The IMPOSSIBLE Ugly Jigsaw Puzzle!! (Level 10)

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(upbeat music) - Does this look like an ordinary puzzle piece to you? How about this one? I didn't think so. This is known as Ugly Four, it was a creation by a guy named Bozo. This is gonna seem a little wild and out there for you guys, but here's a letter that I received. I'll leave this here, you can screenshot it and read it yourself. He starts off by saying, this will sound pretty mystic, but I really believe that angels created this jigsaw puzzle. One day while I was experimenting with deep meditation in which there's a thin line between reality and hypnosis from somewhere deep in my mind, I heard a voice that speaks to me loud and clear. I'm gonna let you guys read the rest of this, but it's pretty wild. And apparently angels or beings of light inspired this guy to make this puzzle. Now, I'm not here to judge. Normally I would think this is a bit crazy, but in this circumstance, this happened in October 2017. Those of you don't know, that's exactly when I started uploading puzzles. Coincidence? Make of that what you will, all I know is that this puzzle looks pretty cool. I left the link below where you guys can check it out for yourself, it's about 30 bucks, expect to see a few surprises within this extremely difficult jigsaw puzzle. Without any further ado, if you're not too busy, just if you're not too busy, if you're not doing anything right now, if you're just kind of like waiting on the video, if I could ask you just for one favor today is hit that like button. And if you're not subscribed, go ahead and consider subscribing, that would mean the world to me. Guys, let's get into solving this. Hey, yahtzee. Another one of these. I actually look forward to this puzzle quite a bit. I never thought I'd really like jigsaw puzzles, but these ones are more designed around a brain teaser than they are jigsaw even though they look the same. What's special about this? Well, we're gonna find out in just a second. Turn this on. So first things first as with any jigsaw, we wanna find the corner pieces. Okay, here we go. Four corners, perfect. Ah, that's a good start. And then we want to do this side pieces. So, what's really cool about this is that the pieces are really unique when you have a look at these. I've never seen jigsaws in the shape that these are in. So that's really... Even look at this. And apparently this was light beings gave him this inspiration. Now I don't know if this comes directly from the light beings or if this was just inspired by, and I don't think we'll ever know. Interesting letter for sure. Look at that, look at that piece. All right, so it looks a lot like the Jigsaw 29 and probably even inspired by that, I'm sure. Let's just try laying out some pieces here and see if we can get one to fit. The other challenge about things like this is that they're always, you don't know what side they're on. So that's a little bit of a difference between normal jigsaw puzzles, is that regularly, you could only put them on one side to form the picture and these ones, well, obviously you could have on either side. If there's one thing I should have learned in the past with doing these puzzles, is that never trust what you're seeing. For instance, as far as I know, this side piece could end up being in the middle and this corner could end up being like this. That's sort of the rule of thumb when playing with jigsaw brain teasers, anyways, what I found out. So these are all little sides, all the sides. Look at that. Is that a fit? I believe it is. We are on our way. Oh, this one here. Oh my God, we're on a roll baby. What are we looking for? We're looking for like this. And this one... There she is. Ooh... Boom, we are rolling. It's gonna be a breeze. I say that, knowing full well that it probably won't be, mark my words, those are gonna be on my tune. So that was easy. It's got a rounded piece here, more of a rounded piece. Hey, comment below, I'm always curious to know what you guys are doing while you're watching these videos, because I'd like to imagine you guys not actually just watching me solve, but a lot of you, use this as background noise or kind of just have it planned and doing something else. Let me know in the comments, what you're doing right now, whilst you're watching this video, whether you're on your phone or whether you're doing a crossword puzzle or whatever it is, or solving your own puzzle perhaps, or just doing homework, let me know in the comments. I would love to know. Very curious. And we can go two ways here. We can go this way, I mean, that... No, no, no, oh, and this one here though. That's, is that a fit? It looks a little loosey, but it might be a fit. Yeah, I think it's fit. Let's do this one at a time, so not this one. That looks about right. Yeah. Okay. (gentle music) I'm getting pretty good at this. This is like almost too easy. Be nice to find one of these pieces actually, just let me know that I'm on the right track here. That would be be great. I think this one here looks... No, I'm getting sidetracked here. Should probably focus on the, on the corners, and here we go. They're just falling into place now. Look at this. Fantastic. So far, this seems like a regular jigsaw puzzle. Okay. All right. What a strange piece of that is, looks like a fleur de lis. Huh, this one? Yes. Yes! This here, like an obvious piece to me. I feel, you know, it's like a big jagged, weird looking piece. I feel like that would be easy to find. Hey, and I could be wrong. Huh, I don't know. It doesn't look like there's a piece that fits there really, really, that goes there. This is a weird piece too. It's kinda like a thin neck. Looks almost like... I anticipate a problem happening very shortly. I'm like running out of places to put things and thankfully some things are working out, but keep knocking the camera with my head here. Sorry about that. Yeah, thankfully things are working out here a little bit, but there's a reason this is a level 10 puzzle. And I have a feeling I'm about to find that out. Made for a pretty, pretty bland video if it didn't. Yeah, something's up here. Something is most definitely up. This one here. Yes. That's a weird piece right there, it shouldn't be so obvious. Hmm. Literally down to one, two, three, four, five, six pieces. Wonder why it's called The Ugly Four, is cause there's like four ugly puzzle pieces. Like this one. It's pretty ugly. Who might've judge. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder where the wisdom to live by during Chris's puzzle solve today. I gotta stop hitting this camera with my head. It's probably getting you guys so dizzy. This looks childishly stupid at this point. Like it looks like anyone could figure this out, but the pieces that I have just simply don't fit, what? Let's just try them everywhere, right? Oh, this piece doesn't fit anywhere. Nice, off to a great start. I don't think any of these do. I'll take a second to just appreciate the problem that we have here, because if what I'm thinking is correct, this puzzle was designed to have this outcome. This is what I believe right now. I believe that this puzzle, like this what we're looking at right now is a decoy. If you follow the rules of jigsaw puzzling, this is what you should be left with. Starting with the edges, the corners, working your way to the middle, this is a template for how to solve a jigsaw puzzle. Knowing that, however, you're creating a puzzle based on that method, you're going to go in the opposite direction, right? So either you start from the middle, and you go towards the edge, or there's something not right, there's something that's just not right about this. Even though to every standard definition of solving a puzzle this looks completely correct, there is something here that just isn't right. And what that is? Well, therein lies the reason this is a level 10. You can't fit one single piece in here. Not one. The heck, what is this? Where does this go? So the, this puzzle was designed so that they fit elsewhere and also fit the solution. That's, that's what it's come to. Ah, and another one, this one definitely goes here... No it doesn't, something I'm missing. Oh, this one, yeah. Now we're getting somewhere. Now we are getting somewhere, or are we? No, none of those fit there. What? What is this piece? (Chris sighs) I dread what I fear. I dread what I think I have to do next. Let me know in the comments if you think you know what that is. It can only be one thing. I gotta take these pieces out. I don't wanna, I don't wanna. It's gotta be a way these fit. Hold on. We're not giving up here again. We're not giving up yet. Not me, not yet. Just, there's just no, there's no piece there. There's... Wow. 17 minutes 48 seconds in and it just hit me. The Ugly Four. Wow. Wow. That is, that is pretty rad that, he knew. He knew that this is where I would be. He knew that this is what I had left. Oh, I got goosebumps here on my arm. Oh man. He knew this is where I would be, left with four ugly pieces, again, not judging, but, right? Wow. Knowing that, come on, no way. Oh my God, that's crazy. So knowing that, do we have to take it apart? Do these four fit together, maybe, somehow? Maybe that's the solution here. It's like, "Hey, you got an extra puzzle." That'd be weird, wouldn't it? Would be a little weird. It kind of actually does fit perfectly though. Get outta here. It's pretty crazy that those fit together, though, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, if this wouldn't fit too, that would just be, that would just blow my mind. How cool would that, how cool would that be though? What a conundrum? What a conundrum? Word of the day. Yeah, even, I mean, even if I do get these pieces to fit, what good does that serve me? Maybe that's it. Maybe, that's interesting. Maybe I gotta start with this. Maybe this is how the puzzle starts. I mean, this is interesting here. What if that's the corner? We'll start there. Let's start with the Ugly Four. How about that? It's weird, and it leaves me with spaces at the end, but since I haven't completed it with the four puzzles, I don't know whether or not that wouldn't be right. Let's try it out. I mean, you know, we're not gonna sit here and stare at a wrong answer all day, as much as I'd like to believe that I was on the right track. Clearly I wasn't. So, here we go. (Chris singing) Again this might be another dead end, but at least we're, I think we're getting somewhere. We're getting, we're moving forward I believe, I don't believe we're moving backwards, but then again, you never know. Looking at this I do believe that is a side piece that goes here. Ladies and gentlemen, oh, let's go. Ooh, this is exciting. All right, what do we need here? We need one of those weird looking, weird looking. And now, ooh, at this point, that could be any, 'cause like, look, this is much like The Jigsaw 20, The Jigsaw 29, there was this happening. So, this could either be a normal piece or it could be a side piece. It could be one of the two. So we're gonna look for one of those two, and we're gonna go piece by piece. Enjoy the time lapse. (upbeat music) Boom. Oh, now there you go, that's a corner that fits. We got like this big wavy piece here. Let's build our way up here, see what happens. Probably should have held on to what I had going before, just in case a bit of a leap of faith there on my behalf. And that means one of these corners is going to fit in the middle of the puzzle somewhere, is what that means this works. (gentle music) Yes. Let's go. I got two corners left. So one of those two is gonna be here and the other one, well, we'll see. If we can get this under, even under an hour, I'd be pretty happy, but under a half an hour would be incredible. Look at that, how did that, this is deceiving, man. Look at that, that, that fits like perfectly right there which really scares me. That actually terrifies me that that fits there. Wow, okay. A lot of red herrings here, unless just like here, if there's a piece that fits there, I'm gonna go through all the pieces here, but I fear we might be trapped again of course. I don't know, this one may be actually. Nope, no. A bit over here. What if we start building up from the middle here instead, take a break over there. I know that could probably be wrong once again, but it's worth a shot. Here we go. We've got a weird piece, ah, we got a weird piece in. We've got an ugly piece, sorry. I don't like to use the term ugly piece, I'll say weird piece, this is a Weird Puzzle Four. That's a weird, that's definitely weird. Oh, here we go. Okay, you go away. You stay there. Um... ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Let's go, let's go ♪ That actually helped me out here, this one, it's a weird, another weird looking one. All right. Let's keep working our way up here. Boom. Corner, corner, corner corner. Nope, and yes. Yup. These are all the side pieces I have left. What, that's it? I'm missing a piece here. Okay, we've got two side pieces left. None of them seem to fit. (Chris sighs) I was, I was onto something. Something up here is not working, right? Hmm, I, this is a bizarre puzzle. And it's kind of hurting my brain, not gonna lie. I'm trying to figure out which ones can be swapped, or, you know what I mean? It doesn't look like any of them can be, to be honest. Oh, there we go, that's a good one. That's definitely like a weird fit has to go there. That's a done deal on that one. That's a done deal. So it's like a perfect spot for like a flat piece here. Oh, the corner, the corner. We found the corner. Sidepiece, hello? Ah, that's why we were stuck. That's why we were stuck. Wait, what? I've only got this. What? Oh, wow! Wow! Wow! This is brilliant. That's, the brilliance of that is very subtle, but holy cow. So therefore, (chuckles) maybe now... That's not cool. I don't like that at all. Let's be serious, quite jagged. Oh. It's really deceiving how these pieces fit in places they have no business fitting, and I don't like it, I don't like it one bit. Well, didn't get the under, under half an hour achievement, but that is not cool, I don't like that at all, but that has to be there. Yes! One step closer. That one has to go there. This one is misplaced. I'm sorry. You gotta get out of the way. Well, this, this and this and this fit together, but just don't go there. Do you know what I mean? Also that one kind of looks like I can maybe, I don't know. Yup. Oh my God. This puzzle's honestly really throwing me for a loop and I'm enjoying this thoroughly, maybe a little too much. Maybe I'm enjoying it too much. Boom? It really tricks you, because there are multiple places and that's, that's very, it goes against the very nature of jigsaw, that it would fit in multiple places, that's just not the way things are supposed to be. I got three pieces here. Let's go, baby. Ah, what, what, what am I even looking at right now? How is this even? No, it's gotta, yes! Let's go. Ooh, baby, look at that. M-m-m-m-m. I feel like at certain parts I, I don't know if I, I definitely didn't like how, there's definitely, you know, subconsciously a system that I was following, but there are certain parts that like, I was looking for a piece and then it would find it over here, I was like, oh, let's try it, and then boom, it fit like a glove. And then, then you're like, well, which, which is the right direction, because a piece fit here and then one here, and then one here, but then you took all these three, and like blah, and then they fit there too, that's really deceiving, so I'm glad I got this done under an hour honestly. Looking at this and realizing how the pieces fit with one another, at one point I really was afraid this would take me, you know, well over an hour, maybe under two hours, but one of those puzzles, definitely if you gave this to me again and I had to redo it right now, 100% it would probably take me at least 15- 20 minutes, at least, knowing the solution maybe 10 minutes. But still, it's pretty crazy, for like a 25 piece puzzle or whatever. Awesome, great job, love this. Whew. Well, there you have it. Wow, that was a wild puzzle, okay? For someone who has done pretty much every jigsaw brain teaser that's come out in the last while, this one here has to be the most original. The thing that struck me is when I was left with those four pieces, and knowing the name of the puzzle was Ugly Four, like that's just crazy to me. And then the fact that, you know, those pieces fit elsewhere so perfectly, there was a lot, a lot of thought behind this. Although it looks simple, there was probably a lot of thought. I've never tackled trying to make a puzzle like this, but yeah, that just absolutely blows my mind. So kudos to you, left the link below if you guys wanna check it out. Guys, really appreciate, if you didn't like this video already, go ahead and do so, subscribe for new here, and we'll see you guys on the next video. Peace. (gentle techno music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,069,085
Rating: 4.9624801 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, hard, hardest, jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle, impossible, impossible puzzle, puzzle solve, solution, ugly4, ugly jigsaw, how to solve, solved, solving, mr puzzle, puzzle master
Id: BqvunFe77iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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