Antique Mall Vlog! ⟡ Remember Yesteryears

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[Applause] foreign welcome back to another little Vlog we are going antiquing today I'm headed to remember yesterday's in Oakdale New York if you know me this is my place [Music] how cute is this pink haired mask face doll absolutely adorable [Music] porcelain dolls are usually not my thing but this one just caught my eye I thought she was adorable and she's pink of course this clock though like oh my God stunning this teapot is so cute but I have like a billion [Music] spotted a little composition baby I didn't end up picking her up but she is so cute I love these foreign [Music] this was probably my favorite finds and I'm gonna go into it more later foreign I ended up picking this little shabby Chair for My vanity as usual leaving with a whole pile of things this is a Victorian piece put together by somebody with some Valentine's Day cutouts I just couldn't pass it up foreign girly she's so cute I picked up this adorable pillow from that same booth that I got the chair from here's a more in-depth um clip of this vintage Valentine's Day cut out book foreign [Music] foreign I really liked the teacup salt and pepper shakers but I ended up finding these and I thought they were a little bit more my style so I ended up with these ones this was such a hassle to get off of Booth wall but I picked up this beautiful piece it has vintage plates in it and I also got this shabby drape curtain type of thing I forgot what they're called but here's some of the cutouts yes I didn't take my tree down yet leave me alone I also made a short stop at Joann's and I picked up some things I got this stamp I got some pink ink to go with it also got some roses to make like clothing and other stuff for crafts green ribbon oh that's white green ribbon smaller green ribbon and then I just got some lace here's where the carousel stamp looks like I'm gonna use these for when I'm packing orders and stuff [Music] [Applause]
Channel: vintageheart
Views: 375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2v0H7KdIN_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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