So, Who's Right? - Shaykh Hasan Ali [HD]

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Shaykh Hasan Ali has learned from different groups, and i think he gives a fair assessment explaining differences of opinion, and how divisions arise. Part 2 specifically discusses the different Muslim groups today.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LIGHTNlNG 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2016 🗫︎ replies
Sulaiman raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salado's - Ivanova nabina muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi No assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh are all doable min ash-shaytani r-rajim bismillahi rahmani raheem at 11:00 latina - Nikita eating lamb you imagine at beginner to bottom they know they had Allah who live in manually Mottola foofy human and happy be it nee Allahu ya demon Yasha announcer all teams that he sort of lolly My dear respected brothers my respect his sisters were also listening to this may allah subhanaw taala bless us come to the Masjid may Allah make it an effort that we are sincerely trying to get close to the truth to Allah to his messenger to the Dean and not to influence or allow things to influence our own thoughts and ideas to begin with all of us have been born as Muslims they listen to this most most likely most the people who are listening to this talk you've been born you know a Muslim perhaps there are few individuals which are still trying to make their you know ideas about Islam and they listen to this but most of us are being born Muslims being born a Muslim you may have been born a Muslim as fine but you being born in a particular household and being born in a particular household your parents my parents they come from certain backgrounds certain countries and they have got certain influences and ideas right within the religion we're not talking about ideas and things of cultural baggage and so on we're talking about within the religion because they are already in different sects do you agree with me or not you agree with me right now as I've been bought up you've been brought up we've come across a lot of stages of life number one is our parents the most influential people that we've got in our lives number two is our you know our neighborhood our close people to our parents uncle's auntie's grandfather's grandmother's on they're very influential and they have a very big impact lives in fact they have the impact on our life when we can't even distinguish between right and wrong a very important point I'm bringing up right five years of our life when you can't even think what on you know where you are these people are already teaching you what you're supposed to be doing not doing who you're supposed to be friend and not befriend and so on okay then we come to the madrasa life in the motherís life depending on what mustard you've gone to depending on what Imam has taught you they will also have a bearing on your understanding all right that's gonna be the second massive impact and they say there's three types of people there's a type of person that you give him no evidence he'll accept everything there's another type of person you tell him something he won't accept it until you give him the evidence under the third type of person you tell him something he doesn't accept it you give him the evidence and he still doesn't accept it all right the first one who accepts you're saying without evidence is the child without doubt we can all agree to that the child will accept whatever you say in terms especially in terms of religion you teach him something he's just gonna just gonna say okay fine I'll just do it you know you say this is the right way he'll say that's it that's the right way there's not and there shouldn't be no confusion with children you know in terms of this that and so on but anyway second type of person is the young stop the teenager the one who's in mid age yeah all these different categories now basically I'm talking to you guys right will you give him the evidence then they'll accept it you don't give no evidence they can say mm-hmm contact them right the third time a person who doesn't even accept you after giving the evidence is our no offense to anyone who's at that age but our judges right some of our uncle's right some of our uncles they get to a certain age doesn't matter what evidence you give them they say you know 14 centuries my whole granddad my great-grandfather's all of them have been hearing Hadees we never had this kind of Hadees all right so you take it back so you've got these type people now what we really concern about is they is the middle one because the middle one is if given the correct evidence they will accept whatever you know we've got to offer them now as we move forward what I don't want you to do by listening to this is to sit in one place and expect me to reach your conclusion that's going to be the biggest disses this service you can do to me and to any other person who's gonna you know cover this topic if you're going to come to this lecture and you listening because you want to know how right you are then that's going to be a big trouble for me because I can't I seriously can't satisfy everyone I can't say you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right everyone's right and then the day you will be spitting back at me saying that you're wrong how can we all be right right so first thing is you've got to first move your own prejudice away you've got to set aside what you gotta set aside is what you what you got by the age of 10 by the age of 12 by the end of 14 whether it's at home whether it's at the madrasa wherever you got you've got to first put that aside and listen to me with a clear ear you've got to give me a chance to try and say and not just me myself and I speaking to you it's whatever I say from the Quran and Sunnah and you've got to basically have a clear mind and listen to this you can't you cannot put another sheikhs quotation and another thought why in front of you another culture in front of you another you know this parents and that thing and that all in front of me and say but you're wrong you can't do that that's injustice that's injustice to knowledge okay we've got to go back to the original authority of season or a solar cell awesome and I'm telling you by the time I've finished but am I finished is going to be some of you perhaps many of you gonna suck basically everyone's going to have something saying scratching your head saying mmm but I never believed in that before how come he's saying that to me and how can he have the same skin color as me and talk like that yeah or how can he be from my background and thought like that or how can he do this and come to this mustard and Seder you know Alya Vela I did say to brother extra-big as well you better cons console Multi soldered in sub right that I'm gonna be talking about this and if he's okay with it I'll talk about it because the issue is not a light issue you've got to go into groups you're gonna talk about their history you've got to talk about where they come from or who's right who's wrong and so on it's not an easy issue to deal with alright and I'm just going to you know deal with this straight up and I'll be I'll be honest with you he might bring it you know you might ask me what habit and I'm probably already influenced by my parents right see and you guys are called clever see I will include in verse by my parents I'm influenced by my mold visa and he beat me up and taught me a few things I bet not forget I tell you what I haven't forgotten for me is his beats alright but our tillow that there's been there's been you know an advanced you know staging in my life where I have always been open-minded to the best of my ability with the Quran with the Sunnah I've done my best to keep my mind open I've challenged my teachers I challenged them several times over and over again there was a time in my studies when I was a bit too young to challenge them and I got the bit day looks you know hasn't got any manners what he's speaking about there's a time when you go through that phase when they don't give you respect to what you're saying but I'd already made my mind up that the truth cannot be what I'm seeing here and then I went on towards my studies and when you get a bit more mature then they take you bit more seriously the same things are saying the same things are same two different teachers but then you get a bit more mature they take you a bit more seriously and then as I've been going along I've been challenging my own views with several different you know views that are out there because what you end up realizing is I'll be honest with you one of my teachers had a wonderful thing once he said whatever you do in life he said don't become the frog in the well we said of stad you know what is the frog in the world so he said the frog in the well is a frog who's lived all his life comfortably in one well where he the waters in that well have come up to you know he just his arms and his comfortable small tiny shiny legs right and is sitting there just you know living off a few things the in this little well right at the bomb one day there's a bit of a tsunami now what happens is that this tsunami hits a big tidal wave and if it throws a frog from the ocean into this well and it lands right into the well okay that Lee old tide is gone and now that frog lands inside so the Frog of the well says because Hayek I all right yeah will you formed any say says me me from ocean yeah you from the ocean what is the ocean then tell me ocean ocean is water water says whoa it took about water yeah okay you tell me is it this much war and the front of the world he basically he just drools a smoothly old you know part of the well the guy system no no much more water than that lot of what that says really easy is it this much it was half of the world yeah and the of the world is easy this much boat is it no no no no plenty more of water plenty whoa it's okay okay I think he's an Italian one and it basically pulls a whole circle the whole world of the whole world and says this much more no no you mad you mad not this much plenty more water what you talk about so then the further frog of the well says isn't he you cracked me but you've got no idea what took them back if there's any move in the whole of the world then this is it that's why you go kiza there's no more than that all right so he's told him you know his communist and he's told me he's got dune is now we know who's right who's right who's right I don't tell me you don't answer that one come on who's right the Frog of the ocean you know that's good man you know I didn't even know whom said well all right so front of the ocean is right because what is it with the Frog of the ocean I've seen he's seen that water he's lived in that war ah he's seen their amount he knows what he's talking about but will he be able to explain to the Frog of the well no why not because the Frog of the world has only seen that much water in his entire life there is no more water he's seen no matter how much you give him he will not take it now what I'm asking you to do my teachers told us the same thing at rahim allah may allah bless him he said he said whatever you do said whatever you do don't become the Frog well meaning that if you've got this much knowledge little bit another chair you don't think you've got everything right and then the man comes to you and he's got more knowledge than you and he can out pour it to you and he give it to you just when you see the knowledge is trusted don't just deny it because you haven't seen that in your life right so I'm asking for us to get rid of our own prejudices and go ahead so now getting down to the point the first and foremost thing that we have to get to is the principles of the Quran the most important then we have to come to the principles of the Sunnah the principles of the Quran from the principles of Quran is very clear but Allah says in the Holy Quran okay Allah says that he has created mankind to differ with one another this in the whole Quran is in surah hood 11 surah right near the end one page before you reach the end you will see that verse valley valley Kahala kahin allah created men and women and human beings to differ basically a last trying to tell us he clearly said voila voila Allah if Allah willed larger Alan answer you Matan were hidden Allah would have made the entire population of human beings one big nation we would have all been you know earthlings right we're of all being whirlings whatever name you want to give us no country no barrier no different colors no tastes no pizzas and luck dues right it's all just one nation that cooked the same thing clean the same way and everything else right Allah said if I wanted I could have done that unless it no my idea was not that my idea was I'm gonna make differences within people so that they may differ okay that's one principle look around second thing Colossus now the Quran is one man Elena in woman alayka in Lalibela removing these various ayats Allah said this various ads of Rolla said this to the person Lassa Lassa that Oh prophet your message or old listener OVD of the Quran your duty is only to convey a clear message what does that mean that means that not everyone will accept the message very clear many place no coral of Molokini aksaram nasi life Colquhoun most people will not deeply comprehend this well I came knocks are on a sea lion most people will not believe in this well I cannot act on a sea lion most people will not know this or do not know this so so this is quite clear in the Quran third thing Allah said in the whole Quran you will find this at the end of surah Alif LAAM Meem esada just passed passed as it can be it's busan the water lines okay I'll I said no new Quran surah al-ma'idah this is the 32nd surah of the Quran in Arabic is Allah be known and he said is very place in Iran your Lord is the one that will decide between them on the Day of Judgment basically many of the differences we have today will not be sorted out today we will have to wait until will have to wait until the day of judgment for these to be sorted out that is very clear and all around you cannot disagree with this some people think that they can eliminate every extra laughs in the world I am Telling You from the history we've got this is not going to happen please don't make it your mission that your only mission is to make everyone agree to the same thing it is not going to happen it's clear cut from the Quran there's another part in the Quran this is in surah at-taubah again right near the end there's one page before the end you will find Allah says that if one party of the believers because if one party of the believers goes in one direction fellow Lynette Farah Kula fear Academy no pasa yet Africa who fede if one party of the believers goes to learn the religion of Allah Allah says another party should go out and do another action of defending the Ummah why Allah said clean the holocron so that both may benefit one another those who learn the Dean they would benefit the one who went out and defended the Dean they didn't have time to learn the Dean they went out and struggled in our last pathway they came back they will learn from those who was sucked in the city and they learnt an and Sunnah those who went out benefited from going out they seen a lot of things that a man is really high and strong they reached their lives when they come back they should benefit the people who are still in the city he's very clear in the Quran Allah has made this Ummah specifically this Ummah will have differences of opinions mark my words down 14 centuries we have not been able to settle many of these differences another fourteen centuries might come and we still might not have settled the differences yes when your ISA alehissalaam comes and is gonna be a difference when it comes back be a difference but who knows how long we've got till that and please don't believe in all this literature and all these gossip going around Maddy is born he said I said was coming you know qiyamah is here just don't believe in it right just don't believe in because I've been hearing it for twenty years I don't know how long it's gonna take for my method to grow up I come to these people you know he's to me he's not born yet all right insha you know if he is born we'll find out we don't have to hear the Haditha that you hear of him being born and then you wait for another ten years till it comes out the hadith says clearly that the that the people are around the Kaaba will find him when the time comes we don't know all right so don't worry about that so coming back to race you these are straight principles are laying down if you go to if you look in the Quran the Quran provides many different angles the Quran is a source of many different rich aspects number one the Quran gives us our eda gives us beliefs number two the Quran gives us very bad how to worship right number three the Koran tells us about social life number four the Koran tells us about domestic social life and tells about transactional life or financial life that's number four number five the Quran talks about our lap and our good character number six the Quran talks about politics if you disagree with me on these points you will not remain I believe anymore the fact that Quran discusses these six aspects if you disagree with me on that you will not remain a believer because this is the Quran true or not okay the Quran says all of this so when you hear brothers saying that there's no politics in Islam you better warn them and tell them my friend you are misled because the Quran talks clearly about you know we might not say the word politics but it's got the whole concept of politics inside in various parts all right when I said o'clock good character good morals within that there's a whole aspect of vicar vicar and you cannot as a believer deny that fact that Allah is mentioning again and again and again and again that you remember him in fact allah said in surat al-ahzab thirty-third surah of the holocron in the fourteenth verse forty first of an address and i said yeah you Lavina aminals cool aha vikrum kathira oh you who believe remember Allah bring him in your mind plenty and more abundantly now here in this verse those who study Arabic will know guru la is a hokum is a command of Allah then Allah has said the Quran which is muffle mutt lock which is for emphasis then Allah has used the word kaffir on which means plenty more which is for extra emphasis it's almost like Allah said you remember me frequently and abundantly now if somebody says that people who are constantly doing liquor wicked Vicar of Allah they lost a bit you you misled you misled from the very basic of this IR you mislead because this is a fundamental part of the karana whatever is in the Quran there is no afterlife now there's two aspects to this you will find certain words of the Quran that a clear cut like this ayah said to is clear cut there's no you can't say well Vikrant kathira might mean Vikrant kaffir on at one moment so that moment you didn't care for that one little moment the rest of your day you don't have to do it I think that's what it means you you give me what you want my friend I'm going to throw it back on your head it's quite it's clear-cut there's no attract me there are certain other words in the Quran there's difference of opinion you can tell because the word is not clear the word has got dubious meaning you can have extra lap you can have a difference of opinion in that we'll come to that in a bit so I talked about cxeh politics I talked about a club and in that I'm talking about liquor a lot of liquor has been mentioned in and spiritual development and again with the word of spirituality very clear in the Quran Allah has said about the skia the word Teske is in the Quran that you spiritually cleanse yourself in surah McMinn hoon 23rd surah verse number 3 well Lavina who needs a kerchief are a luna verse number 4 well lovino who needs a catified those who are constantly doing tasks eeeh this ayah is not talking about giving zakah he can be because zakah was ordained in Medina and this ayah was revealed in Makkah by unanimously by all the scholars you can't say that this is talking about giving zakah this I talk about spiritual cleanliness look up the top seeds you'll find the clear cut off spiritually cleaning oneself from the dead of you know jealousy from malice from hatred and so on so forth is it's a part of a team politics Moosa and Ferrari have been mentioned musa alehsalaam and firown' I've mentioned 137 places in the Quran each time Allah mentions and there's a political situation if you have to look deep into it you have to see how they talk to one another just give you one example right Musa alayhi Salam comes to firaon and he says frown release balloons right Quran says hahahaha who you I fed you all my life I fed you to you a twenty nine run away from because you killed someone politics the man was a massive politician I'm telling you you know Carly's politician today if he was around did not come out two ways with his words and with his with his men as well but it was a bit politicians but musa alehsalaam Allah gave him politics as well to play back musalla some said clearly this is in surah al-furqan now surah surah surah 26 surah you will find on the second second pages about the 25th verse or something you'll find around a Muslim clearly said said yeah you fed me oh oh where did you get the money from but you fed me oh you took it from the balloons fried my people you made them slaves you take money from them and you feed me right and the second thing is I have a very desirable a diamond what's this what's opposes God you talk about it he cocked a calamity cut the speech why do that because he was stuck what moves I'll tell him well you can hear my tune tomorrow Holly and I better bani israel you enslave a nation you make them slaves you take money you make me sweat and then you take money from then you feed me and you tell me that that is your favor what kind of favor you talking about the in stock it's like today same thing you know big countries go around say you know we give big tits this country needs big debt we give it you please come back please come back troubles come back you know why you're scum back because 300 years ago you take the whole of the African nation you make them slaves 20 million died on just the route to America 20 million the biggest Holocaust one of the biggest Holocaust is many Holocaust right I'm not denying the Holocaust right my friends I'm not denying it right there's many Holocaust right there's one that happened in 1945 before that was fine I'm not denying that but there's a bigger one which we should also remember 20 million died just on the route from Africa to America that says died because they were sick as a threw him off the ships and then when you slayed them you make apartheid in in that country in America until you can't take it anymore and that and the black man so called the black man not only be lemon Valley get he becomes equal to you as a human being or no God problem what do I do now then use you can do favors on the African nation that is nice to me come back politics right the same happens to many of these other nations are you represent from what you have the new to come feed them okay anyone don't go too deep in this you look and do this you'll find politics in there that's two number three you look at dealings it's very clean of Kahaluu crown over latina and you when they spend they do this and so on I don't have to go into that right i bad that is quite clear in the holy quran not but the problem is here this is a problem Allah says no holocron appeals Allah you establish your prayers but Allah does not say in the Quran lift your hands up here put them on your belly or on your chest or on your sides Allah doesn't say that Allah doesn't say how to do the ruku Allah doesn't say how to do this you know he just says to ruku to sujood stand up for me to this task you pray that's all Allah says now this is where the difference comes we as Muslims have got no difference of opinion in the prayer itself true not even Muslim now says if your Muslim says that I don't believe that it is hard on me to pray if a Muslim says that that Muslim unanimously by all the scholars has lost his faith but if you're Muslim does not pray because he's lazy the Muslim believed deep inside him that he must pray the Muslim knows he must pray but the Muslim says no later on ashada potential is missing okay if a Muslim does that it plays game with you to try and avoid his Salah or try and give you excuses but he knows deep inside him that he must fight his father he knows his father that is still a Muslim though he's a sinner he's a Muslim you have to accept that that's unanimously agreed bye-bye buddy Scott is a bit of a Stella feel a bit of difference with one of the statements from imam ahmed mohamed on this but generally the umma agrees that this person is muslim okay when it comes to Ikeda now this is where we really start split in the hair oh my god man the guy can't you know if you could split an atom and an action of an atom you come track it and that's what it's done all right the head of the Quran is very simple straightforward and if you stick to that just stick to the Akita of the Quran there is no scholar on this earth who can challenge me on this matter that if you as a simple believer look at the Quran and you read the Quran and whatever Allah discusses Ikeda you just believe it as you see there's no scholar in the whole world and I challenge you this no score in the whole world who can turn around and say that you will not go to Jannah there is no scholar to shangela the problem comes when you go beyond that the older problems come when you go into the Sunnah when you go into the sources that are not you you know that are not clear-cut in this meaning clear-cut in the words or there's room for disagreement that's where the problem comes for example the person reads the Quran in LA ala kulli shayin Qadir Allah has power of everything he's just bleeding a lot how everything he doesn't go into detail how a last power no finished whoo-hoo Allahu Ahad say Allah is one the guy says Amen I believe allies one that's it the guy you don't ask him and he doesn't need to explain to you how allies one how he is not to how he's not half alright how he's you know touch be and you know how you going to get this zipper of Allah this characteristic of Allah or this action beautiful allah and do you believe in this wheel and this listen the guys simple guy he says was he here i believe and there's certain parts of quran allah complex not straightforward allah said then the whole crowd look in surah al-e-imran beginning of surah al-e-imran about the fourth verse you'll find Allah says and I've given you two different types of ads in the Quran who are levy and allah allah al-kitab meaning who I attack American who not monkey table for a mutashabiha are giving you certain verses in this holy quran that are straightforward and i've given you certain as in the holy quran that are dubious so they have deep they have a meaning that is not so clear-cut salah Seraphina the mladina fear kuru be him they even fed your own Amitabha Haman who if there are fitna t-bob terracotta we owe a Maya ala muta Villa who in Lala Allah says there are certain verses here that have this nature of having to kind of meanings and Allah says those who have an a crookedness in their heart they start to go into these matters and start looking into that now if you're a simple believe and you tell me what have I seen the Quran is believe it you know I will believe it and whatever whatever I can understand I'll leave it you were a believer all right the problem comes when people start taking guns up I was in the guns machine guns are till I were to go in Allah he tell me where's Allah quick quick ten seconds quick before I before I take Kathy Kevin Kevin Kevin the girl of Tikrit I mean he's such as such a cheap gun and why he doesn't realize what it doesn't realize the guy who is holding this cheap Chuck Feeney gun his rasul allah sawas said such a thing backfires resources man said clear in Buhari in a hadith Buhari whosoever will label another person as a calf it and if that person who he is labeled is not a kafir then that statement and that ball will come back and fall onto him so you're going Kathy Kathy Kathy and you don't realize issue in this way you gotta be careful you can't just go and do tech field on people it's clear that Allah may have said if you find a person with 99 signs of kufur 99 signs of disbelief and one sign that he may be believer then you've got to give you got to allow that space to still not judge him as a calf in there be careful you gotta are you gonna leave it to the most learning people to do it you can't go ahead and start calling him Kevin is such a massive matter because you could end up as a capitalist of the fatwa it's not my sheiks fatwa he shares a means you better be careful in what you're doing here and the matter is not simple yes I do understand if there's something fundamental someone denies and I'm gonna come to that in this talk something fundamental one denies then a person may lose the faith and lose the Dean right but if not then you want now let's talk about how this world works Ikeda there's a simple part of Ikeda there's anarchy that that is clear-cut there's no doubting then there's anarchy that that there's little bit of you know might be little of interpretation difficult in that then there's another part of our key that there there's a room for a lot of debate you've got to be very clear which one you're talking about and this is where a lot of the extra laughs a lot of the differences come for example if somebody says if somebody says to you all right Muslims have no zakah will you call him and move me nor a Catholic he's a card say they're not Abu Bakr audial on his time exactly the same thing happened right and this is this is where we understand the difference right you can't just go to tack feed but if it's a fundamental part of the DNI's very clear-cut everyone will say no way this part is part of Islam if you don't have this you don't have no Islam what happened when rasool allah saw son passed away sayidina abu bakar Adela was faced with the dilemma with the Muslims the dilemma was what that there's Moosa Lama and his army all of them yes they're denying the giving of zakah the same we're not gonna give the car will be here but we're not gonna give you zakah the whole Ummah at that time including America poverty line including Osman not fat include including Ali of the alarm they all said unanimously that we cannot reach rage war against these people because they give the event because they pray like we pray they will Quran like we read Quran sayidina abu bakr said even if they don't give me the place of a whip but much of zakah even if they don't give me that much of zakat I will still wage war against these people and Allah gave him the farm Allah gave him the deep understanding and in the end they all agreed with him and they went out to only war against his people why because this was a fundamental part of the religion without which the religion will collapse what are the fundamentals the fundaments are very clear you believe in Allah if any what mean anyone starts discrediting Allah or adding something to Allah that he doesn't have you will not have faith anymore for example somebody says now all the balada have to quote this for the sake of coating it if somebody says God doesn't have you know God can't do this God won't do that don't do this somebody says that they're called they won't have room for faith left if somebody says that you know there are other gods besides Allah not only believe somebody says that they won't have clear-cut this is a fundamental theme I want to be like well my life okay somebody denies the Angels clear in the Quran you will not be believed anymore if somebody denies they keep any key tab that allows revealed somebody denies even the Torah as originally the original taurah allah gave to musa alehsalaam that that was not part of allah's revelation they will not be a believer if somebody denies even an ayah or half an ayah of the quran they will not be a believer at the same time if somebody adds something to it somebody says they know what the Quran yes this is Quran 32 but there's more Jews of the Quran dismissing if they say that clear-cut to you if they express that that person cannot remain a believer you can't add or subtract from these things belong here Malaya Kathy what could to be he was holy if somebody says that the messenger mohammed salah salem you know or one of the messengers in the past that been clearly mentioned in the quran they are not they weren't a messenger they will not remain believe it somebody adds a messenger and says Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was a prophet from Pakistan and he was a nice blond only solace and whatever they touch much they say write whatever they say if somebody does that there is no room for you in Islam because you've added part or to a fundamental part of the religion do you understand that that's why we say cárdenas are not Muslim at the unnies are all Muslim and anyone else what up for whatever sake right if another person comes and claimed prophethood there's gonna be no room for them in Islam is the fundamental of the faith if somebody be like Orwellian Athenee if somebody says that on the day of judgement of the fundamental part of the day of judgment for example they deny resurrection they deny standing in front of Allah and he said they're counting that person will not have any space in Islam Abdul Allah state whatever he's written you cannot deny it it's there right you can't deny that otherwise you will lose faith however in all these things there's another outer circle this is the most inner circle this is the code is the fundamental whatever you deny that you are not a Muslim but there's things outside that that there's they they're not so clear as this for example in the Sahaba Stein this is how hockey deformed after the rasool allah sallam had passed away the Sahaba were left with the legacy of the prophecy last night and they had to deal with the new coming people from some of these new people from the mortis a lie from the Huaraz a song some people started to bring new interpretations to the deep one of the things they brought was they said that there is no punishment in the grave there is no punishment and the great these people in the martyrs in the very early I'm talking motor see lights in the very early people they date logy they made the whole Dean logical and they said there's no audible come there's no punishment the grave they also denied they denied the prophet sallallaahu Selim going to me ROG they said the Prophet did not go to the heavens and come back with his body they denied that they also denied they also denied seeing a lot on the day of judgment they denied that they also denied how the scales are going to be weight on the day of judgment because they said that they said regarding Allah seeing a lot they said you Allah is not in one one you know direction so how can you see Allah they genera that they said thus cares how can the scales weighs something that you know your arm and your actions don't have any weight there are things you've done so therefore they denied the scales in the day of judgment and they did not have quite a few thing like this what the Sahaba did here was a very very important thing instead of the Sahaba saying we're going to rage war against these people like they did with the zakah issue the Sahaba took a different stance and this is very important for us to understand because this wasn't something clear clear-cut the Quran in 700 place it said seven hundred places says were I to zakah give zakah so many different eyes in the valley you'll find he says add two Sokka gives a cow at his account gives a cancer that is very clear even if you said you once is very clear so that what red war with these issues what did they do they took a different stance they said whosoever does not believe in the punishment of the grave whosoever doesn't believe in that is not from us what they didn't do is say that that person is a cafe now see the difference here they're trying to what they're trying to now do is trying to say that if you want to be on the sirat al-mustaqim if you were going to be on the straight path if you want to be on the most core part of the team you better just believe in how we believe in a nuts it because the Quran has said in surah Baqarah right near the end of the first juice fine a man will be weekly man a man to be here for hadith about if they believe as you have believed of Sahaba then they will be guided if they believe as your email is now a scale for everyone else to compare it subhanAllah that's about the Sabha at the Alumni day at night with regarding all these different aspects they said we believe in this that's it we as Muslims we believe in this and whoever doesn't believe this they're not from us not saying that their cafes were not they're just not from us the statements like is made a later on the Muslims have to then codify this in to make it in making it into a tea the books so they wrote clear-cut well not maneuverable for example Imam Jaffa at the Howey right now he was who was written his famous book on appear at the hawea right who and is there the most ironic thing is the most ironic thing is about this is everyone accepts this book as the core book of Ikeda this is written about say about almost 300 years you know after the prophet sallallaahu Hollis and Hydra everyone accepts that this book is the most fun day he's only put about a hundred and five different articles in there very simply said we believe in this we believe me as Muslim believe nice Muslims don't believe in this Muslim believe in Islam leaving us on all the clientís a very simple straight up the ironic thing is that everyone accepts him but then after him everyone says okay let me not explain what he meant definitely to Madhav's alternative and the next guy does the same and next a dozen Exeter's our next a dozen and then they'll say how gonna make you your book different from my book you nor true believer you are you different you determine I'm on the only one generally I go heaven ugh one is send the same thing now you know what I tell people I tell people that he be simple go to mount the house work it's not complex to understand you don't need a heavy you know put that thick to understand a small booklet that you can just just read literally in 15 minutes you don't need a book that thick to understand it and as people studying this for two years they do happy the is another guy didn't Aki the for four years and he met me once and he said to me why have you done like either where you studied up I said that's the activist a simple we just studied the Texas II stopped Rudy spinner together I spent who I said yeah what always the time it's been for years okay promise no offense here no offence please are not the second people listen to this thing and say you know I'm being offensive here right no offense you could look there's nothing wrong in spending four years there's nothing wrong with that because there's people spent four years in third weed people spent four years in fifth people there's nothing wrong with that bar if you think that that's the best thing you can achieve in life and now you're gonna come back with not just one little gun right you're gonna come back with fifty guns and a clashing Kalashnikov as whoa right to see how many calories you can make of this ummah right if you're gonna start doing that then you seriously I've got a problem now there's a guy up north North London where you know using a mouse pride I won't once a snake guy so so why used to do is he's to come every time you say say this can be one day the chairman of the mosque cup and the chairman up daisies be our guy nice guy yeah so he says he says it what you say what you say you call anyone coffee why do you not do something for me shake you go with all your little people on a little island yeah and you stay on the rest of us become Muslim you preach what you want on the little island let all of us become Muslim because it's gonna be appointed you start splitting hairs and everyone becomes careful or because you studied you basically you start with acting to how we are then you go to one interpretation of our Kataria then you go from one interpret to an interpretation an interpretation of an interpretation of a interpretation and till you actually end up on your own with a few people and that is you cut because every guy that does that you are going to be killing each other and that's what happens I'm not again there's there's some sincere people who don't do that okay so let's exempt them but there are people out there who actually do this they get fanatic in al-qaeda and all they want to do is trying to say how you are wrong and he is on the chosen path to Jinnah right and you know it's a disease right why and the same thing happens with a lot of other groups right this is I'm just dealing with we know with one particular group here but the same happens with a lot of other groups up that you become fanatic in your group and you don't see any of the truth of anything else right so this is not the you know not the way forward this is not - clearly not the way forward so the Sahaba what they did is they did that and Imam Jaffa and many others they basically concluded on you know eras Allah or on a booklet about a key that you stick to that simple those simple words you can't go wrong you cannot go wrong it says clearly Allah has no dimension Allah has no shape Allah has no you know you can't fit a line to time on to place that simply understood you don't have to go into split in a split in a split in until you start you know disagreeing with one another it's very similar and the other ironic thing is mum Jaffer says you know that this is the ackee than the beginning you see this is the Ikeda of you know Abu Hanifah and Abu Yussef and all line or the the Hanafi you know the great people of that legacy they write that and then I find his soul ironic and so strange that people could come afterwards and label in a Bonnie Fatima - really and I'm sorry I labeled him as as a mu Gaea and say that he's from this deviant second that live in sec 20 mamta how he has made it quite clear that his his ancestors have written this for anyway that's just on the point of Ikeda and what I'm saying is I'm not saying today for you not to read anything or not to study anything else now I'm not saying that but I am saying to you is when you go to a particular shape and you study under the shape especially if it's in Ikeda please please do me a favor and go and study the same thing with another shape because the problem that I found with these certain brothers is that they study only with one shake that's where the problem comes if people study with several she'll then you can't you can't keep your ideas onto one thing if one chef teaches you for four or five years and he tells you you got to believe this and nothing else that's it if you go out of what I'm saying to you you to be in the bottom I have Hellfire stuck to the bottom of it like you know burn you know pizza or something right the guy basically scares him to death to even go and ask the next next shift on the road or the next Imam or the next Aki down the road he's just scanning and that's why these are the most biggest fitna that we have in this woman anyway that's done with that particular in a chapter the other thing is you have you have had the prophet sallallaahu isin preaching and you know the Koran had politics the Koran had a social life the Koran had you know a knowledgeable life and all of that the Sahaba drunk from this spring holy spring of the messenger sallallaahu Islam and they all according to their character took one line of path on themselves let me explain this process ilaha assalam the fact that he was at the same time the most spiritual individual ever in the history of mankind at the same time he was the best general of an army in the history of mankind at the same time he was the best teacher most humble with the greatest of knowledge at the same time he was the best of husbands that he kept in all of his 11 wives happy without any of them having any complaint whatsoever and parcel Azam at the same time he was the best of friends that he had all the sahabas believing that he was the closest to each and every one of them at the same time rasulallah salallahu alaihe salam was leading the prayers he was going out and meeting at the same time used during their public relationship with their with the jews of medina with the christians of Natron with the different people the hypocrites that whether he was he was carefully diplomatically playing in a play in the game of trying to you know propagate deem you will not find this miracle in any other individual again that's clear-cut because he's a miracle how can one man do all of this how can one man do all of this but anyway what happened to the next next generation the Sahaba the Sahaba clearly couldn't take all of is on in every aspect so some of them became unique in one thing and some of them became unique in another they all have something basic they won't pray they all fasted they all read the Quran they own you know knew a few hadith and so on they all had had they had the character good character and so on and so forth but if you if I say Abu Hurairah of the allahu anhu what do you not know him as a person who quotes what hadith see you all know them he became unique in in the reference of Hadees you had for example hardly been relieved of the allahu anhu what was he known for a warrior somebody said ninja come on guys come on guys easy he didn't go to China come on he was a warrior and he was unique for that you had for example a leader of the allahu anhu who had a number of things amongst many others saab that number of things but one of the things that a leader they were most known for was a coffee he was a judge right we're a same same what what did you know for example if Norma's rude rhodiola hannumas as a as a jurist he was clearly known as a jurist right each and every lie if not a bath of the Elan Wolsey known as Rufus sit he was an interpreter of the crown he went to him for to say that's it you didn't have to go you know very far off to find their bed he knew the Quran better than many of most of the Sabah right so each one of these took the different roles now when they took that on when they took that on the necessity of the Deen was there in every one of these fields people needed to learn the quran abdullah bin omar and I shall de laranja and someone saw was doing that people need to know that have sealed the Quran abdullah bin abbas was doing that among other sahabas people need know the deep interpretation of the rasool assassin words in the sharia abdullah bin Massoud was doing that a bleb normals in the I share of the lejana I was doing that and so and so many others were doing that right people need to defend the Deen from the onslaught of outside hardly been 100 radiallahu anhu you know I'll ask for the alarm and many other sahabas were doing that duty all right people need to know for example you know coaches in hadith you know who heard this and a Buddha or gonna was doing that and so and so forth now do you tell me has anyone of you come across a Hadees tell me one hadith well one of these sahabas ten says to the other Sahaba says you deviant can any one quote me anything right now you will not find that on this point of not calling one another you know deviant why didn't they call each of the Devia and how did they respect one another and so on I'll move on from here in sha allah we will have to continue after Maghrib hopefully inshallah you will say exactly similar of Muhammad Ali no salatu salam ala nabina muhammad wanna you say good night you when went on to the point that the Sahaba did not point any fingers at one another and say o holid you're wasting your time outside there you should be coming and helping me with the hadith Oh Abdullah bin Masood fit fit fit when all the work help me intercede help me in this work and you don't find that wine they understood from Rasulullah slauson's time that all of this is the works of the Dean and the Dean the beauty of the demons the demon is a tree Allah said mahalo Quran the example of a believer is a tree you will find that in surah Ibrahim Pasha Salim Tariq a favorable aho Matalin Kali Mata Nui botanischer garten fi ubik in a Saluja theretofore asana the tree has one you know one trunk but once he has one trunk does every tree just had one trunk and that's it for the tree I have after that branches several branches the trunk was rasoolullah sallallahu wasallam and the branches are the Sahaba of the element vine and the branches coming off the branches Adi tabla in and the branches coming of the branches it terbutaline and so on and so forth they understood that if Abu Huraira Obolon is doing the work of Hadees then he has helped me Khalid bin Walid I don't have the time to go and spread Hadees like him say that Saguna abdullah bin Mossad rhodiola understood that if ayah or let's say if a leader of the Ilan is sitting and judging people and he has helped me because I don't have the time to sit on that that place and judge people as he is doing they understood that if someone saw abdullah bin and brass or whoever it is that they're doing a task that each one is supporting another these are not matters to say if you do not come on my pathway then you have gone on to add even pother this number Subhan Allah the prophet sallallaahu has mentioned and you will you have must have come across in the Hadees of the Prophet on last night that this Ummah that the value Israel or the Jews they split in two hammers X 71 and the Christians 72 and this Ummah will split into 73 different sects 73 different ones and reversal awesome said call me - are all of them will be in the fire except for one and they said mystery of Allah which one is that he said man and ila he was javi the one I am on and Amman my companions are on everyone knows the hadith is intimately right the hadith is you know it's a good sound sort of Hadees but the problem is in understanding what is meant by the 72 or what is meant by the one these 72 and this one is not they are not just one group my brothers and my sisters please understand this carefully and any shaken an imam tells you differently I am Telling You I can challenge that person that he or she is wrong in their understanding what we understand from this Hadees is very clearly that if you were to now count today from the beginning of rasulallah saws time until today trying to count the number of groups if you in fact started today just counting today's groups you will run out of 73 you will have more than 73 you're gonna run into the hundreds in fact imam hassan ii who had a book of art either milah well Nahum in there there's more than the mention of 300 groups just in that time this was about 300 years after the Prophet Osman 300 groups now you're going to say to me well how is it that the professor Lawson mentions that there's going to be 72 different groups and now we find as thousands of groups well the answer to that one is simple when the professor Lawson said that there's going to be 72 groups he meant seventy two major groups under each one of these 72 there are several sub divisional groups and they all come under this one group for example those people who deviated in terms of Aveda in terms of worship they will become one large group under there you're gonna get this ISM and that ISM and this thingy and that item this item thought there'll be hundreds coming until the day of judgment those people who deviated with regards to the prophet sallallaahu being the last prophet and they said that prophet sallallaahu listen after him there's another prophet Rasul himself said there will be 30 great Liars in my Ummah 30 all 30 of these will have a group each true not all certain love group each they all 30 come under one big umbrella which is the deviancy of believing in another prophet after the prophecy loss it's one big umbrella under there there's several different groups that will come like this every deviancy every kind of deviancy if you count them up we'll come to 72 and when you come to the one which is the correct path the one which Russell awesome said I am on that and my companions are on that when you come to that one pathway you can't tell me that that's going to be just one group you're going to have to also believe that that is going to be a large umbrella and underneath that umbrella there's going to be hundreds of smaller umbrellas do you agree or disagree with me come on guys do you agree or disagree with me you're already 50/50 I'll wait till the Q&A yeah you got chance that Q&A time you want to disagree with me on this because if today you don't allow half of these parties that do not fall under any disagreement with a major part of major fundamental part of the religion if you start calling all of these countries you're gonna end up messing up the whole deal and you're going to end up contradicting these hadees and i'll come to which groups so when some of the groups that are be mentioned under this right according to this if i just look you know that there's there's so many that have been a sufi sharing matter either Hannity Wahhabi Maliki Hadi was a three you who did this poster I said yeah I'm looking at this I'm thinking I haven't come across that one yet but doesn't matter Allah hadith humbly they opened the Jamaat ebrill v mod Holly was that one mother Holly Ronnie tab Lily Salafi and ishani I don't know that the two three I said I'm not quite familiar with but the rest of the month familiar with according to my belief all of these will come under that one umbrella now you say he can't be next to me he got away from me instinct he distinct he's praised different to me he holds his hand a I hold my hand a we can't be on the right track shake is wrong now wait I'm gonna mean it before you just jump out and just walk away from the Masjid and then not listen to another word I'm saying sorry to the brother who has a need to go yet before you do that I'm gonna explain myself clearly I'm gonna explain myself clearly some of these demands are be mentioned here have got a difference in jurisprudence and so these some of these ones that you see here have got a difference in reviving the Ummah there's two different groups here there's some difference in jurisprudence some in difference in reviving the Ummah and some in difference in Ikeda there's the three major branches you can see in all of these right for example or or the fourth one I may say is a is a discipline of knowledge for example Shafi ie Hanafi Malik Maliki Allah hadith perhaps were happy as well and Salafi as well all of these have got difference in jurisprudence okay the ones that have got difference in Ikeda you can see a shoddy Matuidi perhaps the Hadees maybe in that one as well maybe Salafi as well in certain aspects there were difference in Al Qaeda and the one you see for example juanita blilie Barelvi giamatti and so on so forth they've got a different opinion in revive how to revive the Ummah and we're going to deal with these three in these three different separate matters they all I said fall under the umbrella that is Ana alayhi wa as hobby' the one I am on and my companions are on for example dealing with thee with the one about the difference in jurisprudence the difference in jurisprudence right the Sahaba and you can see clearly how this started when the Sahaba were in the prophet sallallaahu Latins crying when they were in his time if there was a difference of a matter they went straight to the professional asthma and they sold it however rasulullah salallahu alaihe salam on certain occasions showed us as an Ummah that you may have a difference of opinion in my statement and there is nothing wrong with that so the Hahnemann's you might say yeah he's gonna pull out a weak Hadees now go and show it to us this hadith is in Buhari now in hadith sahih we know we've had this is a hadith this was the Hadees of Banu Qurayza rasoolís alhasan just finished the Battle of Gaza the Battle of the trenches and he is coming back to Medina before he gets to medina de la salle comes down to him and says o prophet you're not going to medina yet don't take your armor off you going straight to karela the Jews in Carrara have committed treachery it's an act of treason what they've done so you must go straight there and continue fighting over there professor Wiseman said to his companions my Omar companions laugh - salut à la città studi Banu Qurayza all my companions do not pray a sir until you reach Banu Qurayza reach that place where curries are lifted the clan and the tribe of Korea where they are you will meet me over there and we will pray basically said don't pray sir until we reach that's all he said don't pray awesome until you reach them roses were left early Sahara de la langue left a little later on when they left and they came part of the way there they hadn't reached Banu Qurayza yet and they fell into a dispute the dispute was what the dispute was that a third time is going so what should they do they should pray other sanam professor Lawson said do not pray Russel until you reach man you crazy if I reach us if I reach Banu Qurayza at Mach Lipton I will pray at market time if our eat at a shot time I'll reach and I'll pray at I probably said don't pray until you get to that but I did ticket and you get to buy new crater don't ask the other said no no no the Prophet thought we might reach Banu Qurayza in time of a sub so he wanted us to pray over there with him now that we are late and the karana said in NASA lot I cannot Allen Minnie Nikita beaucoup de this is the gist of the line of thinking I'm giving you that the Quran has set that every every prayer has its prescribed time therefore we are going to pray right now so half moon trade and a half didn't pray they came to the prophet sallallaahu Islam and now we're going to watch what happens because one of them is going to get a telling-off right they both come table tell the profs Alhassan their dispute and the prophet sallallaahu listen did not say any inc some anabolism this gives the establishment of two things number one professor Kozma is clearly shown from his words the Ummah may understand two categories of the Ummah may understand two different things from one statement and rasoolís Lawson has allowed that because whatever the prophets gives tacit all approval of wherever he stays silent over that becomes the Sunnah the Prophet cannot remain silent over battle something that is not right something that is absolute falsehood the Prophet cannot remain silent otherwise his duty will not be complete reversal Allah Allah shall remain silent he did not tell some of them to pray again he did not tell the others why didn't you pray early second thing this hadith gives is the two lines of thinking one line of thinking is that they literally take it they take every hadith in his literal sense this literally means this that's it the other category the one is the you know the literalists the other is the holistic s-- the holistic SAR those who look deeper into the meaning they'll say okay this hadith says this but what about that Hadees what about this other Hadees what about this other Hadees they all have different meanings I'm gonna combine between them I better see what which one is the closest but this is contributing this and so on that's holistic approach produce elohim's this hadith in Bukhari tells us amongst the Sahaba there were these two groups yes or no yes or no yes and amongst the Fabian do you think they just ended or they carried on they carried on and among the time being you pick up the pages of history you'll see these two types there's a one group that said just follow Koran Osuna one group that said let's look deeper into the matter slowly slowly you started to get these divisions growing over time in the time of the Sahaba he was still simple because the Sahaba and some profit was simple because they could go to the profs Lawson but when the Sahaba were left what happened is Abdullah bin Masuda the Alon who went to Iraq ali radiya llahu went to Yemen I'm gonna be last for the Olano went to Egypt right then you had Abdullah be normal in his state in Medina Abdullah bin Abbas and he went to Makkah when they went to these different provinces and these different places when they made the journey to these different places each one of them became the greatest reference in that city the people of Iraq did not see Abdullah be normal they didn't they only saw Abdullah bin misrule the Lebanon so no they went over to Iraq and he said I heard or I saw the prophet sallallaahu do this I'm Filipino Marine Medina he's doing the same thing Ali let's do the same thing in Yemen or later on in Iraq and so his hourglass doing that in Egypt and each one is doing it differently in their different places and you know what you find from the hadees i tell you from such a hadees' from sia hadas from Muslim from Buhari I will pick you out a heart it'll show you where the sahami for example Abdullah bin Laden he says he says I saw the prophet sallallaahu and I said up in one Hadees he says I saw the prophet sallallaahu I tell him he raised his hands and then he tied them then when he basically we went before they sued he raised his hands he says that one Hadees same abdullah bin ahmad says that i saw the Prophet Allah belong him he raised his hands once and then he doesn't he did not raise his hands in salah after that now you might think as a person who is not studied hadith how can this be how can this happen well I'll tell you how it happens because there's a development period the development period in the Rasool accessable time was that you had Salah changing now who knows what was the last one of the Lala Salama who knows what he made the last thing and was it the last thing he wanted or was it a sahabi that was there for a moment he went away and he didn't see the process after that and is that sahabi blamed for that no he isn't because he will just report what he saw from the previous lesson if it was wrong for him to leave the progress of the horizon before the Sharia is complete then you have to say it was wrong of the prophets of Lhasa to let them go before the mission finished yes or no it was you you would have to say it was wrong of him in his lifetime he sent more has been general or the alarm to Yemen in his last life the sphere of his life the Sharia wasn't complete yet there are still some ads to come down the several a hadith he's going to mention but he allowed Martha Omar add this in Bukhari Sahib Bihari Omaha when you go to Yemen say this to the people say these to the people say these people and so on so forth and he in fact he even said super hon Allah he said o Mahad in nakka nakka Omaha maybe you will come back to Medina Restless or some is on the ground walking with him holding the reins to his camel and Mahad is on the camel but the Elan professor Muslim says maybe Omaha you will return back to Medina and you will not find me in Medina but you will find this Masjid of mine and my grave and when I started to cry and rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam is giving him sympathy and this is exactly what happened maha's return and restless awesome is down in the ground so the solution was given what he for my Allah that Mahad will not see the end life of person and yet he lets him go knowing that he is only completed part unknown part of the mission what does this all mean this means that no solar system allowed all of this to happen so what about these sahabas are saying I saw this and I saw that on the development period there's one Sahaba in Sahih Muslim you will find sahabi he went out in battlefield he came back he went on the journey somebody came back when he came back he knew Salah the way he saw it when he was lost in Medina so he came inside the Masjid and he said Allah not me not and then a guy comes near census so now I like Miyake can I have it okay how ya can are by the way yeah Christine and in a Salafist her Sitaram mother told me Edward why are you looking at me like this for you our biggest seller well looking at me what do you lookin at me like that for my little brother and he says that he finished this is Asahi Muslim he finished his prayer and he couldn't believe why these people are looking at mother for because he knew that before he left you could talk in sauna masuleh sudden he says he's the best of the preachers he turned around and he said oh so-and-so come over him and he called to him to his side and said this salon now does not allow us to speak inside it that's what he said to me Sahaba did not see what had what the development was during that part it clearly shows that the development going on the Sahabi who said he saw the prophet sallallaahu celebrities and once and the other one said he's raised several times do you doubt any one of them raise your hands the Sahaba Mena says he heard the Prophet saying I mean loudly or them saying I'm inquiry do you doubt any one of them know the Sahaba says this hobby says the Fatiha has to be read behind the imam the other one says Fatiha does not have to be right behind Imam do you have any one of them because if you doubt them you doubt the very source of our religion if you doubt any of these sahabas if you doubt them if you say now that Hadees can't be true if you say that now rules will be like that you are denying not a fundamental you won't become a Kaffir for this you won't become a cabin but you will definitely be a facet you'll become a sinner you cannot deny the hadees so what you going to do with the hadees now once says I mean loudly one says I'm in quali one says Fatiha brandy mal another one says no Fatima an imam one says you must say you know you must hold your hands here my verses hold your hands here and so on so forth what do you do you know what I do if you're a brother I don't care what part you come from and you show me a Hadees and you're holding your hands here or you hold your hands down here or your hole even to the side and you keep it straight which is another accepted fit and a jurisprudence or you say you're arming loudly or you say it quietly or you really black behind him and fat or not your prayer to me is accepted why because you've got a Hadees your prayer is accepting my brother fighting over these issues is fighting like cats and dogs seriously these issues the Shaitaan has got us involved in these issues they were not issues in the sahabas time they were not issues in the turbulent time I can promise you this they were not issues otherwise we'd have read it in history that the sahabas fought all the time being fought over this no no they were not issues these are matters everyone has the hadith that if a brother doesn't have a hadith he's praying and he's got his hands here or the Brahma is praying and xalapa and prelada nice brother does that then you know you gotta pull me a hadith a because I've never said read that I've never seen that I'm gonna say to you that you doing something wrong here but if you're holding it here or if you're holding it down there or if you basically believing that the sides I'm the line you've gotta have you know that it exists you know what the Shaitaan has done brothers Oh Shia the Shaitaan has made us fight over these issues when we forget that 95 percent of the Ummah outside doesn't even pray he makes us fight with the brothers who are praying with the sisters who are praying big shaitana fitna my brother I'm telling you wholeheartedly accept my message because these are all in hadees how dare you say that the brother is wrong when he's reporting from a Sahabi who saw the messenger sallallaahu dare you say you've got no right whether you say I mean I know quite you've got no right because the brother quotes from a Hadees from a person who met another person who met another person who met another person who saw the Sahaba who quoted to him that I observe the problem of him doing this how dare you challenge that both are you are right in your own terms you are right these are not issues to d2 to have a dis agreement over and it's a big shed and if they can imagine we are fighting here and the brother what we should have done that plan has told us to go and give Dawa his brothers outside they're going to Jahannam every day and sister's going to join him because they're not praying they're not on the right path we should have weight used that time to go outside then call him to the Masjid do you agree or disagree with me they're going to join them every day and the prophets inside the Masjid doesn't matter how they pray inshallah looking on the day of judgment Allah will tell us that this was the truth I quoted you in the beginning of the lecture Allah who could say well this was their absolute truth but we are not wrong in having different opinion because the Rasool Allah Muslim allowed it and when the Sahaba saw this difference what happened with the Sabha the Sahaba of the ilaha mohammed my name they when the Tiberian there was a bit of disagreement not on these issues the disagreement was of the over the Quran he's one Sahabi read the Quran - at ibra he learnt it and another table in another province read the Quran a different way and they came together and they said how dare you say that that's the Quran stuff was about is drawing his sword out and the other guys drawing his sword out because they're reading the Quran different ways what they didn't know is that in sahih muslim again as a hadith that when jibrail came to the professional asana he recited the Quran in seven different ways and all of them are accepted they didn't know this so they're ready to kill one another over this matter the Sahaba came rushing to us man is not a fan of the Llano and I said you must do something about it and he compiled the Quran in such one writing one writing basically in this one writing you've got all seven different recitations inside and you know what if I go any further and I if you give me a Quran please yeah you know what I say to Allah brothers I say to them and please don't think this is blasphemy I'll explain yes so don't throw me off this chain don't get tomatoes are you this don't quote me this is better conse conse bus what's a stop once a con Lane with me come come come go fool come with us I say to love us they say to me this is not in hobbies he's not present and there are certain things there are certain things you might not find them you might trace them up and you might not find them in Hadees does that mean that if it's not in the Quran Sunnah automatically it becomes unaccepted and be done is that the golden rule in most cases it is a rule but in certain cases you must be careful because I can prove to you that some things are not in the Quran had Sunnah and they are still accepted on religion and one of them is this this is the Quran Jay's gonna report you know isn't my friends in the sahabas time no one had one book like this no one I did he was only Abu Bakr of the Ilan who that gathered all the pieces and you know what he said before he gathered it listen to you Abu Bakr Laguna was the one who sat next to the Prophet Allah Allah sallam and went out to him in every single occasion there was not a moment when I would walk around the allahu anhu was absent hardly hardly was the case when he was absent maybe a few occasions but not hardly was the case when umar bin hoc table came to him this is in which book not a weak hadith again brothers Sahih al-bukhari quotes this when our mother hot dog came to the train to abu bakr already after the demise of the problem and he said to him he said o abu bakr you must gather that quran in one piece in one book you must do this i would walk around allah Hannah said because what happened is in battle of Yama seventy different scholars of the Dean died they became Shaheed it was a massive blow to the Muslim empire must never again never before this happened seventy people who knew how to read the Quran properly with full thirteen seventy people who knew the whole casita loop ran from end to end 70 people who had memorized so many hadith of the prophet sawas l'm 70 of them that were references in the deen you could go to them and ask anything they would give you a quotation from the dean 70 of them that had were from the alula alba from Rossi Tina Fey there were the people who are deep understanding they were given the title of Korra don't think the Quran means --carrie Saab it's not going well I mean yes they could do that as well but Quran in that time meant all of these things I said 70 of them was a major blow they had just become Shahid so then I'm what a hot tub says to a book London when he says I would all say that I woke up please gather the Quran because the PCs there's different peace in everyone's house gather them into one book otherwise we will lose our book just as the Christians and the Jews of law stood before us what was saved in a bottle and girl who is the closest to the prophets awesome say he says how can I do a listen is carefully how could I do something which is neither in the Quran nor the messenger sallallaahu Lessman has ordered us to do it and you think everything's in the Quran Osuna the why did Abu Bakr Mercedes I wondered I block another needs to do whenever he never used to know anything he used to consult with the Sabha and say which one of you knows something on this there was a whole period of days when the primary detected no one said I heard anything from personal loss nothing knows no record of it and he said Omar kept on telling me and asking asking us until my heart opened to that which home our onion heart opened to and then they it was summoned oh say it come over here go around and gather the peace he says how can I do something which is not in the Quran which is not in the Sunnah how can I do this and that you argue with him until they convinced him of this and then they put the Quran together and you know why I call this bigger because this is not in the Quran to put it together and no in the Sunnah and the second reason why I believe it I actually promised here the proper comes to me and says you know that's not in the Quran doesn't Sunnah I say you bida bida bida so Alameda say when you read Quran you to be like Salaam I said listen to me the sahabas when they put the Quran together when it was mental to run together for the aloha know and put it in such a writing where seven different dialects can be read one is Terrell a moon and one is ya lamu now you tell me brothers palamoun how having dots of you go Fatali moon in a town - at the top of bottom top Hanna doctor you go Holly moon to Tahoe bottom I got a problem that were you you want to collect both of them into one recitation you've got a choice you put the two dots at the top they become tile and when you put the two dots at the bottom you become Charlemont you can't do anything you can't before dots there yep-yep-yep a parable you can't do that and ask the brother where's the dots he says it's gotta be at the bottom with the top on it I said now you're wrong my friend he never used any dots they had no dots that's how he's able to compile all seven into one righty there was no dots in the Quran in the most half of a smile of the Elan whoo that he made seven copies of and he sent it to the seven provinces of the Muslim empire there was not a single dot in the entire Quran so I tell this guy you do that when you say AHA see Banias that's got a bass got lead but underneath that's better and then the further thing from that you gotta us Allah bummer where did all that come from bitter seriously you think about this you think about this carefully not everything is in the Quran and Sunnah I've got certain things definite is why have they allowed this to be done because people later on came to the deem they found it difficult to read without dots you tell me to read with that doesn't want to make lots of mistakes I tell you to read without the fat hand Adam and the kisara you're gonna make several mistakes that's exactly what happened when the Sahaba so some people do this and the car be later on and later on what they did is they start to add these things inside the Quran to make it easy for to make these things so my brothers long story short not everything that you don't find in the Quran soon that becomes Buddha be careful in what you say yes there are many things that you don't find that can become better but not everything okay so this fifth piece I said to you from the from the post today the certain groups that have a difference of opinion in jurisprudence this got worse as time went but they were not wrong in their sense because we're Abdullah bin Masood went he taught his next no no sometimes you go to one place and then you have one person that becomes a unique person amongst the students abdullah bin must food amongst his students a la cama or the Ilan who became a unique student after the demise of Abdullah bin Masada a la cama became their reference just like abdullah bin misrule in iraq you had to go to al comma after that to get the knowledge an array and the ocean of knowledge of Hadees of Quran Sun and so on after alchemist demise it became Ibrahim and nothing he became the next big reference people went to him and why wouldn't you go to him and I'm not saying there's no other Imam in Iran and I'm alone listen let me tell you how these philosophy works yeah you see all these little shops there yeah all these corner shops there and there you got loads of shops on this room for God they got too many shops a hundred one open the kebab from it another ten o clock laughter this guy isn't businesses women mannequin guys you want to open a business unless I'm saying you can open a business here please have be considered with your brothers yeah just because the guy made some money in one Street don't open another five next door to him because you're not gonna make it easy for him you're not gonna make it easy for yourself you're gonna all become redundant all right please yeah it's called Indian business so what happens is you've got all these shops down the road there suddenly one big shop is gonna come big big market shop let's say you've got a big Asda that opens just here and now as this kinda prices as it's got everything in one store one stock one store low prices you get loads of stuff in one store people naturally will go to the big store Corona and the little business is over time they're gonna be suffering the same thing happens with the aim and knowledge when you got several scholars and one scholar is the big scholar then the other scholars people won't always go to them they'll go to them but not always because the big scholars run when they go to the big scholar they get everything on one plate one stop so why not go to him I'll get the hadith I'll get the tough seed I'll get in a quotation I'll get the weak Hadees the strong Hadees I'll get any other interpretation I'll get all of you from him that's what happened to Abdullah bin Masood when he was around in Iraq that's what happened with Allah , when he was around and others were around him as well that's what happened to Ibrahim iñaki and after that comes imam abu hanifa rahim allah he became the big reference there are many many mirages in your mother hubs don't be scared of the word mother because there were loads of madhabs there was hundreds of mothers as the mother of Azhari muslim a table of sushi on athough because mother hubbub rakia and mother above ibrahim and mother have a food after this loads like today you call all the stores eventually you have four big supermarkets you got Asda Sainsbury's Tesco Morrison's killing everyone else off true or not which there was a Muslim or anyway true or not yeah that's what happens over time so all the time what happened is in Medina the same thing was happening when on one of the alanna when his son Abdullah be normal when each other be Aloha now when they were around in medina they were the biggest references when they passed away abdullah bin omar one of his shining students was Navia Navia and now here he's he became a shining star of one of his shining students became imam malik of the elan and when he met Malik was in Medina they say there was a seven great Muftis in Medina but while Imam Malik was in Medina no one dead give a fatwa none of the other multis would dare write a fatwa because hema Malik is around last hour in a Malik in Medina that's how great he was in terms of his knowledge over time what happens is these people stole so much knowledge same thing will happen with Imam Shafi sending a Medina hammer them over time what happens is that the others they die away slowly you forget you don't get principles you don't get their books written you don't get their whole system in one place and therefore slowly people walk away and they forget them and they're left in the pages of history that's exactly what happened so all these Imams including if today anyone has got even they the JAF Imam Jaffa the shears didn't accept him and we as soon as we also accept that amount as a valid source of fact because we don't say that he was he was on the wrong path wait now we say that he was he was on the right path way after him different yet Allah had came out that certain she is not all she is certain she is sought to be branded as as those who are not Muslim or non-muslim but there's a lot of shears who are Muslim and he forget time will come to that but that is also a valid fit today you've got people the brother comes to me and says he asked me a question once he said to me brother what happens is in this muscle of Talaat I said the brother do you want the Hanafi the humbly the Maliki they shouted what do you want I start to lucky ask you from Quran so now you give me a hand of each option is this so now I had a case on my care my hands had to do with it I'm not saying the brothers wrong but i'ma have to make him understand so I said to a rocker brother when you got a problem this was about ten years ago okay when you go problem brother who do you turn to which scholars do coach she said like for example I go to Chicago to read the books of Sheryl Vanek rahim allah i gonna read the books of share bimba's old i reference you know he's he was that time missile idea she had been Basra him Allah I look at chef Allah and shake him not a mere rahim allah even or female josie rahim allah i said ok fine then you follow the mother of these people that's your mother don't know stuff allah you following mother means a direction when a person follows the Hanafi mother they don't follow abu hanifa i don't care what the Prophet says everyone if Abu Hanifah a believer now guys nah the guy's not you know up there you know is he follows the understanding of imam abu hanifa that which he understood from the source is he from all the scholars he had in his time and from their understanding from the scholars they got from the tabla in and from the tribunes understand like Allah , of the Alano from abdullah bin my pseudonym radi allahu and from abdullah bin Masood Erdogan and his understanding from the process of loss and that's what it is the same in the Malik method the same - ah they've all got chains which they link up to so your brother you are taking sheikh al Bernie and Sheikh bin bands in shame you tinia rahim allah their understanding of the Dean in a particular direction from what they got from their shapes from their shapes from their shells up to the prophecy of a solemn you just the same as me the Prophet understood and then I gave him the answer the brother understood now I have space in my heart all these brothers my brother doesn't want to follow my hub please brothers don't force him to follow a mother let me make it quite clear what I'm trying to say to you if you follow a mother it's a very good thing I tell you why I follow a mother I'm a Hanafy I follow the Chanukah birth you know why because it controls my ego seriously I've studied the Dean I've studied it now for about 21 something years since I went to Melissa we know I follow the honey from mother because a lot of things in the mother that in the it's not just their hand Abu Hanifah Narada there's thousands of scholars from every era from his time before his time after his time until today thousands and thousands and thousands scholars who've research all the Hadees in that mother a saint with all these minds and they've reached certain conclusions and you know what I every night when it comes to Isha they say you know summer gets very long yeah that's very long nights here right hey shag it's about 10:30 10:45 and you retired and fudge is gonna be a three o'clock or something and you're you pray the father in you soon on you I'm gonna have to pray with it because I'm a Hanafy okay it's what if Allah I don't miss my Witter I can't with my with it because you want even mother is budget and the many things like that in my mother hub which I am compelled to do there's other things in my mother awkwardly way for example one day I see be a blood right I'm considering my blood ease you know come out my will do is broken my Hanafy I'm not gonna start saying blood I shocked you today man move ahead and the guy basically then touches a woman in the Shafi mother one of the come to wanna statement you will do breaks even if you touch your wife so he touched his wife I mean awesome no Roux to break the guy basically then you know goes the next thing maybe he lies down a bit and he's basically just as a light sleep it wakes up you know Malik's mother if you have a light sleep it doesn't break Malachy man who said I'm on a field of HIV as which when I want if you do that then you're doing injustice to them because you're following your desires if you start taking what you want pick and choosing from you doing something you're doing wrong to yourself the brothers who tell me right December the Hanafi is sharp you know who they are the son brothers and sisters say we don't want to follow mother fine I'll give you one condition with every Imam gives please follow this condition the condition is you set your principles and you stick to them please if your principle is Quran then Buhari then Muslim then Timothy then Abu Dawood if your principle is that you start from Quran you go to Buhari then Muslim please stick to it a quote guy once who didn't follow this unsetting breath give me an answer he couldn't give me an answer the prophecy says I follow Quran Sunnah from this order yeah son okay brother so what you saying - hiya he says to inlay Holloway to play a bet a Salaam or Island maybe what I'm not lying over here - he reads that that since I'm asleep where's that him sigh Muslim Salaam on the Prophet and mercy and blessings APO blesses Salam on the Prophet or do majority of us read assalamu alayka ayyuha n-nabi where's the city why this is in Sahih Bukhari Sahib Oh Hari so I said Bravo say Bravo you got a problem to tell me why do you follow the one in Muslim when there's a one in Buhari more authentic than that according to your principles I don't I don't accept this principle say I will follow I would look at a whole collection of hadith and I could end up following one eating table Ronnie when it's against Bihar it with I've got different principles I've got different principles my Hanavi mother's got different vegetables you can look at the principle before you move ahead the brother said no I know what his problem is his problem is he's insula he doesn't want to say Salam to you o prophet to you o prophet he doesn't want to address the prophet sallallaahu I Selim and it's a lot better that's re not bigger since I Hadi so the guy doesn't want to do that that's why he switches from Bihar Muslim I'm telling the guy listen man you doing injustice here you're not following principles same his group of friends II his group of friends they caught it to me they used to go to me this hadith laughs Fatiha Allah Allah Allah Allah be fatty Atilla kita there is no prayer except for you know and they quote to me Lanica I ll believe early in you know in the hanafi madhhab you can get married right without the wali it's known in the hand of your mother without the guardian you can't get mad for please before you do that see the Imam right please don't this jump and I can take the guard thought or without telling him right so in the Hadees the person says there is no Mika except through the permission of the guardian these guys used to quote that to me in North London several years later one of them falls in love with a girl and her dad says on my deathbed you take my daughter what did the guy do the gargoyles mates together he didn't Iike me that the father's permission two days even today the father is still upset but he basically went a murder and he's even had a child with him but my thing is listen brother it's another you and you got your principal please stick to your principles don't start switching when you feel here you've got to be a passion and lust don't switch because one manatee mother tells me that I can't do something I will not do it I can't do it I can't give you an example in an example yeah in in in in sahih you'll find in sahih bukhari you'll find Sahih Muslim you know about combining prayers and so on the Sahaba did it there's other hadith said they didn't do it they used to go close to combine it but not combining how do the mother says don't combine them I'll go on my journeys you know I'm praying within the times I have to do it I'm following the hand of your mother okay now this difference is a bit of a fluff in this as well but nevertheless I'm compelled you you can't change principles okay I've dealt with this do restrict thing the main point I want to say with this extra life at this difference of opinion juicing is that there's a lot of rights in this so don't please just say that the other part is wrong in terms of the difference of opinion according to the reviving the Ummah tableegh is I've got one way if one is about another way some other party has got another way jamaat-e-islami has got another way right what do we need to understand buffers is the promise all azzam said to us the Muslim Ummah is one body did you not say that when part of the body aches the rest of it aches with it my brother my sister when you have got into a group that is with the media and all you're doing is reporting information out there you have now become their eyes of this body and the ears of this body when you have become a brother or sister in an organization out there that is only writing emails and websites and you know conversations out there and you have become the tongue of this Ummah when you're going out there giving dollar to other people you not being active with your hands and feed you are you have become the tongue of this body of this Ummah of this body when my brother you go out then you be active for the Deen with your feet and your legs and you're going and you're taking money all the way across to certain parts of the world where money doesn't get there and people are Muslims are waiting for that you have become their legs and their arms of this body my brother and my sister we are all one body when the brother goes out and gives the table he brother he goes out and he gives Dawa to Muslims only he is doing a duty that is saving me from doing that duty when another brother decides that he's going to give the hour to non-muslims only he's doing G which these brothers are not doing alhamdulillah for both of them what is it buzz al hamdulillah there are different branches of this one tree when another brother is doing active work within the locality and then going out there trying to stop drugs and whatever hamdullah when another sister is out there you know in the University campus and trying to give Dawa with whatever form of lecture Allah al hamdulillah the halaqa going on here there's a touch we'd listen here to someone there I'll handle eyes all helping their Ummah in every sense we are helping the Ummah see this first as positive brothers yes within these groups each group has got deficiencies every group has got the finishes my brother tell me which brother here is a brother you don't have anything wrong with you you're the most handsome guy you're the most cool looking guy you're the most rich guy you're the guy who's basically every sister wants to marry and every brother wants to be next to for the right reasons right and you know you got every no you cannot tell me that every brother and every sister has got something wrong with them and please we need Mary 111 you got two might look for marriage a please don't look for mr. perfect mrs. perfect because mr. Parfum is perfect do exist but in Jannah they're up there with 72 hurries they're not down here or any way besides that point no one is perfect no group is perfect they're only individuals that are perfect are the MBA alayhi salatu salam even the sahabas they did not again I make it very clear what I'm saying about the service here they may have made certain mistakes in terms of their understanding certain mistakes but they were not people they were not people that are people that we must reject or a people that we must call sinful Nabila we don't do that certain mistakes happen Saba it was a las will that happens we know why so that we may know until the day of judgment what to do in those cases a Sahaba for example once you know accident happened and he he slept with another woman it happened but Sahana la there is a massive difference between that Sahab iam between me that Sahabi whenever the Prophet Sawa's Messiah al-bukhari's there he went of the Prophet and he said Messenger of Allah I have phone ek I've committed adultery stone me to death stone me to death professor Lawson turned his face around 90 degrees and his whole body around 90 degrees the Sahaba came round all the way to the profit/loss look at it Eman look at easy man he came and said Messenger of Allah I have committed adultery Achim Achim Allah ya al had complete the Penal Code and the penalty system upon me meaning stole me to death first of some set of survey said is this man saying does he know what he's saying and process and then turn around another 90 degrees until processing gave the orders to stone him the woman okay Subhan Allah and said Messenger of Allah I have committed adultery please stone me to death I'm prophet sallallaahu said you are pregnant come back when you deliver the baby she came back and she said the baby's liver he said go back now and until the baby doesn't eat himself I'm not going to apply the Penal Code to you so that she went back and bought something in the hand of the baby into the child's head and a child basically ate and she said now the child can eat then pops awesome said take her away from there tie her up and let us now stone her when they stoned her and part of the blood ah he had this a Muslim part of the blood spilt onto her mother the alarm he said what a foul woman to this third extent Russell Rossum said oh I'm up you do not know this woman she has done such a Toba that he fifty people of madinah were to use her Toba it was suffice them now Allah was he at home seen ham seen fifty people were to take her Toba he could forgive all of their sins this is the Eman they made certain mistakes in life but these mistakes we don't start quoting them and saying he saw on so he did this he said no we don't do that if people have made these mistakes there are certain groups and individuals who made these mistakes my brother's if they made the mistakes let them answer that on the day of judgement all you do is make a bit of awareness and after making a bit of awareness your job is over I met one scholar once and I said to him the great scholar I won't take his name I tell you why I won't take his name because if I take he's never gonna say he's from that group please leave me right so he started taking his name I was telling why he said he said to me whenever you come across a Gemara group of fitnah spend five minutes explaining the truth if they understand that's fine if they don't you move on with your own work because they will be like the wind a strong wind that comes blows for a little while and laughter dies gone and I'm telling you right now there were certain strong winds in the 1990s that I found very strong and today kaput they're gone that's what that is what will happen about it with something that is falsehood you spend five minutes with them explain your truth if they don't accept it you know either make others aware of it and then after leaden okay anyway I've dealt with the Salaf at that you have according to the modeling is gonna have to be well modernist please bear with me I'll give you their time a few minutes inshallah yeah you do man the other one was extra hard rocky that dealt with quite a lot with that the only other thing I have to say that is a shoddy Matuidi and the Salafi and the a leader that they have please become like Xiao Lu la rahimullah what she will Allah did in his book in hájek Allah and sorry in other books in other words he said a very beautiful thing he said each one of these different sects they gave answers according to their time so when the time was there when they could say basically we were not going to go into any matters further we're not going to question these ads of the Quran that was enough people took it she would set a fine 100 years 50 years ago even today you go to certain rural parts of Bangladesh and Pakistan you go to rural parts and you say there don't argue about this I'm saying as the Imam just don't do or you say this is sigh this is battle isn't correct is wrong the people will just say thank imam al woken they won't ask him for Hadees they won't ask the Koran these people are simple farmers the peasants they won't ask for that that time there's a time when you could do that people accepted it then it came a time when people said nope we demand evidence there are now were forced to go into that wheel or to go into interpretations of certain ayats and verses of Quran about unless hands and a Madison that Imam sha Allah says they were compelled to that in their time they had to do that so they did it and not the job done if they didn't do that they would have been greater there would have been greater facade and corruption because people would have left the deal then it comes a time when people have a different stance and each of these demands and each of these areas matter edy actually and Salafi or humbly Ikeda all of them we must embrace and we love all of them if you can say that then you've got a heart of a believer if you can say that you've got a heart of believer if you start saying a shoddy and not Rhydian Salafi and humbly and I don't bring rocket you are only causing trouble for yourself and for other brothers don't tell me the other brothers causing trouble because you both say the same thing if you say he's wrong and he says he's wrong I say both of you're right you didn't get that did you he's saying wrong I said wrong I said both of you right but we were wrong basically you saying well he's tidy you can say that but he's tiny hola end of the day you get the common denominator the bullfighting yes or no so whenever children do that to me I go I don't literally do that piece oh my god I'm on camera I say to them you're wrong and you're wrong you say you're wrong and you're wrong why because you both fighting I don't care who started it you're both fine why did you react same thing is another brother comes to you and says to you you're wrong this is my brother you do one thing for him please don't say that he's on this and that don't say hola by him just stay quiet please for a mom say Go Go - you go to a not just my mom go to an open-minded email that's another issue you got certain Imams that are not open-minded and that causes a lot of trouble yeah so that's that now what I'm gonna do is strike after the Salah if any of you will to stay then we're gonna have the QA straight after the Salah then we said man you've got five minutes for the sonar jaeseok no higher
Channel: HikmahOnline
Views: 78,094
Rating: 4.8952379 out of 5
Keywords: Who's, Right
Id: PHkFkknENhk
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Length: 112min 37sec (6757 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2011
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