SOLVED: Closure for Jimmy's Family | SUV Recovered 19-years Later [Final Ep4]

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- What is that? - See that? - See that, what is that? I repeat, we have discovered Jimmie's vehicle. - Copy that, 19 feet. (compelling music) (gentle music) - I would love to help you guys. I would love to be the one to rig that vehicle. We're still in Philadelphia. Is this something that's gonna happen on Monday? - [Dominique] It looks like it is. The crane company is available to do it Monday. Stingers is closed on Monday. So from a people gawking standby position, it's ideal, because the place is closed. - Yeah. - [Dominique] As soon as I have a definitive answer, I will call you and let you know. - Yeah, yeah. And then you can touch base with John Hummel. - Yeah. - [Dominique] And I would love for you to be there. And so would my family since you're the one that found Jimmie and covered this whole ball rolling for us of possibility of getting him back. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. All right, and any more help I can provide you guys, you got it, man. - [Dominique] Right. So like I said, as soon as I have an answer, I will shoot you a text - Okay. - And let you know for sure and give you a timeline. - Absolutely. - All righty. - Yep. Thanks, Doug, I appreciate it. - You're very welcome, Dominique. You have a wonderful evening. - Bye bye. - You too, have a safe day. - Yep, bye. - Bye bye. - Oh, so that was Dominique, Jimmie's brother. Supposedly the township contacted the barge company. The barge company requested in an astronomical fee to pull the vehicle out. Dominique knows a crane company that he's very close to, and the universe works in mysterious ways, because Dominique didn't even have to reach out to that crane company, because he knew the owner. The owner actually reached out to Dominique just to make sure he was okay, not even to, "Hey, I wanna pull the car out." It was just a, "Hey, are you okay? "I saw they found your brother." And he was like, "If you guys need "any of our help whatsoever with anything, "you just let me know." And Dominique, knowing what the barge company said, then explained it to the crane company owner, and the crane company owner was like, "We'll do it for free. "You have nothing to worry about." Actually, we can do this on Monday. The Stinger's Waterfront is closed on Monday, and obviously Dominique wants us to be there to do the rigging for the vehicle as we were the one to find the vehicle. Wouldn't surprise me if the Ridley Township Police Department isn't calling me soon to set that up. Now, this stuff isn't set in stone, but it looks like we're gonna be getting Jimmie's vehicle outta that river, the creek there on Monday. Universe has worked some mysterious ways and good things happen to good people, that the sense of community that this world still has is very special, very, very special. (inspiring music) - A mystery nearly two decades old may have just been solved in Delaware County. - Divers believe that they found the remains of a local man who disappeared back in 2003. Eyewitness News spoke with that man's family days after he went missing. - I just want anyone who has seen him, even if you think you've seen him, call us. - Don't understand how somebody just disappears. We've been looking. So many people have been looking. - A couple of days ago, we discovered Jimmie's vehicle underwater, 24 feet deep after 19 years. Here in a few moments, we'll be bringing his vehicle to the surface and putting a final end to this nightmare. (gentle music) - Glad everybody could get together today. We pulled it together quickly. We got the worst day we could have got here this spring, but we're just gonna take our time here today and make this thing happen. And then safety, Chief, you wanna go over how we're gonna go forward? - Yeah. Again, I'd like to thank everyone, especially Doug and Adventures With Purpose. Thank you guys for being out, especially supporting our dive team. We're just gonna do a quick brief and a dry run of how we're gonna be rigging this with the divers and the crane team. We're gonna do it all on land, make sure we got everything squared away, and we're gonna go from there. We'll let everyone know when we're getting in the water, but please just, everyone, be safe. All right. Other than that, Cap, (indistinct). - Yeah, I mean, this is a community effort. I mean, everybody here making this possible. Wouldn't be possible, especially Pro Crane guys like selfless, committing their company, their time, donating. We wouldn't be here today if they wouldn't have stepped up to make sure that that happens. So, that's huge. That's huge. I don't know, $3 million crane sitting there. Volunteer, that's a lot. So thank you guys a lot. We really appreciate it. - [Chief] We'll review the video, then we'll go with the rigging then we'll suit up and get us started. - Yeah, sounds great, cool. So we're gonna go review the footage, so that we all have an idea of what I already have in my mind. I was down there. Anthony was down there. We know what we're looking at, but for us to be safe and thorough, all of us are now gonna know exactly what we're working with down there per se. The video is kind of... There's not a lot of visibility in the video, but it'll at least give us a sense of what's there. At this point, I have the plate in my hand already. He's showing me the pylon. That's the windshield. Yeah, yeah, I know you can't see anything. That's the hood peeled up. To the bottom of the vehicle is buried, but all the tops of all four wheels are exposed. I made sure. I checked that when I was down there. - So it's (indistinct)? - Yeah. - Is that the style rim (indistinct)? - That looks just like the style rim, yes. Yeah. And with his two inch straps, what I would like to do is we can get our zip ties on the strap depending on the ends of his strap, and we just fist it, the zip tie, through the rim and pull it through. Fighting with a strap, it can be a little bit more difficult than just sticking a zip tie through and then pulling the strap right around. - For sure. - Yeah, so minus some spreader bars. We'll have the seven inch spreader bars, so that the straps aren't pinching on the body at all, and that that's exactly how it will look each, each rim, - First we'll go horizontal or? - They'll go horizontally across the vehicle, and they'll drop two arms down. And yeah, man, it's just a matter of getting down there and getting the straps secured through the rim. It's really, really easy, just methodical, slow and methodical. So if the straps are gonna be easy to put through the rim, we'll just use that. If not, we'll put zip ties on the end, and then zip ties are so easy to put through those rims and then jerk the strap right through. This is by far the most complex recovery that we've ever done here at Adventures With Purpose, and we're very, very honored to have such a community presence here today, working together to make sure that this happens efficiently and as thorough as possible. That is what the true meaning of community is really about. The selflessness of Pro Crane being here, donating their services and their entire crew's time, the permits that had to be acquired for each county to even drive this crane through it, just it says a lot about everything that's going on right here and would not be possible without them. The other company, I'm not gonna name the company, but the other company that was attempted to bring in wanted an astronomical amount of money for this, and this company's out here on their own dime helping the family out. And you guys need to take the time, please go leave Pro Crane great reviews, tell 'em how much you appreciate this. This would not be possible without them. Having this type of equipment is the only way that this happens without completely damaging the marina that's out there. When we're done today and everything goes according to plan, this marina is gonna be untouched. The township here isn't gonna be burdened by a bunch of repairs that honestly they don't have the money for. So everything's gonna go according to plan. We're gonna make sure everything does go according to plan the entire step of the way. It's cold, 20 degrees out here. This not only the most complex recovery that we've ever done, but the conditions are insane. Anytime you're dealing with water in a current like this, there's a lot of variables that we can't account for. So we're gonna do everything we can to stay safe as well. - Do you have another carabiner or something you're gonna use? (gentle music) (crew murmurs) - [Doug] And I think the spreader bar used to spread it across. (indistinct) through there and then pull it and then loop it through itself and choke it. - [Chief] You have two guys of yours going in the water as well? - It'll be just me. - Just you. - [Doug] Yeah, yeah. (radio beeps) - Adventures With Purpose will have one diver in the water with two (indistinct) (man murmurs) - Okay. - [Dispatcher] Okay, and then how many on the dock? - One, two three. (radio beeps) Four, plus a diver, so a total of five (indistinct). Okay, you and (indistinct) all the time. (suspenseful music) (crew murmurs) - [Crew Member] Snap that in for me. (radio beeps) (suspenseful music intensifies) - [Crew Member] Are we good or no? (crew member murmurs) - Your (indistinct) twisted back here. (suspenseful music) - Can you (indistinct) him, so he don't fall? (crew murmurs) - Over there. If you can follow me over there (indistinct). - [Doug] All right, heading lower. (suspenseful music) (censor beep) I'm tangled in the lines. (suspenseful music) (radio static) (radio static) - Hey, Doug, you copy me? (radio static) (suspenseful music) - I lost my fin. (Doug murmurs) Are your guys' divers out, still down there? - One is. - Okay. - One is, and so is Anthony. - All right. Yes. Not going according to plan. There's just too much cabling, too many lines, too many divers. - [Crew Member] Do you have a spare fin in the trailer? - I do not, but it's fine as long as we continue to get the wheels done. - [Crew Member] I'll get you out, take the tank. - Yeah, I can't grab my secondary there. Hold on. - Wheels too buried. He can't get the sling into the wheel. He's moving to the back passenger side, see if he can sling that, okay? - All right. - What do you need from us? - Right now, I'm kind of like I don't have my fin. One diver in the water is all we need. Get everything. We can't account for everything, but with all the different cablings coming down, the lines, the tether, it is unsafe for really more than one diver at a time to be down doing the rigging or on the car. - [Chief] Okay, do you want my diver to come up? - No, no, your diver's fine. My guy's right there hand in hand with him. So as long as we're not all carrying straps around, we were getting tangled up. So it's a good thing. I lost my fin and I got tangled up, my mask came off. (crew murmurs) I got tangled up. My mask got ripped off. I lost my fin, and the lines are just twisting up on. There's things you can't account for in recovery, especially underwater recovery, Plan it as good as you want on land until you get under water and adverse conditions, and things change rapidly. So the tethers are, I guess, an aspect we're never involved with. Tethering, it's a safe measure to do, but when you have that combined with all the other cables, chains, and straps, it's really only good for just one diver to be down at a time and another diver topside ready to rescue, which we have a diver topside ready to rescue, and we have a diver down there now just situating it. Really, we should only have one person on the car. - Yeah, it's that bad? - Yeah, I was tangled up, twisted up, mask ripped off, lost my fin. Every one of these we do, we learn. The key in this is having so many multiple different lines down at once, needs to be done one at a time. It's a learning curve, but we're trying to use a spreader bar to protect the integrity of the vehicle, so that we don't squish it. Also having multiple divers on a vehicle, trying to rig it underwater with tether lines as well, it's a recipe for disaster. And honestly, the fact that I got myself unstuck and untwisted from all of that lines and chains was pretty epic. For a while, I thought we were gonna just have to raise everything with me twisted inside of it just to get me above water. So thankfully that didn't happen. - So we've got passenger side rear hooked up. We just can't get the strap to the roof. - Can't get the strap to the roof. - Yeah, it's not long enough to get to the roof. - The strap from the bar is plenty long enough to go down to it to compensate where the D-ring is, so you can bring the D-ring down to it, any one of the D-rings. - Any one of the D-rings. - They're twisted up right now. There's no finding the right one. - All right, Swan, so (indistinct). (gentle music) (crew murmurs) - So they got the passenger with... Really, we have front driver, rear passenger. - Okay. - Just sit tight. What are we doing now? - Is he able to get to the other wheel? - Are you able to get to the driver's side rear? He's at the driver's side rear now. - Okay. - So we have the passenger side rear hooked up. He's at the driver's side rear now. - Okay, so the passenger side rear is hooked up through the D-ring to the spreader bar. - I'm sorry, say that again. We don't have a strap hooked up to the tire, correct, driver's side? - No, not that I know of. - We do not have a strap hooked up to it. - Is that it? - Okay, so we need a strap on the driver's side rear. Does your guy have the strap or no? - No. - Can have my guy pop up, check air, and bring stuff down. - Yeah, have him check air. He's gotta be... - Here's what we're gonna do. He's got his strap. He's working on rigging it now. - Perfect, perfect, And then when my guy comes up, I'll have him take another strap down to him. - He's not gonna be able to get the driver side rear. - Not gonna be able to get the driver's side rear. - No. - All right. - You wanna him pop up? - Yeah, you can have him pop up. - Okay. All right, Swan, if you wanna pop up, (indistinct). - Yeah, I think it'll- - Wanna try it with two? - Yeah, we can try it with two. We can't get to anything else. So we have no choice, really? Outside of that, the only other thing we're gonna have to do if that doesn't work, then we're gonna have to pop windows and run straps and chains right through the body of it, which we don't want to do. That's like last ditch effort. I think it'll work. I don't see how it won't. We can just slow and break it free. When they're up, when he gets the confirmation and they come up, you can just start pulling a little bit. - [Crew Member] They don't wanna watch while we're doing it? - His guy, yes. We have to get another tank. - Stuck good and I can't get it. - You got one though, right? - One's definitely on there. - And we got one on the front. - [Diver] The other one's just too much rocks and shit between the wheels. - And you got yours done? - Yeah I checked three tires I know are hooked to the D-rings to the straps. - Three, so which three? - I know the driver's side front, passenger front, and the passenger rear. I know D-rings- - Both front. - Yeah. - Okay. All right. So, be careful, there's ice. Guys, all this water is already ice. It's that fricking cold. So what we're gonna do, leave it on. Leave it on for now. We're gonna raise the car to the surface, and you're gonna slip a strap under. All right, it'll take like five minutes. We got the two front. We don't have this driver rear, right? - I didn't see it. - Yeah, we don't have the driver rear. So we're gonna be pulling like that. - Level, get that strap. - So when it gets to the surface, we're gonna take that basket strap. You're gonna slide one side behind the wheel, come around the front, other side behind this wheel. Go around the back, do the same thing. You're gonna slide it around the wheel, and then come around here and then slide it around. So there're gonna be two U baskets. All right. Don't go underneath the vehicle at all at any moment. Just stay. - I gotta be careful with the current, so I gotta be on the down current side. - Doug, you need any of our guys in the water? - No. No. (gentle music) - [Chief] We're gonna keep going, all right? (gentle music) - [Doug] The pylon is gonna come out with it. Okay, it's out. It's free. (crew murmurs) (gentle music) - [Chief] That pylon's in there? Is that pylon in there? (crew murmurs) (gentle music) - Little bit more, little bit more, just a little. (gentle music) - [Crew Member] Here, let me chain all that down. then you can (indistinct) put this right through it. - If We have to we'll set it over there on the shore before we put it too far, you know? Little by little. Yeah, need some more. (crew murmur) All right. Crank it. That's good, that's good, that's good. (gentle music) (crew murmurs) We need to stop right there. Stop right there. (crew murmurs) - [Crew Member] You wanna go under the chain, Doug, rim and the tire? (crew murmurs) - Doug right now is wrapping the strap around the frame, one of the strongest parts of the vehicle to get a secure lift for the crane, so this doesn't break off when he goes over the dock. So this is one of the best anchor points he can get. (crew murmurs) - Get the vehicle outta here and back to the medical examiner's office is the most important thing. Whenever we're doing a recovery within adverse conditions like this, you can't account for absolutely everything. At this moment, being as though things haven't gone according to absolute plan, I would still say, this is an absolute success so far. The car is coming outta the water. It's not ripping apart. It's completely held up. And for 19 years underwater, this vehicle is in immaculate condition. You would think this vehicle's only been under there for a year or two. (crew murmurs) - [Crew Member] What we could do, we could wrap that pole. - So what we're working with right now is the pylon is stuck in the vehicle, which is something that we could not account for, but it was a possibility we knew could happen. So now are going to chop the pylon off and free it from the vehicle, which then will give us enough lifting power as well, because we're almost overweight. (chainsaw revs) - [Crew Member] There we go, perfect. (crew murmurs) - Beautiful. - I'd get that out of the way. - Watch out. Yeah, we're just taking it right over. (gentle music) A recovery of this magnitude and this complex, for us to still be in the realm of success, goes to show how dedicated everybody is here. And the type of equipment we're using is compensating for areas that we could not account for. At this point, this recovery is an absolute success. Jimmie's vehicle is gonna make its way onto the tow truck on to the medical examiner's office where they will do a thorough examination of the vehicle for evidence and what's left. (gentle music) (crew murmurs) (crew murmurs) Gonna rerig it so that we can upright it evenly, 'cause right now it's just not in the position we need to do to put it on the wrecker. Probably gonna bring the wrecker over here and have it uprighted. (crew member murmurs) So we're gonna disconnect the spreader bar and all of the rigging. That way, we can roll it over, pick it up, and just set it onto the tow truck. (gentle music) (crew murmurs) Stages of the crane, so they could come down lower and be able to do exactly what we need to do it in a compact area, 'cause he was fully extended. We were maxed out on weight, actually a little bit overweight. When we cut that pylon, the pylon then dropped it below just the maximum limit of what the crane was able to pull at the angle it was at. When we discovered this vehicle had a pylon in the vehicle, we believed it was through the vehicle. However, now upon recovering this vehicle, we know the pylon never made it through the vehicle. So the second we started to do the recovery today, the pylon moved immediately. So that was a variable we didn't think was possible. We thought the pylon was drilled directly through the vehicle into the river bed. However, that wasn't the case. Tires over. (gentle music) (crew murmurs) You're good. (crew murmurs) (gentle music) - [Crew Member] Move down a little bit more. There. (gentle music) - [News Anchor] And back here at home, a developing story in Delaware County today. Crews have removed a car with remains inside of it from Darby Creek in Ridley Township. And those remains are believed to be of James Amabile who went missing back in 2003. Divers with the group Adventures With Purpose found that vehicle, and police say the discovery could be closure for Amabile's family. (gentle music) - This is something that we've been investigating for a long time. It wasn't just the initial missing person. It was following a lot of leads over over the years, following a lot of different theories as far as the whereabouts of the missing person. So for us and for the family, it's closure if it is the victim. (gentle music) - [News Anchor] It was an emotional day. The family contacted an independent diving team, which vowed to search every body of water within five miles of where that man went missing almost 20 years ago. It led them to the Darby Creek and a huge discovery. (gentle music) Investigators had tied the missing man's vehicle, a green Ford Explorer, to his case. Adventures With Purpose, a volunteer diving team from Oregon says it specializes with cold cases where vehicles are involved. It uses sonar technology to track them underwater. The divers called police when they found the vehicle with human remains inside. First responders helped extract the body as family watched from the docks. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,458,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james amabile, james amabile missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2022, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, james amabile found, darby creek, ridley township police
Id: swpBv5n_fT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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