Stair Ramp Blend in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan architect here and in today's video we're going to be talking about one of my earliest uh videos here on youtube and that's the stair ramp blend video that they have created now this video is very popular it is done very well and i have figured out how to create this really cool staircase that kind of combines a ramp and a staircase it's very popular in urban planning and just kind of urban spaces to kind of just make an interesting blend between a stair and a ramp uh now that video did have some issues that have some uh kind of the final product didn't look as good as i would hope for so i decided to revisit that now with my current revit knowledge and hopefully let's fix those issues up and let's make it look perfect so that's what we're going to be doing today now before i get into that if you're serious about learning rabbit and especially if you're serious about learning about stairs in a rabbit i actually have a whole course on stairs and railings in revit you can find that just below the video in the description the first link takes you to my website and there i have all of my courses so i take the extra time to go slowly step by step and explain all of revit's complex topics and all of kind of either beginner or intermediate as well as advanced level settings and options and tools that you have and i go slowly step by step and try to explain everything so you have kind of a deep understanding of how everything works so if you're interested please check it out also if you want my rava project files like this stair ramp blend that we're going to be creating today you can find that the following the second link in the description so just below this video that takes you to my patreon page and there you can find all of my revit project files also make sure to subscribe like and share this video helps me promote the video to other people that might want to see it and now without any further ado let's go straight into a rabbit and here we are in revit so let's get started immediately by going here to models then going to new and for the template file i'm just going to go with my architecture design template now you can check out my templates on my website that's going to be the third link in the description there you can also find my courses obviously but with this architecture design template you actually get a one-hour course included which is really cool anyways let's just click okay and then let's start up rabbit okay so here uh this is just the startup page let's go straight into level one like so and then i'm just going to be setting some things up at first and then we can set up our start drawing our model or creating our model so first you want to go here to elevations in the project browser open up the south elevation and then you want to change the levels so the level one will stay at zero the level two should go up to 80 or 68 centimeters and then finally we need one additional level so that's going to be this hero level ll is the shortcut place that level here and then you can hit the escape key a couple of times let's select that level and then here for the in the properties for the elevation this one should be at 136. hit enter there we go okay finally you have this little elbow add elbow option so i'm just going to add that elbow just to make this a little bit more readable same thing goes here break this go up to here and then add that elbow and now you can see we can see the heights for each level as well as the names okay so the next step i want to add the walls on each side of this stair so for that let's go back to our level one floor plan let's go to the wall tool here i'm just going to be using my exterior wall the regular one and then let's place a couple of them now here for the top constraint instead of level two let's make it go unconnected up to okay we can go up to 200 centimeters that's okay okay so uh just place a couple of segments uh side by side just like so and then for the distance between them uh i'm just going to go with 800 centimeters okay now let's place it a little bit more centered like so there we go okay uh finally before we go and model the stairs and the ramps uh you want to set up some sort of framework to help you out with laying out the design so what i'm going to do is go here to the architecture tab go to the work plane panel and then i'm going to go to reference plane now i want to add one horizontal reference plane like so the next one should be at 90 centimeters offset just like so then the next one at 210. see how it says 210 place that one there and then finally another one at 90 centimeters distance just like so okay perfect uh finally we want to add a couple of vertical ones as well now these should be at 150 distance from the wall so this should be 150 and then this should be 150 leaving it with the total of 500 centimeters in between and once we have all of this in place we can finally get started modeling our ramp stair blend now you can start off either with the ramp or with the stair i just find the stair to be a little bit more natural to start with so let's get started with that you want to go here to the stair tool so it's architecture tab circulation panel go to the stair tool and uh for the properties you want to set this as a monolithic stair so just cast and place monolithics there that's the one to go for and then to place it instead of using just a run uh or just a straight run because this is a little bit more complicated well actually it's a lot more complicated you want to go with create sketch so let's go with that here we're going to be modeling the boundary or sketching out the boundary the risers as well as the stair path so let's go to the line tool and we start off here and this is where we use the framework so just one a vertical line here off to the side and then here you want to start and just make it like so see just a little zigzag line now to make it equal in both ways what you want to do is go here to the measure panel and go to the dimension tool if it's not there it's here and then you want to measure from here to here to here to here place the dimension and then hit eq so it makes it equal and then you just want to delete this then again the align dimension from here to here to here to here place it eq perfect okay so let's get rid of that and now once we have this we have to add the risers uh as well so for the risers you just click here on riser you go from here to here boom one done two done three done four done and finally you want to add the stair path so you just click here go up and you're done you hit finish and it's going to look like this now one quick tip because we're not going to be adding railing to this as it's not really necessary you can simply go here to the railing tool uh click or to derailing option in the tools and then you just set this to none you click ok and now once we hit finish as you can see it's not going to add any rails now you can always go to the 3d view and i do encourage this just to double check what this looks like and if it looks like this well you're on or you're on your way to creating this stair ramp blend uh okay moving forward let us now go back into level one and then let's model the second segment which we'll go over here so for the second segment again you go to the stair tool uh make sure it's the cast and place monolithic steer i know this one instead of going from level one up to level two it goes from level one up to level three see the the stair height is 136. okay so again we're going to be sketching this again going with the boundary first you do the one that's up against the wall because it's easy and then you go from here you go one step here then you go up to this one now it's not going to snap which is annoying but you can use that as reference then you go up to here then you go up to here and then you just go back just like that and finally finishing that over here hit the escape a couple of times and then we want to again make sure that everything is aligned properly so uh just horizontally speaking you can just use the align tool here so the align tool you click here and then you align this one click here align that one click here on this one click here on that one so that that's perfect and then you want to align it vertically so for that again we have to use the dimension so you go from here to here here to here to here to here to here to here we can place it there click eq everything is perfect you delete the dimension and we're done with that and then finally just add the risers so that's easy so just go risers you go one you go two here's third one the fourth one fifth sixth seven and finally the eighth riser finish and this is what we have okay so the stair immediately kind of recognized the direction so i think yeah it did so we didn't even have to use the the the the slope arrow which is useful okay so this is what we have i'm quite happy you just hit finish and this is the second part completed and then finally let's do the the last one so let's just go to level one uh now here you can see it's kind of cutting it off but that's okay that's exactly what it should do and uh for the final one it's basically mirroring the sketch so what you want to do is just go here to stare again the same stair but this one goes from level two up to level three so just make sure that that's set up again you go here to create sketch you go with the boundary from here to here that's the first one then for the second one it should go like this and then up to here and then finally up to here and there we go hit the escape key a couple of times and again we have to align that so the align tool is your friend here oops not that this and then this and there we go and for the second one we should use the align dimensions so from here to here to here to here place it there click eq perfect delete the dimension we don't need it anymore and then finally we just have to add the risers so for the risers you just go here to the riser one two three and finally four okay and let's add the stair path obviously it's not going to be necessary always but i like to add it just to make sure and now when we go to 3d view this is what that looks like and i'm really happy with the way that it turned out so far okay let's hit finish now let's add a couple of floors so for the floors what i'm going to do is just go here to the floor tool let's go into level one so here once you're in level one you go to floor uh you go to the line tool and then let's go from here up to there perhaps up to here just like so and then you wanna go up to here and close it off there perfect you hit finish and you're done now this one is set to decking i don't want that let's go to concrete yeah much better okay then you want to switch again or just go again to floor but switch the levels from level one up to level two and then you can just use a rectangle and create a rectangle like this so just from the bottom of this stair to the top of this stair and you hit finish and again let's change that to concrete and then finally on level three you go again to floor let's change that now to concrete here not carpet but concrete and then we can again use the line tool so you want to go from here to here and up and we can just go all the way to the outside now this one i didn't align there we go so again it just has this little notch here hit finish and we're done with that so now if i go to the 3d view it just looks like this oh i messed up the ramp or sorry i messed up the height so let's select this change the level to level three and now the heights are correct perfect okay so we're almost there we just have to add the ramps and then we have to kind of make it fit in so let me show you how you do that so you go back into your level one now here if it looks a bit odd you can always go to the side plan it's going to look a little bit better there we go okay so for the ramp i in instead of using the ram tool i'm just going to be using the floor tool that's what they what they found that works a little bit better so you go here to the floor tool you go to the line tool and then you just go like this you go boom boom boom following that gap in the stairs and the floors and just go all the way around just like so and you're done now obviously we have to add a slope arrow and the slope arrow will go from here up to there and then when you select that slope arrow you set the height at tail instead of default at level one with no offset so zero offset and then the level that he had should be at level two so when i hit apply and i hit finish it's going to look like that and when we go to 3d view this is what we have now don't worry about these gaps here we can play around with that later on but for now this looks really good okay so let's go back into level one or perhaps the site plan is better and now let's do the second one so for the second one actually what i'm going to do is select the first one uh go to mirror draw access and then check copy and then just mirror it like this around the center and this is what we get and then i'm just going to go to edit boundary select this and then just reverse it so the height at tail will be at level three and then the height at head will stay at level two so if i just hit finish that should do the job let's go to the 3d view this is what we have so it looks really really good and now as i said this is exactly what we had previously or in the previous video that they have created on this topic now let's talk about fixing this so how do you fix this and how do you make it look correct so let's see what i'm going to do is go here to components model in place and then you just want to go and use the generic models click ok generic model number one that's perfectly fine click ok and now it's time to fix this all up now what we're going to be doing is cropping our ramp where we don't need it and then we're going to be adding some stairs where we will require that so for example let's start off with the kind of carving out the things that we don't need and for example this is a perfect place where we should do that so what you want to do is go here to void forms and then go to void extrusion then you want to go to set work plane and then let's pick a plane click okay and let's pick this top face here then let's go to rectangle tool and then find this end point and then just go out just like that hit the escape key a couple of times and that's what we have now you might want to go here to the align tool and just align uh this line here with the line of the stair and that will be perfect hit finish and then as you can see this just gets extruded up now you want to copy that to here and to here and to perhaps make it a bit quicker you can well actually use the copy tool so you just select this uh let's go to the south elevation just like this uh then you go to copy make sure to unconstrain it and then make sure that multiple is checked and then you go from here to here to here perfect and here it might need a little bit of extending like so perfect then you go back to the site plan and then this one we need to move by one step and then this one we have to move by a couple of steps there we go okay go to the 3d view this is what we have and now finally we just use the cut geometry we select the ramp but first we can check multiple cut and then you select the ramp you go click click click and that's what we get and as you can see now this looks a lot smoother than it did previously moving forward we have to repeat that up here on this ramp as well so again it's the same process you go to create you go to void forms void extrusion set work plane and in this case again pick a plane click ok and then let's pick this plane here again a rectangle go out like that use the align tool to align it here might be a bit too long now let's go with that hit finish perfect then you go to the south elevation you go to copy make sure to uncheck constraint and check multiple you go from here to there and then up to here perfect again this one may need some extending and then this one as well and then finally you go to the side plan and you move this one by the value of one step and then this one by the value of two steps and it goes up to there you go to the 3d view and then again cut make sure that multiple cut is checked you select the ramp and then you took and you're done with that okay let's cancel out of this perfect now we do have to add to this uh stair a little bit so for that uh what we'll do is just go here to the side plan or sorry the south elevation and then you go to architecture you go to oops i accidentally exited out of this so let's select this generic models so just come here as you can see it highlights the voids so you click edit in place there we go so we're back in our family okay so let's go back to south elevation you go to extrusion pick a plane click ok and then you pick this plane here you hit the tab key a couple of times so that could be this plane here and then you just go use the lines so you go up to here there here you can go to the 3d view just to double check that looks good to finish and it's going to extrude that and then you can just align it to this part here perfect and then you just repeat that process so you can even do this in 3d so you just go here to create extrusion set work plane pick a plane click ok and then you fix this up for example so you click this one this one and this one and then you use trim and extend to corner to make it right just like so you hit finish you extrude that up to there perfect and then finally for this one here it's the same process so create extrusion and then pick my pica pick lines or sorry pick up set work plane first did they pick this one already i don't know anyway so let's go with this one this one and then this will follow here and then again you trim and extend just like so and you finish that extend it perfect uh you might try join geometry but i'm not sure if it's going to work see it doesn't work here so that's too bad uh and there we go uh now uh there might be issues such as these openings here uh now you can fix that by again creating an element that fits in there so you can do that if you want uh you can go again to extrusion set work plane in this case pick a plane click ok and pick this face here and then you can just pick this line this line and this line and then trim and extend so basically all of those little mistakes that happen in between that are kind of unfortunate but i guess they're necessary well you can fix them just like so same thing goes with this opening here so create extrusion set work plane pick a plane pick this plane here and then again just pick the lines trim and extend fix the lines and then you extrude it back into the stair so there we go this is what well this would look like now i'm just going to kind of speed through the top part and then i'm going to show you the end result and in the end this is what we get so let me just finish this model and this is what that stair looks like now as i said you might try joining these geometries but obviously it doesn't work perfectly it's not going to join up with the stair so what you might want to do alternatively is to turn off silhouettes so it won't show these ugly black lines so that's one option so i would just go here to uh graphic display options now they're grayed out because uh this has been overridden for graphics purposes by my template but i can override that here in the view template turn that to none apply and now if i change the silhouettes from wide lines to none it's going to look a little bit better a little bit easier on the eyes and then also you can use the align work tool and just use the invisible lines and that might help in some of these transitions see now it might be a little bit annoying to do that but if you want it to look perfect in your presentations unfortunately that's the the only way to fix this part so you just have to go one by one and fix all of the the ones that you don't like or don't want to see so that means this line this line here this line there and so on so let me just fix this as well and then i'm going to be showing you the kind of the finished product what that would look like if all of these were fixed and this is kind of the end result uh when i refine it a little bit i think it looks really really good i think it looks clean much better than that original video but it did take a bit more work so tell me in the comment section below do you like this approach do you perhaps have a more efficient approach that will get you to the same end result with of course saving some time so i i would be interested in in learning something like that anyways thank you for watching this video uh make sure to subscribe like and share this video and if you want to get uh my courses or my revit templates you can find all of them on my website that's going to be in the description okay thank you so much for watching this video and i'll see you soon with another balkan arctic tutorial have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 26,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, stairs, stair, stairs in Revit, ramp in revit, revit stair, revit ramp
Id: X8DYuiIHd5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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