Wall - Floor Connection in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and today in today's tutorial i'm going to be talking about the wolf lore connection in route so these are really important and they can be tricky sometimes just because there isn't really a special tool that kind of fixes all of your problems it's more of understanding the workflow and how to place elements on top of each other and the interaction between these two elements the walls and floors in Revit and how to fix everything up so you have a completely correct joint between these two elements so it's really important to understand the whole workflow and the whole methodology of building construction in order to assemble these two elements together correctly so that's what this whole tutorial is going to be about and now before we jump into that I would just like to ask if you liked this video it helps me out a lot with the YouTube algorithm and also make sure to subscribe I make useful tutorials each week also I make some beginner to intermediate courses and also make some advanced courses and all of those can be found on my website Vulcan Arctic comm and the link is going to be in the description of this video also if you want all of my rabbit project files check out my patreon that's going to be the second link in the description and there you can find all of my rabbit project files over 400 files as well as some of my advanced courses okay so without any further ado let's jump straight into the tutorial ok so here we are in a rabbit and we're just starting from a home page so in order to start in your project just go here to models go to new and then I'm going to choose the architectural template click OK and there we go ok so when it comes to creating walls and floors in Revit and when talking about wall floor connections the there are I guess two things that we need to talk about so the first one is going to be placing floors on already existing walls and then the second one is going to be playing around with the detail of the connection itself so let's get started first with the placement so in order to demonstrate that what I'm going to be doing first is just placing some walls so I'm just going to go here to the wall command and for this make sure you that you're using some of the more complex walls that has all the layers because you want to have the main structural layer but you also want to have all of the additional thermal and finish layers as well so I'm going to go with the exterior brick on metal stud and then let's create a simple rectangle something like this there we go now this is 8,000 millimeters or 8 meters so that's going past the second level on which our floor will be so this is quite all right now if I just go back to the modify tool and let's jump up to the second level and let's zoom in a little bit ok so once we have this the first thing that I want to do is to show off all of the layers inside of this wall this is really important so what I'm going to do is turn the detail level from coarse and define and now as you can see we can see all of the details now in this case you can see all of the lines because I have the thin lines option turned on if it was turned off it would look like this and as you see over here for example it would mask out the interior finished layers so we have to turn this back on to see this interior finish layer there we go ok so when it comes to placing floors I see a couple of mistakes people that that people make so the first mistake that I see is when they go here to the floor usually using the rectangle tool they create something like this so they go all the way on the outside of the wall now this is of course a mistake for a couple of reasons so if I just finish this the first reason is and let's go and create a simple section running through this open that up so the first reason is because your floor is going to go all the way through and let's use a more complex floor I don't know let's go with something like this let's turn on the layers there we go ok so as you can see a your structural part of this floor maybe turn on realistic there we go the structural part of this floor is going all the way to the facade of the building and then it's cutting up the cutting up all of these here all of the thermal layers and now if I were to go to the 3d view it would look like something like this so it's super annoying to have all of these lines appear on the exterior side of the building and now of course you can fix that up really quickly by going to the modify tool and using the line work tool just set it to the invisible lines and then you can get rid of some of these lines which is kind of useful in some cases but still you're going to get that ugly white line that appears over here so it still doesn't complete the job it's sort of a a cover-up it doesn't do exactly what you want now the second thing that they see people do and let's go back into level to select that floor by hovering over the wall hitting the tab key a couple of times and then you select the wall and let's go into edit boundary and get rid of this the second thing that the ICP will do is again go to rectangle and then place a floor on the interior side now this is wrong again because if you open up your section you will see that now the floor isn't really resting on anything so it would basically fall in the side of the building and that's again not something that you want to have happen and so again this isn't a great solution this is well this is just wrong structurally speaking so the only way to place these floors correctly on walls is to do this so let's go back here until level to go into edit boundary and let's get rid of this now what I'm going to be doing next is going here to the pic walls tool and then we have the option to extend into wall core so what does this mean we have the core of the wall that's this layer over here this one the the thickest one and that's the core or the structural part of the wall so you want your wall to be or your floor to be aligned up to here so up to this point so you want to go up to that point so it's resting on the structural part of the wall but the not splitting or cutting in half the thermal or finish layers that are on the outside so you have a more thermally efficient a building design and of course more static design because you don't see the floors on the exterior of the building so in order to create this it's really useful because we have this back wall still and when we check this when I select the wall as you can see it will place a line exactly there on the exterior of the core same thing here same thing here and same thing here now you will get this little arrow that allows you to flip it so if it's on the wrong side by accident you just flip it on the outside so you want to be on the outside of that of wall core and once you're done with that you just hit the finish and there we go now here it says that we have some overlapping volumes that's okay I'm just going to click no at this point so now what we want to do is open up the section and still here we have a problem because it's gonna overlapping so you want to fix that by going here to join geometry and then you can join these two and there we go now we have a situation where our floor is going in or our floor is going inside of the wall it's cutting or splitting the structural part of the wall but then the finish layers are looking exactly how you want them to look you can do the same thing here so join this there we go looks perfect so that's exactly what you want to have now on the other hand you might have an additional problem and let's demonstrate that by selecting this existing floor and adding some finish layers to that so if I go here into edit type I go into structure go into edit let's add an additional layer so let's go to insert this will be a finish one layer material will be something like let me have some sort of a plastic floor or something like that I have no we can go with something like this I know it's good enough yes so let's say you want to have something like this or maybe some sort of a linoleum floor or some composite floor or some floor that you pour out and let's give it a thickness of something like one centimeter or yeah that would be ten millimeters like okay why okay that would look like this so in this case this layer is going to stop at this point here where it goes up against the wall now that's all fine and well but not in all cases you want to have this in some cases you're going to want to have a different connection for example in hospitals it's usually a good a good option to have this the floor extend up the wall by I don't know like five centimeters and then you want to have sort of a curved edge so it can be cleaned up a bit easier so for example in that case what you would have to do is you would have to customize this joint here now you're not going to do this on the whole model what you want to do is just fix that up in a certificate or a detail view so you can create a detail view or a call out by going here to the view tab I'm going to call out creating a quick call out like this and then we have this call out head and you just double-click on that and it will open up the call out of course make sure to change the detail level to fine so you can see everything zoom in in now let's fix this view up so what we want to do is modify this here finish layer so you can do that by going to modify by going to the View tab and then the graphics panel and here we have the cut profile tool so you want to select this tool and then you want to pick out the layer you want to modify once we have done that it goes into this orange outline and now we can modify it so we have to do this in a couple of steps the first step is to get rid of this little trunk that's underneath the wall layer because the wall layer is going to be on the wall finish layer is going to be placed first in construction and then you pour out to the floor so you just place one simple line like this cutting it off and then you have this arrow now the arrow is demonstrating which part of the layer you want to keep so we actually want to keep this part this one we don't need so just flip this around and then hit finish and this will happen so there you go now the next step will be to modify this again so again you go to cut profile select the layer and then you can go up here me by the value of 16 millimeters go here by 10 millimeters go down and then I'm going to extend it a little bit like this at the escape key a couple of times and then go in to fill it arc and fill it this just like that we can get rid of this small line segment make sure that this is still pointing towards the inside so we want to keep this whole part to finish and there we go so now we have that layer modified and adjust it to look exactly how we want it to look and we have a perfect little detailed presentation to show that off so there we go that's how you can create these cool these cool connections between floors and layers and SD and floors and walls and that's actually the correct way to go about something like this in Rabbit ok so if you want to learn more about Revit check out my website balkan arctic comm link is in the description there you can find all of my advanced courses as well as beginner courses where you can where I take you basically from the being a complete a beginner complete novice up to being a an intermediate level where you can finish your own Revit projects and work on actual real-life projects in Revit so if you're interested dad check it out also if you want all my Revit project files check out my patreon first a link in the description ok so that's pretty much it for this tutorial thanks for watching please subscribe like and share this video if you have any questions comments or suggestions make sure to leave them in the comment section below and you have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 40,239
Rating: 4.9666867 out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, easy, fast, quick, how to, autodesk, modeling, wall, floor, connection, parts, cut profile, detail, architecture, family, Structural
Id: kIbe3509On0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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