SOLVED 21 Year Old Missing Persons Case (Erin Foster & Jeremy Bechtel)

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For those curious: "Investigators relayed to NewsChannel 5 that the rusted structure of Pontiac was pulled from the river and is basically intact, with human remains found inside the vehicle."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fenixstorm1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man. This a heartbreaking video. Did not expect to watch the whole thing but it was just captivating.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlmostARockstar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy seems a lot more genuine than the other channel that goes and does this type of thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JoJoRockets52 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am having trouble understanding the sonogram pictures. Why is there a yellow and red line top to bottom? Why is the picture mirrored?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eatlessbuyetf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would there be anything left of the bodies after 20 years?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bonsainick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this growing trend of divers on Youtube going out and trying to solve cold cases. It's fascinating work, and brings much-needed closure to grieving families. With so much crap in the world, videos like these are a bright light.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigHaircutPrime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Were they on an Unsolved Mysteries or something back in the day? I never lived in TN, but I recognize their pictures for some reason. What an incredible find.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Havok417 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for making me discover this amazing channel!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Andrew_Clarence πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit! A YouTuber went out and just solved two 21 year old missing persons cases? This is kind of unbelievable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DontWreckYosef πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] whoa that oh okay uh that's 100 a car right in front of my face just it just i've been looking all day and i finally found a car let's just get in the water let's go for a dive see what's down there [Music] [Music] this is exploring with the nug my name is jeremy and today we are back in sparta tennessee to continue the search for the two missing teenagers that vanished over 20 years ago the last video i posted i made a big error and i wanted to correct it right now the car that they went missing in was not a 1998 pontiac grand dam that you could see right here in fact it was a pontiac 1988 grand am and you can see that right here and if we compare these two pictures you can see that they do look different but they are the same color black and they are pontiac grand dams same tag number so it's still going to be easy to identify but i just wanted to correct that for you guys so you do know so the plan today is i have three places i want to search the first place is called cane hollow and essentially it's a camping site slash fishing ramp it's kind of by the lake and it's a place that i've heard that uh kids used to go and hang out and camp out and party and whatnot have campfires and uh this was a place that aaron and jeremy would have frequented back in 2000 so i want to search this water really good and see if there's anything out here the second location is a place called three island boat ramp and essentially it's a boat ramp at the very end of a road called three island road i'm gonna go there search that section of the water really good if there's anything out there you're going to be the first one to see it and if not we will move on the third location is a river right in sparta and it's called calf killer river pretty creepy name if you ask me but whatever i want to search that because there are there's a boat ramp and i'm going to start there i'm going to search that area and this section of the river runs along the road which tells me that at any point going down this road a car could have went off the road and crashed simple as that there is a guard rail there but i don't know 20 years ago maybe there was no guard rail so it'd be very easy for a car to crash into that river so we're going to search the river really good and if we don't find anything after these three locations then i'm going to pass on the investigation to you the viewers you guys tell me if i need to be searching anywhere else and uh and what i should do from there because honestly this is the last places that i could think of searching that they might be okay that's enough talking for me let's get right into this and let's start shooting some sonar and see if we can find these guys by the way if you do think that i'm doing a great job and you'd like to donate and support the cause there's gonna be all kinds of links in the description down below you could donate a dollar you could donate 100 it's up to you and if you don't have any money to donate that is no big deal just watch the video comment down below tell me how good of a job i'm doing to keep me motivated to continue searching for missing people all right let's start searching the water hopefully they're out here somewhere [Music] all right so i've already spoken with uh the local sheriff here in sparta tennessee he told me there's a mercedes out here that's only been here a few months so we so if i find a car that could be the mercedes so technically i'm gonna look over this area really good and if there's more than one car out here i'm gonna get really excited but if it's just one car i'm going to assume that's the mercedes so let's start looking and see if we can find the location of the mercedes and any other cars that might be out here all right so i've been out here for about an hour scanning this one section and uh i don't see but one car so there's the car right there not a very good shot but definitely you're able to tell it's a car uh so as much as i wanted to find him at this spot it doesn't look like they're here there's only one car in this spot and that's the mercedes and we're gonna worry about that one later but while we're here in town there is another spot that i heard of that jeremy like to fish at so let's pack up head over to that spot and shoot some sonar over there all right we're at the second spot second location i might tell you what this place is really pretty very quiet nobody out here so we can keep to ourselves do our thing and not bother anybody let's get the boat in the water see what we can find so location number two is definitely looking like a bust uh i haven't seen anything in the water and um i've been looking for a while there are some huge uh balls of bait fish out here but on the bottom it's just sand and mud there's not even any boulders really so i mean if there was a car out here it would jump off the screen at me but uh let me show you what i'm looking at out here and then uh we'll pack up and then we're gonna head over to spot number three see that huge blob right there in the center of the screen that's a bait ball or a ball of fish small minnows and stuff that swim around but usually when there's those there's big fish feeding off of them but i don't really see any big fish right now a couple of them pop up on the screen but nothing really to uh take home unless you're gonna eat it i don't know what i'm talking about i don't fish so location number two i'm gonna say is cleared there's not one vehicle out here there's really hardly anything even in the water i mean there's a few fish and some big old bait balls but literally everything you're looking at right now is what's here a whole lot of mud and dirt and the occasional boulder that means we need to wrap it up one more time head to location number three check it really good hopefully we find something there because today we are striking out and i'm running out of places to search it's kind of disappointing me but you know what we'll keep going see what happens this is the last shot last spot that i know of to hunt this river looks amazing so uh if there is a car out here there's going to be no problem finding and diving on it but uh we're running out of daylight so let's get out here and see who we can find all right let's fly that back some see what we can find so i'm scanning right now i've been on the water here about 20 30 minutes like i said haven't i've seen a few things that you know kind of looked like a car it's possible there are a lot of trees out here though so i don't know if it's actually a car or not whoa that oh okay uh that that's uh that's okay that's 100 a car right in front of my face man okay didn't expect that didn't expect that a bit that uh found a car we found a car you saw it i saw it oh no now what are the chances what are the chances oh no i'm lost i'm lost for words it just it just i've been looking all day and i finally found a car can it be them let's go over it again it's yeah it's coming up right here so we're looking at like 13 feet and the water is 46 degrees which is bone chilling but i do have a dry suit so we're good here comes the car again we went right over it you don't get a better picture than that and dude you can even you can almost tell the shape of it and i'm not gonna lie man that looks like i'm not gonna say it i'm not gonna say what kind of car it looks like because i know what kind of car i want it to be but i mean it's got a short trunk and it's got a long nose you know okay okay we're good we're good let's do one more pass over it uh just because it looks so awesome on sonar and then we'll mark it and then we we got we got to put eyes on it i mean that's obviously the next step we got to do and if that's the car that's that's the car but let's not do it ahead let's not get to it ourselves i'm getting crazy but uh yeah the nose is oh yeah that's there's no denying it that is a thousand percent a car and it's sitting perfectly there you go there you go oh i'm so happy i've been searching all day and found a car now i don't want to get too excited because finding a car is one thing you know like i found a car whatever you know but if that's aaron and jeremy's car uh then that's gonna be super huge that's a 20 year old cold case that uh we just solved but let's not get too ahead of ourselves next step we got a market with the buoy we got to get the dive gear on and we got to dive it and see what it is so uh let's uh let's get back to the truck like i said we're running out of daylight right now so we're gonna have to come back and dive this probably tomorrow luckily the power of editing you don't have to wait for that all right i spared you all the boring parts of setting the boat up and so because you've already seen it many times before but we're on the river we're heading down here to the car right now pretty pretty textbook mark it with the buoy go down and dive it see if it's them all right so we're pretty much here where the car is at i'm going to be using the live scan to mark it let me uh know this thing in neutral so i don't pass the car up but it's essentially right in front of me maybe a little bit off to the right it's going to be really easy to see with this live scan so i'm going to uh i'll show you exactly what i'm looking at and then we'll uh we'll drag it with the magnet and see if we can hook it all right so we got it running it's a lot of interference on this for some reason you can see right here the waves i guess but that's the first time i've saw that but we'll still be able to see this car when it comes up it should be right in front of us should show itself there it is there we go there we go all right that's a solid hit so we got it snagged now let's uh see i gotta park there all right we got it marked so let's go back to the truck gather everything up drive down here get the gear on dive it see if it's them all right i got my dive gear on uh next step is to get down in the water see if this is them so uh let me get the tank on my back and get down the water and then uh take a dive see what's up i'm really excited about this nervous too i mean it's just a lot of mixed emotions you know i mean i think this is them but i don't know for sure so let's not let's not get too ahead of ourselves i always say that but let's just get in the water let's go for a dive see what's down there uh so oh [Music] all the windows [Music] what's the point [Music] do [Music] [Music] 473. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're coming home they're coming home i uh i'm lost i'm lost for words i i'm so glad i could find them i'm so sad that that's where they ended up and i'm i can't believe it's been over 20 years they've been sitting there waiting for someone to find him and i'm glad i did i uh i don't know i just it's a weird mix of emotions i couldn't even i can't even explain it and uh but you know what this isn't about me this is about getting them home and we're gonna do that today so let's start making phone calls let's get people down here let's get them out of the water it's time hello hey is this sheriff paige it is hey this is jeremy i've been talking to you on facebook about uh aaron and jeremy yeah yeah i i i don't have i don't have an easy way to say it but i found them what swear to god i just dove the car um i got the tag uh it's in the river right here in town you sure it's the car i i dove it i confirmed pontiac grand dam tag number i got the tag off the car all the windows are up looks like they went around the corner and lost control and went off into the river oh my god you know how big this is i've been hearing but uh brother this is the this is the case of a lifetime for me and you awesome i'm glad i could help but yeah i'll be here waiting for you don't make any more phone calls okay stay right there i'm on my way to you okay all right brother all right see ya well i was gonna make some phone calls but uh you know what i'll honor his request uh we'll sit here we'll sit tight wait till he gets here and then we'll go from there how you doing first things first brother oh yeah this is amazing man we've been looking for these two kids let's take forever license plate oh my god i'm calling dispatch right now to run this tag okay and they've been here the whole time right down in there that's crazy that happened how deep is that that's like 10 feet i need i need you to run a tag for me and this is this is big when you're ready 473 echo john robert is that that the fosters okay we found the car um start a car for me right here right now okay this is the explorer with a nook watching your videos brother thank you thank you hey you just became white county's hero trust me that's awesome i don't hug him and everything man i just don't understand how big this is i told him that [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] [Music] aaron and jeremy been missing over 20 years they're going home [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Exploring with Nug
Views: 2,431,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solved missing person case, missing person, looking for missing teenagers, cold case, cold case files, 21 year old missing person, jeremy bechtel, erin foster, exploring with nug, cold case mystery, found car, car underwater, found car underwater, looking for lost teenagers, found car in river, scuba diving, scuba diving car, scuba diving missing person, looking underwater missing person, sparta tennessee missing person, missing persons cases
Id: AjL4TZse6hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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