Social Media Lower Thirds Animation | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial | No Plugins

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in this tutorial I am going to show you how to create nice and simple lower third for social media handle in DaVinci Resolve 16 and I am also going to show you how to render this animation in a video format with transparent background so that you can use this animation in your project by simply drag-and-drop hey guys this is Vikash for a skyline motions and without any further ado let's take a new project and get started alright so click on this new project and let's call it n star and click on create and let's do some basic settings so click on the shading button and set the size of this project 1920 by 1080 let's go with 30 frame per second and set this playback framerate 30 and click on save and now let's create the animation inside of this fusion tab so we have to take a new fusion composition so go to media pool right click on that click on new fusion composition and let's call it fusion comp and set it 5 second long frame rate 30 and click on create and drag this fusion comp on these timeline and then go to your fusion tab and here we have media out so just drag this media out to the side for now and let's take a background first so click on this background button and drag this background to the viewer and make it pure white and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it background 1 hit enter and now let's attach an ellipse mask with this so select this background and click on this ellipse button and set it like this and so this will value something around 0.38 enter and say this height value point 3 and hit enter all right and now let's import your social-media logo that you want to use in this project so go to media pool right click on that click on import media and in this case I am using this Instagram logo which is a PNG file with transparent background and you can find it on Google and I will also provide a link in the description for this so download this logo and click on open and drag this logo on this flow window and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it logo hit OK and close this media pool and now let's merge this both outputs so take a merge node and connect this yellow background point with this background and connect this green foreground point with this logo and track this merge to the viewer and now set the size of your logo like that now let's animate this logo so go to on frame number 40 and add a transform node after this merge one so select this merge one and click on this transform button and drag this transform to the viewer and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it animation one hit enter and select this animation one and right click on size click on animate or you can also click on this time and button to create a keyframe and go to one second back in time so it should be on frame number ten and say this size zero and as you can see we have a very basic animation so go to a spline window and hit f4 to fullscreen and check this animation and click on fit button and go to very beginning of this animation on frame number 10 and go to 5 frame forward in time so it should be on frame number 15 and let's add a keyframe over here so click on this button and add another keyframe on frame number 15 and now set the size value something around 1.1 and hit enter and then go to 5 frame forward in time on frame number 20 and add another keyframe over here and set this value point 9 and hit enter and then go to 5 frame forward in time add a keyframe and set this value one point zero five and go to five frame forward in time on frame number 30 and add a keyframe and set this value 1 and go to 5 frame forward in time on frame number 35 and add a keyframe and set this value 1 point 0 to 5 and hit enter and click on fit button and select all these keyframe and click on a smooth button and now let's play this animation so as you can see we have a bouncing kind of animation and it's looking nice all right and now hit effort to exit and close this a spline window and then right click on this flow window go to arrange tool and check this option to create alright so it will help you to keep this node clean and organized so set it like that all right and now select this animation hit ctrl C to copy and create another copy of this so hit control V to paste it F 2 on the keyboard and let's call it animation to hit filter and now use this animation for this logo so just drag this logo over here and hold shift on the keyboard and attach this animation after this logo like this and now let's play this again all right so it's looking much more interesting as you can see and go to spline window hit F for the full screen and click on fit button and I want to create a time gap of two or three frame between animation one an animation do so uncheck this animation one and check this only animation two and select all these keyframe and go to very beginning of this animation on frame number ten maybe and then go to two or three frame forwarding time and hold this point hold shift and drag this on frame number twelve and now close this a spline window and let's play this again alright so as you can see it's looking much more interesting alright and now let's add another transform after this animation one so just select this animation click on this transform button and drag this transform to the viewer hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it transform one and now let's down the size of this so set this value something around 0.55 and hit enter all right and now let's create another shape so we have to take one more background node so click on this background button and drag this background to the viewer and make it pure white hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it background to it enter and let's attach a rectangle mask with this so select this background click on this rectangle button and hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it rectangle 1 and hit enter and now go to this inspector window and say this will value something around 0.99 5 and hit enter and answer this height something around 0.2 and hit enter and said this corner radius 1 maybe alright and now it's looking like this and then right click on this preview window go to guide and check this option so guide and now let's animate this so go to on frame number 90 and right click on width click on animate or you can also click on this time and button to create a keyframe go to second back in time so it should be on frame number 30 according to 30 FPS and said this with value 0 and let's play this again so as you can see we have a very basic animation so let's make our smooth animation so go to a spline window hit f4 to fullscreen and uncheck this animation - and check this rectangle 1 only and click on fit button select these both keyframes hit s to smooth and set the CTI on frame number 30 add a starting point and hold this handle and just said it like that and go to on frame number 40 maybe and hold this handle also and just set it like that and create a smooth curve like this now let's play this so as you can see it's looking much more better and now close this spline window and I want to cut this extra part because we don't need it so we have to take one more rectangle tool so click on this rectangle button hit f2 to rename and let's call it cut it ok and now set this rectangle box on this area over here like this and now hold shift and attach this cut between these connections like this and select this skirt and go to this inspector window and here is paint mode so chain these two subtract all right and as you can see we have something like this all right and now let's create a duplicate of this shape so just select all these node hit ctrl C to copy and paste another copy over here by hitting ctrl V and drag it like that and now select this node hit f2 and let's call it background 3 hit enter and select this rectangle hit f2 and let's call it a rectangle to hit enter and now drag this background 3 to the viewer and select this background and go to this inspector window and change this type solid color to gradient all right and now let's create a nice gradient color so say this gradient point over here and set this grading point over here and let's select a nice gradient color so pick this point and become nice purple color and pick this point and select this yellow color maybe and add another point in center of this gradient and add a color like this all right and now select this first point and make it so as you can see it's looking like an Instagram theme and then let's merge this both outputs so take a merge node and connect this yellow background point with this background too and connect this green photon point with this colored background and drag this merge two to the viewer all right and and now both already building at the same time so I want to create a time gap of five frame between these two outputs so go to a spline window hit f4 to full screen click on fit button and uncheck this rectangle one and check this only rectangle two and click on fit button select all these keyframe and move this on frame number 35 so hold this point hold shift and just drag it like that and close this spline window and now let's play this game all right so it's looking nice and now select this rectangle too and go to on frame number 95 where we have created a keyframe and set this verse value something around 0.98 and hit enter and as you can see we get this type of effect over here all right and now we have to create a text so click on this text button drag this text to the viewer and let's type your first text so I am tapping follow on Instagram and now select your favorite font style so in this case I'm using this chain to the Gothic which is my favorite font style and of course you can choose any different font style that you want alright and now let's take one more text node so click on this text button drag this text to the viewer and let's type your second text all right and now change this font style so send this to century gothic and now let's merge this both outputs so take or merge node and connect this yellow pattern point with this text 1 and green for one point over this takes two and drag this merge 3 to the viewer and now let's merge this text with the background so take a merge node and connect this yellow background point with this March 2 and green over on point with this March 3 and drag this March 4 to the viewer and now select this text 1 and just drag it like this and set it over here and let's down the size of this so so this value something around 0.04 5 and hit enter and just set it over here like this and now select the second text and let's down the size of this one also so set this value zero point zero seven and hold ctrl and I scroll up to zoom in and you set it in like this all right and now let's detach this connection and let's create a Matt node so click on this pattern button and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it Matt it enter and drag this Matt to the viewer and select this Matt and add a rectangle mask with this so click on this rectangle button and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it mask and set it like that and now connect this yellow background point with this Matt and drag this merge for to the viewer and select this mask and set it on this area according to this text like this alright and now I want to place this text inside of this masked area so select this much for and go to this inspector window and change operator over to in alright and now select this text and as you can see the text is only visible in this rectangular masked area all right and now we have to connect this output with our background so connect the output of this with this background and we get new modes we just drag this much five to the viewer and do the same thing for this one so connect this foreground with this background and drag this Mar 16 world alright and now let's animate the text so just select this text one and go to on frame number 120 which is equal to four second according to 30 frame per second and select this text one and go to layout and right click on sign to click on animate or you can also click on this diamond button to create a keyframe and just set it over here like this and then go to two second back in time so it should be on frame number 60 and just drag this text outside of this rectangular masked area and as you can see we have animation like this and now select this text too and just set it over here like this and go to on frame number 110 and go to layout right click on Center click on animate and then go to two second back in time so it should be on frame number 50 and just drag this text over here alright so as you can see it's looking like this and right now we have very basic animation so let's make a smooth animation so go to a spline window again hit f4 to full screen and just minimize all these nodes and uncheck this rectangle too and uncheck this text - and check this text one only and click on fit button select all these key frame 8s too smooth and were very beginning of this animation on frame number 60 and hold this point and set it like this and go to in frame forward in time and hold this handle also and set it like this all right and now uncheck this text one and do the same thing for text too so check this text - and click on quit button select all these keyframe it s - smooth go to very beginning of this animation at this point and hold this handle and create a nice a smooth curve and go to ten frame forwarding time hold this handle also and set it like that and get a smooth curve something like this and close this spline window and now it's almost done so go to very beginning and let's play this whole animation all right so it's looking nice and now let's add a final transform after this merge six so Celicas merge six and click on this transform button and hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it final transform and click on OK and drag this final transform to the viewer and just set this lower third in center and connect the output of this final transform with our media out and then go to edit tab so go to very beginning of this animation and let's play this all right so it's looking nice and now I want to show you guys how to render this animation in a video format so just go back to your fusion tab and select this final transform and let's down the size of this so say the size value something around 0.5 it enter and set this lower third in any corner and then go to your edit tab and now select this fusion comp hit ctrl C to copy and paste another copy of this fusion composition so hit ctrl V to paste and right click on that and as you can see there is no option for reverse animation so we have to convert this fusion composition into a compound clip so right click on this and click on new compound clip and let's call it reverts animation and click on create and then right click on this reverts and click on change clip a speed and set this option reverse speed alright and click on change and now as you can see we have animation in and animation out also alright and now select both the clip and drag click on that and click on new compound clip and make it single so let's call it and stop and click on create and now let's render this lower third with transparent background so go to deliver page and let's do some setting for transparent video Ranger so select your location first so click on this browse button select this text top and let's call it animation click on save alright and just go to format and select a format ABI and select a codec that contain alpha export so select this codec to Grass Valley and as you can see there is no option for alpha export so we have to check this individual clip and then check this option alpha export and click on add to render queue and click on start rain turn and then go to your edit tab and now delete this and let's import our render file so click on import media and go to desktop and select this animation and click on open and now drag this animation on the timeline and let's check this lower third on a video footage so I just drag this on the second time line and let's import a footage so I'm selecting this one and click on open and drag this footage on this timeline like that and as you can see it's working perfectly so cut this extra video clip and just delete it and now it's done so go to very beginning of this animation and let's play this alright so it's looking awesome and that's all for this tutorial guys I hope you liked it if you liked it then hit the subscribe button and click on the bail icon to get notified when I will upload my new video and I will see you in next tutorial till then bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Skyline Motions
Views: 117,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion Graphics Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Template, Modern Text Animation, DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial, Title Animation, Clean Text, tutorial for beginners, step by step tutorial, artistvikashk, skylinemotions, social media, lower thirds, transparent video render, export with transparent background, social media animation, instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube
Id: 66415somwVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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