How to create Social Media Lower Thirds in Davinci Resolve 16

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[Music] hey guys Nick here and welcome back to another video we're back into the DaVinci Resolve tutorials I'm not it's been a while being busy moving back overseas but now we're all settled we're gonna get into it and this is one that get quite a few questions about and definitely something I was looking into when I was first getting started which is how to create a social media lower thirds for use when your YouTube are you creating videos and you want to obviously promote yourself so something like this and this is a tutorial more for beginners as you can see here we have our logo that pops in and then disappears a really quick and easy effect to create as it is simple animations nothing too hectic really great if you're just getting started so let's jump into DaVinci Resolve I'm gonna create a new timeline social media test and we're also going to go new fusion composition and just call it social media lower-third and we're gonna jump across into fusion double click on the social media lower-third and open it up now I'm just going to close the spline editor your fusion page should look a bit like this once you have opened that a new fusion comp if it doesn't you might just not have the inspector shown or you might not have the media pool open either way no big deal I'm just gonna resize this a little bit I'm gonna go over to our media pool and we're going to command I or control I to import an image in downloads and I've got a logo here here we go Instagram logo we're gonna open that and you can just find this by googling on google Instagram logo Facebook logo Twitter logo whatever you want it's how we're gonna do it alright so the first step we're going to do is create a background we're gonna just drag it in from the toolbar here background we're gonna just drag and connect it to our media app mode and our media art mode is currently displayed in the viewer here and if the media out buer isn't showing here all you can do is click on the node click and drag into the viewer to release it alright next we're going to drag our logo into the fusion composition so we're just going to click on the image drag and drop and release now we're not going to see anything and that's because is just sitting by itself if we wanted to see it we could just click on that node and drag into the viewer there you go you can see our Instagram logo now don't worry about all this checker mark here that is just to show that this is transparent in this section here and that is just part of the image that I downloaded from Google all right so I'm going to just drag this media art mode back into there and we're going to join them together and the easiest way to do that is to grab the output of the media node and drag it to the output of the background mode and it's gonna slap it right on top just like so so let's just do a quick little bit of organization we're going to right click on this node and we're just going to rename it we're just gonna call it insta logo okay that way we just know what's going on and what we want to do now is obviously that logo is just a little bit too big we're gonna want to resize it now to do that the easiest ways to add a transform node in between the logo and the merge and we can do that just by having the logo selected hitting shift space and typing transform and it's gonna pop up there we want the transform xf1 click on that and hit enter and now we've added the transform node and because it sits in between the logo and the merge node this is just going to control everything that's coming before it in the node tree so what we're gonna do is going to click the transform node we're going to scale it down just by going into our inspector and again if it's not visible hit an inspector scale it down to whatever size you want it to be and then we're just going to move the move it by clicking the handles and we're just going to move it over into the corner lower thirds referring to the lower third of the screen and we're gonna do one more thing before we start and that is create our Instagram handle that we're going to obviously want appear in this video so to do so we're going to grab the text node and we can do that just by grabbing this text here text + and same thing we're going to drag the output to the Apple to the merge so that we can see it on top obviously where I see anything at the moment because we haven't typed anything and here in the inspector we start typing out what we want - you know what our handle is we're going to start with this we're gonna go at and then I'm just gonna do this one here this is I think it's Emery so hopefully I didn't butcher that so follow of the channel and follow on Instagram and so big shout out to this guy here doesn't know I'm doing this and we're gonna just move it into position like so and now we're pretty much good to go alright now we need to start animating everything what I like to do is start by piece by it piece so I'm going to start animating the logo first we're gonna click the transform node and to start animating we just click these diamonds next to the parameter we want to animate over time by clicking these diamonds you're going to create a keyframe and that's how we start the animation so we're going to do is we select frame 0 and we're gonna drop the size remember how big it is at the moment we drop it to 0 I'm going to hit a keyframe so when it started at 0 we're gonna move forward 10 frames I'm gonna size it back up again okay roughly to where we were before and then if we go back to 0 and we hit spacebar now we have we have our Instagram logo scaling in and out and that is going to be our primary animation ok so that's first step then what we're going to want to do is we're gonna move forward a bit in time let's go to say frame let's go to frame 60 which at 24 frames a second is roughly 3 seconds ish actually let's go to 70 and we're gonna set another keyframe on the size and the reason we set another keyframe is just so that the system knows that from frame tend to frame 70 nothing changes it stays the same size then we're going to go down to frame 80 and we're gonna drop it back down to zero really simple animation and so now what we have is from frame 0 to 10 it gets goes from smaller gets larger then it stays the same for the duration it's on the screen 4 and then at the very end it shrinks back down and that's our primary animation now we can add what we like to call secondary animation to this or secondary motion just to help sort of sell it so what we're gonna do is at frame 10 with the transform node selected we're going to hit a keyframe on the angle and then when we go to frame 0 what we're going to do is we're just going to move that angle just around a little bit doesn't matter what way you go and doesn't matter how far just a little bit and now what we have is if we move this in our logo kinda spin into place like so really just a really easy way to sort of help sell the animation just a little bit better was which is with secondary motion now again we can do the same with the sort of the zoom in the shrinking bit at the end there so going to set another keyframe for the angle just like we did for the size so that it nothing changes in between those frames and we're going to go down to 80 and we're just going to do another little bit of a sort of twist there so now she twists as it disappears fantastic alright now that the logo has been animated we just need to animate the text and currently you know we can select the text and we can move it around and that's fine but we kind of want to have it come in from behind the logo alright so to do that what we're gonna do is actually add a mask and that's going to sort of hide a section of the screen so with the text node selected we're just going to click this rectangle tool here and that's going to create a rectangle mask and as you can see if we move this around it cuts off a bit of the text so we're gonna grab that rectangle we're gonna move it and kind of line it up there with the side of the Instagram logo and currently you can't see anything because well the way the mask is working is everything inside the rectangle is visible everything outside is invisible well if we go over to the inspector here you'll see that straight up you have this invert option it's going to do exactly what we think it's going to do it's going to reverse the process so we're going to do that now we can see the text and if I was to select the text node and move it in and out see now we have it look like it's coming from behind the logo which is pretty cool so what we're gonna do is with the text nodes selected we're going to go over to inspector we're going to go find the position parameter which is under the Layout tab so the second tab along and we're talking about the center X&Y so we're going to do is we're going to move it out of the way so we can't see it make sure we're on frame 10 for this and we're going to set a keyframe for the x and y which is referencing the position it sits on the Y which is vertical and the X which is horizontal now we're going to move forward let's go forward let's go slow forward five frames keep it nice and simple I'm gonna grab that handle and we're just going to move it out just a little bit - there all right nice and easy and now we have our animation it pops in and out and we're gonna leave it like that and we're gonna go forward to frame 70 all right which is when this disappears so what we're gonna do is five frames before that all right so we can set another keyframe for the center X&Y before the frame 70 just before it starts to disappear I'm gonna drag it back so we can't see it anymore and you can see that we're following the exact same principles that we did with animating the logos we're setting you know some anchor points I'd like to call them so that there is no animation taking place in between frame 15 and 65 and then we have our little bit of animation there at the end and if we were to play this through from the start you can see it looks pretty good hangs out for a bit which is what we want so you can read it on the screen while you've got your video playing and then it disappears like so now we could leave it at that pretty much you know that's a nice easy animation and you've learnt how to keyframe and a little bit of masking for text animation and all that sort of stuff but we could take it a step further by opening up the spline editor so we're gonna do that so we're gonna drop so we're going to close the nodes and we're gonna open up this spline editor now the spline editor is like a curved graph and it shows the animation over time so if we open up the transform one and this is referencing the transform mode that we had and this is an exact representation of the animation of the transform node for the Instagram logo that we created before so just this one here okay so I'm going to close the noise section and you can see we have our lines and so these boxes here these are our keyframes and the lines in between represent the motion so obviously between friend 10 and frame 70 there is no motion so it's a nice straight line but between 70 and 80 there is a bit of animation there so the values are changing so we've got a line but as you can see they're nice but as you can see the animation is actually quite a harsh line which means it's quite abrupt so I'm gonna grab this corner here and what we're gonna do is hit this button here smooth and if we click that you can see now we have a nice gradual animation we'll do this on the other side all right so now we have our animation which smoothes in and smooth and kind of a little bit at the top here but it's still quite harsh at the top so we're gonna do is gonna grab that box and you can see we've got these little handles and I know it's getting a little bit more complicated now but if we can just grab this handle here a little bit we're gonna help just ease that animation so it's not super harsh I'm gonna do it on the other side just a little bit nothing too fancy all right now as you can see here the Green Line is for the angle so that is the rotation of that particular object now we're going to do the same for the sight so I'm gonna select that first one smooth it out the first one there smooth it out and grab that one there and all we're going to do is pull it up a little bit just like we did with the other one and all that is doing is just giving us just nice if we zoom in a little bit it's giving us this nice like little S curve so it's easing into the animation and easing out of the animation which is exactly what we want so now I'm going to turn off the transform so we don't see it I'm gonna look at the text 1 Center path now if you can't see all the keyframes you just click this button here it's going to resize everything and again we have our keyframe animation some got out these locks represent the keyframes and then the graph represents the animation and just like before we're going to select the first one we're going to smooth it out and then we're just going to select these keyframes here and we're just going to pull that handle out to make that nice s-curve that we did for all the other animations all right and this is the last thing you do okay just you can see that nice s-curve nice gradual graph is exactly what we want and generally you won't notice a big difference okay but it will feel a lot better when watching it back from you open the nodes spline editor if we play this back now it should look a lot less jarring so I'm just going to let it buffer a little bit you see there it just looks a little bit more natural and it's a lot it's quite hard to see when you haven't been animating for a while but it just doesn't look as jarring as the first animation so well there you guys have a really quick and easy tutorial on how to create a social media at lower thirds I recommend you guys go out and do this one for yourself with maybe the Facebook or in store with maybe the face got Twitter logo so go give it a crack and yet tag me in the video I'd love to see what you guys are doing and stay tuned on this channel we're going to do a more advanced version of this in the coming days hopefully by the end of the week and it's just going to build upon the principles that we looked at here in this beginner tutorial and create a little bit more of a dynamic animation so make sure you subscribe to the channel for that and until the next video I'll see you guys later you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 16,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lower thirds in Davinci resolve 16, how to create a social media animation in Davinci resolve, how to create a social media lower third in Davinci resolve 16, how to create a social media motion graphic in Davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 15, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, text animation in resolve 16, easy text animation in resolve 16, create a minimal modern title animation in davinci resolve 16, how to use davinci resolve
Id: Qqa3Rt7GsUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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