SoccerCoachTV - Developing Defensive Shape.

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what we're working on is synchronicity of our back four here okay do we play with three back three back four and he's just totally on a different level different page oh these two are on the same page and these two are not every one of you have to be reading from the same book on the same page on the same sentence you understand that all the time not some of the time because that time you're not one nil down two nil down three nil down four nil down five nil down it happens doesn't it damn right it happens so we have to be it's one thing we can control is how good we're organized as a team so to start off with you four gonna spread yourself between this these two cones in the middle just to give you a basic picture of how i want you to defend your shape when we're defending first exercise is your shape in here okay and then on my whistle we're going to change you're going to react to dom i'm going to go through that in a second and then we've got number one who's going to serve the ball and then number two is going to serve the ball so after that attack after that cross is cleared you reset quickly because you're gonna have to defend this cross okay hey no opposition right now but you must communicate with the goalkeeper okay this here is prime real estate right here we defend it we defend it at all cost but we must be spaced out as a back four start with this ball here just roll it in to marcelo okay roll it in there roll it in the other side and stop okay now what's our defensive shape when the ball's here go with it he's the pressurizing player you're the covering player you're the balancing player and balancing player okay we want to have shape with this shape we've got right now just put you can just push up just a little bit a step more step more pump there we're telling him when he looks up is he going to try and play that ball throw us here how's he going to play it across us the whole object is keep the play predictable understand that keep the play predictable and if we shown this field right here and the space in front he'll play it in front we want the ball kept in front your responsibilities are going to change as the ball changes okay hit a hard one the other side yeah now your responsibilities change you're the pressurizing defender what's your job the first guy slow him down right stop him attacking you just slow the play get him to put his foot on the ball and slow it down you don't have to win the ball unless you absolutely know you can slow him down ball swapped in here zac you step up bang relax play it in there good play it across again good and stop well done that's your basic shape obviously he might in the game might be another 10 yards he might be another 10 yards this shape might get stretched out a little bit but that's our shape do you understand that that's how we want to look we don't want to be flat it's critical critical importance and this applies to our midfield when the ball's on one side to the far midfield player who should be the loudest player on the field right now the team why he can see great answer he's got the big picture he's got the big picture he sees everything he sees it for flat he's going to say zack step up zach push on zach you got to be talking to kyle this should be a running conversation like you're on your cell phone for the full 90 minutes it's switched on okay you're talking to him he's talking to him you're talking to him you're chastising him your tongue hold hold up get after it get it tackling pressure him all the time he's got to have that communication which you two as our central defenders are getting better but not there yet talk yes well done yes yes good good good i like it what kind of pass is that come on let's go better process let's go good good good well done good boys well done leave and stop phrase great job great job love it love it hey it's so intimidating when you're playing against a team that see that there that synchronicity when people talk about teams that's teams that's playing as a group that's playing as a team beautiful watch now ready i'm turning heads coming drop now where am i going to play the ball i'm not going to play it over the top but your smart play you're dictating this style of play now now you're synchronized now you drop he's not going to play it to the white guy because he'll get it he's not going to play out there because he'll get it he's going to play to the feet play it to his feet closing out closing down now we go and defend understand that go yep you go over there with him go there with him yes yes yes good good good good well done shape together shape shape good boys well done love it move quickly move quickly it now watch carefully good now in some games we play give me the ball here you know the tempo might be a bit slower and we don't have to move across as quick the ground but when they play it quickly we must what we must move quickly when the temple's high we defend high with a high tempo play it again are we ready wait for the whistle yes yes get on the cone get on the cone yes get on the cone yes good yes yeah good love it yeah go push hey hey look at his head drop well done away good lads defend again hey dylan get talking switch come on dylan good well done love it love it boys love it love it yes there we go quickly stop it there guys i've seen better crosses on charles manson's forehead you know what i'm saying [Music] are you serious get the ball in your job is to serve it not to beat them to enable it to head it or drive it out send the ball so they can hit it okay not way over there downtown chinatown we go get engaged leave your line push everybody out i want to hear you you got to be a force verbally you too you too out out out but as you go hey as you go look along your line to make sure that he's not asleep or he's not asleep and we're leaving them in there so your job is to take them out with you are you ready high tempo two minutes we're done ready attack join in this time attack join in yes just quickly move quickly move quickly move quickly move quickly go quickly yes yes drop down build it too high boys okay over there one more round guys good job thanks for watching kids worked hard we'll just build on that every week a little bit more a little bit more and uh we'll be a team but the thing that's talking about synchronicity it's not easy to get it's going to be it's got to be part of your program every single week everything you do your warm up your short-sighted games your passing your shooting synchronize everything get everybody on the same page for more great drills visit the world's largest coaching website you
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 49,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer Drills, online soccer drills, soccer coaching
Id: AUzzjyhiPKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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