Solving Most Annoying Problems in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and i make rabbit tutorials now when it comes to working in rabbit rabbit is a really cool piece of software it allows you to do pretty much anything when it comes to building buildings but the problem is it has a lot of these annoying problems these works along the way that can really annoy you so I decided to create a video where I'm going to be solving the five most annoying problems in rabbit that well that I find most annoying and then I'm going to be showing you the whole solution to those problems and how to avoid them now tell me in the comment section below please if these are some of the problems that you're having or if you're having maybe different problems tell me and I'll find a solution for those now before we get into that just one quick tank I would like to announce that I have uploaded the whole beginner-to-intermediate course in a rabbit up on my website so it's 16 hours long it's an amazing course for anyone in its let's new to rabbit and that would like to get good at rabbit and the shortest possible time so check it out it's going to be the first link in the description and also as always for all of my rad project files as well as some of my courses check out my patreon that's going to be the second link in the description okay so with that out of the way let's get straight into the tutorial okay so the first really annoying problem that I always found in rabbit is the connection between the stairs and the top level so let me show you what I'm talking about so what I'm going to do is just go here the stair tool and then for the stair type I'm just going to go with the monolithic stair and let me just place a single stair run like this and just hit the finish and next I'm going to jump over to level two and then here I'm just going to add a floor so this there just goes up to this floor that I have created here and I'm just going to get to finish now if I go here to the section tool and create a simple section running through this and let's open that section up by double clicking here on the section head you're going to notice that this is the connection between the stair and that floor maybe if I turn off ten lines it's going to be visible a bit better so this is what we get okay this is super annoying I really don't like this and what Revit tends to do is it tends to use the floor as the final riser or the final step and that is just super annoying and you can't get this little gap here so if I turn this observe I turn this off yeah so here if we get through the frailing we have a gap here so that's not really what you want to what you want to have so how can we solve this annoying problem so what I'm going to do is just go into edit stairs go here up to level two and then I'm going to go to landing and I'm just going to create the sketch so we're just creating a landing as a sketch so I'm just going to go here and create a simple rectangle and I'm just going to keep the width at the width of the stairs and you can create it really small so just something like this will do trick it to finish and let's go into 3d there we go this is what you get so basically it's going to add that element here and you're going to get that connection now it's going to look a bit weird if it's too small so what I suggest you do and let me just edit this a little bit is extended and make it at least as wide as the kind of the tread of the stair itself so if you get to finish now it does look a bit more decent and also it might look weird like this and when it's too thick that's because this I just need to finish yeah so the landing is the 300 millimeter landing which is a way to text so you can always go here and to edit type and then oh okay this menu is way too large okay so here you can go to your landing type and you can just change that into something small order like this finish apply okay and there we go looks much better and now you can simply edit the floor here just to follow that so I'm just going to use pick lines like this and then use trim extent like that and there we go and for your railing of course it is going to kind of form railing all the way around which is again super annoying but that's an easy fix as well so just go to level 2 and then you can simply go to the modify tab and then use the split element tool and just split that rail and just get rid of this part go back into 3d and there you go so that was a the most annoying part about stairs now also speaking about stairs now let's talk about stairs presentation and the floor plan view so if I go here to level 2 we're taking a look at these stairs from the top down and that's why we can see all the steps but if we go into level 1 basically because level 1 cuts off at one point 2 meters or 1,200 millimeters we get this cut line and then we get these annoying dashed lines for the rest of the stair and now if this was an other another type of he's there so if this was perhaps I don't know the privates there or something like that we would even get these dashed lines over here which are representing the part of the riser and then here we have the nosing so there's way too many lines representing these stairs and if I turn off 10 lines it looks terrible so let's see what can we do about this so what I'm going to be doing now is just selecting or not selecting anything but going here into the properties now make sure that nothing is selected in this view and then you go here to the properties panel and then what you can do is you can get all of the view properties and here you only need to open up the visibility graphics overrides menu now let me just move it over here to the side and then here we have to find all of the settings that affect stairs and also railing because here we can see dashed lines for railing so what I'm going to do is scroll down and first find railings there we go expand that menu and then here what I'm going to be doing is just going to check off all of the above railings so this is representing all of the railings above so those are all of these dashed lines so that's above our view so if I just hit apply as you can see some of the lines are now gone now let me collapse this menu and let's expand the stairs menu now here we have the above cut marks so that's something that we don't really need we have the above nosing lines that's something that we don't need now we have the outlines now outlines you can keep and you don't have to I prefer to keep it because I like to recede the outline of my whole stair but the rest of these the riser lines of course we don't need those those are these horizontal lines and of course the supports again I don't think those are necessary now if I hit apply now as you can see those are gone and we just have this outline and this line is basically laying out that little piece of landing that we have modeled on top but also here we have these dashed lines below that are basically our riser lines so if I just get rid of those and then hit apply okay now they are gone as well and this stair looks much much cleaner here in the floor plan now speaking of floor plan and representing elements in floor plans let's take a look at a different element and a different problem in rabbit and that's the problem with visibility of parts so once you get to rabbit and if I go here to Architecture and perhaps create a wall let's create a multi-layer wall place it just like that there we go now of course we have to change the detail level from a course and to find the co of the layers there we go now I can see the layers now what can be really annoying about elements is when you turn these elements into parts sometimes the visible the visibility is going to be different so in this case walls are not affected so here as you can see all of the layers are now turned into parts but if we take a look at a different element for example a floor and let's choose a multi a multi-layer floor and place it here finish now we can see the floor now if we select it and divide it into parts it's going to be gone now even though here in the properties panel for the visibility the parts visibility is set to show parts it doesn't really show our floor now if we set it to show original it will show that floor but if we want to see the parts they're not going to be visible so let's see what can we do so if I I'm just going to go back here to show parts hit apply and then I'm going to make a simple change and that's a do to view range so I'm just going to make a change in here in the view range menu and the reason for the view range settings is because Revit has a different approach of viewing floors because floors are usually on the can at the bottom of your floor bottom of your view range or even a little bit below it tends to view floors even though they are below your kind of the bottom of your view range but when you turn that floor into parts it doesn't have that viewing ability for parts so if you just go here to view range settings and here for the bottom and the view depth if you just change that from 0 to minus 1 millimeter so even minus 1 millimeter will do the job hit apply ok and there we go we have that part visible so just keep that in mind if you're dividing your floors in two parts perhaps to add different floor finishes or something like that the visibility is going to be affected and this is how you solve that problem now for the next problem I'm going to be using this office building project and you can find the full 12-hour course up on my patreon first link in the description and also it will be up soon on my website so check that out as well link is in the description I've got some additional courses there ok so what I'm going to be showing you now is a problem that you might be having when working on large projects where you have many families loaded in so for example for this project this is an office building project so for example here as you can see we have many many elements we have some elements here for the bathroom as some families there we have some families here some laptops tables chairs sofas desks kitchens and so on and so forth here also in the ground level and now when you want to place an additional family you have to go of course to the component tool and then if we open up the drop menu to search for something you're going to notice that it's really hard to find the elements so if I open this up as you can see this is how small the little scroll bar is so you can scroll indefinitely and it's really hard to find the elements and the thumbnails are quite small and if you don't know the exact name of the family that you might want to use then it's going to be really hard to find that exact family and so an additional way of placing families where you can kind of solve this problem would be to go here and inside of your project browser scroll down a little bit and then here we have the families the families node so basically just expand this and then you can scroll down any concert' for families by their category so here for example we have some profiles we have here we have some curtain wall ma Liana's but let's say I want to add a lighting fixture I want to have this outside light I can just go to lighting fixtures expand that here as you can see we have we have some lights for example here we have a streetlight and I can just grab it drag it over and then I can place it here I can maybe spin it around and then place it on the other side of the street so just by using this this menu over here in the project browser it might be easier to find families or to search for families by their category instead of having to endlessly scroll down and inside of this component tool inside of the properties panel let's hit the Escape key a couple of times there we go okay and one more and the final annoying thing in rabbit is when you go to select an element and you accidentally move it so Revit by default has this option where when you select element an element you can immediately move it around now this can be really useful in some cases of course if you want to just move something a little bit just to see what that would look like I personally find this most useful when it comes to manipulating walls so when you have walls like this you want to kind of change their position a little bit just to test things out just to see what what they would look like in that case I find this option really useful but once you get to a certain level of complexity with your project it can be really annoying and it can mess things up so one thing that you can do in order to disable that or to get rid of that is just go here to the architecture tab to the modify to the modify tool and here we have this select menu and then you can open up the drop menu and here we have the drag elements on selection option now if I just uncheck that and if I select the element and try to drag it as you can see nothing happens it starts making a cross selection so I have to select it first and then I can move it around so it does add that additional click if you want to move the elements around but it will prevent moving elements by accident so it's a really cool option so it's just over here you can toggle it on and off at any time so it's really useful to have the option to have it turned on in the initial stages of the project and then later on if you're kind of fine-tuning things and working on some detail plans such as this one over here you don't want to mess things up well in that case you just go here and you disable that by clicking here on this drag box okay so those are the five annoying things that I decided to I point out or solve in this tutorial I hope it was useful and I hope you have learned something new and I hope I have saved you some time and headache in the future so thank you for watching if you want to download all of my project files again as I said check out my patreon link is in the description and also I have a whole new website for hosting all of my courses it's a far superior platform so if you're interested check that out as well okay so that's pretty much it for me make sure to subscribe and I'll be back with another tutorial in a couple of days have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 153,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, problem, issue, architecture, family
Id: pG3Iihf3xLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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