5 tips and tricks in Revit I Wish I Knew When I Started!

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what's going on guys Balkan architecture and in today's tutorial I'm going to be sharing with you these five amazing tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I started modeling in Revit but before I get started I would just like to ask you to like this tutorial it helps me out a lot and if you haven't already I suggest you subscribe because I bring you these cool tutorials each week about three each week also if you want to download all of my Revit project files or if you want to get access to some of my advanced 1-hour Revit courses I've got 10 out so far check out the first link in the description for my patreon you can get access to those over there ok with that out of the way let's get into these 5 amazing tips and tricks for rabbit so the first one is going to be modifying lines and rabbit usually when people are talking about Revit they keep complaining about the rabbit making these lines that they don't like and they don't want to see well rabbit has actually a tool to help you with that so before I do anything I'm just going to go here to South elevation and just add a few more levels so I'm just going to select this this elevation and I can right click and go create similar to create a new one so that's a just a small tip along the way it's not included in these 5 tips don't worry and also for that create similar option you can use the shortcut CS so just select something and type in CS and it's going to allow you to create a similar element okay so we've got a few levels over here right now so I'm just going to go into maybe I don't know 3d and let's go with a wall tool and let's do a simple wall over here now I'm going to select it and I'm just going to attach it to go from base constraint level 1 up to a top constraint of level 2 and then I'm just going to multiply it so maybe you have a multiple floors so you would like to have a wall stack on you stacked on each other so you go here to you would go here to copy on the modify tab go to paste align to selected levels and then you would choose the rest of the levels hit OK and you've got a bunch of these walls okay here we have some problems but let's fix it okay here's the problem there we go okay so once I've stacked these walls you're going to notice that here we have these lines between the walls and sometimes you're going to have it in Revit does this in multiple cases so it's really annoying to have these lines and the way you can kind of fix that is to use the line work tool but before we can use the line work tool what I suggest you do is you create a new line an invisible line or a no line so to speak so what I'm going to do is go here to the manage tab go to additional settings here we have line styles I'm going to open that up and just go to new lines styles and let's call this one no line so we've got a line that's called no line I don't know why I entered an O okay no line is this okay this is a P okay I'm not really good with spelling today okay so we've got no lines and it's called no line and the just for the color I'm going to make it white so it kind of blends in with the rest of it so I'm just going to hit apply okay and now we've got this new line style so if I go here to modify I can go here and use this line work tool as you can see the shortcut is LW so I can also type in that just LW and here we have it's activated so here you choose the line you want to use and I'm just going to go with my no line and then you go here on the project and you pick a line that you want to just apply your new line style so this tool allows you to apply a new line style to here so if I just select this line and apply this no line line style it disappears well it just turns white so you can't see it so I can do this for multiple lines I can also do this for these lines as well so it looks like this okay it looks weird but you get the point you can play around and kind of fix the line work if you don't like some of the lines that are existing you can actually manually change the line style this is similar to AutoCAD where you can manually change some of the lines okay moving on this was very cool so let's just delete these four walls for now okay so we've got this one wall down here right now so I'm going to go just to level one and here for this wall let's change it let's make it maybe some thicker wall so for the second tip in Revit that I'm going to be sharing with you is to kind of cope the wall ends in Revit and how to wrap them so if I go and change this to maybe brick on metal stud so let's do this and if I go here and make it fine as far as the detail level goes we're going to add some layers over here now once we've added these layers you can see the wall kind of ends flat but you probably know about the option of of layer wrapping so if I select this wall going to edit type and here when they go into structure you're going to notice that for these all of these materials we've got this wraps option so basically wrapping one material over the other usually you would wrap the finishing materials over the structure material so all of these materials are wrapping but here on the end it doesn't wrap well that's because we have this default wrapping options so we've got that up option both for inserts and wall ends so let's talk first about wall ends here let's say we want to wrap the exterior layers around the core so here if I just change this to exterior go okay hit apply there we go so it wraps around the structural core I can also flip that to interior so if I go at its type go here and switch that to interior hit okay apply okay it seems like nothing has happened that's because we've got this thick exterior line but if I go into ten lines you're going to notice that the interior finish is wrapping around and going all the way to the exterior also if I were to go here and add maybe door let's add a window okay window as well let's go with a bigger one like this there we go so we've got this window we've got this door let's flip it to the other side so we've got these two elements and let's place them here and now let's go into this type okay first you need to select the wall go into edit type and here go into structure and here I'm just going to do a default rapping at inserts inserts are all of the doors and windows in your wall and let's go with exterior hit okay apply and there we go now it wraps all of the layers up to the centerline usually so this is the center line of the wall is going down the middle so it's probably wrapping those layers around up to the centerline of the of the family here that's inserted so the central line of the door is obviously over here and the central line of the window is up here where the window actually is also you can do that for the interior so against like the wall going to type so you just switch this to interior and go okay ly and there we go so it's kind of wrapping it over here as you can see so those are those options for wall wraps and it looks a lot better right now okay moving on let's go with tip number three and tip number three is going to be adding additional walls as well layers so in this case if I go into 3d we have this door over here we have this window over here but this wall is the same material on the inside going from bottom to the top now let's say you want to have an additional finish maybe some ceramics or something like that that's just up to like one meter one and a half meters something like that maybe in the bathroom or something like that where you want to cover it and protect a certain part of the wall from water damage but you don't want to do it on the whole wall well in that case you can use additional walls as just additional covering materials so this isn't anything new but I am going to show you a problem that appears with these openings and then of course how to fix it so I'm just going to switch this to floor plan maybe flip this to the other side just so here on the interior it looks like this so we've got this whole opening okay let's go back to level one I'm going to go here to the walls and let's go whether the basic wall going to edit type and let's just duplicate it and call it finish wall hit okay and here I'm going to go into structure and let's just change the thickness to something like 20 millimeters let's say that's enough go okay and here just for the height leave it at unconnected and I'm going to go with 1200 millimeters and for the location line I'm going to go with the finish face exterior and then let's place it over here just as an additional layer so if I place it over here just like that you're going to notice that now it covers this opening that's because all of these openings in Revit like doors and windows are only cutting the void in the initial wall on which they're placed if we go into 3d it's nice that we have this finished layer but again it's covering up the opening well the trick to solve this is to go to modify and use the drawing tool so if you just join these two walls this void from the door or from the window is going to actually be cutting through it so that's just an option on how to do this in Rabbit okay moving on to tip number four and tip number four is going to be all about all about curtain walls and how to fix them up let's go here to wall and then I'm just going to go with storefront and let's create a curtain wall over here now this is a quite small so I'm just going to extend it a bit okay here we go so we've got a curtain wall over here and we can also modify these mullions so first let's let's just go into the floor plan and just flip this wall to the other side so the glass is on this side let me now go back into 3d okay so here I've got the same emollient for both the top and 4d for the exterior for the exterior type but also for the interior type so for all of these interior models will get the same type or the same dimensions of the malian as for the exterior ones we can of course change this so if I just select this curtain wall and if I go here into edit type I can scroll down a bit and here maybe for the vertical and for the horizontal ones for the interior type let's choose something smaller like the 30 millimeter square so let's do that for both of these interior types hit apply okay and there we go now we've got the smaller ones on the interior side now when I scroll out you might see that here I've got some problems so because these now types are smaller they're here emphasizing this gap that we have over here on top that's because this vertical malian is going through the exterior mullion now usually it won't be like this you would have these connect all the way through and for that we need a some system of coping these construction elements so for that you can actually select the malian and here you've got this little kind of a little toggle mullion join option and if I hit that it's going to disjoin the top one and then just reconnect these two and it can do that for the rest of these so that's how you can fix up these Malians also you can do the same thing over here so here the the vertical one is going all the way through and the horizontal ones are going like this but you can select it and then flip it so the horizontal one is the main one and that the vertical one is being split in half so that's really cool to note how to fix up these problems with the Malians so your curtain systems actually look quite good now when working with these curtain system this brings me on to my fifth and final tip for for Revit that I wish I knew earlier I can go here and go into edit profile and then I can play around with this profile I can remove the constraints and then finish and we get some really shape weirdly shaped curtain wall but if I were to go maybe in level 1 and let's create a new curtain wall so I'm just going to go with wall and here I'm going to go and attach to maybe level 2 or maybe even level 3 or let's go and connected with I don't know like ten thousand millimeters and let's go with an arc so I'm just going to go like this with an arc yeah just like that and let's just flip it to the other side and if I go into 3d we've got this big arc but if I go and select it as you can see now the edit profile option or and both the reset options are unavailable so I cannot really edit the profile of this but let's say I want to have a different profile on top I want to hear it a bit different what you can't do is let's go here in back into level one and let's add a reference plane first so you can go around this by adding a reference plane here oops that's like that let's try again reference plane you can use the shortcut RP and let's name this reference plane and let's call it help because it's helping us and let's go back into South elevation so here we can see this a curtain wall that we have and now I'm actually going to in create going to create a roof so just open up this drop menu and go to roof by extrusion here I'm going to pick this pickup plane by name and I'm going to go with my reference plane help go okay and here you can select the level this really isn't important in this case and here I can go and create maybe an arc like this so let's do something like that extended to just a bit on the outside and hit finish go into 3d and now we can play around with this extrusion roof like that so just make sure you attach it like this and make it go through this curtain wall now you can select the curtain wall go attach top base and attach it to this wall then delete all of the elements and now I can select the wall right click go here and do hide in view and hide element and there we go now we've got the descripton wall that actually has a curved top so that's how you can manipulate these manipulate these curtain walls to add a profile even though this is a curved curtain wall okay so that concludes these five amazing tips for in tricks for working in route that I wish I knew when I got started and you know because well I've shown you okay so that's pretty much it if you want to get these this project file as well as all of my Revit project files again as I said check out the first link in the description to my patreon also there you can find some advanced Revit courses that are over our along I've got ten of them so far and I make a new one each week okay so that's pretty much it thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video and if you have any questions comments or suggestions make sure to leave them in the comment section below thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 403,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, tips, tricks, curtain walls, mullion, join, cope, linework, lines, line, wrap, wraps, architecture, family
Id: lc0u10qB0j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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