Defensive Drills for Soccer Players - 3 Individual & 3 Partner Defensive Drills - Defending Drills

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yeah hey I can't stop I'm on way to the top got another flight to hop I can't stop got a new got a new crib [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] end what's going on guys welcome back to nonstop we're out here again on a beautiful day to bring you a defensive drill video a lot of you guys have been asking me about this so we're going to be posting three individual defensive drills and three partner defensive drills all right so we did a center back drill that I think was really good and I'm going to be posting that at the end of this video so be sure to stay to the end to see that Center back drill so what I think is important for any Defender whether you're a fullback or a center back is your footwork your balance and your change of Direction speed all right so if you're forcing them this way and you and the attacker slice and dice you takes you this way then making sure that you're balanced and you're not going to fall over like boang against Messi here he is again he is again it's astonishing absolutely world class he's taken them apart Messi was like this B Tang Falls over it's over and it's a goal all right so we're going to be getting into these individual drills so let's get going all right so first drill we got four pink cones as you can see and then two orange cones at the far end so right here we're going to be following the camera so the first pink cone you set down it's just two steps between each pink cone so we go one and two we set down that cone one and two okay so each pink cone there's four two steps apart then you put this first orange cone one two three four and five five yards away okay same thing with this one you go one two three four five six and seven so about seven yards for the last cone okay so all you need is four pink cones two orange cones can be any any two colors all right so I'm about to demonstrate this first drill uh you're going to start on one side of the cones first we're going to be doing that three times and then after you're done with those three times we're going to go into the opposite side which is over here and we're going to be doing that three times as well okay so I'm going to be demonstrating how this goes so let's do it all right so as you can see every pink cone you're going around it with your feet all right and then after you get out of the pink cones after the fourth one you go and close down that first orange cone after you stand there for about 1 to two seconds then you sprint off to the last cone last orange cone uh and you sprint through that one [Music] a all right so like I said after you're done going forwards now we're going to be going backwards and it's going to be a little bit different so you're going to be going backwards through these cones like you're see on the screen once you get out of here on the last one you're going to be going to your right okay we're going to be switching our body's position and then running just like if if it was a long ball or something somebody crossed you up all right most important thing going backwards um all the times I tell my players is to get your butt down make sure that you're really balanced if you're going back and you're stand straight up you're going to be a little bit off balance going to be hard to move your feet as long as you can get your butt down it's going to be a lot easier you're going to be leaning forward your center of gravity is going to be on balance super duper fly now love them boy but they see where iide now put the time in while you always yelling time out to quit it cuz I know I'm coming with it you were sitting you were wishing I was handling my business now I got the B like Harry Potter playing quit it my humongous you that in I'm all that yeah I'm all that looking for that wh that what you call that I'm blow up in the what's good with these going backwards as well is that you have to check your shoulder every time that you're hitting a cone so that you don't overrun it uh so that's also another good thing is making sure that you're aware of what's behind you um cuz a lot of times Center back or fullback sometimes things are behind you so you just need to be aware of that I'm going mainam mream flow like water so I'm going mainstream going main d all right so there it is there's those two variations going frontwards and backwards um I'll show you a quick little bonus one that you can do as well um so through the pink cones we'll we'll be doing the same thing that you saw on the orange cones but if for here on the pink cones you can back up and then press this guy like you would forcing in one way back up press back up and press all right so you can do something like that that's just [Music] [Music] y [Music] all right so from here we're just going to leave the same drill that you had set out you can take off two of the side cones doesn't matter which ones just make sure we have a straight line of three so I take off these two side cones I'll just put them right here for now but now as you can see we have a line of three cones still with the 5 yard spacing in between the cones all right so go on to the next one this one is going to include heading and dribbling so first you're going to start with two balls so you're going to need two balls and like I said three cones like we already have set up so for right now you're going to juggle it up all right couple juggles boom head it out of here as far as you can we're going to pick up this ball right foot first go around the cones in a little circuit once you come back to the middle you're done all right so if you're not comfortable yet juggling up to yourself and you can't get it to the correct height you can just start with your hands throw it up head that thing out and then pick up the ball for a dribble same [Music] thing [Music] [Music] all right so most important thing for the header is obviously if you can't juggle it high enough then you have to throw it up with your hands because you want to get it to a height where you want to time it also get that front arm in so we're not just jumping straight up like a stick then you'll be off balance you want to get that shoulder or this forearm on the back of the opponent so you can really get your power in so just like you saw in the drills I was facing separate ways so this way for the right and then this way for the left so make sure you get both sides because it's a little bit awkward switching sides as well so like I said you want to get it high enough to time it to get it out all right so if you can't get it high enough like I said just thr it with your hands so what we got here uh just a little triangle okay this is going to act as the the attacker obviously I'm the defender still and then we have two different color cones we have yellow and we have blue okay so every time he calls if he says yellow I come out this way I'm forcing him inside okay after every time he's going to pass me the ball I'm going to take two touches same foot all right then we come back to this cone once he calls blue I go here force him inside which is the opposite way we come back same thing it's going to be two touches right foot okay after a couple of those times I'm going to be sitting here he has a ball in his hands and a ball at his feet so the ball at his feet he was passing me now as the ball is in his hands he's going to bounce it and I'm going to have to react to go so he's going to bounce it go ahead bounce I have to react to get it before it bounces dribble around this cone then we come back that's one set ahead blue yep yes b yellow yep yes F yellow yes B blue yes b yellow yes B blue yes SP yellow yes spot yellow yellow BL yellow this my bad my bad blue yep good ball yellow awesome so here we are with another the second partner drill uh we're going to start here with four orange cones the setup is kind of like in a diamond shape so we're going do four orange cones here I have about 2 feet in between each cone okay so four orange cones then about five yards away diagonally I have these two yellow cone so it's the same distance five yards from that first orange cone diagonally then another five yards from the yellows here to this first red cone and then about three steps for this red cone okay so I'm going to demonstrate pretty slowly here how it's going to go you're going to go to each side about three to five times so I'm going to pick to my left side first and then we'll go to that right side three to five times okay so we're here it's going to be footwork again we're going to be back shuffling we're going to be side shuffling here changing our body running sideways stopping and then heading a ball out okay and it's not going to be back to my partner I'm going to be heading that thing I'm going be clearing it all right so I'm going to show you how it goes [Music] go I to the toight to I can't stop got a i w stop [Music] all right so in my opinion this is the the best partner drill that you can do uh if you want to work on defense so if you're not doing it uh definitely start doing it so we have two goals here um about 4T apart so these two cones and then this one one over here so we have a right and left sided goal we have the partner who is about 10 yard away from where I will be playing the ball to him so all it is is I'm just playing the ball out to him I have to go close him down the most important thing in this Dr so stop here most important thing in this drill is once you decide which way to force him most of the time you're going to want to force him I'm on the opposite side but you want to force him to the weak side which is his left foot okay cuz he's a right footed player if you start forcing him this way the most important thing is to make sure that he does not come back across you okay so it's okay if he gets in that goal obviously it's not ideal but the worst thing possible is for him to cross you up you get off balance and he goes off the opposite way okay so obviously make sure that he doesn't score but if he does score make sure that it's the way that you're forcing him to yeah8 years I've been building up still 24 that's Kobe love graduated my second School good so right there just making sure I mean at the last moment I got him U make sure that you're also forcing him both way so that you're working on both sides like I know like I said you want to force him to his weak side but you also want to force him to his right side just because it's strong so you gives you a little bit more of a challenge but also that's some people's weak foot as well awesome so another tip for you guys is once you start forcing him this way and he does take a touch in the direction you want to go start to get a little bit tighter and don't be afraid to get physical so you can get your body across just like you saw in the last clip no problems it's all good got my whole team moving like came through when I bed up they never saw the I could bigger goals I got to reach I'm everything that meant to be self-belief was my recipe never listen to what they be telling me no turn to a Savage I always knew I would never be average here living a lavish got to find beauty and all of the madness yeah never be capping telling the truth is my only Advantage yeah broken down like every andot you them kind of friendship you [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] all right guys there you have it there's the three individual and the three partner defensive drills like I said um just as you saw just before I put in the bonus clip of the center back drill that you saw on Instagram make sure to go follow us on Instagram at non to. soccer where we post daily soccer and workout videos be sure to like comment and subscribe if this video helped you out and we'll see you guys next time hold [Music] up
Channel: Prolific Soccer
Views: 140,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: defensive drills soccer, individual soccer drills, individual defensi, individual defending soccer drills, individual defending drills football, soccer defending drills, soccer defending tips, soccer defense drills by yourself, soccer defense drills, nonstop soccer, soccer tips for beginner defenders, right defender soccer tips, how to get better at heading a soccer ball, soccer defensive drills, soccer defensive drills by yourself, soccer drills for defenders
Id: 1fGr2zX0_iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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