SoccerCoachTV - This is a great drill to improve the speed of your Defensive Shape.

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[Music] hey guys we're back at it Sean green soccer coach TV I'm with third IFC it's a beautiful Thursday night 8:00 at night gorgeous weather for October glad you joined me really appreciate it check it out we're going to have a lot of fun in this practice this feel is H pretty bumpy right but it's a feel it's Outfield we we have to get used to it and we got to use that as actually an advantage for us okay so what's going to happen is mistakes are going to happen where as if we want Turf your pass will be perfect if it's not and it bounces the wrong bounce don't blame somebody else don't blame yourself don't get pissed off at yourself it's a nature of the environment that we're playing in we have to accept that I was in Puerto Rico coaching two years ago we were training at night and it was red hot literally soaking wet 16 17 year old kids the FI was nothing but rocks it was dirt like this and rocks literally I picked up two handfuls of rocks within 30 seconds not once in a week did I hear any of those kids mention about the Rocks even the goalkeeper was diving in it in fact once we were near the end of practice and we were scrimmaging they just wanted to keep playing all the time coach can we stay longer can we stay longer big lesson in there there's excuses to look for if you want to find them I'm just telling you ahead of time the ball will bounce all we all we can do is control what we can control and put it right as quick as we can does that make sense guys sir yeah okay good don't let the field beat us let's say the ball goes into Josh knock it into him stop there all there we close it down our immediate responsibility is to stop him playing for forward right we got to stop him playing forward and we're trying to dictate the shape of the game whatever shape we show them in Midfield is going to dictate their decisions do you understand me if we're flat and a space behind if that's what we show them where they're going to play over the top so immediate thing this run has got to be a commitment with intensity as a group fix it in it can't be three going and one left out there okay so well I'm just looking at your basic shape what are we prepared to show them we're assuming right now guys let's say this is on Midfield we're assuming we got it back four behind us too coming up but what are we showing them right here Ryan come across us that's what we want on Sunday we want to make it predictable if you go too too high that Ball's going to be played into that corner great stuff Josh in there right okay Hey listen up four passes you work as hard hard as you can four passes then you guys come to the end of this line hey then the ball here you go there and you do the same thing then after four passes go the end of that line oh ready let's see what's happens up go Peter anybody yeah get up yes yeah play what there's one two talk talk three and switch it now get off your group's off let's go switch defend let's go Shar Shar we done [Music] come on let's go get up get up close the ball close the ball let's go there's one two drop off drop off drop off three four you're out you're done you're done you're done let's go come on up up up up up b d one close the ball close the ball two three ask yourself is this a hardworking team ises that Define us we can this is only it's not going to kill us so when that ball goes British when that ball does go and our Midfield goes you better be out in the back the same intensity you you at the back four can't sit in with us going and having that big gap when we press or we go we're all in guys one band one team all in it can't be one or two three guys pressing we're all in and closing all options off good job so far can we get it a little bit more intense now we'll move on quickly you're too flat too flat Hey where's he gonna play that ball right there so drop off drop off drop off drop off Josh drop off there you go now I got it it's going to be harder to play in here I'm going to play it across me so when that ball travels he's pressing but when that ball goes there you got to as fast as you can forward you got to go backward as quick understand that shape's got to be fluid man you understand that so he got it that's I you drop play in front can't we can't be flat three passes then you go one two three go forward go forward you're done you're done go forward defend hey back in here back in here good job man love it well done good def do we oh are we quiet Defenders are loud are we quiet or are we loud yes yes close him well done good shape boys good shape good good good two more two more come on two more yes good sh you're dead he's gone let's go well done I like that let's identify who should be the loudest should it be this guy be the last person the guy can see the most the guy can see he can only see one play he can't see three you can see a lot you've can see a lot so these two wide guys have got to be the guys hey guys you got to tell Peter is he too deep is he too high all right if you're out wide and that goes to uh in your position too Nick with the two Central Midfield players are you going to play flat is he going to press what what are you going to do be alongside him drop off that communication has to be loud and clarity's got to be there all the time okay you got to almost got to have the the best relationship with any other player on the team with that guy working next year ready guys okay let's go two more minutes and then I want to get the goals and I want us to play okay ready up go go go go go go go three passes three passes that's one that's two drop drop drop drop again drop again great go switch well done boys well done go quicker quicker let's go St yes good good good good good good good keep going keep going Swit let's [Music] go hey heyy hey hey heyy [Music] a
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 7,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer Drills, online soccer drills, soccer coaching
Id: Et_OcFfpTUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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