Quranic Themes 11: Pride & Arrogance by Shaykh Hasan Ali

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[Music] it's malaria Hammond hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen Oh salat wa salam ala sayyida no nabina muhammad wa ala aalihi was a good night first guess aromatic market Allah over tato company another session of the Quranic themes and we said that we're going to start looking at some of the things that are inside the heart and to be honest with you like what we've said in the last session as well is that once the heart gets corrupted then you've got the actions and the outer body that gets that gets corrupted so the corruption of the heart will lead to the corruption of the body and one of the major sins of the heart it's a sin it's a major sin it's something that corrupts the person it corrupts their vision it makes them act and behave in a way that a larger becomes very sort of upset and angry with them and it's actually one of the first crimes that was ever committed against the humans it is the crime of Iblees and his crime is that he was arrogant he was arrogant he was feeling that he needs to see a demerit Salaam as someone whose insignificant someone who's smaller than him so it was a crime that is that has been made against humans as the one the first round of course he beliefs was also jealous and that is also another crime that he had but today we're going to talk about arrogance now there's the there are many that have come on this earth who have challenged the prophets who have challenged the Quran who have challenged God who have challenged the truth and the reason of why they've done what they've done has been mentioned the Quran as guns now there's two things here one is this origin or job is when a person feels proud within himself that's origin Dhiraj agree is when a person feels proud within himself but that's where it ends that is also another problem okay and we're gonna get to that so that's pride there's a right sense of pride and there's a wrong sense of pride so pride is something separate from arrogance so the say if you wanna see this thing that I said about Roger or Eve is when a person feels that they themselves you know that they're they are someone who's sort of big great but they only see within themselves they don't see themselves as greater than others once it becomes something where they feel that they they are greater than others and others actually look down upon and others are treated in in in a sort of insignificant way that is when it becomes kipper kibble is arrogance now arrogance is a greater sin than or jus the first one which is just pride within itself is a sin also the wrong type of pride but worse than that is going to be Kippur which is to look down upon others because because you feel they're greater than them now if you look at pride rajab that the first one there's a right sense of pride and there's a wrong sense of pride the right sense of pride is when you're happy about some achievement you have about something that Allah has given you but you see it as a gift of God so imagine someone has passed their test and they have you know they passed their test with good good results and they announced their good results to others and they're proud of what they've done on what they've achieved now this is a pride which is a pride of the gift of God so they're just happy the proud that Allah has given them this this gift and made them pass the exams they're just they're just happy and you know they're just showing others that you know alhamdulillah we've got this result and that's fine so in on the same in the same sense anybody who would have seen that a hamdulillah we're we're a very good family we're we're doing very well in terms of you know what we've achieved so far and under generally they've got this sort of pride in a sense that they're happy with the gift of God and the feeling very good about the way they've treated others the good about the way they are that's fine the wrong sense of pride is when you feel that you in yourself you've got this you got this sort of the feeling inside you that makes you think that makes you sort of forget about allah azzawajal so now you don't see it as a blessing of god but now you just see it as you know it's yours you've got the right to this and that is the wrong and wrong sense of pride as in yeah it's mine now that is that is something which Allah Azza WA JAL doesn't appreciate because it's not it's not yours now it can manifest in different ways one of the things that happened on the Battle of her name okay battle of hunayn rasool allah salallahu Sun comes out with with twelve thousand of his Sahaba of the Aloha nomads nine they come out and when they when they get to there when they get to the battlefield with they're sort of still walking along what happens is they start to think that the number that they have the number of individuals 12,000 against 4000 their enemies were only 4,000 and Allah says in surah Tauba surah number nine ayah number twenty-five I 25 allows vigil he says that Laden a surah kumihimo often a kathira them there are many different places that have that either love helped you while Mahoning and as for the day of her name in Arabic Ankara tocome when you felt that you are you know your number is giving is amazing you and is creating some kind of wrongful pride in you so what happened is that they thought that the Sahaba at that point they thought that the number is such that they cannot get defeated and they're proud of the fact that that come out with the message of Allah so many of them together you know yes we saw so much such a huge number of people that have come and it's generally it's a thing to be you know happy about thing to be proud about and as they're coming along this thing came into the heart but what happens here what happens here is that they think for a moment that it is their number that is going to give them the victory so they're so the site has now moved away from the the fact that Allah Azza WA JAL has given them the blessing of the number and when that happened Allah as result what of a lesson because what happens is then the enemies start shooting from behind the mountains from behind rocks and it was an ambush they walked into an ambush there were hundreds and thousands of arrows flying from behind the rocks onto the large number of Muslims in the middle of the valley and the Muslims were being wounded in their large numbers and that's when the Muslims fled the battlefield only rasool allah salallahu sonim and there were three other individuals with him remained on the battlefield and the Prophet Allah has Mahad is shield up and he says that Anna Anna Anna be hewn laka Thebe he says that I am a prophet days know there is no doubt in this days no lie about this ok he says Anna and and hit he had to then make these people feel ok that they need to come back to the battlefield but he did it in a couple of ways one is that the Sahaba of the ala hannumas Ryan that were with him for a very long time the professor Allah has him reminded them that an enemy you know a prophet you've got you Imani miss will come back to the battlefield imagine is that about eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety six individuals fled ok the only people left is Rasul Allah subhanAllah three other individuals and loccent reminds of a Nana bu now Kathy I'm a prophet so I was trying to bring the Eman back to the minds again to think that what are we doing we're leaving the Prophet on the battlefield but he then he adds something on because he knows that many of the there are there are many new converts that have come now the new converts of course they believe in Islam they believe in the Prophet but for them there was there was a sense inside them that if you if you made them believe that they can get if you made them believe that they are superior because of the history as well because there were a lot of the Arab the Quraysh they had a they had a long history and the history was that they ruled Arabia so he said I never know Abdul Mutallab another Abdul Mutallab he said I am the grandchild of Abdul Muttalib palapa hope but there's no strong sense of pride in this now what's happening here I'm gonna make you understand this the prophets of Allah something is trying to make them feel that look about 60 something something years ago when they when they when the Yemeni King came Abraha came and he tried to destroy the Kaaba that's when Rasul ocelots from grandfather he tried to he he he went to the Kaaba he made dois and then he said he said let let them come let the elephants come to try and destroy the Kaaba he said that can come and they could try what they wanna do but the house has got its keeper it's called its protector who is Allah Azza WA JAL so that day was known as a day of great pride for the for the padishah people why because Abdul Mutallab being a leader he he went to the Kaaba he made his daughter then he went to the leader of of the the king of Agra of Yemen and he said to him he said I listened and I'm the king of Yemen is waiting now he's gonna think ok this man is gonna come to me and say don't destroy the Kaaba and Abdul Mutallab he says I heard that you took two hundred camels of mine so I'd like you to return them back never record angry he said he said I'd respect for you the moment I saw you in the room Tolly was was was a great figure he was told he was broad shouldered he looked like a real leader is that I had respect for you I even got off from my from my conveyance for you but now I see what kind of you know what kind of person are you I've come here to destroy the carbine you come to me to take or take your two hundred comes back he says well the camels owner is me I'm the owner of the camels so I've come for my camels but that house has got its owner that is gonna protect it I have gone that's not my business okay so he's known for this to have given his statement and then when Abraham went forward we know the story that that you know the elephants were under and the owners of the elephants and the riders are the elephants world swallowed the ground and the Kaaba was saved now this gave the Arabs a history of you know what God is with us the oration okay because we've got there we've got a royal lineage we amongst us the lineage of the Koresh and Abdul Mutallab was from the courage the cramp our dog problem was from the porridge from banu hashim so they felt that we've got this we've got the sense of you know sense of God being with us because of what happened on that day so the process of lost him on the battle of hunayn what he says he says another drop the new policy says I am the grandchild of Abdul Muttalib the one who was behind the success of destroying the army of the elephants and then he's added on voila far but there's no wrong sense of pride here what this means is that I'm only using the slogan to remind you to come back to the battlefield because you need to get back here but I'm not using the slogan because I myself feel that I am a Qureshi I'm I'm a person from Banu Hashim I'm great within myself I haven't got the wrong sense of pride and there are many statements of the processer lost like this where he says Anna he says Anna say you do will the Adam Hillman OTA mwahahaha he says I am going to be the leader of all the children of adam alayhis-salam salam i'm going to be the leader of all the children adam alayhi al-salam but he says well a father but there's no no wrong sense of pride not the wrong pride because i have to state this because allah has made me the leader of all the children of adam on the day of judgment i'm going to be the best I am the best of creation but I am NOT saying this because I'm trying to show how proud I am but I'm just saying this as a fact I have to have to mention this so what you can see from here is that there's a right sense of hope and pride and there's a wrong sense of that of avoidable pride now if the person who's who's feeling within himself or herself if they feel that I'm just you know I'm just you know great in some way or another that stays within themselves but if they now extend it and start to look at others and they think well that person is lower than me in terms of who they are and I am greater than them then here is where the major sin is so here is where keep this is what Kippur is as I mentioned earlier now Kibler or arrogance is something which then can can poison the person's mind it can poison their attitude so there are people and the quran has mentioned this several places there are people who will go into direct disobedience because of Kippur there are people who will deny the truth even if the truth is is manifest so clear as the sun shining in broad daylight at men Oh clouds in the sky they still will deny the truth why because they think that the moment I accept the truth that means I become small and that person becomes big and this is the big problem and there are many who have fallen into this trap in fact it leaves who went against Adam alaihi Salam was for this reason and Allah Jalla has identified know how the Quran various places were surah Baqarah so number two I number 34 Allah says that way the kundalini melodica this to do the Adam when we said - you know - to the Angels bow down to Adam facade you do all the Angels bow down Alysse except for Iblees ABBA he disobeyed he denied the fact that he should he should do that was stuck but he was arrogant work a nominal caffeine and he became from those who were hiding a truth that they had so imagine to which level this has become now a bliss is talking directly to Allah he's talking directly to Allah but one of the things that happens let me let me say one thing to you and some some people might you know think that I'm gonna maim how is it that I beliefs can how is that anybody would ever talk to a lot direct and show disobedience and show that I don't have to listen to you now if you think about it right you think about this I just think that how dumb is that like how could you do that like you know how powerful Allah is you've had a history with Allah you've spoken to Allah it Lisa seemed ever Allah so tell has destroyed so many and they're so many genes on the earth he's seen all of this he knows the power of Allah he's seen the angels he's walked with the angels he's lived amongst angels of course he wasn't an angel he was a jinn but he seen all of the sudden stroke director I think to myself sometimes you know I used to think that how could I please do this like come on you know arguing with Allah and saying no I'm not gonna do it no I don't care I'm bigger than the other how could you right then you think subhanAllah there's a reason and this is one thing we need to be careful of and this is big big lesson from the Quran they say that when you go to the when you go to the carbon when you go to the harem the first time you go there you feel the all of the place okay you guys you got it you guys been to the Kaaba right it means the Karma when you go to the first and you feel the order of the coming you feel what a place I mean you feel the sanctuary every piece of it is holy to you so holy that you know you could never ever you dare do anything wrong in this place but they say and the same as Medina the same of madina munawwara the same as the holy places on the earth and they say that the longer you stay in those places the less you start to have that Revere that the way you used to Revere those places the less you feel that inside you so that's why one of the things they say that when you go to the Kaaba that you should go there but don't overstay I mean of course if you can't stay there for a long time because it's building the Eman all that is fine fine look guys carry on but they say there's one thing you should watch out that if you stay there for too long then you treat it like any other place you don't see the same you don't have the same respect as you had it the first few times of the first times you came there to the Kaaba you don't have that because now you've become accustomed to it the same happens the same happens with children and parents you guys do you guys follow are you following what I'm trying to say you know when you're young and it's your parents you see wow the salt pig oh my god I better not do anything against against them you know they're so great so you think of them as you know great individual but then as you start to see the pure parents and a daily basis you see I'm gonna wear database databases then you start to see them as you just know people there's nothing great about them and I'm I'm just as good as them I'm bigger than ever what about after the same they say about teachers when a student starts to learn from a teacher at the beginning stack my teacher know so much oh my god teacher this yes sir yes sir no sir three bags full sir right and after a while with that what the student has learned from that teacher what does he know you know I know quite a lot as well because you spend a lot of time when you spend a lot of time even though you teacher is still more superior than you in so many ways even though you teach you know so much more than you but there's this wrong since that can come inside you not in everyone but but some people that happens even though your parents have done so much for you even though your parents have you know there they've got far greater achievements than you you kind of just see them as normal people that's wrong and not what happened to release is that he spent time talking to Allah to the extent that it became normal for him and the other thing was that what happens is you know this this is the this is the the wrong part of it because we know once once you've got cubed inside you once you've got arrogance I'd you it can bring out other problems but come out and they say that if Lisa's primary problem with a demerits alarm was his arrogance and his secondary problem they say was jealousy and jealousy came as a result of his his original arrogance and it Lisa's enmity against human beings came as a result of his arrogance his arrogance was his was his first thing that he had I mean after that all these other things so what happens is when a la result tells him he says you know what they say in the in the in the the certain area at the certain narrations although they're not that strong as narrations they say that the angels when they bow down to Adam and Islam and they came back up and they realized that it beliefs hasn't bowed down and that are lies angered by this they bow down a second time the Angels bad on a second time you know to show respect and to to save themselves from that from that Roth from the wrath of God and last result then he gets into a conversation with a Blitzen says why Salima why don't although Allah knows a lot of the reason but he's reported this because he wants us to learn from this because this is what happens once Allah already said in in this in this part of the Quran istikhara he saw himself as someone ABC sees himself as someone really great and don't forget one of the names of allah azzawajal one of the names of allah azzawajal of the 99 names of Allah so Allah is mutakabbir what a carbon means that Allah has the right to see himself as the greatest or Allah has the right to see himself is great any one of us that sees that we are great if it is in comparison to you know what Allah tells me analyst tells me to do I don't need to do this because I am great what happens is you are now challenging the greatness of Allah and Allah so gel has said you know whoever comes and shows me shows me challenges me with their great good them being great then Allah says shaaka to help break them is in a hadith Qudsi I break them so what happens here is that it bleeds now is coming in direct confrontation with allah azza wajal it's it's a massive you know mistake that he beliefs makes but what happens is that inside him he's feeling now anger if this is angry it beliefs his feeling that you know obviously he's got his keyboard he's arrogant already then from there anger comes out and he says and he starts arguing with Allah so Allah says why didn't you bow down to Adam what are you on about down to something that I created from from clay or from from the earth now straight away what happens is a bliss feels that that was my right that I should have been greater than anyone else that you've just created right now I am greater than him he want his godless inside him what he does is he turned the whole thing into an argument about what Allah said Allah said look I created him from something which is from the earth something that is low something that people put their put the feet on which is the earth I created him from that from dust so so what's your problem so he says Anna Heidemann I'm better than him now he goes into arguments you try and prove that he's better than but that better than the dust better than now if Allah Azza WA Jalla has said if Allah says that look dust is better than the dust is better if Allah says that the pillar is better the pillars but if Allah says anything is better is better right if Allah says what it's not better whatever you know I won't use too bad on will use the baton that's it but what he please what happened to the bliss is because he's got this wrong sensor he's got this cable inside him he beliefs now tries to justify that the fire that you created me with is actually better than than the earth that you made Adam and I Salam with now it's a futile argument Allah Azza WA Jalla is not trying to tell it beliefs or at least you should only bow down if your essence of what I made you from is lower than the essence what I made other when I said I'm from Allah didn't say that Allah simply said I'm gonna create something I want all of you to bow down to it that's that was it but at least what I what he had to do is it leads hard to show that he's got this you know he's he's someone that is that is greater than this and he starts to argue and tried to prove that he's you know he's been it's better now it becomes it's become a second thing now he's getting the argument this is what happens with people who are arrogant because once you're arrogant then you can subject then you can become jealous because it's like I'm not giving in to this you can become stubborn I'm not putting my head down I'm not putting my head and now once you say I'm not putting my head down then you start to bring things out that is not even the issue so let me give you let me give you an example because this happens in in a lot of things I let's say for example businessman and businessman let's give an example business businessman when one businessman is worth let's say 100,000 pounds and another businessman is worth 500,000 pounds it's easy for the one who's worth 500,000 to look down on the one that's just a hundred thousand and you have businessman between businessmen people with money and people with money they kind of they have this kind of this arrogance between them Sakina right so what then happens is imagine that there's a deal that's going on the businessman that is that is the one that that that feels that is greater he'll start he'll start doing things he'll start messing around in a way that he has no right to do that and he'll cross the limits and the same thing happens with people with professions I'm sorry to say but there are certain professions people feel that you know I've got there got better better than you now looking down on others and again please please forgive me if anybody has got this profession but you know generally doctors the kind of got a bit of a chest I'm a doctor and it generally would look down on others I'm not saying all doctors but generally that that is a case that they kind of feel you know my nose is high kind of thing you know you were what kind of professional you got oh okay yeah you just did a Murdoch comedy boom you know because I'm bad and you generally amongst women it's beauty beauty that causes this sense of arrogance and then it's that sense of jealousy follows after this is like I'm more beautiful than you who look at you look look at you you could never compare with what what I am okay in terms of my status that I've got and between people in different things you know let's say for example even cultures and nations nations can become proud of themselves one thing remember I said is all you that you just feel proud so there are certain nations that feel like you know we're proud of our sports be proud of who we were not want to achieve but there's others who feel that we are now greater than other nations those nations there down there down you know my saw some people do with their with the lineage happens a lot happens a lot it's like the part I come from in Bangladesh is much higher than the part you come from in Bangladesh same as Somalia same as you know his segment Pakistan same was all countries his arrogance what creates racism why did I pick this Kippur arrogance out of all the disease of the heart why did I put that first because it's one of the major ones that leads to other sins so when they start feeling that my tribe is better than your tribe where my father's came from better than yours my part of my you know my village my town my whatever is better than yours my country is better than yours and I'm feel that you'll lower I'm higher that is keep that skipper DICE's skipper and what did the prophet sallallaahu say about Cuba if you've got any of this inside you Subhan Allah may Allah protect us I mean if you've got any of that inside you the Prophet Sawa's man said lie at home Jenna the person who's got a small mustard seed mustard seed of Cuba in his heart that person cannot enter general obviously till till either Allah forgives you or you have to burn in hell for that sin and then you go to Jannah but you can't just enter Jannah with that cable still inside you that that wrong sense of you know that arrogance inside you so what happens is that it leases real crime is his arrogance and then it turns into anger jealousy argument against a large Dajjal and you think that Allah so tell is telling him that I'm going to banish you from here get out of here and if this is saying you you know what I'm gonna do now you know since you did this to me I want to take him and all over his progeny I'm gonna take him all to Hellfire now the stubbornness comes in because of the arrogance that he had and a lot of saying team that look I'll feel that you hadn't I mean I didn't that even I said man Allah said that anyone who follows you I'll put you and all your followers all of you into health and I'll fill Hellfire up with it and it lease is like okay fine I'm going let's see now you think lie ahead Allah who is he challenging he's challenging Alon until the day of judgement Allah has revealed the Quran that if this is not gonna change his mind he's like okay I don't care I'm gonna burn you know what I'm gonna burn so let me burn Khan let me burn I'm gonna take down every one of the everyone I can of the progeny of Adam Allah said I'm I'm gonna take every single one I'm done with me and I'm gonna go to Hellfire anyway but I'm gonna take everyone else would be terrified and I don't care I'm gonna burn now that sense of you know stubbornness has come from what Allah identified at the Qibla from this kind of arrogance well it can it can happen because the truth can be denied I don't know if you met these people so behind that you can even be religious and you can you can find Arabs there are religious people who are arrogant and what happens is you know I have to say this to you that there are certain things on this earth once you acquire them you can become arrogant one of them is knowledge one of them is knowledge they say that one of the one of the side-effects of knowledge is that it brings you the baggage of arrogance the more you know about any subject matter the more naturally you are in a position to feel arrogant you have to protect yourself you got you guys understanding danza right so let's do when I said knowledge I mean knowledge in every field it's not just the Islamic field it's in every field the more of an expert someone is in any field they're more naturally they're in a position to feel higher than everybody else because they're very high in that department you guys you guys follow me yep so let's just say a scientist a scientist let's say in physics and in physics let's say you know you've got someone who's who's looking at let's say the cosmos or something and someone who's looking at you know space and just looking at the Stars and whatnot and very specific knowledge in that or let's say say someone who's a biologist and someone's looking specifically into the DNA and said knowledge of God when they're in the field with other scientists of their level if there's someone who's very high in terms of the knowledge they're in a position to feel that you know you guys know nothing I know more than you same happens in Islam people come to Islam and they start learning a bit of hadith erbil Quran once they come across someone who doesn't know more than them it's like who are you if you notice that they have use at all different levels you go to a normal house I've seen this right a house let's say let's say for a certain Catholics have been - you go to a house ok there's two people they're talking there might be one person talking to another seven people and this guy he quotes a Hadees ha did you hear there's a hadith I did some there's a hadith like that you know that I'm when he quotes that hadith if he kinds of feels that you know what and hey you never knew that I knew that and what some of them do is that they store the knowledge they wants they won't share it with anyone they won't share it with anyone they wait for the moment to find that gathering so they can drop the hadith and everyone's going to look at them think wow how did you know that Wow so they look for a moment where they can impress people with that and this is again you know the the the scholars have mentioned that one of the problems about arrogance is that it can lead you to Riya it can lead you to showing off because you've got something that others don't have so you want to show them that you know what I've got this you haven't got that and then what happens is you know let's just say for example the guy dropped hadith and and he said something and he's impressed everybody and everyone none everyone in the room he's looking at him thinking we don't know any better right we don't know any better so these guys carrying on giving the second hadith and he's giving his second quotation and I'm sitting there in the room somewhere and then some of them say well you know the whose wood is here or so-and-so is here right let's go and ask him so they bring me over and I said what do you say about this matter and here's this guy who's already quoted two hadith and something and he's you know and I and and I you know I don't know what he's just done I they just call me in the gathering answer come to God and they ask me a question and ice no I said no it's not like that I said look it's like this now it's a difficult position er I've not contradicted the guy who's come in and wowed everybody and he never knew that the hadith is not even authentic or is not even you know he's not got a basis and then the moment that I say that you know it's not like this the people then look at him and they wonder what he's gonna say so and it really instead I'm talking about us so that guy says no no no no no no no I've heard it's like this I'm like I know you've heard he's like this but I'm just telling you that you know he it's not like that okay you've heard something that is wrong she's but I've been we've been hearing this all our lives now he comes the the stubbornness he comes there they are inside but you know so-and-so said it's also scholars said it and so I said it right you think yeah I know so-and-so had said it but you know you know the truth right if 10 people say a lie it doesn't make it the truth I said it's done so I say to him that look it's not like that because yeah but we've heard so many Bangladeshi scholars have said the same thing and so on so same thing and it's like you know come on you can't tell me that I'm wrong right now I'm going to lose my face in front of all these people can't save me Sheikh saying me I'm like now I'm sorry buddy you know this is the truth I'm gonna tell you what it is and then they're going to full argument with me in front of all the people now you've got the part about I'm telling I'm being honest with you there's a whole two dozen people sitting here and this person goes into a full-blown argument about this so I'll tell you what the issue is right and some of you know because I just had this question again sent to me and people have massive arguments about this so it's about the meal that we do enough for Salah you know Salah and in but if you ever grew up in Bangladesh if you have a group by the old Bangladeshi scholars even Pakistani old school India old school a lot of them you know the Persian come from Persia they they have a full set of words you have to say for each of the Salah that you're going to do you guys you guys follow no white one is only a little a katana haha ricotta salata though into what Jian illa Kaaba right sharifa you know and and then to say Abajo could not have intended to do for records of the heart of Salah or forum and I'm facing the Qibla and I'm doing it for you know for lust sake and then I'm gonna say Allah hook but so each one has a different you know way to no solid is no way to know suddenly that I've intended to pray this and now then some scholars in the past started this some scholars in the past started this we don't know where it came from most likely started from the Iranian province from the Persian scholars once Islam got there because it's not in the Arabian he's not in Arabia he never started from Medina it never started from Tsubasa blossom so it became so important that these things are taught from young age and the talk to the children that is how you make the knee and you've got a say with your tongue now we know that intention is made by the heart as long as it is in your heart that you intend it for this prayer you can just join the prayer you don't have to say all of this with your tongue now this person got into an argument and he said you know what he said he goes that he'd salah was standing up and there's a new imam that comes is a young lad and he stands on the member and he just tells us to make the intention from our hearts and I stood up and I told them no you have to say with your with your tongue now he's telling today a man like hey listen guys man we do man he's challenging the Imam obviously this guy is 55 years old and the Imam is probably 24 so he's thinking who they are who in the world is this 24 year old yeah I could eat him for breakfast yes and that's what he's thinking so all it is made so they're on a day so he starts to show that you know I know this tell me man tell us about the knee and the knee other were supposed to do an imam says in on remember he said that you don't need to do that with the tongues and this man said this the Imams have said this now there's a new generation of young scholars are saying that we're not supposed to do this so he caused an argument on eBay right he totally all his friends are look you know this is the way it was supposed to do it then it comes to this gathering then it tries to impress these people just a few days after he I'm sitting there and then they dragged me into this and I said no no you don't have to and then he gets into a full-blown argument oh my god and it turns it a 45 minute argument and I'm thinking what in the world this guy took it to another level he tells me he says you know where did you where did you learn all this from he's even challenging where I learned all this and I listened man easy easy I'm just telling you about what I know right I'm not sitting I'm not standing there being arrogant but the thing is once you have that position see what happened is this guy just put it out there that he knows the truth and he's gonna put you out there the moment he got challenged now it's not about it's not about the knowledge it's now about his status he's gonna feel really small if he gives him so he doesn't want to give him that's what happens to it lease honor on a higher level that he feels that if he gives him that he's become small now a lot of the nations that have come before us fell into the same problem and they say to cure this to cure your arrogance you have to step aside and look at reality so what happened is you know when I added the mood rather than the mood the Giants had made a statement against who'd alehissalaam and they said why should we why should we accept this and their reasoning was man ashadu manapua they said who's who's more stronger than us in terms of muscular power like who is there on the earth they were giants they used to pluck out large trees from the ground up rout them like you know mean you would do that with weed they just plucked them out they used to carve their houses and make houses within the mountains and they used to live in the mountain so there's no one that's greater than man if they're small if they saw a small man like me and you they're just like you know just crush us under their feet since when who that Isilon came to them they said look we're a nation where people were mighty and strong now why should we accept the fact that you're a messenger amongst us because who the item was also a giant he was the same as them but they his they said it isn't man I shot Davina Poobah who's gonna beat us in terms of our strengths this is in surah number 41 ayah number 15 Allah says Pharma hadn't asked for the nation of heart fast akbarul feel Arab they became arrogant on the earth belated huck without a right to this arrogance that they ascribed themselves to rock our Luo man Asha de mañana para and they said who is mightier than us and then allah azza wajal then gives the remedy for it Allah says Allah marrow do they not see and Allah Allah the halacha whom that Allah that created them who who are that he has to be strong with men right you think about the logic of this if you think that you're strong then the way to try and you know if you if you're arrogant because you're strong and the way to wait to put yourself down is to look at others who are stronger than you and of course the one who created you is stronger than you if you got beauty and the beauty is making you feel like you're better than others that my friend tell me this is this true or not above every person of beauty there's another person who's more beautiful than them yes or no yes and even if you are their most beautiful on the whole of the earth Mira Mira who's the most beautiful on the earth and the mirror says to you it's you even if you're the most beautiful on the earth by the time you get to 50 you can't remain beautiful huh try some is that right by the time you even get to 40 you're gonna lose that beauty so you can trim you cannot keep that beauty till the end this is looking at reality and there anima have said if you focus on the reality of what you've got first is even if you think that you're not the most beautiful then the moment you come across somebody else beautiful and they are more beautiful than you you have to accept reality if you start focusing on you know what I know I am NOT the most beautiful person in the earth then fine then then you bring yourself down to reality that's good but even if you think that you're the most beautiful then you look at the you look at the future and you think well I can't remain the most beautiful in the earth the same strength who couldn't remain the most strong is on the earth even if you're the strongest man let's say you know in the whole of let's say you want to contest a the strongest in London let's say you had a contest in London you the strongest man in London well there's gonna be strongest man in Britain right if you've won that and it's the light year the strongest man in Britain then the strongest man in Europe if you want that didn't there's a strong expand in the world that you have to challenge and then let's say you won that have you seen Arnold Schwarzenegger now did you guys have you guys yeah man's on his way out man that Israel he was at one point one of the strongest men one of the you know all people who had the muscles the look there were the glamour there whatever you want to put it with it okay he became a celebrity in in that sense and now look at him you know at old age he's on his way out there there are many more stronger men than him and that's reality so if a person was to think that where are my in terms of what my future is then you can't remain aragón with knowledge as well the same thing if you're not not if you're knowledgeable Allah said a wonderful thing in the Holy Quran just to bring people down to cure their to cure this disease in them he said well folk only really mean Arlene he said above every person of knowledge is another personal knowledge this is in surah Yousuf surah number 12 I number 76 Holly I assume this is a folk aakula veera element hail him above every person knowledge is another person knowledge and I've seen this behind Illini I had a colleague with me and this colleague was was you know in the motherís today's and this college was very very knowledgeable very intelligent very bright you know brighter than most of us and then you know because you're in a madrasah you're just in in a whole school of let's say about 300 students or something and there's nobody that's more clever than you you're the best so you remain like that for about five years six years seven years you're like you know I know so much I'm so clever I understand things really quickly and then what happened is we had when once once we graduated in many fields this person became a very knowledgeable person when this person spoke people just became quite thinking now Wow the man that really does know something right but then we started to become more and more you know we started to become more national and an international and when you get to the international level and you start to question your compared now with the international scholars then you then I start looking at my friend and I thought you know what he's not as clever as some of these other people across the world and subhanAllah there was many challenges that happen and I saw you know what this is this is reality that when you go on a large scale you start to see your own true self of who you are and now that person you know the person I'm trying to refer to I'm not gonna give the name but I'm personally referring to you know he might think that he's great in terms of what he knows but you know many others are much greater than him in in the achievements and in the knowledge that he has and this is one thing that allows the wants people to do if you've got the arrogance is think about reality let's look up Agra wealth what's the end of wealth what's the final thing of all let's say for example somebody's got welcome they become arrogant because of wealth what's the reality of it in the end anybody exactly exactly like you will be the owner of one or three pieces of cloth even those three pieces of cloth if somebody comes and steals it from you you're naked you can't even defend yourself you can be left naked and the the plot of land that they bury you in your you know it's not really yours somebody else bought it probably from the wealth that they've took from you but it's their wealth now they bought it they put you in there and if they want if anybody may Allah forbid if another one's and take you out of the grave and you know throw you out if wanna come inside there and just you know rip you out of there while you you haven't even got a piece of land and all that piece of land that you had on the earth is nothing by the time you get to death nothing that's why I say denier of the Elan heart what the alarm he said he said at dunya he said how Saluja thought were Hebrew her moot he said as for the world he said whatever you acquire from the earth will eventually be lost everything that you get from the earth everything that you're putting together from the earth to yourself whether it's clothes it's the houses cars it's in investments in you know whatever everything whether is people whatever you gather house it'll have fold everything you've acquired eventually they'll lose every single one of it well I hear Doha moat and the last thing on the earth is going to be your death you're finished as well you're even worse from the earth as well so that's that's the the reality of you and that's the cure to it now if you look at the ayahs of the Quran you find your own okay one of your arms biggest problems around and Lee's men was stick about and and the about fair round Allah used the same words about the people of nor Allah used the same thing about the people over had the people of thermode the people of shrine Allah says o our Allah Venus akbaru those people who saw themselves as great now as a very specific word Allah uses Subhan Allah he said he doesn't say he didn't say Kippur he didn't use the word key but he uses the word istic bar now it's thick bar in Arabic means that they sought themselves to be great like they weren't great themselves but they made it that they are great so allah Lavina stuck baru allah said this he look at various parts of the parabola just give you a quick reference so that you can check these ayats out and and the whole problem was was keyboard it was it was having this this you know this this kind of arrogant so if you look at surah Araf surah number 7 ayah number 15 number 59 all the way to I number 93 you will find all these stories and the focus of it is Allah says rock Allah Lavina stack borrow those people who are arrogant now what happens is they became arrogant against the messengers some of them threatened the followers of the prophets some of them threatened that to to to kill the prophets some of them said that they're going to remove the prophets from the from the town from the city and so on if they don't stop preaching all of this came from arrogance and then one thing that we learned from here is what is that allows the result says that these people when they addressed the others he said wala Lavina stack borough lillahi Nass to the rifle there was people who were arrogant and they started to talk to those to the peope the followers of the prophets and latinas to the rifle who actually sought to be weak they they wanted to remain in a humble position so what happens is that the people who are arrogant they make themselves look big now this is one thing about bullies when you got bullying going on now bullies we normally when we use the word bullies we talk about the playground bullies and so on playground but it's not there's not just bullies in playground there are bullies on an international level you guys follow me or not you know these world governments you following me or not there are international bullies amongst them there are national bullies international bullies there are social bullies there are bullies and all all levels now allah azza wajal says that those people who see themselves as arrogant there are others who want to remain you know just just normal humble on the earth these people they make themselves big and they make themselves think that you know what I've got something which I can now impose on you so I can pick on you I can make you do this X Y & Z so this is look at surah number 7 ayah number 75 Allah says Allah Allah Allah Dina that problem call me heal in latina Studer I fooled him and Eminem in home those who those who remain humble and weak amongst the followers of of of Salah hala hala the enemy said those who denied the message they were arrogant they said to those really you really you know think that you know that Salah is is a messenger from God and the weak one said yes that's what we believe Carla Lavina stack Paro those who saw themselves Aragon as in nobility iemon tamiya carefulness ago what you believe in will be denied err so there's a whole sense of bullying and arrogance from the arrogance going on what a la result says for the cure of this is you think about reality and the reality of the day of judgement so this is now goes to when you look at the day of judgment there's got to be again those people who saw themselves as an arrogant and those people who saw themselves as as as people who are humble and weak you look at the ayats surah number 34 surah Saba ayah number 31 32 33 there's a whole argument between the arrogant between the bullies and between those who are bullied between the arrogant ones between those who see themselves as weak is stuck below and stood a rifle the two different types of people those who are arrogant and those who see themselves as weak and what Allah tries to tell us here is that you look at the reality of it what happens to them in the end because in the end when when you look at the day of judgment then nobody has got any power nobody has got any might of greatness except for the greatness of Allah Azza WA JAL and one of the things that Allah says in the Quran and this this this is a cure for those people who think that Aragon is that Allah says if you saw the day of judgment if you saw the situation of these people okay so let me just give you the reference for the surah surah baqara surah number 2 I number one one six five Allah says voila your ladina Vellamo in your own ilaha baba an inchoate la Junior if only the people who have committed oppression if they were to see the moment on the day of judgment they'll see the punishment with their own eyes and who what le Lahey jamia and they'll realize that all Power really belongs to Allah so John you know that when that moment comes when people see what I thought I had power oh my god Allah has power you know when that moment comes a loss is one the lash I did that I like that and they'll see that Allah not only has the power but Allah also has the power to cause severe punishment to others and that's when they will separate from one another and the Quran talks about this now we're coming to the end of this session the thing is that what we're discussing today is Russell haughty it's one of the major problems of the diseases of the heart once a person feels that I'm better than when that would rasul allah sawas told us in a hadith you know what happened is that he was sitting in a gathering and an a and he was talking about the wrongful pride and so on and he was talking about arrogance and people who think that they're better bigger than others and Sahabi said he said Messenger of Allah he said but I like to wear nice shoes and I like to wear nice clothes like basically the man likes to dress himself up you know some people let they like to come out nice and smart need ironed clothes or let's just say you wear clothes that are expensive right so is that now wrong the Sahaba turned to the message of all ocelots I'm saying that necessarily I like my shoes and I like my clothes to be nice and the Prophet Allah something said he said in Allah your head boy Angharad after an Arimathea hala hardy allah azza wajal he likes to see the extent of his gifts of his servant he likes to see his servant using those gifts so if allah has given you wealth and you'd like to buy a nice car because it's convenient it's nice not because you're driving down thinking here what kind of rubbish are you driving what kind of tin are you dry look at Makkah there's none of the ice like I like to have a nice car myself I like to you know buy this nice car doesn't matter MA nice house nice car nice clothes so the profit Lawson said that a lot loves to see the extent of his gifts on his servant but he said but but arrogance arrogance is something separate arrogance is when you look down on people and when the truth comes in front of you you will deny even the truth that is what arrogance is so one of the biggest problems we have with arrogance is that when the truth is said they can't accept it because it's like I can't accept it from that from that brown man in San sometimes like I can't accept it from the brown man I can't accept it from the black man I can't accept the truth from that that Muslim I can't accept the truth from let's say if it's within East and then I can't accept truth from the person who's from not from my tribe I can't accept it from someone who's smaller than me right there sometimes what happens is sometimes Allah makes the makes the son understand something which the father doesn't understand it happens yes or no Suleiman and all that i standed the stories in the Quran once when Suleiman I saw him he understood something that his father never understood and he kindly told his father father if you treat this way is better the other like Salaam praised his son right this is this is this is a humble person that you will praise the other and not be arrogant and this happens sometime the student knows better than teacher and and sometimes it happens and a good teacher will always put his head down and accept it the arrogance is to her who do you think you are you think you know better than me huh you banished you've got lines you have these you got detention you can whatever because you think you're smarter than me I know you smother me but I can accept that because you're smaller than me sometimes it happens and you know a lot of trouble happens on the earth because of this article's may Allah's will protect us from it and what we do in shia is that next time we'll focus on another one or two of the of the a merabh of the disease of the heart and and its remedies are there any question for today or any questions that you have nope no questions after that one and the super curriculum covers all the Islamic educational needs of young Muslims today in a fun simple and engaging way tried and tested for over 15 years at one of the UK's leading mucked ups the curriculum has been adopted by hundreds of institutions around the world and makes your child's journey in seeking knowledge easy meaningful and dynamic this innovative and comprehensive curriculum covers or earning to read Islamic studies Dory's and Sora's as well as Arabic in an integrated and structured way visit suffer publications dog to find out more
Channel: Safar Academy
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Id: Yp5QdIGWkvA
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Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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