Modern Living Room Interior Design in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arced it here and in today's tutorial i'm going to be modeling a living room in Revit this will be a continuation on my of my interior design tutorial series and if you want to check out any of the previous tutorials please check out the playlist in the description of this video so i saw the school looking kind of a dark design living room and i thought it looked really cool so why not model something like this in rabbit but before it get started i would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot and if you haven't already I suggest you subscribe because they make tutorials like this every day and follow me of course on all social media I will be posting there now regularly okay so here we are in Revit and I'm just going to be using the architectural template for this project and before I do anything I like to set the units so what you need to do when the rabbit responds finally okay so I'm just going to type in un for project units and I'm just going to switch them to let's do centimeters for this interior design okay so now to get started let's do some walls so the shortcut for walls is waa I prefer using shortcuts and let's just place a simple rectangle over here and I let's set some dimensions now for this width of the room I'm going to go with 480 centimeters and for the whole length I'm going to go with five point eight meters or 580 centimeters okay so now we have some basic dimensions and now let's add some more so first you're going to be entering the room from this here part so let's do a let's leave enough room so let's do 1.6 oops 160 over here and let's just align this so just go al4 a line and i'm just going to align this edge to this over here and maybe i'll even lock it in place so if i decide to move something it will stake and locked in place and one more thing i want to leave room in here so we can hear kind of a overall a based cabinet or something like that some shelves over here so I'm just going to create a wall go create similar and just create a wall like this and for this offset let's go from here to here or let's leave at I don't know something like 1 meters so that's 100 centimeters and here for the interior width of the shelf let's go with 120 centimeters and now to make the actual shelf you just go SL for split element Sal okay you split it there and then you just go trim and extend and you trim this trim this and you're done and for the depth of the shelf let's see our 40 that's that's quite alright and just to lock these two in place so if you move one wall D you would want the other one to move so just go again align select this this locked in place and as you can see now they both move and let's just go back okay so now once we have all of the walls I'm just going to hover over one of them hit the tab key select all of them and let's change them from unconnected to connected to a level to just have some basic height even though that's not really important for this particular interior design tutorial but anyway okay so once we have that let's do a floor we need some floor so let's just do a rectangle like this and then let's add a floor over here kind of like that let's hit the split element and then trim and extend this over here so like this we've got a whole finished floor and before we move on let's just set the material for the floor so just go to edit and I'm just going to change the structure material no need to add additional layers this is just an interior design for the purpose of some renderings so it doesn't really matter so let's search here for fabric and let's see what we have as far as carpets go let's see yeah I kind of like this dark medium gray so let's do that and let's just load it in hit apply ok hit OK again apply okay and we're done so we've got this nice looking floor and now let's go and add some elements so for the elements in the living room of course we're going to have a large sofa going kind of like this and the actual size of the room is design according to those dimensions so if you see over here I've got 420 is this dimension over here because sofa goes kind of in the L shape like this so here this is going to be three parts of a sofa and this will be two parts of that same sofa so we can create just one family that we're going to copy it or and copy it around and if that doesn't make sense at the moment don't worry let's go into it and you'll understand it along the way so just go here to new family and here I'm just going to drop back a folder go into English and let's search for some metric furniture family and I'm using metric you can use imperial doesn't really matter use whatever you prefer okay so we've got some reference planes over here but we don't really have to use them because this won't be really a parametric family I am just going to add some over here if I go to the front elevation I'm just going to add some elevation planes just to help me orient myself as far as elevations go so this will be kind of a the bottom one so this will be like 80 millimeter so this is the just the likes of the sofa and this is the kind of the seat cushion that should be 40 40 centimeters of the ground so let's just type in 400 over here and as far as the backrest all that's to do it at something it should be lower it's kind of a low design sofa so let's do it at 30 centimeters or 300 millimeters now let's go back into reference level and yeah let's switch the units to centimeters even in this family it's getting kind of confusing already so let's go centimeters okay okay so now let's go create an extrusion and just go with a rectangle and just place a rectangle like this so I'm just going to select this line and offset it from the middle by 80 so 80 centimeters here and this should be then 160 and as far as this goes from the center it should be 50 and this one should be 50 as well or a hundred if you measure from here okay but anyway now we need to fill out these edges because sofas are always kind of fill out so let's fill out them and let's do a radius of five centimeters or maybe four let's not go crazy so let's just click here click here and here as well and we're done so just get the finish go to front elevation and as you can see over here now it's on the ground we need to just lift it up a bit and we can lock it but we don't really have to do it but if I go now into 3d it looks like this and this doesn't really look like a sofa cushion at all so we need to fill it this edge over here and how do you do that well you need to go here to create tab you need to go to void forms open it up and find a void sweep and then go here to set set the work plane pick a plane hit OK pick the stop plane and then go here make sure you're sketching a path and just go with this pick lines - all hover over one of the lines hit tab a couple of times and then once you have everything kind of like this light up in blue select it and you're done with the path and here is where we're going to be drawing the profile so just hit the finish for the path go here go edit profile and now you're just modeling the profile or drafting the profile so you do something like this you just create a and a angle and angle and you just go here to fill it and again let's use the radius of 4 centimeters like this and now you use the trusty trim and extend tool and you just trim and extend this trim and extend this and you're done with this profile but you need to copy it around the middle down here and you don't know where down here is so I just like to pull a line like this and then use big lines over here like this and then just trim and extend this delete this line so we know that this line is going from the top to the bottom and then we can mirror along its center lines so just go DM for draw mirror which means that you draw an axis for this mirror and you do this and then you can delete this line and if we select this and just orbit around you can see it's attached to the bottom exactly where it should be and just hit finish go to modify sweep finish again okay we seem to have a problem and if this happens you just go over here and you double click and you can change the profile a bit so if this profile doesn't work sometimes Revit asks you to make a smaller profile than this over here so let's try something smaller let's do three or now we're going to actually have to okay redo this or maybe just move it up yeah this works so just move it along this axis and this axis as well and then just trim extend and let's repeat the same thing down here so we don't you have to mirror everything again so just do three centimeters go mv4 move move it down again mv4 move move it here and trim and extend and now it should work so just hit finish here hit finish and yeah it works now so now if i go here and set this to realistic you can see now we have perfect sofa ish edges and now it's only time to do the backrest so let's go here create extrusion rectangle and we can pick a line perhaps okay let's set the work plane pick a plane oops not that set a plane and you can go here and pick the you can pick the reference plane maybe that's the best option so you just create a rectangle like this and sometimes Revit doesn't really allow you to align this for some reason and let's try a line tool but no it doesn't work so if that happens just go like this and go again to 80 this should be then 160 and this should be offset from here by 50 that works and this should be let's do 30 from here okay and again let's fill it address at radius 4 so just do this this this and again fill it radius 4 hit enter ok let's try that again yeah there you go ok so once we've got this finish going to front elevation and let's set this to here set this to here hit finish and I'm just going to repeat the same process for as we did here just to fill out these address okay continuing on I let's just select these two forms just call the control and then you can select both of them go here to the material and let's change the material to some fabric again let's see what we have here let's see - nothing that interesting I actually wanted to be a bit darker than the fabric we have for the carpet so I'm just going to use this one and you need to kind of duplicate it so it doesn't mess up the original one in the model where you're going to be loading it in so you just duplicated let's just call it this go to appearance and here for replace this asset just oops not that I mean yeah you should go here click this line and now this button and this has duplicates assets and this basically means that you're not going to mess up this material if you change this material and here for the image we can just see and maybe change the roughness a bit reflectiveness let's bring that down and let's see we can go maybe into edit image and here for the brightness let's just bring it way down to like let's do it 60 go done apply ok and if we go here to realistic it should be now showing that or let's see ok then change the material ok now it's changed it okay sometimes Revit kinda has these hiccups but it works now okay and as you can see now we've got this fabric material and now we can just load it into a project so just to load it in over here and kind of place it like this and as you can see because it's 160 centimeters it again we can fit exactly three of them here and then you just flip it around and you can fit two over here so we've got this kind of l-shaped sofa now for the for this sofa over here I'm actually just going to do the bottom part so you can do that again just starting your family and basically do the same thing that we did here for the bottom cushion just a bit different dimensions it's going to be 1.5 by or no it's going to be 2.4 by 0.8 meters so I'm just going to skip that as well as you don't need to is it's the same as over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and let's just align it in place I'm going to use the align tool over here and if it doesn't work as it isn't working for some reason you can always use the move tool so just go from here to there and let's see can we align it here nope unfortunately isn't working so let's go here to annotate so I'm just going to pull a detail line over here kind of like this and then just move this into place so you kind of need to find your own way how to figure these small problems out but anyway let's just do the table in the middle right now so it's a kind of an interesting looking table so I'm just going to go here to the file a new family again we need to create in your families so just go to English let's see go to metric furniture open it up and here now actually I'm just going to use the reference planes so just go RP for a reference plane and I'm just going to do like two like this and two like oops mess that up reference plane again do like this so two horizontal to vertical and then I'm just going to go to di for dimension and kind of dimension it like this go EQ and then give it one whole dimension so later on you can actually create a parametric family from this if you want okay but anyway so this distance should be the table should be 1.5 so let's say this should be 750 okay now it's 1.5 and at this side it should be 1.7 so that's what 8.5 850 okay so yeah so we've got the basic dimensions now let's go to front elevation and here we need to have a bit more reference planes so just go RP for reference plane place one over here and let's say this should be 30 centimeter tall coffee table and let's go RP again place a line over here so this should determine the the height of the actual plane on top and I'm actually going to do something quite tense so maybe three millimeters that works for me okay and now let's do the the bottom construction first now there's a bunch of different ways you can do that I'm just going to do what I prefer at the moment but of course there is a bunch of different ways to do that this so let's do an offset of twenty millimeters or two centimeters flip it on the inside finish off here just go finish go into front elevation attach it over here maybe we can lock it in place do the same thing down here and now we need to kind of void it up just to create turn this into a empty frame so just go here the void forms with extrusion go rectangle and then I'm just going to give it an offset of two centimeters or 20 millimeters and again go like this flip it on the inside you end up over here just hit the finish go into a left elevation and you just make sure that it's going all the way to the outside of the table and once you've done that you need to do the same thing over here as you can see if I go into 3d it looks like this we need to carry another void going this direction so let's go back into a left elevation create void forms void extrusion and let's go rectangle offset 20 and go again flip it on the inside finish off here finish go to front elevation just to see the extrusion start and end so go from here to there here to there and there you go and if it isn't cutting it just go here to cut the geometry select this like the void and there you go okay so we've got the framing and let's just do the wood fly a flame plane on top so let's go here to reference plane create extrusion simple rectangle from one corner to the other I'll just hit finish go to front elevation go from here lock it in place to here a lock it in place okay so now let's go into 3d and let's add materials so for this one let's go to material by category let's search for some nice wood material and I like birch wood it's actually got a nice texture so let's load that one and hit apply ok and this should really be some steel material so let's see steel iron III iron iron okay I don't know how to pronounce this material that's just what they figured out our ayran ayran okay apply okay nevermind just check it and realistic to see what it looks like and it looks amazing if I do say so myself loaded into project make sure it says project one or whatever you name your project and just place it like they're like they're like that and maybe make it a bit closer to this so far over here you don't have to be overly precise these things move around anyway but kind of place it like that okay so now let's go into 3d to see - how's our little interior design going so we've got a bunch of furniture done now let's add this here kind of a TV tray thanks so to do that let's go here to component and let's model this in place anything that's kind of determined by the room size I like to model in place as a let's do furniture yeah okay call it furniture one who cares create extrusion set work plane pick a plane let's choose this wall and let's do a rectangle kind of like this and let's see as far as the offset from the floor like this let's do something like 20 centimeters and as far as the height goes let's do 30 yeah that looks fine and as far as the extrusion goes extrusion and let's go 40 and finish okay this looks nice and let's add some material to it so I like to use the same materials so I'm just to load in the same birch wood that they used let's okay it already exists over here where is it lucky here this birch wood okay and now just to add those cabinets I like to just go and create a void form void extrusion set workplane the complain back this plane over here and then if I can find a decent angle or maybe if I go just here to wireframe okay that makes things a lot easier so let's go like this and I'm just going to go with the rectangle with an offset of something like 4 centimeters and go like this flip it around kind of like this then give it an offset of like 1 centimeter and go kind of like this so you kind of add only the kind of the separations between cabinets and let's do these lines over here or maybe like this yeah now let's just copy that at certain points so just go CEO for copy copy one here perhaps one more over here yeah that that looks like enough okay and I would just need to go and do some TR for trim and extend but first let's split lines so you need to split it there here repeat the same thing here and here and repeat the same thing here and here ok and once you've done that just go TR for trim and extend and you just trim and extend this part this part is well this thing here yeah I get the point you're just trimming and you're extending okay we've got one more okay so once we've got that done we'll just hit finish and it looks like that but if we turn off wireframe to hidden line as you can see it looks a bit more realistic with those lines and then one more thing you can add you can add kind of where you would grab it kind of handles and for that let's go here to create extrusion set work plane and that's the right work plane where we want to be working with and let's just add vertical lines like this and just go copy select this portion part over here select multiple and then on each kind of a drawer you're going to have this this thing just a handle to grab on and let's do that in the same material as we did for the legs and as far as the extrusion goes like do something like 3 centimeters or maybe even 2 centimeters and let's go here and find iron I I am very bad at this pronunciation thing okay just hit finish okay it's taking shape so I'm now just going to be adding some more families just to make the whole living room seem a bit more complete so let me just move this out of the way for a second and here I've got a bunch of families and I'm just going to select them all and I'll load them in and wait for a second for them to update and let's maximize the screen now let's go back to level 1 and here I'm going to go to component now we can see all the families this is the light that I'm going to be placing a bit later on the ceiling but let's see what else do we have here so I've loaded in a TV set so let's see now this will be placed on the wall so I'm gonna place it like that and if you can't see it let's just go into 3d ok it's on the wrong side so let's see can we flip it no we can't so let's do one another one on this side yeah ok so we've got a television set maybe bring it down a bit place it kind of like this in the middle of the room ok so we've got the TV set that completes the living room of course we need to have that let's go back into level 1 and go here to component scroll up a bit let's see what else do we have okay we have this arc light this is something that I've created specifically for this project and it's just a kind of the one of those cool modern arc lights and if you want to see how I modeled this and in order to download this family you can become my patron at patreon and for only only $5 a month you will be able to get all of the project files as well as I've added now I'm going to be adding some bonus tutorials so a tutorial on how to create this functioning arc light you will be able to find it there so track make sure to check that link in the description as well okay so now I'm just going to be rotating this so just kind of rotate it like yeah this works and kind of place it like that maybe just place the center of rotation here and kind of arch it like this okay this works and if I go into 3d as you can see now that's in arc light you can't really see the arc because it's a very thin but if I go maybe to realistic yeah now you can see it better okay so now we've got that light we've got this finished and let's just finish the shelf and then do the ceiling and the walls and we're done and for the shelf because again it's a part of the room I'm just going to select this family over here go edit in place and I'm going to be making the shelf as part of that family and just for the shelf you can do it in a bunch of different ways I'm just going to set it to work plane and go just here pick a plane like this wall and just go from here do the bottom shelf kinda over here or we did a rectangle of course kind of like that okay this works maybe bring it down a bit okay and I'll just go copy multiple and just select this line and plays just a few of them along this along this wall kind of like that okay and once this is done I can just extend them all the way to the other side of the wall like this and for the material let's just use that birch wood material so let's just type in birch okay it's a br BIR okay there it is so this looks fine okay just go finish model and now let's do the walls so I'm just going to for the walls I like to do some and have some dark blue so I'm just going to go and change this material at sea let's go and just change the default material and automatically it will change the wall so just go to appearance and change this to some yeah let's go with this blue but let's make it less saturated kind of like that maybe a bit lighter yeah this looks nice so just get okay okay apply okay and now these all of these walls when I render them should be like that let's see if I go here into raytrace let's see if that works wait for a second no they're gray so let me close out of this and let's see why didn't we change the material okay it's default material appearance okay then changing the appearance why didn't it so let's see go to that same color okay now it worked and let's just remember this 56 81 120 and change it over here as well so let's do 56 81 120 if I remember it correctly okay so this is now changed hit apply okay okay apply okay okay now they're blue and just for this one I'm just going to change it to brick just to make it a bit more interesting so go into edit type go into a structure added but before we do that let's duplicate it so we don't duplicate it so we don't change all of the walls and just call it brick and just go here into edit type edit a let's search for some brick material now let's hear yeah let's use this common brick that looks fine I think it will work with this blue color so let's see okay this looks cool okay and our living room is almost done let's just added the ceiling so go into level one or a ceiling plan one and you go here to architecture ceiling and we can't really do automatic ceiling because it's opened over here so we need to go in this couch ceiling and then you can use select walls and kind of select all of these walls and then just trim and extend it over here it's finished yeah let's use this plain ceiling and for the height offset let's use something like 300 just to give it a decent height and let's add some lighting over here so oops not that component and here I've loaded this insert light and let's add okay I don't want that and let's just place it over here kinda we can do kind of like this arrangement maybe four of them yeah this works nice and then you can go into di or dimension and kind of dimension them like this oops not make sure to select the center points and then just hit EQ and now they're at equal distances okay okay so this works maybe select them and move them a little bit towards the side yeah okay this works fine now okay so we're done with that go into 3d and I'm really liking the way this turned out as you can see the light is now in banded in embedded in the ceiling okay so this looks amazing so let's create some camera views so let's go into level one go camera kind of go from here like that okay this works really nice so let's create a view like that and let's see let's do one more view and then I'm just going to render them so let's use something like I don't know something like this perhaps maybe stretched out a bit yeah so we can see this these shelves maybe that will look cool yeah okay so this looks nice and now I'm just going to go get the double R for render and let's go with medium and for printer just to make it a bit higher quality and here I'm just going to go artificial only for this one and then hit render okay this one turned out really nice and the other one turned out amazing as well okay but anyway that's pretty much it for this tutorial thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video and if you have any questions comments or suggestions for future tutorials leave them in the comment section below add me on social media I will be posting there now all the time and if you want to get exclusive access to all of the project files like this the D redesign that they did as well as this family that I use this light family that they created for this project as well as as being able to see the tutorial for that light you can become a Premium Member by supporting me on patreon and the link to that is in the description as well okay so that's pretty much it and I will see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 167,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, how to, autodesk, modeling, Living, room, interior, design, rendering, architecture, family
Id: zgxfoAAoco0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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