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[Music] look at this 21 puzzles and I'm gonna unbox every single one we're gonna scramble and you're gonna see how many times I will fail at trying to solve them I used to think you guys didn't want really huge unboxings but apparently I'm wrong and trust me these puzzles are crazier than they've ever been before I mean look at that what's going on as always a huge thank you to daily puzzles for making this video possible use discount code tingman at the checkout but otherwise let's do this in a way we've never done before I'm gonna go from easiest to most difficult and see how many I can solve let's do this subscribe okay I think these are the easiest if they're not man they'll be embarrassing this is the T 1 by 3 by 3 windmill fidget cuboid puzzle man how long do you want your puzzle names to be this is a really cool shape I am really digging I I love that part I love it when it suddenly like changes Direction okay let's check the color scheme as you can see here they've already broken one of the rules but that's okay maybe it will make it more challenging let's scramble this guy that looks pretty good yeah and try and solve it okay we can start with that I'm going to go there and then oh that's not right this should be right and then that goes there I need to flip these two how do I do that I think if I turn it this way this way oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I told you easiest puzzle done one down 20 to go next up the colorful magic bean puzzle that is its actual name who names these just like randomly open dictionary just like beans that's what we're gonna call this so I've got a blue version and a Black Version they look like spinning tops do they spin no they don't boy oh my gosh okay I did not know they do like 90 degrees as well I thought they just did like 180. oh yikes wow that is cool they're just like during this journey around the entire thing do they need to be in a specific order when I solve them okay that looks pretty mixed to me these look so much like Skittles and it's making me really hungry I wonder if I've got Skittles in my pantry a few minutes later if you wanna know what winning looks like this is what winning looks like this looks like a brown Eminem yup that's great I've already got two greens so let's pair that last green yellow hey gun and oh how do I fix that is this where the 90 degree thing comes in yeah that doesn't work let's get blue and red There You Go the magic bean puzzles I'm feeling really validated so far three puzzles in and I've solved everyone successfully not the lamps still really freaking out about this guy but we'll cross that bridge when we get there puzzles four and five are the monster ghost snake twisty puzzles now if you know these puzzles you might be thinking how is this even a puzzle it's just this long wait what whoa it comes with its own case cool but why why do those things depress yeah who needs instructions no noise minimal damage I was legitimately scary whoa whoa oh oops I broke it oh wow okay ready to see the only balloon animal I can make a snake yeah okay sorry that's pretty terrible for those wondering where is the puzzle in this uh I mean for starters turning this back into this apparently it's not that easy but people have found out that you can make so many things with this puzzle this is literally just like the tip of the iceberg that I found from Google Images that's that easy level one let's let's go with the key [Music] now what can I say guys I'm just pretty good at this wait what what oh gosh how does it do that extra bit hey okay that was harder than I thought let's do something more difficult like the ball done okay no seriously what looks more difficult that dog looks so cute let's make the dog guys I don't want to brag but they don't call me in a Puzzle Master for no reason let's do the Cobra okay think that's the base but like how does it start going up in three dimensions many unbearable hours later oh no way no way no way no way this is it that's it that bottom part doesn't look like that at all I don't even want to tell you how long that took let's do the heart three weeks later this heart has there's no indication of like where the ends are I'm just gonna make this completely flat and assume that that bottom point is like the dead center 75 years later where do these extra pieces go okay that's promising that's promising so now I just need to know what to do with this last bit it looks like the heart is trying to give me a cuddle three thousand years later let the record show I totally did not cheat okay I cheated I looked online like how am I supposed to know that it stands like it's got those two little bits and then it just like props itself up and like that's where the front part of the heart is how was I supposed to know this magic snake puzzle is way more challenging and beautiful than I thought it would be but of course this guy's still coming up he mocks me with grin I deserve a Skittle for that hmm green apple I think this is the next easiest puzzle to solve now you might be wondering where does one get crazy puzzles like these easy dailypuzzles.com in fact they've got plenty more than what I'm showing here when you load the online store just head to shop by twisty puzzle and there you go cuboids ear cubes mixes more fixes you get the idea more puzzles then you can shake a sticker oh and they have all the regular Rubik's Cubes as well of course I mean if you're into the normal stuff oh and if you're wondering they definitely ship internationally recently a lot of the customers have actually come from the USA and to sweeten the deal if you want five percent of your entire order just type tingman right here when you're at the checkout and look at that you can thank me later at the end of this video I'm going to tell you which was my favorite puzzle of the 21 and if you like it too hey you can buy it for yourself too at Daily puzzles I think this is the next easiest puzzle to solve it is a dodecahedron that is it's got 12 sides but it's a two by two eight pieces of the top eight down the bottom and intense like this so it should be pretty easy let's scramble it and find out um it's even enjoying anything can I join these green guys uh yeah nice nice nice and then Jordan purple uh I'm amazing oh man I spoke too soon okay these two are oriented correctly but these two need to be like rotated so maybe it's gonna be a f sexy F Prime case nope oh wait no no no it's right that's right that's right no that's not right because one needs to uh okay let's do this old school way get all of the corners in place and then we do like commutators to just like rotate them [Music] yes that was way more complicated than it needed to be but I defeated you nonetheless two by two dodecahedron you are actually really cool but I'm better than you so far so good guys but I love this change things they are essentially a three by three like and it's very core it's the same as this you can see three by three there right but then once you're looking at it sideways it's like yo what's going on there so this is a carbon fiber windmill Cube and I've actually solved One of These Eyes before I can't remember how easily I did it like how successful I was oh you should look at what it looks like when it's checkerboarded look at that it's so amazing that carbon fiber is a really nice touch actually so yeah I definitely can solve this guy but this one I think it's called kelvin's inverted house Cube because there's actually quite a few variations it's a three by three as well and you can see that right three by three three by three and it's got three layers but just like the other one it's cut in a very unusual way okay and did you remember what it looks like oh so that's one of the centers that is so confusing and then once you've got like pieces like this because this piece could actually be like 180 degrees flipped and it still looks right but yeah what's the worst that can happen let's let's scramble it as much as they freak me out you have to give it to shape-shifting puzzles I mean look at that you would never guess that this was like a house all right as soon as lay by layer I think that they'll just go there right yeah why is that red as well these two pieces are exactly the same I'm already stuck oh maybe it's like that there we go is that an up to a pair I think it's in a 12 pair what a beautiful thing look at that it's so nice it's in another F12 pair [Music] what is happening that's actually beautiful okay what is this student that I have just gotten an impossible top layer case which means one of these is probably flipped let's just flip this guy there we go that's much better so that's this case foreign okay so now oh am I done yeah how's puzzle you've been conquered my friend definitely deserve another Skittle for that red red matchy matchy what's this gonna taste like remembering eight puzzles down 13 to go and next we have this guy which looks a lot like a mega Minx and I believe it is a mega Minx yeah it's it's a mix oh no that's not what I expected it to be like this is like those Planet cubes that I made that YouTube short about I don't even know what this strategy is to solve this I haven't let any puzzle conquer me so far I don't even know where to start can I see if I can just make like one side okay let's start with white because I'm basic like that hey got it oh hey and all those all those are done too is that coincidence okay so like how would I get that in there because I can't just I need that white piece too what if what if that was there and then I move that across and brought it down I am a genius so same over here let's just do this got it that's my white star that actually looks really pretty okay this is actually sort of it's like a mega mix like if I just inserted it like that oh wait that works it works I'm not gonna lie and pretend like I know what's actually happening I do not know why it's turning the way it is what I do know is that I just finished this entire bottom layer pair up the f2l pair and put it in the screen in them it already is that's so nice that is so beautiful this oh yes look at that two more sides last layer okay fingers crossed this is just like regular megames yes and we're nearly done commutators oh boy oh boy okay I think I fluked that in some way because apparently it's a little bit more challenging than that but hey I'm not gonna complain I solved it I deserve this although it's my last Skittle okay it's not actually my last Kettle fine fine I'll I'll save it for a time when I really need it next up the landlan wolf tooth Cube because when I see this I think look it's a wolf's tooth despite looking really insane and like you know look at its axes of symmetry it's crazy I believe it's actually based on a skew it's the same sort of like four axes of symmetry so I mean I can solve this in seconds so this should be it's like there's this cube in the middle see the cube with like the white top and then it's got this like diamond that's like sticking out of it the thing that's a little bit annoying though is that it's got like the same colors green on that like inner Cube but then also like green on this diamond and it's like why wouldn't you just pick like totally different colors let's just start with with this because then like white can be like my Corners that I that I sort of like that this is so confusing it looks like by doing a half turn like that's a legal turn you can just continue but you can't you need to like complete it and then you can keep on going oh my gosh I've already forgotten which one uh I'm totally not gonna rewind this video to check one of my original color scheme was okay great green yellow red yeah yeah that's the one and then that guy and that guy yes yes yes yes so now I just need to get yellow on top to a sledge here oh and then there's two a sledge here sweet okay that's good but what are the top colors I don't even know what the top is oh it would just be the tip that doesn't have any of these colors this guy right yeah yeah so this goes on top okay so if I hold it like this and do a upam that should be right so go there oh so that needs to go there so that should be a u-plum this way you put them this way today around why is this so confusing oh it's one of those where like you can have Center like flips I believe the algorithm for that is Sledge 180 Sledge Sledge 180 Sledge okay let's give it a go yes that's right and that's right and I did it I did it yes that was yeah okay no no that wasn't fun I mean okay like the challenge was sort of no no no not fun mix puzzle I'm putting this next because I think it's increasing in complexity I mean look at that however it does say three by three by three it does not look like e353 what is that okay so I mean this turns like a three by three oh oh yeah yeah that that is a three by three then they just put these little like grooves there but you can't actually you can't actually turn those pieces it's just fake it looks like fake one two three four five layers but it's just like three oh what would a checkerboard look like this is the true windmill right there that is amazing it's an owl the way this thing shapeshifts is looking more and more Ridiculous by the second why are you trying to fit this back into like the original box what did the original thing even look like I can't even remember oh yeah yeah yeah it went like that okay so we want to line up these side with that going here whoa did I just do an f2l wait that's not right oh I think I'm trying to make the rectangle go this way when the rectangle actually goes this way this is so so mentally confusing my entire life was a lie that is actually insane that is so clever I think I can just do this for this f2l pair nice that is beautiful look at those bottom two layers and now we have a really weird top case [Music] hey oh look at that that is so weird wait so it's uh oh it's an a-perm wait no but it's not an apron because I'm so confused oh wait but if I move it this way oh my gosh I just got out of what I'm looking at you have to put it it is an F perm oh how do you do f-p I think it's this does not look right what what is this what what's happening right now [Music] um [Music] uh I'm gonna admit defeat but it's only a half defeat you you half win for now weird cuboid puzzle I mean I can fit you back in the box so like that counts as something right come on oh wait is it this way [Music] next up two puzzles that I know I know how to solve because I've done them in other videos but I haven't got these versions of these cubes so this is the Z Cube carbon like carbon fiber mastomorphics and this is a t Master morphics that's um yeah like transparent it's actually so pretty and this guy is going to be so hard to solve because of its colors okay let's do a checkerboard to it and you'll see for yourself what I mean that's incredible so these are both three by three months I said yeah literally I mean look at it it's a pyraminx right but it's actually a three by three so those are the centers so that's your three layers there one two and three down the bottom and then three on the side one two and three so I'm gonna use my free pass to skip past these because I I know I can solve them and go on to their bigger siblings these guys oh no oh no I thought these were Master more fixes too oh no okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's just so bad does this same puzzle I thought this was a fight 5x5 and a 6x6 version of the mastermorphixes but I have a really bad feeling I think they actually are mastermorphixes this is like a five by five and a six by six okay 10 seconds on how you solve a55 you basically reduce it so it ends up like looking like this which is essentially a three by three you join them up so it just ends up looking like this and you can serve it like a three by three well I never said it was going to be easy this is so bad this is so bad I literally can't even get that Center to like match up with that oh I got it I got it yes it's way harder than it needs to be but I think I've got my first five by five Center one eternity later I am a total non this is not a 555. this is a jinx pyraminx it's totally different I'm trying so hard to figure out like why I can't turn it like a 5x5 and it's because it's this puzzle I think you would still solve it the same way in that like you would reduce it into a jinx pyramids follow the centers and then solve all of the edges which with the build trial and error I managed to get one which is pretty cool I don't know how I'm gonna get the rest though but I mean I can try let's let's time lapse it [Music] I got all the centers let's see if I can pair edges now [Music] so close I just have two left I thought I could I thought this would just be a regular Edge flipping out yes yes yes yes yes oh I did it yes okay okay okay I got this i got this i got this totally have this in the bag okay so I've got these three that's all right and this ah finally what is this this is the weirdest pattern ever okay I got that bottom layer and I need to do a like a weird u-perm to this so I believe it goes like that and this yo got it oh my gosh hey if I solve this it means I solve this right like it's essentially the same puzzle oh my gosh that was intense I did say the puzzles would get harder and I mean prepare to be shocked they're gonna get worse six puzzles to go let's let's look at these two guys yeah save this guy for the last you knew I was going to this is what is it it's a four by four by six why do people make these can you solve it I mean probably not like why wouldn't you just make a normal color oh no don't tell me that oh no that is so much worse than I thought that is awful oh no what did I do it's this oh my gosh I mean I've solved cuboids before look if you're interested in cuboids I could probably make a tutorial I just didn't teach myself again but yeah please drop a comment below if you want me to make a tutorial on how to solve cuboids I think I saw something like the two by two by something or the three by three by something but the four by four is actually insane I mean that that is not right what's you tuning let's just leave it okay it's a happy puzzle as it is this guy we've got another landline puzzle I'm trying to guess how it turns even before I take it out what is okay okay so the corners ten so it's a bit like like a Dino Cube I suppose wait that doesn't make sense how do you turn the next one no no no you'll never be able to solve that what is this shape-shifting puzzles are actually the worst okay okay like some of them make sense but like this makes no sense please please can I not scramble this one as well I know you just gave me permission for this but like please I literally will never solve this if I scramble this guy I promise I'll scramble the next one okay I I really no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're at the business end of this unboxing now guys three what I think are very difficult puzzles this guy this guy and this guy now astute viewers might realize they are the same puzzle these three puzzles are ghost cubes and even more astute viewers might realize hey tingman you have unboxed a Ghost Cube before you are completely right or what I have not done is solve one and a big part of me really doesn't want to but it has to be done at some point and this is the video for it now the good thing about the Ghost Cube is that I believe yeah they are they are the exact same puzzle there see exactly the same so it's called a Ghost Cube because I mean look at it like the Lions don't like continue to like match up how would you turn it but believe it or not this is a three by three but it's only a 303 once you move it out of this Cube shade you probably can see the three layers here right but like where are the other layers well here's the thing I need to move it like this and oh what is it is it like that I think yep so once I move it like this now look at that I can turn the other layers in other words this is what I want to solve it into and then after this you're like you know turn it into to that Cube wait what yeah like that oh man but as the kids say YOLO right okay I don't think anyone says yellow anymore this is showing how old I am I completely forgot to say that these two guys actually come with stickers I totally totally want to stick to them okay you know what let's go to event red oh These are nice stickers okay Q time lapse foreign [Music] this looks pretty cool right I especially love the texture of the stickers it's not just like a plain silver like you can feel those lines that you can see okay so the great thing about having two girls cubes is that I have a reference Cube yep that is now the same Cube let's scramble it and see how we go do you now understand why I don't scramble the Ghost Cube because this is what happened and this is also why I don't solve it okay I've decided that let's just make these the three layers that I think makes the most sense so this is gonna be my bottom see that looks like that piece but it's not this one hey that looks right that looks right I think that's right but like how do I know that this is the wrong corner and not actually the correct corner but just like Twisted because like for a three by three that goes in the right corner it's just twisted and I just need to like you know get it right how about like this no how about this yo yo yo I think that's right yes yes okay let's do the same for the other three coins yes yeah yeah that's right all right that's that I just finished one entire layer of a Ghost Cube I was not looking at like the side centers see what I mean so like see that bottom part's the same right but this guy is facing like to the left and this one's facing to the right bring this back or back to the bottom and now yeah look at that that tiny little stick goes on the top right okay let's repeat that for all the others sweet okay now I just need to find uh The Edge pieces no it's flipped no it's ah let's fix that okay that was pure muscle memory no idea ever did that yes I did do that right yeah sweet okay let's do all the other four correct too and I think that's it so if I line it out I should be yeah look at that this is cover that look at that I solved it top layer top layer top layer this is actually getting quite exciting so normally on a three by three this is why I'll be figuring out like okay where are the yellow pieces like this guy needs to go up and this is gonna need to flip up so that I can get that yellow cross and then I can work on the corners and I can do like oh yeah this one's right these three are not right so let's do that algorithm and I got the corners right but in this case I literally have no idea which ones like actually facing up and which one's not okay this guy looks like it's facing up but like how about the other guys okay this guy probably Isn't So based on that I think it means that I've got like this case so it's like a nine o'clock case so I should be able to like put it here and then wait yeah yeah and then do F inverse sexy and this means I now should have a cross there should be a cross I mean that totally aligns so that's cool I don't know let's just assume that this is now across okay so now I want to see which Corners are yellow on top that's even harder so that's definitely not right I just don't look the same no that guy's this guy okay so definitely not facing up so that means that this is the one piece that's correct oh so I think I do have a soon or something like this case that I was showing before so this is the only Corner that's right let's do a suit and see if it does anything so this is still my correct Corner okay so I think I'll do another soon yeah that's like spot on this and this guy's up like that sweet it's so hard to tell but this thing is now like completely yellow on top so I just need to figure out which PLO it is there's 21 cases [Music] so I actually I can tell that this entire section is right so I've got like three that I correct oh that means it could be like an April I think that is an a perm because all these edges are correct and so it's just these three that need to swap I'm so scared to do this eight pound fingers crossed push me like guys wish me luck and that's the a perm I got it that's completely right and this guy is off and I think so this guy I think just needs to do a 180 turn and I believe that you can get a 180 turn by doing like two J pounds or two t-pumps let's do two teeth okay and one more t-pam and that's it that is right a line a line I did the go scoop for the first time in my entire life I am so so happy I solved this which means there is only one puzzle to go and it's this it's the three by three by nine I've been saving it to the very end because this is why who wakes up and goes you know what you know what I'm gonna build today this also why oh is it so that if you do that then you can do like an individual one can like put it back these are like Flags or something uh can I say this is sounding a lot smoother than I thought I would I thought it'd be like extremely long oh yeah I thought it'd be like extremely lucky oh look at that that's kind of pretty uh let's check about it see what it looks like dude this reminds me of like the Jedi Temple where you've got like what holocrons and stuff oh and you can just serve it like a three by three will you let me sort of cheat a little bit and as you can see what I'm doing just solve this like a three by three please if I was Z3 cubing I would totally just like take this apart but I'm not I'm not as amazing as he is dude just like ranks apart like every single Cube he has makes us all the pieces together just for a video that will literally take me like 10 years to put back together okay let's see how long this takes me to solve I'm gonna see if we can do it in under 20 seconds oh yeah no 20 seconds is not gonna happen there's no Corner cutting with this Cube how about 30 seconds oh no I can feel this thing like threatening to pop into the back you go all right just 30 seconds uh time has passed so that is obviously not gonna happen okay blo we have ourselves an aphound fitting that both that previous puzzle and this one finished with an a perm sub one minute I mean that's cool right but we come now to possibly the most important part of this huge unboxing and that is the awards ceremony I'm gonna award three categories for the most beautiful the most surprising and the tingman overall favorite can you guess can you guess already out of this anyone which ones I'm gonna pick for the most beautiful that was honestly a tricky one to a war there were a lot I mean this wolf tooth thing looks so amazing but I had to give it to and you might find this surprising to the 2x2 dodecahedron I mean it's simple but there's something elegant about its Simplicity I can see this like ornamenting a shelf but winning the most surprising award hands down has to go to the snake puzzle I mean I thought this was just gonna be a kid's toy you know stretch it out into a flat stick and then oh cool I can make shapes but the fact that I took like half an hour just trying to make this one hard there's just so much replayability here there's still like dozens more shapes that I have not made but winning the tingman overall favorite of award you might be able to guess it I can't believe I solved it the Ghost Cube the ghost cubes I have now actually solved the Ghost Cube I'm so happy that I finally did it and that's why you win tingman's favorite award but what did you think comment down below which of these 21 puzzles was your favorite and who knows if I bump into you one day maybe I'll give it to you okay I probably won't but I mean never say never right there's a tiny chance actually no the future is Unwritten thanks for watching subscribe bye
Channel: Tingman
Views: 2,858,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olor, Rubik, Rubix, Rubik's, Cube, 3x3, Cubing, Speedcubing, Competition, How to, Funny, Crazy, Solve, CFOP, Qiyi, Moyu, GAN, 2x2, 4x4, Fast, Laugh, Cute, Amazing, OLL, PLL, F2L, channel, easy, guide, challenge, rubik's, cube, tutorial, pattern, algorithm, app, art, solve, method, magic, toy, complete, solution, animation, advanced, basic, record, speed, unboxing, review, beginner
Id: 9UxX2tcC-wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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