Baldur's Gate 3, but I put 1 Level in all Classes in Honour Mode (Act 1)

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balers Gate 3 an award-winning role playing game where the role you play is that of a morally questionable meat grinder mincing your way through hordes of colorful opponents in the hopes of leveling up and gaining some degree of control over a life defined by tentacle intrusions but in this video there won't be much hope for my life as I Endeavor to beat a game that will probably take me over 100 hours on a supposedly honorable difficulty setting which gives me zero Second Chances meaning that every choice matters and if everyone in my party dies then my one and only safe file will self-destruct and I will have wasted the finite resource of my time in this balers Gate 3 Series I will also be hunting for the Jack of all trades achievement meaning that my main character will have to put one level in all of the classes and Withers is not allowed to save me from the nightmare that I'll become will I achieve my dream of getting the illustrious golden D20 by conquering balers gate 3's honor mode or will I sink into the salty abyss of someone who wasted their life editing a video that makes me look like an utter fool I suppose there's only one way to find out let's go we start our journey off with perhaps the most consequential moment of our challenge the Character Creator screen when thinking of a w would being an appropriate Champion that embodies the essence of an individual that lives in a constant state of chaos with no particular set of skills to write home about my mind naturally gravitates towards the seod Squidward Tentacles a lifelong cashier with a lot of Pride but lacking in raw talent the true embodiment of a jack of all trad's Avatar being a low status dead end job is a great thematic parallel to putting one level in all 12 classes since Squidward won't be able to improve any of his core stats can't access any cool Feats and as the game progresses will feel increasingly left behind by his years I once respected him but before we reach the Doomer stage of adulthood I decide that Squidward will be best served by putting his first level into the cleric class clerics are super front loaded in the amount of goodies you get right off the bat with things like spells cantrips proficiencies and also a free subclass choice at first level as well I go for the life domain since it gives me some extra spells like cure wounds and bless which do not rely on spell save DC which means that my wisdom score doesn't need to be high in order for me to use them effectively which is exactly what Squidward needs since his stats will not improve the subass will also give Squidward the disciple of Life ability which Buffs healing spells that Squidward casts and also scales with the Spells level another stat agnostic ability that I can use comfortably throughout this campaign and of course Squidward is a claric of the god of the oppressed and persecuted which is probably how he feels whenever SpongeBob talks to him moving on to Squidward's ability points I decid to put 17 in dexterity 16 in Constitution and 14 in Charisma with everything else being dump stats the reason I chose to boost my dexterity the most is because it's genuinely the most flexible ability score in the game it bumps up your armor class if you're not wearing heavy armor it boost some of the most useful skills in the game such as slight of hand and acrobatics and it can serve you well in an offensive role when using ranged weapons or finesse weapons having a decently High Constitution is also a priority for me since having more hit points is never a bad thing and will always be useful Squidward getting a bit of Charisma is also warranted since he's such a handsome devil but also because he's the face of the party and I want to be able to rise my way through dialog trees since combat is inherently a risky proposition in honor mode for my turquise octopus after Squidward has a heart to- heart with a fellow tentacle enjoyer and wakes up on larian Studios ous beaches I realized that number one priority is to gather my party since it's dangerous to go [Music] alone and so sward embarks on a journey to make some friends for once in his life so that someone can revive him if he ever gets splattered we find Shadow heart easily enough and fight some quadrupedal brains together which gives sward enough exp to get to level two I decid to put the second level into the Barbarian class since it gives me the most amount of hit points and also allows cward to vent his rage once in a while making him even beefier a level one barbarian gets access to the excellent unarmored defense perk which synergizes well with Squidward's based stats of having good Constitution and dexterity allowing me to rip off Squidward's chain shirt and reveal his abs of steel giving him an armor class of 18 looking good squidy back to Gathering party members we encounter a wild asterian who gives me the chance to burn away some bad rolls and we meet up with a friendly wizard who eats magic items for breakfast named Gail I also tried my hand at talking with a familiar octopod only for him to try to eat my brains so I decided to feed him my foot instead we at last catch up with our not so friendly Lazelle and chop up some teeth Lings to save her from a wooden cage after pretending to be their friends which I suppose can be interpreted as an omen for what is come goodward and his merry band of honorable adventurers make their way to a wooden gate that seemed to be having some trouble with a goblin attack we didn't really get much of a choice as I got sucked into some sort of conflict between the cult of the absolute and a druid Grove that's housing some tling refugees luckily the people there didn't hear about me slaughtering their buddies a couple of feet away from their encampment and I was able to eventually slide into their good graces by helping them convert the goblinoids into delicious experience points for my party fortunately the battle was fairly straightforward and I was able to engineer this situation to get as much loot as possible by having my new found compatriots take the brunt of the beating after the battle we head inside the emerald Grove and find out that people really don't like the teelings not just angry adventurers but The Druids themselves are getting ready to kick out their unwanted refugees this leads to a rather heated political debate that gets shut down with sward threatening violence we learned from zor the leader of the tling refugees that some lady called kaga is the arch Druid in charge of this Grove and is performing a magic isolationist ritual to block off the outside world it seemed like a pretty polarizing topic so Squidward being a natural IC decides to see if he can make the most of the situation and begins to further explore the land of the tree huggers we make our way to a makeshift prison where we encounter a bereaved heeling ready to commit some war crimes by executing a prisoner of war but good thing Squidward's there to assert his turquoise dominance and cut some shady deals with the goblin he just saved SAA the goblin prisoner says that if we bust her out she can take us to the leader of the goblin camp and of course Squidward can't say no when it comes to climbing the social hierarchy even if it means bullying the helpless it feels good to be king sir I'm afraid you've gone mad with power of course I have tried going mad without power it's boring no one listens to you forging ahead we reach the heart of the druid's Grove and encounter a fellow bully in the form of first Druid kaga getting ready to murder a child with her big snake but of course good guy Squidward can't let that slide so he puts on his big boy Barbarian pants and rolls his way out of another sticky situation I honestly didn't know that the Barbarian class gave you so many different unique dialogue options but it's cool how flexing your muscles can make all the difference very well after all that talking Squidward reaches level three and I decide to go for the Warlock class this time around the reasons are similar to the cleric in that Warlock get a decent amount of stuff for only one dip of investment I go for the fiend Patron since dark one's blessing gives me a little bit more survivability in the form of three temporary hit points whenever I kill someone which doesn't sound like a lot but Squidward can synergize that extra HP with his rage resistances allowing me to stretch out the fiend Patron's value now also I get access to armor bathus which is another spell that doesn't care about my spell casting modifier while granting award an extra layer of tankiness with the gravy on top being that my purple first level warlock spell slot will regenerate every time I take a short rest at this point I was feeling pretty good about scor's ability to take a few hits in a fight so I decid to go tell zor about a devious scheme to assassinate the leader of The Druids as a way to resolve the Brewing anti-refugee sentiments the mutinous zor gives me the thumbs up to silence the Arid due to isolationist leanings and squir merrily wanders off in search of more exp for the coming storm I decid that working with the goblins to fight the Druid leader seems like a Galaxy brain plan since they're already at each other's throats and so I set sail with SAA trying to smuggle her out of the emerald Grove only to encounter some fellow goblins who were less than enthusiastic to see her turns out that being a goblin D and D is worse than being cas she for the Crusty Crab which doesn't bode well for saa's long-term usefulness to my Enterprise but I'll keep that to myself for now see it the camp anyways now that we're done with goblins I decided to go talk to some humans who seem to be crying over the dwarfen brother's body and I finally realized what I've always known deep down Squidward is one special lad a true soul and one of the main perks of being a chosen one is being able to rip out other people's brain Tad PES and feel increasingly secure in being an octopus despite having a name like Squidward um after yanking out a brand new parasite and putting it into my cute little jar I realized that one of the best ways to fund my war against The Druids is to directly extract resources straight from the grass touchers themselves to that end I decided that daylight robbery would suffice as the Druid vendors were not particularly intimidating and I was often able to get them alone and vulnerable a perfect Target sadly Squidward is not as light tentacled as I need him to be and he often finds himself behind bars but honestly it's not that bad as the makeshift Prison Complex is completely unguarded allowing a slippery criminal like seod like Squidward to walk out unmolested with shocking ease even better all of his ill-gotten are just 2 ft away from the holding cell stop right there criminal scum but of course Squidward couldn't just let the slide a cashier demands respect and Aaron has to pay the price so the gang breaks his kneecaps and robs the body with none the wiser I realize how genuinely profitable looting is and this accumulation of easy wealth feeds into an addiction to thevery and before you know it it's a home invasion followed up by ulation and also I stab her bird as well but all is well and good as now I have accumulated a significant amount of wealth which means it's time to to go talk to my favorite desicated corpse Mr Withers this poorly bandaged mummy is a Lifeline for a guy like Squidward since honor mode is a harsh and unforgiving Landscape filled with Terrors and bad RNG meaning that over the course of my campaign I expect to get dragged through the mud and I'm probably going to need some backup Withers is there to send in the Cavalry by way of hirelings these soulless mercenaries are fully customizable characters that stay in my camp for all of eternity and all it costs is a mere pittance of 100 gold for each hirling why doesn't Immortal Lich need a bit of gold well I assume it's so they can melt it on his face but truthfully it's peanuts for a financial Mastermind like Squidward who now has access to slave labor and how can you not make money with such a brilliant idea you see these hirelings function as playable characters with all of the benefits and none of the personality which is ideal when wanting to use and abuse the power of spells Buffs and free healing hey that's pretty good there is a maximum limit of three hling so I decided to pick the cleric the Druid and The Bard all three are pure spellcasters that I can transform into spell slot and support mules this means that I equip my hirelings with supportive abilities and spells so that I can freely go into my camp and receive Buffs that don't go away until I long rest spells like long Strider dark vision protection from Poison and Aid I can also head into this Camp whenever I take damage and have the high Lings heal me instead of using a party member spell slots preserving my strength or combat scenarios and allowing my team to constantly be in tiptop shape with the backing of Withers and my gaggle of H Lings as support staff I decide to become a bit Bolder and pick a fight with goblins for the sake of experience points Shadow heart gets critted and I almost ended my own honor mode campaign due to sheer hubris but luckily I remember that this fight could be finished fast as long as I spanked the goblin boss so I got Gail to magic Missile some down and you can never go wrong with guaranteed damage eventually I made my way to the Pearly Gates of level four and I decided to pump a level into the fighter class this time around as it gives me a good amount of hit points and the second wind ability which lets me heal a bit for a bonus action I also take the dueling fighting style since I will probably be using a shield for the entirety of Squidward's life so the extra two points of damage is not bad for the early game my thinking behind this is that I probably want Squidward to transition into some sort of utility tank as the campaign progresses a beefy distraction that focuses on making sure my more useful party member stay alive and can do what they need to do going back on the road leads me to a familiar green face in the form of SAA this time arguing with their fellow goblinoids luckily for me saaza was actually useful for once and was able to get me past the Sentinels without a hitch after all the trials and tribulations I finally make my way into the goblin camp where I can make Squidward's Chosen One sadus known to the local Big Wigs we'll be heroes we encounter Volo the Storyteller who's now a Jester for the galons and we are able to make contact with true Soul gut High Priestess of the absolute squard gets a nice tattoo and is able to a constructive dialogue with gut who believes she can help with Squidward's unique problems in life things seem to be going great and Squidward was having a blast maybe things would go well this time around maybe murder and death is not always the answer and maybe just maybe Squidward can turn over a new Leaf live life as a humble cashier working at the Crusty Crab and be happy with his lot in life but then things took a sudden and dramatic turn for the worse when priest's gut offered Squidward a relaxing beverage Squidward is a handsome guy and knows not to accept strange liquids which true Soul gut didn't take very well and decided to knock him out with magic sweet Dre next thing you know Squidward is tied up and chained down in guts sick and twisted pleasure dungeon the situation could not be any worse as Squidward tries in vain to squeeze the tentacles out of the perverse mess that he found himself in a ferocious squidy all for myself at long last after burning through my inspiration points Squidward was able to slip out of his Ironclad bondage but he was still stuck behind bars kind of like what happened back in the Grove but unlike The Druids true Soul gut has a big Medi ogre guarding her cell which complicates things but in gut's desperation to tie up Squidward she forgot about the three Amigos that were standing right outside her doorway and a rescue mission was born unfortunately lasel is not the sneakiest tool in the shed and gets caught instantly but luckily for me the rest of the rescue party remained hidden in plain sight Lazelle getting caught turned out to be an ingenious distraction and was the perfect window for Squidward to slide out of his jail cell undetected now that priest's gut and the ogre were locked into turn base combat I was able to surreptitiously go around the red Vision cones and place down a bunch of explosive material to help me win the fight before it even begins sneaky sneaky once I was satisfied with the ring of death I kicked off The Massacre with a bit of Alchemist fire and made short work of the burning ogre with true Soul gut next on The Chopping board after such a fiery end to Priestess gut's little dungeon party I feared that everyone else in the cult may have turned on me but apparently no one else heard a peep despite the rampid explosions double kill now that Squidward proved himself capable of squaring off with one of the local Big Wigs it was time for a change in venue all that kinky foreplay from True Soul gut really awakened something inside Squidward and I decided to let him explore this new side of him the flatulation was a nice change of pace and Squidward setic Constitution held up quite well so I decided to give scard a more thorough flogging by demanding more whippings and at the end of the day things worked out quite well you want more I'll give it to you sward received lear's love which is a passive buff that makes me hit more and think wiser when I'm low on HP it feels good to be a lovable main character for once after Squidward got his jollies off it was about time to get back to work and the next stop was to go and rescue Volo it was a pretty simple Affair as all Squidward had to do was Flex his level one barbarian muscles and convince the Jailer to give me the key he's the king Volo seems to be in pretty good spirits and runs off into the sunset while Squidward meets up with saza and the DR Boss Lady this time I hope things will turn out differently but the treacherous saza decides to hang me out to dry stick a few out in him show how grateful we are and tries to convince the drown Mandara to get rid of Squidward but good thing true souls are a tight-knit bunch and Menara intuitively understands that Squidward is a standup guy your prisoner is one of the absolutes favorites SAA so now it's saa's turn in the hot seat and considering the stunt that she just tried to pull I decid to twist the night fellow a little bit by calling her a big dumb Dum Squidward's friends seem to appreciate the levity and SAA got her Just Desserts while Menara fills us in on an upcoming raid on the druid's Grove I was already on a quest to assassinate Arch jward kaga and so this was a good opportunity for Squidward to look inwards and reflect on his career choices and what he hopes to accomplish in life after working at the Crusty Crab for 20 odd years the fact of the matter is is that he's gone nowhere in his profession as a wage slave he's stuck in a dead end job constantly being exploded by those higher up on the pecking order he has no real prospects no lover and no chance at promotion but that doesn't have to be his reality any longer in baldos Gate 3 Squidward is the guy that can get things done the protagonist in a greater story and is the one who knocks the fate of the Grove's inhabitants hangs in the balance the cult of the absolute has already given Squidward what he truly craves power influence and Authority with his status cemented as the chosen one of this cruel and unforgiving fantasy land Squidward gleefully accepts Menara scheme to infiltrate and betray the teelings hold up in the emerald Grove it is time for the cashier to get a promotion but first let's enjoy watching SAA get pushed to her [Music] Doom now armed with Clarity of purpose I decideed to go dig up some dirt on kaga before manara's raid begins I felt that it would probably make life easier for Squidward and Company if we took out the leadership of The Druids first and have the teelings think that we're still on the same side after Trucking through a dangerous trap INF fested swamp we find a fancy tree area filled with mud moners and angry treemen one of the perks of being friends with the goblins is that they had a ton of combustible barrels and so now I can comfortably set tree people on fire with impunity ultimately fire beats grass and Squidward's party is able to dust the mud methods and wood wads to dig up their treasure and discover their secrets apparently these monsters were actually put here by Shadow Druids to guard their Communications their Shady plot to control the emerald Grove from within using kaga as their sneaky mole to incite anti- teink Sentiments in order to perform the Magic Ritual which would have allowed the shadow Druid Money Gang to Annex The Grove in its entire this was quite the shocking Revelation for Squidward but it does give more ammunition for him to possibly convince the other Druids to fight kaga and potentially kick off a civil war within the Druid Circle which would help expedite Squidward's plans to climb the ranks of the cult but before launching such an audacious Ploy Squidward decides to take a bit of a detour and throw some rocks at a bear to blow off some pent up stress the bear was securely placed behind iron gates so it seemed like an innocent enough Act of animal abuse but it turns out that no one should ever trust Goblin engineering and the whole thing Came Crashing Down the gate squashed one goblin and the bear Came Out Swinging resulting in another Goblin in casualty this time he was a kid which I thought you weren't allowed to kill in this game but I guess bear strength wins out the bear was tough but not Tough Enough To Survive consecutive shank Kings from Squidward's gang of friends or so I thought but the bear didn't actually die normally when he dropped to Z HP it actually transformed into a druid and that Druid was able to keep transforming into new forms with full hit points which dragged the fight out this Hon guy sure was stubborn and refused to go down quietly but eventually even the former leader of the Druid grovum to the fury of Squidward Tentacles this turn of events actually bolstered squid WS resolve now that his party has experienced dealing with the original first Druid fighting the usurper kaga shouldn't be that big of a deal so now the time has come to head back to the emerald Grove and confront kaga and her deep State Masters and see how much damage squid can cause to The druidic Establishment firstly it's always good to expose shadowy operatives by calling their Bluff which is what Squidward tries to do unfortunately these shadow Druids have a serious poker face and it will take more than a few verbal Jabs to get to them so now here comes the big guns I begin the construction of a new explosive death trap around kaga and the like Shadow Druids much to the dismay of absolutely no one when everything is in place I position everyone as far as away as possible from the incoming detonation and begin one last dialogue with the perfidious kaga to see if I can spark some sort of internal Revolt within the Druid Circle Squidward publicly exposes kaga for working with the shadow government what and this causes the r to reveal themselves as the subversive Shadow Druids everyone stands around in shock silence for a few seconds as they stare at a short stack granny being very displeased with his turn of events now that the masks are off we go around and make sure that everyone is up to speed before we we kill each other but right before the battle begins Squidward gets an interesting option to try and persuade kaga to not be so evil for once in her life out of sheer curiosity I decided to take that route not expecting much from something so cheesy but would you believe me if I told you that all it took for kaga to change her mind was a bit of pep talk on the dangers of being a villain in a fantasy setting what well apparently that was the push that kaga needed all along to not go through with her masterstroke plan of betraying everyone who ever trusted her and astonishingly decides to join Squidward in his battle against the shadow Druids how was I so blind I felt that things have gone just a tad off the rails but no matter the barrels of flaming death are still here and in a prime spot to finish off the shadow Druids and kaga all in one fiery blow so Squidward makes some last minute adjustments walks as far back as he can and has the honor of setting the world a blaze with a well-positioned arrow of fire you may far when ready once again kaga surprises me this time not with her flexible morality but with her wealth of hit points as she survives the blast with a measly 2 Hp well all right that's fine H she's on fire she'll burn to death once her turn starts so I order Shadow heart to focus on killing the last of the Shadow Druids and to my utter Chagrin Shadow Heart High rols the damage on her sacred flame instantly killing The Last Enemy in battle which allows kaga the NPC to heal herself back to full hit points in a matter of seconds although to be fair the burning condition would have actually killed her because it rolled a one for fire damage he can't keep getting away with it well anyways this all kind of went sideways and screw was starting to get a bit IR rate with this sappy Redemption Arc that kaga was undergoing you once called me a monster seems I've proven you right but one thing I learned from my 250 hours of playing balers Gate 3 is that there is no problem that a bit of smoke powder can't fix and so Squidward Begins the construction of a second wall of explosive death this time with the help of a friendly cat that helps lure in the unsuspecting Druids as a perfect spot for their impending liquidation Come to Papa the hapless Druids stare in abject Terror as a streaking bolt of fire is launched at the explosive barrels that they fail to notice double kill leaving only kaga RAV and a wolf alive the wolf eats my cat and squirter grows a brain deciding this time to shoot kaga with an arrow that prevents her from healing leaving her mortally wounded and on fire this second attempt on kaga's life proved much more effective as the Flames eat kaga for breakfast Lazelle Bonks the wolf into Oblivion and poor wrath is the last man standing the last Druid tries turning into a bird to fly away but it was all in vain as LEL squashes another animal with heral Squidward stands Victorious over the charred remains of the druidic leadership and he has never felt more proud of his life's work turns out I didn't even need the Goblins help to kill kago or the shadow Druids I just needed their smoke powder and one of the greatest perks of killing people in their own homes is that you get to freely Rob them of all their Earthly possessions like this hidden vault full of treasure that was supposed to be reward for saving hon but Squidward knows the Folly of trading labor for Capital and understands that free stuff is the best stuff and no one can stop him now all of the oblivious Druids sitting outside not knowing that their days are numbered are defenseless against Squidward's outstretched tentacles stealing their beloved Idol I made up my mind to finish off The Druids first before the incoming raid on the Grove so Squidward started doing what he's always been doing setting up more barrels ready for ignition it was a fight to the death with Druids bears and pigs trying to fend off the onslaught I thought that the teelings were trying to help me but then again foul Bloods aren't known for their courage and they kind of just whimper in the corner as the battle for the sacred pool continued The Last of The Druids and their pets fell one by one to Squidward's Intrepid band of free thinkers and now the emerald Grove is unequivocally Druid free Paving the way for darker Deeds to come but for now I'll play a cool and bring zor some good news and lower the guard of the teling leader is just good old Squidward doing what was asked of him crushing the head of the snake with his suctioned heels and nothing more but she left us with no choice zor seems to be pleased with the halft truth that Squidward fed him he even gave me some magic gauntlets as a prize for being such a skilled Hitman but little did the tlinks know it wouldn't be the Goblins that they needed to fear the hour is late and it's almost time for manara's raing party to crash through the now druidess Grove Squidward and his party deserve to get some rest and prepare for a day that will live on in infamy it was quite an eventful night as LEL decides to spaz out on Squidward and a non- bald octopus decides to appear in Squidward's dream telling him to eat the mine flare parasites that he's been saving up as the new day Dawns Squidward Tentacles chooses to pet his dog scratched before yanking out the carefully preserved brain eating tadpoles from his inventory and consumes their psionic potential adding it to his own it's a good omen when Squidward can feel his mind turning pale with octopus juices pumping through his brain wrinkles and now the preparations are complete power overwhelming the time has finally come the era of menial labor is long behind Squidward it is now A Brave New World one that Squidward will Embrace with tentacles wide open Squidward and his minions stomped their way to the front gate of the emerald Grove where the te Lings have fortified themselves and prepared elaborate traps to make one last Valiant stand against the cult of the absolute zor doesn't seem too cheerful but he still opened the wooden gate for us so I decided to hear what he has to say get up here Squidward with his impenetrable Pokerface is able to squeeze the battle plans of zor and we learn that all those buried barrels are exactly as I suspected filled with oil and ready to be lit up the teelings will try to draw in the goblin force with a horn and then light the fuses with their arrows of fire a pretty solid strategy considering the resources that they have but regrettably for the tlinks Squidward has an even better idea before all nine Hells break loose I decid to rob a merchant for good luck a reminder of how far Squidward has come and his ability to procure free loot no matter the occasion Squidward does get caught in the end though pocketing has caused quite a stir just like old times but before he suffers any real consequences for his deviant Behavior Squidward makes a dash the warhorn ready to bring about the tling downfall the raiding party arrives in full force right on Q zor makes a speech to steal the hearts of the Defenders and Menara gives Sleeper Agent Squidward the command to Execute Order 66 the time has come zor is confused at first but upon seeing Squidward's winning smile he realizes his mistake you're with them aren't you but it's far too late and the end is n it's nothing personal zor it's just business and I know Mr Krabs would be proud the battle begins and Squidward takes the first step at zor proing his hellish rebuke which rolls the maximum amount of damage possible to Squidward's face but Zod is more than capable of taking a few hits zor swings and misses his searing Smite and I recognize that I'm actually surrounded by oil barrels so I tell shadowart and my other friends to go and pick up Duty the cultist Army also has a few tricks up their sleeves like having an ogre throw a barrel at the teeth Lings with a goblin inside and a giant spiders that can jump over walls the tide of goblins Clos in on the already open gate and Deluge of reinforcements that clog up the initiative order pretty much seals the fate of everyone inside the emerald Grove it makes me glad that chose to be on The Winning Side as zor is all alone now and still hasn't landed any of his searing smites on Squidward hungry spider Chows down on teeling leader and the Goblins pour in through the gate glazel gets the killing blow on zor and Menara braines a message to Squidward the teelings are now left without leadership and without any Druids guarding the Grove there is no one that can stop Squidward Now kill everyone my murderous band of corpse looters make their way down to the tling marketplace and find that the Goblins are stealing all the glory these are the last of tling holdouts the ones who are actually capable of fighting back the ones who are now being cut down by company of antiheroes with all armed resistance now extinguished it was time for the finishing blow we march on zor's private quarters where the last tling survivors are hold up most of them civilians the elderly all quaking in fear as a turquoise Man joins in the blood bath mass murder does take its toll on the muscles and so now is the time for celebration and well-earned relaxation the Goblins are throwing a victory party at my Camp Volo is back in a cage Menara wants the bang sward and things are looking up for the cashier tonight you are mine the floor of my sleeping spot has been painted a lovely shade of red and the remains of the vanquished decorate my Road Volo seems to be in a pretty good mood and even wants to write a book about Squidward's heroic Deeds commemoration Squidward is living the good life and there is no denying that he has earned it with the sweat off his brow once a poorly compensated employee of a shady establishment now a daring revolutionary the chosen one of a flourishing cult I said shut up you [ __ ] and has a bed warmed by a dark elf dominatrix wow now that's what I call a protagonist worthy of honor oh my as Squidward takes one last look at the impact he's had on the people around him serving the wreckage the Carnage and the now cold bodies Squidward understands only one thing he has never felt more alive people may call squid many things monster villain psychopath but within the depths of my heart I know what Squidward truly is both old and Brash thank you guys so much for watching this is a brand new balers Gate 3 Series with a new editing style for this Channel please tell me if you guys enjoy these types of videos and as always I hope to see you all next time but until then goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: Greyscales
Views: 66,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greyscales, Baldur's Gate 3 Edits, Let's Play Baldur's Gate 3, Edited Let's Play, Baldur's Gate III, Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, ironman mode, permadeath, highly edited gaming, supercut, montage, Part 1, Episode 1, ep.1, squidward
Id: A-mpZ6kDErM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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