4 steps to get closer To Allah By Shaykh Hasan Ali

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yeah [Music] a un latina a menudo Olaf is sin mica - in Kunar do another howl Meno salatu salam ala sayidina Bonavena muhammad wa ali he was a good man gracias a la malik more how to light over the cattle so this topic is going to be about getting to recognize Allah so jela I'm getting to try and try and be in a position where Allah is with the servant okay and what we mean by analyze with the servant is Allah helped a lot mercy Allah's guidance and laws you know closeness in whatever way mercy and so on is with the servant now all all of us when we are when we are in this world we are giving we given a weakness when we start and then we given a strength in the middle and then we give in another weakness after that so weakness for us is in both ends weakness for us is in both ends and in the middle there is a strength soul as Allah has mentioned that in the whole Quran in surah rule so number 30 I number 54 Allah said allahu la vie Holika commune birth or wind off Allah has created you from weakness son my darling embodied orphan powah then after that weakness he gives a strength and then allah says to madonna mean by the couvert endure for ishida then after that strength he gives a weakness and old age Yahoo lucuma Isha he can create whatever he wants / le monde Khadija and he is the all-knowing and he is the one who has all power now what this shows is for the human for us to understand is we start from weakness we end in weakness and in between in between is the strength allah that a person has in terms of the weakness in the beginning nobody really disobeys Allah so each other nobody nobody wants to disobey when well the weak so when Allah has made you me a baby or mermaid you and me a young child I know thought is still developing but no one be in that weakness is going to rebuild so much okay so much at the same time when you look at this end of life at this end of life meaning when somebody gets too old old age like then again there's another weakness which is shaver which is old age at that time many things will happen I mean physically one is weak mentally they can become ill weak as well and there are many weaknesses that can surround the human being because all these parts and all these organs are getting quite weak near the end of life so when at the end of life I mean you know person living like 60 70 80 years old you know of age but in between Allah has given this strength now within this strength within the period of strength is the period that we need to be most careful because when a when a person has got strength they see that they're independent from others and this is the real reason why a human being would disobey Allah some of them my last mentioned that in Halawa an asura a lock which is further number 96 allah has mentioned kala even al in scenario of Rahu stamina that the human being the human being will exceed limits when the human being sees that he is independent so the more a human being becomes independent from a Allah so Jeff sees himself he never can be true to be independent from Allah but he feels that he is in depend on Allah and the more the human being becomes independent from other human beings and the system around him the the more he can actually start to rebel okay the more powers he starts to gain the more he can rebel but what a large L reminds us of and this is where we start to understand where we are with a lot is there is one thing tune to know not just just to know Allah okay there's one thing to know Allah and there's one thing to believe Allah knowing Allah is different from believing in Allah and believing in Allah is different from believing in Allah deeply and believing on allah deeply is different from having a las Maya or his his attachment to the servant okay let me repeat that because he's going to be the more or less the the the whole reminder that we're going to go through so first is knowing Allah then is believing in Allah then he's believing in Allah deeply and then it is gaining the closeness to Allah Azza WA JAL I'm having Allah so they'll attach to the servant me when I say attach them in his mercy his forgiveness his guidance all that gets attached to the seven okay now why am i separating all of this because Allah Azza WA JAL sees in the Holy Quran he says Haarlem anahulu ilaha ill allah so allah has separated the knowledge of allah from the belief of allah knowing allah comes before the belief of allah so we know that there are many different people in the world who actually know Allah but they don't believe in Allah and there are people who actually you know believe in Allah so this is surah number 47 and number one nine i number nineteen Allah says Harlem Harlem and now hula ilaha illallah was stuffily then bikini never mock me not that know that there is no god but Allah oh no no no one worthy of worship but Allah when Allah says that what he means is that there are those who will have the knowledge of Allah but might not transfer into the belief of a light into light Allah because he separated the two things okay and as we know from life there are many people who are walking in life who even you know we know that there are people who have studied about Allah but they still don't want to believe in Allah yeah we know there's even people who know about Allah and who want to say rude things about Allah or the deed and so on we know those who are sympathy and sympathetic to was a deem but they still don't want to believe in Allah still so let's take an example in rasullullah sallallahu Smith time you had Abu Talib who was the uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu sanam he knew about Allah he was even you know inclined towards em Allah or sympathetic towards Deen and and towards his nephew Muhammad sallallaahu listenin but yet he did not believe in Allah saw them in the way that Muhammad sallallaahu listen I'm as propagated the Eman that we have the Quran he didn't do that so that was tells him there were others in Makkah who knew of Allah because they just knew him as another God they would respect Allah but they respected their gods as well but they didn't believe in Allah meaning the bay the Quran has told us they did not make that transfer to believe in Allah sin one God they did not make that transfer of the of the faith from one to another so therefore you've got that and then you've got others who knew of Allah but if you were to make the wrong move of swearing or making abusive remarks about their gods and they would end up making abusive remarks about a larger okay so that was that was mentioned in the in the whole Quran and this is in the just in the end of the seventh Jews the seventh juice Allah said surah Anam surah number 6 I number 1:08 what a tasuku ladina the run i'm in doing laughs is sooo Blaha add one behavior there are people if you swear at their God without without you know if you start swearing at those people who worship other others besides Allah then they will suffer too swearing to allow the vigil or making abusive remarks about Allah so because of enmity and because they don't have true knowledge so there are all these countries anyway that's one aside we are believers who believed in Allah so that now what typically happens is this most people who believe in Allah will then get separated into two categories one is they believe in Allah but they believe in allah azzawajal and they haven't really practiced islam okay so they believe in allah and they really know not into practicing some and we know many Muslims are out there like that they've gotten they've got the name of Islam okay their name is you know whatever it is Mohammed whatever it is and they even know that the Quran is a holy book that's to them it's just the holy book that's the thing that you use when some gene comes you know when you're when you're really frightened to something that's the thing that you use for that for Baraka for blessing for holiness that's what is used for right and people who are well got beards and you know sisters got a job there are other holy people who are taking the Dean seriously but for them it's nothing that that really you know push pulls them toward the deep so they believe in Allah as they were done by this very much surface-level okay that's one transition at least they're better than the first category that know of Allah but they haven't believed in Allah Sobhan and again what then happens is out of those Muslims who just believe in Allah many of them insha'Allah Allah will at some point start to become more serious with their faith and when they become more serious with their faith they will stand start to discover more about Islam and try to then practice okay now here's one other thing I'm going to say before I get through my four parts so let me not lose you here first part I said to you is people who know Allah but they don't believe in Allah second one I said believe in Allah but that's all it is and I'm still here third one is believe in Allah and believing deeply okay believing deeply and the fourth one I'm going to come to is to get the closeness of our lives of a done right so I'm still here on the second one so on the second one I've said to you there are Muslims who have a name of Islam but they don't really practice and there are those who start practicing now before we get to the third one here's something that you need to know in all honesty all the Muslims who start to practice Islam I'm start to become people who want to adopt Islam not all of them are going to make the right pathway and there's almost this thing where people think that oh because the Quran is one don't don't get me wrong the Quran is one no problem and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu lesson is also one but the Quran and the Sunnah though they are one the people that look at the Quran and the scholars that understand the Quran and the scholars that understand the Sunnah and so on they are they vary in the way they look at it so the Quran is one but the way it's understood is many the Sunnah is one but the way it's understood is many and there are many reasons why because Islam has allowed this is it's a loud difference of opinion and it's allowed you know diverse opinions and it's allowed certain ayats and certain verses and certain hadith and so on might not all be seemingly fitting in with one another okay because some things happen before something's happen after the prophet's time something some things needs explanation every single ayah and every single hadith me the context it means a it needs a way to understand you and then what you're doing is you're taking that 1400 years go and then you trying to understanding in today's world there's going to be many different opinions and you're also taking 1,400 years of scholarly interpretation you're going to have many many different deputation even if you stick with the Sahaba even if you stick with the companions of the prophet sallallaahu some just then you will come up with many different opinions on many different issues and there's no going away from that there's not going away from that some people say no no aji it's got 1/4 monster no water on my wand we understand that we understand we want that but just because people have different groups and so on and different ways of practicing doesn't mean that Islam is now wrong we've left the true Islamic Quran Sunnah no doesn't mean that we can embrace ourselves with our diversity you'll understand that you can embrace ourselves of that diverse in diverse parts people have different opinions fine as long as it doesn't go out of the fold of Islam to understand this better I'm not going to divert you know here today right now what I'm going to say to you tunes anthems but I've got a troq on the net called so who's right that's one of them another one is called Salafi versus Sufi on the on the internet so if you watch them they're quite pretty sort of lengthy if you're serious about understanding this you can go through that and you can understand it what I want to say to you is one thing here which is when people start to practice faith if they just leave it to just looking at a verse and looking at a Hadi and seeing it as black and white and that's it that's the evidence usually those people don't go deep interface those people can practice more Islam fine but what to appreciate Islam and to go deep and so on a person needs to accept that everyone's opinions has got a background to it so all the things in the Quran and Sunnah have got a reason behind why Allah told us to do something when people understand that they appreciate things a lot more then they have then then they able to practice Islam without having a struggle within themselves and within their within their own people you might never understood this let me give you an example right when you tell a when you tell a child to explain this when you tell a child let's say for example someone's even in their teens okay someone probably 15 years old 16 years old when you try and explain to them that the the adults are doing this for this reason they don't get it nah nah you know that could be done differently right because they see they don't see it as politically as or as as you know widely understood as the elders let me give you another example to understand this when rasullullah sallallahu sallam he consult with the Sahaba on the day of or hood whether to go outside and fight or whether to fight within the community right when rasullullah sallallahu lism did that then the youngsters were the ones that said let's go out and fight all the elders were united and said now let's stay in and defend the city the elders said whenever we fought in the past and we've defended Medina from within the city we've never been beaten that's a track record the youngster said nah nah nah last year we were an hour those butter we gave him a good you know yeah we want some action right now the youngsters they influenced the consultation rasullullah sallallahu was doing and then in the end the prophet sallallaahu ism he went with the opinion of the youngsters and when the professor Lawson put his helmet on and he put his armor on and he came out youngsters said mature of Allah we feel that we might have you know said it'll be too much you've got be tweaked sighted and we want to now we regret what we said process him said the one said prophet has put his armor on he has to he has to go up there's no there's no backing off now meaning that you know rasool assassins put the armor on and he's made his decision analyst adviser Azam taffeta buckle Allah when you've made you completely certain what you want to do then just depend on Allah if rasul of allah saw was to now go back and say let's now listen to the others and that will show a former weakness in his leadership and that would have extensive damage in the way he would operate with people and that's what the process awesome said i put my helmet on i'm gonna have to go out now we've made the decision we made the decision let's go out so the profit or loss of my house now why I'm saying this to you is that when youngsters come into the deen usually and they look at the Quran Sunnah a lot of the times they don't appreciate the background behind every single thing that we're doing and why is it there they don't appreciate them they don't understand it fully anyway so for example if you were to talk about youngsters and the Masjid they'll be thinking like what how we do this welcome with you that what can we do this yeah and the elders who are actually controlling us I know sometimes the the elders are controlling them or sometimes they can go a bit too it can be too rigid understand that but there are rules in the Masjid there are rules in every place to try and keep organization to try and keep everyone at bay you do all understand that if those rules were removed then you'd have you know you wouldn't have a you another Masjid you'd have a you know a kind of a club all right I mean there's I'm being serious about as a Masjid I know I'm going to tell you with my switch message it is I went one year then I was invited for toke another year then I invited to talk for another year and I saw this transition and so the youngsters come in and I'm not going to say it's wrong for any youngsters to come in and take you know take position in a mushy I'm not going to say that what they did is they influenced it in such a way that they wanted their version of Islam to to be propagated mastered and honestly speaking because they removed all the different elders and just the youngsters were in then it became like well who's who's going to take over the mosque next okay it became a bit of a real sort of situation now again I'm not saying that don't allow youngsters to comfort no they need to comfort and we need to allow them to to be with us but as they come with us they need to also learn then to learn about these rules learn why we have certain rule what's the reason why we do certain things sometimes you might see something very easy like what can't we just do this right but you've got to then take in consideration everyone else and there are many things that you have to put in place anyway my point of saying this is when early on people believe in Islam they think that they are just taking it deep and people get overwhelmed now you might have experienced this you might have experienced this if you feel that you're deep in Islam you feel Wow masha'Allah wow you know you listen to the party and you know people come to be like this you know that they're Muslim the net now found their Deen and they're like wow you know da re Masha Allah when I hear that party I'm like electrified and then people people are on a bus and a few months later they end up going to Amara I'm gonna go to Himalayas that man I've been to Hollywood and I've been to Dubai and I've been to like you know whatever else Spain whatever but I've never seen anything like that I'm the wild bite which is good but what has happened is this is just a phase yes and nothing really has gone in deep I think has gone deep you've got to give a people gonna give any person a few years to see where they are because you would have heard some brothers they come in two years they're practicing Africa Saudi some sisters two three years four years five is one right some others few more years gone now long term for a person to come to this stage where they're practicing and they're believing deeply and the practice in very well for this to happen what a person needs first they need to understand the Deen properly so one thing is to understand that whatever Allah told us to understand the reasons behind it and to appreciate it better and to stay with that practice for long-term a person needs some form of guidance or some form of you dare to group rights a person is a scholar or they need some real person some real sort of you know way of keeping them within that form you can't do this on your own it's very difficult for a person to you know be on their own and to be believing very well it can happen that's fine but we'd normally need some kind of some kind of you know great larger group or we needs we need to be with others right and we need to be monitored as well by our brothers and sisters because you can't just you know if you just on your own you might just get you might just go slightly astray with your beliefs in with your with your thoughts we've seen this okay sometimes people get a bit too you know they get too much in their beliefs and what they end up doing what they end up doing is they end up making things than making things up themselves they end up making their own beliefs and they start to go against their teachers then they start to go against everybody and say you're wrong you're wrong my understanding of the Koran is right - I'm the listener is right and it can go towards towards some some you know someone being astray anyway I don't want to go too much off so let's start again people who know Allah okay people who know Aladdin they believe in Allah people who know a lot believe in Allah but it's not on the surface they go deep and then people make the transition over here from the second one to the third one of understanding and appreciating diversity that's what it really is when people do that then they calm down you know most of the you know most of the arguments we have between groups it's between these two why because they don't they don't appreciate diversity everyone saying I'm right everyone saying everyone saying let's unite but it's like let's unite on my views you guys in son they're all saying the same thing they're saying let's all unite but unite on my views the other guys say the same thing let's all unite on my views that's not unity and nobody's going to be able to sort out many different groups and everyone's saying okay let's just choose this one person a unita me it's not going to happen what we need to do is except that he's got an opinion as long as it within certain boundaries then fine he's got reasons for that will accept it less accept diversity and when people do that then they can find space to try and practice their own faith better okay now when the person comes here and they want to believe and they want to start to practice Islam better let me give you a principle between this last thing before you just get onto this the way of measuring every single group out there and this might help you this might help in sharla of understanding it in my view of analyzing the many different groups out there not any one single group has got all the answers and not any one single group can revive Islam adieu the best for all the Muslims not any one single group why because if you look at the if you look at how rasool ullah sallallahu Isilon he formed his group and the original sunnah of what the problem was informed he based it on six things okay number one is to have the balanced belief okay balanced belief number two is to be balanced in worshipping Allah number three is to be balanced in the way we are as a society Hey number four is to be balanced in the way we have our transactions and our dealings number five is to be balanced with our character and personal development and number six is to be balanced with our political way of engaging with one another across the across communities of the world okay so let me let me say these six again number one is to be balanced in our beliefs okay number two is worship number three Society number four dealings number five personality yeah I'm in itself number 6 is politics and but they known as cxeh okay politics or governing ourselves in large large part and number one when I said balance I mean there are some Muslims who will be too extreme in their beliefs they make believe they take beliefs too seriously and there's others who take beliefs too lightly you'll understand that some people they get their belief they take their beliefs to an extreme they they all religious or beliefs and believes and they they get to know if you don't believe in this and blue then I'm believing that and believing this between the little thing if you don't be moving and you're not part of me that's a bit too extreme and they split the hair with the speak the hair let's fit the hair a speak mother one answer is too much and others are like nah don't worry everybody okay you know that don't be any justice so both of my streams and the one that you need is the balanced one and right in the middle I'm Rasul Allah some bows balance with that again this would need a whole topic to talk about it whole discussion to talk about it but I'm just giving you the service of it number two is I bada there are some Muslims who are into Theravada that day and hamdulillah they're into it but they go over the top it's all becomes like rituals they're more into the more into just just doing their worship in a bada they in a corner of a Masjid whatever and they're not bothered about what's going on outside that's not right and there are other Muslims who Allah who say I'm okay you know I'm okay my heart is attached to Allah I don't need to pray I don't need to pray there's some hoop raved and worship a lot too much and go over the top and these are those who say my okay I'm okay my heart is with Allah don't worry I'm a good Muslim I don't lie I don't cheat r22 worship there's gotta be a balance in a bada the person was behind that with that society when as I society I mean how we interact with each other that I said Muslims who only care about themselves and there are other Muslims who will care about others now in the society one again we don't want to go to too much on one side there's always a balance so if you if you're always there looking after others and looking after others but neglecting neglecting your own need you're on your own sort of family your own self that's wrong and there's others who concentrate on just the family and other are not the wider society that's wrong okay number four dealings the said Muslims who will go to an extreme in this it becomes that okay halal halal business but halal visiting so much and other things so Hannah la da do that that it's just all about money and the other extreme is that you don't even care about it yeah forget it money's never sorted any problem I'll forget that you know we don't need to you know make any effort with my Nana lalala some people think that when you go to all the do when you go towards making business I stop for Allah look at him look at him he's gone to all dunya that doesn't mean he's going to to dunya as long as he has got his money in his hands and not in his heart okay once you've got your love of the world in your heart then he said then it's a disease so anyway there's gotta be balance in there and the fourth thing which is to have in the way that we transact with one another we've got to give saticons a current i'm so on fine but you can earn money as long as you haven't made yourself love the the you know the monies and the transaction that you you you you're making number five is personal issues so in this i mean shall i will do a whole try and do a whole cause one time about this but what this this is marshal easy take it easy okay how could it us better you still can him here there are many diseases of the heart jealousy pride arrogance you know people just you know hate one another and so on these are disease of the heart and those need to remove removed and that's when I said about personality and then be replaced with taqwa when I lost consciousness they need to be replaced with you know a crab being generous with your towards other than to be replaced with Sam to being excellent in oneself in their deeds and so on so that's that's in the that's in the heart one person needs to always look after this again some people have gone to an extreme all they do is think about themselves and about the illness of the heart and nothing else and all they want to do is just dhikr the Vicar and recover that's all they want to do and others go to another extreme they don't bother about this and it crops them it corrupts the organisation it corrupts others around them because they've got the pride and jealousy and things around them you will understand yep that's five and the last one is some people neglect the duties towards a wider globe and a wider sort of world we in terms of politics and some people go into too much that they neglect some of the other fight before you now when what a Muslim needs to understand is all of us we can't get into all of these six at one time we could understand this I haven't found a group that balances all of these six if you look at rasool ullah sallallahu Sam and the Sahaba of the Allah Hamid mine they had a very good balance in all six it believes to balance a Bardot's balance the way their society was his balance Muhammad a dealings was balanced their personal you know wreck you know reconciling their problem within them was balanced and their way that they dealt with the you know wider you know societies around them and countries around them and how to how to deal with them in terms of the politics was also balanced you'll you'll get one trying to say yep you look at any group today this is my point to you you look at any group today they will be balanced in some of these things they will be short in some of these things and they will be high in other things okay and there will be completely probably neglectful in something so you might find one group that for example yeah one group that is okay in its arc either is okay nits worship it's okay in the third one you know dealing but then in the fourth one it gets done and if the fifth one might be up but the sixth one is completely down they've got no consideration for you know they're the brothers across the world okay then you've got some other groups they'll be high in the sixth one they've got a lot of concern about the brothers across the world and there might be a high also in the first one but then they might neglect the four in between or there might be quite low with the four in between your land someone can say you look at any group is anyone lost with what I'm trying to say now you look at any group across most Muslims they suffer by thinking that oh my god which group is the right group for me to get into and if I don't get into this group or that group then I'm lost well I'm telling you right now there is no real one group that if you didn't get into then you're lost there are many groups that have got a lot of things good about them but ever many groups that have got things that are deficient in them doesn't matter you need to just be around brothers and around others in a way that you we we help one another to become deep in our beliefs and in our in the way that we practice Islam okay so let me go back to the original thing that I said which was knowledge of Allah then belief of Allah then you've got two splits their belief of Allah on the surface the belief of Allah does gets gets deeper but it doesn't last very long and to appreciate one's whole awareness of you know the Quran and the Sunnah the context the things behind the reasons behind why I lost oldest do certain things and then to understand the groups and you know what they what they have in the six things I told you to to understand all that gives space for a person to come here to this one where you know you're now you now you know you've got the space now to practice your faith and to become deeper okay now when a person starts to get to this stage what a person does is tries to big tries to do as much as they can that's all Allah wants us to do we should do as best as we can now let me give you an ayah regarding them we're given our regarding that Allah Azza WA JAL has said in a hologram Fatah Kula Hamas stop Artem potala ha mastered Artem fear or be aware of allah azza wajal to the best of your ability okay this is in surah number 64 surah taha boon ayah number 16 Fatah Hamas a thought was now appear oh I'm cuckoo hydronium physical Allah says be aware of Allah so gel as best as you can listen obey and spend this is most best for yourselves now what Allah meant by that is that not all of us are equal and not all of us can do everything if you believe that you want to do everything for Islam everything for the Muslims then you straight away you failed let me let me say that again this most Muslims are in this trap they want to be everything for all the Muslims and everything which time under want to be rule do you know get out there do everything you can't I'm sorry but you can't in any any cooperation any place where you're working you don't do everything you're somewhere in line in position you're either in the lower level just just work in a desk okay you're probably bit higher in an office of your own you're probably in a bit higher you're managing others you probably be hired whether you're the regional manager or you probably be the higher whether you're the director of the company whatever it is everyone has got their own layer of doing things even the director of the company he doesn't do everything he don't sit on a desk and start to work like the ones on the bottom ground floor you'll understand that not everyone has their little part to do in this organization on in Islam not every Muslim can do everything if you feel that I've got to do all the political things and I would also do all the domestic things and I will also look after society and this and that and I've got to save this thing and save that thing you're not Superman okay you're not Superman and you're not going to be able to do it Allah has given you I'm giving you certain abilities to do whatever you can now what does that mean that means if Allah is giving you excess money is giving you access money then you use your excess money to help Islam Allah is giving you access time then use your excess time to help Islam Allah is giving you a good mind to bring up ideas then you become an ideas man prisoner Allah made you a person who is able to monitor things and your eyes are always reading things and you're able to sort of bring information then you do that Allah made you a spokesperson then you do that we need certain people to be spokesperson allows maybe a person who's hands on then you be a hands on person you will understand your example that's what we've got to grab this is where the the deeper part of belief and faith comes in with practice which is just do whatever Allah has created us to be and to do now some people here my people I can't do many of these things if you can be a good family man or a good family woman then just do that plus if Allah is in giving you more than that then that's it that's the capacity Allah has given you and just do the best of what you can if people think that you know what I've got to be like so and so I've got to give Dawa like so and so I've got to achieve something like son so don't measure yourself with others all the time you're different he's different he's different he's different she did achieve everyone's different okay not everybody has got the same abilities so do what you can and in doing that what you can understand is here the more you start to become a person who goes deeper with their faith and their actions and they do more and more for a longer period of time you are now making the connection with the fourth one which is for Allah Maya and for a large closeness to be with a person how do you get to that level what happens here is a person when they practice forever for example you're doing a five daily prayers you're doing your you know you give Sedaka's whenever you can you're trying to you know control your a lock on your character and you're doing your best in trying to be good to others and so on you're trying to do your duty towards your other brothers to the best of ability of what you can do when you do that and a person's awareness of allah azza wajal increases and increases and increase it because all of these actions you're doing you're only doing them because of who well because of who allah eventually you start to do them without even thinking about other people this is where the final connection is made in the beginning it was like I need to do this because my brothers need to see me doing this I need to go to the Masjid because if I don't go to the Masjid is going to be a shame I need to wear my hijab because if I don't want my hijab my mom's gonna see me I'm gonna somebody's gonna see they're gonna report me and it's gonna look bad people are doing this why because of other people and there are many subtle ways all of us according to this where we're doing something because of others I need to make sure that I behave nicely in a community of people because people going to judge me I need to make sure I look at her right now because people are watching me but if I was alone out probably looking you understand people are not looking because others are watching people are not putting on the certain types of things they shouldn't be listened to because there's others around them people are not watching certain things on the TV because there's other sitting around them on the sofa but if they were alone it'd be different is that when a person's lonely time private time for a long period of time is the same as the public domain that's when they're shifty to this fourth on so whether somebody sees me or not I'm going to behave good the other this quote I came across the other day if a person like if a person goes out to let's say to a restaurant and normally this person is a good family man and they'll talk nicely to the family they'll talk nicely with the brothers in the masses and so on but they get to a restaurant and they'll speak rudely to the waiter then there's still there's still something wrong there you learn son why would you want to speak rudely to the waiter I'll gave the way to got something wrong you can tell him in a nice way I mean if you really have to tell him then you can tell him in a way that still is within limits but not to speak to him rudely and be abusive to the why would it be abusive the way that if you can have that am using this inside view that you can actually use it at certain places but you aren't using with your family now I'm a good Muslim I won't use it with my mustard people I'm a good Muslim but I'll use it if anyone dares do anything like that to me in a restaurant like we're way to someone low there's something still not right because if you really were not being abusive for Allah sake then you don't do to the waiter do you do olinson yeah that's that's the transition who is the what is the reason why you're not doing it some people are not bad because of their own image in front of other people it's like I'm a good person you know I'm not going to be bad you know somebody would even say they say that they get really really angry they say I don't really usually swear but yeah and they want to say something I mean what's the break why are you doing that because I live still there your understanding of Allah so gel is still there yeah and what I said to you earlier on in the talk which is Allah gave a weakness and then he gave strength then he gave weakness would you really do that when you really weak so let's imagine you as imagine someone who's in hospital and they young a young man in hospital and they've got a nurse that's attending them and they slightly upset in the way the nurse is if they've got good o'clock good character and allies the reason why they're speaking and how this speaking to others then if you've got an issue with the with the nurse they'll still say it in a nice way if they've got bad luck bad character then they're going to be rude towards a nurse yes young person got the you know I what do you think this is yeah they've got the voice I got the strength yeah but the same person was in their 70s and the week and the thinking my voice doesn't even reach her ear yeah and even if it does man how could make how when I get you know her to feel that she's she's got the bad end of my stick now I can't do that right people in their weakness sometimes might not say anything and that's probably because of the weakness what allow wants to see from us is when things are right when you've got the power to do whatever you want but you still don't do that for Allah sake or you got the power not to do something but you still do it for Allah sake and you're strong and so on that's when you get to the fourth one that's when you get to the fourth one okay so let me explain this slightly further what Allah Azza WA JAL wants to see from us is that we're not only practicing Islam not only have we made some reconciliation with our beliefs and others and so on we're going to move on in life in doing these things in a way that whether other seers see us or not see us we're still doing it so for example a person who prays the hundreds allows a lot of later give another example a person prays that in the night time that person who prays in nighttime what's the reason why you're doing it is it so that the next day you can go and gossip about it to your friends I mean I'll be honest with you guys I was in mind in a message that I used to see these guys to behind of lying are seeking me Allah forgive me Allah forgive him yeah yeah I mean the guy comes in for fudger and then he's got his hand on his back Oh I thought yeah he's walking so naturally were you gonna say to you and say what's the matter brother are you okay she goes all yeah get it back you okay cuz yeah yeah I just did too much dodging la haula you every other day he would come I just did too much 200 too much family how low Allah I'm just I mean I I never I wasn't rude to the guy had wouldn't say okay but I was thinking why do you want to do that why do you want a and the whole point of you doing that is that you want to advertise to others that I mean I remember one person saying this to me once there was a there's a few people in the society you know that normally you know the up you know the people who come to fudger okay normally if you are in this Masjid you come further you normally know more or less who comes to father who does not okay so you part you going back home on route let's say for example one of the brothers who was with you normally on a father he's he's not there today now if you go past his house and then you see the lights not on and you have bad thoughts towards him I missed his father today his light wasn't when I was coming for further his light was about when I'm going back after fajar his light wasn't on and the later on when you meet you say brother where was you and he says I wasn't there today but you know looking for in Susan you say I know why again it's numbers these people people can be if you didn't for Allah say it doesn't matter whether he comes or not if you isn't it it's about you and Allah Azza WA JAL I'm second thing is you're supposed to have good thoughts about your Muslim brother maybe maybe even this which is lighter I'm fine but maybe he's done it earlier before you walked even maybe it done earlier maybe he's done it after you walk by he put his light on why do you have to judge him like that I didn't one guy la haula hotel allah he goes to the extent of walking early towards father and the day he I mean it easy this is going too much it the day he doesn't see that other brothers light on early in the morning he sees them on Friday and says are you missed you too today didn't you this when I walked by I didn't see you light on thank you why why are you making and there's some people who start all this competition with the Quran it's like oh how many crowns have you done I think I've done more than you why why make this a computer so the point of saying this is that when people are doing it for Allah sake it becomes indifferent whether it's a lock what is you know a bada whether is anything else it becomes something different you don't do it because you'll be matched against somebody else you do it simply because you're doing for Allah sake and I'll give you another example I mean so had a lot the even as your mom's we have to be you know careful as well you have to be very careful I remember one person would with me in a particular Torabi with me this brother I think was mainly happy Abdullah something he said instead of wonderful thing to me he said that we've got to try and as he managed we've got a black balance three different things when we're praying and leading the Travis travel prayers he said number one we've got to try and make sure that we're reading correctly with tajweed with the correct pronunciation that's number one number two we've got to keep our mind on the Quran to make sure that we're not making mistakes okay so you've got to concentrate I'm not making mistakes so one is going to say correctly one is you got to make sure that you don't make mistake then is it number three more important we've got to say it what we're saying the recitation by thinking a large listening to us and not people listening to us unison because once you start getting people in your mind oh yeah Marshall Lansing so as well you know I've got the pronunciation right I've got the part right but then your head is over there people are listening to you people give me credits it's wrong and that that is wrong you've got to try and keep your concentration that allows of they'll listen to me and that's real sincerity when a person gets to that to that level where they it's not about others about them and allah azza wajal their Dean and you know they believe in practice and Allah Azza WA JAL that's where you see the beautiful Muslim those are the Muslims mean you will not have trouble with you all and some don't know those are the Muslims you won't have trouble with those Muslims you can stay with them even you as a Muslim even non-muslim stay with them so behind Allah when they get to the fourth stage where a las closest is with them Allah says in the holy quran in ilaha ila muttaqi Allah is with the people who are conscious of him that's what it means he said in allaha la ma Ali mercy mean lies with those people who excel in the good deeds they're doing a good deed just for Allah sick that's what it means and they extract do the best in whatever deeds they do Allah said in a lahar Lavina a man who allies with those people who believe meaning they get to this stage of belief and Allah has added in ilaha mosques are being allies with those who hold themselves on to whatever they have to do and withhold themselves against whatever they shouldn't do that's real meaning of sabah a patient so this part is what people who are conscious of allah people who are doing the deeds just for the sake of allah people who deeply believe in allah and people who hold themselves onto the D meaning from you know for whatever period they're living on this earth they they're really taking a serious now okay and people who are staying away from any bad deeds for the sake of Allah these for place in the Quran these four ma ma means with so when I said to get the close so Allah I mean these four things so to get these four things these are four qualities that believe is to have within them once they get to that stage they're not our trouble two other Muslims no not trouble two other non-muslims they are you know in good faith with Allah Azza WA JAL and their practice and beliefs will be something that they will they will be very sort of comfortable with and they've got no difference in their private life and their public life they've got no difference in the private life and public life and whatever they're going to do in wala they would do it anyway and they do it wherever they have to do it it's not because somebody saw them or didn't see them or somebody didn't check against them there's got nothing to do with that they do it anyway for lassic right so just to give you summary of the whole of the top okay we'll move through these four stages and our whole objective is to get to the last one right number one is that we just know Allah number two is that we believe in Allah but just believe that's it to get deeper in the belief of Allah Azza WA JAL you need to reconcile a lot of things so in between this one and that one to believe in I'll deeply and get you practice more is that a person needs to understand appreciate the Quran and Sunnah has about diversity and also with many groups that are out there you've got to be with other brothers and others to fulfill your Deen but with many groups there are six things I said to you to have a balance in all those six at best as you can write and you do you practice as much as you can of those six things you lap your surfaces you're a key that you beliefs number two is your worship number three is your societal things number four is your marmolada transactions number five is your inner sort of self and personality number six is the wider global context and helping other Muslims and see as in politics and you try and understand that very well that no group has got it perfect around okay so try and work with whichever group you can most of all when you work together you your practice has to become long-term and when you make that move where you're doing it for Allah sake where we are what are we doing and your public life and private life all that is equal wherever you're going and you get those four last qualities I said you've moved on to the last one and your your inshallah greeting that you're a very good believer and that's our goal those four qualities said is to have DP man to be conscious of Allah to do things for the sake of online best as you can assan and then the last one is to withhold yourself onto the beam and stay away from sins and that's when you're really you've got Maya which means that are lies with you you'll see the help of Allah the guidance of Allah and so on with you now the final thing I'm going to say to you is if you've ever questioned said allah azza wajal has said in the quran that he is going to help the believers yes or no and we find that across the world you know our countries are all blazing with this problem that problem and this country's got this problem and that computer this corrupt government and that one the people are you know really mercilessly persecute and so on that one problem this one and you're kind of going crazy why you can't make sense of the Quran and what's going on out there have you not understood the reason why yes or no because there are people out there in these countries who just know Allah but they don't believe in Allah and there are those who believe in Allah but they've only got just the name of Islam to them do you understand many of them many many many of them in fact they're probably the majority and then you've got those who practice Islam but they're stuck here you're stuck here why because either they have yet they just see things black and white they start getting into group arguments and they start to like fall out with one another and there's a lot of rivalry and things that go on and you know it becomes a warfare between groups on the stuck here they haven't reconciled their faith you practice in long term a Las promise is for these two here the believers that practice long term okay and the believers that are moved to the fourth one which is their Ricans that they've got closings of allah these two does not talking about this one that they believe a practice for a short while and they just want the help of Allah no they've got to believe in practice long term number three or they've got to become the fourth one which is very you know deep in their faith and so on lost closeness these to Allah has has promised the help of and they're very few in our world today in all these countries even in the mosques that we're in would find that these last two very few like let's let's say for example even the practicing people who are long-term practicing in this Masjid you compare them to the people who are in our society you'll get you'll get the answer Jewel and Sun don't know just for a normal Salah you'll see that it's not even quarter not even quarter not even not even 20% not even 10% of the Jamaat yes or no 1020 percent of the whole Juma that comes here that's all it is and when you look at even Juma Juma is nothing look at the eight we have four four times Jamar or three times the Gemara here right that's any Masjid so you already if you look at the whole and even then there's some most matter even come for eight - let's start off with a hundred percent of the Muslims in this society and this is pretty much everywhere start with a hundred percent of them let's say 10 20 percent won't even come for the each other find you very percent out of the 80 percent you've got about almost I would say 60 percent oh I'd say even if you say 50 percent of the 80 percent they come for eight but they don't go for Jamar anything out of the 30 percent that come for Jamar you've got about 20 percent all right another 20 percent that probably don't pay the five daily prayers they just come for the Jomon gone or half of the madeley's so you've got 15 percent of the 100 percent 15 or 10 percent that actually do the five daily prayers and out of them is probably more than half that on and off on and off praying here not praying here like they're they're not practicing Islam D properly so you left with what less than five percent another the less than five percent some of them are caught in between backing I've said to you and that they don't make it to this one so you left with I don't know two three percent of the Muslim Ummah that I've actually made it here and here if you really look at it properly then you understand why we're in the situation were in however have I made myself clear yeah I want to open the floor to any questions open the floor to any questions yes yes well the whole thing is just give us solution which is is it's a good thing that you're asking which is to think about solutions I mean depends where you are here who ever listened to this it because where they are see the thing is we shouldn't focus on them that that's the real problem if I always focus on they've got it wrong they were wrong oh my god when are they gonna get it right and I forget about myself and then forget it that's what he's doing as well he's looking at me and saying well I'm not gonna get it right and we're all looking at each other saying they should get ready he should get right and everyone's doing the same thing finger pointing our others but nobody's really saying let let me get it right let's ask a right great the focus has to be on myself the focus has to be on the people around me and the focus has to be the best I can do for myself once we do that then we're somewhere because the old man is that went to falestine a couple of years back and one of the chef's said that he said he says bottom he said you guys from England are really worried about what's happening in frosting he said we appreciate that we appreciate that you've come and he said we want you to come we want you to come and visit us in Al Aqsa visit us don't get us wrong but he said most of us come most of you guys come here thinking that you know you want to do something for the problems he year when what you're really forgetting is the problem that you left home and you've got you got equal problems at home in different ways and all the Muslim countries have got their own problems in their own ways and if everyone starts to think that oh the problem is over there once you sort that over there everything can be right and you forget about your own problem in your own country in your own place that nothing can ever get sorted out they said we appreciate you coming here but he said go back to your places and it said concentrate and try and rectify the problem within your own communities like the people who don't even know how to pray I'd read how to connect with Allah get the right knowledge get you know get close to Allah they don't know that they're not there put the one or pathway so try and you know create all of that that bad was this point and fulfill the wrongs that you've got in or try and rectify the wrongs that you've got in your own society okay sorry see if you if you again point and say that we've got a problem leadership is always saying with leadership then again there's a massive problem there because most of these leaders most of the leaders they didn't just come out of a vacuum and if you're gonna say oh the whole problem is based on external influence there is external influence but let's be honest it's more of a problem of internal you know internally the country's in a in a in a mess than external problem so for example if you remove any of these leaders there are hundreds and thousands of them beneath in the rating to get into his position because the society is such that is got enough of them to replace him and they're all sitting below him complaining about him when they come into his position they're no different to him in son so the problem is not just that he's one leader he is problematic I understand that his council they're probably problematic as well but you know any of them go away there's many become and they did just as bad as the people underneath and his is going all the way down to the tea seller all the way down to the small corner shop because even he is doing corruption he's taking bribes or he's trying to cheat someone with a bit of you know just to make a few pennies the guy above him is kind of cheap for a few pounds the guy above him is cheating for a few hundred pounds the guy above his chair for a few thousand pounds a guy above a meson like you know tens of thousands the guy above him is like cheating in the millions but the cheating is cheating it's all across most of these countries the judicial system is corrupt yeah but it's not just the judges that are corrupt it's right down to the last man that because everyone thinks oh I need to win this court case oh I'll just take a whole wad of money give it to you oh I need to save myself it's okay for me to give twenty thousand you know 30,000 rupees whatever to or whatever taka whatever it is yeah dinars all right I'll give that much to save myself it's okay for me to do for myself but it's not okay for anybody else to do its corruption corruption come from a lot so leadership is one way of looking at but I wouldn't say it's a problem of leadership it's it's a problem within within okay and I know that it's a problem of external influence but that's not our real problem our real problem is is within our own selves and unless we address that it's not going to change and which is one thing to what the brother said how do people change this well again it depends where people are if people need to go and learn more about it stand and go and learn the right Islam wherever you can if people need to go and find you know where they can practice Islam or there are many venues many ways many places that you can find you know even breeding books and being with people teachers scholars Imams whoever trying to attach yourself with them even online things that you you know people have got you can make a move to if you want to make a shift you can make a move to learn more and to to you know to become a person with more deep in the deep it's all there the case is whether we want to do it or whether we do it or not until make that shift any other questions yes yeah okay so I said about what Ali Abu Talib knew of Allah like all the other mistakes in Makkah he also believed in my yes like all the other mushriks in Makkah the only difference between Abu Talib and the other new sheiks were that they were not too sympathetic to old manzil manzil number I will tell it was he even said at his deathbed he said appalling that clearly shows that he he addressed a parcel as money said I know you are on the right deal but I can't accept it because of what others will say after my death but I was on my I was on the Dean of my forefathers until the last moment and I gave it up abandoned it for what you said and he made he said a poetry of that kind on his deathbed which showed that he knew the truth of Muslim but he just didn't want to accept it okay yes good again the brothers said that's what I meant by the right group in between which is that when you're together and you give in Dawa to one another this is what I meant by is a good point that he said the what I meant by making that transition getting into a group or a group or few groups whatever you with once we can have the right influence on us to make us not only believe deeper but practice it practice this time for long term and we look over each other I mean what the brother has just said now which is that we give the hour to each other you've got to give that without that way you haven't got that pull and what the brother said is as if somebody's not come to the Masjid then you know you become an active person to time you know call them towards the master towards the right right thing and that's that's where the transition comes for a present to make it here to to that to the third one and to be more deep in their faith and practice ability and yes that ways and that is important any other final questions God the brother brother is asking is there are seven people who have groups at there who just believe the Quran is the true source that we can believe in and that we have to disregard the Sunnah or disregard Buhari and the hadith and so on and oh just take the Quran these people if they actually reject the student of the problem love them then it's a massive question on their faith it's a massive question by faith because you cannot take the Quran and just believe in unpractised Lam fully you just can't do that because it goes hand in hand with this another purpose of Allah is enough and I have spoken about these people before and just to add on to a couple of things is these people they they start to cry and you know believe from this put on but you know what they end up doing I read I read actually a book it's a book of one of these guys moves I actually bought the book to understand them better and what I read certain parts of it I say yalla in 911 and Roger so what he said is in this book and these are the Quranic karani people write Quran en or Quranic people whoever whatever you call them yeah what is selling this book is is very shocking he said roger has been mentioned in the Quran and he said Risha has been mentioned the Quran and he said again let me get right there I think he said yeah no no he said he said mother because he says Ruby shunts Ruby sham so he said that as we mentioned and then he says the thorah fillet or not two ends of the on the day and night as you mentioned so then he said the heart hasn't been mentioned and also husband hasn't mentioned I know you're saying well Osteen l-insana but that is more to do with time and not what to do with the actual salata of Assam so what he said is he said in the book I'm reading this an unthinking stuff Allah loved him he actually wrote this that where did the Muslims get the Haram a so from their practice in thought I said they shouldn't be doing he said there are five daily prayers but then he said budget maghrib-isha and then two parts of the day I think you'd refer to some nightly prayers of other prayer and he said he's not gonna muscle now there are many other things he's a thick book and I when I read a bit of it I kind of you know last October many I have to go back in then I get quite shocked and you know you can't just read the book straight up but some of these beliefs that if you base it just in the Koran I don't know what kind of religion you're gonna come up with because it's not going to be the religion that was being practiced for fourteen hundred years so yes you're right they're they're you know these people are not really really the true sort of Muslims so we've got to be careful of this and it's a growing number of people who are actually approaching this in their time that they say just just go to the Koran and that's it it's quite scary because if you really think about it that very principle on which they rejected the sooner they can end up rejecting the Koran yes in YouTube this is nothing social media has may be very easy for you to learn the Deen and very easy for you to abandon the D both it's a two-way it's a two-way not God so what are you saying about Samadhi is not in just in Somalia it's in many parts we've had this in Pakistan and India and other places for a long time but they haven't been as widespread as what's having today because through social media they're getting their message across very quick through Facebook through many other you know platforms YouTube and so on they're getting their mess across very quickly right and it's not just in one country it's in several countries in fact it's quite it's worse in the West because in the West people have got the freedom of thought as well and they can you know go on saying this and what I would say to you is we've got to be careful because think about this argument if they rejected the student by saying oh how the Sunda was collected how the hadith was collected you know it's not all old n ting and this person his memory wasn't probably good and that one his memory wasn't that good and using those arguments to reject Buhari and reject Muslim reject the hadith sooner or later these people are going to say the same thing about this now Villa they're going to start saying that oh the Sahaba that came look Abu Bakr sends Aden fabergé new table is going around and he can't find you know how do I mean they haven't even got it look is very funny this year to accept this Quran you have to accept it on the authority of the Sunnah because only the Sunnah tells you how the Quran was collected knowing the Quran it says do you have the Quran was collected and if the Quran was said believe in me because I'm the truth and that's it the truth is contained within me and don't go outside to any other source for the truth how can you do that you've got to believe in this you need to believe you know you need to verified from something else right and the only way we verify this is to rasulullah salallahu sonim right it is you fine but the only way we verify from Rasul Allah Salim and the Quran in between a who the Sahaba the Sahaba and the narration the narrator's unison without that you haven't got this if no Sahaba casaba are narrators right if no Sahabi ever wrote the Quran you think about it if they didn't if they didn't rate the Quran from the Prophet and wrote it on palm leaves and fiber if they never did that ok and the Prophet was the only one who got it straight from Allah and gave that never happened right did that happen no I didn't promise wasn't God why he he woke up very deep sort of neutrons and woke up and straight away he said the versus but he couldn't write himself so he had to tell the Sahaba try this I have a wrote it Sahaba kept the Palmer palm fiber leaves in the leather and other things in the houses okay none of that was collected nonprofit's time primes awesome went away he passed away then came to the time but Abu Bakr of the Alumni I mean that time I will first use auto model but then I came to a book and said oh we have to collect the Quran because the people who know the Quran off by heart which is the real thing that we rely on it's getting lost you have to give the order and get the plan together let's get all these pieces from people's homes together and make it into one book I took a long time for him to be convinced and then he convinced they both calls 8bim fabric of the alarm and they you know convinced him over a long period time and then he went around and started to collect all the pieces and every piece he collected he had to have two witnesses that were there at the time when Rasul Allah selasa told them to write it it couldn't be one witness he had to be two so there's a massive process that happened all of that is what is in hadith that his whole effort is as a narrator he's not the Prophet he is a sahabis decided for companion right and you have to trust him trust Abby Walker for all marighella Adam trust all the Sahaba whose houses are collectively from right in order to believe in the Quran and if you find it if you find that you can poke at these people for the Sunnah then you can poke at them for the Quran did you all understand that if the same people are narrating hadith and they're giving to others or the Prophet also said this that's a hadith and these karani people say nah nah nah I can accept that we can't accept the Hadees but the same people are saying here the process we told us this and this was the Quran in general yeah I can accept that yeah what's going on here the same present when he says Quran you accept delicious Hadees you don't accept it there's a real problem then and that's where the real danger is because soon they will be rejecting the Quran and this has happened in the past me illogical protectors and regards Akuma hype on the hider said I like when I have to lie to God I am on one oh and having a kiss an old one was he mad illness or didn't Cassini the suffer curriculum covers all the Islamic educational needs of young Muslims today in a fun simple and engaging way tried and tested for over 15 years at one of the UK's leading mucked ups the curriculum has been adopted by hundreds of institutions around the world and makes your child's journey in seeking knowledge easy meaningful and dynamic this innovative and comprehensive curriculum covers or earning tarried Islamic studies doors and Sora's as well as Arabic in an integrated and structured way visit suffer publications dog to find out more
Channel: Safar Academy
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Keywords: 4 steps, closer, allah, hasan, ali, safar, safar academy
Id: J2f-XqMl8Ak
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Length: 77min 39sec (4659 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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