SoccerCoachTV - Basic Defending Techniques

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guys don't for one second think that this is too basic okay good defenders have the fundamental fundamentals right it's increasing them watch carefully though so a couple of things we'll do this one more time then we move on but what i want you to pay attention to is a couple of things number one is when do i stop when do i put on those brakes okay so good players are going to do this watch carefully if vancouver is a defender against kyle and carl's a good player he's savvy and what he's going to look for is the moment i stop he's going to look for my last step and he's going to do that because at that last step when i put on the brakes all my inertia stopped and i have to regain it again it changed direction okay so he's waiting he's waiting he's waiting and when he's really gonna be i'm gonna be vulnerable it's my last step so while my body's going forward he's gonna do what he's going to push it past me so you got to be very mindful of your last step if you want that's if you want to be a great defender if you want to be a lousy defender forget it just run in you'll put it through your legs and push it past you every single time so we're gonna come on but i'm gonna know i'm gonna know my distance okay so about a yard and a half away from the player put on the brakes but it's incredibly important that when you put on the brakes guys that last step is not heavy boom it's not like going in quicksand it's like being on hot sand where you take your foot off straight away then when you take your sandals off on the beach and you put it on oh geez that's hot that's how it has to be it's there and it's spring loaded and back out again so i want to see you down bend those knees if those knees are bent you're explosive you're ready to go if you stop straight you've got no power to change directions so right now for the if we get the fundamentals right honestly we'll be much harder to beat if we don't get it right it's going to be random whether they score or not okay go harder think about your last step think about your side on position are we ready go quickly yep working two yes yes yes good good good spring right out spring right out well done good good good spring right out well done love it spring right out let me see that ground let me see the bounce let me see the bounce don't be heavy let me see the bounce well done mikey well done go come on the team let me see your bounce bounce out of that yes keep keep going guys keep going so that's critical so when you come in come into me take that last step if you don't take that bounce if you come in straight and you're coming at that momentum i'm going to go right past you yeah that bounce is just setting the brakes and resetting and getting ready [Applause] watch carefully now swap the ball one ball to the other side now just one more one more between two one ball between two one ball between three on that side i'll come and help you in a second okay come and defend against me you drop off yeah ball's there drop off again yes give me the ball yes good yes and on my whistle recover back on my whistle play the ball into him now you do the same thing go go go go defense swap the ball yes good good and defend yes good good good good you get it boys yes you do the same thing with it guys it's going to be a massive bonus to us if we're loud because listen can it be scary if you don't make a noise i don't think so scary things are often look ugly right and noisy so no good looking if you don't have a device to go with it you guys have got the first one all set right are we ready show me how ugly you can get go intimidate [Applause] give me everything you got give me everything you got defending game like go go go quickly yes love it [Applause] so [Music] [Music] you [Applause] for more great drills visit the world's largest coaching website [Music] soccer coach tv where coaches live
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 72,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer Drills, online soccer drills, soccer coaching
Id: _MR6SdhMaSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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