Detail / Callout in Revit Tutorial

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hey guys bulk marketed here and in today's tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to create this cool-looking detail in Revit now this is a detail which shows the connection between the wall the last floor as well as the roof so it's kind of a double detail in one so it's it looks quite cool and it's it is a challenging project but I think it's worth learning something like this because everyone that starts with Revit thinks that it's impossible to do specific detailing like this and it's actually not that difficult so I hope you learned something from this tutorial but before I get started I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot and if you haven't already I suggest you subscribe because they make videos like this every day ok so let's get started here I have just a small kind of a house and if I just go here on the graphic display options and turn on the transparency a bit you can see here I've got some roof construction over here and here I've got a gutter and so I've got a couple of elements already in place and if you don't know how to create this roof construction or this gutter I'm going to link some tutorials I did a lot earlier and all of these parts are explained so make sure to check that out if you don't know how to do that but now I'm just going to be updating this so or aligning it kind of so it looks more realistic so first I'm just going to go to a level one and create a section over here so here we're going to have a section like this and if we open up this section you can see if I go into vine over here you can see these are these over here are the beams so they're kind of underneath this whole roof and this here part this is insulation and these beams should be really going through this insulation material so what we're going to do is I'm just going to go here in 3d select this whole beam system and again if you don't know how to do this don't worry just go to the tutorial and below so I'm just going to open this up and now you just go here edit workplane to change the workplane you go pick a plane you go okay and then you pick this plane over here this is kind of a the plywood the the plywood layer so these beams should be underneath over there so now if I go in 3d you can see they're kind of embedded in roof so that's the first part that was important to do the second part as you can see here this this floor is actually going to the outside of the wall and if you know anything about construction details this is not how this looks like it's kind of a only on the structural part of the wall so to change that I'm just going to go here to level two and as you can see in level two we can't really see the wall layers because they're not being cut true so I'm just going to go and type in oops type in VR for view range and okay oh we're in ceiling plan okay let's go to level two okay and let's just type in VR for view range and let's change this to a hundred and you need to hit apply okay yeah and just go here to fine okay now we have all of these wall layers and what we're going to do now is we're just going to hit the tab a couple of times to select our floor go edit boundary and then we're just going to edit the boundary so it comes to this structural part of the wall and nowhere else or it's not going to go any further out so once you do that you hit finish and now let's go into our section over here so this is something that we're looking for because this floor is actually standing on this structural part and then we're building a second wall or a second structural part of the wall up here and then these insulation and all the finishing layers are kind of added on later later on okay one more thing here this wall can't really end like this this is probably some masonry units and we can't really end it like this with without anything we need to add a structural beam over here to hold everything in place and to do that we need to place it right here on this edge so I'm just going to go here to level two and the reason why I'm going to level two and not a level three is because when we're in level three we can't really see the layers so when we're going to level two here we can see the layers and now we can place our beam a lot easier so I'm just going to go to structure to beam or just BM is the shortcut if you want to use that and if you don't have any concrete beams just go load family and here let's find structural framing concrete rectangle open it up add a type and duplicate then let's do 200 by 200 now this isn't really some special beam this is just to hold everything in place over there so I'm just going to do this 20 by 20 and hit OK and then I'm just going to place it like this a it might seem a bit random but we're going to kind of put it back in place a bit later so now if we just type in VR and here I just suggest you put these two at unlimited and then let's turn this to wireframe and now we can actually select and move around our beam so I'm just going to use the align tool and hit the tab a couple of times so I can align it to this part over here this is the kind of the finished material and this is the structural material and now if we go into our section you can see here's our beam and we can't really move it up and we can change its reference level but what we can do is go here into copy based align to selected level levels and go into level 3 and here we go and now we can select this one and delete and now we also need another structural framing part or another beam over here so we need to duplicate this beam and the upper one will be made out of wood because this whole the whole roof will stand on it so what do you do you select this one you go again copy based align to selected levels level 3 and now it's all orange because it's overlapping but don't worry you just scroll down over here while while everything is selected and the Z justification you go from top to bottom and now it's up here and now you can just change it to your temper or whatever you have for your wood beam okay so once this is done you have something to place your roof upon and now you need to lower the whole whole roof down and you do that just by selecting the roof and find the offset here we have base offset let's let's try - 26 centimeters let's try - 3035 okay this looks fine okay so now everything's in place and now we need to create a call-out so I'm just going to go here to view and you need to find the call-out so you select the call-out and then I'm just going to select something like this so this is the detail I'm looking for and now we can select this and kind of move it around I can perhaps place it over here and to open this call-out out you just double click this here so it works exactly like levels and now let's change the scale to 1 to 20 I think this is fine and we can turn off this ten lines or maybe keep it I don't know yeah maybe we can keep it for this and let's make sure that our that we have all the detailing here at detail level at fine so this is something that we get ok so this is really just the starting part so now it's time to start detailing so the first thing I like to do is like to set the materials to make them look a bit better so I'm just going to select this floor over here go into edit type editor the structure and here for this concrete let me just change this to some tight edge like this diagonal crosshatch and here because this is rebbit 2019 we have this option of background hatch and let me add some light gray for this concrete go apply ok so this is now as you can see we've changed this now for this structure this is just a concrete block or masonry unit I'm just going to leave it as is now here we have some insulation material and I'm going to change it to yellow because usually in my country we paint ice insulation materials yellow so that's because I don't know it looks warm so just go apply okay okay now let's just hit OK why okay and this is what we get so we get some yellow materials over here we have this concrete material over here and let's change this to that same concrete just you have the same material showing so just go here cast and suit go apply okay and here let's add some wood materials so let's scroll down okay this is some soft wood so let's add a pattern over here and here we have some wood patterns go apply okay and it looks like this it looks real nice but we can also kind of color it a bit I think that would look cool so let's do solid and let's try some wooden material I don't know something like that might look cool yeah I like it okay so let's move on so now we need to join some of this because this doesn't really look right so you just go here to the modify tab you go join and we're going to be joining these two and as you can see immediately here it made this join but as you probably know from how these details usually look like we need to have some concrete over here in the end so we can just extend this layer down here and create kind of a concrete slab over here now how do you do that you need to go here to the view and you have this cut profile option you select that you select this material over here and now you just add whatever you want so you just add more material over here so I'm just going to use this as a reference so let's let's leave this at five from this line so this should be five centimeters and let's trim and place this here and here is just where should it contain so just leave this this little arrow pointing outward and go finish or sorry pointing inward yeah this looks right now you need to kind of make this line over here disappear and you're going to do that just by selecting it or just going here to cut profile now you select this material over here if you can find it yeah and now you cut it over here and this arrow basically shows is it continuing or which part of the material to keep so we don't want to keep this we want to give it just this part so you make sure that arrow is pointing this way and you just go finish okay so this part of the detail looks right so now we need to fix this up over here so usually you don't want to have insulation going all the way out you want it to finish kind of over here so it's transforming transferring from the wall all the way into the roof so how do you do that first let's cut this angle off over here because we don't need that one so you just go again interview cut profile select this thing you create one line like so make sure it's make sure it's going like this yes I'm in and make sure that this this little arrow is pointing inward and you just go finish yeah that looks right now you go again got profile you select this insulation over here you just pull a vertical line from over here up to the end make sure that it knows to keep this part so you just go finish and then we need to cut out this line over here because we don't really need it to so again you need to go here to view cut profile select this and just go kind of like this and make sure that this is pointing in the other direction so it's keeping the other part okay and let's connect this to this so you just go here and again cut profile select this and now we're going to be adding to the material so start from here go all the way up here finish it here and make sure that the arrow is pointing inward and that looks right right now okay so we have this insulation going like this and we have this kind of a ugly and over here so how do you fix this part so what you need to do is you need to actually create some sort of a huge material so just go to annotate and you have this region and we have this filled region or solid black now we're going to go into edit type and change this into solid white so duplicate now let's call it solid white and let's change this color fill pattern and of course we have two of them so I'm just going to put both of them on white and now let's just make something that goes like this all the way here and kind of close it up okay so we have this part and now I'm just going to add some some of the wooden material that kind of closes all of this up and you can add this just by using region again or just by doing detail lines so first I'm just going to do this part over here so this is a line that goes usually kind of like this and I'm just going to pull it in over here just by two centimeters so this should be two yeah and just go finish okay now again selected go cs4 create similar so I'm just going to do another one over here and this should be closing off the end now I know you can use this you can create the same thing using here architecture and then roof and going with fascia and soffit but I found this doesn't really work very well when you're doing detailing it's cool when you're doing just 3d and it should look nice but if you're doing detailing it's better to do it manually in my opinion so now just to finish this off all of these kind of wooden elements down here so I'm just going to go annotate detail line rectangle and let's just do something like this and you select it and you kind of copied so let's copy it over here select multiple yeah I'm not being too precise but you get the point okay so we have these materials over here and this can be you can leave a little holes in here to just ventilate this area if it's necessary okay so let's fix this detail over here now this is called a floating floor it's quite popular in my country I don't really know what it's like in your country but basically the floating floor is some sort of a sound insulation so you just wrap this insulation all the way over here so the whole floor will just look like it's floating and if this doesn't make sense don't worry it will make sense in a second so I'm just going to go here to view again cut profile select this thing and now I just need to make sure that this is going up a bit and then make sure to continue it's over here is the Filat tool over here kind of like that and then I'm just going to delete this side and go finish so you can see this is kind of floating so you can jump all over this floor in your concrete shoes and the guys downstairs won't really hear it and now we just need to fix these lines over here so again view cut profile select not that got profile select this just use Peck lines for this part so you connect this to that make sure that arrow is going in the other direction go finish and just one more time again just one vertical line over here finish yeah this detail looks right right now okay so what's what else is important to have on a roof and that of course is shingles so how do you do shingles so first I'm going to show you how to basically the method used just by creating something else so I'm just going to lay the brickwork over here and then we're going to use the same tool to create our shingles so if you go here on the annotate tab you have these annotation components or detail components and you have this repeating detail components so if I select this and go with the brick and if I just start going from here you can see we've got these brick elements so I'm just going to be placing brick elements over here on the outside and you get something that looks like this so it looks really cool it's gonna find an array of sort and let's use the same method to create here the shingles and I've already created a shingle family so I'm going to insert it so I'm just going to go here to insert load family go to the desktop shingle detail open it up and then I'm going to go again to the annotate tab component repeating component edit type duplicate let's just call this roof to keep it simple and let's choose the shingle detail and for the distance or for the spacing I'm going to go with eighteen because that's what I determined this should be and then let's start from here and go all the way up okay so we have our shingles and it's as easy as just pulling one line so that's quite cool and then you can of course adjust it over here later on and what sternum just to see what this looks like now this might be annoying when you turn on this thin lines and you can see you have these quite thick outlines of your walls and off your roof and in order to change that it's quite easy you just go into VG or visibility graphics and you kind of scroll down and you find let's find walls that should be down here okay walls and cut the lines and let's override this and let's override it with weight number two and do the same thing for roof so okay roofs cut lines override number two okay why okay yeah this looks a lot cleaner now and I like to keep these beams kind of a thicker line because I think it looks better it it's a beam it should be strong okay so what else can we add to this so let's add this here and her point where that connects this wooden beam to our concrete beam underneath and I'm going to be loading that in as a component so just go here detail component and you go load family and I'm just going to drop a folder back to go with the metric library and here you have these detail items and I'm just going to go to metal metal fastenings and then just scroll down a bit okay here you have anchor and you have the side view or the nut view sounds funny and just open it up and here I'm just going to choose this m12 size and just place it like so and then you can select it and you can kind of move it around a bit so I think this looks about right so we have our anchor point over here so our detail is looking quite good right now now let's add some insulation so just go here to insulation on the annotate tab to get this kind of a wavy align and for the width I'm just going to type in 16 because I think 16 is for this and here if I start from here okay and go down here yeah that's 16 and as far as this number for the the bulge if you go with a smaller number it will be a larger so I don't know how that works but that's how it works so keep that in mind and let's create another one over here that's 15 for the roof and let's do number 2 over here as well okay this should be 14 so you just select it and you go with the 14 and let's pull it in a bit over here so it doesn't stick out okay so this is looking quite alright right now and here I just like to add one detail line because it's annoying me to have this kind of a gap because it wouldn't really look like that in real life so just a one detail line like so I think it fixes it up quite a bit okay so if you want to add some text you can go here to the annotation and go with text and here as you can see right now we have no leader text so if i just type anywhere i can just start typing text nope and we can also go with one segment or a two segment or a curved line so if I go like this I can kind of place a line like this and let's just call this and I hope I have spelled that right yes I have okay so you get the point you can just add text like this so wherever you need to add something or you can use the material tags so if you want to say that this is common brick so you just place text like this okay so you get the point you can add anything basically that you want to annotate over here but now we have this ugly line where this kind of ends and I don't really like how it looks like and let's add some annotation adjustment for this to make it look a lot nicer so how do you do that again I'm going to go to annotation component and go a load family and here we have these metals fastings but let's go with general and here we have break line and if you don't know how I got to there you just go to u.s. metric or US imperial depending on what use detail item general break line open it up and you just go here and you hit the space bar so it aligns the way you want it to align and you place it and now it's actually inverted so I'm just going to go to rotate and rotate it by 180 degrees and you get something that looks like this and you place it and you extend it like this but make sure you don't draw anything over this because then you will have to delete this or bring it to front or whatever so I'm just going to go with create similar and create one over here kind of like that select it extend it a bit over here again create similar place it over here okay it's the wrong direction rotate 180 and now place it like so and let's make it smaller over here okay so this looks quite nice but let's say this is do tall of a detail you want to do it in some large scale and you don't want to use too much paper on it so I'm just going to delete this line for a second and here I'm just going to hit one of these lines and you see that you have this little X over everything so I'm just going to select that and you get something that looks like this it basically breaks the detail in half so I'm just going to grab all the way till this gutter part over here and here I'm just going to extend it just a bit like so and now we can select one of these and you get this little arrow over here and you can move it down so I'm just going to place it like that and then I'm going to use one of these over here and I think this is going in the right direction yes it is extend it a bit can we extend it yeah okay so this looks right and you do the same thing over here just inverted yeah that looks all right and you just scroll down over here and you kind of make this crop region invisible and you get something that looks like this and let's kind of pull this in fold this in as well and it's looking a mighty fine and just to make everything look even more professional let's add a grid line over here and grid lines usually go through this through this structural part so I'm just going to go here to a level one type in gr for grid and place it over here through the structural part just like so and then I'm going to scroll down to my call-out and there you go we have our grid line and let's just bring it down a bit and bring it up a bit over here okay so here we have our amazing detail done in rabbit alone so I hope you have learned a lot from this tutorial I know I have learned a lot just making it so thank you for watching and please subscribe like and share this video and if you have any questions comments or suggestions for future tutorials leave them in the comment section below thank you for watching and have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 292,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, Cut profile, Text, Callout, Repeating Detail component, Insulation, Break line, Detail component, wall, connection, detail, bricks, roof, shingles, family
Id: FmjpCous9IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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