solving, hardest, difficult, mr puzzle, puzzle master
Id: Cw9-vghcWEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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