End of Days - Lecture by Shaykh Hasan Ali

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you guys have rushed out the way our youth are getting very excited about the job you know our youth get very excited about all this stuff in fact you know all these things about illuminati the one eye that the jalikai and so on people get very excited about it it's not a thing to get excited about i'll be honest with you there are youth that have that i've met and i've spoken to them about their thoughts about the job and some of them are like yeah you know bro when the child comes you know i'm going to be out there i'm going to do this i'm going to do that i'm like you don't even know what you're talking about they've kind of lost it because if you think about the job the jal is a warning the jal is not something where you look forward to having a meeting with him in fact if you've seen any evil on this earth dajjal is going to be the worst of any evil that has ever come because our prophet salallahu has told us is the worst of all the things that are being awaited to appear it's the worst and it's a culmination and this culmination that allah azzawajal has created it's going to be such that right now we feel that you know there are very interesting ahadith near the end of times and one of them is from from sahih muslim that tells us when a particular event will happen at this with this ummah it will be a catastrophe it will be a disaster and it will involve the muslims the muslims will say have he had he they'll say this is it this is the worst it can ever get and then after a few years or after a couple of years and now it's happening after a couple of months or a few months something else happens which involves the muslims and then the muslims say this is it oh my god this is it it can't get worse than this and then after a little while it that something else happens and they continue to to do that and what's interesting is that the prophet sallallahu haram told us that the evils near the end of time will drop like a pair like a pair of beads if if the string of a pair of beads were to be broken the way the first one will come down you know will come down but the next bead behind that will come faster than the first bead and the third one will be faster than the second one and the fourth one faster faster all the pair of beads are going to fall faster with each one you know grasping the speed more and more so that's how the end of times are going to be that we're going to find a lot of things you know subhanallah things are happening already that the the human race never ever thought of in fact what's happening right now is things are taking a complete u-turn the way human civilization has been for the last millennia and last few millennia human civilization all of a sudden within a century has completely changed and my brothers my sisters the thing today is not to go into all the descriptions about dal and this that the thing is what are we going to take from this the main thing is that this is a massive warning to us that when the end of times come and things are getting worse our prophet salallahu told us be quick and hasten to do your deeds your good deeds before seven afflictions or one of seven afflictions will will befall you be quick to do your amma and your actions mean that hurry up hurry up time is running out and if you don't be quick to do your good actions then one of these seven are going to be for you and you're going to be left with without an opportunity of doing your amma and your actions for the akhirah that's the reason why the prophet salallahu talked about the end of times not that we get into that we sort of you know start to feel that yeah bro a scene i've got another sign of this and another sign of that and i'm going to become the prophesizer you know certain people there they've got this way of getting on the internet and all they do is say this is the next thing that's going to happen on the illuminati and this and that i'm thinking man get a life seriously did the prophet saw want you to do this did he want you to get into that and study all of these signs and you know this what are you going to do about the science anyway not like the prophet sallallahu tolas that if these signs come then my ummah can stop the signs from happening no way you've got the wrong end of the stick if you think you're going to stop these signs and you can't stop the signs the signs have to come true you know why because if you're able to stop one of these signs from occurring does it make our prophet some truthful or untruthful untruthful because if if prophet said this is going to happen and you're trying to prevent it from happening and you manage to prevent it from happening then either you've made him untruthful or you're untruthful one of the two and he cannot be untruthful all right our prophet saw if he came out of his mouth it's going to happen that's how he man yes or no come on guys yes or no i've got an hour i'd like you to talk to me so you stay awake so now you tell me prophet says be quick to do your actions he says are you waiting for a poverty to strike you that will make you forgetful of your duties are forgetful of god are you waiting for a rich rich state an affluent state that is going to make you exceed the limits of god these are things that come across people subhanallah if you think that poverty is the thing that drives people away from god no richness and having money is also a way of driving you from god if you don't be careful and then the third thing he says are you waiting for an illness that's going to completely leave you you know corrupted or someone that can't get up and do anything are you waiting for old age where you start to forget things are you waiting for that time to come and then he said are you waiting for a death a sudden death that will take you away from this world number five number six are you waiting for the jail who is the most evil of all the things that are being awaited subhanallah are you waiting for it seriously just like you would never wait for all right look at this hadith let me say the seventh one the seventh one he says abisarah or are you waiting for qiyamah to come the day of judgment because the the day of judgment is the most catastrophist thing that will ever happen and it's the most bitter thing you will ever ever taste okay so seven things rasulullah mentions so you tell me now would any one of us ever want a sudden death yes or no come on guys yes or no no would any of us want to get an illness that leaves us leaves us like completely bed bound no would any of us want to have you know us a part of our life would be so old you know we forget things yes or no no so would any of us want to ever wait for the child to come yes or no no don't you ever wish that you you get into the time of the jail and you want to show your chop chop chewie you know boys get excited and think they can do this no one's going to do anything the only thing you can do is to is to protect yourself with the things that rasulullah said which is for example surah kahf and i'm going to get to get to that in a little while about surah now in this short time what i want to say to you is before the jal comes there is an accumulating process of evil after evil after evil each evil is coming quicker than the last one from the hadith that i quoted you and the next thing is that each evil is going to be greater than the last one okay greater than the last one from another hadith quoted to you and the next thing is that when the signs appear it's going to seem like it's getting worse it's getting worse in fact rasulullah has been said this that there will be they will come near the end of time you'll see he said that a man will go past a grave okay imagine how bad this gets a man will walk past the grave and he will look at the grave and say to the to the dweller in the grave who's six foot down he will he will say you are in a better place than me can you imagine you are in a better place than me because i'm still alive and i have to go through all of this subhanallah these are not times to to to think about and get excited about now the evils that are going to come there are many signs and rasulullah sallam has said so many signs and this is one of the reasons why we have so much iman in the prophet and the ulama have divided the sign into three number one the minor signs okay that have appeared and gone and finished they're one-off occurrences so number one is one of minor occurrences that happened once and that will not happen again number two a set of a large set of minor signs that once they appear they continue to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow okay and number three are the major signs and there are ten ten things amongst them so let me say that again number one signs that have appeared that are one-off like rasulullah has been scored you know he talked about a fire that will break out in arabia a large fire and that happened in this in the time of satan or uthman like the prophet sallallahu said he said one he said he said one of the signs of the last hour is mauti says my death is one of the signs of the last hour in fact his death uh sallallahu alaihi wasallam was demise is one of the one one of the beginning things that we know of of of qiyamah and one of the signs okay so it's occurred it's happened it's gone rasulullah talked about fatwh he talked about the constantinople and he talked about the second second conquest of constantinople where the muslims will take over that that has happened all right so these are signs which rasulullah told us and amongst them there are a number of signs number two category number two are those signs a set of signs which then when they appear they don't stop they carry on growing in their nature for example the prophet saw allah has been said zina is going to be something which will be rife now how bad will zina get la ilaha okay it gets worse and worse and worse and i'll tell you how bad it gets so when you look at when you look at for example you look at the 1500s you'll see a level of zina you look at 1600 you'll see something else you see 1900 is different when you look at the 21st century is different and each time it's getting more widespread and more widespread he also added for example the drinking of intoxicants are going to increase and you can see from you know your 1925 to the underworld of of handing even even the the united states of america had had banned alcohol and had banned you know these intoxicants where al capone in 1920s was was uh you know running a part of america and then later on you know they had to legalize it by the 30s there to legalize it but anyway the point is that once people start to drink it starts to become more and more and more as the years go by so rasulullah has told us about this and there's probably no end to you know we can't say when is this going to stop now in terms of just the aspect of zina allah the prophet saw allah said he said he said you're going to you're going to follow the ways before you and if you want to understand how bad this ummah is going to get you have to study the banu israel if you ever want to know how bad this ummah can get you have to study the banu israel and the banus allah be mentioned the quran the banus in the sunnah and if you study what happened to them what phases they went subhanallah we are going the same way in fact i'm going to tell you a very interesting thing that you can do right if you open surah baqarah because one of the things that hits you is why is surah baqarah talking about the banu israel here you are you open the quran and you think right a lot of muslims have this question to say why is the quran seem so sort of incoherent the quran is not incoherent the quran has got very deep messages and the question comes to the question now why has allah used almost one jews in surah baqarah when he said ye beni is you know the second just beginning of second jews the first the few is the beginning of second jews allah talks about the banus right the whole three quarters of the jews why has allah done that you know why because is telling us be warned don't follow their pathway and then rasulullah said you will follow the same pathway as the banu is the way one shoe is identical to another shoe you will become identical to them so if you ever want to have a deep study go and check it out and you read surah baqarah you think wow what is what is surah baqara sarafin yeb [Music] in surah baqarah is to the ulama of banu israel to the scholars of banus you read the tafsir you'll find it the second year bani israel is to the common common people the second time it appears is the common people the first one where allah says don't take you know bribery and take money and twist the meaning of the revelation i gave to moses don't do that and you know what the first thing the problem is going to happen to this ummah is that the ulama the scholars are going to be corrupted that's the first thing that will happen second thing is you see allah azzawajal talks and kaiser talking and he says you know to them for example if you read surah baqarah you'll see where allah says about the actual bakker the cow and they're supposed to slaughter the cow and they were father they eventually slaughtered it but they weren't going to do it they didn't have the mindset to do it they asked i said what kind of cow is it a lean cow fat cow is it a cow that's tilted the earth or not they kept on questioning because they didn't want to do it and and the the ummah this ummah has been told to do basic things salah five times allah and they're making excuses do i really have to pray are you sure i can't combine my prayers can i do all my prayers all together in the night time i come from work i'll get more devotion in salah if i do that you know what i'm saying bro or you don't you you lost me have you you know what i'm trying to say bro some people ask me they say ma'am can i come home yeah if i'm in my office and i'm trying to pray when i pray in my office you know i can't have the full hoshu you know my devotion because office work you know what i'm saying so if i come home i'll do wudu i can do fajr one goal imam i'll do it with hoshur with devotion i say bro you're on the next level what are you taking man you understand and ulama that will give them fatwa for anything that's that's the problem once you want your ulam and your scholars are corrupted they will give fatwa forever for verity for example there's a group of alumni today that have actually said usury is not usually because they say that they didn't they said it's not riba they said it's fair means usury fatiha means you know some kind of benefit you get fighter means you get you know some interest interest is fighter you're benefiting from me and they said well it's not the same thing now i can go on and on with that but i don't want to go because we've got very limited time here you carry on reading [Music] says who did not know what their revelations said all they had was wishful thinking they will end up in paradise somehow all right all they had allah said was conjecture it wasn't the truth now you tell me brothers have we not got an ummah today that don't know what the quran is saying yes or no come on oh come on guys man you in chicago studied the quran so well bro let me ask you the question again have you not got an ummah that does not actually read what the quran is actually saying yes or no yes right they make themselves illiterate they haven't got the time bro they haven't got the time they've got the time to watch three hours of youtube it starts off with one ronaldinho i'm gonna see his his how he's scored how he bounces the ball you guys know ronaldinho you don't know ronaldinho yes or no guys come on yeah i'm gonna see that then comes ronaldo whoa then comes messi yo then from football it goes to something else because they keep on giving you different videos right so the football it might go into i don't know that that's football we're big in the uk football sorry i forgot it's soccer soccer right it's called soccer you guys might see some nfl game i don't know you might see some baseball game you might see some basketball game basketball ahead is one of the highest here right now yes right so you see one and you see his move and he wow how he scored the next one a basket of basketball next one you you you get into baseball you get into some other thing and then you get into ice hockey and then you get into some crashes and there's some fights that you watch some fights the next youtube youtube comes crash tracks you know crush the trucks will go down and they'll crash into another next one comes up some guy's playing a prank you think wow i wonder how this prank works 14 minutes he's on there watching prank after practice you want to know how the system works bro i'll tell you how the system works because if you want to know how the jaw is able to fool so many people you better start thinking how you are fooled to getting into three hours of youtube but no time for the quran wow are you serious man facebook they're going to facebook and one advert after one advert you know when you start looking at facebook videos man the one and they know what you need man they've got they've got the eyes on you bro or should i say the eye on you you know i'm talking about because they know from your search on the history in google they know exactly what you like they from you from the updated info they know exactly what videos you spend how many minutes on and they will give you exactly what will feed your ego people spend two hours three hours on facebook without even knowing how you went and allah said this is the problem of the banu style then he moved on he said there's internal fighting you read surah baqarah internal fighting between themselves you telling me the muslim ummah is not having internal fighting right now yes or no come on don't shed blood amongst each other you telling me look at the middle east look at the look at the muslim ummah we're fighting each other and allah said well this you know when rasulullah said you will you will follow exactly the same thing then the next thing like you read to the baccala it's all in order the next thing that happens is your ego gets big and you want to do whatever you want every time you hear a revelation that is against your ego you want to question the revelation you say imam how come this is haram it starts with all this so the first one is this imam it's not in the quran is it if it's not in the quran no problem i don't need to do it because the quran doesn't say so i'm not going to do it right that's how it starts next thing is quran imam the quran says this but i heard this opinion says this okay so you don't want to accept it and you'll find arguments not to accept it so that's one thing and then you go against the religious people who are telling you what the quran says and you carry on what's the next thing ulman khanna the next thing is you question you question the unseen you question revelation you question the fact that allah would have sent revelation to this man muhammad just like the banu style so you get to the basis of faith and you reject faith are you telling me the people in the world are not doing this is going exactly how the quran has said all right and if you want to understand what's happening in the real world right now subhanallah what did rasulullah say look i'll give you one not just this masjid right would you call this a chandelier guys come on look there's no custody you're masjid okay i'm not i'm not having to go out you must okay every masjid has a chandelier so don't look sad smile brother please smile okay do you call this chandelier come on guys come on i'm not yes or no good is it beautiful or not don't be shy is it beautiful or not is this masjid beautiful or not has this masjid been decorated nicely yes or no yes alhamdulillah says no offense to committee members don't throw me out right now and no offense to them this is every masjid across the world across especially the western world rasulullah said near the end of time the masjids will be decorated masses will they will be well well established fortified while he said the quran will be beautified you know you look at the quran wow you know nice cover shiny cover subhanallah fancy writing you got design there all around but he said he said the hearts of people in the masjid are corrupted i'm not saying everyone's corrupted but guys don't don't don't after my talk don't go and say to your enemy yo bro did you hear that your heart is corrupted right take it easy all right i'm saying generally this across the world how we've made the religion an outside thing but inside we're something different and that these are the things that are needed for the child to have his power because when the job comes out do you know that there's going to be thousands of ulama of this ummah that will actually follow him two categories are mentioned hola scholars of this religion of this religion islam are going to follow him and women of this religion and sahih ah these women in their numbers will follow him and there will be a large section of the of the followers of musa alaihissalam they will follow him and when the jail comes is look there's two things about the job there's a dajjalic system and then there's the actual the job so if anyone tells you the whole thing is just a system it's not it's a system yes but it's also the actual the job the question is has the jal already come out because you get two different narrations you get two different types of narrations and the way the the way the scholars have combined them is that the jal is alive and is already trapped or the jal will be born after 30 years to parents who will not have children but he is going to be a very strange looking human being you will never have seen a greater incise human being than the jal on this earth rasulullah said in sahih from the beginning of time till the last man of the of the qiyama there is never going to be an someone who is going to be greater in size as a human being than the job he's going to be phenomenally large okay really big and what happens is before the job comes there's an entire system that that supports the the the whatever the child's going to have now i don't know look i don't know whether the technological things that we've got advancements we've got whether that's going to be at the hands of the jail or whether the jal will have other type of powers but it looks like the technological world we're going through that all those devices are going to be the gels there's going to be some serious advancement in science the job needs you know the job will claim to be god but the people who will claim who will say that is god most likely are those people who believe in the advancement of the development they've made as a human race on this earth now there's two categories of world omaha who said look listen listen carefully okay some have said we're going to go back to the days of horses and carts because every description rasulullah gives is actually either of you know a horse or a donkey or he talks of a sword and so on so some some say that we're going to go back to that others say no others say that the whole like for example when rasulullah said that the gel is going to ride a donkey and the donkey's ears are going to be you know really large and long and between one end of the ear to another end of one ear is going to be 40 cubits and that see and he's going to fly on this and that seems more like a jet so they've said these are metaphors and rasulullah never actually meant the donkey because when he's talking to his people how is he supposed to say a plane how is he supposed to say a jet how are you supposed to say that and that's why he gave these metaphors or he spoke about it but it's for us to understand that that's what he meant now again i can't decide on this but i am inclining more towards the fact that the technologies we've got today are all going to be in favor of the things that the job uses so what is it going to do when it come down before he comes out there is an imam mehdi that comes before him now again there are many ahadith about the about imam mahdi and the problem with all the hadith about imam mahdi is either the hadith is sahih as in it's authentic but the description within the hadith about the individual mahdi is not clear it's obscure or the the hadith is very clear describing imam mahdi but the narration is weak it's not authentic and that's the problem we have with all the ahadith within mahdi right but what will happen is that there's going to be these minor signs around us are going to get worse worse worse with these little minor signs and imam mehdi is the bridge between all the minor signs and the major signs so let me let me go over it again remember i told you there's three types of signs what's number one come on let me see if you're awake signs that have appeared one-off and they're not going to be what's number two signs that appear and they grow they grow okay in their size and quantity and so on but they're the same sign but they grow and the third one is the ten major signs so out of the ten major signs the jal is the first and between the second set of signs of the minus signs and the under major signs imam is the bridge so when he appears he's going to be the beginning of all the you know all the 10 signs that are about to come and the jal is going to be the worst of all the 10 signs that that allah would have brought on this earth now what happens is there's going to be a lot of things subhanallah lot of things that are not going to appear the same so for example the prophet sallallahu alaihis [Music] he said near the end of time the one who's speaking the truth will be rejected as a liar and the one who's saying the lie is going to be accepted as the truthful hello fake book fake news you know i'm trying to say like you guys don't read the papers do you you guys read the papers you read with papers either either you don't understand what i'm trying to say or you're like hey bro i gotta delete my fake book can you see how what rasulullah sallallahu said these are the times that we're living in prophet things that you were accustomed to for all the millennials of of human history are about to take a turn the prophet salallahu talked about children that are going to be filled with rage he said their reign is going to be acidic and the children will be filled with rage now why are our children so mad should i tell you one reason our children are going crazy man should i tell you you guys want to know the other day one set of parents they they said you know they they stopped me and they said to me you know in new york they said you know sheriff what do we do our children is our children and that's one question i just asked straight up i only had 15 minutes with them one question straight up i said do you give your children a lot of candy a lot of sweets you know snacking on candy and sugar and sweets they said yes oh yeah that's it that's i said stop i said that's it that's number one have you you guys you guys i think in america uh you're i mean you're definitely on top of the world all right you're definitely on top of the world and once you're on top of the world you don't need to you don't need to bother about the people beneath you did you understand what i mean by that is a lot of a lot of people have come across these you guys i'm not i'm look i'm not having a general go at you guys what i'm trying to say is that the reading the reading level here in in america of actually reading research of what is happening is a lot lower than what is in the uk okay that's my observation you guys don't read as much as you should be reading so if you look in these sweets and candy there are certain colors that will make the child hyperactive certain colors e numbers if they have it they're going to get hyperactive straight away okay that's the one second is these children the amount of computer games and the console games you give them do you know what it's doing to their brain their brain is releasing the same chemicals as a person gets when they're taking drugs these are from real research recent research in the field of psychology there's the serotonins the i don't know whatever tone is in their head that get released with drugs you know i'm not talking about a huge amount of it but but small amounts of it are the same same chemicals that get released when they're playing these games and if you're telling me your kids are those that are not you know you know they're kind of you know when they when they're playing the game they're completely fine when the kids are playing the game it's like whoa they're silent they're happy they're talking to friends through their earphones or their headset yes or no online games they're having all these games whatever it is and they connect connecting with one another and they're loving it right the moment you switch it off they they feel they're full of rage you know why because they they are getting used to an unreal world that's one of the problems we got to keep our children in the real world if there's any way you want to save yourself from the job all right stay in the real world my friend okay i'm not saying i'm not saying get rid of your ps4s and your xbox ones all i'm trying to say is control the amount of time you allow your children to play don't give them too much time because they will have that another what reason is these children are getting you know the children are getting a lot they're receiving a lot from parents they're not becoming independent at early life and they're not learning suburbs they're not learning patients and we're not even teaching themselves and they suffer they will suffer for the rest of their lives and let me give you a quick thing on in psychology recent research that's come out in the last about three four years okay if you say to your children eight out of ten times when they want something from the extra things they can demand in life not the basic necessities not their food not their stay not their living no no extra things that are that that child said oh i want those sneakers i want i want those you know i want the candy bar i want this i want that eight out of ten times if you say yes to them and two out of ten times you say no to them then your children are going to grow up unthankful and ungrateful for who you are and what you've done to them because they've got life too easy they got everything most things they wanted they got it so when they grow up they really they really have a problem because you know when they get older they don't they don't get what they want you can't always get what you want you know as adults you can't always get what you want even as teenagers you can't get always what you want if you swallow your children with that you you've messed them up and they say if if two out of ten times you say no to them so sorry two after ten times you say yes to them and eight out of ten times you say no to them for the things that they want extra things that they want they will grow up thankful grateful and patient now you take that recipe away you you put it in your life because before the job comes the kids are going to be raised in fact the job is going to be a youngster the hadith is shabb it says a young man now what's up is in arabic is someone between the age of 12 and 25. most likely the jal is going to be someone that is going to be less than the age just under the age of 25 or something he's going to be young man and he's going to have a great influence his description is clear in the hadith where he's where his right eye is blind but it's it's swollen like like a like a grape that has gone off his left eye is defected but he sees through that okay he's on his forehead is calf but only the believers see it only the believers will see it we don't we don't know how but only the believers see it his neck is going to be thick larger than you know the proportion of his head and his body his body is going to be very wide very wide and his legs are going to be quite wide apart okay and and the child has got this this way of of making people be struck with all as soon as he looks at you you don't want to come in front of the jaw and the jaw what are his powers what will he do well when he comes out he's going to reign the earth for 40 days this is in sahih muslim 40 days the first day of his 40 days is one whole year the one day 1 24 hours is going to be 365 days and the sahaba was struck they were amazed message of allah one day it's going to be one year and the prophet salallahu yes one one he said one day is going to be like one year the next day is going to be one month the next day one week then and then he said after that the rest of his days are going to be like normal days if you make your calculation of that he will be on the earth for one year and two and a half months approximately but that one day the first day my god what is he going to do well he's going to fly across the whole of the world and he'll rasulullah says that he will have this donkey that he will fly with and he and subhanallah the prophet says he has every language with him every language with him i just heard you know last year or something the japanese have got this device that you put on your shoulder and you walk around with it in your business you know daily activities and what you do you speak and as soon as you speak this device will translate to whatever language you want and then they speak and then their one translates to whatever language they want so allahu alam i don't know if it if it means that he has some kind of other way of of talking to people he has that but it looks like he might have that device the next thing that john does he comes to a people and says i am your lord they say how do you prove that you're our lord he says okay he says the rain i'm going to make it stop if he wants to make the sun come out because the clouds are are gone or if he wants to make the sun never shine over it because the clouds are going to be there okay he can do that now if you look at modern modern technology there's cloud seeding that some countries use you send a jet with certain chemicals into the air and they send these chemicals out and you can create clouds that is already out the jaw will then tell those people that i am your lord believe me and people be people you know what people will be so dumbed down that they're going to believe in him as an actual god they'll take him as a god the child then one of his powers is that he's able to cut a man in half and the two pieces fall down to two sides because he will say to the man and say he said he will say that do you believe me i'm your lord and it says that um believing in lord what's what's the proof he says what how about if i was to cut you in half and then join you back again and he'll have a whole crowd of people so he said go ahead then so he points at him and he cuts him in half two halves falls aside and the child then walks between the two halves comes back again then points back at it and the two halves join again and the man starts laughing wow do you know that they've got right now technology with a laser that can actually cut a limb without having any blood pouring out do you know that this is going 20 years back they've already made a laser that can cut off sound in a room it's already available so if you're in a nightclub with a lot of sound a high sound and you want to have a table here that you and your friend speak in silence you know with with just you two there you can have that laser that that beams around you and what it does it cuts off all the sound the nightclub sound of you know that you're talking about the music that is at high decibel it cuts it all out and you can have a nice conversation now i don't know again if this if he's going to have all that at his at his at his hands but you can see where this is going he comes to a to a bedouin and he says you're going to believe me i'm your lord and he says why should i believe you you know you're my lord tell me how why he says how about he says this in front of a crowd he says how about if i was to bring your parents back alive he says really seriously it's okay he says bring them alive you know who would not want their parents to be alive so he goes to the grave the child goes to his grave and then seemingly he brings his parents back up from their grave and they say to their child oh child believe him he is god now as rasulullah explained this he said he said there will be two devils that will take the appearance of his parents so his real parents are dead but two two devils have taken the appearance of two humans exactly like his parents and the devil speak out and the person believes is his parents and therefore he believes there's gonna be a lot of trickery he will use in fact his name dajjal means the one who is a master at lying and a master at trickery he will fool people he will walk when he walks he will have two rivers with him now we haven't we have got nothing to to understand this right now but very soon i'm sure in a few decades time whenever the time is going to come we're going to see ah we can understand how this is going to happen he's going to have with him fire and he's going to have with him water but rasulullah said his fire is water and his water is fire so he will tell people look jump into the water don't jump into the fire and our prophet tells us if you ever see the jal with his fire and water he said go and jump into the fire because his fire is going to be cool water bro you ready to jump in fire put your hands if you're ready to jump in fire come on put your hands up yo am i the only one you're like you serious fire are you saying the truth yes and how many of us now this is a serious question am i going to be ready to jump into real fire that's blazing that's hot am i seriously going to jump in there with iman and say my prophet saw allah told me that this is going to be water am i going to be doing that this is a serious question because people are not prepared for the unless you've got iman unless you have iman and the gel will mesmerize people so he comes his first day he which is one year he goes around pretty much the whole of the world he can't enter makkah madinah samriwayath say there's a masjid and there's also masjid al-aqsa some include that but but many ahadith include medina because there are angels there guarding the you know those those um cities and he can't enter that but he will come to the outskirts of madin and rasulullah even pointed out that in the outskirts of madina there's going to be a white white palace or he said a white building is it a white building okay do you know right now you know right now that the current saudi government is building a palace in the exact spot that the jal was is going to come to and he's going to stand there and he's going to look at medina and say you know the white city if you look from that spot towards madina okay with all the lights at night time it actually looks like a white city so he comes and stops saying he's not able to enter he's not able to enter medina but he's going to go pretty much around the world and what he does is he says you believe me as a god if you don't believe in him fine he's going to cut off your supplies of food grain whatever it is he's gonna completely destroy all your crops that you basically can't grow anything he's gonna have that technology do you know right now that there's a movement to try and only give you you know only give you a seed to grow one things once all right and if that is fully fledged system and if that comes in his hands and he's got the way to say that you can't have food for the rest of the year now you've got a whole year to live and sahaba was struck and they said messenger of allah how do we survive without food for a year ah this is a serious question will you seriously say no food for one year one year and if you look at the hadith i said to you it's one year two and a half months the gel will be around so are you ready to survive without any food for one year two and a half months and the sahaba said how do how do we survive and the prophet salallahu said a beautiful thing which we need to do a lot right now guys this is the only way you're going to survive through the times that we're living in he said your food that day will be he said your food that day is going to be subhanallah your food that day is going to be remembering allah and if you don't believe in him he's going to punish you and the punishment like i said the one of the worst of the most evil you know awaited things that he when he comes around and the child will have a large following large following and he will mesmerize the world with his power and what are we supposed to do if the jail comes the prophet salallahu gave us you know our protection and no man can kill the job except for isa alaihissalat and he's going to come back so guess what right now everyone's waiting for the messiah the christians are waiting for the messiah jesus the jews are waiting for the messiah but their messiah is not in their belief not jesus the messiah is some other figure which may be this the job allahu alam and the muslims are waiting for the messiah he's the only one that can take the jal on nobody else is able to take the jal on so forget about all your theories of how you're going to meet the child in fact only one man there's a man that actually survives the jobs the child's influence so what happens is the child says you know you know the man says look i know you are the job because my prophet said you will have cath farah on your forehead and i see it right now the child will say how about if i slice you in half and join you back together again so the child does his thing he slices his half and then joins him back together and the believer says now i'm even more convinced that you are the the judge because my prophet said that's what you're going to do then the child will go mad he'll want to you know go go for this person but allah will put a masjid nearby where the man runs into the masjid and that particular masjid dajjal is not able to enter so he's the one of the only ones that and after this he's not able to perform his trick of of slicing someone in half and joining back then back together again he's not able to do that but imagine that he has that influence and that power what are we supposed to do well what we're supposed to now rasulullah told us in one narration it says whoever recites surah on friday he will have you know from one friday to another friday you're going to get a lot of light and many ahadis say that it's the first 10 ayats of surah qahaf or the last 10 ayats of surakar and some have said first and last and whichever it doesn't matter or maybe both and one narration says if you memorize the last 10 ayats of surah you're safe from the job in one narration it says if you see the jal then straight away read the first ten ayats of surah and you'll be protected okay now the question is why surah kahf okay why surah kahf if you look at the first ten ayats of surah what they're telling us is that in the time this is a time after isa ibn maryam what happened is okay he became a king somewhere in the mediterranean parts of the world and he was a king in his kingdom a large kingdom no one was able to make any move except the news came back to the king he had soldiers on every corner every street every other street or every marketplace or anywhere people gathered he had his influence and people were very scared to speak the truth and dakianus claimed to be god the keanus claimed to be god it's very very ajib how subhanallah our prophet sallallahu tells us to read this first ten ayats of surah and first and as the surah are talking about that time so what happens is and no one is speaking the truth they know the truth in the heart but they're not able to speak the truth guys if you're awake right now you're going to kind of feel subhanallah you know what we're probably living those times right now right you want to say the truth you can't say the truth otherwise you're going to get slapped by your home minister you know what i'm trying to say like you didn't get that no problem i'll save it later you could get slapped by anybody for saying the truth but people will be afraid to say the truth at that time and what happens is seven young boys they decide to go in front of the king the world so first they first they decided to get up in the marketplace and they declare their faith that allah is the god and that the king is not god they declare this in a marketplace seven young boys you know i say seven some have said nine some have said five but the you know majority the the the great opinion is is perhaps a seven so they get up in the marketplace and they preach the truth and when they do it people are looking at them thinking what are you doing you're gonna die for preaching the truth you'll be dead and people ignore them soldiers come straight away grab the boys they take them straight away to the anus and dakianus then looks at them and says what do you believe in they say allahu rabbun they'll say allah is our lord the king says look i'm going to give you a little bit of time here to take back the the thing you said otherwise you will find out what happens to you the boys just about get out of the palace they're being watched somehow they secretly escape and they get into a cave and when they get into the cave next minute we know the story they sleep there for 300 odd years and after that they come out and the king's dead they have coins from the king's time and and everyone there is 300 years later it's a it's a miracle one of the quran of the awliya in the quran one of the many miracles we believe in and that tells us the powerful story of how no man can be god our prophet salallahu told us again and again when you see the child if one of you sees the jaw you should know he can never be your lord because he is blind from one eye and your lord doesn't have that kind of defect your lord allah azza doesn't have that kind of defect right now what will happen is when time of the child you're going to be very scared to speak the truth and if you speak the truth you're going to be annihilated or you're going to be in serious trouble the only thing you can do in the child's time is hide that's exactly what surah kahf is telling us the only thing you can do in the jazz time is to get somewhere and just hide you can't confront the job you can't confront his army his army is too big they're too powerful and you have to just do the tasbih and and hide and just ask allah azzawajal to protect you because that's another thing that rasulullah told us he taught us to say this say to say that oh allah i am asking you to save me from the torment of the fire from the trial of the fire where i will become in fitness i'm asking you to save me from the trial of the grave i'm asking you to save me from the trials of life and death and i'm asking you to protect me from the messiah the jaw now why is he called a messiah because he's been anointed or he's been touched with evil just as isa alaihi salam has been touched with goodness so islam is the opposite of what the jali's these two are the total opposites of one another now the evil that the jjal has he will be able to spread it across his 40 days he will be around for 40 days and he'll be able to have his reign on the earth and and rasulullah talks about the middle east and sham now sham is not just syria sham is a lot larger than what current syria is if you want to understand what shame is you have to go and look at a map of the world pre-colonization of the of or pre-splitting of the middle eastern regions so you have to look at a map of maybe 1900 or beyond that before that to understand what hashem is because it includes philistine it includes um you know parts of iraq includes jordan inside there it includes the whole of syria inside so it's a large part and the prophet saw allah talks about hashem that a lot of activities are going to happen there and in the end what happens is the jjal has his influence and he he has his base in that area and imam mehdi that was out he's trying to control the situation he's got the muslims with him but he knows even he can't take on the job so what he does is he then gathers with the muslims and he's just praying with them and one particular fajr what happens is he comes from the sky from the heavens he will come down in on a ladder holding you know two angels shoulders or basically being being uh escorted all the way from the heavens all the way down to the masjid of damascus and prophet salallahu has even talked about the minaret from the side of the minaret that is going to come down and then he comes into that masjid to join the muslims in prayer and then then imam mehdi tries to move back but then he finishes the prayer and after that imam hands over the reign he has to then gathers the muslims together and what he does is goes around first and he then visits the christian world according to our belief the christians have a different belief the christians believe that when when jesus will come that it's going to all turn the whole world is going to turn christian the jews believe that when this messiah comes the jewish people will have their greatest reign on the earth and the muslims believe that when the islam comes he's going to convert all the christians to muslims so you've got three different fields three different religions all claiming three different things okay and what i believe is is that when isa alayhi salatu salam converts all those christians you can imagine now the majority of the world is going to become muslim and what he does is he takes on the challenge of going for the job as soon as he sees the job by babulud which is a place within philistine the jal sees is salaam and it starts to melt the way salt melts in water the jowl feels that his powers are going or he's whatever it means by melting i don't know whether it's a physical melting or whether it's a metaphorical one means that he's feeling that you know his powers are about to finish and he tries to escape isla islam and the jalden come to a clash and what's mentioned in the hadith is that isa alaihissalam is on a horse and the jal is on another horse and both of them lift up in the air and try to kill each other and isla salam killed the jowl before the jal is able to kill isaac now again as i said to you earlier these could be planes these could be planes allahu alam we don't know or it could be the horse and current we don't know for sure but as i said to you i inclined towards the the technology we've got in the world today uh some part of that seems to be an aid and a tool for what the gel may use okay and you know that thing that i said to you swan i i missed out uh on one thing uh which is you know when he brings when he brings the the two people from the grave right the hadith says about two shaytans you know acting as as his parents and there could be a possibility that the way he clones or the way cloning sort of takes place it could be a possibility that he has a form and a way of actually bringing people people into life or something through that allah then you find that the muslims have another problem which is also mentioned in sura which is the yuji major and the trouble that they will bring to the earth my brothers i'm going to end it in a few more minutes what i want to say to you and my sisters what i want to say to you first is we are not waiting and expecting the child to come in our lives but he could come any moment alam we don't know one of the things about imam mahdi is that he will actually appear when there's two lunar eclipses in one ramadan now whether that appearing is him appearing as the imam mahdi claiming or whether he's born we don't know the last two lunar eclipses in one ramadan was 2004. the next one is 2083. now either it means it could mean we don't know it could mean that imam is already born or it could mean that he's not born but he's going to is going to appear in 2083 and i'm not saying he's 2083 it could be he comes in 21 something now don't you guys go out oh the sheikh said imam is born yo yo let's go and look for him where's his address i'm not saying he's born i'm not giving you any predictions all i'm saying is the prophet salallahu said there's two lunar eclipses in one ramadan and we've had one in 2004 we get again next one in 2083 and there's going to be next one in 21 something i'm sure all right but it could be the case that one of these imam mahdi's appearance starts to come out when he comes out after a few years after that the jal is is about to appear and when the jaw appears that he's isa alaihi salam what should we do we should revert to what i said in that hadith in all these different hadith the prophet sallallahu is warning us of the talent telling us get on with your good actions what are you waiting for get on do your good actions before things get too bad and you're not able to do them and that's the whole point of the signs of the last hour things are going to get worse and they're going to get worse again and my brothers my sisters i have to say today people are living lives where they are they are you know they are almost like ghosts i don't know what's going to come next i don't know you've heard about the google glasses right that you wear and you've got a kind of a screen that you look at while you're even just walking there's all this um technology coming out where you know the children that have their console games there's going to be people there's all it's already out right the virtual reality where you put some goggles on and you're in another world there's one that i that i visited have you guys seen this where you know i know the one that you put on your on your on your eyes and you're actually almost like walking through you know you're standing where you are but you're kind of you know playing a game from where you're standing but they've got another one out which is you put the goggles on and you actually move through your house and the creatures appear in your house and you're supposed to shoot them while you know you're walking your house have you come across that one or not guys you come across that one and you walk around like you put those goggles and you walk around and you see things so you've got two worlds the real world and this other world right and i actually put those goggles on in a display show somewhere i thought wow where is it going to go to where is this all ending up anyway our our thing is that we need to um increase our ammar we increase our actions you know read surah kahf ask allah to protect us from the fitnah of dajjal and all the all these signs that are appearing and have appeared may allah azzawajal you know protect protect us through these signs may allah protect us as an ummah may allah azzawajal make us that actually stays with the believers may allah stays away from them may allah azzawajal make us people who are true believers that will be able to you know withstand whatever fitness is coming ahead of us you can give the eland and we can have the salah at nine o'clock in china
Channel: Path2Deen
Views: 1,646
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Id: 5XWr26uadLk
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Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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