Solving The WHISKEY FLASK Puzzle!!

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(blues music) - Yo, what's up, guys! Welcome back! Howdy, am I Indiana Jones, a 1920s detective or a cowboy? Looking more like a homeless prospect here. I hope you guys are doing all right. Today, very cool puzzle indeed. This is the latest puzzle by Felix Ure. Felix, who's also made this puzzle. It was a nightmare to solve, might I add, this impossible little orb. This is a little hip-flask, a little whiskey flask, right up my alley. Love the look of this thing, it's brass, it's heavy, bold. It's beautiful, and apparently, it's very difficult. I mean, the only other puzzle that he's done, to my knowledge, was that one, and that was really difficult because everything was happening inside. I've got some time ahead of me, and ready to tackle hip-flask puzzle by Felix Ure. Check out the link below if you're interested. So without any further ado, let's get into solving the hip-flask puzzle. (tongue clicks) (whistles) (pows) The hip-flask puzzle by Felix Ure. Felix has a little note for me here. It says, "I hope you enjoy my new puzzle, the hip-flask. "Thanks for your support, "and for everything you do for the puzzle community. "Good luck!" Challenge accepted. Here is a little business card that comes with it. Hip-flask. Completely remove the lid from the flask, no external tools are needed. No significant force is required. Excessive shaking, banging or forceful twisting may damage the puzzle. Good luck. Well, now, I love the look of this, by the way. It's so heavy. I'm gonna have to shine this up nicely and neatly to put it on my shelf. By the way, if you guys hear noises, those are my neighbors. They're still building something, not sure what they're doing. We're moving soon. I've got a new office coming, and we've got like two months to build that to do but, mark my words, can not wait. Here we go. So just remove the flask, done! No, oh, okay, so as you can see there's little brass pins come out here, and twist these out somehow. All right, so these brass pins, I don't know what they're doing here. There's as well, there's a hole down here with some type of little mechanism down there. And there's this. It's so annoying that sound. Somebody just literally using a saw, just cutting wood. Oh, it feels like it stops there. (clicks) So it stops rotating there, it stops rotating there, it's like a 180 degree, maybe a little bit more. (clicks) And it goes back down. Probably a little click there, hear that? (clicking) Hear that click? (clicking) I feel like this is similar to last week's puzzle, the lock puzzle, where there's like an internal maze on this thing. It's kind of what it feels like. Is there any markings or anything? So there's this like slight ring on that. There's like a slight black line. You see that? Maybe that's like some type of marking we need to follow here. (clicking) It's so far we have two pins. We have this, which has a bit of a maze on it. And now it's kind of stuck, weird. Oh, now it's back in. And then there's a click, maybe two clicks. Some type of clicking going on. (clicking) Hmm. So there's an instant click when I let this go down like this, you can hear. When I pull it down, it's gonna go click, watch. (clicks) Right there, just something happens there. Boom, like locks into place. Now it won't push back down unless I twist it. (clicks) And another click. There's two clicks, huh. Strange. Maybe I don't want it to click. (clicking) Oh, now no click. (clicking) (clicks) There's a click. (clicks) There's a click on, okay. (clicks) So, let me rotate it all the way over here, it clicks here. But that's the second click, it's not the first one. (clicks) The first one would be lower, it would be about here. Right there, and now there's no second click. (clicks) Strange. (clicking) (soft music) Come on. (clicks) The click of death, it just goes dooks, (clicks) and I know that's probably wrong. If I could find where it doesn't click, then I'll mark it down. You got a Sharpie over there? All right, so we're gonna mark down wherever it doesn't click. (clicks) That clicks. I've been using a twist of hand here. (clicks) Clicks. (clicks) Clicks. (clicking) I'm pretty sure I had it not clicking a second ago. (clicks) Oh, see. No, that did click. (clicking) Oh, there. (clicks) It's got trap. (clicking) My guess is that there is, okay, this is gonna seem really, just probably not gonna seem right at all. But my guess is that, hold on. My guess is that inside the flask, so this is the flask, there is a peg, maybe multiple pegs, but one peg for sure. In that, when I pull up this thing, there is a hole in this cap that clicks there, and that hole is everywhere around except, so this, let's say is the cylinder, and there's a hole everywhere except for one spot. And then there's probably another hole except for another spot. And then there's that pin, which is on the side, that I have to run, I have to find that place, then that place, and so on and so forth. That's my guess. Let me know if that makes sense to you guys. So that's what I think is going on. So once I find the first place where I can pop it out without it clicking, that will be the first marking. And then I can move on from there. See boom, it fell into that gap. (clicks) Gonna go back in. And the thing is that small spot where it can run through might be very tiny, it might be just the size of that pin. So it's like, uh, I think I just found it. I'm gonna mark that down right now. And boom, it clicked, so now it fell into that gap. That's exactly what's going on. So we go back here, boom. If I pull straight, it's gonna fall into the gap. (clicks) Boom. (clicking) So I have to find that second. So that's the first pin. (soft music) Oh, I feel like I just found a second gap, oh, maybe not. (clicking) Let's try. I don't know if this one's right, so I might take that one off. (clicking) So that first marking is good, because look no click. If I go to the side of the first marking, (clicks) click. (clicks) If I go here, no click. If I pull up from here, (clicks) click. (clicking) Here, and I have to find the next spot. And just stops. (clicking) What are these brass pins have to do with anything? Do I have to keep it upside down? Are those to fall out? (clicking) Hmm. (clicking) (sighs) In here. (clicking) Haven't heard a click, but it still stops at the same spot. I'm not sure why. (clicking) (banging) I feel like the guy upstairs is banging on the wall for no reason. Okay, so here, come here, I pull too far, it goes click. (clicks) And I think my pin is stuck in this trap. With the pin out of the trap, but I can't get up. I can get it back down, 'cause look, now I'm in this trap where I can't turn. It doesn't want to turn, right? But maybe if I go back in a bit... (clicking) (soft music) Oh! Okay. So that marking I did had absolutely had nothing to do with anything. Check out what's going on here. So there is this inner maze here, and yeah, just as I suspected, there's that, there's a layer that isn't a part of the maze that's protruding right there, and that's where, I guess the pin had to be aligned on. (clicks) And it comes out a little bit further. (clicks) Oh, oh. Gotten a pin out. How do I? How do I get the rest out? (clicking) Okay. Oh, that's weird. (soft music) So that fits in here, kind of flush, plumb with the line here, I'm not sure why. I think I'll probably have to get this other piece out. We're getting somewhere. (clicking) Now we're back in. (clicks) (clicking) Just gonna mark that 'cause that is the exit. (clicking) Then slowly that brass pins falls in and out. It's so flush, ha. They have no margin there. (clicking) Okay, how do we get it further? Maybe that blocked something in there. Ha, is a tool? This pin doesn't come out, and I'm stuck. So, this thing is made, okay. Let's say this is the pin on the inside, bear with me, bear with my, this is the cylinder. Well, that pin is gonna fall into a groove that's all the way around except for like this tiny, like a bridge type thing, right? And that bridge, as I mentioned here, might run through here. And there might be another bridge, if I'm here, this would allow me to open everything. And at this point, I'm thinking, oh, I'm great. Here, I got stuck. You see this bridge here? That's what I mean. That's a bridge, that's where the pin has to run so it doesn't caught in that trap. You can get out of the trap by using a ramp, there's like a little ramp that leads you back up to the surface level. So, I'm gonna have to get here. And I think once I'm here, (clicks) okay, that's fine. See, there's another click here. (clicks) So I have to go back before I get to that click, right when it's kind of aligned here. The lighting is kind of hard to see this but it's gonna be a line flushed. See how it goes down and then there's this platform that shows up. Well, that platform is the next level like this, so, using that platform... (clicking) (soft music) Just gonna mark where I did use it. So I used it here. (clicking) Click, that's no good. (clicking) So I've used it here and here. Can't see those markings but I can. (groans) (clicking) Gosh, it fell. It just fell, (clicking) think I was close there. (clicking) (sighs) No! Come on. Click. Stuck again. (clicking) I didn't hear a click. Where did it go? Okay, I've made it to the second ring without clicking. Now it clicked. (clicks) Follow that bridge to the next thing, stop. And if I go this way, I fall into a trap. Okay, so I have to go the other way. (clicking) Okay, we're getting somewhere here. This is fun. I think I know what to do. It's just a matter of finding that right opening. But I've gotten this far where I'm here. Boom, no clicks yet, I'm good so far. Want to go this way but I don't want to pull out too far. Definitely need patience for this, probably, as soon as you lose patience, you're gonna make an extra movement here. So crazy. (clicking) We're so close. Get another marker. Antoine, do you have another marker? I lost my marking, I should've just wrote it down probably the first time. Maybe here. Oh, there it is. (clicking) Okay. Mark that down properly here. Boom. This is getting pretty redundant, I know. I'm doing the same thing over and over again. I should probably change up my strategy but I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I just need to find that right opening! And for some reason, it's being very elusive. Where is the other bridge? Where is the other bridge? (clicking) Oh! Oh, go on, that's out. Oh, it's not out out, but it's out. (sighs) God! Okay. The more you fiddle around with it, the more you can feel out the goods. Interesting, because like your mind stops working on, it starts working on a different level when you start feeling where the entrances are. Like here, there's a little mini ramp. You see a little mini ramp, and then it drops in there, right, so that's the click, when it goes click, right? So you got to find that perfect little spot. But now it's still not open. The top is still not off. We have another peg. So my guess is that one goes in, then this one goes in. And that is now a button. Uh-oh. (clicks) That's right, I'm pretty sure we can get back to that, we have a button. (grunts) And there we go. Booyah. How does that work? How does that button work? So the pin came out, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to stay in there. Pretty sure that's not supposed to stay. I'm pretty sure that's supposed to stay. Did that break? It might have busted on in here. Ah, I get to a point where the puzzle pushes it in, and then keeping my finger on it, it keeps, watch as I let my finger go. Boom, comes back out, right? So, in order to get everything back, I have to push that in, keep my finger on it, drop in. But alas, because the pegs are still there, I need to get it in but not in so much that it's all the way in, so that the pegs can do their job and hold the pin into place. I wonder why that's a plastic pin and not a brass pin. I guess there's a reason for that. The little one can fit in right now. But that's not the one that I need to fit. I need to fit in the longer one. So I have to, kind of, reverse-solve the puzzle now to get the pin back. And now that I know what to do, oh boy, oh boy. So watch when I spin this, you're gonna hear a click. Right there, listen. (clicks) Click. So, what I need to do, is I need to get that click not to click, but right on the edge of it, so I can maneuver it alongside the bridge. I'll show you what I mean. So it's there, and now I can pull it out. And I got to go this way. Ooh, I'm so good. (soft music) (clicking) Boom, and solved! Let's go, baby! That is, oh, my God. That's a hell of a puzzle! So much fun. I love that although it took me an hour and a half to solve, I can now probably do this in two or three minutes. The inner mechanics are ingenious, the fact that this works with like this leverage system and bridges and dips. This looks nothing like what's going on in my head. But at the same time it looks exactly like what's going on in my head. Guys, that's it. That's it, outro, let's go. Hot dang! Let's go! Go. That is it. I am so out of here, it's insane. So, here, let me show you, guys up close what the mechanics look like. So this is what I've been rambling about the entire time. You see, here's what you see. You see these dips? Now some of these dips has the ramps where you can go up. And the point is not to follow the dips. The point is to follow these little bridges. You see how that goes across there? And you have to follow it, and keep following it until you get all these little, you got to line those little bridges up. And they're so thin, and that pin can drop at any time. If it drops, you got to go back, you got to lift it up on the ramp, and then keep trying to find the next bridge. Phew, this is one of my favorite little sequential discovery puzzles. It is a sequential discovery because you do have tools. Those two brass pipes, once they're in here, what they do is, you have to get that pin on a ramp. Once that pin is on a ramp, you push that, it'll stop that brass pipe or that plastic pin, and then you can pull out the cylinder, which makes it really cool. (yawns) Shiver drain. Stay tuned for more nonsense from this channel. Guys, like, subscribe, all that great stuff. Appreciate you watching, appreciate all of your support. As always, maybe I don't tell you enough, I'm telling you now. Thanks for you watching. We'll see you on the next one, peace. (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 705,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, How to solve, solution, puzzle box, whiskey puzzle
Id: fSinO1jSZ4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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