SoccerCoachTV - Organize Your Defensive Shape.

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hit it that's what I'm talking about wait okay now from the beginning boys [Music] line up guys Center box right back left back okay all right just go on the edge of the Box spread yourself out watch carefully buzz play it in he's got a ball just play it in here you know what stop and what I'm looking at hold it there I'm looking at the shape of a back four how we talk how we connect and you Josh talking constantly talking we lot must move in unison do you agree our spacing has got to be even thrown at back four it can't be you you with a big gap in the middle that's basic you understand that right so I'm looking at your spacing I'm looking at your communication I'm looking at all you're going to do when the ball is in here between Step Up Get on the side on position so we just play you're ready to Sprint here you go now two not too close this is good you take your position from him that's good right there you take your position British and you're deeper than British on that side if we're flat they're going to look at the space behind us okay we've got to make our opponents predictable we do that by keeping the ball in front of us add our block of a Midfield onto this they're going to see a wave of our players behind the ball as a block moving across the pitch from side to side does that make sense now if we're organized and we work hard and we're discipline you'll win things food on the ground let's go bad calls him cause him now just talk talk yes get your shape good good good good well done and again and again and again drop in British but it'd be better stop it hold them so British as quick as that ball goes right yeah if he plays it first time you're exposed okay the moment it leaves his foot you've got to be saying look he can pass it it's not going to be behind me it's going to be in front of me keeping the play in front of me in front of you all the time get it going again quickly quickly move close it close it yes good good good shape boys good shape yes good good well done it's beautiful which Defenders got to be the loudest the back one why Charles you're right because you can see him he's perfect picture he's not gonna have to look behind him the deepest person you must be the loudest player on the field when he's pressing the ball not you yeah you gotta have a strong communication with him all of you have got to have your cell phones turned on can't be on mute guys cannot be on mute they've got to be turned on and turned on loud if he makes a mistake I'm gonna hold you accountable because you had the chance to correct it and you failed good stuff turn it stop stop feel it Brian let's place that way is there any danger at our back four right now no that is a trigger for us to start getting up yet hey nobody should have to tell you that you should all be on the same script you should be looking for their Midfield player the secret to whether you drop or whether you push is one thing is head his head's gonna tell you everything and all of you should be looking at his head when he's got the ball every one of the opponents was the ball look at their head these are your two rules hey you better understand this because if you mess up on Saturday I'm not gonna be happy these are your two rules when you're trying to decide do we go do we drop if you see the back of my head we go simple as that okay watch carefully when I'm turned and my head's up you must drop because now you're telling me yeah I can pass the ball but it's going to be where behind you or in front of you and that's where we want him to play We're dictating by our shape where we want them to play come back up again if you don't drop when I turn watch carefully and I turn here and you don't drop don't drop bang he's like a greyhound man that Ball's gonna Ryan would ping that over the top and that threat is going to be greater the further you get up the field why great answer British more space but listen when you're in harmony as a back four coupled with a Midfield he'll think like that and a pressurizing Striker from behind hey we can solve a lot of problems real quick okay so listen you're going to work the ball down your shape you're going to work on the time limit you're going forward to go when to drop nice and loud you can do that I've seen you do it many times before when on my next whistle hey on my next whistle when I give you a shout one of you guys crossed the balls into the box okay Crystal crosses or without any attackers then I'm at an attacker so you got to defend real then okay what should we be thinking about on defensive clearances to the side right wide to the side it's away from danger what else short or long long because it buys us time and what lower high High because it gives us time to get reorganized again if it's a low clearance you don't have much time if it's long high and wide it gives you time maybe to step over and mock tight and get organized so we're buying ourselves those valuable few seconds to reshape ourselves as a back four okay let's go so Ryan's going to chip one up give it a clearance cross is going to come in clear it reorganize crosses come in there clear it and we'll do it again and then I'm going to add the add some offense you can be here Josh let me hear Josh yeah slide over drop drop on the far side yes good good drop organized good good good guys I want you to look at this shape are they moving together as a group are they spaced out evenly good good [Music] Ryan I'm moving this up a bit Ryan [Music] come on Twitter louder louder oh boys oh away good cross let's go defend the cross about dependent hey off you go play Play One More move it yes good good well done good louder boys louder Brian if we Sprint and we get Beyond them is that a bad thing or a good thing we can catch them offside right now they're pressures on them to recover and once they do recover you can just take that step back but if we're just gonna say they're going out slow so we're gonna go out slow be brave guys play a fast game from the back plate hey it is a bit of a risk sometimes but you've always got these guys thinking right in let's go go go go go go go go go now drop drop drop drop drop drop there you go well done away good job let's go give him a second defend the cross away good defend the cross okay one more and then we'll put some attackers in louder louder guys louder too quiet come on let's go up up and the line now drop now drop now drop stop well done way way let's go listen you can go from a six to a nine just by being louder okay okay all right I mean viciously loud intimidating they've gotta they've got to see you play and you play why are you saving it British look at now look at your experience why are you saving it why are you saving it he's the only one resembling and it doesn't do it enough it's like texting somebody and they don't get back to you straight away honestly it's up to you I can show you about how good you want to be a single one hungry player like this you know you're playing for the championship here ready play the ball let's go come on [Applause] [Applause] hold there stand still now it's good you got some good ground there couple of things are going on right now you got some good territory now he's thinking hey he's they're playing a game with me here right he's going to try and solve it too he's going to try and hang on your shoulder and gamble at that's where you've got to be as good as him okay the better but listen as you go there he's going up you dropped off good it wasn't when he turned it was a split second until before he turned you knew he was going to turn so you dropped off now if he just sat which is the most dangerous ball for him to play in which is the most dangerous ball for Ryan to play in is it the ball into next fit or is it a ball in behind them so by dropping off they're not gonna oh it's got the advantage now Dwayne on Nick the Deport twin or every day you're discouraging him from playing that ball he's yeah you can have that look good in there but you're not gonna look good behind us keep the play in front okay all right we're organized and disciplined and we and we move across the team in the pack as a unit and we move in the middle and we come across their problem what's the signs we're going to say that we know we're doing well what are some of the signs that will start to happen in the game they start to give away the ball they might try and do what now long ball over the top and it rolls out of play what are you going to hear from their players frustration they're going to be yelling at hey come on pass me the ball man all right but understand this is a game we're playing who's the smartest oh Saddam don't eventually for them to beat us or score a goal they have to go in what direction they've got to go in there right that's where you've got to be ready to pounce so sooner or later he's going to try and force one through you've got to be ready to pounce Dwayne you have to expect that in any Split Second never let it be a surprise you know it's Gonna Come after till passes after six passes definitely after 10 passes that Ford ball is gonna come sometime be ready to spring on it be ready to win in it step in front of man you're marking bang good along clearance as that ball is in the air guys what are we doing we're pushing up they can't attack us when the ball's in the air we're pushing right before it's dropping right before they have it we're reassessing we drop off again you understand that oh and one of these two white girls here okay hey they're going to try and score you just be patient be patient keep the ball in front of you when you win it we've got to try and score one of these two goals out wide okay ready play off you go a couple of attacks go plate slide over slide over slide over you shake keep your shape yeah right you're trying to joining China yes I am hey guys so you just saw what happened the Lights Went Out in the stadium here uh it was supposed to be until 10 o'clock it's 9 30 p.m right now they've went out so we're trying to get him back on if not I'll see you next time on soccer coach TV thank you so much for watching appreciate it Nothing's Gonna Stop [Music] [Applause] everything matters [Music] foreign
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 8,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer Drills, online soccer drills, soccer coaching
Id: bmJyNUf5w_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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