Paint Brush Title | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial | No Plugins

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hey guys this is Prakash for a skyline motions and in today's tutorial I am going to show you how to create this very simple looking text animation inside of the wengie dissolve 16 without using any third party plugins so let's take a new project and get started alright so click on this new project and let's call it text and click on create and we have to do some basic settings so click on this setting button and set the size of this project 1920 by 1080 and let's go with 30 frame per second and say this playback frame rate 30 and click on save and now let's import an image file that we want to use as a background so go to media pool right click on that click on import media and select your image file so in this case I am using this image that I have downloaded from and I have given a link in the description so go to the link and download this image if you want and click on open and drag this image on this timeline and as you can see it has a different size proportion so less for this image so go to inspector window and set this zoom value 1 point 2 and hit enter and now it's looking perfect and then right click on this image and let's convert it into a compound clip so click on this new compound clip and let's call it image and click on create let's remove this from the timeline and now let's create 5 second long text animation inside of this fusion tab so we have to take a new fusion composition first so go to media pull right click on that click on new fusion composition and let's call it fusion comm and set it 5 second long frame rate 30 and click on create and now drag this fusion comp on these timelines and then go to your fusion tab and here we have our media out so just drag this media out to the side for now and click on this single viewer and let's import a brushstroke PNG files over media pool right click on that click on import media and in this case I am using this brushstroke PNG file that I have given a link in the description so go to the link and download this process trough PNG file and click on open and drag this brush on this flow window and close this media pool and select this media and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it press it ok and drag this brush to the v-world and click on this background button and add a background node hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it BZ hit OK and let's take a merge node and connect this yellow background point with this background and green for run point with this brush and drag this much one to the viewer and click on fit button and increase the size of this flow window and right click on this flow window go to arrange tool and check this option to creat and as you know it will helps you to keep this node clean and organized alright and now select this background and pick a different color for now so I'm gonna use this white color and this is select this brush and add a transform node over here and select this transform and go to this inspector window and uncheck this box and use this exercise and Y sides separately and set the size like that and set this brush over here and now let's create a duplicate of this brush so select this transform one hit ctrl C to copy and paste another copy of this and connect the output of this brush with this transform and take another merge and connect this yellow background point with this mod 1 and green Foton point with this and drag this merge 2 to the viewer and select this second transform and just drag it down and rotate it by 180 degree and say this brush rock over here like that and let's take one more copy it ctrl V to paste and connect the output of this brush with this transform and take another merge and connect the ciello point with this much - and green point with this and drag it to the viewer and now select this transform three and just drag it down and placed it like that alright and now let's make this background transparent so select this background and pick this black color and set this alpha value zero and make it transparent alright and as you can see it's looking perfect and now select all these node hit ctrl C to copy and let's create another copy of this so hit control V on the keyboard to paste another copy placed it like that and now select these node hit control Z to create a group and select this hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it brushes it ok and now let's animate these brush strokes so select this transform one first and go to on frame number 45 and drag this merge 3 to the viewer and now select this transform 3 and right click on center click on animate or you can also click on this time and button to create a keyframe and go to very beginning of this animation and just drag this stroke outside of this frame over here maybe and now select this transform 2 and go to 15 frame forward in time so go to on frame number 60 and right click on center click on animate and one frame number 15 maybe and just drag this over here on right hand side and now select this last transform good once frame number 75 and right click on center click on animate and go to on frame number 30 and just drag this over here alright and now let's play this alright so as you can see we have a very basic animation so let's make some more interesting animation so go to a spline window hit f4 on the keyboard to full screen and let's minimize these transform nodes and check this transform one and click on fit button select these keyframes hit s on the keyboard to a smooth and good one value beginning of this animation and create a nice smooth curves and now check this second one and uncheck this first and click on fit button select this keyframe hit s on the keyboard and hold this handle and create a curve lag time all right and now uncheck the second and check this last transform and click on fit button select these keyframes hit S on the keyboard to smooth and go to one frame number 30 maybe and hold this handle and set it like that alright and hit f4 on the keyboard to exit and close this a spline window and go to very beginning and let's play this again alright and as you can see it's looking much more better and now let's create a group of this so select all these node it ctrl Z to create a group it f2 on the keyboard to rhenium and let's call it a Strokes hit enter and now let's merge this both brushes and strokes so take a merge node and connect this yellow background point with this brushes and green for round point with districts alright and drag this merge for to the viewer now I want to put this animated a stroke inside of this process layer so select this merge four and go to the inspector window and change this operator over to in alright and now let's play this again and as you can see we have a stroke animation something like that and now let's feel a nice color on it so take a background node hit f2 on the keyboard to rhenium and let's call it color hit ok and and take a merge node and connect this yellow point with this merge 5 and connect this green point with this color and drag this merge 5 to the viewer and select this color and and change the stripe solid color to gradient and pick a nice gradient color so pick this point and make this yellow maybe pick this point and big a red color alright and now say this gradient point over here like that and now I want to put this color inside of these strokes so selects merge five and we'll do this operator and change this over to in and now let's add a transform after this merge five so select this and click on this transform button drag this transform to the viewer and let's down the size a bit and say this brush stroke in center over here and now I want to create a rectangular stroke sheep so we have to take a new background node so click on this background hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it a stroke hit enter and placed it over here and select this a stroke hit ctrl + a spacebar or search box and search for paint node so this is a paint node heat pad button and selig is paint and let's call it paint all right and take a merge node and connect this yellow point with this transform and green point with this paint and drag this merge 6 to the viewer and now select this a stroke and make it transparent so go to inspector window and say this alpha value 0 and make it transparent and now select this paint and select this polyline a stroke right click on center go to polyline a stroke one polyline and go to create and create a rectangle and hit OK go to brush control first and click on this square and close this apply control and open this a stroke control and let's animate this right on so as you can see a stroke a starting point over here so I want to put this a starting point in this corner so say this angle value 180 and hit enter all right and it's looking perfect and now let's increase the size of this and say this is for like that and so this brush size 0.008 maybe alright and it's looking perfect now I want to animate this stroke so go to on frame number 120 which is equal to four second according to 30fps and right click on int click on animate and right click on start and click on animate and go to on frame number 15 maybe and say this in value 0.68 enter and said this is a start value point six and hit enter and as you can see we have a very basic and we had an animation so go to a spline window and hit f4 again to full screen and click on fit button and uncheck this strokes and check this paint node only and click on fit button again and select all these keyframe hit s on the keyboard to smooth and go to on frame number 15 add a starting point and hold this handle and create a nice smooth curve and hold this handle also and said it like that alright and now hit effort to exit and close this spline window and now let's play this again alright so it's looking nice and now I want to place this part of this rectangular stroke behind this brush stroke so I'm gonna reverse this connection so it just D attach this connections and connect this yellow point with this paintbrush and connect this green point with this transform and now I want to create one more copy of this paint node so select these stroke and paint both node and hit control C to copy and paste another copy over here and take another merge and connect this zero point with this merge 6 and connect this green point with taste and now drag this to the viewer and as you can see first copy of this rectangular strop is behind this brush drop and another copy is over on this brush drop so ctrl Z to go back and now I want to cut this area of this rectangular shape so we have to take a new polygon tool placed it over here and create a polygon over here on this section and now let's attach this polygon with this paint one so connect this blue point with this polygon alright and now selling this polygon and click on invert and now select this paint and go to modifier and let's down the size of this little bit so I'm going to set this value 0.006 maybe and hit enter and now select this first paint node and set this value 0.006 and hit enter and now it's looking perfect alright and now let's create a drop shadow effect over here so select these node drag it over here and let's add a drop shadow node over here so hit ctrl + a spacebar for search box and search for drop shadow so this is our drop shadow hit add button hold shift and attach this drop shadow over here and let's do some setting for this drop shadow so select this drops out of node and set this blur value 0 and so this drop distance 0.01 hit enter and shadow strength put this value zero point two million and hit enter and say this lower value point 3 and hit enter and it's looking nice all right and now let's create a text notes so click on this text button and placed it over here and let's merge this text so take our merge node and connect this yellow point with this merge seven and connect this green point with this text 1 and drag this March 8th to the viewer and select this text 1 and let's a text to whatever we want to type so I am tapping title animation tutorial and select your favorite phone styles so in this case I am using this century gothic font style which is my favorite font style and of course you can choose any different font style that you want and now right-click on that and click on character label styling and goto modifier and select all these text all control let's enter the size of this text something like that and now select this title only and just say this value 0 point 1 1 5 and hit enter and set it to regular and select this tutorial only and set this bold to regular all right and now select all these text and go to this transform and change this character to lines and say this line spacing 0.75 and hit enter all right so as you can see it's looking something like this and now let's add a drop shadow effect for this text so select this drop shadow node hit ctrl C to copy and paste another copy over here by hitting ctrl V hold shift and attach this drop shadow for this text over here all right and now let's animate this text so go to on frame number 120 which is equal to 4 second and select this text 1 and go to text right click on and click on animate and 1 frame number 30 maybe which is equal to one second and and say this in value 0 alright and as you can see it's looking something like this and now let's import this image compound clip on this flow window and close this media pool and hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it image hit enter and now drag this image to the viewer and select this image and a color corrector node with this dragons color corrector to the viewer and let's down the saturation value zero and make it pure black and white and say this gain value something around 0.3 and hit enter and now let's add a scale animation on it so select this color corrector and add a transform node and drag this transform to the viewer and go to the end of this animation right click on size click on animate and go to very beginning of this animation and say this a scale value 1 point 2 and hit enter and now we have a scale animation like that and now let's add another scale animation for this title animation so select this much 8 and click on this transform button to add a transform node drag this transform to the viewer and go to the end of this animation and say this size value point 9 and hit enter and click on fit button and right click on size click on animate and go to very beginning of this animation and said this to default and let's merge this both outputs so take a node and connect this yellow point with this transform 3 and green point with this transform 4 and drag this March 9 to the viewer all right and finally we have to connect media out with this main output so connect this merge 9 with this media out and then go to your edit tab and as you can see our text animation is ready for render so close this inspector window and let's increase the size of this and click on this loop button go to very beginning of this animation and let's have a look alright guys so it's looking awesome and that's all for this tutorial I hope you liked it if you like it then hit the subscribe button and click on the bail icon to get notified when I will upload my new video and I will see you in next tutorial till then bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Skyline Motions
Views: 38,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion Graphics Tutorial, VFX Tutorial, BlackMagic Fusion Page, DaVinci Resolve Template, Modern Text Animation, Similar to Premere Pro, Similar to FCP, Similar to After Effects, DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial, Title Animation, Clean Text, Paint brush, brush Stroke, stylish looking text, tutorial for beginners, step by step tutorial, artistvikashk, skylinemotions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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