Solving a ONE-OF-A-KIND $30,000 Puzzle!!

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hey guys chris ramsay here obviously what's going on guys chris ramsay here what's up guys welcome back to my channel chris ramsay here welcome back to my channel again yo what's up guys welcome back yo what's up don't panic yo what's up guys and welcome back i think i'm playing chess i see a king i met is what i'm three steps ahead every move now that's a check yes they wanna know my secret is because i never slept on my nightmares and me at 40 likes a wreck now my shirts are getting pressed you're gonna see me she impressed and my fans are quite obsessed out on everything i'm blessed made a living making art and aiming closely at they neck if you think i'm not a threat i'm like ah incorrect yeah because i'll put her on block list i call that options they can support they get dropped quick they'll be my stock pick i guess i'm back in the cockpit first of all first of all i just got finished filming my podcast if you want to check it out it's called bottom of the barrel with my best friend wes barker uh once a week we post to the barrel and check it out if you like but that's not why you're here just wanted to whatever i just wanted to take a second to say thank you we just hit 5 million subscribers on this channel you know hitting that milestone is uh is a tremendous feeling and i couldn't have been without you guys especially you know thank you for watching these videos for liking them and sharing them and i'm glad we could do this and especially thank you to all the people that work here that make these videos happen uh i i would be nowhere without the crew that's behind me so thank you them if you want to check out the intro to today's puzzle it is on the last video we actually live solved this puzzle over on twitch for those of you who are there we had like almost 20 000 people watching it was insane but i've cut up the video so you guys can watch it at home as well uh so enjoy the video it was a dope puzzle by labsterrium shout out to labsterium i left the link below where you can check out their work they always come through with these amazing puzzles so thank you to them thank you again to you guys uh for watching these videos all right enough of me go enjoy we'll see on the next one peace so welcome everybody who's new here really appreciate you hanging out uh we're gonna get into solving this in a second so this puzzle is not only mechanical it is also electronic we are plugged into this and we have some backstory right here so and that this is our top down so when we get some items here we're gonna be throwing it down on the top down such as this this is a finger that we've gotten from one of the last puzzles and apparently we need to use this in today's puzzle somehow this creepy cut off finger and we got this letter we got a third angle here so if you want to cut to this angle we'll show you exactly what i'm seeing and we can go into detail and look at certain things with you guys so that way we don't miss out on anything and this thing turns and spins so we'll be able to see every single angle i'm going to read this letter we'll just go through it it says dear sir your work as a puzzle solver has always interested us allow us to introduce ourselves we are a team of puzzle and brain teaser enthusiasts from a small private french museum you probably have not heard of for decades we have been collecting and safe keeping oddities and works of art from all around the world as you do yourself hence our interest in your videos though we enjoy modern takes on puzzles we specialize in antiques and thus most items of our own collection are quite old none so old though and none so puzzling as the one we have sent you this one here namely for years even our cleverest associates have failed to find a way to fully reveal this puzzle secrets but the reason for that only came to our attention recently you see we realize we are not meant for this piece not as you are yourself as strange as it may seem in writing we think the person who built this puzzle however long ago wanted you to have it you and no one else so we came to the decision of sending it to you in hopes you may uncover the secrets that have eluded us thus far we'll take great great pleasure in seeing your results on video if you agree respectfully the labs theory and museum of peculiar puzzles extraordinary enigmas and bizarre brain teasers ps do not just take her word for it try it this is your puzzle we are quite certain pps try unscrewing something first just a tip so we've already got a clue we gotta unscrew something and that is how we're gonna get started here try unscrewing something first so i'm thinking none of this unscrews maybe these unscrew maybe this here oh there's there's a little button here this one moves this one here uh oh here we go oh we have our first piece right here so i'll leave that here uh maybe take my camera and see what's going on inside all right let's cut to this camera here oh what's going on here what is going on here we've got some notes which we'll read in a second um what else we got here this is like treasure just some lint mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all this guy now we've got whatever this is some type of crystal oh my god so many things in here okay hold on let's empty this out we've got all these sort of crystals more of these sort of crystals i'm guessing those are part of the puzzle but there's so many like rocks and stuff in here this is insane there's a lot of uh sort of junk in here i don't know if it's junk maybe it's priceless artifacts right maybe there's a 29 000 diamond in here imagine a just a thousand dollar puzzle and one of these crystals just happens to be like the world's largest ruby or something all right that's empty we're empty okay that's where we start oh chat check this out switch to this camera what does that look like this little symbol here does anybody recognize that it looks a lot like what we got going on here open this up let's get this gross finger out of here and look at this ring all right swap to this camera here boys check this out this is the ring that was on that finger we're gonna go ahead and uh place in there so let's go not doing anything all right well anti-climactic a little bit i'm just looking around so the first thing you want to do with these puzzles is feel around to see what is uh what is loose imagine if we just sit here all day and the puzzles just doesn't do anything and we can't figure it out that's my greatest fear right now is not being able to solve the puzzle whatsoever taking a chance you know doing it online this here check this out right here can we zoom in on that this looks like it comes out what does that do nothing let's read what we got here can we can we go to top down okay we got two notes here that we're going to read uh one here we'll just make sure we're in focus and there we go so there's this and this to whoever finds this letter congratulations the treasure of the city of sora goose is yours to take whomever you are you were clever enough to earn riches now go on and use them however you please there is more to our legacy and we hope intelligent minds such as yourself feels adequately rewarded from our gift i personally don't feel adequately rewarded quite yet i feel like i feel like this is not worth 30 thousand dollars so we're gonna keep going uh it says here i saw the virgin close close by the pale bishop's right hand and she was following him and her two beasts stood by her sides and her left hand caressed one breast one beast's horn sorry a little a little freudian slip and the arrow fell but it missed her by three paces and ferocious lion mighty bull were close together despite their differences but always did justice oppose the brutal strength of the predator so this looks like a clue here i saw the virgin close by the pale bishop's right hand pale bishop the virgin oh so there's astrological signs all around the bottom let's look for the virgin right which is here virgo virgo's down here by the bishop's right hand this is the bishop i guess his right hand is over there and she was following him and her two beasts stood by her side her left hand caressed one beast's horns and the arrow fell but it missed her by three paces hmm oh are we supposed to put these here we go so right here chat we have all of these sort of crystals and these crystals also have they also have these star symbols on them these uh astrological symbols here and i'm guessing with the paper that we have here that we need to be placing them on top of this puzzle here so so first things first saw the virgin close up by the pale bishop's right hand and she was following him the symbol for virgo is this here that's the symbol for virgo so that's what we're looking for over here which is this one that means we got to place this by the pale bishop's right hand so i'm guessing it's probably here pale bishop's right hand that would be over here right there and she was following him and her two beasts stood by her side her two beasts looking for beasts here because we have fish okay ares might be a beast taurus might be a beast capricorn leo how do i know which one it is gemini leo and taurus somebody says leo and taurus two beasts and her left hand caressed one beast's horn okay so we know that to her left is gonna be a beast with horn so either taurus capricorn or aries right we have taurus here we have aries is this uh what symbol is this and we have this is leo so we know horn has to be on the right to be sit by our side and her left hand caressed one beast horn her left hand crest won't be storm so let's say it's aries right it might not be and the arrow fell but it missed her by three paces the arrow oh this is an arrow right here so this is an arrow uh fell by three paces and the arrow fell but it missed her by three paces the arrow fell and mister by three paces so one one two three i'm guessing back here because it's three paces either side so put the arrow there and ferocious lion and mighty bull were close together despite their differences so we know that leo and taurus are together and always to justice oppose the brutal strength of predators so and this is uh this is libra and it opposed the beasts so i'll just place them all here and maybe something's going to happen nothing maybe we'll switch out the aries and the taurus uh someone says you try plugging in your machine yeah thanks for the tip there's a bit of an ambient sound coming from the box because of the ring being there so that's dope um now we still have to figure out the problem of the crystals here and this is the order which we had that just doesn't stay in there okay we had arrow opposite one two three paces here hey let's go what do we have here okay first of all we have this here which has a little arrow on it [Music] okay interesting and then we have this we have a little dude in here we got this light that went on and then we have this which is backwards aha chat the mirror we have to read it in the mirror oh my god this is so hard to do it says no one could ever beat frederick the biter in in a fight but a cold wind was enough to put him down and then on the top it says the chosen shall come love shall have made its mark upon his skin he will seek [Music] an answer and will find he needs to evolve evolving capital love shall have made its mark upon his skin [Music] he will seek an answer and he will find he needs to evolve and then something about a cold wind here on this guy here let me read this again no one could ever beat frederick the looks like biter biter frederick the biter in a fight but a cold wind was enough to put him down all right a cold wind i'm reading chat right now can you blow on something use the force young one can you blow on something get ready [Music] whoa something happened i heard a sound okay that actually did something take a torch to it calm down so something happened not sure what exactly there was also this little knob that we found earlier oh this comes up did you guys hear that what um okay so we have this here which is kind of cool oh [Music] check this out in here are little symbols of like playing cards so we have spades diamonds clubs and hearts and it keeps making noises space clubs diamonds and hearts you're a card collector front light's on the front light's on oh there's a door here this opens up i think we have to solve something here the chosen one shall come love shall have made its mark upon his skin are they talking about a tattoo maybe it's an easter egg can you insert the iron rod inside the moving pawn no there's no hole there it's actually just i think a sensor chosen one shall come love shall have made his mark upon his skin he will seek an answer and he will find he needs to evolve in capital letters evolve in capital letters [Music] let's get the top down here if this is it i have a tattoo here [Music] that says love it has symbols right so it's the three the ace the queen the seven and it has symbols you can spell evolve with these letters right so maybe okay oh so switch back to front camera so get this uh we have symbols in here maybe we need to spell evolve with the symbols hold on my brain's trying to wrap my brain is trying to wrap around it okay so evolve would be uh spades okay spades heart club diamond spade's heart club diamond hearts spades spades heart club diamond heart spades get out of town come on luckily you didn't remove that tattoo yeah imagine i tattooed over it or something there'd be no way to open this puzzle well this is dope because now this puzzle is made for me this is a hundred percent now i know why i could only open this puzzle okay so we got a door here you wanna have a look in there all right so we have another little dude can we take him out we can buy the will of the cards so shall the signs above be tilted i'm tilted what is what does that mean by the will of the card so shall the signs above be tilted oh top down all right chad this is the dude by the way check that out his shield has my logo just pretty neat chat's saying tilt the crystals turn the crystals okay we will uh but i noticed you can take these out so i'm guessing because there feels like there's like a little compartment in here we'll take all these out okay tilt the crystals okay on it on it on it chat you're great help we got a little message there is a tiny little message if you want to reach the third door you must turn your eye towards the nearest clover and knock thrice upon the pillar then hold on if you want to open a third door you want to open a third door okay like clubs here okay these are all clubs here little club symbols knock thrice upon the pillar then hold on oh they mean this maybe we have to do the other thing first so it made a sound and we got a light we got a light here okay we got a light so we did a thing this is good we have a light that's on but we're not done uh there's some other clues here that we need to figure out and like you said we got to tilt the crystal so let's put this one back to where it was and how do we tilt the crystals why do we tilt them by will of the card social the signs above be tilted we've got uh we've got playing card symbols right got a bunch of playing card symbols here so shall they be tilted so let's go to the little pillar where was that where's the pillar right here those were the signs are what does that mean why would we need two of them tilt them to turn the symbol on the doors below turn them to match the message you're right but why these symbols it has something to do with this that's for sure with this thing here because we're getting those symbols can we pull this out all right flip i'm reading chat by the way i have a i have a big monitor here where i can see all of what you're uh what you're suggesting check your back tattoo someone says could you imagine maybe that's what the mirror's for i'm just like uh what about the piece took off the top yeah actually good call huh is it magnetic somebody says yeah take your shirt off maybe this is uh is this a point in time where we ask for a hint would you like to get a hint yes or no you can vote uh go ahead and vote you got one minute to lock in your answer uh no man we got this 92 percent all right enough said by the will of the cards so shall the signs above be tilted so we know that these have to be tilted we know that there's cards and we know that there's this this one part here that lifts that reveals in this whole different playing card symbols as i'm showing the camera can we check this out what do you think that is okay so for instance oh this is interesting okay so let's look at okay diamonds and hearts is the top one right which would be this back one here which would be this back one here right spade and heart is the next one spade like this so i'm going to try and follow what it says it's a little tedious to hold on with one hand so let's just do this like this okay so we have the first one we have the second one which is tilted which is that direction that's fine it's a little misleading because they're like what side am i looking at it from you know two symbols two zodiacs match the zodiac above the symbol there are two symbols you're right you're absolutely right that's what we have to do okay hold on let's start over diamonds and hearts diamonds was a straight line and hearts was a line like this like that yep straight line like that and now we're talking about this one here and on the bottom of this one we have capricorn and sagittarius we do not have a capricorn diamond or a rhomboid we don't have a capricorn rhomboid but we do have a sagittarius [Music] and that would be diamonds and hearts that would be diamond that would be straight so the arrow would be straight that's actually that's actually really smart [Music] [Music] i don't know what to do chat i'm stuck all right let's go ahead and throw let's go ahead and throw down a hint i would look at the hint uh 62 percent yes all right let's go okay that's uh leo virgo and aries there's only two wrong libra is this one okay it happened it made a sound chat oh sorry you can't hear antoine sorry he was telling me i've got two wrong so there we go we got another light on uh but we're still missing a light though aren't we no wait we got both lights oh no there's two lights here that's right there's something else we're missing this we've used do we have another hint somewhere not a hint but like a a piece oh we had that little note you want to reach the third door you must turn your eye towards the nearest clover and knock thrice upon the pillar then hold on we've done that if you want to reach the third door you must turn your eye towards the nearest clover and knock three times upon the pillar then hold on so i gotta like look inside of it what's that noise it's the puzzle the puzzle itself is making a noise oh chat check this out can we hop to this camera real quick chad what does that look like can you see that what does that look like [Music] it looks like an eye [Music] turn the eye towards the nearest clover towards the nearest clover maybe here what happened the door opened we've got another door can we zoom in all right like what an hour and a half into this not bad not bad first of all we've got a little lady here oh my god the next clue is upon us perhaps dear chris i suspect by the time this box ends up in your hands we do not know each other yet sadly i have no means of ensuring when and how you will receive this artful though i know this artifact sorry it's written in cursive though i know you will and you must i hope you will have at least pieced together by now the existence of the society of argus has hera h-e-r-a bothered you yet i should hope not but i know she will sooner or later as you may have questions and i cannot know what you might have learned already allow me to explain things as plainly as i can though as you should know things can get quite convoluted when time is involved yeah tell me about it you try writing those intros the society of argus is the order or rather former order is my order rather former order we styled ourselves to protectors of the timeline you see seeking time lost relics and people but it was all a sham we were deceived from our very foundation hera she calls herself by the name of a goddess but i have learned this much a goddess she is not though she is indeed powerful and quite knowledgeable she was the founder of our order and for a long time it's mistress he has turned erratic recently speaking of you and only you and how she wanted to kill or love she seemed a bit confused about that you she wanted to kill or love me apparently i'm not sure where or rather when she came from but i know she moved in time to reach our four forebears she taught us how to feed her metal body and how to make lightning out of copper with her guidance she made machines it's really hard to read this cursive she made machines and started moving through time but as i said we were deceived in any case i have learned you are important very important but i cannot reach you chris you see by the time you will be reading this i will have been dead for centuries respectfully yours your friend e the 20th of february loves you to death okay look what we have here um for inquiries go to society of argus all right let's try not to shut down the website here uh i have a do we have a tablet uh we can get the top down here uh basically it's showing me and i can put it to the side here so it gets a little bigger it's bringing me to a page and it says welcome to the society of argus website congratulations for making it this far sadly we have changed temporarily and are not available at the moment okay error code at slash 47212-1398-117-5310-1614 wrong timeline okay okay maybe what we have to do here can i get a piece of paper i think what we're going to have to do here is decipher some code they had to wait until now to sell numbers to letters yeah that's what i'm thinking too and the paper here and then we'll solve this thank you lee all right here we go we've all jumped out of the way okay i'm thinking here labsterrum.com4 i'm thinking because society of argus here and this is hard for you guys to see but i will put it in focus for you guys the society of argus part here is in capital letters i'm thinking numbers to letters up there is what i'm thinking [Music] i yogurt forecasts okay so here let's go to this okay go yes we're in we're in it's about forecast i know okay we're in uh what does it say here oh first of all forecasting the future synths and then there's like there's like these symbols here uh and here it says past present and future for all your these look like like ai people they don't even look real look at this okay uh present and future for all your concerning needs i yoga forecast is a solution our team of experts is comprised of chrono technicians from all around the timeline and we work worldwide no calls we will call you when necessary on the bottom it says here chris whoa chris you need to unseat lady loveless if you want to go on which i did which was this lady i think uh once you are done take the top apart you will need those pieces anything can be of use i cannot tell you much more e take the top apart this you mean this the top of the box from the start magnet lady yeah we have that we have the ladies taken apart do they mean this entire thing kind of looks like it can come apart but i don't want to break it get an axe and hit it and you do that with your own puzzle oh oh this came out by the way i don't know if we were supposed to do that now or later or earlier but this came out be careful i'm getting a saw vive so this came off nothing special about it oh hold on i don't know if i'm supposed to do that oh hot dang all right those are all the crystals falling ah over here uh so we've got we've got two holes where lady loveless can sit but there's like they're blocking and we've got these things and we've got this uh so we got those two holes like i said where lady where this uh this piece here might be able to fit in but right now it doesn't go in all the way maybe wait hold on oh look at this look look look this is kind of cool watch these holes ready boom what's this you think use the top to turn it the thing that unscrews goes in the middle okay back to this cam all right use this which is super smart because it looks like it might fit in there how cool is it that this piece is still on the batteries are still on and everything in this piece like it's still illuminated not doing anything oh my god oh what [Music] what is happening what okay let's go all right chat here um come to this camera [Music] some type of time machine inside like a flux capacitor here we've got schematics what does some of this say the time anchor it's a time anchor hey first dot shot baby great scott someone says in chat a continuum transfunctioner adrenal growth patch okay look at this it looks to be almost like a broken time machine like they've tried to salvage it i think that's what happened i think that's what they were i think this is oh oh all right we know what to do there one second okay hold on let's read this letter first we've got a letter here hello chris if you are reading this i am happy it means everything goes according to the way i intended i was quite worried the society of argus would stumble upon my little project i know they are still quite active by your time though they have changed their name into something less conspicuous i know what must happen will and in some way already has hera would not be quite so obsessed with you if it had not try to make sense of this you are destined to kill her all right makes sense to me heaven you you might already have done so by the time i am writing this letter she knows this and i have learned i've heard it from her crazed ramblings the society of argus was never protecting anything but hera's own self-interest selfish little hera okay she recruited agents her knights she calls us among the smartest of us she designed tests to make us feel important and to the worthiest of us she gave the gift of time she can make machines you see which she calls time anchors it allows us to jump back and forward to whenever we are needed this is usually a one-way trip oh this is starting to make a lot of sense for all the other future me puzzles but it can also be used in another way the anchor is a sort of beacon if you will one can attune it and receive messages from all over the timeline it is how we communicate with our scattered agents do you understand sort of sort of i have stolen one such anchor i could have used it to try and jump forward in the time for you but i think a better use for it is to make you a beacon okay so i'm gonna become a beacon i am repurposing one of the machines to secure the time anchor this should facilitate our objective of having you clearly uh destroy hera i know attuning yourself to the anchor is a hard decision to make but i trust you will make the right choice because i believe you to be a good person and hera is an evil parasite that threatens all of mankind respectfully yours your friend e the 26th of february 1587. also let's get the top down here for a second i want to show you something that's on this paper so on this paper we do have a symbol right here as you can see chat and that symbol and has those arrows so it looks like we got to like turn this thing maybe or something but we have matching symbols right here these are the symbols uh that you see that we have uh accumulated before so uh we're gonna have to do something with that eventually so leaving that there for your consideration and i'm guessing it has something to do with here because we have little uh little diamond symbols here as you can see so it's probably this probably has something to do with the positioning of these diamonds here that is my guess and we also have didn't we also have a clue on that website i'm gonna go back to that website we also have a clue on that website here to do something all right first things first can we hit this camera real quick i want to try something i don't know if uh i'm meant to do this right yet but we have a fingerprint right here as you can see identity match welcome initiate ramsey this time anchor has been locked for safety please enter the code please enter the code try the amputated finger [Music] let's get back down to this one additional match night oculon has been recorded as your mentor initiate ramsay you have been recorded already knight oculon have you lost weight [Laughter] have you lost weight that's hilarious okay same message have you lost weight but if i do it feels like you have it feels like you have [Music] that's pretty dang dope okay so what do we have to do okay we have these buttons here chat check this out can we come down so we can see all the different things here you see all these buttons here chat let me get this out of the way so we don't hit anything we've got all these different buttons maybe i have to turn them on so i'll just try okay now it's yellow that one's yellow something inside the flux capacitor what is that side hold on let me let me come around to this side here okay there are a lot of different colors there these things like run through a whole bunch of different colors here and we have this thing on top right maybe it's a pattern you have to follow that's what i'm thinking too the clues are on the blueprint maybe but some of them are just like math equations one thing we do have though is whatever was written on here right where they're going to be like something like that so they got to be here just trying to understand the orientation of these little crystals here check the rocks stones get a hammer match the arrows on the page with the top of the box that's what i'm trying to do i just don't know what the orientation of this is right so like aries for instance yeah i don't know which side is up because there's nothing telling me so if you look on here [Music] there really isn't anything to tell me the orientation of where to start i really feel like it's these things so i'm gonna grab a whole bunch of these oh they're lighting up check it out there's a little light in there you see the light in that crystal oh green red white okay now we just have to find okay so if that's there this one's green on there and that one is right here to the right of it would be aries the air one is taurus which is there there are four timber symbols on top of the website that's what we're gonna go look at right now we're gonna go look at the website and there are four symbols we had leo whatever that one was taurus and what capricorn no that's not capricorn whatever we had those symbols so only leo no virgo no aries there should be those four and now maybe oh now maybe i have to find their colors where they turn on to or something you got lights on both sides too eh the front one should be white which it is you lift the lid somehow no we need a camera from another perspective uh here here's your perspective it's uh basically you got those numbers or those colors and they're matching with the colors that are on top of here now we have followed along with this so we are pretty much exactly where we're supposed to be oh hold on hold on hold on okay so check this out check this out um you see this this light right here this is a blue light doesn't look blue on screen look where the wires are leading they're leading down here oh there's numbers chat we got it we got it okay hold on let's go back to the other camera can we zoom in on the front of that okay perfect see you have the number here one two three and four right one now we have the symbols on our tablet which are these those are probably going to be one two three and four one being leo all right so it goes here and it goes to this one what color is leo leo is blue we get blue the number two wire number two wire leads to this one here number two on the symbol is green so we're already at green totally good to go number three wire is the one you see in front of you here number three is the one which is uh number three is taurus and taurus is red we go red last one number four which is around back must be white must be white you can go ahead and turn this one on here so it says time anchor not a tune let's go we gotta we gotta calibrate what's this what's that in front what's going on there i'm coming around to have a look-see have a little gander take a little captain's cook oh it's a sequence we got a sequence going uh you guys can see that right yellow green blue red yellow green blue red yellow green blue red yellow green blue obviously red [Music] okay another sequence pops up seems a little trickier yellow yellow red green green red yellow yellow red green green red yellow yellow red green green red yellow yellow red green okay so far so good uh yellow yellow red blue green blue i'm looking for something to okay yellow yellow red blue green blue green yellow yellow red blue green blue red yellow yellow red no green green yellow red blue red all right looking for a pic can we zoom in more on that is that yeah there we go we're looking for patterns we have the double greens that repeat right so green green yellow red blue red green blue yellow green green yellow red blue red oh there's a pattern blue red blue red and that one had blue red green blue green blue blue red blue red yellow red blue red yes ah it's like mine numbing red red yellow red then we have red red green red okay green green red green green blue blue [Music] okay it's getting harder and harder these patterns all right you guys go ahead look at that for a second we'll see if you guys can figure this one out let me know in the chat easiest way to solve a puzzle is to have chat do it for you so everything blue blue blue blue blue blue all right you got it chat okay time time coordinates are are put into oh what is this we're getting a pattern here blue green red blue green red just blue green red so notice the heights so blue is at the bottom green is in the middle yellow is at the very top and then red is about there you see that now the buttons are actually at different heights as well so i'm thinking the lowest being red wait lowest being blue the lowest is blue which one of these is the lowest it is this one here i believe yes that one will turn to blue uh green is the next one up which is this one here and then we have yellow at the very top which is this one turn that to yellow and then red is the last one over here again okay another pattern let's go yellow blue red there's a lot happening it starts over and over but like it takes a while blue red green so yellow at the very bottom i mean ah stop no i can't see okay blue we did it we got blue okay wait hold on yellow blue red red is this one and then green is at the very top and then it keeps going yellow is now this one and the last one it's very hard to see but the last one is going to be red at the very top okay again same thing i think and then blue over here let's go complete year and timeline locked you have one incoming package time interferences detected manual reception necessary please cancel time interferences cancel time interferences oh blue blue where's blue oh i have to turn them i have to turn them all blue let's go what's the next color purple three ah okay turquoise four okay a blue is that white was that white [Music] green yellow ah no no yellow [Music] what's happening interference cleanup finished you have one incoming package time package received from time anchor unknown time period unknown please proceed with caution when receiving packages from uncertified timelines all calibrations done time anchor set to sleep mode goodbye initiate ramsay goodbye [Music] hot dang let's go we did it holy we have a letter we have a deck of cards can you zoom in on that what is these i've never seen these before in my life astronaut cards pretty dope i'm glad you made the right choice not that there was ever any doubt you see the decision to make yourself a beacon for time and objects is shall we say retroactive hera in the society of argus technology by essence does not care much about doing things in order i hope you do not feel like i tricked you so you are now and always were from this day henceforth the time anchor you might have already uh felt its side effects strange items falling out of their proper time and into your hands not to mention an accrued tendency to arrive either very early or very late at meetings this is very me this is very true by the way as for hera herself i think you might have already beaten her do not rest easy she is a ghost in a machine and what is dead may never die i would rather worry about my former colleagues from the society of argus or their contemporary incarnation the eogu forecasts sooner or later they will know what i have done and i suspect it will not be pleasant for me my work on this machine and the time anchor is done i shall send it to you now and have a good life my friend e 30th of february 1587. so this leaves us in a place where we know that this continues now this goes on there's an this this this machine and the society of argus chasing us down through time and trying to get at me these are kind of cool [Music] oh back back on me back on me listen we can see you now chris we know what you've done to our holy mother you've stolen what you had no right to steal in time we will come for you you cannot hide [Music] bye
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,930,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: nLk-WNipPb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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