5 Defensive Drills To Improve Your Team's Defending

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hey everybody welcome back to the 360 player youtube channel in this video i've picked out five defending focus drills from the 360 player training library to share them with you guys so you have some ideas to help your players improve their defending both individually and in small groups and team situations so without further ado let's jump right into these drills and again if you'd like to create your own drills and sessions in the 360 player app check out the link down below in the description we have a ton of cool features in the app we'd be happy to show you more of what we're all about now a lot of these drills can be both attacking and defending drills depending on what you're going to emphasize as a coach the first drill i want to talk about is a 3 versus 2 rondo oftentimes when doing rondos you can do four versus two or five versus two but three versus two really puts the defense in a great spot because they're only outnumbered by one player when the offense is playing keep away against them of course the more players the offensive team has the more difficult it is going to be for the defenders but in a three versus two rhonda situation the defenders can really work to press the ball carrier together and really close down those spaces another way that you can adjust this drill is making a larger grid which will make it easier for the offensive team or if you want to make the grid smaller that's going to make it easier for the defensive team because when the spaces get tighter that means the defenders don't have to cover quite as much space in order to press and put pressure on the ball carrier this next drill is called offensive cover under pressure and it is a great drill for players to work on closing down passing lanes for an attacking player so basically how this drill works the coach plays a ball in and you've got four defenders that are trying to close down on that offensive player in the middle and the offensive player in the middle is trying to play it to one of their teammates on the outside so one of the things those defensive players need to be aware of is not only where the ball carrier is but also where the ball carrier's passing options are which is a very very important concept if you like to do pressing with your team because you can't just all rush straight to the ball carrier you have to tactically and strategically come at certain angles to eliminate their passing options and then your pressing game is going to be much more successful this next drill is called 1v1 back to goal receiving against pressure now in a one versus one situation if you're the defender and an attacker has their back to goal that is a sign that you want to step forward and press and not let them turn this drill is great to emphasize closing the space down quickly and not allowing that attacker to turn because once that attacker turns then they can start to build up speed do all different kinds of moves and try to get past the defender we want to prevent that we want to close that space quickly and not let them turn the next drill we've got for you is also a1v1 and this is a completely different situation this one is called 1v1 with defender backside pressure basically this is a little bit more of a breakaway situation where an attacking player is dribbling towards goal and the defender is sort of chasing from the side now again this drill can be great for both attacking and defending players to work on their respective roles because the attacking player wants to stay calm under pressure when they're getting that pressure behind being able to still stay calm and finish but the defender does not want that they're trying to rush the attacking player into making a mistake and putting them in pressure and trying to get back and put themselves between the ball carrier and the goal so that they're able to defend in a good way if you want more tips for your players in one versus one defending situations one of the most popular videos on our channel goes into 1v1 defending in a little bit more depth you can see that linked right up here now the last drill i got for you guys in this video is a small sided game you could do five versus five six versus six if you want to play with large goals i really like to have five versus five plus the keepers so it becomes a six versus six and and what this is going to help it's going to help all of your players work on communication defensive shape applying pressure to the ball while also having cover behind the player that's pressuring the ball and working together and bringing together all these things that you learn in the smaller forms of defending drills in this video bringing that all together into a small sided game situation like this that is going to transfer even better to a large full side of game 6v6 is just an amazing drill for both attacking and defending players to work on all of the basics so i definitely recommend incorporating these towards the end of your training sessions so with that guys that's gonna do it for this video we hope you found these drills helpful and useful and as always like i said before we've got a ton of training content in the 360 player app along with other tools to help your team with performance analysis tools like video analytics and statistics we've also got all sorts of other features for communication team management and pretty soon payments that you can bill all of the members in your team organization effortlessly you can find more information on all of that down below in the description with that thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next video
Channel: 360Player
Views: 138,169
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Id: 5DkFpmCrCWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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