Five Defending Drills to Improve Your Back Four!!!

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foreign ERS welcome back to another breakdown this week we're looking at back four work how to improve as a unit distances timing relationship with the ball positioning and understanding that different moments of the game require different types of Defending there's also a special offer this week if you enjoy the sessions and you want to get access to them there's a free ebook Below on the link just click on it you can get all these exercises right away on the website link is below big thanks to our friends at keyframe for teaming up with us again for these videos if you're a coach and you're looking for some software to help with your presentation and your communication with players check out keyframe more from them later on but now we're gonna go straight to back forward so when we're talking about improving black force and defensive position and I think it's impossible not to give some credit to a Regal sake one of the innovators and the outstanding Mains behind defensive position and arigosaki was a famous coach AC Milan in the 80s 90s the Italian national team there's a great quote that I shared on my social media this week a player should not move according to their position but by assessing the position of the ball teammates opponents and space nothing is fixed so when we're looking at defending we must take those factors into consideration it's not enough to say a back four should always be this distance that might change depending on the ball depending on what the opponents are doing so how do we design training around those components so when I'm a coach designing exercises for the back four I'm looking for how to get through a collective understanding of roles and responsibilities I also want to look at how we can develop an awareness of how positioning can change subject to like our ego psyche said ball opponent teammate space also I'm looking for an appreciation of specific moments of the game Transitions and build up and defending in blocks and how those require different skill sets and then the last one I'm looking for is confidence in working alongside defensive units and that team ethos that is so important when everyone's working hard together to stop the ball from going the back of the net so here are some exercises that I would use when working positionally and with units on black fours again these are available for a free ebook below just click on the link below and you can get them right away here we go all right so in this first game 4v4 game working on defensive position and those distances in between those players you have eight players you have a back four in blue defendant three mini ghouls you have four attackers in red who are attacking those three mini goals they're defending two wide goals and a simple game the vertical channels are used as references but the players are free to move in any area of the field the coach serves the ball 4v4 again it's about angles it's about distances covering when the pressure when the step you play 90 second games play four or five games allow them to talk discuss moments but you also have when the Defenders win the ball you have those Outlets those mini goals in the outside to pass they are there to replicate sevens and elevens that might be Outlet passes if they win the ball they can play into give them two points for a goal into them and give the Reds one point if they score in the three goals all right this second game has two components to it so blue team back four and a goalkeeper on one half of the pitch eight Reds are split into two groups of four the first part the coach serves the ball to the goalkeeper the back four start compact but then get expansive and get into a build shape the goalkeeper plays out the Defenders can build in a specific pattern that the coach can designate or maybe the players come up with one themselves but the objective of the pattern is to get the blue team up to the halfway Lane and a pass into one of the many goals now they're going to get pretty expansive in doing so so when the ball goes into the mini goals as soon as the balls played into the mini goals the coach plays a ball into one of the red players who break out into a 4v4 situation towards goal so no The Defenders have to defend in transition which is a different skill set when they're building expansive and they're getting weighed no they're gonna have to defend and say two different realities two different skill sets challenges them in two different ways really really good exercise from a physical component but also to replicate the game itself where you're gonna have to go from Attack to defense in a matter of seconds coaches don't forget you can download these exercises for free free ebook on the link below alright this next one is 5v4 quickfire defendants you've got your back four in blue with a goalkeeper set up against five attackers in the defensive third and then outside the playing area you've got four mini goals for the Defenders to play into if they win the ball you also have five servers each with two balls each so as soon as the exercise starts the coach calls out a number of the server and they play the pass into one of the red players who play a 5V for the goals now they've only got eight seconds to score so you're looking for the Defenders to manage the situation win the ball and then they can score in any of the many goals for two points quick game competitive game and again used to replicate scenarios where they have to defend outnumbered in the final third with pressure on to get that clean sheet to keep the ball into the back of the net hello coaches we take a quick break here massive Master thanks to our friends a keyframe for their support on these videos video is a great coaching tool but it's the telestration that has proven to take video to that next level it improves understanding age retention and the software can save time when you're coaching the player using videos however it's normally quite expensive and hard to produce but keyframe solves these problems keyframes simple to use fast to learn works for any video provider and is Affordable here's a quick look at what they do check them out on the link below foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ball type game eight players split into two black fours positioned accordingly you've got 20 by 20 area split into four zones two teams occupy the central zones they both defend four mannequins behind them so the objective of the exercises for the teams to stay in their Zone circulate the ball and then look for a pass into one of the mannequins in the opponent's End Zone for one point the conditions are that the teams are restricted to move in their own zone six pass limits so you can't just play and play and play and play you have to have a forward pass before seven passes and all passes into the mannequin must be along the ground first team to ten points wins really really good game for positioning and then also for the cover angles and distances between that back four and keeping it compact and then our final game is a 6v4 defensive exercise inspired by arigosaki I'm sure I saw this from Roma back for a goalkeeper in red organized on one half of the pitch against six blue players so you have a blue Center forward a blue white attacker on both sides and then three Central players in the middle starts as a shadow exercise with the ball moving across and the back four moving accordingly but then once a ball is played backwards from away player into the Midfield you're looking for the red team to then step up to the yellow Lane but the blue midfielders can play a through ball into the blue Center forwards so the red team must then manage the space close those passing lanes and deal with the ball in behind really really good exercise to combine unopposed and opposed work so there you have it five exercises in total good ways for Defenders to appreciate relationship between other players and other positions and also to appreciate different moments of the game and also build confidence in say in those moments and trying to replicate those situations out on the training patch they don't have to be too physically demanding you might play two minutes 90 seconds here and there and give enough space for recovery and also to talk over certain situations that's one of the benefits of positional work is that you get more conversations you can have more discussions you can get more viewpoints and perspectives of players and always look to build that understanding and and increase your awareness of what they're seeing and what they're feeling hope you enjoy that please don't forget go to the link below and you can download your own ebook of all these exercises directly on Modern shop thank you for watching please before you go don't forget to check out keyframe on the link as well brilliant resource to help with your videos on your software don't forget to check them out thank you so much see you next week [Applause]
Channel: Modern Soccer Coach
Views: 71,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tj83DhSUwpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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