Soccer TRAINING - Principles of Defending 1v1 to 11v11 Part 1

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foreign [Music] will be at the fending session going from one versus one to two versus two up to four versus four and then into a half field practice we'll look at man-to-man defending we'll also look at some zonal defending and we'll never get away from the principles of Defending which is Pressure cover and balance foreign practice for defending one versus one we've got 10 by 20 yard grids and opposite players at each end the the boys will take a touch out of their feet and serve the ball in and then defend their own end line and stand still so the first thing we need to look at with defending in a 1v1 situation what's your first job how about we get there how about put him under some pressure okay so have the ball back again we're asking the first Defender now to close the space down immediately as fast as they possibly can so we've established that the first Defender must apply immediate pressure now we want to start to look at the angle of approach so Matt once if I play the ball into the middle there at what angle will you close him down you have choices don't you so maybe what you can do if you know something about your opponent maybe you can take your opponent onto their weaker foot invariably we don't have a lot of that information so which foot might you want to take him to Matt so Matt strongfoot as first Defender which is his left foot so maybe he wants to take him in there so he's tackling with his strong foot as opposed to his weaker foot so let's see if you serve the ball in straight down the middle your angle of approach now is going to make William take the ball onto your left foot good so as we get in behind we see the angle is a little bit different taking the attacking player onto Matt strong foot which is his left foot Matt's closing William down very quickly he's decided he wants to take him onto his strong foot now I want you to decide at some point where you might need to slow down so he can't beat you with his first or second touch and stop there so Matt has now established just go back a yard William that is now established an angle of approach he's established immediate pressure and he's established a safe distance so that the attacking player just come closer Matt can't beat him with one touch and then straight speed so now we're going to take a little look at the the body shape and the defensive posture so as Matt comes in now he wants to make sure that he gets a little bit side on if he gets Square and William takes the touch Matt's first movement is to have to turn and also if he's Square he's very vulnerable to the nutmeg the ultimate embarrassment for any Defender so as he comes in angle of approach we're now going to get side on and he wants to have a touch Q here if I can touch the attacker I'm often too close so if I use my arm I can stare straight along my arm it gives me a visual cue now I'm side on and I'm actually ready saying to the attacker if you take the touch I'm ready for the race okay so when you come in Matt this time in your angle of approach I want you to get nice and side on I want you to look down your arm to give you a a visual cue and just hold your ground and be patient so the first thing we're asking the defender to do is immediate pressure the second thing is his angle of approach third is to slow down and now the fourth is to delay and obviously he went in and won the ball there and stand still okay so once he's now come into that area there why did you decide to take him there because he took his first touch that way okay he took his first touch that way so do you want him to keep going towards the end of the grid okay so now we're starting to talk about denying space or concentration of space so once we get into this situation make sure he cannot go that way with your body shape could you still go that way Tony okay so fix it and Rihanna all right so you're definitely inviting the attacker to go the way that you want him to go get there nice and quickly when to slow down and stop there good now once we've taken them into this side here and the attacker does manage to change space it's very important now that when we change our body shape we don't cross legs now we need to rotate onto the back foot and around so that we're maintaining our body shape low center of gravity we're looking across along our arm so that we stay side on so we can't be nutmegged and we maintain our distance so just dribble to the side so as I come across I'm skipping across maintaining my distance and swiftly yeah speed it up and I'm swiveling looking down staying side on and coming back this way I'm delaying I'm jockeying I'm buying time for my second Defender once more Maddie make sure that you don't get too close you can do that by using your arm you had a nice swivel don't get too close your arm out don't get too close again good what are the ways that we could win the ball tackling them right so tackling's one okay anything else what do you mean by that faking them out okay so by applying pressure you force a mistake okay so we can force mistakes they can dribble the ball out they can give the ball to you in the end and that happened a lot didn't it even when you were just jocking and delaying there were people who were still giving you the ball because the tricks weren't working okay any other way okay so on interception so Marcus if you come on the ball here and I maintain my distance when I'm here and play the ball there and I just step across and that becomes an interception as opposed to a tackle so now what's the best quality of a Defender any ideas what were we just doing here delay Waiting For What waiting for the moment to win the ball okay so the best quality a Defender can have is patience how many times have you seen impatient Defenders come in and lose the opportunity to win the ball so now as you're dribbling I want you to pick the moment to apply pressure to force a mistake to tackle or to intercept all right off you go and stop there okay there's a point there where he showed a little bit of Disguise and you were in here and the moment you squared up and he was about to go that way that's the moment that you you were squared up okay so from there can you just rotate to there as opposed to squaring up right maintaining that body shape good be patient be patient good there's a new one to win it and transition go and get there and score well done nice and patient bigs good and stop that okay so in the moment of go back in that moment of transition you've gone from being the attacker to the defender at this point in time are you too close so if you can't win the ball you've got to make a decision if I can't win it straight away I've now got to put myself into the body shape to delay arm and your body posture okay look like a player all right so as we go now you've got to transition from attacker to Defender and decide can I win it or do I need to delay all right big do you really and play good and you forced a mistake well done and stand still stand still okay well done Biggs you force them into a moment where now come on the ball force them into a moment where in order for him to protect the ball where did he turn his body shape okay so the moment he turns backwards look like a player get your foot off it are you going to spin it with that foot or this foot all right so spin it then up look like a place stopped there okay so once we get into this position if you go body up on him and you feel me here which way will you go okay so he's going to roll out of the challenges so in order to let him know you can still do this but you're not giving him a clue as to which way he needs to go so he's tight enough so I've gone from face me again I've gone from in here maintaining my distance electing to to try and make a challenge forcing him to protect the ball so now I want to get a little closer to put him under that pressure because I don't want to allow him to face me again that's a more dangerous position okay so back again and now here's the key here's the key if he takes the ball with the inside of this foot and Spins this way that's a tackling moment for me because he's turning into me and he doesn't know where I can be take it again now I want you to take it with the outside of your foot that's different I can't tackle now just just stay there again take the touch outside of your foot stop there what's between the ball and me his body okay so that's not necessarily a good tackling moment for me so now I want to get back into a position where I'm ready for him to spin take his second touch that's a tackle the moment so we're now looking at the outside of the foot and the inside of the foot as different moments to make the challenge and stop there did you feel him you know where he was okay so you need to start to use this right you're defending like this all right you're nice and close but he doesn't know where you are now you're giving him a clue that you're there right so you can defend like this and you might force him to go one way or the other but you're not over committed right it's delay delay good be patient again foreign
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Keywords: soccer, coaching, defending, national soccer coaches association of america, defending principles, 1v1 defending principles, 1v1 defending coaching points, soccer principles, principles soccer, soccer coaching, soccer defending, 1v1 defending soccer, soccer 1v1 defending, 1v1 defending soccer tips, 1v1 defending soccer drills, soccer 1v1 defending drills, 1v1 defending soccer drills u10, soccer coach, principles of play, the art of defending, director of coaching
Id: 76HXkqpvZmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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