13 Tips to Achieve Khushoo in Salaah - Shaykh Hasan Ali

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Hey now what I want to say to you brothers and sisters is I know this is about Torabi that I quickly said something yeah but for our individual solarz we need to slow the Salar down and we need to basically get our cashews now I'm going to give you a few tips right now and how to get your who shoots and I've got about ten minutes left in this in this ten minutes I'm going to give you tips on how to get your concentration in Salah number one one of the biggest ones if you can please get the meaning of Salah look at the meaning I've done it in this lecture inshallah this will be on YouTube you can go through it again and again and try and get the whole meaning in your mind that's one of the best ways to get your connection number to try and do some Vicker before the salon so just before the Salah get your mind into a mode of thinking about Allah so for example if you were just playing a computer game and you start reading a book or try to go to sleep straight away you'll see the computer game in your mind yes or no guys when you're doing an activity straight when you when you've been watching something or engage with something so deeply you get to the next activity that thing will follow in your mind immediately it won't stay that for good but for the first few minutes it will be in there so what you've just done is you've you've just been in dunya to go straight into the Agora your dunya will play in your mind it's natural it'll play in your mind so have a little breaker that's why we have the advanced supposed to be a moment where everyone breaks up and cuts off from everything else this is how traditionally it was tradition in the progress of Allah our lives time when bilal radhi'allahu anhu got onto the roof of the Masjid because there was no minaret at that time he came onto the roof of the Masjid I mean they made a separate place for him to climb up onto I'm all waiting before that he gave it from you know from outside of the Masjid when he said Oh tomorrow more when they heard that in Modena everyone dropped whatever they had sellers they dropped what the Hat to buyers dropped it what they had two people working their fields just left it and they walked off and they listened to the earth on a shed [Music] you know ain't no more Oh and they're hearing the beautiful sound below I don't know how will I love the Ilan who used to do it I'm just doing what I have and I can at this moment when they heard that he was like allies the greatest and lies the greatest and they're walking towards Allah beginning they will do that under listen to the other Eliza graves and then Bruce Willis Allah Allah say let me know is we mention in the in Allah Allah mentioned first that we bear witness that Allah is the only God we say a shadow Allah Allah and then rasullullah sallallahu mentions day [Music] [Music] we bear witness uh-oh I bet we miss that Rasulullah sallallahu Muhammad's Allah is Allah servin His Messenger and the Drina will do what they're coming for the Salah the coming in the Masjid and their listening and the breaking off see the whole thing is break off from the dunya hi [Music] come to Salah why should I come [Music] [Music] come to you success come to success and the last thing before that unbeautiful just allah is the greatest breaker from everything in between it was about statement about allah statement the promise of law i said i'm straight men about the salah three things Allah is the greatest mohammed saleh ali said let me follow he showed us how to pray Salah we're going to do it and at the end who are we doing it for No ah no more it's only Allah and I can imagine the mind if you listen to it if you break her from the whole of the dunya you're in a mindset of Salah now you've broken off now what did the Muslims do in the early days they came to the Masjid first they left all that work when their van was said maybe 15 minutes maybe 20 minutes before whatever it was they left everything they make did the will do then they came to the Masjid they prayed this individual Knuffle salah they prayed the students Allah not like last minute get inside they do missing the rocket o Allah trying to catch the Imam in the rocket no no no no slowly steadily they prayed and they sat down and they were in vicar in remembrance of Allah until the Imam appeared and the prophets Allah Allah Thomas told us that a man is in his Salah as long as the Jamaa prayer is holding him back and making him sit there what does that mean that means you've come for Salah you sat down quietly you just didn't remembrance of Allah you're sitting quietly not even the remembrance of Allah just sitting quietly just waiting for the Imam to come but you're not breaking the etiquettes of the Masjid resistor which is talking allah azza wajal will give you the reward of actually praying you're in Salah so another person is there you know the best thing to do just reverse Allah just just going to just go into go into your rhythm of getting to think about Allah soldier sit no more no more lying no more in LA in long you know nah No you know you know I know you know [Music] um just think there's no no god but allah no god but allah there's no god but allah there's no word with allah just think of Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah [Music] you know my whole mind is there now when you stand up for prayer the thing to do I'm giving another point in I wanted to do the bigger second one that I've said to you third thing what do you do you think Allah is watching me allies watching me allies watch me those of you this is a short talk I'm giving on the subject and it's quite different from another one that I did on YouTube but if you want to go onto YouTube just type in there how to attain social insula and you'll see a whole sort of our something talk talking about again the same point but there'll be a lot on this point about building the liqueur up and building the mind up before the Salah so in shall I look at that and you'll get you know inshaallah you get extra benefit from there so to build the mind up and to think that allies watching me i say that in the other one allies watching me allies watching me lives watching me that's what you want because that's that's the ultimate thing about getting your khushu or your your devotion to Allah now some of you like I said you don't know the Arabic meaning if you don't know it yet just use this mechanism allies watching me allies what you eliza watching allies what's me i'll eyes watching me enlargement that's going in the head while you're saying super hannah rob being our dreams my hundred been our themes honorable and sending up something along i but your head is saying allies watching me Allah is watching your mind is saying allies watching me allies were saying Robin are like l homme allies watching me allies watch me that's that's what's hitting in your head that's in itself a great way of getting a horseshoe and your devotion to Allah so John if you can just just think of it as your last Salah this is another point of fourth point think of it as your last Salah after this Allah I'm going back to Allah an angel of death is behind me he's just standing there if you can think of fifth pointer that I was on the day of judgment and elasto John was about to question me and I said Allah you know like you know the criminals is asked you're about to be sentenced have you got your last wish that you want to say and Allah asked you that and on the day you were out in the day just when you said oh a lot of my last wish is I want to go back and do 2 rakaats for you I'm sorry and here you are right now or for the cuts here you are right now all the whole prayer here you're right now our prayer here you right now ok so you're going to think of that Oh another pointer which is that you're standing on the day of judgment you're there standing on the day of judgment malee Chioma Dean master of the Day of Judgment you're there standing there right now think of it you're standing there right now and you're doing 2 rakaats and you're going to be judged on that point on number 7 you're in your cover or your grave and you're inside your saw England's in there in the grave six foot down and you're standing there and you're doing this alive you think of that and that's where I am right now doing my Salah you will build your consciousness some people can you know they've been to Ramadan Hajj and if they think they in front of the Kaaba it brings a you know a whole moment of our devotion inside them that's fine but obviously we think more of Allah or we should think of a Laden - think of the Kaaba itself but if that's going to build your momentum fine some people they they will close their eyes for a little while although the Sunnah is to open while you're in salat dr. Sunnah but gradually you can do that first you close your eyes and trying to get the concentration and then after are slowly slowly slowly you get used to opening your eyes and then you can open your eyes and you'll be in full concentration in your salon another one number 10 is to slow your salah down whenever your mind drifts off to slow your salah down whenever your mind drifts off so if he's drifts out like you saying Maliki Omid einai I can our Buddha marina Afghanistan I mean and then you realized my head is drifting he knows polymers 1304 Levin and I'm Terrell a team that's gonna hurt your ego but it'll make you concentrate okay so that's another pointer another pointer is that if you think of something in salat something came in your mind ask yourself a question who is the one that will get me out of this negative thing I'm thinking about let's say for example in your Salah you thought my exams are coming up who would make me pass my exams who take his name Allah so therefore what I'm not thinking about my exams Allah is the one to make me pass if you thinking about a pain that you've got or a doctor appointment that you've got - oh my god what's gonna happen when that x-ray is a result comes who's the one to give you good health who so think about a lot my mom is not well who's the one who's gonna make you mum well a lots of straightaway I like it washing machine is going on when's that going to finish yeah somebody might be in the house you know I just put the washing machine on and come to salon they're thinking oh my god how many minutes who is the one that will give you know keep the wash machine going and make them make sure that they close the wash probly who is the one a lots of thing but a lot sit ok appointments whatever Allah Allah is always directs back to Allah so that's another good pointer that you know if you're in Salah you can do that and if you're in Salah and you're praying make sure that you don't make it a burden for yourself where you make it too long but don't go all along too long just to gradually do the short surahs or things that are moderate you know not every time in now tine and chlorella no use moderate or as short sort of status or the be slow do we read emic and try and do it trying to build up on it so if you're 2 rakaats wave for a cots let's say they took certain amount of time try and increase it little bit but don't make it a burdensome don't be so long that you know your feet were aching straightaway your legs were aching and anything you know I don't wanna I don't know you know when you think about you said I again maybe not this time maybe not this time because that will that will hurt you so what you want to do is build up gradually the people who go to a gym don't go first day inside there when they have got no tread and go inside there take 220 pounds and pick it up and put it back down you next day you are gone alright oh you won't be able to lift that up anyway but you know even if you did you're gone next day they don't do that they start with it with a light weight first to get used to that and they add a bit more add a few more pounds on other fewer pounds on add a couple of kgs on and every day they go every day and then and then you'll see them taking on the big heavy weights you know the weights and being able to lift them up and it there's no sweat there they're able to do it 10 times 20 times and so on that's what I meant by rasullullah sallallahu on so lightness tahajud because he sallallahu sent built it up over time and people who do tahajud over time they start off with let's say eight rakaats eight minutes eight rakaats eight minutes no problem do that for as long as you like then slowly eight Rockets ten minutes say made for cars ten minutes go a bit slower then eight Rockets twelve minutes and when he can used to that apricots fifteen minutes when you get used to that eight rockets you know take it a half an hour and you want to add on some nonprofits alarm used to do 12 workouts finally 12 workouts if you want to but if it's apricots ultra-low cuts extended extended until I'm getting used to it don't don't make it out one day so long now get used to slowly stalled over number of months and years get used to it until finally you know what when you're in your Salah there's nothing more beautiful than being inside your Salah you know why because a person will say a personal say I know these guys are showing me the time but you know sometimes you get into one you want to just say guys I'm saying save me okay so you know you're getting to your Salah Allah when you're getting your Salah you're in another world a complete different penis you know for Lavina and nerve darling him why he didn't know boo me whoa oh yeah you and a few moon and whenever to my be doing Buddha when we do my rebuttal to my be deunan [Music] come on handy imagine I'm saying this to myself here super hard on me and I'm super Han I'm not being now being super high namibian logging super high now being rowdy super hand I won't be an RV this is not the pointer another pointer and what probably one of the final point is I'll give you a twelfth one is that if you can think of a beautiful tune that will get you involved like instead of saying I'm the lair of loud mean Abraha manner I mean if that if that motivates you that's fine but just some people with a good tune they might be they might get they might lift themselves up you mean you can open your canister Dino psaropoulos team so awful Elina and run darling waning moon early wanna pour [Music] lift yourself up with either you're saying it yourself and maybe some of you can't say it but bringing your mind a tune that you love and try and think that you're saying it in that tune it lifts you up it brings you closer to allah azzawajal I hope inshallah this has been a beneficial session and I hope you make draw from insha'Allah when you pray those you know if you can't get your devotion to a hundred percent for every Salah they'll be brilliant if you can do it you know when you get into that you just don't want to let go seriously you don't want to miss another tie dude you don't want to miss another prayer and when you get to prayer every time it's so enjoyable your prayer take your time getting there and really nicely and with good who foo and I'm saying this why because I want everyone in the world to taste it because I've done this session you know today we haven't got time for a practical one but I'm done this up and down the country you know people when they get to the day when they've done a hundred percent concentration of Salah in a in a to Ricard oh you know the enjoyment it's like you've climbed a mountain you've conquered a tower it's it's so thrilling that you made your whole salah from allah out well - Salam I like where I'm at learn no other thought except for Allah and you know what the hadith of bokhari says whosoever does will do really nicely and then they pray there's a lot to Ricard's for Allah their face nor them heart turns to anything but Allah when they finish that Salah dejalo Jannah Allah will enter them into paradise meaning that when you get to the next world Allah will give you paradise in return of those 2 rakaats Allah so when you get to that it's like you've achieved so much I want every Muslim out there to achieve this I'm not to CS a lot as a burden dessert on my head assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] you
Channel: Alfalaah
Views: 23,405
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Keywords: islam, Khushoo, tips for Khushoo, Peace, Muslim, Shaykh Hasan Ali, Hasan Ali, Prayer, Dua, Salaah, Namaz, Qushoo, Happiness in prayer, connection with Allah, Allah, God, Athan, judement day, Alhumdulilah, Shaykh, Al-Falaah, Alfalaah, Allah Ahukbar, UK, Glasgow, Salah, Tips, Success, Salaam, Dawah, Ali Dawah
Id: ImLDfvyjcOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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