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[Music] yes boys it snacks it with team goal array me and today we got a special video all about the trending these are our top five defensive hacks that you need to improve your game and be a clean sheet defender now listen I've spent my whole career as a striker scoring goals and taking on defenders so I'm not exactly the best source to do this so I thought I'd bring in an expert a man who's played in the Premiership he's playing the championship levels and he is a top level defender Alex baptise to give it to you yes hi guys you signed expertise I've got five top tips for you to help you keep clean sheets so let's get into it all right guys we're gonna talk about defending in the Box first thing you need to do before any game as a defender is make sure you know all you up against and what their attributes you think they are and what your skills are compared to your opponent so if you look at me I'm not really 64 I'm a quite a small defender so say if I was if I was marking a big striker I wouldn't get too tight to him because I know I'd be able to make up that initial half a step because I feel that I could be quicker than him which is one of my attributes and if I was defending someone like Knox I would say that he was quicker than me he's not as tall as me so I feel like I've got strength over him physically so because he looks sharper than me I would get as tight as I can but without telling myself so I'd always be touched tight somewhere where I concede it where I can see the ball and see him as long as you can see the ball you can go whichever way whichever way he goes and try not to let in turn try not to face him up like this self if Knox has got his back to me again and some and I don't what I wanted to stay there with his back to go I do not want him to see if he gets to turn on me I do not want him there because if I get him if he gets me there then I'm screwed basically you can shift it whichever way and then especially in the box because all he needs is half a yard and then the striking the golf so like I said if I can keep him that way as far as close as possible and awesome as you can tell the goals there so if Knox is there that I want to get him somehow to go this way because obviously it's away from gold so I would even like like I said that I'd even give him a half yard so that you can't get that way so now I can go that way because obviously the goals are danger and you keeper will be screaming it yeah to force him away from goal also being a defender it's also very it's very important you're able to shift your bodyweight from here get as low as you can from here to go this way to go that way as you know that strike is very tricky and they've got great feet and what you need to learn very quickly is you need to be able to shift your body weight you come here always feeling the striker with your forearms and being as strong as you can but not being too over aggressive to be able to go from there to there to switch it off like that because the strikers are very tricky nowadays and you're not able to switch your feet then you're screwed basically so if yes if he goes there and I can't get my feet round there he's lost me what if I'm like that and then I'm able to shift over there like that then you need to be able to shift your art and be strong to be strong and force him back and force him back as a defense you're not working on your own you with you with a unit there's four views there might be free of user might be five users a keeper the second defender if the ones title tight on the back like this the second defender has got to be in a 45 degree angle like this on to this side if strike is there Center are your Center off saving your planer as a fallback position and maybe you win is there like I said you can't oversell yourself because so if you resolve yourself to go mark the winger you could reverse it back there it's always better to let it go there make sure you and make sure you can see ball oh man because obviously like I said you can reverse it and then you in trouble because you really because you've lost yeah so as you can see baller man I can see him there if I can't see the ball if I'm like this then I'm sneaking I don't know what he's gonna do with the boardwalk like I said open yourself for baller man 45-degree angle to this to the first defender either side and especially if you sent her a few Center ask your partner really it's a massive massive relationship between you to self if I'm the second sent there are I'm telling him where I want him to go maybe I want him to go down the line maybe I want him to go maybe I want him to go away from goal really because obviously I can defend the cross and when it's not nowhere near a goal if he's coming in some of our boots my first defendant comes in second defenders gotta get out as quick as he can and he's got a shot that space down as quick as you can that's imperative so you've always got to look out for your body could be beats you man you've just got to leave your man and get across and the left backs gotta get in with you as well like I said before team the team defending is everything and for the relationships that you have between the people that you're playing with and your keeper is massive keeper can see everything you can see the whole whole picture and so can the second defender so if I'm the second defender and my first my primary defender is up against him like this I'm telling my second defender to shomers the term light so I'm screaming Tim shone light dome light shone light so I can get back into my position here because my central defender will be as tight as he can't show an inline like that to get across in I'm covering the goal so I feel like I'm in a better position like I said again before open your body up never sit never let them see your number here open your body up so you can see the runners coming in I feel more comfortable if I'm sending in the line and he's going to cross it then if he's cutting inside here and he's got all sorts of options you can shoot you can roll it can roll someone in the left box good enough to come in so there might be a witness there might be a winger free because it's technically free be free v2 with obviously is beating the man so like I said there's a second defender you need to be able to talk as a keeper you need to be able to talk and you need to be able to take on board what you what other people want you to do and see out the danger together and hopefully keep clean sheets together because that's what it's all about as defendant [Music] Johnson talked about defending corners there's a lot of ways to do it obviously some teams go for zonal what I'm going to talk about my marking because you normally have about five main markers from corners going on high and or positional base where who's gonna pick up the best headers at the ball depending on their size and whatever and what have you and as a defender I'm normally one of the markers so I'm going to talk about what I do it's obviously it's dependent on your preference and what have you bought this is what I feel that's work well with my career I don't know any other way worthy of our would defend corner so this is how I do it we're going to talk about my attributes I'm not the biggest sports I know how to get my body into certain positions where if the strike is going to head the ball or the center off that you're awfully going to head the ball you don't always have to go and win the header this comes through experience sometimes a little body a little body should right at the position of him don't head it just to get a glance on it and a lot of keepers that are played with because I'm not the biggest it's sometimes I am shot you know you didn't enough which means I haven't won the header but I know that I've got my body shape in a position where he gonna fully attack the ball and score like I said it's all about body position if you can get yourself in the right positions all the time then then you don't have to be the biggest you can be a centimeter fielder that's up against a six foot six monster from the back who knows that who you know senator after who's been heading it but if you get into the right positions he will win the head that's what he will not score you know how to use your body well and so we're going to talk about that also alright so the corners from this side you want to get into position where you can see both so in your peripheral vision you've got both both fear there may not a defending this I never let the striker see your number so if you're standing here you can see Matt you can see my number on the back of my shirt that's a bad position because say if he goes there there's no way I can know where I can recover to get back today so like I said it so never let the strikers to your number and always have you because of your position like this so like a 45-degree angle so if he goes that way so he goes ah or if he goes forward I can get my on there like that and it's all about body position like I said see what I like to do as I said I'm not a very tall defender I'm five 11/6 football a lot of people I come up against Center ass you know strikers you know there are normally taller than me so what I normally just saw one of the things that I like to do before the even corners even taken I like to get my arms up I don't know why I've done this and I like to go low as well so I like to get my arms up here so like I said whichever where you go see if I see if it goes whichever see I'm always I'm always touched at holding him I don't know why it's just that as a defender so you've got to get you body shapes a lot of gym works a lot of core work that you need to do as well because you can't be soft in these offending corners as an offender especially as my height as well I need to be aggressive that's another thing you've gotta be aggressive corners defending corners the downside of that one is eventually you're gonna have to look at the ball so they the corners coming in the only way I sometimes get done if I'm looking at the ball sometimes I'm gonna have to look at the ball so safe just as just as I'm looking at the ball and the person makes that run makes that run they're in the balls I can't follow him there and then what and I'm struggling that way going back that way but if you can get touched right to them I know for a fact that where he is so I can always get there but like I said it's hard to just hard to get back there see so I'm I'm out of amount of rain do you always want to feel them you always want to feel where they are do I mean I didn't offend them whatever that wherever you are as a defender especially in the Box I always like to feel mad you know just just touch it just touch it just touch him so I always know where they are and then eventually this is what this is a little tip what you should really do this as soon as the ball comes grab the shirt you're not you're not gonna get done for as long as you along if we see if he's there there's no way the referee is gonna see that one there but it depends if you start limper see because I'm gonna go with you there but if you go back and then I'm like that that's when you're gonna get done that's when you'll give away a penalty so if he's going forward you can grab your shirt there but if he's going back you've got to let go we've got to let go of the ship because otherwise he's gonna afford that the striker defender is gonna fall down and even ignore a penalty because obviously the shirts coming away from his coming away from his body so that's it talk about one-on-one defendant for a fallback this is really really tough because obviously as a fullback you'll be on an island again you've got the accession winners a lot of people nowadays a lot of winners play into out so which I mean is the predominant the strongest four is coming back inside we're obviously a few years ago winners would be strongest foot on the left for the left walk going especially here so I'm a write-back the strongest what would be left but because people play a lot of for free free the strikers right no sorry the inside forwards wingers most of them are right footed on on the left hand side coming in on the right foot cell how I would do that if I was a fallback start of the match you need to assess how they what is this strongly spot and you'll be able to gauge that straightaway just keep an eye on it obviously maybe see what you know see what he does a lot of wingers that would like to come and say I'd like to play inside inside the fallback so you look at so you can't get a grip trying to get a grip on like I said what for would be off so if Knox is a winger and he is right footed and I want him to knock it inside my cell I don't want him to I don't want I don't want to mark him here because if he goes inside he's probably crooked to me so we can use got that burst of speed and I'm always chasing him this way and like I said he's open on his right foot so you could bend it into the fast it you can reverse it can run it in reverse he's got all the advantage then because like he's only stronger for it you can do whatever so if I'm if I'm marking Knox I'm standing this side a little bit I'm not standing I'm not standing here I'm standing here so I want him to go on the outside so I want in there so I'm going there so I want him to go that way but this is the problem this is catch-22 because if he bursts pass me say I want him to go line and he bursts past me and it takes it die then I risk giving away a penalty gotta be sharp the first five yards the first five yards of quit will go you've got a work at that all the time you've got a work at you speed power to speed ratio to get off the markers just so you can be just as quick as win it so if it goes down the line again and they see so the worst it can do is cross on his wrong on his weaker four so that's how I would defend it but like I said before the first five yards are critical because wingers are so quick these days and it's imperative that you've got to work at your first five yards the explosive speed is massive you got to be able to read them read them get your arm up another thing as well I like to again I like to feel I like to feel the winger so I know that I've got him in my sights and I know that so say like I said a lot of wing is on aren't the biggest and I feel that I could outmuscle them physically so that's why I always put my arm up and then if he goes down the line even if he beats me I can strength him off and I can get my body across that out and I'm and I'm not giving away a foul on I'm get and it's probably gonna run for a goal kick so like I said get get as loud get as low as you can get your arm up and if he goes down line I'm strength him out I sent him off the ball arm up and I've got across his body so we can't make the run and I'm gonna give away a corner maybe but I've defended it really well and you will get a pat on your back off here off your teammates because you've stopped across going in you've stopped him coming inside if he's right forward if he's left foot or chains left forward I want to get him back on his right foot so so yeah so I'm gonna so because again this is weaker for predominantly you want to show money we fought a lot of people might not like that a lot of people just like to show him the line so we can cross it because they feel comfortable showing them the line then to know that they can strength them there might be quicker than them which is fine you know you've got like I said you've got oh s s who you playing up again so if Knox is quicker than me but if I feel that I might be quicker than the player I'm up against I might just go going to knock it because I still fight it because I fancy myself to get my body across it's his strong fault as a right-back I know that that's the way I'd love to go because I'm showing them away from goal so I might just say you know what you go down the line and I'm gonna match if it I'm gonna match the patient pace and we'll see what happens so it all depends on who you're playing against and hopefully them little tips might help you arms up as low as you can and then like I said that first five yards to get off as low as you can get off push off push him away there right we're going to talk about in possession we're going to talk about different parts of the picture where you might feel comfortable with if we're going to talk about weights if you're at the side and obviously over the halfway line you can drive in like a fullback as I sent it off but as a defender my first thought is safety first you don't want to you don't want to give same inmates our name 18 yard box and I'm looking up and I give a pass to my midfielder and I want to give a pass to my midfielder and he gets intercepted because I'm at the game he's at the game and maybe a midfielders running through him and it's three V one of my my other center off so if I if this is the 18 yard if that's the 18 yard box and I'm stepping up I'm looking towards or a second set towards Matt Striker to make a run down there maybe maybe if my midfield if it's 100 percent ball I'm a midfielder can turn and look up then I'm playing him if he hasn't got anything not at all I'm finding my fallback with it all depends on where your players are obviously if I'm wrapping it into my fallback he was on the line or the striker might be coming towards me I'm stepping up what I'm taking a big torch and I'm and I'm sprinting off after that like I said again first five yards is critical first two yards free yards it if you're in this situation and you see him coming you might be able to step off then first field I've got to be gone because you're away from him and then you'll be able to go over there be humble out say I am but I mumbling out then it can just close me down and I'm losing the ball there itself like I said it all depends on how you feel comfortable if sometimes the striker might be coming and I might just reverse it like that but that could go wrong because if he ends up reading that I'm gonna do that then he's away and he's away at goal so it's all about what you feel comfortable with me personally I don't like doing that that's not me like I said I was I was raised on for safety first I ain't going to turn back onto my goal and the striker married me and he's through and gold next thing I'm bringing him down and I'm giving away and having a red card because I'm the last man sir I mean personally if the strikers coming I'm even a stepping up free yard or I'm playing the balls to my fallback maybe to my midfielder maybe to my striker making a run down the channel maybe to my strikers feet defendants all about safety first there's nothing better than the clean sheet strikers love goals defendant defenders love defending defenders of clean sheets keepers little clean sheets and the teammates you manager will love a clean sheet cell like I said do your job defend first it's up to you what I don't like it what you might be you might want to you might try it there's obviously players better technically than me so they might feel comfortable with it so like I said defending first safety person play forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes boys hope you liked today's video if you did be sure to comment down below smash that like button follow our instagram subscribe with notifications pause alright if you like the news a bit to hear in the background you shouldn't check out more came there surely it's not so much a Ramos y'all which straight now go make you don't get anxious for the network then go get famous
Channel: Will John
Views: 380,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to defend in soccer, how to defence in football, how to defend in football, how to play defense in soccer, how to play defence in football, how to be a good defender in soccer, how to be a defender in soccer, how to be a defender, how to play football defense, how to defend, playing defense in soccer, how to play defender, defence in soccer, how to play better defense in soccer, premier league, premier league defense, premier league defender, Will John, goluremi
Id: ZdVnLc6teug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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