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la ilaha mohammed Allegra Vladimiro salatu salam ala sayidina wa nabina muhammad wada Ali he was up here at 9:00 I was Bill Nighy miniature pony Rocky in iguana la la la Gila home finale Himalayas and levena a menorah colonel yester fool level one bushwalking hiatus Nia woeful zero the colossal Halloween my dear respected brothers and sisters who are listening first Aslam o alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh we are here to discuss one great individual who has had passed away about two years from now and he was from this masjid from your local masjid that you are very very lucky people in allah so L doesn't send people like that in the world except that he has very great favour to send people like this and many of us agree mom said beforehand many of us haven't really benefited as we should have even myself I even think now I should have spent more time with him and I should have got more out of him and it's only when somebody leads the earth you think Yallah water water or a lot and to understand these people you have to really get close to this and even I didn't know what allows those ill had given me as having the the companionship of such an individual because I am saying to you I'm not saying I'm not making this about am i exaggerating Allah so gel has I really think one of the biggest worries of a large audience in recent time to be in Britain was you know our shake out stars the Malacca brahim a large there was L bless his soul a large dog L you know give him the highest abode in England and you don't have to be stingy you can I mean loudly because one one day somebody would make dua for you as a like it allows the wa jal give have a lot of mercy on Sodom allah for rahim allah have a lot of mercy on examine allah raise his status in the dunya and akhira allah give him the highest abode in indian i mean i may allah azzawajal resurrect him amongst me the Prophet the see beauty in the Shahada the saliheen on the day of judgment Allah so we'll take him with go straight to Jannah when they go to Jannah I mean I'm allowed to as I'll give him genital to those now who was this individual and I'm not here to tell you about his whole life because I don't know that its whole life some people said to me and I'm not going to speak about it whole life no I spent four close years with him and those years were between 1993 to about 1997 okay for close years I spent with him and after that I had many years where we wrote letters to each other I was on the phone to him I came and visited Oldham several times and I spent time with him and a lot of it was you know after the four close years with him loved a lot of it was over the phone and through letters and other means and of course alhamdulillah I have to say later as well I have had the opportunity that Assad vo malapa Brahimi we used to call him Allah for Rahim and you call him o spazzy wonderful name Rahul on alive mercy on him he later on even performed my in my car so I I had that opportunity the whole process of even finding who I wanted to find and having in the car had an and even after that and forget I will tell you a lot about you know sadly today obviously who study is not here and he used to hate anyone who would praise Him that's one great thing about if you ever praised him in front of his face his face would change he'd never liked people to crazy man if he found out that you're going to start talking big about him behind his back he would not give you the same closeness that he'd use with others because he didn't he didn't want you to advertise and I had to be very careful throughout his life okay and you probably noticed I've mentioned him a couple of times in my band here in the yes but I've never actually given a band like this I've never actually spoken about him and what I know of he ain't never given a lecture like this why because I knew that if the moment he finds out if he was alive like him a lot he finds out then he's going to it's going to hurt him to know that I have exposed you know whatever whatever he did for last without saying because he was not only a scholar of the deed now you can find many scholars of the ulema Eileen Eileen is a scholar of the dinner ulema of scholars of the deep you'll find many of them but to find a scholar of the Dean who is a mill who practices what he what he knows is rare what's even rare than that too is to find a scholar who's practicing the religion and who is Mukhlis who has a class on synthetic at the same time that there is even read and what is even rare is to find an individual like that who's there to give everything he can to you if you're there to take what is offered to you that's how I Lewis that's how I am Allah that's how you want so let me tell you how I came across him because I'm not going to tell you about his whole life ok there are many people who tell you about his whole life but I can't say that so I was a I was an individual who went to mother's up class at the age of 14 now I went to Dewsbury and I spent four years there I did my head there I mean before that let me tell you a bit before that so that you can get an understanding of when I came to malasada hing rahamallah when I came to him what was my understanding okay my mind is something of the religion I'm now as a born Muslim and some people even question me sometimes it's a you know is a Shia you know Hassan Ali you know the name has an ally this year because Hassan and I Leela I'm not a Shia I'm a Sunni alhamdulillah bonus on me so what happened is my whole early of Islam was to my father rahimullah and my father was not an island it was not a scholar of the did whatever he knew he taught us in the house and who is from my mother my mother probably knew quite a lot more than my father in some regards and she used to tell me what other stories it is that she knew from her mother from her father because my grand my grandad my mother I was a very pious man and he was a knowledgeable person half of the Quran is Oh so my mother used to give me a lot of the information of the Dean and my father gave it a mess all I had and then later on I went to a local masjid in you know I was born and brought up in Walsall next to in Birmingham and what have I learned from my local knocked up my local must get that's all I knew when I went to Dewsbury at the age of 14 I had to I had to check everything that I had that up till then it was not this is a real real place of learning so everything my mother told me my father told me my low style song before that everything had to be rechecked again so I kind of went through you know one of those you know sometimes when you go you reboot your whole programming year and you kind of you know override the information so I rewrote a lot of the stuff that I learned beforehand okay I was in do degree I did my hair today memorize to put on there and after that I did some Arabic studies and this was so I went there in 1989 to Dewsbury 1993 I came to Nottingham now this is where I meet Asad G this is what I need wonderful Rahim so I've given you a quick fast track of where I came from and I'm gonna give you bits mo because you won't understand how fast he came across to me rahimullah if you don't understand where I came from okay because I was you know those of them who know me from mother today's I wasn't your best student if you know one trying to say like yeah I was one of those cheeky students that would get up to whatever he could get up to and I was very very fortunate that I came across all of other him I him Allah why because Hindus believe I where I studied I mean they had the knowledge here don't get me wrong they had the knowledge that but what would happen is you need the classroom and after you need to leave the classroom you're in the boarding section and when you the boarding section the only people that are supervising you other supervisors there's probably two supervisors on site you've got the whole place to yourself from about 3:30 4 o'clock you're free as students all the way to 6 o'clock 6 o'clock we had to come downstairs all of us had to read together to what we called the karate it's like more agile you go over revision or what you're doing or you prepare for the next day's lesson so we used to do that till 8 o'clock so that's the time when some teachers are there after that after a while you free again you go to their talk quarters no one's there ok it's just you and the students and you have supervisors that might be there now and again and 11 o'clock bedtime the supervisors will come out get everyone to bed and that's it okay now this dynamic completely changed in Nottingham so Nottingham where Nottingham well this was in Clinton okay a 46 new work near Newark from a six miles near Newark there was an RAF camp that ex-raf camp site that had 120 rooms okay this place was derelict he had you know he was mashed up no one was using it for years and years okay some of you might have even heard that my friend Jean story what have I shared with you on this place here you're laughing it so this was the place now there was a new star Menachem al-rahim avala okay say rahim allah may allah bless him as well honestly every day i make du'a and i'm not joking here every day I try my best to make dua for including when I'd make parent movies my both my parents are passed away so I'm a grafter them find my father-in-law's passed away I'll including but without forgetting the name every day I make du'a for star G by mein and every day I make du'a for Mama Kemal rahimullah why because Monica mal raha Mahalo he was the one who started the nottingham madrasah and he was a doozy professor with the imam there a lot of people might might know him he was the you could say he was the yes I reckon one of the best teachers in the whole of the UK in Naju and self no one I don't think anyone would ever computed Malaka Malala in that 1000 grammar the grammar and morphology no one would complete it and his Arabic was like the Arabs I mean the air agrees to love him now he opened this place he got this he got this a deadly place and at that time when we went there there's only 25 students okay so when I joined there was about 25 students first they started in Nottingham in madami Masjid and then after that they moved over to this daily place and and it was it was a very sort of a tacit place you know a place where there's no heating you had to have you know small sort of electric heaters fan heaters their place was freezing you could put the heaters on all day and these these woods behind my yard is building it was bomb-proof this building was raf car you can imagine right it was bomb-proof there was you know one wall was a Twix it was two bricks this way two bricks that way to bricks this rain cookies that were how do we know we have to drill through this brother not me personally yet they had to drill through this you know when you want to make a wall here it was crazy a wa8 bricks and what happened is when they made for two bricks to build to be in between there's a gap so even if a bomb fell and it blew four bricks away it wouldn't be able to shatter the other four bits on the inner part so this was a humongous sort of building he had three massive holes we had a large sort of dining kitchen area it had he had ten point six acres of land around it and ten point six acres of land was all like you know it was like a woody area he was oh look no to a field trees and it was a lot of wildlife that was that was around it a beautiful serene place middle of nowhere they closed his place you know when we had to go to town close his place to go to Nottingham town was 15 miles away okay closest shop was probably about six miles away to New York knew it so it was it was in the middle of nowhere but this was the beauty of it where the dynamic changes induced whirring where I was when I finished you know when we finished our studies we were to ourselves there's always supervised looking after you here there was a blessing the blessing was Monica mal sabra hi mala mala for ahimsa him hola chef Nong who's also in Oxford was there at the time you know may Allah bless him as well he's he's in Oxford right now he all these teachers when I hug him on a later on all of them stayed on site so malifaux Reiser I'm Allah he had his own room and his room was on the East Wing block upstairs that fire this remote his what his room a beautiful small room I would say his room was probably nice very smaller I'm talking probably about you know six foot by six foot some another and not more than that six foot by six foot was his room and he had in a corner he had his mattress right on one corner he had his mattress as soon as you walked in the room on the left hand side with mattress and the far side was his microwave oven and on this side was all his books and he had a window there and mouselina grin and that's it okay a very simple sort of room now because the host ads were all on site we had the opportunity to go and meet them and spend time with them this was the brilliance of this because not many mothers as you will find that all your stabs all almost all your stars are living on type so you can go to them go to this teacher go to that teacher you could benefit from them and this is where I got to benefit from Kawasaki at him a lot because I came to Nottingham and you know I was you know just came straight from you see I thought okay new mothers I'm coming in I'm just going to study if you years abla finish my course and then somebody told me they said you know amongst amongst the teachers they've got a valley of Allah now you know if you've heard of a valley of Allah you would know whatever lies on some of you again I'm saying this for the for the sake of the camera because this is going to go worldwide yeah some people you know they find it so very Brava yeah very dodgy yeah now yes there are many dodgy Peter subs don't get me wrong yeah there are many dodgy Peters are there are many dodgy people who are thinking you out there yes yes yes there are people who will rip you for your money there are people who just want to take something out of your pocket there are people who will try and get the name and fame but you know what if you have not met someone like Assad theorem of Allah you will not know what a truly if you have met I really didn't know where I landed I missed I didn't know because I came to the mother and what happened they said that the worry of Allah now all our lives you know most people what they think of his penis that means that you know if there's a wali or someone who's like it what a wali is is someone who's very close to Allah so that's what it means okay so if someone's close to Allah so Jan you know you've got all these stories that go around oh my god they've got a turban this big that gotta stick that big you know they're gonna never frown on their face and you know all they're doing all day is you know they're saying a few words and everyone's scared of them and they're gone you know it gets all the superstitious stuff out of no no no that's not that's not what it is please erase everything you know about this whole feed system and everything listen to whom Allah for the Raheem's have was and then open the doors of understanding who a truly of Allah is okay I didn't know any of this I knew when I was young there's something called peels out of that and after that finished you know I came I came here so when I came to Nottingham I heard there's a woolly of Allah Ethel okay let me go meet him so is my first Ally single or fella I said it after Salah I said to the to the colleagues I said to them I said where's mother father angel they said he was just here where so anyway I said I'll wait for because he's gone to his room I'm not gonna go to his room disturb him so I came all the way back you know played around whatever it was and then I so time came after time I prayed everything and I'm waiting ways wonderful any suffering or like wait wait you know lazy so I'm excited I'm waiting outside and everyone sort of gone and I said to colleagues I said where's Melissa then he just went by I said who man who I don't because I'm expecting you know you know can say I'm expecting a big you know sort of terrible I'm expecting some gigantic but I'm expecting someone who when he walks everyone just stands by you know I'm expecting all these thing if that's why you get used to in a when a big Peter when somebody over loves someone comes by that's what you normally see and they said didn't you see I said no they said this that there was a person gentlemen who had you know who had a nice sort of overcoat right-half coat that that he was wearing and he had white beard I said I saw a gentle white beard okay fine I'll catch him mother time I so mullet came and I'm looking for an individual with white beard and and suddenly then I my eyes fell on him okay after mother I want to met you my father what is this who they're talking about because if you met with sadly he was one of the simplest people you could get the pipe he was like your most older person he did not have any who hard to him none of this like he's going to have twenty people behind him walking on the entourage none of that he was approachable by anyone you saw your local newsstand in the Masjid that's how long a forbidden table look like okay so how was how do you look like I mean you guys know about for the sake of the audience okay by the way how many of you have met with Dudley put your hands up how many of you did a meeting put your hands up okay there's a few people who never met him so I'll just mention he wasn't too tall I'd say about five foot six or something five foot five hundred takes that's how cool he was which he which is good average height he had met a very nice white complexion he was from Sawat from Pakistan from know em WFP of Pakistan and the people from that region they have very fair skin and some of them have very bright eyes as well and all of other ends r-rahim allah he had lovely gray eyes okay and he had he had about six acting lines on his forehead okay he had a nice broad forehead with about good five six lines going across there which is really a sign of other of a thinker now you might say to me well where do I know this from I actually learned this from mother father Abraham Allah because he actually went through you know the things he taught me I never learned from anybody else he went through with me at one point he went through all the human features he says someone has a nose like this it means they're like this someone has teeth like this in his eye that someone has the neck ladies are like this someone has a hard night is like this someone walks like this is like this so behind rousing and he was I mean this this stuff I guess how many of you in here in Pitt Street had the opportunity of hearing that from him to handle three I have closed one to one alum that I didn't know where I landed off his dad you know the amount I took of him in these four years I would say and I'm very very fortunate what in like Laham many of you sitting here haven't been able to do that while staying with him you know them because what happened is I got in fact a lot trapped him in the building and Nottingham he couldn't go anywhere else right and Allah put me in the building there's no there's nothing there's no town center nearby yeah to go to so I was trapped he was trapped and I'll I made the opportunity for me to spend time with him so he was a lovely and I had a lovely nose with it with a round sort of and at the end but he had a wedge waiting his nose I've never seen anyone like that after him but a lovely wedge only on his nose and he had a beard I say about like mine at this moment and it was all sort of white he kept himself very well okay is very neat and tidy he always presented himself very nicely and he had the kind of hat used to love wearing is the Hat that you would find in the in the North West of sort of Pakistan kind of region which is that which is a woolly sort type type of hat with the with the path flat at the top and he stood a lot of the times used to issue where the kurta that the comedians on up to his knees below his knees and he would wear a half coat a lot of the times and he he was you know you when he used to subhanAllah I love him when he's to smile or when he's to be when he used to meet people he used to really cheer you up now the one thing about him I have to say subhanAllah Levine was that this some of the things I like him I never realized this but later on I found out that not I've only met one more person with this quality nobody nobody else in the world some of the qualities Allah gave us sadly I haven't met in all my travels except for one other person shake in Bangladesh move to Rashid Rehman what's the quality improvement but you know the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu lie Selim that rasool ullah sallallahu written used to be loved by everybody you know you hear like Abu whoever the along test or he's the closest to the slaughter Abu Bakr the level here the closet T omorrow della on truth is the closest to him well either the alarm field is the closest team you know say Dina jivera Delafield his clothes clean everyone has got a story of how they are close to the Sulu la sala lanthanum everyone thinks that was la sal allahu likes them uniquely some way that he doesn't like somebody else and he loves everybody so less often loved anybody but he loves someone especially that he doesn't give that special up to anybody else so for example he was the closest and the most special to him in some special way we all had a stories when we got together in the DOMA we used to talk to each other nice to have stories like wonderful dreams I did this for me and somebody else is a monopoly seller and I did that for me the best one of them did this woman everyone had a special love from asaji Allah a special love now that is a student of the profits of a logarithm you will not find you will not find in many people in the world I've only met another one person I've only met another one person in my life I'm telling you that my dad about my Sheikh Mustafa she's Rahman Faruk in Bangladesh with this quality that all the people around and have those stories are close to let me tell you another one the sunnah of the prophet of allah allah is a lamp that when you meet him he makes you feel very positive and makes you feel happy and cheerful no matter what is going in the in the life of the prophet sallallaahu let alone that was the sunnah of the prophet of allah item if you met with sadly rahim allah does no matter who you were as a matter where you're from doesn't matter what bad day maulana is having when you met him he made you feel like he made you feel nice and he not only made you feel nice this was the normal thing for four years every single day when i used to go on meeting this was the normal case I'd go to his room and knock on his door and he would say straight away who say come in okay so you walk in time monitor brain rahimullah this is a shekel hadith he's teaching Hadees of Bukhari and dignity in that same building he's one of the top teachers of the place his knowledge is like an ocean his way of you know his character is something that everybody would love and this is I'm his 70 years old and this is what he does to me as a young individual I was 18 years old when I joined his head mouth 18 years old when I would come to him he would get up from his place in the room he would stand up come to the door when opening the door he would you allow me to come inside and he would greet me and he would embrace me and when he would embrace his first with his cheerful face he would lie to his whole face when I used to come to him and I'm saying every day for four years no no no difference okay I come here he would say first thing you say he would take actually thing to say assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu and then he sometimes they were mafia ii don't even know who they were mafia to me and that's also in a narration as well to say what my therapist I may Allah give you his forgiveness as well so when he would say that huge he would grab hold of me and - while I'm young I miss Lewellyn and this was the phrase he made for me every person in another Sai had almost every person who's close to him had a different face different way you would approach them so my one was - wa lam ya'lam isla hula a nanny Hassan the one that - I know - eyes have ever seen the likes of this is a phrase from a poem somewhere some poem he used to say that point every time he used to meet me his face very cheerful his his teeth are beaming with delight on seeing me and then he would grab hold of me and then he would give me a good squeeze tight good the tight squeeze and then he would do this he would not let go of me until he gave me four drawers and every time you try and change his different drugs when he when he met me hey so now he's holding on to me he might his hold on to me he's squeezing me type at the same time he's saying may Allah give my heart Elmen knowledge may Allah give my husband good practice may Allah make him shine over the world may Allah make him a great person and after he would give me photo out then he would release me and he would he would then say Bethel I sit down right if you wanted to get up to Nana hazard please I wouldn't I want to sort of go and I want to get some different nanana he was a better sit down so I sit down or he would he would not speak to me nicely not with all the lovely as he's moving around the room six books six foot bicycle room not too big is moving around the room and he's trying to get tea ready so he's got a whole team place day he makes tea warms it up in the microwave he's making two cups as he's making the two cups is still talking to me we're have some cases oh I happen how are you it hasn't Harriette's it my husband are you okay and has more somebody ahead would say that the weather is very good and he would speak speak speak keep me entertained as he's making two cups of tea he would not allow me to get up and touch the cup of tea he would make them simply old man he makes two cups of tea he lays it that the sahan or the little mat in front of me he puts one cup in front of me he puts one cup in front of himself he sits down and then as he takes a cup of tea to his now he says advert I made a pyaara has a Miyake hidden Atiya Crockett down now tell me my beloved Hassen what service can I be of you now you feel use one feel okay this is a man like a mullah doing you Monday this was not one day this was almost every time I would go and see him this was his way of greeting me so I would say I would say to him I would say Mawlana I've got to to question those who are a you said dawning dust bucho don't ask me two questions ask me 10 now when I say he says to me ask me 10 I'm not making this up I've never met a dad in my life I've had several I've probably had about 40 50 by the time for my beginning to the end I probably had about 40 50 probably different lessons different blades okay I've never met in my life a person who was so open for you to ask questions and not only that you could ask the silliest question ever on the earth and he was still smiling didn't answer he never made you feel like you know what kind of what kind of question was that never never you know how many questions I ended up going to him it I had an a4 pad they lined a foot pad and during 24 hours I started to think about my question but you know what I said to you when I introduced me I erased my knowledge that my mother and my father I was paused before gave to me because I didn't know what was right and what was wrong okay some of the things they told Mel handles billion but some of the things they told me was not two things so induce me I raised you know I got it all right and then when I met one of father leave that I am Allah when I saw his level of knowledge I put everything so my mother's knowledge my dad's knowledge my stars what is my whole of do's me for years knowledge everything they taught me all together and I started to take you through the process of wonderful inside knowledge and I started the erase and chop and chop and share whatever I could all right and the thing was that a four pad I don't know how many pads I finished every day in 24 hours I would write as many questions I could think of I could even remember - today I've got some some of this at home 28 questions on one side of a four paper 28 questions right I would write them all down 24 hours my time is again there four o'clock when all the kids used to go and play he says this was the fortune allow so that gave me the other children used to love playing football and they still love roaming around playing the acres of land and all that I wasn't into football even till today I'm not into football ANATEL hamdulillah yeah I'll have the life you like football al hamdulillah if you don't like it like me a hundred nuggets and let's not have a war about it so what happened is they used to play football and AIDS to play other games cricket sometime other things and I used to just go to study and I should spend the full two hours from 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock full taking every benefit I could from him and those questions of the whole April paper I used to go and sit with him and I say hazard I said I've got some question goes all future us more asked me more asking more whole two hours gone every other day every day if I could unless the mailman came sometimes a guest came when the guest came that I stopped and he gave the time to the guests when the guests went then we tied on al-quaeda I'm talking and you know what he gave me time like no other student in the mother sir and it is not my words he said himself by the end of the four years the third year the fourth year he said to me that hasn't he said I've given you more time than anybody else but he said to me there's a price to pay okay now hazards do masha'allah never in his life ever asked for money I knew him for how long he passed away in 2015 viola I met him in 1993 so this is 22 years I knew him in 22 years not one day ever he asked me for something that's a worry of Allah that's a real will of Allah all those people listen to this if you want to go back and check your peers odds and everything else you want to go and see what this individual was rahamallah because this was a student of the person bottom have you ever seen in any hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu he's asking Sahaba give me this have you ever read a Hadees like that no if he ever took something he borrowed it in the whole of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu if he needed money that the prophet sallallaahu need money he borrowed something sometimes he borrowed from Jewish people but he gave it back every penny he owed to someone before his death he paid it all back so Allah Allah Allah nowhere in any hadith if you will find that he taught the Sahaba he did favors for the father and he expected the Sahaba to do something for him never and this Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim in all the awliya of allah in the world i know there are many plenty of wonderful earlier cost of all i'm not putting anybody that but to meet someone like this 22 years I knew him never ever asked him for a penny never asking for a service the only singing asking with this for years he gave me any captain famous throughout the end of his fourth year is that Houston I've given you a lot of time more than anyone else then I've got bohot walk via and then he said this he said it's Lydia Mara Hassan get to me yeah he what kuda alum Kadena hoga he said because you're going to have to one day give it to the whole of the world now something he said I never understood I really never understood what he was actually saying but today I understand he said to me again and again he said Hassan I've given you so much time but they're going to be there's going to be a time and a lot of people who continue the Bulldog a guy to kiss Ecolab nahi kar na don't turn anyone away this is his Waseda his you think will to me don't tell anyone he said if people come to you for help you have to help them just like I helped you and he said you will find a lot of people that will come to you and I didn't understand like today I longer I go all over the world and I am I lecture but I never knew what he was talking about then in fact when he passed away rahim allah i've got about 25 letters 22 25 letters at home a lot personal letters from him he said to me and about 25 letters per guys tend to him this was after I finished the four years and I traveled on to Bangladesh and even when I become Imam I used to write to him and used to write back to me because those days there was no mobile phones anything so we had this beautiful way of writing a letter to me to write back to me and after his death rahim allah i opened these letters one by one and honestly I was crying I was crying just listen just just reading his letters and the way and he had beautiful handwriting those of you know him had wonderful handwriting and in that I found certain things subhanAllah were said to one thing he said in those letters I never understood in 1997 he wrote this this is 20 years ago from today he said to me Hassan you're going to go through his phase in your life later on and I never opened a letter for 20 years I opened me again after 20 years a first time I opened in 1997 I never understood what he was writing to me but in and 15 I understood what he meant he said you're going to go to this stage in your life and he said don't worry about him you're going to have these people or whatever after saying this he said don't worry about that he said and he wrote there in his letter he said mujahideen hair he said Allah Tala he said I have full conviction or milazzo result that he will he sit through he said his knowledge I'm not I'm not digging myself up here honestly I'm only saying this out of the name of allah azzawajal and i'm sure there are many of the students who are spreading knowledge across the world but he said this to me and he said this while he was alive in the mother's side he said this later on and in that letter he said also he said through me that's going to be said my knowledge will spread through you if you have heard my band most of what I say is from Allah for insa so if you ever wonder well how do I speak like that and how the kind of stuff that I say in my band most of the stuff that I say my band is from mullah Fazlullah because I spent four close years every day I was in his room and I was just listening to him and I was question after question after question and he never said no to a single question once I saw this dream in year 2001 I saw he gave me seven bottles of Apple seven bottles of perfume he gave to me and he had it on a shelf and he offered it to me and said this is yours he gave to one by one and I took it from him and I woke up at an informal a problem so this was another part of him subhanAllah his Greek dream interpretation those of you who've gone to him for dream interpretation he was spot on okay so he said to me this was in 2001 by this time I hadn't even got traveled the world to do my talk he said through me is that my knowledge will spread through you and it will go across the world and he said one thing when I was in nothing with him and I kept him saying I said has a please make du'a he said to me said I made a lot of du'a for you I'll give you a lot of dois but he said one condition you need Assam he said you need to be humble he said the more humble you become the more Allah will lift you up and this was one thing that Mala Mala podracer I'm allowed he was very very very extremely humble to the extent he said this to me I was with him in room and he said to me that husband he said other up is what column I have she abhyasa he said if right now if an Ethiopian slave who is you know has no regards in the world is a slave is Ethiopian he's comes walk in this door right now and he takes hold of me puts me on the ground and he puts his sole of his foot on my neck and he stamped on me on the ground he said me hellooo Nani is that I will not even move he said if he keeps me like this for two hours on the ground he said I will not say anything and why he was saying this to me was to make me understand the level of Jurado or humbleness but not only he had but he was trying to pass on to me and he kept from saying to me again again he said the more humble you will become the more Allah lifts and he said this is a secret of the hadith of the prophet sallallaahu a syllable which is mental Allah Allah here Allah Allah who surveys humble for the sake of Allah Allah so they were lifted now one of hundreds of what I said to you was that I'm going to him every single day and I'm asking question the more I asked him them more I asked him the more happy he becomes you know how happy he became he started to mention to the other teachers he said that I'm so happy that happen is coming to me and asking me questions and you don't get this normally I'm telling you you want you want to ask somebody 28 questions a day they'll be like oh he's here let me go you know he's coming again what I used to wait for me when I came he used to be so happy you know hug me again make me sit down I needs to answer the question now you know when I say I asked the question you know what kind of questions you're thinking super hon Allah these are all religious question no no no no no you ask religious questions worldly questions you ask questions of the ocean questions of the land you ask questions of the seen and the unseen you ask questions of human of genes you questions of planet Earth and space and sky everything you will answer to the extent as sometimes I'm saying that I'll just break it up to you because I'd rather communicate here I could remember having with Madonna two to three hours a time a session on what a man should do on his first night when you get married you guys understand you like a little I don't know how many of you in all them are able to like have the handle optional I had I'm going to repeat it for you right down to the private things of a man and wife everything Mawlana is telling me full top/bottom in out everything I can't go further because the junk is a user on time guys yeah guys doing the fan or not everything I'm all on I would say you do it and even the treatment of how one should treat their wife and what they should do what they should not do everything you open up and he's a treasure he'll bring it up to the extent of space I'm in Somalia without a space seriously with all the planets with order our summary dies in garage we're talking about the eye of a table you're talking about which plan is middle east and you'll tell you how the times and lost Wow it sort of planets it over with palette is very talking about the moon and the title of the moon I talk about how they you know and what time is really good when allows those elder certain things to the weather and what time then he'll move on to things like do our times and what nights are special and you know you're sitting and you just listening I have two things I probably not going in my head because they're there above me but you know you told Matt he'll give you a good lesson on Matt seriously I you might think I don't know how many of you know them I've ever caught you he is something that will baffle and they baffled me I couldn't even do some of the thumb he'll talk about that hooked poetry so a poultry you go on and on and on hours total approach it is formed up on in fact he told me once he was you know he had many many parts in his life when he's to teach different different individuals and once he was in a school in Pakistan he's to go with the cycle they told me is to go to the school and he said to me he said in that school there was a library of a good few hundred books the library you know no one in the school you have a library you know I'm gonna I did one and I read every single book in the library Mon and I read every single book in the library told me this and that's how he had a well foreign nation if he found something he would read it and most people wouldn't even know that there's this how mine you know inside of the deeper you dig the more you find so what I've seen he will tell you hadith he will tell you so a stick he'll tell you so what normal life will tell you sociology they'll tell you psychology he'll tell you he goes it was a very good he was a very good Hakim was of you know he's to deal with some leads herbs and medicines that sort of Hakim is and he would give people treatment through the hub's not only that but he was wonderful in psychology I'm not talking about a psychology degree here or what I'm saying is nasty yet he used to call it element of C at the knowledge of a person psyche he would be able tell that all he needed to do is this I don't know if you've ever seen him do this you'll take the patient you put his thumb onto his onto the patient's vein he's put his thumb there and he just just take the heartbeat for a little while and then he would tell the person what's wrong with the liver was from the heart was in the stomach or something else or brain whatever you say Dada Allah gave that knowledge how many of you know the musical handle ok few mashallah how many of you knew that he used to see James walking in the day we hands up as a few masha'Allah good right when he came first not even he didn't realize that he's given this information out right and the children when they heard it in everyone was like whoa what was that it was one of our arrival I came in and he started to make it he just made a statement said oh I can see some genes walking around here he just made it say we need to realize that these are children and they're all going to be coming for ghost stories later on right he never did that so he just said it bloodied it out and then after they hear to stop he said he's so Christian gene walking a lot of the Christians and he even said the monks they were coming in the month they were not coming in he said that he said that the month suffer in Arabic second month of the of the year it's a doctor month I used to come and he would even explain that they came with a whole Caravan and they would stay in another part of the wing of the whole of the madrasah and he even saw their kids he would discreet told me Percy said they've gotta come with a little kid and so on and that kid sometimes comes on this side to our children on this side he would have said this but he Ramana he would not open up to anybody about this stuff it was not open it when he realized that children I have talked about this he stopped he completely stopped he never gave anything out but those who got close to monomyth then he would open up - it took me nine months to open him because the first nine months I was asking questions after questions okay he's giving me answers but it's not opening it inside to me he had a wealth of information one of the greatest things we had was the ferrata one honour father is our himalayas tardy rahim allah when he's just saw you he knew he knew he could read your mind well if it's a he read your mind straight when he just saw you who read your mind when students found this out some students were scared to even look him in the eye I'm not making this up if it is what one who would do okay imagine this ok budget time come I want what where's Mawlana been all night doesn't matter what time Mawlana goes goes to sleep he's up two o'clock Bank on without an alarm clock two o'clock very dead dot you can stand in the corridor while I would open his door and it will come down the corridor II who do this will do uses nice rack you use the toilet there use me so I do one go straight to his room and then he was fatty tahajud hey from two o'clock to budget he didn't tahajud dhikr of Allah and he just making dua to Allah or three hours non-stop okay so I'll tell you a bit about that a bit more later on what Mawlana would come from straight from his his room near for the time he'll come over to the Masjid area we had a whole day we made it our message area and he would be sit in the front line so he's got his back towards everybody he does not see who comes in the Masjid when the economists opted he prays with everyone when he's finished he makes draw with everyone mama turns on like everyone else and he just goes straight towards his room he has not turned around now most people would have left or something or half to be will have left he don't know how oh he doesn't know how many how people have actually come on come one of those to his room to him Allah then he comes down at about 7:45 this is about 15 minutes before the lesson is starting at 8 o'clock sometimes 15 minutes before sometimes ten minutes away standing in the corridor and he stands there and just Salam to the student okay as students at understand I walk the students are getting ready now they've had the breakfast they get ready now and as a student salaam to him those of them that prayed for you to salaam and find they go those of them that didn't pray father he was hold the hand pull him to himself we spin the ear go and pray your father now you telling me at this person I've got some register no register no way of knowing this and any student that has missed his father in the morning he knew you come across Mawlana he will whisper in your ear nobody else knew this he would say darker a fragile or Lena within a nice day he would not embarrass you he was a much darker such as party letter follow come break on break right and and the thing was he would never get this wrong in four years I know he wouldn't do this every day obviously but whenever he could he would tell him now when he when he got into the lesson sometimes he went off on a tangent in the lesson and he would say things you know after tonight you seen ie wonderful stuff like a buyer and he started after the lesson somebody there it one of your colleagues will say Ya Allah Ya Allah does all about me after he's gone out one of the sins Allah he talked about me today sometimes they wouldn't say anything sometimes a student would die in shame later on the student will go straight to his Google say Hauser hazard you talked about me in the lesson alright and mala would say now what do you mean I talked about you analyst what do you mean I took the right lesson so look wala whatever you said it less and it was directed to me then mala would say look do you toga near Toba repent to Allah Azza WA JAL now this is not common that a large those'll gives this kind of theater to anyone and he wouldn't open up like would never embarrass anyone when he had to tell you like you've done something wrong you never know in fact when I would come from the holidays if I did good at this look imagine right I've spent seven days I've gone from not even two also I've spent seven days Mawlana was not there after seven days I come back first meeting with husband go straight in his room assalamu like maybe I bought something used to love he's loved above all is a madrasah he stood a stool of fish and he's loved fish as well and he still loved that moment and dongle is to come and you know bring fish and other thing for him Allah Allah Masha Allah if you never vote for him don't worry you wouldn't get a telling-off okay so bringing something from home giving the fish that he liked and then we're coming to his room when he would meet me if I did something good in the holidays he dig this is after I get close to him he would not do this with all the students if I if I did something good in the holidays he would comment on it and if I did something bad in the holidays he would comment on it straight away straight away he's coming and gathering straight away once I remember Subhan Allah this act I'm just telling you this I'm not in the act of doing this right now but I could ask so behind Allah how Allah has given Mawlana Carazo in the philosophy is when you know the inner inner part of a person Allah just gives you this quality you can just read it you can just read in fact people have once I remember in the holidays I just you know I started to get up for Tahajjud and I started to read some longer cuts because I you know I wanted to read certain Jews or whatever in the rakaat and I'm only telling you this because manhua he commented I'm the way he comes out for Ya Allah what Phyllis Allah give mama I came when I met him and he's and he's turned around to me and he said after a few days you said you know he said you know that Allah that you started in the holiday time he said you know that falada he started the holiday time you're not doing it now Allah Azza WA JAL we used to love that very much I thought nobody knew this no one not one human being would not even my dad knew about it and then he would add on you say you would even comment on how to get who shoot inside the Salah and he would tell me that a husband when you get into you and you're so do try and sink like it and he gave me in every part of Salah something to think about to gain my ocean insula now this is not I'm going to get into the crucial and I'm getting getting into the actual praise of nothing about it yet I went to mana and I got every single part of my my Salah part done through one on again what I mean by this is that I went to the room and he taught me the full Salah again I'm 18 years old and I've been praying all my life I can compare what I've I've been praying the side but when he when I went when I and actually asked not that he wanted to do this to me no I said monana I wanna I want to go through everything with you tell me teach me how to pray sir and he was so happy so happy he commented a nod to other stars that Hudson has actually come to me to learn his all and I'm going to tell you this right I'm going to tell you this I'm not gonna make you do it he made me do every single part of it and he perfected it with me alright so you're gonna turn your camera I don't know which way okay so he would and I'm gonna tell you simply okay he said first your feet both of them should be facing the Qibla straight some people have them like this outwards is that's wrong because in the hadith it's like your feet should be towards the Qibla straight there should be a slight gap between the between your feet then you say that when you raise your hands you raise your hands like this and it showed me exactly like this where you have your hands directly towards the Qibla these fingers are together these thumbs are loose and they're to the level of the earlobes and he made me practice it again and again some of you are going to tell you are so easy now you do you'll be doing this and somebody will be doing this and all sorts of things okay it takes a lot of time base this way and all fingers straight fingers join together these thumbs loose okay and you have it it then when you tie your hands you try it like a little watch around where you where you put the thumb here the little finger goes down there fleecing the straight there put it where your belly button just below belly button and then he would teach me every party told me something began kosher he said when you stand when you stand think about Maliki on the beam which is you're going back to Allah so Allah made a judgment and you're standing there right now when you look down to your suit place that's your cupboard that's your grave so that's where you stand and then you teach me to pray slowly I when he went to ruku he told their number of combinations and most people get this wrong to do the ruku properly and I had to practice to this with the Enquirer degree to get it right number one he said when you go down and ruku your palms have to be on your kneecaps ok kneecaps number two he said your your fingers have to be spread that's fine number three he said he said lock your legs number four he said lock your arms number five and this is the most difficult but I'm going to turn around a bit to show you this you put your palms on your on your kneecaps you put your hands webbed you've locked your arms you've locked your legs and most people don't do this watch this you have to go let me see that now yeah so if you don't move forward that I was normally here okay if you don't move forward and you know you heal the muscles there if you don't make yourself go forward like that and that's the sooner the functional awesome that you won't get a straight back and then the last one is your head it should have me tilted down it shouldn't be tilted up it should be just straight and when you have that you know maulana he used to stay in this room for twenty minutes ago in tahajud i'm there with him on my knees are shaking that went and joined him in tahajud i really i really a begged him and i and i got up anyway this is ruku and this is the sudden arrival some people think to get the straight back you have to bend your legs he said what's wrong you have to lock your legs straight but you have to move yourself forward and that bad muscle at the calf muscles will stretch slightly but that's that's when you get the full black straight okay and then he says something allahumma Hamidah he said as the hands have to be to the side when you go down he had a wonderful way he talking the going down when you go down he said the back has to remain straight now this takes a lot of practice look when I go down look knees bend back is straight back straight back I said now where are my hands going to be he said the Hank have to slowly slowly move in towards the kneecaps and towards the end of the thighs as you come down okay I seen my back hasn't been at all and then he said the knees down first okay then your hands down and when your hand going to dude this is the position locked fingers straight towards the Qibla two thumbs out nose goes between these two thumbs here okay and the forehead here so he said you make an arch with these two thumbs and the nose goes right in between the two and that's how you're going to salute with your obviously or your elbows up and your feet on the ground again the toes have to be facing the Qibla a lot of practice has to be done for this because when you come back up from the from the studio when you come back up you have to come back up the Sunnah is you come back up and you have to come back up with a straight back right straight back going down and straight back going up all your thigh muscles are going to be really locked in to try and get that most people just go straight in like that real cool and all the other in our business that they have done ruku and then tell your physician you're sitting down and what Mawlana used to do have now if you realize when Mawlana used to sit into here have never been able to do that I've never met anyone else had been able to do that he used to not only put his right foot up with his toes towards the Qibla he's to bend his left foot toes towards the Qibla as well he had both of the toes both feet toes toes the people having have you ever seen that one I used to do that yet both of the tools that and the thing one mana line is Salah was he did not used to move that's another Sunnah of the Prophet Lawton when he used to be engaged in Salah he's to be engaging in Salah and he had a wonderful khushu a wonderful way of now let me tell you this he said to Makkah when you stand you look at the you looking at your grave when you're in your Roku he said look at your look down and he said think when Malik almost will come it will take you first from the feet okay he said when you go into sujood look at the end of your nose okay because when you're going to grave the first thing that's going to deteriorate is going to be your nose and when you sit in Korea internalize the result then think you just another throughout the fella he said this whole Silla is about showing that you are no one in front of Allah you are no one one of Allah now again and again for sure his to have lessons in things you know what huge what he used to tell me and Mawlana rahamallah in asking him these questions he had no limits whatsoever of what he would he was he would expect from me what he would expect for I know there's a couple of minutes left for the event I'll give you ten thousand fourteen the Salah a lot about leadership let me tell you one one other part of one of them then you can have a breakage alum ugly will have to carry enough money they've got lot to tell you about we just start back I don't know I love I'll be able to get it all in what I'll be able to get in before Asia but I will try my best to get whatever I can in so what happens is this is I just want you to listen to this this party story and then and then we'll have the iodine and model your model is not going to give the advantage I finished Romana your Muslims okay tell him please yeah I want to have an intimate we oh just a boy egg domine hoi hoi hoi party you know okay one night I was in the madrasah and I I woke up in the night time at two o'clock okay so this is just I think by this time there's only about 60 students in the whole madrasah I woke up in the night I'm in a room with six other students we're all sleeping in there two o'clock I woke up and it was all dark there's only bit of light that was coming in from the lamp house outside of the room because of some street lamps not the critical street lamp the lamp within the compound there there and some of the light used to come inside the building yellowish kind of you know I'm the kind of light I used to come in so woke up at two o'clock in the night and I heard the law is the law either it's the law and is not one person thing this this was a whole group group of so many thing it and I just woke up and I thinking no one in the room is saying it no one in the building you're saying it I can hear this coming from outside of the of the room out in out of the window so what I did is I slowly put my head up and I looked through the window and I did not see a single person the whole place had leaves it had the wind blowing gently I could see through all the way to the course of the tennis courts I could see all the way across to one honest room on the corner but nobody was down but I'm hearing brain la-la-la la-la-la la-la-la good two three minutes I heard it I look to do know that I went back to my place again and I slept and the next day by the time I used to go and serve malama breakfast I forgot a does another time he's to go to me go so I went to him for your time and I served him the breakfast and I said Mona knocks is something strangest he I said I couldn't see anyone needing the building nor outside the building I looked all around but I said I heard this wicked yesterday so I said to Morrel I said I said I had this lifeline Allah after when I served him and monnel I said to me said he said how I said so so you heard that I said Malin I said what was it what did I was a there's no one there he said to me don't worry you won't hear it again I said to Monica please tell me what was it you know I want to know what did I hear was he was he I don't know what he was I couldn't see anyone he said don't worry you won't you won't hear it again now I never understood this but when he passed away rahim allah i related this to my shares in bangladesh mostly rashida from Faruk I moved to South said to me my chef said to me that is Allah Allah he said that means he used to teach jinns how to do thicket in the night that was a whole group of Jews I never realized at that time there's a whole group of jinns outside all coming from his room outside they were all gathered to get in the night and Mawlana is giving them pauline and he's giving them instructions of dhikr in fact i'm going to tell you stories of our him teaching genes after the muffler Salah I want you to I want you to stay soon as I come back and I'm going to tell you how he is to tae Jin's you know specifically one-to-one ECT jeans inch'allah so let's have them of the break nancial on you carry on after that - oh hi oh salaam-alaikum oh it's been like recommend raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salafi said i want to say that i'm davina muhammad wa ala ali here's a good mind I told you about hadith and he had he had not only was his solemn and his instruction coming to the human beings but also to James and Allah gave this very special quality to him and I'm not making this up and he's - he used to teach jinns even here on pit Street history here in - teachers you might be smiling anything how his son is here right in front of me i'ma deli I've had a conversation with him and he said this is his son Muhammad Ali was right in front of me now so many times he one o'clock in the night you know there's somebody in the house that is talking to who study and I study a lot of lot of guests that used to come to him and now guest used to be refused if somebody came to him they came to him he would serve whoever he could and I just want to say on that note as well again his son a hamdulillah it is to me that once there was a few guests coming to see there are three different guests coming to see them and there was 109 the house Amidala was in the house in fact we have things are coming my head let me just tell you another story then I'll trade these problems the other one right he said he wants you into a dinner and the person in the house they said it was him and another one another Mawlana that went today to the house and when they went they were surprised because the woman bought the food the woman bought the food to them so she bought the food to them the roti everything else and they ate and after they finished eating and the woman just bought tears she went away okay so after I finished eating the Mona I said to was Kaji here's God you said another woman he said she had one eye that was slightly out of place and bananas or ahimsa who study rahimullah he said he said I never looked at the woman he said I never even looked at the woman I never even raised my eyes look at the woman how obviously here the person's gonna feel embarrassed but Mawlana told me the story why because he said he doesn't even look he won't even look that the full time however many times the woman came served the food went he didn't even raise his head from the ground to look at her while even the other morning I might have got even among other morning I looked once I'm not saying he looked awkwardly it might look one and he saw that he made the comment was studied animal I said he said I never looked to see how her eyes faces I didn't even look now this other story I'm telling you of his own house in Pitt Street there's a couple of people coming and Hamid Ali his son is in the house wonderful rings I was in the house and there's hardly any food nothing's cooked and they're coming right now they're coming even minute the one of others I returned on to his son he said I am as I said quickly we need to serve them some food so Hamid said he said dad there's no food he said the must be food he said there's hardly any food but what is they said there's a bit of chicken a little bit of chicken and he said there's only a couple literally two or three rotis of it and they're coming right now one of us I said oh he said put the put the pot on the on the cooker if they don't lift the lid up don't you fill it up so his son is here in front of me he didn't lift the lid up the put it on the cooker and the only had two or three rotis they did not make any fresh shot is nothing okay so the guests came Amana was the first one to lift the pot even when lifted he said this Mila and he put his own hand in there and it took our chicken for this one chicken for that one chicken for this one and then he the roti again he put his hand into the container he would take it out break it up and give this one quarter this one quarter this one quarter that one quota kept on he would eat himself ahmud was eating and gave the katakana guys gave more cheeky duties on modular there's only a few key pieces only two three pieces but he kept on taking chicken out there and chicken are detected anymore roti I'm Odetta everyone was full and there's still some left over this is from the Kurama of the earlier this is from what Allah Azza WA JAL gives on the Kurama denies you don't believe this year that's you because when you spend time with study if you spend time with him then you would realize how he was it was Astarte rahim allah i used to go to his room or when he opened up to me i started to realize this is no ordinary man I'm not just saying this today on the way here I found Sheikh nothing from Oxford who was the who's the nephew of study a chef named he was in Bradford first that he went to Southampton is in Oxford right now she has never had a good conversation with him under on the way and one of the things he said I said to him share I said I'm going I'm going to talk about study in Oldham and Pitt Street in his mistake and chef name i setting please share I said tell me something that he said one thing he said which is in my heart as well he said this was no ordinary man he said we in the family we have a you know sometimes you have a little bit of a dispute amongst he said our dispute is who who is that who is the person in the family who says that asaji is not close to him he said everyone says it close to him in fact he was telling me he said that his sister is married to one of his sons and he says she's like a boohoo like a daughter-in-law to him even she says who's not close to mom who's not close to to uncle everyone felt that they were closest to uncle and this is it his family he said what is in the family in the mother's and I want to tell you this my father him of Allah was a person who was a bit you know he's bit more on the top side okay he's did mantras are not really humoral draws a lot of God because if it wasn't for my father I don't think I'd be straight I needed the beats you know I'm trying to say like yeah I needed them okay but I didn't have that father figure we know you need a father too teach you manners to teach you other to have a close relationship with you you need that I never got that because when I went to mother I was just reduced at from the age of 14 before the age of 14 my father was it was very much like you know he kept his distance from us so he never spent that one-to-one with with us I have to say this and I'm not making this up who started a whole lot became like my father and I will tell you this if his son Ahmed was in a madrasah and I'm saying this in front of him in His mercy if he was in a madrasah and I was in a but at the same time I would get no different treatment from his son his son is nothing I would get no different treatment because he actually treated me like a son and this is a sign of a real teacher and the way he treated me was like there was no different from a real son to what I was a student I mean I've got no relationship with him whatsoever I just came across his life I just came across this person and he is wonderful every day I'm getting things from him and every day he never took anything from me and he was to say to me he to say to me agile agile they're coming they're coming update over to Carlo Carlo that eat eat eat he said even he said he sees a hazard where you gonna find this food from he's are hunting a lot of people is to give nice food kebabs and you know this kind of Afghani kebabs and Sheik kebabs all the tribe used to come to his room here he's to feed he's to give and he's to give and his to give and he said akka is to create mr. Alcala Ghia a cul me the big eater is here so I used to go and marshal of my life to have lovely food in the in his room and he is to give a nice day he's to take induce he said I'm joking with you is a stingy says you love you love dishing out other people's who don't you as because I used to render in that when you're sitting with them and you take his food and you give a bit to somebody else what are you give it to someone else it's hard there don't go that all gives you all kinds of mal here with the enemy both Google example I said when you give somebody else's food to somebody now somebody else because you're not giving your own food are you right but it is to say to me you know he's to be very used to joke around like this on the best now when you look at the hadith kanima than the sort of Lhasa alarm used to joke around with this they'll make me crack certain jokes that used to make you feel warm now you're not really putting me down at all I used to love when used to do that with me but the thing was in his jokes they were they were lessened in his jokes to her lessons I remember so hand a lot once I was next to him and he gave me tea chef's name was in front of Zell and we're drinking tea and I I dragged my tea and I put it pretty cup diner there's a little bit of the little bit left you know at the bottom the sugar is there and here sometimes tea leaves are they right at the bottom so you kind of leave that so I left that and one of mananas super Hahnel if you still wanna eat food forget not leaving anything he was on another level okay so he drank his tea and he's to drink all of it and last one was like like that I can used to pleat down so he finished his and he's looking at mine yeah I've left a little bit and he said to me said husband said you know what Savannah now said mama I love picked it up again I have a new way I don't have the sugar and you know the Liberals Keeley's what he did is he can photo shake name he picked my cup up took it he drank it and put it down and he said don't leave anything he said if you leave anything in your cuppa tea it's a sign of Kibera it's a final item now you know you have to just stay out of a Sawalha you say in a way sometime because I was close to him he could say like this when he would when he would teach someone some things but this is how I used to eat my imagine is here he's finished a chicken a chicken leg piece or thigh as another when he's finished it when it's finished eating every single part of the chicken meat on the bone he would take his penknife out who said you had a penknife I don't know how many of you tackled him to eat yeah you take his penknife heart is open it up he take the same boat and he would scrape the meat off the bone the remaining my new pieces to scrape it and scrape it and scrape it all around whether whatever PC was scrape it and he would have every bit of it and when you saw the bone that was left above was absolutely without any meat and he would leave it like that he would not let any single piece of his food drop and be left or not be eaten he would finish everything and you know this this is from his teachings to us now I'm going to go back to the other stories that I'm coming to which was you know in the city in Pitt Street he taught jeans and you 84 that one right man managed to come to his house gets used to come to his house and you know all the time gets used to come down again and always something is being given to the guests and what happens is sometimes people come at odd times sometimes it'll come in ten o'clock eleven o'clock and just like hammers I had to also take people out of the house you know like each of five is his father he has to give him a rest as well if if the people never said they're going who stodgy would never get them out of there but this is what you start with Nottingham in Nottingham I should also serve him breakfast in the morning and then I should return at four o'clock and in the lesson time I've got a lot of time for me because used to teacher so I got the lesson time then I got there after breakfast time then I got the fall of up to six o'clock time you know I used to really try and get benefit from that and that's it I'm done now certain students used to go to his room on nine o'clock in the night and they used to go inside the room and one and I would take his peanuts out he takes his buy damsel he takes it whatever he is I'm they're having a party in there you're not like the eating and the chat ask him more questions now some of the questions they used to ask was wasting his time some of the questions honestly there's nothing of their benefit they just asking about ask my bad I think one and I never ever put anyone done not a symbol of those students whatever they asked him he would engage with them and who talk to them and that's how he made his my husband is loved and that's how he made them be people who wanted to love Islam wanted love the Quran that's how he got them so sometimes up to the 11 rock dangers in his room I used to go to the 11 o'clock knock on the door there's about seven of them five days to go in and more Allah would never tell anyone to leave I say guys get up I used to be there in other mafia I have to go in guys get I'm sorry 11 from one last gotta stay because two o'clock is up Fatalis there's no compromise on if mallanna rahamallah slept at 11 his upper - if he steps at 12 his upper - if he stepped at 1 o'clock he's about to and there's no other resting time only in the daytime he would sleep 10 to 15 minutes just before Valhalla so practically his living of sleeps sometimes four hours a day sometimes three hours a day sometimes two hours lesson was one hour a day and I have to take those students at vimana would never say no to them to go out of his out of his room and in that time subhanAllah he is spending time with them whatever they wanted sometimes even one and I would get into a wrestling match with them you might think what yes the long student I said this is one of my bands before what I just say it as quickly as a thing freaked out that there's one student that all those teachers said throw him out I'm Alanna the him all I said no he said don't throw him out he said I'll take him in myself and Mawlana took him in he said this was this guy was wild about seven of us used to beat him up and he still he could nothing happens him okay seven of us being him nothing I'm still and he was doing all these other inner things in the mother's eye which the staff said all the teachers said get him at Montana elope that letter note is that I will look after him and he took him in his service and then when I started to work at him how did he work on him he saw that you know he's a strong guy right he's a strong guy so Mawlana said he said mother 70 years old now this kid is 19 years old 19 or 18 years old and I'm not gonna give you the name for therefore the take of it but I'll tell you this mother said to the Chinese you're stronger it's Eddie Armstrong he said you couldn't beat me this is this is mono father he said you can't beat me it isn't what he said inversely he said he laughed he laughed he said we're talking about cuz I'll take you on 70 year old man who like I'll take a seven year old man on so I figure on the cumulative stop so Bolivar in his room six by six he's a wrestling match and then what happened you expecting right monopod means are going to be knocked on the ground right now Mawlana Vereen sub-forum Mendoza he was strong my god he was strong and then I caught him on the ground and then the student said he stated look he said look give me another child give another chance so moussaka stand up again let's go again so they went again when I got him on the ground again more not only got him on the ground Mawlana put him in a position there the 18 year old strong strong kid couldn't even move I'm on and I said to me today what happened ah survived he said you're strong you're strong now through this he created a friendship this is going to think what he's doing he's not just wasting his time he never did this with any other student he was looking for a way to get this student into into the studies for him to love to study the course that is in the motherf er now this kid know how embarrassed this student was with teenage was how embarrassed the 70 year old man put him on the floor okay who's he going to say this to so he became like little bit of a mouse in front of them so what I said I said look I know I know things that you don't notice and then they start talking talking Amana Honda that he likes poetry so melodic engaging in poetry more and more until every day the students to come and learn poetry often up through that mawlana taught in the religion and through that modern I made him Hannah that that teenager who all the teachers were going to throw out today he's an imam of his own life and it's only because of study that that person became any month otherwise he was going out of the mother all teachers were ready to throw him out of the mother this is the level of Turkey and if I tell you so am I let me go back to that again I'm drifting off by you and hit a certain pitch treated okay Allah told me this that at 11 o'clock you know okay he's getting people out of the house and what happens is what some nights what happened this happened more than one night he wakes to one o'clock in the night and in his father's room his father is talking to somebody upstairs in the bedroom so our mother son gets out and he goes to the to the room and who's talking I mean one o'clock in the night right he knocks on the door and he goes into the father's his father who studied I realized is sitting on one side of the bed in front of him is a pillow on the pillow if sahibu Hadi hora facing him in front of him is another pillow on the bed in the same bed on that bed is a Buhari facing the other way around and in that place is no one so hamete says the Dada Dada has been here like who you talking to who started says no and I said you might have heard you thing whatever you had go back to sleep don't worry there's no one here many occasions he walked in that room and he saw his father like that with Buhari toward him bajada towards the other way and there's no one sitting there basically he was teaching a jinn and he was giving him lessons from sahih bukhari this was this was your strategy which most of you never knew and even I would have known known this thing but when you spend clothes time with him then you realize that is not no normal man you know why because he said to me this he was winning here close to him he brings things out if you weren't close to me we'd never see any of these and I can only take this now because he's gone away if I ever said this and he was still alive oh my god he would have got so angry with me so once he said to me he said - he said I know an ayah in the Quran if I read it then I can open any lock I want he said I know an eye on the Koran if I read in any locked locked completely locked if I won't open the door lock I can open it I was amazed at this I asked him for the ayah he wouldn't give it to me haha - he right he wouldn't give it to me then he said him another day he said - he said I know and I am the Quran if I read it I can become invisible I'm not making this up now again you might say well ways and the Sunnah is Emmylou look certain values of Allah they get close to Allah Allah put something in the heart they know what to read they read it and logic inspires them this is from the mujadara but this is from the experience okay this is this doesn't have to be direct from the Quran and Sunnah Allah gives it to everyone he wants and he said as you said I know an iron the Quran if I read it I can become invisible I said share what's that ayah he said where do you wanna go huh and he wouldn't give me the ayah so then I start to think to myself I need I need a good way and it's a good reason to get the ayah as a chef I said there's a lot of lot of things going on in the world you know and if I had that I I said where would you go I said ah well I could go to certain you know secret services and then like I could go inside there start seeing what they're planning what they're doing and he said to me he said happen if you got that ayah and you went to the Secret Service place invisible when inside there and you saw what they wrote is they well you go after that Sarah listen Aden I said what you can do after that and then he would go to a whole discussion of look whatever Allah Azza WA JAL has planned a lot that's going to happen anyway we are only a means on the earth we have our will Allah has his will and when the two will clash together a large will cut the humans will and he was a very strong believer of this will of that you do what you want but Allah Azza WA JAL when his will crush crush it with your will he's gonna cut you and whatever he wants will happen but you supposed to still do whatever you want to do through that you say that you would say the quotations of a leader of the Elano that are off to rob be the first lien arising a little the alarm would say that I recognize my Lord by the time that I made an intention and Allah wanted something different and whatever Allah wanted happened when he cut my determinations that's when I found out that allies the one who's in control and then he would talk often about his his shares his biggest share in his life was Sheikh Hussein al madinah danira heinola okay from day one he graduated from Durban in 1949 Oh came on the folding table you graduate from Dover 1949 and he would often speak Dobin to me - to us and he he said there was no other teacher that was on the level of Hazrat Hussein ahmad medina de angola and by speaking about that what he said is that he said what Allah gave shake Hussein I want under him Eliezer nobody else had he said he was about how are you sleeping just three hours two hours a day he said that's nothing he said my thighs my shake hazard Hussein I'm at Medina hemolyzed to sleep one hour a day every day one hour so sometimes when he wouldn't be able to sleep one hour a day in the daytime he's to sit down like this and he's to doze off a little bit just for a few seconds and he would get up and he would say was a broad mean that he him would you both mean that he had lot I get very very sleepy very sleepy said I've had a very good sleep and he said he would get up and on another 24 hours without sleeping and I used to be amazed how are they doing this he said to Allah Shehu saying how much money normally when he would speak about him he speak very highly of him that sometimes because of his political you know you know a contribution that he had that time in India because they were trying to keep India's one his thing was to keep India's one and if you know that one an autonomy rahimullah his thing was to have the formation of Pakistan or the formation of the different animals in man so they had the differences both of them are buzu clean downright both women are the Williams or light all right but they had this big difference and he said to me he said and this is from his teaching he said once share Hussein I want modern era him Allah he a further time he used to pray to had Jews at least two priests to read one use of the Quran in its hedges and then after that in the morning he called a couple of his disciples and he said to them he said you know what he said Pakistan is going to happen as in the land the Muslims wanted is going to happen and Mawlana Hussein Amon Bethany was was really working to keep India as one without his splitting into Pakistan or whatever other land is going to switch until now his disciple said this was in 1946 you said this 1946 he said this 1947 is the formation of Pakistan these disciples said is that hazard you know houses and then Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna smith said he said he said Allah Azza WA JAL you know because a large Allah put in ham what we call he'll have sometimes he put the thought in the had very strong thought that it's going to happen and this is from the awliya of allah has happened with them he said i have felt this morning after my dog that allies going to allow this new land to happen his disciple said but how Allah says so do you stop our campaign now he said no we don't stop a campaign he what else is why if you know from something that you received from allows the result that this new land is going to take place then should we give up our campaign and do something differently said no he said the human has to do what the human is seeing on the earth but whatever Allah will will will happen anyway and this is from the teachings of monitoring so that you do your best of what you want to do with Allah bring these calls in place and it goes against yours it's going to happen anyway but you've got your intention of doing whatever good is it is just go according to what you see I'm the way here today I was talking to mana Omar Abdul Razak ok he's from Leicester he spent a lot of years with with Jack after we've graduated in 1997 he probably spent the last 18 years okay of his life he spent with Malin I was travelling with him when Tamara with him went even to Pakistan with him took him to Kenya several times made him come to Leicester and he stayed there he spent a lot and I was on the phone team on the way here I said tell me something you remember about hazard he said one thing was Subhan Allah he said that one and I would teach you he would say to make Bashara with your with your elders have consultation with your elder than the one side at the second time you'd say duties Tahara with Allah Azza WA JAL pray you to the custody of Sahara but he said when you've done is to harden and lock put into your heart to do something and you mush Rada your consultation said do something he said go ahead with it whether it goes against you or whether it's for you don't worry about it just go ahead with it why he said if you is the hard work and the mashallah or your consultation was in that direction to go that direction and you went in there even if you have a bit of a storm coming your way he said don't worry Allah will make it be better in the end anyway and these were from the teachings of Mohammed Aziz to give a lot of good advice so behind Allah he was he was even in philosophy subhanAllah in philosophy you would not be able to beat him in that in the debates that he would come out with in philosophy philosophy like I said earlier psychology sociology human beings the behavior all that morning I was there was a was a great master of that and I told you earlier in the talk I don't know how much I'm going to be able to get inside this remaining path but Mawlana was was a great person who would be able to read people and know how they wanted to be treated and he would treat them according to what they want to be treated this was a very big thing that Rasulullah sallallahu even had which is you meet someone you know how they want to be treated and you treat them how they like you to like themselves be treated and used to say to mr. Han Allah never judge a person let me give you from his Pauline from his education while live once I was in his room and a person came in clean shaven complete clean shaven comes in you know stocky person 40 years old and he came in and he said aloud to her has got up just like he gets of everybody else he got up he hugged him he embraced him he gave him a few draws he had his cheerful face he spoke to nicely he made his cups of tea for him for himself he sat down I was there all the while half an hour he spoke to the individual he answered all these questions he spoke is very rough and he met him to the door as he left he left with God to close the door he said to me and then he said this to me he said Hassan he said do you know that this individual who just came in now he said o NK Moosa Shiraki boo ret he said from his mouth I could smell alcohol I could smell that he had a good few drinks and King I was surprised what you're hugging this man you're treating him just like everybody else you treated no different than anybody else and I was surprised and he said to me that Hassan is a listen and learn he said never judge a person by their beard he said this beard there's no beard is that that does not tell you who has taqwa of Allah who fears Allah who doesn't well a dad does not tell you that never judge a woman for her hijab she wears the hijab not wear these AB dad doesn't tell you about a taqwa yes she should wear hijab fine but that does not tell you about her fear of God he said the fear of God is not in the clothes is not in appearance the appearance we do for a Sunnah of the Prophet fine that is in its own self we do that that's a reward and that's something you do you should do and so on the way you dress and so on but he said that does not say he said you know this person whom Camus says that from his mouth I could smell alcohol but he said Hassan he said his heart was so clean Lila Allah he said his heart was more clean then some others who come with big beards to me and I listen to this I'm not I'm not putting down look I've got a beard as well something if we got beer that we're not putting it down but you could understand what he told me he said don't judge people by their appearance he said he's got a lot of love of Allah in his heart his heart is so clean he's fearful of Allah though he's drinking his fearful of Allah then he told me a story he said in Pakistan ways to teach in the school he used to cycle it every day and it's only another story by the way that so many things are coming to my head I got time to finish this today man he said there's one man who's the teaching in school he's 55 years old how old types him how old I say there's 55 said he said as 55 years of age used to be used to be a colleague of his both of these to go to school and teach 55 years of age that old man said to himself he's going to he's going to try and do a heads of the Quran he's and try and memorize the Quran so every day used to memorize one ruku at home and that and ruku as is cycling he's a cycle on life cycle as well that person that old man used to used to go over his land part on his cycle all the way till he reached the school he said in seven years every day one buckle - Lucas - Lucas for Lucas like that and every day a revision was on a cycle is in seven years at the age of 62 that man they can have in the Koran having look around anyway he's not telling me a story about another person in the in the in the school he said in the school Azad Hassan is that don't judge anyone by their beard whether they have the beer or not yes is good to have the babe with that don't judge it by that her ex Emil nahama her ex I mean I her ex a Jordan I he would say we were we've got to meet everybody everybody would you know be united everybody and then he said to me he said in that school in Pakistan he said Jose young 18 year old new teacher he said this 18 year old he said if you looked at him he was like someone from a magazine you know you get these celebrity no you get this is not the face he's just like a like a designer face he said the girls in the school in the college they were crazy for him they were like all over him they wanted him and you know him he said Hassan is that snake could be egged in yep for harada what he used to teach he said not one day did he used to look at those goat and he was clean-shaven clean-shaven 18 years old beautiful face girls are throwing themselves at him because he wouldn't even look at them and it said you know Hassan he said he was Hafiz of ten thousand a hadith of the sudden loss of a lot ten thousand a hadith that man knew from his heart he said don't judge anyone from the outside you don't know whose heart has what wha it's a taqwa is in the heart fear of Allah is in the heart it's not on the appearance these are the teachings that I would get for from him sometimes you used to walk around in the neighborhood and I would tell you one thing that's why Allah he would never ever cry you know this thing about crying in crying in salat no never not in front of anybody not even anybody I begged him to join him for Tahajjud he when I first joined I said monolith please i want to join you photog he said no that I don't want anyone to join me so I begged him and I begged even I begged him in the end he said ok I'm gonna allow you so for about 20 nights he allowed me to join him and I was so excited but you know me I was a very heavy sleeper he came and he used to wake me and he used to drag me out sometimes he'd pull me all the way up like that but Mawlana carried on you know with his desk ray he pulled me up and got me as a Hassan Abu Khalid Abu Khalid Mohammed oh I'm so excited I'm gonna go and play the edge with him I went and his room and not 2 o'clock is to get up I was I used to say how one on I hardly get up no alarm clock 2 o'clock how do you get up every night he said to me this is the trick you ready for this you guys don't here with you you guys want your salad on goatey after this drive you wanna get going yet taking all this time tomorrow study he said to me that when you go to bed sit up on your bed and this is for miss mudra body these are things that they've experienced ok you're not going to find it in the Quran Sunnah sometimes you come across things that you experienced it's fine if it was really just do it you can't call it sooner you can call from the religion but if it works where you just do it so he said to sit on your bed he said close your eyes and read in and then Naju feel a little cut the surah yeah a little about the Hydra mean and Rashad is a surah he said read it with your eyes closed all the way you come to cut a mouthful I in vegetable and he said when he say fudge and he said open your eyes and think of the time you wanna wake up and he said then close your eyes again read in nan de Navidad all the way to the end a hot time a project open your eyes and think of the time you want to get up and if I do 3 times when you do 3 times you go to a lot of these things I'm go ahead go to sleep that time you wanna get up exactly that time you will get up it is 302 you'll get up a 302 cheers I've tried this it's weird but he said this is it hassle Allah I mean rutabaga from the gene Liga making Tory Buccaneer that Allah will take the sleep from you but only for a few seconds if you wake up in the night five seconds you're fully awake if you jump up that time then you then you've made it if you stay that your full sleep will come back to you and that's how you still get up at 2 o'clock in the night and when he would get up so Hanul ago he dudes will do ok he woke me up I went and we went to his room and he said ok let's create the hatchet together so he made me lead the I led and after that he said husband I said now let me teach you how how I pray is that come behind me and read so he started and when he started you know he wasn't the full harvest before ad but he know he knew many parts of the Quran he could recite off by heart so we in the duck and when he prayed to hundreds of another full pitch-dark duck right some behind him and this is from the Sunnah of the Rasul Allah that he allowed abdullah bin abbas to join him in salah and later on I found out in sahih bukhari he had a group of youngsters that came to him sallallahu wasallam and he allowed them to pray to had Jude with him for 20 nights and super Hanul among her father in Sai reliably 20 nights more or less roughly to enjoy him after that he said no more often I could understand why but I understood when I came to Buhari and read the hadith so what he did is he allowed me to stand behind him his head made a pitcher Carozza he said Theodore to find a nice bucket now when he said Allah Akbar he started his party to read and he's enough of selasa he can read it with lovely so he's reading at his lab mean he goes to some part of the first Jews long rocket and it's a good long record I don't know maybe could be about half an hour with standing here hey twenty minutes half and I don't know so then he goes into the cool when he went to ruku I'm not joking this is this is a Sunnah the rasul allah saw when he used to do his tattooed right when he goes into ruku however long he stood in his camp that's how long is Dooku so if he stood for 20 minutes his ruku is 20 minutes and I'm joking and this 70 year old man who strategy is comfortably doing his 20 minutes - izing a me my legs are shaky right and in is ruku he says even Avila dreams wanna be Laden's wanna Berlin after the death of blood oh my god was a llama and a decree worships equation ability Allah I am vulnerable group sub it will be Aladeen alone I am so little crew service called me in authority and all the other here would rather the professionalism of the Muslim God Hussein is ruku some of them then Samuel arm and my God when he said Samuel on either my back was like a Allah Ya Allah so I stood up another stood up next to him then his little Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah rabbinical Hammond and then you say Hamden Kassim employee ban Mubarak and he and Korean Korean career and then you say Yara Balala mean but the salawa he will admirable sheeladi merabh and carry on ole Arabic and I'm standing with an innate another 20 minutes he discerning do as God does and then Allah Walker to salute in a seduce vulnerable allows honorable Arsenal and then he says do as again Deidre's of from from rasoolallah saws and he would do another sort of 15-20 minutes again and then he sit in between another 20 meters again and he go back inside to seduce another one like I didn't get up again and another good racket and then all that oh my god and this is just to recap you probably spent a good hour hour and a half I don't know how long if each one was 15 minute each section and they are all 15-minute wait and by the time you do 2 rakaats with him you like whoa you know uh you know you're a young man yes softly 20 years old of 18 of my old 18 19 hours and he'd pray his his 8 rocket during the night and after you finish that then who do some vicar from dois after he finishes dois he would go to the fireplace and he would be in the front line most of its alot in la Marshall and most of this allows was in the front line okay those of you who are with us not even that and then after he finishes his father is go back I know what he's doing he doesn't liquor then he takes a book out Delilah hi rat which is full of dude on the province of La Scala Watson callosum he used to finish one Delilah hierarch every single morning this is one hour of sending salutations the prophet sallallaahu after that I'm going to tell you something about the salutations in a bit but after that he would he would come he would have starts looking at the books for the lesson you prepare for his lessons then eight o'clock he would teach all the way to 12 o clock 12 o clock he comes to his room he rests for about 10-15 minutes then they bring him some lunch he has his lunch or some solid bring his lunch first has lunch and then he rest for 10-15 it then he would get ready for the whole he goes those long pays off then he's teaching for another two hours till 3:30 4 o'clock 4 o'clock I am there somebody else is there Mammon are comming guests are coming all the way to 6 o'clock 6 o'clock he's sitting in his room again is now preparing for his next day lesson for 2 hours anyone came in that time he told his book straight away the man Meredith gets to look at him 8 o'clock all eight o'clock he would have his dinner maghrib-isha all that done then the students would come all the way to 11 o'clock 12 o'clock when they literally had enough and the big kicked out of his room would go to sleep for 2 hours back up again 2 o'clock no miss talk of magic one morning I went to his room and I go for breakfast and that's the only morning he wasn't cheerful and I thought something has happened today you know something happens to someone yes he was happy with me Schieffer I could tell something's wrong today he is not as cheerful as it normally is and I thought then I said it has that I said what what has happened and he had a very sad face I said what has happened hazard and then he opened up to me nobody said he said Hassan in 14 years 40 years how many 40 years the first time in my life I mr. Hodges forty years first tying my life this morning I mr. Hodges and then he told me he said it's because of the gins and the sheriff team in this area because a lot of lot of you know different genes and charity because you know it was a very wild kind of area and he said and he related the story of a su la la la and I said oh when those who lost a lot on one Valley they came and he told bilal radhi'allahu anhu tool to look where the Sun is rising from so that they can tell them about budget and they had a very heavy sleep there and they actually missed father so he'd nourish it a story and he said look after 40 years this has happened is because of the influence of the shayateen and so on and hazard would super Hanul arousing hazard who sit in his room and he would be able to tell me what's going on on the other side of the madrasah he would tell me from where he is and you might think this is crazy stuff I'm telling you I had a dispute with him several times because he opened up to me and he said Allah made the whole mother said to me like a little ball in front of my face he said whichever way I want to turn it I can turn it and I can see the kids running around in the West Wing how they're running where they're running what the Dame is that Allah shows me that from where I'm sitting you know if kids were up to something in the mother sign he would know this is this is philosophy this is what allows the Vidal gives gives you know such people and I want to say to you subhanAllah I'm running over them I look for if theta zero zero when they say in it okay I'm not going to probably get invited again I know that is pretty sizable just chichi Anna okay I'll just quickly try to wrap up after I finished I went to I came to pit Street here 1998 I can cap it Street I Hamid was in Pakistan that time is only me and mama presence on in the house Hamid II don't know about this year okay I came to the house only mere mortals in them and I really wanted to you know give a kind of allegiance to them and say please how to become my more shades and someone's going to guide me like in the spirituals and so on we went to the house and this is this is the full night okay when I came to his house Mawlana started to cook he started to chop the onions and I was gonna get something his nenene mean he's a bit full and I have some talent bit was in doubt I'm sitting here at his old man is chopping onions invited me he wouldn't let me even let me touch it he would not let me touch it tomatoes onions whatever his chopping is making the curry and he had a very good way of making he said he left it on night all night five hours and slow cook he was cooking it that night we spent five hours talking and we talked about everything you name it and I said as a kid I want you to become like my spiritual guide don't guide me he said nice guy like me because I don't have that position to do that I was just talking to shake name on the way here she her name said methyl Roya it's not oh yeah so I cried so much he said because I went to hazard as I please hand clan please give me you know make me or your little student in the spiritual path and guide me and hazard he said that I'm not of that kitchen I'm not go to somebody of gobstoppers I spent 24 hours more than 24 hours in pit street begging him literally begging me not allowed but the great thing about him was that he would give me good advice over the phone he was so guide man I won't say two more things that our time is up I would love to say a lot more incident you know I have to say some incidents man how does we get have to forgive me yet let me tell you about his o'clock how he talked cried one day I came with the breakfast in his room and as I came in his room Suhana I had a whole tray hot milk on there you know other things biscuits fruits are doing eggs whatever I wish to have this hands up in the kitchen I used to make it remember to very hands up hands up you couldn't talk him properly he just make it give it to you yet to just take it so I was balancing this I'm you okay all the way to his room and he was a long walk gold up the stairs please anyway I made it there and knocked on the door and I realized his thing is shocking in his in his room so I just about open the door with you know came inside with the tray and as I'm putting it down lie lie hey Lala I dropped the whole jug of hot milk hot fighting it onto his carpet and hazarded insula he's playing salon Warren I never twitched he just faded normal solid and the whole hot milk fell on his rug and his car canals and yeah love dead today today I'm fired today I'm fine I was panicking I've got some tissues I thought his dad bit on there and I didn't know what to do when life finishes Sala and then Shenron ethernet/ip ra Hassan Keauhou here here honey just like Merapi era Hassan care home here it's the position q2 energy is around he says what's matter what's the matter while you becoming so so you know frustrating for you just come here is it better that he made me sat on his bed there talk I'm sedate oh thank you could she mean what kya hua Torah so do they said not be able to own a bit of milk may I put the risk a Sakata marry Paris and couch in your couch oh he went he got some water with another jug and I was ready in the face outing you oh my god whatever that is home Goutham smell now okay because milk so he put some water with a jug you put it over there over the pot and he's talking to all the way Hassan parish on okay and a shank you you met Erica staccato let me teach you how to do this so you put water over they took a spoon and took a bowl and I start to scraped it unto the end of the world I got down traditionally had some big for our arms they are on sir would you come what if you could make don't worry about it don't worry about it and he did it once scraped all up again he threw that we've got another one and it's another jug again put it over and it scraped again another jug we scraped again after he finished he dried it up and I'm sitting there just like I don't know what what to do and then he just put his map out like normal he put the breakfast stuff on the omelet on the mat made me sit down I gave me a cup of tea and I said well if you had a husband but now in life what could I do for you no one not a single difference at all the way I would have ruined his carpet now I'm going to take a couple more incident and I'm done these are some of these are after his demise house arrest was hazardous during his lifetime and I could have benefited more I know that MELAS you know when you when you meet a woolly like this please just take take every that you can to take time of them we never realized who he was when he passed away paralyzed not the day he passed away before he passed away he actually said to the people around him in Pakistan he said Majesty Gela dongha is that that day everything gonna be white he said it's a few times even when he was in the hospital he said the day I go is that is everything gonna be white the day he passed away from nowhere those snow that fell in the top part of Pakistan the snow everywhere but he melted very quickly for them to take the janazah to his right place but he said that is the day I go everything's gonna be white now after he passed away this Isle hamdullah saw in my dream a few times and I want to write you through two greens that I've seen and gelatin that van can happen unfinished okay and he told me this to tell people that's why I want this to go in the camera he came to my dream and he said he said to me he opened the part of the Koran well ladina whom he is Arabic minimal Edina hum birrabeen logical arena you too nama a Telugu Maggie Latin and now whom Elaraby embody your own Alliance Ariana kill hierarchy one last a vehicle will finally since Sudha Macmillan these are verses that say those people who believe in the Lord those people who do not Commission or any any associate partners with the Lord those people who gave but they fear that they're going to have the heart fear they're going to return to Allah they are the ones who move forward towards higher and towards goodness he said Hasan is it hasn't give birth of this ayah teach people this ayah teacher is so happy teach people that I fold my shaken Bangladesh and I said to him I said whatever scene he said he said he's in a very good place and he's trying to say to you that this has been his outcome that he is running to his Lord you saw her own a field hierarchal homeless at the hood then I saw him again my dream and this was even more profound the one I saw next was so Hama I actually had tahleen from him he taught me something in my dream after his death a teaching that I never found anywhere in the books this tough seed you can check any top seed in the world you not find it so how they're killing my dream they said Hassan is a movement parish and kamijo jata if it has some believers sometimes becomes a bit frustrated as it happened the believer doesn't realize how Allah makes him grow slowly with his Eman he doesn't realize it but if you were to look at it over time you'd realize it then let me teach you now he told him a dream he said look at the Quran he opened the Quran it was at the end of surah surah Fatah 48 surah right at the end you know mohammed rasoolallah Lavina I'm a new marshal de alcalá Ohama when another ayah the last I've sort of had to check it out so in there he said you know there is an example of of the believer and how Allah grows a flood after Raja shop ah Hoopa as Rahu first Allah first Allah Allah Suki yoruba surah al-hajj eve of the human kapha now that III he said to me look hassan in my dream he said husband come here he said take this take this microscope he gave me Microsoft all right so he showed he showed me the growing trees and looked through the microscope and I've looked at the microbe and there were many layers of the of the part of the tree growing of the plant growing he said looked at a hundred layers here 100 layers and I looked at was like a hundred layers green layers growing but if he looked at the stem is on a small stem but in the stem when he looked deeply that one hundred legs he said like this Hassan Allah takes the believers through life and this is saying that the believer doesn't realize how Allah grows the believer but there are many layers within him that are growing he thinks his nowhere but Allah is saying through this ayah that is making him stronger and stronger then he said to me he said to me circle is that to meet a pool duniya go yet of seed but our cranker to tell the world about the third seed of this ayah that teach them the stuff see that the believer is going not for the believers to think that they are desperate and situation and lies not with them no allies with them is making them grow but they don't see how allies making them ghost became bigger anyway it is acting like hell I said although we're gonna have a duan inshaallah formula visions are a very short one with an chillon after that a van and you can have your food shall of health of healthy too long allows those I'll accept this from all of us now la social benefit us from the legacy of stodgy and Nell Azusa like I said give him the best about in the next life that make it cook got lumps analyses in I wanna know Muhammad wanna do Sonya vertigo Salim allahumma yahan on Yemen an here buddy our similarity we'll all be able get Edward grongi ok you Brock McGinnis Carrizo Allah you ask you that you accept is gathering you asking you accept this Masjid we accept all our worship we asked you to accept our G and all the Sigma all the service he has done all the people he has helped all the services he has done in this one of Allah accept them forgive and overlook his sins and whatever he may have done wrong oh Allah I ask you or love you all ask you here that you give us sadly the highest abode in a religion that that you make him be of the highest people in lde o allah we ask you to have mercy on his soul we ask you to raise him on the day of judgement among the nabiyeen sedition Shahada father--he we ask you to make him come up his grave in madina munawwara next to the zoo la la la Hollister I'm drinking from the culture from the culture at the hands of Rasulullah sallallahu latinum we ask you to make him from those people who go who who go with an easy account on the day of judgment Allah give his book in his right hand and I will not taking with rasullullah sallallahu written under Sahaba and the MBA towards Jenna and not only Jenna let him cross the bridge like lightning and I will I let him go to the other side from the first of the first side bakunin alone and not only grant him general but I wanna give him genital for those now Allah Allah asks you to make us make us people who benefit from his legacy and I was like we asked you to create the likes of him and the better of him on this earth and creating multiples of them on the earth now Allah we ask Allah all his family members hola and all his loved ones beloved people to also give give them the same outcome in the Acura and all of us o Allah include us in this door and make us at the best of the outcomes in the next world also la la da Dada had occulted Muhammad wada add a human and a daughter
Channel: The Ink of scholars channel
Views: 24,603
Rating: 4.8650794 out of 5
Keywords: shaykh hasan ali, muslim, islam, inkofscholars, channel, lecture, reminder, make up, new, 2017, advice, inspiration, teacher, love, respect, darul uloom, new lecture, students, maulana fazal rahim, hikmah, hasan ali, sheikh, maulana, talk
Id: VPT99kCispI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 41sec (7061 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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